Jan Hajny, Tomas Pelka and Vaclav Zeman
Department of Telecommunications, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication
Brno University of Technology, Purkynova 118, Brno, Czech Republic
Privacy, Anonymity, Security, Protocol, Authentication, Identity.
The paper deals with Internet user privacy. We focus on the protection of user identity during an Internet
service use. We start with an overview of systems for the anonymous channel creation. Such channels are
necessary as any solution for the identity protection will have to work with the TCP/IP protocols used in the
Internet. In the second part of the paper we argue about the need for an anonymous authentication introduction.
Such a service is almost missing in the current Internet. We show how the concept of anonymous authentication
could improve privacy and identity protection. Finally we introduce our concept for anonymous authentication
with the feature of a malicious user detection.
The problem of privacy protection is not limited to the
Internet environment only. We use many electronic
services every day. It is important to realize that ev-
ery time we use a service we release some information
about us. The examples include employee IDs, library
cards, canteen cards and any personal web services
like an email, Internet discussions or social sites. It
is obvious that more and more services can be used
electronically and that the Internet is becoming to be
a more powerful environment than any time before.
The analysis of current use of authentication can be
found e.g. here (Hajny et al., 2009).We leave traces
of our Internet behavior and there are many reasons
why we should care about how much information we
release. The obvious problem is identity theft. In that
case someone else misuses released information to act
as us on the Internet. We can imagine how serious
damage it could cause in the case of Internet banking
or the communication with public authorities or em-
ployers. The other example of a threat on our digital
identity is a behavior scanning. We can see that every
time we use a search engine or some e-shop appli-
cation we get customized results based on a previous
usage. It means that our search or buying history is
stored somewhere and analyzed for further purposes.
But do we really care about more focused advertise-
ments, behavior scanning or movement tracking? Are
we too paranoid when thinking about someone ana-
lyzing what we do on the Internet? Obviously these
questions are appealing for more researchers as many
solutions for anonymous surfing emerge.
The paper organization is as follows. We identify
and analyze available tools for anonymous routing in
the Section 2. The overview includes all practical so-
lutions, namely anonymizer proxies, Crowds, MIXes,
Onion Routing and TOR. The concept of anonymous
authentication is defined in the Section 3. The Section
4 includes an overview of our approach for anony-
mous authentication with current results. The Section
5 contains the conclusion with future plans.
There are many solutions to anonymous routing in
TCP/IP available. We included the practical ones,
which can be used in practice, to our analysis.
2.1 Proxies
The anonymizer proxies are the simplest solu-
tions. The whole group can be represented by the
Anonymizer Internet service (
which works with the mechanism of a proxy server.
A client wants to communicate with a server without
revealing his identity. That is why he contacts a proxy
through a private channel first. All data he sends are
encrypted in such a way that only a proxy can de-
crypt. All requests for the server are sent to the proxy
Hajny J., Pelka T. and Zeman V. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 90-93
DOI: 10.5220/0002981300900093
server which initiates a new connection to the server
and resends all data with proxy’s source address. The
server receives requests but is unable to distinguish
the original initiator as the only address he can see is
proxy’s address. That is why he sends the reply to the
proxy. The proxy creates a private channel with the
client and resends data from the server to the client.
The whole method is described by Figure 1.
ProxySender Receiver
WWW Request
WWW Request
WWW Response
WWW Response
Encrypted channel
Figure 1: Anonymizer proxy design.
Security of the above described design depends on the
proxy entity. It works as a kind of mediator of the
communication who resends data between a sender
and receiver to keep them separated thus anonymous.
On the other hand the proxy must be a trusted service
because it is able to link communicating entities to-
gether and break privacy. That is the reason why this
approach cannot be used in more advanced systems
as it is unacceptable to give such a power to a single
2.2 Crowds
A different approach is used by another service called
Crowds (Reiter and Rubin, 1998). Security is based
on the idea of a ”hiding in a crowd” in this case. Traf-
fic traverses through a probabilistic path created by a
number of users from the sender to the receiver. The
mechanism is based on the alliance of many users of
the Crowds service. The sender has a list of partici-
pating users available. All users can be used as a relay
to resend other’s traffic to a receiver. All users send
traffic directly to the receiver with a probability of p.
With the remaining probability 1 p the user sends
traffic to a random user of Crowds. That is why data
sent by the sender do not go directly to the receiver
but to a random Crowds user with probability 1 p.
