Apostolos Kotsiolis, Christos Antonopoulos and Stavros Koubias
Applied Electronics Laboratory, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of Patras, Rio Campus, Patras, Greece
Keywords: Transport Layer, TCP Algorithms Evaluation, WAN Test-bed, Linux, Congestion and Admission Control,
Wireless/Wireline Networks.
Abstract: This paper aims to provide comparative performance evaluation of various available TCP algorithms over a
hybrid local area network comprising by, both wired and wireless sections. Although TCP originally was
designed aiming to control internet traffic, LAN networks increasingly depend on new TCP protocol
versions to provide congestion control, fairness and optimum resource utilization. Additionally wireless
LANs’ popularity increase exponentially. Based on the aforementioned observations, the objective of this
paper is two-fold. Firstly, to present an adequate test-bed enabling, through a significant number of
experiments, an accurate performance evaluation of five different TCP versions available by a typical Linux
distribution. Secondly based on the conclusions extracted, propose efficient, yet low complexity
modifications, able to improve network performance of the considered scenarios.
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) was designed
to provide a reliable, connection-oriented, transport
service over the unreliable service provided by the
Internet Protocol (IP). The effect of the TCP/IP
protocol combination was so profound that formed
the backbone of the existing wired computer
networks with the Internet being the most
characteristic example.
During the last decade there has been a rapid
increase on the number of Local Area Networks
(LANs) implementations covering a large range of
end user demands. Furthermore, the most significant
advance of networking during the last years is
expressed by wireless connectivity providing a
whole new area of networks that lead to an even
bigger expansion of LANs’ size and popularity
(Mohaparta, 2005). However, on the other hand the
nature of wireless connection has been the main
reason for TCP congestion control suboptimal
behaviour in WLANs, as TCP is not well suited to
error prone links (Mascolo, 2001).
These reasons lead to the evolution of TCP
protocol family which had to maintain its significant
role as the robust and reliable Transport Layer
Protocol in addition to providing solutions to the
congestion control problems arisen by the growing
complexity of LANs and the Internet.(Mascolo,
2001), (Grieco, 2004).
The main objective of this paper, is
comparatively evaluating five of the most popular
TCP congestion control algorithms that are provided
by the Linux kernel, (BIC, New Reno, H-TCP,
Vegas and Westwood+) on a typical network
environment. A critical difference of the presented
approach, as opposed to many already presented
research efforts focusing on simulation based
evaluation, is that the experiments were carried out
on a real local wired/wireless network. Additionally
measurements were extracted directly from the
Linux kernel as well as by using well known
network analyzing applications, for verification as
well as system level measurements, as opposed to
relying solely to application level measurements.
Our goal is to evaluate the performance and
behaviour of these algorithms that are designed
aiming to control network traffic on a number of
large data transferring scenarios taking place on a
hybrid wired/wireless LAN test-bed.
Additionally, based on these measurements,
modifications are proposed concerning a specific
algorithm evaluated. Through these measurements,
Kotsiolis A., Antonopoulos C. and Koubias S. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Communication Networking and Optical Communication Systems, pages 73-79
DOI: 10.5220/0002981900730079
potentially significant benefits are identified and
The rest of this paper is structured as follows:
Section 2 presents the TCP versions under
evaluation. In section 3 the test-bed setup is
described followed by the performance analysis in
section 4. Section 5 includes the presentation and
evaluation analysis of the proposed modifications
while in section 6 the main conclusions are
Five congestion control algorithms are evaluated
through numerous performance measurements
including, BIC, New Reno, H-TCP, Vegas and
Westwood+. The following brief description aims to
reveal each one’s philosophy and specialized
Binary Increase Control TCP (BIC) (Xur, 2004)
is designed focusing on fast long-distance networks
and aims to satisfy three main performance criteria:
RTT fairness, TCP friendliness and scalability.
New Reno TCP (Floyd, 1999) is a modification
of the classic Tahoe/Reno algorithm that improves
retransmission during the fast recovery phase of
TCP Reno.
H-TCP (Leith, 2004) is a congestion control
algorithm presented by the Hamilton Institute
suitable for deployment in high-speed and long-
distance networks.
