Cristiane A. Yaguinuma, Vinícius R. T. Ferraz, Marilde T. P. Santos, Heloisa A. Camargo
Department of Computer Science, Federal University of São Carlos, Rod. Washington Luis Km 235, São Carlos, SP, Brazil
Tatiane M. Nogueira
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of São Paulo
Av. Trabalhador São-carlense, 400, São Carlos, SP, Brazil
Knowledge representation, Fuzzy set theory, Fuzzy ontology, Fuzzy reasoning, Classification.
Ontologies have been successfully employed in applications that require semantic information processing.
However, traditional ontologies are not able to express fuzzy or vague information, which often occurs in
human vocabulary as well as in several application domains. In order to deal with such restriction, concepts
of fuzzy set theory should be incorporated into ontologies so that it is possible to represent and reason over
fuzzy or vague knowledge. In this context, this paper proposes a model for representing fuzzy ontologies
covering fuzzy properties and fuzzy rules, and we also implement fuzzy reasoning methods such as classical
and general fuzzy reasoning, aiming to support classification of new instances based on fuzzy rules.
Ontologies have been widely used in applications re-
garding knowledge representation, such as the Se-
mantic Web, which investigates the semantics of con-
tent and services over the Web. In the context of com-
puter and information sciences, an ontology defines a
set of representational primitives with which to model
a domain of knowledge or discourse (Gruber, 2009).
As ontologies model semantic elements and support
reasoning, they have been applied to improve seman-
tic information processing among humans and com-
putational systems.
Although expressive, the background formalism
of traditional ontologies is not able to represent im-
precise or vague information, which often occurs in
human language and in several application domains.
For example, it is difficult to model concepts like
young, dark, hot and large, for which a clear and pre-
cise definition is not possible (Straccia, 2006). Fuzzy
sets (Zadeh, 1965) provide a meaningful and powerful
representation of vague concepts expressed in natural
language. Several fuzzy sets representing linguistic
concepts, such as low, medium and high, are often em-
ployed to define states of a variable (fuzzy variable)
(Klir and Yuan, 1995). Such variables are often used
in production rules, which support knowledge infe-
rence based on fuzzy reasoning methods, e.g. classi-
cal and general methods (Cordón et al., 1999). There-
fore, such rules can be used to infer the classification
of elements into specific categories according to the
values of fuzzy variables.
In this sense, it is important that ontologies repre-
sent vague or fuzzy information and support approxi-
mate reasoning mechanisms. Hence, fuzzy reasoning
methods should be associated to fuzzy ontologies, im-
proving the expressiveness of concepts and relation-
ships modelled. Specifically, classification methods
based on fuzzy rules are useful to several applica-
tions, including Semantic Web and Text Mining, by
classifying contents (Web pages and documents) into
concepts of a domain depending on fuzzy properties
associated to linguistic terms.
In order to face these issues, we propose a model
for representing fuzzy ontologies that considers the
classic and general fuzzy reasoning methods for clas-
sification based on rules containing fuzzy properties.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 dis-
cusses related work on fuzzy ontology representa-
tion. Next, Section 3 describes the proposed model
for fuzzy ontology representation, followed by a case
study presented on Section 4. Finally, Section 5 con-
cludes this paper and points future works.
A. Yaguinuma C., R. T. Ferraz V., T. P. Santos M., A. Camargo H. and M. Nogueira T. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002976204380442
Among the approaches for fuzzy ontology representa-
tion, some researches consider ontologies composed
of fuzzy classes and fuzzy relationships to represent
the semantics of domains. In this case, fuzzy class and
fuzzy relationship respectively correspond to fuzzy
set and fuzzy relation of the fuzzy set theory (Zadeh,
1965). Fuzzy OWL (Stoilos et al., 2006) and f-OWL
DL (Pan et al., 2008) extend OWL language elements
in order to represent such features in ontologies.
Recently, fuzzy ontology approaches are mov-
ing forward to express fuzzy properties, membership
functions and linguistic hedges (Straccia, 2006; Cale-
gari and Ciucci, 2007). Fuzzy properties or fuzzy
datatypes extend attributes of traditional ontologies,
corresponding to fuzzy variables whose values can be
vague linguistic terms defined as fuzzy sets. For ex-
ample, the age attribute can assume fuzzy linguistic
values such as young, adult or old that correspond
to fuzzy sets. Linguistic hedges are special linguis-
tic terms by which other terms are modified (Klir and
Yuan, 1995). Terms like very, more or less, fairly are
classic examples of hedges. Any linguistic hedge may
be interpreted as a unary operation on the unit interval
[0, 1]. By representing these fuzzy semantic elements,
ontologies can model a semantics closely related to
the vagueness of human vocabulary.
