A Flexible Construction for On-line Services Access
Mar´ıa Isabel Gonz´alez Vasco
Dep. Matem´atica Aplicada, Univ. Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain
Somayeh Heidarvand
and Jorge L. Villar
Dep. Matem´atica Aplicada IV, Univ. Polit´ecnica de Catalu˜na, Barcelona, Spain
Anonymous authentication, Blind signatures, Clone detection, Traceability.
In traditional e-cash systems, the tradeoff between anonymity and fraud-detection is solved by hiding the
identity of the user into the e-coin, and providing an additional triggering mechanism that opens this identity
in case of double spending. Hence, fraud detection implies loss of anonymity. This seems to be a somewhat
natural solution when universality of the e-coin is required (i.e., the use of the coin is not determined at the
time the coin is generated). However, much simpler protocols may suffice if we only want to prevent that
payments for accessing certain services are over-used, even when users’ anonymity is perfectly preserved.
In this paper we propose a simple and efficient Subscription Scheme, allowing a set of users to anonymously
pay for and request access to different services offered by a number of service providers. In our approach,
the use of the token is completely determined at issuing time, yet this final aim remains hidden to the issuing
authority. Moreover, fraud detection here implies no loss of anonymity; as we make access tokens independent
of the owner in a quite simple and efficient way. On the other hand, if different usages of the same token are
allowed, these are fully traceable by the service providers.
Anonymity in internet transactions is essential to pre-
vent critical personal data to be inadvertently leaked
to unwanted people. As an example, an eavesdrop-
per could learn some private information about health,
consumer habits or preferences of people if their iden-
tity is revealed during internet transactions. However,
anonymity could be abused to make criminal acts un-
linkable to individuals. To prevent such abuse, in
some e-cash protocols the identity of a user can be
opened under very special circumstances (e.g., dou-
ble spending of electronic cash).
In traditional e-coins, the tradeoff between
anonymity and fraud-detection (i.e., double spending
or over spending) is solved by hiding the identity of
the user into the coin and providing an additional trig-
gering mechanism that opens this identity in case of
double spending. Hence, fraud detection implies loss
of anonymity. This seems to be a somewhat natural
This research is partially funded by the Spanish CRM.
solution when universality of the coin is required (i.e.,
the use of the coin is not determined at the time the
coin is generated). Double spending can only be de-
tected (yet not prevented) by the issuer (bank). Oth-
erwise, all merchants would have to collaborate to
check for the freshness of every coin.
Nevertheless, in some real life environments (e.g.,
online games) the potential damage produced by a
dishonest user is very limited, and it is often enough
to guarantee some sort of “cloning detection” to pre-
vent overuse of credit vouchers, without providing
any identity-escrow mechanism. Indeed, this relax-
ation allows for simpler and more efficient payment
schemes for many concrete applications.
1.1 Our Contribution
In this paper we describe subscription schemes which
allow a set of users to buy access to a limited set of
services, in a perfectly anonymous and efficient way.
This access is paid to an issuing authority that dis-
penses connection tokens, which usage is completely
González Vasco M., Heidarvand S. and L. Villar J. (2010).
ANONYMOUS SUBSCRIPTION SCHEMES - A Flexible Construction for On-line Services Access.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 120-131
DOI: 10.5220/0002973401200131
determined at issuing time. More precisely, tokens
are differentiated in terms of their service providers
and validity period (so, time is divided into different
time slots). This implies that each service provider
can locally and non-interactively take control on the
different tokens spent in each time slot, thus reject-
ing any attempt of token misuse (including over use,
incorrect service provider or incorrect time slot).
Following this approach, fraud-detection does not
require identification of the owner, and then no loss
of anonymity is implied. This will allow for a design
in which tokens are independent of any private infor-
mation identifying the owner in a quite simple and
efficient way.
Note that it is reasonable to expect that some in-
formation about the user identity will be learned by
the issuer agency (as indeed payment is a part of the
token issuing protocol). However, it is our goal that
this information cannot be linked either to the token
itself or to the service the token is intended for. Thus,
we will impose that the view of the issuing authority
must be independent of the value of the issued token.
As a result, no collusion of the issuer agency and one
or more service providers will learn any information
about the token owner.
Furthermore, payment is organized in such a way
that at the end of a time slot, every service provider
sends the collected tokens to the issuer to be paid for
the offered service. Unused tokens can similarly be
refunded to the users upon request. Thus, the sub-
scription scheme must ensure that no collusion of
users and service providers can forge new validtokens
(not issued by the agency) and they will furthermore
not succeed in getting paid more than once for each
issued token.
Based on well-known primitives (such as secure
blind signatures and encryption schemes) we provide
a new simple and practical scheme for handling ac-
cess policies to on-line services. Our design basi-
cally works as follows: Users obtain from an issuing
agency some tokens, consisting of a blind signature
on a message including a fresh public key (for a sig-
nature scheme), the identity of a service provider and
a time slot. To access the service, the user signs a ran-
dom nonce, with respect to the public key contained
in the token, and sends it along with the token itself
to the service provider. With this simple setting we
Perfect user anonymity with respect to the ser-
vices he purchased (even when some service
providers and the issuer collude).
Unforgeability of tokens by a collusion of dishon-
est users and service providers.
Undeniability of purchased services; valid access
tokens cannot be repudiated by the issuing author-
Efficient management of tokens due to the inde-
pendence of services and time slots.
Efficient access to services for users.
Very flexible access management for the service
provider. (Token overuse is not only detected but
immediately prevented by the service provider.)
Maybe the main limitation of our scheme resides
in the complete traceability of the different accesses
with the same token to the same service within the
same time slot. However, this behavior is the de-
sirable one when the service requires storing some
settings (like preferences, history, etc.) for each
(anonymized) user account.
All in all, our protocol suits many real life applica-
tion scenarios, such as on-line games and on-line ser-
vice subscriptions (to on-line press, digital libraries,
music collections, etc.) and could also be applied to
audience controls in metering schemes.
1.2 Road Map
The paper is organized as follows: we start by briefly
reviewing related3 prior work in Section 2. Then,
Section 3 is devoted to the introduction of what we
call Subscription Schemes, making precise the in-
volved entities, modeling their interaction and defin-
ing the security properties we aim at. Our basic con-
struction is described in Section 4. In Section 5,
we address some efficiency issues. We also describe
some particular scenarios in which no trust on the ser-
vice providersis required and some hints about how to
manage different service access policies in Section 6.
Since our proposal is based on the use of a blind
signature scheme, we give the necessary related defi-
nitions in Appendix 6.2.
Anonymity in commercial transactions (also known
in some papers as untraceability) has been firstly in-
troduced by Chaum in the seminal paper on blind
signatures (Chaum, 1983). Chaum’s electronic coins
were defined as a value together with a signature
from the issuing bank, which was to be withdrawn
and spent by the user and subsequently deposited by
the shop in the bank (thus, correctness of payment
is checked on-line). In that setting, blind signature
schemes are introduced as a cryptographic tool to al-
low the bank constructing electronic coins, in such a
way that he will not be able to recognize them later.
ANONYMOUS SUBSCRIPTION SCHEMES - A Flexible Construction for On-line Services Access
Hence it will not be able to link a coin with the user
that requested it, or identify whether two payments
have been made by the same user.
Subsequent work aimed at electronic coins that
could be used in an off-line setting. Namely, the shop
will only deposit coins every now and then, and if
a client paid with the same coin twice, his identity
would be revealed. Several solutions based on RSA
and Schnorr signatures can be found in (Chaum et al.,
1989; Brands, 1993; Ferguson, 1994).
In some applications, total anonymity of elec-
tronic cash is not desirable (for instance, it could be
used as an effective method for “whitening” black
money). Several proposals for partial or revokable
anonymity can be found in the literature (e.g., (Ca-
menish et al., 1997; Solms and Naccache, 1992;
Jakobsson and Yung, 1996)). In these schemes
anonymity may be revoked by a Trusted Third Party
under certain circumstances.
Recently, some solutions in the literature with how
to provemembership to a group in an anonymousway
have been proposed in the context of group and ring
signatures (e.g.,(Chang and Hwang, 2005; Fujii et al.,
2007)). However, as far as we know, in that scenario
no protection against double-use of access creden-
tials has been considered. Damg˚ard et al. (Damgard
et al., 2006) introduced at Eurocrypt 2006 so called
unclonable group identification schemes; which al-
low an honest participant to anonymously and un-
linkably authenticate himself as member of a desig-
nated group. Moreover, such scheme discloses the
identity of any participant that “clones” himself and
connects twice with the same keying material. In
their paper, Damg˚ard et al. give a generic yet inef-
ficient construction. They also describe a concrete
instance, which employs some new zero-knowledge
techniques. Even though the gain in efficiency is sig-
nificant, still the resulting scheme is computationally
rather expensive. Subsequent work of Camenish et
al. (Camenisch et al., 2006) considers a slightly dif-
ferent goal; each participant should obtain, upon con-
nection with an issuer/authority, enough information
to connect k times to a service (anonymously and un-
linkably). Again, overusing this private connection
information leads to the identification of the fraudu-
lent participant. Their solution, though more practical
than that of Damg˚ard et al., is still rather costly—in
particular if we look at the number of operations a
user has to preform each time he connects—.
Closer to our work, recently, Blanton (Blanton,
2008) proposes a subscription scheme which is sim-
ilar in spirit to our construction; however, no sepa-
ration between service provider and issuer is made,
which in particular forces the service provider to store
all access tokens ever presented. Moreover, it is com-
putationally more costly, as each access involves an
interactive zero knoledge proof (this however could,
as noted by the author, maybe be replaced using
recent work of Groth and Sahai (Groth and Sahai,
2008)). Similarly, Razman and Ruhl (Ramzan and
Ruhl, 2000) put forward a model for subscription-
based services which is however less flexible than
ours; at it, each user obtains a fixed number of ac-
cesses to the service, but without expiration date.
We start by giving a formal description of what we
call a Subscription Scheme.
3.1 Involved Entities
Our subscription scheme involves different entities,
modelled by probabilistic polynomial-time interactive
Turing machines:
a finite set of service providers, S P =
}, each of them offering a concrete
service managed according to their own policy.
This policy must specify the duration of sub-
scriptions to this service, using as time reference
different time slots and possibly, also session
identifiers distinguishing different sessions per
slot. We assume this providers will never deny
access upon request with a valid token.
a finite set of users, U = {U
}, which may
subscribe to any of the services above,
an issuing authority IA which role is to publish and
certify all information about the service providers,
and dispense subscription tokens to users upon re-
quest (and payment).
a trusted third party TP which will be invoked by
a user in case he wants to be refunded for an un-
used token. This trusted party can also be used
to guarantee the fairness of all paying protocols in
the system. We may assume the TP is connected
with each user via a private and authentic channel.
3.2 Scheme Syntax
Now, the interaction between these entities is speci-
fied by the following algorithms and protocols, which
define the subscription scheme. Here, for simplicity
This is quite a natural semi-honesty assumption, as it is
in their own interest to gain customer loyalty. See Section 6
for some ways to remove this assumption.
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
we assume that every token allows the user for a sin-
gle access to a service. For other access policies (e.g.,
multiple accesses with the same token) see Section 6.
Start-up Algorithms. They are only run during a
set up phase, and provide all involved entities, on
the input of the security parameter and possibly some
other system parameters, with all the public/private
key pairs needed for the scheme.
Run once by the IA; it outputs all pub-
lic key/secret key pairs needed for the protocol
Run once by each service provider
; it outputs all public key/secret key pairs
needed for the protocol,
Run once by the IA; on the
input of the public keys and service information of
the service providers it outputs an authenticated
catalogue (e.g., signed by the IA), including at
least all service providers’ identifiers and public
keys, as well as the service descriptions and con-
ditions of use.
Subscription Protocols. We assume that the cata-
logue of services and the current time slot are always
included as common inputs to all protocols. We also
assume that all entities are supposed to be able to ver-
ify the authenticity of all public keys. Actually, only
the public key of the IA needs to be certified exter-
Run by any party, on the input of a
token x a service provider identifier SP and a time
slot t it outputs a single bit indicating the validity
of x. This auxiliary algorithm will be used in the
protocols described below.
This protocol is run by a user U
and the issuing authority IA. User’s private input
will include a service provider’s name SP and a
time slot identifier t
(not necessarily the current
one). As private output, U will either receive an
error message or a valid token to access the ser-
vice offered by SP on time slot t
, according to
the service provider’s particular access policy. To
ensure this, U might execute the
some point during the protocol execution.
Typically, an optimistic fair e-cash protocol is in-
volved in this step since at this point the user pays
for the service requested. This protocol requires
the intervention of a Trusted Party, in order to
guarantee its fairness. At this, some information
about the identity of the user might be leaked, but
Note that service providers’ public keys are included in
the catalogue of services, thus they are automatically certi-
fied by the IA.
the IA shall get no information at all about SP or
Note that the IA will always get the information
corresponding to the amount paid by the user in
each transaction, but we want that this is the only
information he may have in order to link user
identities with requested services. Bearing this in
mind, in the sequel we may assume all services
offered at a given time slot have the same price.
This protocol is run by a user
U and a service provider SP. User’s private input
includes the token, and SPs private input is sk
User U requests access to the service offered by
SP. He gets as output a denial or acceptance mes-
sage, depending on the validity of the token, and
is or not allowed into the service accordingly. As
we already noted, tokens recognized as valid will
be always accepted by SP. At this, the private out-
put to SP will include some information about Us
token, which, if required, could be used as a proof
of service in front of the Trusted Party.
Payment Protocols.
This protocol is invoked by each SP at the
end of every time slot, and involves him and the
IA. SP sends part of the private outputs collected
after successful
executions, in-
cluding a list of the collected tokens, to the IA, to
be paid for the offered service. At the end of the
protocol, SP gets paid for the list of tokens and
the IA keeps his private output as a receipt of pay-
ment, typically involving some function of SPs
private keying material and the tokens. Eventu-
ally, IA could deny payment. Namely, whenever
SP tries to execute the protocol twice in the same
time slot, or if some of the tokens are invalid or
have been refunded. An optimistic fair e-cash pro-
tocol is used here, and the same Trusted Party as
above is used to guarantee the fairness.
A user U executes this protocol with
the Trusted Party and possibly SP and IA. Us
private input includes an unused token, valid for
the current time slot and service provider SP. If
the Trusted Party finds that the token is valid and
unused, then the user gets refunded (from IA but
via the Trusted Party) for his payment. Both SP
and IA will get payment receipts as private out-
put, which SP will use to reject any further at-
tempt to use the refunded token and IA will use to
prove the Third Party that the token has been al-
ready refunded. Notice that we prefer not to rely
on the state of the Third Party. Unused tokens not
claimed for refund by the user are on the benefit
of the IA.
ANONYMOUS SUBSCRIPTION SCHEMES - A Flexible Construction for On-line Services Access
3.3 Security Model
We aim at providing the following properties:
Correctness. If all the involved entities act honestly
Every service provider SP will grant access to any
user U in the execution of
a time slot t, wheneverU uses as private input a to-
ken obtained from the execution of
for service provider SP and t.
In all executions of
, IA will accept and refund
all tokens collected by SP for a given time slot.
Fairness for the User U
. Recall that, by assumption,
a service provider SP will deny service to U
only on
input of an invalid token. An adversary corrupting all
service providers, any set of users (not including the
target user U
) and the IA, has only negligible prob-
ability of winning the following game: U
, who acts
honestly, runs a polynomial number of instances of
the protocol
to get tokens for some ser-
vice providers and time slots. Concurrently, U
runs a
polynomial number of instances of
with some of the service providers, and also runs
with the Trusted Party giving as private in-
put valid tokens rejected by service providers (this can
only happen in case the adversary was able to con-
struct the same token and used it before, exhausting its
validity). The adversary wins the game if for a valid
token x, a service provider denies access to U
on in-
put x, and moreover, the Trusted Party rejects U
execution of
against that service provider on
the same token x.
Fairness for the Service Provider SP
. Basically,
we demand that a service provider will always be paid
for all services offered within a given time slot. This
is formalized in the following game:
An adversary corrupting a set of users, some ser-
vice providers (others than SP
) and the IA, has neg-
ligible probability of winning the following game:
Some corrupt and uncorrupt users run several in-
stances of
with SP
and of
against SP
. Moreover, SP
runs sev-
eral instances of
(each one at the end of a differ-
ent time slot). The adversary wins the game if, im-
personating the IA, he denies payment to SP
in a
execution, and also convinces the Trusted Party that
he already paid SP
in that time slot, or that some of
s tokens are invalid or have been refunded.
Fairness for the Issuing Authority IA. Consider an
adversary corrupting a set of users and some (possibly
all) service providers. Let n
be the number of tokens
sold by the IA until the end of time slot t, and let n
the total number of tokens paid (directly by an execu-
tion of
or forced by the Trusted Party in
by the IA in all time slots t
such that t
t. Then,
assuming that a polynomial number of concurrent ex-
ecutions of
on adaptively chosen inputs occur, the proba-
bility that n
> n
is negligible.
Essentially, fairness for the IA means that the only
valid tokens in the system are the ones generated in a
successful execution of
, and that the IA
will never pay twice for a given token. The first con-
dition can be seen as a kind of token unforgeability,
while the second requirement relies on the fairness of
protocols, and on the fact that tokens
are bound to specific service providers and time slots.
Anonymity for User’s Services. Consider the fol-
lowing indistinguishability game between an adver-
sary A , corrupting all parties (i.e., the IA, all users and
all service providers) in the system, and a challenger
C .
A runs
and sends to C all the public infor-
mation about the users, the service providers and
the IA. During the whole game A may execute
polynomially many instances of the
protocols. Notice that, in
particular A learns the user’s private output of
A chooses two (possibly equal) service providers’
identities, SP
and SP
, and two (possibly equal)
user’s identities, U
and U
, and sends the choice
to C along with the internal state (including all the
secret information) of U
and U
C flips a fair coin b {0,1} and prepares him-
self to run two (possibly concurrent) instances of
, one as U
and the other as U
where A acts as the IA. To that end, C marks the
protocol instance corresponding to U
as the tar-
get one, and uses as private input (SP
,t), where t
is the only time slot is considered in this game.
The other instance’s private input is (SP
If C obtains as outputs two valid tokens, we de-
note by x
the one from the target instance of
, and the other one by x
Once the two instances of
nate, if they were both successful C (concurrently)
runs two instances of
, one for to-
ken x
with A acting as SP
, and the other for to-
ken x
and service provider SP
Otherwise, if C failed to obtain the two valid to-
kens (even if he got one), he does not run any in-
stance of
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Eventually, A ends the game outputting a bit b
The probability that b
= b (case in which A wins
the above game) should be non-negligiblygreater that
Although the above is only one of the many possi-
ble indistinguishability-like definitions related to the
anonymity of service, it can be shown that this no-
tion implies the most general possible definition of
anonymity. Namely, from the information available
to the IA from
instances, and to the
service providers from
instances, no
polynomial time adversary can distinguish any two
possible matchings between both sets of instances.
The basic scheme uses a public-key encryption
scheme ENC, a blind signature scheme BSig (for a
summary of the definition and security of blind signa-
tures, see Appendix 6.2), and basic (general purpose)
signature scheme Sig. The BSig protocol is linked to
a optimistic fair e-cash protocol in order to guaran-
tee that a user gets a valid blind signature if and only
if he pays to the signature issuer. This can be typi-
cally done by using the e-cash protocol to fairly send
the last signer’s message in the blind signing proto-
col. We assume that in case the user does not pay the
signer then he does not receive the last message, so
no blind signature is generated. Conversely, the user
will not pay if the verification of the blind signature
fails. To name this dedicated combination of BSig and
a fair e-cash protocol, we will often refer to the mod-
ified blind signature scheme. Our Basic Construction
is explained below:
Set Up. Keys for the IA and all service providers are
generated and distributed:
Each service provider SP
holds a key pair
) for the encryption scheme ENC,
and another key pair for the signature scheme
IA generates signing keys (pk
) for BSig.
It also signs and publishes the
Each SP maintains a list L
of accepted tokens
. Also, IA and each SP maintain a list of tokens
paid for through
for the current time
slot (denoted, respectively R
and R
Recall that in the above we are assuming for simplicity
the access policy to be “one access per token”, otherwise
this lists would be configured fitting each concrete access
Obtain Token. User U wants to buy access to SPs
service in (a future) time slot t.
1. U generates a fresh key pair (y, s) for the basic
signature scheme Sig.
2. U obtains from IA a valid
blind signature σ =
(y||SP||t) and pays for it, by means
of the modified blind sign algorithm.
3. U stores the token x = (y,SP,t,σ) and s until
the end of slot t.
Verify Token. Given a token x = (y,SP,t,σ), any
party can verify its correctness by just verifying
that σ is a valid blind signature of m = y||SP||t.
Access Service. User U requests access to the service
SP on time slot t :
1. U sends an access request message to SP, in-
volving a random nonce ρ.
2. SP generates a random nonce α and forwards it
to U.
3. U computes c = ENC
σ), where
σ =
(α||ρ), and sends c to SP.
4. SP decrypts c and parses y, σ and
5. SP checks that σ is a valid signature of y||SP||t
and that
σ is a valid signature of α||ρ with ver-
ification key y.
6. SP also checks that σ is not in the refunded to-
ken list R
7. SP looks at the access table for previous usages
of y
and applies the service terms of use to
decide acceptance.
8. If all checks are OK, SP allows U into the
server and adds a new row (α||ρ,y, σ,
σ) to the
access table L
Pay. At the end of the time slot, each SP runs the
following protocol:
1. SP sends the list of collected (i.e., valid and not
refunded) (y,σ) to IA.
2. IA checks whether he paid SP before in the cur-
rent time slot. If not, IA checks the validity
of all the items in the list for the current time
slot, and that none of them have been refunded
(looking them at R
), and pays SP for them via
the fair e-cash protocol.
Here, we impose U does have the ability to actually
check the validity of the received token, as it is explicited
later in
Checking for σ would be not enough unless the blind
signature is strongly unforgeable, as we need that the adver-
sary cannot produce produce a new signature pair (m,σ),
even having different signatures on m at hand.
ANONYMOUS SUBSCRIPTION SCHEMES - A Flexible Construction for On-line Services Access
3. IA gets as a receipt SPs signature on the time
slot identifier t, and keeps it until the beginning
of next time slot.
4. SP resets his access table L
and the refund
table R
, and enters in a
state until the
beginning of the next time slot.
Refund. User U asks the Trusted Party for an unused
token refund.
1. U sends TP the (presumably) unused token x =
2. TP checks the validity of σ and asks SP for a
proof of usage or previous refund.
3. If not locked, SP checks for usages of y in
table L
and sends the corresponding entry
σ), if it exists. He also checks if σ is in
table R
and if so, sends the corresponding re-
fund receipt.
4. If in either case TP accepts SPs proof (or if SP
in locked), then TP aborts the protocol.
5. Otherwise, TP asks IA for refund on
6. If after looking at R
, IA sends a receipt of pre-
vious refund on that token, then TP aborts.
7. Otherwise, TP sends a receipt (TPs signature
||t||SP||σ) to both SP and IA,
and sends back the cash to U.
8. SP and IA add σ and the refund receipt to the
corresponding refund lists R
and R
4.1 Formal Analysis
Let us now argue our generic construction fulfils the
properties listed in Subsection 3.3. At this, we are
assuming that the underlying blind signatures scheme
BSig has the blindness and non-forgeability property,
as defined in Appendix 6.2. Moreover, we assume the
encryption scheme ENC to be IND-CCA secure. The
basic signature scheme Sig is assumed to be existen-
tially unforgeable under chosen message attacks. Fi-
nally, we assume the fairness of the optimistic e-cash
protocols used in
Correctness. It follows trivially from the correctness
of the involved tools BSig, Sig and ENC, and the e-
cash protocols.
Fairness for the User U
. Note that the adversary
will not be able to replay an eavesdropped connection
message c from a previous connection, as c involves
a signature of the nonce α that can only be used once.
Therefore, the adversary wont succeed in a strategy
of exhausting” the usage of a token legitimately ob-
tained by U
As a result, the only case in which fairness for user
may be violated is that in which for a valid token x,
a corrupt service provider denies access to U
on in-
put a legitimate c constructed from x and, moreover,
the Trusted Party rejects U
s execution of
against that service provider on that same token x.
However, the Trusted Party rejects U
s execution
only if the adversary A defined in Sec-
tion 3.3 shows him a valid pair (α||ρ,
σ), where α is
a session identifier and
σ is a basic signature on α||ρ,
with respect to the verification key y. But this is only
possible if either U
σ (so he indeed ac-
cessed the service) or A forged that signature.
Fairness for the Service Provider SP
. Suppose
that an honest service provider SP
and an adver-
sary A are playing the game corresponding to the
present security notion, as described in Section 3.3.
Let L
= {(y
)} be the contents of
s access table at the end of a specific time slot
t. Notice that each σ
is a valid blind signature on
= y
||t, and all m
are different. At the end
of the time slot, SP
with the adversary, who
acts as the IA, for list L
Assume that A cheats SP
and denies payment.
Now SP
complains to the Trusted Party, by sending
him the list L
. As SP
acts honestly, the Trusted
Party is convinced about the validity of the collected
tokens. Next, the Trusted Party asks A , who acts as
the IA, for both a list of receipts for tokens in L
which have been refunded, and a payment receipt for
and current time slot. Since SP
acts honestly,
there are no unused tokens in L
. Hence, the only
way A can show a refund receipt for a token in L
is by forging a signature on the token on behalf of the
Trusted Party. Indeed, no used token can be refunded,
since during the execution of
, the Trusted Au-
thority asks SP
for a proof of usage of the token, and
answers with a valid pair (α||ρ,
σ), so the Trusted
Party denies refunding.
On the other hand, A cannot show a payment re-
ceipt for the current time slot, and thus the Trusted
Party forces him to pay SP
for all tokens in L
Indeed, due to the fairness of the e-cash protocol in
, A can only show a payment receipt if he forged
one (i.e., he forged a signature by either SP
or the
Trusted Party) or if he successfully ran
with SP
before. But the last situation is impossible, as an hon-
est SP
at most once per time slot.
Fairness for the Issuing Authority IA. Consider a
successful adversary A who plays the game defined
in Section 3.3. Then, we show a forger F , who inter-
nally uses A , winning the blind signature unforgeabil-
ity game against a challenger C , with a non-negligible
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Firstly, the challenger C generates, according to
the specification of the blind signature scheme, the
system parameters and the public key pk
, and
sends them to a forger F . Next, F completes the
public parameters of the subscription scheme (includ-
ing the public key of the Trusted Party) and the public
key of the (honest) IA, and sends this information to
A . Now A computes and sends to F the set of public
keys of the service providers, and also a description
of the corresponding services. F compiles and signs
the catalogue of services and send it back to A .
Now A , acting as a (dishonest) user, concurrently
runs polynomially many instances of
F acting as the IA. A can also run a polynomial
number of instances of the protocols
Here, A takes the roles of both the users and the ser-
vice providers, while F acts as both the IA and the
Trusted Party.
During the game, F maintains a list of all valid
pairs (m
= y
) of blind signatures and
messages collected in all executions of
. As a honest IA he also maintains lists of refunded
and paid tokens, and the corresponding receipts, for
each service provider, which are needed in a proper
execution of those protocols.
Eventually, A ends the game (with a non-
negligible probability of having been paid for more
tokens than there were bought). Finally, F sends C
the list of collected message/signature pairs, and ends
the game. Here we assume that F maintains the list
in such a way that all messages in it are different, and
that all signatures are valid.
Now, let us see that F will only pay A for valid
tokens, and he will never pay twice for the same to-
ken. Indeed, in both protocols
the IA
checks the validity of the token (i.e., the validity of
the blind signature) before paying. On the one hand,
F maintains a list of refunded tokens, so that any re-
peated execution of
is rejected; and this list is
also used to check for duplicates in
. Since F only
accepts a single execution of
per service provider
and time slot, no token can be paid more than once
Finally, due to the fairness of
, the
only executions of
accepted by F come
from executions of
accepted by F (i.e.,
paid by A ). Hence, whenever A is successful, the
number of executions of
accepted by F is
less than the number of message/signature pairs out-
putted by F , thus breaking the unforgeability of the
blind signature scheme.
Reusing a blind signature for two service providers
would mean breaking the unforgeability of the signature
Anonymity for User’s Services. Given a successful
adversary A against the anonymity of the subscription
scheme, we show another adversary B who breaks the
blindness of the blind signature scheme by internally
using A . Let C be the challenger for B in the blind-
ness game.
Firstly, C generates the system parameters of the
blind signature scheme and gives them to B . B com-
pletes the public parameters with the system param-
eters of the other components in the anonymous sub-
scription system, and send them to A . Then A gen-
erates the public output of the
protocol (i.e.,
public keys for all entities including the public key for
the blind signature pk
and the signed catalogue of
services) and sends it to B . Now, A selects the tar-
get identities: SP
, SP
and U
, U
and sends them
to B along with the internal state of U
and U
. No-
tice that the internal states in particular include the
secret information about user’s identities, needed in
the e-cash protocol. After verifying the information
received from A , B forwards pk
to C . B also gen-
erates two key pairs for the basic signature scheme
) and (s
), and sends m
= y
||t and
= y
||t to C , where t is the descriptor of the
current time slot.
Now C flips a fair coin b and starts two instances
on m
and m
, notifying B that the
former is the target one. For each instance, B executes
with A as the IA in the following way:
B forwards all messages corresponding to the signing
protocol from C to A and from A to C , and uses the
corresponding identity (U
for the target instance, and
for the other one) in the e-cash part of the protocol.
B also informs A that the instance using U
s identity
is the target one.
If at the end of the protocols C gets two valid blind
signatures: σ
on m
= y
||t and σ
on m
||t, then he sends (σ
) to B . Otherwise, C
sends to B .
In the first case, as B holds valid tokens x
,t, σ
) and x
= (y
,t, σ
), he runs two
instances of
: one for x
with A act-
ing as SP
, and the other for x
with A acting as
. This means that A receives encryptions of both
) and (y
), for valid α
, along with valid basic signatures of them,
, for verification keys y
and y
, respectively.
In the second case, no instance of
executed. In both cases, A eventually ends the game
by outputting a guess bit b
, which is forwarded to C
by B .
It is straightforward to see that B perfectly simu-
lates a challenger for A in the anonymity game. So
A wins the game with a non-negligible probability,
ANONYMOUS SUBSCRIPTION SCHEMES - A Flexible Construction for On-line Services Access
Table 1: Efficiency comparison between Camenisch et al. and our scheme, measured in number of exponentiations.
ObtainToken AccessService
User Issuer User Service Prov.
Camenish et al. (Camenisch et al., 2006) 3 3 13 7
Ours 3 1 2 5
which is equal to the probabilitythat B wins the blind-
ness game.
In the previous sections a generic flexible anonymous
subscription scheme has been presented. Here we
go further in the efficiency analysis, roughly sketch-
ing the cost of concrete instantiations. To imple-
ment the scheme we propose using RSA blind sig-
nature that is fast and efficient for
and the hashed ElGamal signature (as modified by
Pointcheval and Stern (Pointcheval and Stern, 1996))
as the basic general purpose signature scheme Sig
used in
. ElGamal signing requires
1 exponentiation and verification requires 3. Further-
more, ElGamal key generation (which is required ev-
ery time a token is generated) only requires one ex-
ponentiation. As IND-CCA encryption scheme ENC,
we choose RSA OAEP+ (Shoup, 2008). The cost of
encryption and decryption is just one exponentiation.
The first RSA blind signature was introduced
in (Chaum, 1981) but is not secure. The Hashed RSA
blind signature, which is secure in the random oracle
model, is used instead. It works as follows: Assuming
the usual RSA key generation, to get a blind signature
on the message m, a receiver chooses a random value
r relatively prime to N, computes M = H(m)r
, where
H is a suitable hash function, and sends it back to the
signer. Then the signer computes σ
= M
= H(m)
The blind signature is computed by the receiver as
σ = σ
, and it can be verified by the equation
= H(m).
Now we compare our protocol with the one by Ca-
menisch et al. (Camenisch et al., 2006)
looking at the
efficiency of the corresponding algorithms for buying
tokens and connecting to the services. The compari-
son is summarized in Table 1.
protocol requires 6 exponen-
tiations (3 performed by the user and 3 by the issuer).
Using RSA blind signature, the complexity of obtain-
ing a token in our proposal is basically computing 4
exponentiations (3 by the user and 1 by the issuer),
which is more efficient. However Hashed RSA blind
This scheme is significantly more efficient than that of
Damg˚ard et al. (Damgard et al., 2006).
signature is knownto be secure only in the random or-
acle model, though no known attack against it in the
standard model is known.
Compared to ours, the protocol
of Ca-
menisch et al. which is the most efficient, up to
our knowledge, proposed so far calls for 13 ex-
ponentiations from the user and 7 from the service
provider,when the user connects to a service, while in
protocol only 2 exponentiationis
computed by the user, and 5 exponentiations are per-
formed by the service provider, what is far more effi-
cient. This makes our protocol completely suitable in
most practical scenarios.
6.1 Multiple Accesses per Token
Our description of
can be easily
modified to provide full flexibility of the service
providers policy. Multiple accesses per token can be
implemented if the Service Provider allows more than
one record per token in the access table. At this, fur-
ther precautions should be taken in order to prevent
replay attacks, e.g., we can add some structure to the
nonce α. Namely, α may be the concatenation of a
constant part α
and an access counter α
. Then SP
will only accept an access attempt for a signed nonce
, with α
> 0, if a previous usage of the token
shows the value α
1. It is straightforward for
the SP to apply a limit in the number of accesses per
token based on the stored value of α
. Actually, SP
can save memory if he stores only the last usage of
each token.
Also, timing information can easily be added to
the access table in order to apply more complex ac-
cess policies involving both the number of accesses
and the total access time, or the time elapsed from the
first access.
On the other hand, if the service is configured in
different sessions (e.g., sub-services or groups) per
time slot among which users may freely chose, then a
(public) session identifier sid can be appended to the
nonce α.
Obviously, in case of multiple accesses per token, the
should be refined depending on the
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
concrete policy. For instance, the Trusted Party can
consider a token unused if no access to the service
have been given for that token or one may impose
that tokens may be refunded as long as they are not
exhausted. Additionally, partial refunds (i.e., refund
of the estimated unused part of a token) could be con-
sidered. However, this variant has a high cost in terms
of efficiency, as the
protocol (which is likely
to be very costly) will presumably be executed many
6.2 Removing Trust on SP
In the basic definition of
we as-
sumed that a Service Provider never denies access to
the service if the user shows a valid unused token.
However, dropping this assumption may make sense
in settings in which client loyalty is not valuable; like
services that are only required once and for which po-
tential clients are not in touch with former users. At
this, a dishonest SP could collect a valid token and
deny access to the user. Then nobody can prevent SP
to include this actually unused token in the
col. Actually, the Trusted Party should not accept any
complaint from a user, since a dishonest user could
complain just to be refunded on a used token.
In some settings this problem can be circumvented
with a small overhead: if, for instance, the service
consists of a user connected to a resource (e.g., game,
multimedia streaming, chat room, ...) for a long pe-
riod of time. In such scenario the user can be re-
quested to send his token and a signature on an in-
cremental nonce, as explained above, at a fixed and
reasonable rate (say, once every minute). In the worst
case, if the Service Provider interrupts the service
then he can only prove to the Trusted Party that the
used got access during one more minute than the ac-
tual access time, which is not a great deal in most ap-
plications. Moreover, a user cannot ask for refund on
more than the unused time, since the SP holds a user’s
signature on the nonce used in the last access.
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Blind Signature Schemes
The security of Blind Signatures Schemes was for-
malized in (Pointcheval and Stern, 1996; Juels et al.,
1997). Here we follow the notation and terminol-
ogy of (Juels et al., 1997), however; the definition
of blindness below is taken from (Okamoto, 2006a;
Okamoto, 2006b)
Definition 1. [Blind Digital Signatures]. A blind dig-
ital signature scheme is a four-tuple BlindSig =
(Signer,User, Gen,Veri f y) where Gen andVerify are
polynomial time algorithms, and
Gen, the key generation algorithm, is a proba-
bilistic algorithm that takes as an input an encod-
ing of the security parameter k and outputs a pair
(pk,sk) of public and secret keys.
Verify, the verification algorithm, is a determin-
istic algorithm, which on input a triplet (pk,m,σ)
outputs one bit meaning accept/reject.
Signer and User are both interactive
polynomially-bounded probabilistic Turing ma-
chines, each having the following (separate) tapes:
read-only input tape, write-only output tape, a
read/write work tape, a read-only random tape
and two communication tapes, a read-only and a
write-only tape. The User and Signer engage in an
interactive protocol for some polynomial number of
rounds. At this,
Signer takes as an input the key pair (pk,sk),
his output will be a single bit, meaning
User takes as an input the public key pk together
with a message m (of polynomial length in the se-
curity parameter). His output will be an error
message or a signature σ(m).
Basically Okamoto modified a previous definition by
allowing the adversary to freely choose the public key and
also to act dishonestly during
executions, with-
out being forced to abort the game.
It must be the case that if both User and Signer
follow the protocol specification, then Signer always
outputs completed, and the output σ(m) User is al-
ways accepted by Verify; i.e., Verify(pk, m, σ(m)) =
The following two properties must be achieved in
order to consider a Blind Digital Signature scheme
Definition 2. [Non-forgeability Property]. Let A be
a pptm adversary against a blind signature scheme
BlindSig defined as above. Let C be a pptm chal-
lenger and consider the following game played by A
and C :
C runs the key generation algorithm K on input
and retrieves a key pair (pk,sk), and forwards
the public key pk to A
A engages in L adaptive, parallel and arbitrarily
interleaved interactive protocols with correspond-
ing C acting as an honest Signer, all with input
(pk,sk). At this, L is decided adaptively by A , but
it is polynomial in k. Let l be the number of the
above executions which C accepted as valid.
A outputs a collection of j pairs (m
where all messages m
in the list are different, and
so that each pair is accepted by Verify on input
Then, BlindSig is non-forgeable if for any
probabilistic polynomial-time adversary A , the prob-
ability, taken over coin-flips of Gen, A and C , that
j > l is negligible in k.
The above definition corresponds to the notion of
security against “one-more” forgery considering par-
allel attacks from Pointcheval and Stern (see, for in-
stance, (Pointcheval and Stern, 2000)).
Definition 3. [Blindness Property]. Let A be a
pptm adversary against a blind signature scheme
BlindSig defined as above. Let S be a pttm chal-
lenger and consider the following game played by A
and C
C generates the system parameters of the blind
signature scheme which he forwards to A
A chooses a valid
public key, pk
, and two
different messages m
and m
to be signed, and
sends all to C .
Now C ips a fair coin b and starts two instances
of BlindSig on m
and m
, notifying A that
the former is the target one.
Here ‘valid’ means one of the possible outputs of
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
At the end of the protocols, if C gets two valid
blind signatures: σ
on m
and σ
on m
, then
C sends (σ
) to C . Otherwise, if some of the
protocols have been aborted or some of the signa-
tures are not valid, C sends to A .
Finally, A ends the game by outputting a guess bit
Then the corresponding signature scheme fulfills the
blindness property if the probability, taken over the
choice of b, coin flips of Gen, A and C that b =
b is
bounded by
+ ε(k),
for some negligible function ε.
ANONYMOUS SUBSCRIPTION SCHEMES - A Flexible Construction for On-line Services Access