Vegas TCP (Brakmo, 1995) was the first attempt
to depart from the loss-driven paradigm of the TCP
by introducing a mechanism of congestion detection
before packet losses.
Westwood+ TCP algorithm (Mascolo, 2001),
(Grieco, 2004) is based on end-to-end estimation of
the bandwidth availability along the TCP connection
Due to the specific features and characteristics of
the aforementioned TCP protocols are considered in
the following evaluation process.
As depicted in “Fig. 1” two different topologies
comprise the evaluation test-bed. The goal of the
wired topology is to evaluate network performance
in an optimal case were server-client connection is
interrupted only by a switch and therefore comprises
by two wired sections supporting 100Mbps
connections. Contrary, the objective of the hybrid
topology is to stress the TCP operation by inserting a
wireless section theoretically providing 54Mbps
communication. To implement this topology, data
from the switch are now forwarded to a router with
wireless capabilities and then to the final destination
(and vice versa of course). Additionally between the
wireless router and the computer with wireless
interface, walls intervene in order to emulate a
suboptimal wireless connection.
In all cases communicating computers are
running a based Linux modified,
recompiled kernel. The kernel, depending on the
experiment scenario, was configured to support each
TCP version presented in section 2. There was an
FTP server daemon running on the “Server” station,
while a specific 800Mbyte test file used is
transferred during all experiments. The selected file
assures sufficient transferring period in order to
expose the behavioural and performance
characteristics of the TCP algorithm under
Measurements are taken using tcpdump, tcptrace
and xplot together with the kernel extracted
measurements using the
printk function. In order
to comparatively evaluate download (server-to-
client) and upload (client-to-server) directions, five
types of transferring scenarios were considered,
including one or two simultaneous data flows,
One download/ upload
Two parallel downloads/ uploads
A two data flows crossed download/upload.
From a hardware point of view all components
supported adequate communication rates, so as not
to impose bottlenecks in the experiments. Finally it
is noted that all measurements have been taken from
the “Client” station.
Figure 1: Test-Bed.
DCNET 2010 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking
In order to clearly and objectively investigate the
influence of each different factor under evaluation,
three different parameters will be used as means of
comparison. Each one of them focuses on a different
area of influence such as, network topology, data
transfer scenario and congestion control algorithm.
4.1 The Effect of Network Topology
As indicated by respective measurements, the
differences of the two network topologies have an
immediate effect on the behaviour of cwnd and RTT.
However it is observed that for the same topology
the TCP algorithm version it is not a critical factor.
Thus indicative measurements concerning the H-
TCP algorithm will be presented since analogous
conclusions are drawn from all cases regarding
different algorithm.
Thus, in “Fig. 3” it is depicted that in wired
scenario the range of cwnd value’s fluctuation is
quite limited indicating a steady behaviour with an
average value of 18140 bytes. On the contrary for
wireless scenario in “Fig. 4” a rather unstable
behaviour is depicted with abrupt and frequent
fluctuations reaching about 50% of the actual
window value, while the mean value is significantly
higher reaching about 32162 bytes. Round trip time
(RTT) measurements also provide interesting
insights. In “Fig. 2” the grey graph clearly indicate
the effect of packet loss of the wireless link in
hybrid topology which triggers the end of congestion
avoidance phase and results the decrease of cwnd.
As observed in the hybrid topology the experiment
required almost twice the time period due to an RTT
overhead of 20-30msec. In addition, as shown, there
are short periods of time (spikes) where RTT in
hybrid topology exceeded even 100msec severally
degrading network performance.
The result of this performance degradation is clearly
shown on the respective throughput graphs in “Fig.
5”. The combination of a higher average RTT of
50msec and the periods of 100+msec together with
the wider range of cwnd in “Fig. 4” lead to a 45%
higher achieved throughput for wired topology and
consequently to an almost 50% delay increase for
the hybrid topology.
Figure 2: RTT of “H-TCP 1 Upload Scenario” on both
Figure 3: cwnd of “H-TCP 1 Upload” Scenario on the
Wired topology.
Figure 4: cwnd of “H-TCP 1 Upload” Scenario on the
Hybrid topology.
Figure 5: Throughput of “H-TCP 1 Upload” Scenario on
both topologies.