The random user then sends data to the receiver with
p probability and to another random Crowd user with
probability 1 p. That is why a random path through
the crowd is generated. No one who intercepts traffic
is able to distinguish whether the source address of
a captured packet belongs to an original sender or to
just a randomly chosen relay. The mechanism can be
illustrated by Figure 2. In the picture the requests go
as follows: user 1-6-4-receiver2, user 5-2-7-receiver
3 and third request directly from the user 3 to the re-
ceiver 1.
1 2 3
5 6 7
Receiver 1
Receiver 2
Receiver 3
Figure 2: Crowds design.
Crowds use symmetric cryptography and are resistant
to the attack of a malicious subgroup of users. Like
all solutions in our overview, also Crowds are not re-
sistant to the global adversary who is able to intercept
all traffic. Security depends on the average number
of nodes between the sender and receiver thus on the
parameter p. The more relays are put between the
sender and receiver the higher is the probability that
a malicious user intercepts a packet with an original
sender address inside. Of course there is the price of
communication overhead because data must be sent
k-times in the case of k + 1 users in a path. The main
advantage to the anonymizer proxies is that users do
not have to trust a single entity.
2.3 Web MIXes
Web MIXes (Berthold et al., 2001) is a system
based on the mixes mechanism introduced in (Chaum,
1981). The topology is different from the previous
examples but combines them to some extent. It is not
a peer-to-peer network where all users use all other
users like in the Crowds example but it is not a cen-
tralized system like anonymizer proxies either. In
this case the sender contacts a given structure of enti-
ties called MIXes which scrambles and reorders traf-
fic and sends it to the receiver. The idea is that the
MIX structure consists of many MIX entities admin-
istered by different organizations. These MIXes are
not under a centralized control and the whole system
works if at least one MIX scrambles honestly. The
assumption is that the attacker is able to control n 1
MIXes at most. The system works with a program in-
stalled on sender’s computer which intercepts all (but
not limited to) http traffic like a proxy server. These
data are encrypted and sent in constant size chunks
to the first MIX. The MIX receives, decrypts and re-
orders data from all senders. After the reorder the
MIX resends to another MIX and the process contin-
ues as long as data go through all mixes. The last
MIX sends data to the receiver. The process can be
depicted by Figure 3.
Security of the approach is based on the impossi-
bility of linking the output of MIXes to inputs. This is
due to the encryption - data come to MIXes encrypted
and are released decrypted and reordered. The sys-
Sender 1
Receiver 1
Request 1
Sender 2
Sender 3
Request 2
Request 3
Receiver 2
Receiver 3
Request 1
Request 2
Request 3
Figure 3: Web MIXes design.
tem needs several layers of encryption as data go
through more mixes. To make traffic analysis diffi-
cult the system must generate a dummy traffic from
all senders for the attacker to be unable to distinguish
who is actually sending data and who is quiet. For
the future usability it is also very important that Web-
MIXes are already implemented and used in practice
2.4 Onion Routing and TOR
A similar mechanism is used by Onion Routing (Reed
et al., 1998). The sender does not contact the receiver
directly but through a proxy software on his computer
which sends data through a network of entities called
Onion Routers (Fig. 4).
Sender Receiver
Onion Routing network
Figure 4: Onion routing design.
Asymmetric cryptography is used to protect data from
eavesdropping by malicious Onion Routers. All pack-
ets sent by the proxy are encrypted by public keys VK
of all routers on the path. The encryption must in-
clude next hop headers (hdr) - the encryption for a
three router situation is described by Equation 1.
packet = E
(hdr + E
(hdr + E
(req))) (1)
Every router then peels off a layer of encryption as
the packet goes through it. It learns a next hop IP
and an encrypted payload to send. That is the reason
why routers know only its predecessor and successor
because all IP addresses of remote routers on the path
are encrypted. Security of Onion Routing is based
on used asymmetric cryptography and randomness of
the path. The routers must be chosen randomly and at
least one of them must be honest.
TOR. The practical implementation of Onion Rout-
ing is called TOR (Dingledine, 2009). It uses the
same principle to choose a random path through
routers and to encrypt data with an encryption layer
for every router. The difference is in cryptography as
TOR uses symmetric cryptography for data encryp-
tion and asymmetric cryptography for key establish-
ing. Before actual data are sent through a random path
the proxy establishes a symmetric key using a Diffie-
Hellman protocol with every router on the path. Then
the proxy encrypts data with the established key in
a similar fashion as described in the Onion Routing
section and sends to the first router. The peeling pro-
cedure is the same as for original Onion Routing. The
difference is in efficiency as symmetric encryption
is much faster in a practical implementation. Secu-
rity depends on the same factors as in Onion routing,
namely cryptography security and at least some hon-
est routers. The TOR design can be used for any pro-
tocol and thanks to efficiency and low latencies it is a
one of most popular solutions. In our more advanced
structures we chose TOR as a solution for anonymous
The mentioned solutions provide mechanisms for
anonymous routing. We would like to add the fea-
ture of anonymous authentication. We introduce a
concept which keeps all properties required by ser-
vice providers but adds anonymity features for ser-
vice users. Our goal is to keep clients responsible
for their acts but reveal their identity only in the case
of rule violations. Using our concept the users stay
anonymous as far as they obey system rules. On the
other hand if they break system rules they can be
uniquely identified. The concept with such properties
is called Anonymous Authentication and has follow-
ing requirements:
Completeness: a valid user must be always ac-
Soundness: an other than valid user must be al-
ways rejected.
Anonymity: the verification protocol must release
no information about user identity.
Spread traceability: the user identity must be re-
leased but only in the case of rule breaking.
The concept of anonymous authentication can be eas-
ily imagined as a group authentication where the
group includes all valid users of the system. The
verifier is able to check the membership in a group
(therefore user’s right to use the system) but concrete
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
identity stays hidden. The traceability is required
for a user responsibility. It is in a direct contrast to
anonymity and that is why we want it to be spread
among more entities which must cooperate to reveal a
malicious user identity. Our assumption is that more
entities must agree to break anonymity thus the trace-
ability is available only in justified cases.
We decided to use e-cash systems to provide anony-
mous authentication. We find the ability to create an
anonymous e-coin spendable at the e-shop very useful
for authentication. There is also a very important fea-
ture of double-spender detection available at e-cash
systems. It provides the bank with the possibility to
reveal identity of a user who spent an e-coin twice.
That is why the bank is always sure that the user ei-
ther used the coin only once or the bank is able to
learn his identity in the case of multiple spending.
Our approach uses an e-coin as an authentication
token. The user must provide the verifier with a valid
e-coin (token) and the knowledge of its construction.
If everything is accepted by the verifier the user is suc-
cessfully authenticated because the token is valid thus
released by the administrator of tokens who release
tokens only to valid users (similarly the bank releases
coins only to users with bank accounts). The com-
pleteness and soundness features are directly fulfilled
by e-cash system properties. No user identity is re-
leased as the e-coin (token) is unlinkable to the user.
The only problem is with the spread traceability. We
solved the problem by using the double spender de-
tection feature. The user uses the e-coin (token) at a
newly defined public authority entity which signs the
token. Then the user uses the token for authentica-
tion for the second time. That is why he is a double
spender so his identity can be revealed but only if the
public authority and the verifier cooperate. Neither
the verifier nor public authority is able to break user
anonymity alone.
Currently we are working on a scheme described in
this paper. We use Σ-protocols (Cramer, 1996) as
cryptographic primitives and that is why we get very
good efficiency. We expect the authentication proto-
col to be able to run in a smartcard environment.
The purpose of this paper is to point out to insuffi-
cient privacy in the Internet and to introduce tools
for improving user privacy. We distinguished two
steps for providing user anonymity. The first one is
anonymous routing which give users the possibility to
anonymously communicate. There are practical tools
to use. We expect the TOR protocol to be the choice
for most implementations as it is both secure and us-
able for multipurpose traffic. The second step for pro-
viding anonymity is unsolved yet. We propose the
concept of anonymous authentication which allows
users to use not only open services but also services
which require some form of user authorization. Ac-
cording to our future plans we would like to imple-
ment more features to our anonymous authentication
scheme. Our goal is to provide provable security on a
smartcard platform.
Sponsored under the National Program of Research
II by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of
the Czech Republic in 2C08002 Project - KAAPS Re-
search of Universal and Complex Authentication and
Authorization for Permanent and Mobile Computer
Jan Hajny is a holder of the Brno Stipend for Tal-
ented Doctoral Students.
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