Some researches have also pointed to fuzzy rule
representation. For example, Damásio et al. (Damá-
sio et al., 2008) extend the RuleML language to ex-
press degrees of truth assigned to propositons and
rules, however their approach do not support fuzzy
properties and membership functions. Fuzzy DL sys-
tem (Bobillo and Straccia, 2008) has achieved better
expressiveness, as it represents fuzzy rules contain-
ing linguistic terms and implements reasoning mech-
anisms based on Mamdani method.
As the review of the literature shows, there is a
growing trend to increase expressiveness in fuzzy on-
tologies. Following this direction, it is interesting that
fuzzy ontologies support reasoning mechanisms to-
wards classification based on rules containing fuzzy
properties. Aiming to support these features, it is fun-
damental to represent fuzzy properties, membership
functions and rules in a suitable way. In this sense,
Section 3 describes the proposed model for represent-
ing fuzzy properties and classification rules for further
fuzzy reasoning in ontologies.
In order to represent fuzzy class, fuzzy property and
fuzzy rule, we present some definitions to compre-
hend how we have incorporated them in ontologies:
Definition 1. Fuzzy class, which corresponds to a
fuzzy set, is a class whose individuals can belong to it
with a membership degree between the interval [0, 1].
When a fuzzy class corresponds to a fuzzy linguis-
tic term associated to a continuous attribute, it can
be defined by a parameterized membership function,
such as triangular and trapezoidal functions (Klir and
Yuan, 1995).
Definition 2. Fuzzy property is defined as a property
or attribute that can assume vague linguistic values
represented by fuzzy classes. This definition is based
on the fuzzy variable definition, which corresponds to
a variable whose values are fuzzy linguistic terms.
Definition 3. Fuzzy rule is defined as an if-then rule
whose antecedent contains fuzzy properties and the
consequent has a class defined in the ontology (clas-
sification rule). Fuzzy reasoning methods can be ap-
plied over these rules to derive the class of an individ-
ual based on the values of its fuzzy properties.
From these definitions, we propose the model il-
lustrated as a graph in Figure 1. In this model, the
Fuzzy Variable element is responsible for connecting
a Fuzzy Property to its linguistic terms represented as
Membership Function Fuzzy Class. Such connection
is respectively made by hasFuzzyProperty and has-
FuzzyValue relationships. The Membership Function
Fuzzy Class is a fuzzy class that is defined by a pa-
rameterized membership function. This class can rep-
resent a linguistic term, whose label is described by
linguisticLabel property of type String. The Trape-
zoidal and Triangular subclasses represent two possi-
ble parameterized membership functions that can be
used to model a fuzzy class. To define more param-
eterized functions, subclasses can be added as well.
Finally, the parameters of membership functions are
represented by leftZeroParameter, leftOneParameter,
rightZeroParameter, rightOneParameter properties of
type float. These parameters determine which values
of the fuzzy property that the membership function
assumes minumum (zero) and maximum (one) val-
ues, both considering left and right sides of the trapez-
ium. In case of triangular functions, only three param-
eters are required, with leftOneParameter correspon-
Figure 1: Model for representing fuzzy properties and their linguistic terms as parameterized fuzzy classes.
ding to the center of the triangle.
An important feature of the proposed model is that
it is an abstract representation, thus independent of
ontology language syntax. So, it can be instantiated
using any traditional ontology language that models
representational primitives such as classes, instances,
attributes and relationships. This is a relevant contri-
bution in comparison to related work, since existing
approaches usually extend ontology language syntax
to incorporate fuzzy concepts, consequently losing
compatibility with reasoners and applications.
Regarding fuzzy rules, we have used Jena Frame-
work (Carroll et al., 2004) to implement classical and
general fuzzy reasoning methods, considering fuzzy
properties modelled in OWL and rules defined ac-
cording to Jena rule syntax. The choice for OWL
and Jena Framework was just a matter of implemen-
tation, other languages and technologies could also be
used. Next section depicts a case study involving text
mining, illustrating a real application of the proposed
model and implemented fuzzy reasoning methods.