Figure 6: Throughput of “Crossed” Scenario on Wired
Figure 7: Throughput of “Crossed” Scenario on Hybrid
4.2 The Effect of Data Flow Scenario
The number and direction of the coexisting data
flows (either from the server towards the client and
vice versa) in the channel clearly affect the
efficiency of TCP congestion control mechanism as
well. This observation is clearly depicted in Table 1
presenting the time durations required for the file
transfer completion on the hybrid topology
scenarios. There is a notable difference between the
upload and download scenarios since the upload
flows complete their transfer sooner. Furthermore
the significance of the direction is also evident
through the bandwidth distribution measurements
since, the upload data flows capture a range of
60% up to 80% of the available bandwidth while
the download flows only from 20% up to 40%.
Analysing the measurements in more detail it is
observed that in the one flow scenario, upload is
approximately 30% faster than download where on
the crossed scenario the upload flow is 40% faster
than the download flow. The same observation can
be extracted from “Fig 7” concerning hybrid
topological scenarios. Therefore, during an FTP file
transfer where two crossed flows coexist, TCP tends
to favour the client-to-server flow at the expense of
the server-to-client flow leading to faster file
transfers for the upload direction. Furthermore,
throughput graphs of scenarios concerning two
crossed flows comparative analysis between hybrid
and wired topology offer additional valuable insights
as shown in “Fig. 6” and “Fig. 7”. Focusing on the
wired topology the two crossed flows converge
rapidly to a fair distribution of the channel’s
bandwidth. On the other hand such a convergence
was not observed in the hybrid topology;
significantly degrading download direction
performance since the respective throughput graph
exhibits increase tendencies only after the upload
session is concluded.
In the two parallel flow scenarios (either
download or upload) TCP is able to guarantee an
equal 50% share of the channel’s bandwidth to the
two competing flows. This behaviour was confirmed
for all the tested algorithms and both network
4.3 The Effect of Configured TCP
Algorithm Version
Using the measured transfer time durations from
Table 1 together with the throughput graphs of “Fig.
7”, we will try to compare the five algorithms
DCNET 2010 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking
Table 1: Hybrid Topology Transfer Time (minutes).
Crossed 2 Downloads 2 Uploads
Down Up Down#1 Down#2 Up#1 Up#2
BIC 12.15 6.0 17.0 16.0 10.0 10.0 11.0 10.30
New Reno 7.0 6.40 12.0 7.0 11.0 10.0 10.0 10.0
Vegas 10.0 5.10 13.10 5.20 13.30 14.10 10.0 9.30
Westwood+ 11.30 12.10 47.0 16.0 67.30 68.0 15.10 14.50
H-TCP 8.30 5.45 13.0 6.10 10.0 9.30 10.10 10.30
focusing on the bandwidth percentage they manage
to exploit.
Therefore, it is evident that, regarding the data
transferring scenario, in the crossed data flow
scenario Westwood+ algorithm exhibited the poorest
bandwidth utilization as both flows captured only
approximately 1Mbyte/sec and completed the
transfer on 47 min and 16 min for download and
upload respectively. On the other hand Vegas and
Reno delivered a considerably higher 3Mbyte/sec
aggregated throughout, followed by HTCP
2,5Mbyte/sec and BIC recording 1,2Mbyte/sec.
Valuable information can be extracted observing
that after the completion of each upload, on the
crossed scenario, the corresponding download flow
probes the channel in order to occupy higher
percentage of the available bandwidth. However,
Westwood+ was unable to take advantage of the
absence of the competing flow as it managed to
increase its throughput by only 200Kbyte/sec in the
remaining 31 min whereas H-TCP and Vegas
improved their throughput by 800Kbyte/sec in 7min
and 8min till session termination respectively, Reno
by 600Kbyte/sec in 5min and BIC by 200Kbyte/sec
in 1min.
The clear performance degradation of the
network when using Westwood+ algorithm, as
opposed to the rest of the considered TCP
algorithms when operating on the hybrid topology,
is represented by high required transfer periods and
low measured throughput for all the transport
scenarios. This fact raised some concerns about the
effectiveness of its bandwidth estimation
mechanism. Especially on the crossed scenario
where data and ACKs flow in the same direction, the
result was very high RTT values leading to even
lower bandwidth estimation. Therefore, based on
understanding the theoretical approach of
Westwood+ TCP algorithm and presented
measurements, in the following section
modifications in key parameters and respective
performance evaluation are presented towards
improving Westwood+ performance in the specific
The proposed Westwood+ algorithm modifications
focus on the respective bandwidth estimation
mechanism. Two parameters of the Linux
implementation are going to be modified each one
toward a different goal. The main objectives are,
tackling poor bandwidth estimation due to high
measured RTT values, and slow response of the
algorithm following the absence of the competing
data flow. Both parameters are modified in the
“tcp_westwood.c” code file of the Linux kernel.
The first modification concerns the value of the
constant parameter
initial value of this parameter is 50msec while the
value considered in experiments presented in this
section is 40msec. The observation triggering this
modification was the comparative analysis of the
average measured value of RTT for Westwood+ as
opposed to the rest algorithms on the hybrid
topology “Fig. 7”. This parameter is used by the
westwood_update_window in order to
decide whether the
westwood_filter function that
evaluates the bandwidth samples should be called.
Our goal is to reduce the values of the measured
RTT samples so as the algorithm to achieve better
utilization of the channel’s bandwidth.
The second modification aims to affect the
sensitivity of the Low pass filter (Grieco, 2004),
implemented by the function
using constant coefficients. We are going to present
experiments configured to two different values for
the factor C=7 that is used in the function. The
objective of these changes is to make the algorithm
more aggressive when it comes to probing for
available bandwidth.
Figure 8: RTT of “1 Upload Scenario” on hybrid topology,
RTTmin modified.
“Fig. 8” shows the RTT measurements for the two
values of the TCP_WESTWOOD_RTT_MIN
parameter. The grey graph represents the initial
50msec value and the black graph the new 40msec
value. As it is depicted, there has been a significant
reduce of 50% in the average RTT value from
100msec to 50msec, which caused a 250% raise on
the used throughput from 1,2Mbyte/sec to
3Mbyte/sec compared to the original Westwood+
Figure 9: Throughput of “Crossed Scenario” on hybrid
topology, factor C modified.
In “Fig. 9” the crossed scenario throughput graphs
for three different values of the constant factor C are
presented. For C=9 the modified Westwood+
algorithm managed to increase its throughput by
400Kbyte/sec in 3,30min while for C=5 by
700Kbyte/sec in 4,10min. Due to the linear pattern
of the graphs it is possible to quantitatively estimate
the algorithm’s aggressiveness increase effect
through the respective measurements’ time duration
decrease down to 1 min. Thus, compared to the
12.5Kbyte/sec/min of the initial C=7 (estimating
that the download flow reached its maximum value
in 16
minute of the experiment) respective results
were increased 9 times for C=9 and 13 times for
C=5. Thus the modified algorithm appears
significantly more aggressive in grabbing the
available bandwidth after the absence of the opposite
data flow and indicating that the default value leads
to a rather passive behaviour.
This paper presents a comparative performance
evaluation of five different congestion control
algorithms using a local area network test-bed setup
comprising by both wired and wireless segments.
The evaluated algorithms have been tested in a
series of experimental, data transferring scenarios
taking considering both wired and hybrid
wired/wireless topologies.
Additionally experiments carried out indicated
possible directions towards improving the
performance of specific TCP algorithms. In this
context it is observed that in hybrid topologies
upload data flows tend to be more aggressive in
capturing the available bandwidth. In the two
parallel flow scenarios TCP manages to evenly
distribute the channel’s available bandwidth to the
two competing flows, but is unable to do so in the
two crossed flow scenarios. On the wired topology,
the two crossed flows converge rapidly to a fair
distribution of the channel’s bandwidth but such a
convergence was not observed in the hybrid
Additionally, in respective experiments
Westwood+ algorithm recorded the poorest
utilization of the available bandwidth in all data
transfer scenarios assuming wired-wireless topology.
Based on this observation, two modifications are
advocated concerning key parameters of the
implementation code in order to improve the
performance of the bandwidth estimation
mechanism. Respective measurements using the
modified TCP implementation have shown
significant improvement in the algorithm’s
sensitivity as well as bandwidth utilization.
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