Robert Michael Foster
Research Institute in Information and Language Processing, Wolverhampton University
Wulfruna Street, Wolverhampton, WV1 1LY, U.K.
Keywords: Controlled Language, Lexicalization.
Abstract: A traditional lexicalization analysis of a word looks backwards in time, describing each change in the
word’s form and usage patterns from actuation (creation) to the present day. I suggest that this traditional
view of lexicalization can be labelled Anaphoric Lexicalization to reflect its focus upon what has passed. A
corresponding forward-looking process can then be envisaged called Cataphoric Lexicalization. Applying
Cataphoric Lexicalization to an existing phrase from a sub-language generates a series of possible lexemes
that might represent the target phrase in the future. The method is illustrated using a domain specific
example. The conclusion suggests that rigorous application of Cataphoric Lexicalization by a community
would in time result in a naturally evolved controlled lexicon.
Usually when a new concept or method is
introduced into a company or community, a phrase
incorporating words that are already familiar, is used
to describe the new concept or method. The
literature (Brinton and Traugott, 2005) gives an
extensive survey of theories about Lexicalization
and Language change, which suggest that
identifiable processes are at work as language has
changed in past centuries. I propose that a company
might derive significant benefits by deliberately
applying the identified processes of language change
as their corporate sub language (Grishman and
Kitteridge 1986) accommodates new concepts and
This paper presents a new methodology, called
Cataphoric Lexicalisation, for applying this idea. A
company who apply this method as an integral part
of their processes for writing rules and policies,
controls the actuation of new words (Weinreich
1968) as their corporate sub-language evolves
(Kirby 2007). Such control will eventually result in
the natural evolution of a controlled (Goyvaerts
1996) version of their corporate sub-language.
The UK company featured in this study applies a
system of Authorisation codes which when printed
upon a signed certificate, signify achievement of a
specified level of responsibility. The creation of new
Authorisation codes is a significant process in the
overall development of the community’s sub-
language. This paper illustrates the application of the
new methodology by describing the creation of a
new Authorisation code.
Section 2 describes the context of the study.
Section 3 describes how Cataphoric Lexicalization is
different from traditional (Anaphoric)
Lexicalisation. Section 4 describes application of the
method and section 5 lists the generated lexemes
selected by domain experts. Section 6 has
conclusions and descriptions of future work,
including plans for a software implementation.
2.1 Authorisation Codes
The UK Company featured in this study operates a
system of authorisation certificates issued to staff
following successful completion of training and
assessment courses. The system of certificates and
associated reminder reports is managed using an in-
house computer system. Several new authorisation
codes are added to the system each year and some of
these have become assimilated as new words into
the lexicon of the company's sub-language
(Grishman and Kitteridge 1986).
Tight formatting restrictions are applied by the
computer system to the textual composition of the
Michael Foster R. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002980005260529
entry into the on-screen ‘authorisation code’ field in
the computer system. Each code is restricted to
lexemes consisting of a maximum of 7 Upper case
or 9 mixed case characters. These restrictions guard
against clipping of the codes when they are printed.
If these restrictions were not applied then there is a
risk of ambiguous specifications of permitted duties
appearing on authorisation certificates and/or lists
that remind managers of the need for refresher
training or re-authorisation interviews.
2.2 Mechanical Tree Harvesting
Power lines and other vulnerable components of a
national electricity distribution network can be
damaged during unusual weather conditions, when
trees grow towards the lines and breach specified
clearance distances. The featured company has a
progressive policy for removing such vegetation,
called Mechanical Tree Harvesting, which specifies
the safe technique for removal and subsequent
disposal of the vegetation as fuel for a carbon neutral
biomass plant.
Staff who carry out this activity have received
training in accordance with guidelines from the
Forestry commission to ensure the work is carried
out correctly. The company intends to issue these
staff with a signed certificate so they can prove that
they have been authorised to carry out this work.
This paper describes how Cataphoric Lexicalization
was used to create the Authorisation code.
3.1 Theory
Many Lexicalization Theories appear in the
literature seeking to analyse and explain language
change. A thorough review, which also lists the
processes applied within the method, is provided in
the publication ‘Lexicalization and Language
Change’ (Brinton and Traugott, 2005).
Subsequent studies (including Okazaki et al.
2006, Gries, 2006, Baker and Brew 2008, and Cook
and Stevenson 2009) have applied these language
change theories in the analysis of historical
documents and managed corpora. In this paper these
applications of Lexicalisation theory are labelled
‘Anaphoric’ to reflect their backwards references to
Language change events that occurred before the
application of Lexicalisation theory.
In this first ever application of a formal method
of language change to the featured domain, the aim
is to accelerate naturally occurring language change
processes. The language change event will happen
after the application of Lexicalisation theory. Since
the process involves looking forwards at possible
lexemes that might reasonably represent the Target
Noun Phrase (TNP), this application of
Lexicalisation theories is given the label Cataphoric
3.2 Process
The steps of the Cataphoric |Lexicalisation process
are as follows:
Step 1: Define the Target Noun Phrase (TNP).
Make a clear statement of the Noun Phrase for
which a new lexeme is required and identify other
Noun Phrases previously used to refer to the
Step 2: Define Corpus Boundary Criteria. The
corpus that defines the sub language within which
the new lexeme will be used must be clearly defined.
Step 3: Rank Language Change Processes. Apply
Anaphoric (traditional) Lexicalisation processes to
the defined corpus, including previous versions of
the included documents, in order to identify previous
language change events within the corpus. Then
rank the language change events in order of
frequency of occurrence. The selection of available
processes quoted here is taken from the book
‘Lexicalization and Language change’ (Brinton and
Traugott, 2005), however Cataphoric Lexicalization
is not restricted to using only these processes.
(a) Compounding
(b) Derivation
(c) Conversion
(d) Clipping / Elipsis
(e) Blending
(f) Back Formation
(g) Initialism (acronym)
(h) Coinage (root creation)
One ranking method might be to count every
occurrence of every lexeme that has resulted from
each language change process and use this simple
frequency count as the ranking criterion. An
alternative approach might be to count just once
each different lexeme formed from the application of
each language change process. Cataphoric
Lexicalization makes no restriction upon ranking of
the language change processes. The possibility exists
for the method to be refined by introducing more
responsive feature calculations (Cook and Stevenson
2009). See ‘future work’.
Step 4: Apply the Identified Language Change
Processes to the TNP. Perhaps the language change
processes are applied to the TNP one at a time, but
there will be occasions when a combination of
processes is more appropriate. This is where the
ranking of observed processes within the corpus can
save time.
Step 5: Apply Domain Specific Evaluation
Processes and Choose the most Appropriate
Lexeme. Such evaluation processes will depend
upon the domain but they are likely to involve
domain experts.
An illustrative, manually implemented experiment
has been included here to demonstrate Cataphoric
Lexicalization in action. The aim is to generate a
range of possible alternative signifiers for a new
authorisation code that represents the trained skills
for the activity of Mechanical Tree Harvesting.
Domain specialists will then make a selection from
the available alternatives.
Step 1: Define the TNP. The definitions identified
during initial discussions with domain experts are
listed below:
Mechanical Tree Harvesting (p):
Present participle for Process
Mechanical Tree Harvester (n):
Sense1: Operator authorised to apply the process
Sense2: Machine used to carry out the process.
The phrase ‘Tree Trimming’ was identified as
referring to a similar concept to the TNP.
Step 2: Define Corpus Boundary Criteria. The
target community is the group of people who will
interface with the UK company in relation to
protection of assets through tree trimming. Therefore
the corpus is compiled from all documents in the
company policy library that contain the signifier
‘Tree Trimming’.
Step 3: Rank Language Change Processes. No
Anaphoric Lexicalization analysis results exist for
the defined corpus and resource allocations do not
permit a full lexicalization survey, therefore a
manual ranking process is used in this case. Analysis
of the existing bank of Authorisation codes revealed
a clear preference for Initialism word creation in this
Step 4: Apply the Identified Language Change
Processes to the TNP. Some examples that were
generated using the listed language change processes
are provided below:
(a) Compounding: eg TreeHarvesting
(b) Derivation: eg Trestology …. Harvestism
(c) Conversion: eg To Trevest …. To Trest….
(d) Clipping / Elipsis:eg MechVesting; MTHarv
(e) Blending: eg. MchTHrv… MTreHrv….
(f) Back Formation: eg Mecher…Trester
(g) Initialism (acronym): eg MTHV; MTH
(h) Coinage (creation): eg. TreVest; Tresting
Step 5: Apply Domain Specific Evaluation
Processes and choose the most Appropriate
Lexeme. This step involves domain experts
assigning a usability score to the candidate lexemes.
The results are given in the next section.
The candidate Authorisation codes that were given a
usability score of five or greater are quoted below
along with their score:
Candidate Code Usability Score
MTHarv 9
RMTrestO 5
The above results highlight an observation
identified during step 3. It is clear that members of
this community have a preference for the initialism
(creation of acronyms) language change process.
However it must also be noted that an even higher
score than for the acronym MTHV was awarded to a
combination of initialism with head noun clipping.
In accordance with the recursive possibilities offered
by Cataphoric Lexicalisation, this observation will
be incorporated into future applications of the
process to this domain.
In this paper the Cataphoric Lexicalization approach
to language change has been described and then
applied manually. The result is a list of candidate
lexeme signifiers for the Target Noun Phrase (TNP).
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
A pragmatic, domain specific evaluation of the
output from the system was then applied, providing
a more refined language change process ranking for
the featured domain in addition to a lexeme that
yielded the highest usability score.
A survey of available software that might be
adapted to implement Cataphoric Lexicalisation had
to include the default development platform for the
featured UK company which is Microsoft Access
(MSAccess). The Python based Natural Language
ToolKit (Loper and Bird 2002) was also examined
along with various commercially available software
packages, including Random Word Generator
(Wittmeyer 2009) from Gammadyne software.
Following this review of the available software
options, the decision has been taken to establish the
specified TNP without using a special tool, and then
to approach the corpus analysis and language change
process identification (Steps 2 and 3) using the
Natural Language ToolKit (Loper and Bird 2002).
Users will then be able to view outcomes from
various string concatenation functions of step 4 and
subsequent evaluation step 5 using an interface that
will be produced using MSAccess. The hope is that
the development effort will be less than might be
imagined thanks to the clearly bounded policy
document library, protected by a well organized
change management system.
In line with observations included earlier, the
rankings of language change processes in
implementations of step 3 will be refined after each
application of the method. Consideration will also be
given to including selected Grammaticalisation
theories into step 4 in order to further widen the
range of generated candidate lexemes. Perhaps
future versions of the system will also generate
suggested ranking of generated signifiers in Step 5
by making comparisons with signifiers of the same
category within the corpus or with previous
selections made by domain experts.
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