The conducted tests involved the classification of sci-
entific documents considering Artificial Intelligence
research area and its subareas. Fifty documents were
used, whose attributes firstly corresponded to the fre-
quency of keywords that appear on them, obtained by
applying Text Mining techniques (study reported in
(Nogueira et al., 2009)). However, as the generated
document-attribute matrix was too sparse and high
dimensional, we have clustered the documents with
fuzzy c-means algorithm (Bezdeck, 1981), thus re-
ducing the dimension of the matrix. In this case, at-
tributes represent the relationship between documents
and identified clusters, with a degree corresponding
to the strength of such relation. At the end of this
pre-processing step, we generated a document-cluster
matrix (snippet in Table 1) that represents the fuzzy
properties of documents. Last column contains the
document class assigned by domain experts, where
FL stands for Fuzzy Logics, M for Mining and ML for
Machine Learning. All these categories correspond to
classes defined in the ontology.
Table 1: Document-cluster matrix generated by fuzzy c-
ID C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 Class
5 0,173 0,0378 0,143 0,271 0,179 0,193 FL
22 0,059 0,222 0,262 0,144 0,163 0,145 M
35 0,335 0,485 0,037 0,036 0,022 0,082 ML
Next step is modelling fuzzy properties in the on-
tology. In this experiment, we consider that fuzzy
properties correspond to relationships between doc-
uments and identified clusters, named from C0 to
C5, which can assume low, medium and high linguis-
tic values, defined by uniformly distributed triangular
membership functions. Listing 1 illustrates how C0
property and its low linguistic value are modelled ac-
cording to the proposed model, instantiated in OWL.
<fuz:FuzzyVariable rdf:ID="c0_fuzzy_variable">
<fuz:hasFuzzyProperty rdf:resource="#c0"/>
<fuz:TriangularFuzzyClass rdf:ID="c0_low">
<fuz:linguisticLabel rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">low
<fuz:leftZeroParameter rdf:datatype="&xsd;float">3.13E8
<fuz:leftOneParameter rdf:datatype="&xsd;float">3.13E8
<fuz:rightZeroParameter rdf:datatype="&xsd;float">0.489177
. . .
Listing 1: C0 property and its low linguistic value.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Once we have modelled all fuzzy properties, they
can be used in fuzzy rules for classification of sci-
entific documents. In this experiment, fuzzy rules
should contain C0 to C5 properties in the antecedent
part, and a class in the consequent that corresponds to
the inferred class of the ontology. In order to auto-
matically learn these rules, we have applied the Wang
and Mendel method (Wang and Mendel, 1992) over
the document-cluster matrix. As a result, we have ob-
tained nineteen rules in total, which were modelled
using Jena rule syntax. Due to space limitations, List-
ing 2 shows only two of them, just to illustrate how
they are specified according to the proposed model.
[rule1: (?x c0 ’low’), (?x c1 ’low’), (?x c2 ’high’), (?x c3 ’low’),
(?x c4 ’low’), (?x c5 ’low’) > (?x rdf:type Machine_Learning)]
[rule2: (?x c0 ’low’), (?x c1 ’medium’), (?x c2 ’low’), (?x c3 ’low’),
(?x c4 ’medium’), (?x c5 ’low’) > (?x rdf:type Fuzzy_Logics)]
Listing 2: Fuzzy rules generated by Wang and Mendel.
At this stage, fuzzy reasoning methods can be ap-
plied to classify scientific documents regarding Ar-
tificial Intelligence subareas. When a new docu-
ment needs to be classified, it passes through the pre-
processing step in order to obtain its fuzzy property
values. After that, the user chooses a fuzzy reasoning
method (classical or general) to obtain the inferred
class. In our tests, general method performed better
than classical one, as the former considers all fired
rules by combining their association degree. How-
ever, this research does not intend to evaluate the
best method, our goal is making them available for
ontology-based applications that require the represen-
tation of fuzzy properties and classification rules.
Concluding this case study, we have observed
that the proposed model contributed to represent
the vagueness present in textual information content.
Moreover, fuzzy reasoning methods can automati-
cally infer the classes of new documents, an informa-
tion that can be analyzed by document retrieval sys-
tems for improving query results.
We have proposed a model for representing fuzzy
properties and fuzzy rules in ontologies, which can
be instantiated using any traditional ontology lan-
guage that models basic representational primitives.
Furthermore, fuzzy reasoning methods (classical and
general) were implemented in order to support clas-
sification of new instances according to their fuzzy
property values. The results obtained from the study
case demonstrate that the proposed model contributed
to manage vagueness on text documents, representing
a good approach not only for classification but also
for organization of the text documents.
Finally, we plan to incorporate more fuzzy set
concepts, such as linguistic hedges, fuzzy relations
etc. We intend to support other types of rules and their
fuzzy reasoning methods (e.g. Mamdani and Larsen
methods), as well as defuzzification methods.
We thank CAPES and INEP agencies for supporting
this research, inside the scope of WebPIDE project.
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ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems