Antonio Vincenzo Taddeo, Marcello Mura and Alberto Ferrante
ALaRI, Faculty of Informatics, University of Lugano, via G. Buffi 13, Lugano, Switzerland
Security, priority, Wireless sensor networks, Quality of services, Energy harvesting.
Wireless sensor networks are composed of small nodes that might be used for a variety of purposes. Nodes
communicate together through a wireless connection that might be subject to different attacks when the net-
work is placed in hostile environments. Furthermore, the nodes are usually equipped with very small batteries
providing limited battery life, therefore limited power consumption is of utmost importance for nodes. This
is in clear opposition with the requirement of providing security to communications as security might be very
expensive from the power consumption stand point. Energy harvesting methods can be used to recharge bat-
teries, but, in most of the cases the recharge profile cannot be known in advance. Therefore, nodes might face
periods of time in which no recharge is available and the battery level is low.
In this paper we introduce an optimization mechanism that allows the system to change the communication se-
curity settings at runtime with the goal of improving node lifetime, yet providing a suitable security level. The
optimization mechanism further improves energy consumption by putting in place a quality of service mech-
anism: when energy is scarce, the system tends to send only essential packets. As shown by the simulations
presented in this paper, this mechanism optimizes the energy consumption among different recharges.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are composed of
a large number of nodes with sensing, processing,
and data communication capabilities. Recent im-
provements in microelectronic technologies provide
the ability to create small and inexpensive nodes with
limited power consumption. In a typical applica-
tion scenario, nodes are provided with a local power
source which is usually limited and non-replaceable;
thus, power consumption requirements represent the
utmost constraint for most WSN nodes (Akyildiz
et al., 2002). Typically, sensor nodes proper commu-
nicate over limited distances with a “sink” - usually
acting as gateway to some remote system - which may
have less stringent power requirements as it might be
equipped with better power sources.
Recently, in (Alippi et al., 2008) it was observed
that, in real usage scenarios in which WSN are used
for monitoring the environment, nodes cannot be
powered just by using small batteries. Energy Har-
vesting becomes an essential feature in this as well as
in other contexts where small batteries cannot provide
the required power for the required time. Different
techniques have been explored to harvest energy from
the environment (Roundy et al., 2004); so far, solar
energy has been the most exploited energy harvest-
ing resource as the technology is sufficiently mature
to provide a suitable quantity of energy for wireless
applications. Though, the use of solar energy intro-
duces a further level of uncertainty in the amount of
energy available to the system. Energy consumption
is, in any WSN, partially deterministic and partially
non-deterministic (e.g. due to random components
of the wireless protocol and asynchronous alarms).
The recharge rate given by a solar source superposes
a natural deterministic feature (i.e. day/night, sea-
sons) to a dominant non-deterministic stochastic na-
ture (weather conditions) as well noted in (Moser
et al., 2007a). In particular, the length of the peri-
ods in which the insulation is insufficient to guarantee
nodes operation is not known. For this reasons, defin-
ing strategies to optimize network operations in such
conditions is of primary importance research field.
Another fundamental factor influencing the design
and performance of sensor networks concerns secu-
rity of their communications. Security services such
as authentication, confidentiality, and availability be-
comes especially critical for WSNs operating in hos-
tile environments and managing potentially sensible
Vincenzo Taddeo A., Mura M. and Ferrante A. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 241-250
DOI: 10.5220/0002982202410250
data. Generally, in order to enforce communication
security, additional computational resources are re-
quired (Chandramouli et al., 2006): typically, packet
header sizes are incremented, thus inducing a signifi-
cant increase in the energy spent for communications
(Mura et al., 2008). Traditional security solutions are
designed by using ad-hoc approacheswhich offer spe-
cific protection against certain attacks. However, they
rely on the assumption that the operative environment
is well-known and essentially static. Moreover, some
of these technologies have not been specifically de-
veloped for embedded systems; in many cases, their
adoption in the pervasive world would be impossi-
ble due to high hardware resources requirements (Fer-
rante et al., 2005).
In practice, when designing secure systems, the
worst case scenario is considered: the system has to
guarantee adequate protection against the strongest
possible security attacks. This is generally in contrast
with the typical requirements of resource-constrained
devices: mobility, flexibility, real-time configura-
tion, open and dynamic operative environment (Keer-
atiwintakorn and Krishnamurthy, 2006; Großsch¨adl
et al., 2007). In the work presented in this paper we
adopted a new approach to security by relating it to
the current system conditions. The best possible se-
curity solution, specified within a range of possible
choices, is chosen dynamically to optimize both se-
curity and lifetime of the system. As discussed in
(Chigan et al., 2005; Lighfoot et al., 2007), evaluating
run-time the trade-offbetween security and consumed
energy is not straightforward.
Furthermore, in some scenarios, nodes might re-
quire the ability to guarantee the delivery of criti-
cal data packets even in presence of scarce resources.
For this purpose, a network Quality of Service (QoS)
mechanism may be implemented in the nodes. In our
case, the scarce resource is not network bandwidth as
in the largemajority of cases in which QoS is adopted.
Instead, in this context, the scarce resource is energy:
when available energy is low, only essential packets
should be delivered to preserve the system main func-
tionalities, in case a solar recharge is not available.
To this goal, we associate with each packet a prior-
ity level and propose a run-time mechanism to man-
age security and QoS inside WSN nodes equipped
with solar panels. The mechanism proposed in our
approach provides the unique ability to optimize the
trade-off between consumed powerand security while
providing support for QoS. In our approach, security
is being adapted to the energy conditions of the sys-
tem. At the same time, high-priority packets are pro-
cessed faster and with higher security.
In Section 2, the related works are presented and
the innovation of our work is highlighted. We intro-
duce the main parameters that we considered in the
design of our solution and provide details regarding
the trade-off mechanism in Section 3. A case study
to prove the validity of our approach as well as the
simulations results are outlined in Section 4.
This study targets the problem of deciding which level
of service should be guaranteed by a WSN under en-
ergy recharging conditions. Various task scheduling
policies suitable for energy harvesting WSNs nodes
were studied in (Moser et al., 2007a; Moser et al.,
2007b); in (Moser et al., 2008) algorithms for max-
imizing a function of merit of the devices are pro-
posed. Appropriate voltage/frequency levels selec-
tion depending on the available energy is studied in
(Liu et al., 2008) and in (Liu et al., 2009). Adaptiv-
ity by means of setting different reliability levels de-
pending on the available energy is presented in (Wang
et al., 2009). Most current studies discuss this subject
with the classical approach used for scheduling tasks
on a microprocessor: packets are considered as tasks
and their schedulability is evaluated by substituting
energy to CPU time.
We modify this classical approach by introduc-
ing a QoS management mechanism (Sean Convery,
2004) similar to the ones commonly used in conven-
tional networks. Packets might be subdividedinto dif-
ferent categories, each one with a different “impor-
tance”. More critical packets (i.e., the ones classified
with high priority) are prioritized over the others, thus
guaranteeing to them an higher probability of being
delivered even in presence of scarce resources (i.e., a
low battery level).
Concerning security aspects, the problem of opti-
mizing resources used for security, yet providing an
adequate level of protection, is an hot topic at the mo-
ment (Ravi et al., 2004). In particular, the trade-off
between energy and performance requirements of se-
curity solutions is of utmost relevance for embedded
systems (Chandramouli et al., 2006). Each adopted
security solution should be a good compromise be-
tween factors that are conflicting in nature such as,
for example, power consumption and performances.
This optimization is a complex task, especially when
performed at run-time (Chigan et al., 2005; Lighfoot
et al., 2007). With respect the classical approaches for
securing WSNs, our solution is able to dynamically
adapt the security settings based on current node en-
ergy conditions and according to specific security re-
quirements. Furthermore, it provides the highest se-
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
curity for high-priority packets.
In this paper we considered a WSN in which nodes
periodically send packets to a sink destination. Pack-
ets to be delivered may have security requirements
that, depending on the operative context, the system
might or might not be able to satisfy. For example, the
battery level might be too low to use certain security
settings. Therefore, in order to assure a high number
of packets transmitted, a change in the security pro-
vided has to be applied. Moreover, delivery of critical
packets has to be guaranteed: a priority value is used
to mark each packet and to provide such a QoS. Prior-
ities should be carefully assigned to packets at system
configuration time: packets that are essential for the
network, for example, should be associated to highest
priority levels as low-priority packets may be delayed
Our adaptation mechanism manages QoS and
changes the security settings dynamically to maxi-
mize the trade-off between the number of packets sent
(with priority precedence) and their security. Such op-
timizations require to estimate the energy consump-
tion connected with the security processing and the
transmission of packets. The security and QoS man-
agement process that we propose is based on a set of
optimization strategies. The optimizations to be ap-
plied depend on a set of parameters related both to the
system status and to the characteristics of data packets
to be transmitted.
In this section we first describe the considered pa-
rameters; then we introduce the optimization process
that we have designed.
3.1 Parameters
The system parameter considered is the available en-
ergy E
; it includes the contribution of the en-
ergy recharge E
due to the harvesting system.
The characteristics of data packet considered are
both related to intrinsic packet characteristics (e.g.,
their length) and to associated parameters such as
their importance (expressed as a priority level) and
their required security.
3.1.1 Energy Model
Energy consumption data can be collected only after
the corresponding activity happens. Therefore, we in-
troduce a prediction model that gives an indication of
the foreseen power costs for packet transmission. The
actual consumption is collected after corresponding
packets have been sent and is used to have a more
precise estimate of available energy.
In most networking protocols a boundary on the
amount of time and energy necessary to ensure that a
given packet is transmitted does not exist. For exam-
ple, by using a CSMA algorithm, there may be cases
in which the access to the channel cannot be obtained
due to channel jamming. For this reason, an average
energy for transmitting the packet should be consid-
ered instead of the worst case one. The penalty for
transmitting multiple times a packet because of errors
on the channel is very strong. For this reason our av-
erage takes into consideration a number of retrials that
depends on the state of the network.
We model the energy needed to process a packet
= E
+ E
where, E
is the energy required to transmit a packet
assuming that the channel is always free. Instead,
takes into account the energy spent for multiple
executions of the CSMA algorithm that are necessary
when the channel is found to be busy or when packets
need to be retransmitted due to collisions. E
is com-
posed of: the energy consumed by the CSMA algo-
rithm, E
; the energy spent for sending the packet,
considered as the sum of the energies necessary to
send the header of the packet (i.e. E
), the possi-
ble increase in the overhead of the packet due to secu-
rity (i.e. E
) and the energy necessary for sending
the payload E
. That is:
+ E
+ E
+ E
In Table 2 is reported the security overhead consid-
ered (Mura et al., 2007). E
, as well as E
and E
depend on the size of the correspond-
ing parts of the packet and on the energy per byte e
(i.e. transmission power/throughput in bytes). Our
methodology does not involve any modification of
the header different than that modeled by the secu-
rity component. As a matter of fact, depending on the
architectural choices for the node platform, there may
also be a relevant contribution to energy budget due
to execution of encryption/authentication algorithms
as shown in (Mura et al., 2008). In this paper, we
refer to node platforms that process security through
HW co-processors in which such contribution is neg-
Following the analysis of the 802.15.4 algorithm
done in (Mura et al., 2007) the other contributions can
be refined as:
= mode (E
+ E
) + E
Therefore, E
can be decomposed into the sum of
the energies to switch the radio from the idle to the
receiving mode (E
) and the energy consumed
while receiving the CCA (E
). These operations are
executed once in beaconless mode (mode = 1) and
twice when beacons are used (mode = 2). E
the energy consumed, in idle state, while waiting the
random time before performing the CCA; we used the
worst case value for this parameter.
is composed of two factors:
= E
+ E
re tx
= (4)
+ N
re tx
the first is the energy spent for executing multiple
times the CSMA procedure when the CCA reports
that the channel is busy, hence it equals K
the energy of a CSMA algorithm. The latter is the
energy consumed for retransmitting the entire packet
due to channel collisions, that is N
re tx
times E
. Val-
ues are meant by the number of packets successfully
sent M
in a transmission time slot. Values of these
parameters, K
, N
re tx
and M
has to be computed
based on the applicative scenario. They can assume a
constant value, if the channel behavior is quite static;
or can be computed at run-time, for example, by mon-
itoring the channel conditions and updating proper
Every time a packet is processed and transmit-
ted, the corresponding energy consumption E
drawn from the available energy E
Finally, we introduce an energy constraint E
which is a discrete time derivative of the current en-
ergy consumption E
= E
(t) E
(t 1) (6)
This constraint is used to assures that, for each trans-
mission time slot, the variation of the energy required
to process a certain number of packets is below the
specified threshold E
. Thus, it is a hard con-
straint in the maximum energy consumption allowed
in a transmission slot. The value for E
can be
either constant, (and, therefore, assigned statically at
design time) or computed dynamically as a function
of the energycurrently available. In general, the value
assumed by this parameter should be tuned according
to the considered scenario.
3.1.2 Packet Characteristics
In our system each packet, with a given payload size,
is labeled with an identifier P
, it is associated to secu-
rity requirements as well as to a priority level. These
pieces of information are only used by the optimiza-
tion mechanism and they do not cause any network
Table 1: Packet schema.
Packet # 102 SecReq
Size Priority SecSuite ActiveSuite
[bytes] [0, 3] (8bit) [0, 7]
50 3 [1,0,1,0,1,1,0] 5
overhead as they are local parameters. An example is
shown in Table 1.
Network messages can have different importance,
ranging from essential information, either for network
maintenance or application scope, to low-significance
information that can be dropped with limited impact.
A priority ρ can have values between 1 and 4 (the
higher the number, the higher the priority). As men-
tioned earlier, when energy is scarce, our system will
favour high-priority packets. Low priority packets
will be delayed indefinitely or discarded if the mem-
ory becomes full. The aim of this approach is to pre-
serve as much energy as possible to send necessary
packets. Non-essential packets might be sent later
when harvesting allows the system to recover the bat-
tery level.
Security requirements associated to packets are a
central parameter in our trade-off mechanism. The se-
curity level chosen for each packet impacts both on
the associated consumed energy and on the associ-
ated computational and network latencies. A secure
packet, due to longer packet header and security pro-
cessing, consumes more energy and takes more time
to be managed by the network then a non-secure one
(Mura et al., 2008). While some packets have manda-
tory security requirements, others may have softer re-
quirements. Therefore security of such packets can be
decided at runtime depending on the current status of
the system.
We defined a security requirements, SecReq, as
composed of:
SecReq = hSecSuite; ActiveSuitei (7)
SecSuites is a list of security suites that may be used
for the particular packet. SecSuites is a bitstream in
which every bit corresponds to a different security
suite supported by the transmission protocol, the bit
is set to 1 if it is possible to use that suite for the par-
ticular packet. For example, if we refer to the security
suites of the IEEE 802.15.4 wireless standard (Sastry
and Wagner, 2004), as reported in Table 2, we need 8
bits to model the entire set.
ActiveSuite identifies the security suite to be used
for processing the given packet. If a change in
the security provided is required, the ActiveSuite is
updated to the new security suite ID. Changes in
ActiveSuite are allowed within the packet security
suites bitstream. Therefore, to have a fixed secu-
rity suite only one bit should be set in SecSuites
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 2: Security suites supported by IEEE Std 802.15.4
and their packets overhead (Mura et al., 2008).
Security Suites
SuiteID Description Service
0 Null No Security 0
2 AES-CBC-MAC-64 13
3 AES-CBC-MAC-128 21
4 AES-CTR Encryption (only) 5
5 AES-CCM-32
Authentication and
6 AES-CCM-64 13
7 AES-CCM-128 21
list. This corresponds to a mandatory security re-
quirement given by, for example, the following tu-
ple: hSecSuite = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]; ActiveSuite = 4i.
ActiveSuite is the index of the 8 bit array of SecSuite.
An example of definition of softer packet SecReq
is shown in Table 1; the packet with label 102 has a
priority value 3 and may support different suites for
data protection: 0, 2, 4 and 5. The current active
suite is the number 5, that is the suite AES-CCM-
32 of Table 2. If an adaptation is needed, the sys-
tem may decide to use a different security suite (e.g.
ActiveSuite = 4) to save energy (because of lower
header size overhead).
3.2 Optimization Process
By using the aforementioned parameters our man-
agement algorithm optimizes the security of pack-
ets while managing QoS and optimizing energy con-
sumption. An optimization strategy is applied by the
optimization mechanism to obtain these results.
3.2.1 Optimization Strategies
Different optimization strategies can be defined for
different system conditions. An optimization strat-
egy () can be defined as a composition of actions to
be performed in order to meet the energy constraint
given by E
We designed the strategies with two goals in mind:
to maximize the number of high-priority packets that
are delivered and to ensure that security requirements
of each packet are satisfied. These strategies are op-
timized to provide to each packet the safest possible
suite among the ones specified in SecSuite.
We identify the following actions that can be com-
bined within a strategy:
change the ActiveSuite security suite used to pro-
tect the considered packet, according to the suites
specified in SecSuite;
either drop or delay the packet transmission to the
next communication slot, according to the priority
of the considered packet;
limit the number of packets to be sent. Such a
limitation can be imposed both on predetermined
priorities levels or globally on all packets.
QoS may be provided through one of the well known
approaches listed in (Sean Convery, 2004), for exam-
ple by applying Weighted Fair Queueing (WFQ) and
Priority Queueing (PQ).
By combining the aforementioned actions in a
strategy, the system can directly change the energy
consumption needed to process the packets that are in
the send queue with the goal of satisfying the energy
constraint given by E
For example, a possible strategy to meet such a
constraint may be as follows:
low priority packets are delayed to successive
communication slots;
other, less energy hungry, security suites are cho-
sen for the remaining packets in queue;
other packets may be selected for being delayed.
3.2.2 Optimization Mechanism
An adaptation is required when the amount of energy
required to transmit λ packets is above the threshold
. The adaptation is performed by enforcing a
certain strategy. The process has been designed by
following the Monitor-Controller-Adapter loop (De-
rin et al., 2009). In the monitoring phase, the avail-
able energy capacity E
and the λ packets to
be delivered to a sink node are measured every trans-
mission time slot. The available energy includes the
contributions of the harvested energy E
through solar cells. Depending on the current energy
conditions, it exists a given energy constraint E
to be respected. Moreover, network conditions are
monitored by updating the counters of the Equation
4 (N
ri tx
, K
and M
) at each transmission time
All these monitored information are propagated to
the controller module that decides which packets to
send and their associated security suites. These infor-
mation are then propagated to the adapter that orga-
nizes packet transmission according to what decided
by the controller. Packets are then sent by using con-
ventional network stack.
The controller uses the energy model introduced
in Section 3.1.1 to estimate the energy per packet
, and the total energy consumptionof the candi-
date packets. This estimation is used to select packets
according to a strategy.
A further constraint on the candidate packet selec-
tion might be imposed by the current network condi-
tions: for example, it can be set an higher bound for
the number of packets that can be transmitted.
In Algorithm 1 we show an example of a selec-
tion mechanism used within the controller module to
select the optimal packets.
3.3 Security Considerations
Aim of our frameworkis to provide an adaptive mech-
anism to satisfy system energy constraints, yet provid-
ing adequate protection to the applications. The use
of multiple cryptographic algorithms may lower the
security of applications. In particular, when weak-
est algorithms are used the transmitted data are more
exposed to attacks. Though, our approach tries to
provide a reasonable solution for those situations in
which device constraints would not give the possibil-
ity to provide any (or little) security to applications.
Aim of our self-adaptation mechanism is to pro-
vide the highest possible security level in any instant
of time. Degradation of security is only performed
if the energy constraints of the system cannot be sat-
isfied. In this particular context, lowering the secu-
rity of the communication increases the potential of
attacks only for a limited quantity of data (i.e., just
the ones that are being transmitted in those periods of
Possible attacks in which the system can be forced
to decrease the security level of applications may also
affect our security degradation method. For exam-
ple, multiple communications requests can be used to
drain the battery, thus forcing the system to degrade
security. Though, we should consider that our frame-
work performs adaptation of security level based on
application security requirements. Therefore, appli-
cations are always guaranteed to have the minimum
level of protection that they require.
Similar attacks can be used to cause a denial of
service by totally draining the battery. Our manage-
ment of security allows the system to stand longer to
these attacks, even though it does not provide a spe-
cific protection for them. The best defense against
this kinds of attacks would be to have an intrusion
detection system installed on the nodes. Though, run-
ning such a system, even if simplified, would be too
expensive in terms of computational power, memory,
and consumed energy.
To evaluate the optimization method described in this
paper we considered a case study and simulated it.
The case study represents a simple yet realistic case
and allows evaluating performance of our optimiza-
tion algorithm.
In this section we provide a description of the con-
sidered case study; we then describe the simulations
we have performed and we show the results we have
4.1 Case Study
We consider as a case study a wireless sensor network
composed of 7 nodes. The optimization algorithm is
applied at node level, thus, its efficiency does not de-
pend on the number of nodes. Each node is equipped
with a digital camera, and it acquires an image every
30s and sends it to the central point. Every picture
is composed of 160 packets of 90 bytes. Though, it
should be noticed that the actual dimension of pack-
ets depends on the security suite adopted. The appli-
cation is data intensivefor a WSN, having a global ap-
plication throughput of about 35kbps. This is a clas-
sical scenario in many application fields (e.g. surveil-
lance, traffic monitoring, environment monitoring).
Information are usually uniformly spread in pic-
tures. For this reason we divided each picture into
ve segments. Data of each segment are subdivided
into network packets. All the packets belonging to
the same segment share the same priority level. Pri-
orities are assigned to each segment by following an
uniform distribution. Moreover, each packet may then
have different security requirements depending on its
importance. Security requirements of packets (i.e.,
SecSuite bitstream) are taken from a binomial distri-
bution. Consumption of the packets to be delivered
is estimated according to the model specified in Sec-
tion 3.1.1. In particular, by considering data collected
during previous simulations, we estimate a value of
= 64, N
re tx
= 32 and M
= 160 packets for
the parameters of Equation 4.
In this scenario, we considered the IEEE 802.15.4
protocol in Beaconed Mode (i.e., mode = 2 in Equa-
tion 3). We simulated a star topology, therefore every
communication passes through the coordinator. We
assume that the coordinator is connected to a power
line; the other nodes have limited energy capacity
and they are able to harvest solar energy. Consid-
ering the fact that charge/discharge cycles are harm-
ful for chemical batteries, we suppose to use a super-
capacitor instead of the battery. While this improves
time-invariance of the power section, the energy con-
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
tained in the ultra-capacitor is about one order of mag-
nitude less than the one of a commercial battery. We
considered our power section made of a small so-
lar cell that produces at peak about 300mA, and a
super-capacitor of 310Farad with slightly more than
400.000mAs available. This correspond, for exam-
ple, to the adoption of a Maxwell BCAP0350 E270
T9 SuperCap. The consumption of the digital cam-
era was considered to be 25mAs per picture. E
has been considered to be a constant value of 3.5mAs
plus a percentage (0.09%) of the total energy capacity,
meant by the number of frames. This value has been
chosen to provide a system lifetime, between battery
recharge, of roughly 4 days.
Considering the above scenario, in conditions
of peak solar power, the super-capacitor is fully
recharged in less than half an hour.
4.2 Simulations
The case study discussed above has been simulated
to verify the effectiveness of our approach. Results
show that, while our method does not allow for an
absolute decrease of consumed energy, it allows for
an optimization of the trade-off among consumed en-
ergy, importance of the packets sent, and their security
In our case study we adopted the optimization
algorithm shown in Algorithm 1. We assumed an
approach to QoS similar to Priority Queueing (PQ).
With PQ, higher-priority packets are transmitted be-
fore lower-priority ones, thus guaranteeing that an
higher number of high-priority packets are delivered
even in conditions of scarce energy. We considered
the following optimization strategy: by default, the
active security suite for all packets is the SuiteID = #0
(i.e. NULL); when the energy consumption of the
high-priority packets is below the threshold, their se-
curity is increased according to packet security re-
quirements. After the security upgrade, the remaining
packets in queue are analyzed in order to consume the
residual energy. Instead, if the energy consumption of
the high-priority packets is above threshold, the most
energy-hungry packets are removed from the list of
When solar cells are active our optimization al-
gorithm is set to work as if the batteries were fully
charged. In this condition our algorithm is at least not
worse than any static setting for security. In fact, in
this condition, our optimization algorithm will select
the highest security algorithm specified for each class
of packets. For this reason in the simulations we fo-
cused only on a scenario in which there is no solar
recharge for a long period of time, for example due to
Algorithm 1. sel pos = SELECTOR( E
, sub set).
Require: An energy constraint E
Require: Set of packets (indexes) to analyze, sub set 6= 0.
Ensure: The optimal set of packets (indexes) to send
sel pos.
1: pri pos = HIGHPRICANDIDATES(queue,sub set)
2: E
= GETPACKETSENERGY(queue, pri pos)
3: E
= E
4: E
5: sel pos = [ ]
6: if min
> E
| sel pos == [ ] then
7: return sel pos
8: else
9: if E
< E
10: sel pos = pri pos
11: E
= E
, pri pos)
13: E
= UPGRADESEC(pri pos)
14: end if
15: sel trail = SELECTOR(E
, TRAIL(pri pos))
16: return sel pos = sel pos+ sel trail
17: else
18: new pos = REMOVEMAXENERGY(pri pos)
19: sel pos = SELECTOR(E
, new pos)
20: end if
21: return sel pos
22: end if
4.2.1 Simulation Environment
The case study has been simulated by using the
SystemC network simulator described in (Mura and
Sami, 2008). This simulator is capable of emulat-
ing node and network operations as well as annotating
with µs precision the corresponding power consump-
tion for all the nodes involved. Furthermore, the sim-
ulator is capable of managing channel contention and
to repeat transmissions when interferences occur.
The simulator is based on an implementation in-
dependent model (Mura et al., 2007) that can be
later characterized for practical implementations. The
characterization includes the substitution of the ac-
tual consumption values for the different activities of
the node (e.g., reception and transmission). In (Mura
et al., 2007) it is shown that the power consump-
tion obtained with the simulator is few percent dif-
ferent from the actual data of consumption gathered
from real nodes through an oscilloscope. In order to
characterize our implementation independent model,
we considered that the devices are equipped with the
CC2420 radio with a 0dBm transmission power and
that they use corresponding power levels.
% of packets sent
Priority Level
Figure 1: Comparison of average percentage of packets sent
for each priority value.
% of packets sent
Security Suite
Figure 2: Comparison of average percentage of packets sent
for each security suite.
4.2.2 Results
The impact of our optimization method is highlighted
by comparing the same scenarios with and without
applying the optimizations. In case of no limitations
on energy consumption and with no optimization, the
system has an operative lifetime of about three days
% of energy per byte
Opt vs maxsec
Opt vs minsec
Opt vs sec0
Opt vs sec2
Opt vs sec4
Opt vs sec7
Figure 3: Comparison of percentage variation of energy per
byte consumed by the optimal system w.r.t the Base System.
% of packets sent
Opt vs maxsec
Opt vs minsec
Opt vs sec0
Opt vs sec2
Opt vs sec4
Opt vs sec7
Figure 4: Comparison among the number of packet sent
during the simulation time by the optimal system with the
ones sent by the non-optimal systems.
when non energy harvesting is possible. When proper
constraints on the consumed power are set (E
Equation 6), the lifetime in the same conditions is in-
creased to four days. In this paragraph we focus on
the comparativeanalysis of various cases in which en-
ergy constraints are set.
Six different configurations have been simulated
for comparing different possible situations, one of
them in which the optimization methodology was
used (Opt), and the other five (Base-*) in which it was
not. The last five considered cases are as follows:
security is the maximum in the SecSuite range
specified for each packet (Base-maxsec);
security is the minimum in the SecSuite range
specified for each packet (Base-minsec);
security is at level 0 for all packets (Base-sec0);
security is at level 2 for all packets (Base-sec2);
security is at level 4 for all packets (Base-sec4);
security is at level 7 for all packets (Base-sec7);
Figure 1 shows the percentage of packets of each
priority level that the node have been able to send
(remaining packets are discarded so to respect en-
ergy constraints) in the simulation period when dif-
ferent system configuration are considered. The fig-
ure shows that, while a non-optimized node does not
guarantee any privilege to high-priority packets, the
optimized node does. When no QoS is considered,
each packet has the same possibility of being dis-
carded (about 30-40% depending on the case consid-
ered). When QoS is used, instead, the probability to
be delivered for each packet is proportional to its pri-
ority. Highest priority packets are delivered more than
90% of the times; lowest priority packets are deliv-
ered about 35% of the times. Obviously, the adoption
of a QoS mechanism does not change the total num-
ber of packets that are sent, it only changes the dis-
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
tribution of these packets among the different priority
Figure 2 compares the number of packets sent for
each security level when the optimized system and the
Base-maxsec and Base-minsec cases are considered.
As it can be seen from the figure, the optimized node
tends to maximize the number of packets that are pro-
cessed by using the security suites number 3 and 7
which are to be considered the most secure ones avail-
able. Thus, our optimization system tends to guaran-
tee an higher security level to the packets.
Figure 3 compares the energy per byte spent by
the optimized system with the energy spent in all the
cases in which the optimization is not used. The op-
timization allows the system to spend less energy per
byte then in the Base-maxsec case. It also provides
the ability of saving energy with respect to the cases
in which security level 2 and security level 7 are al-
ways selected (Base-sec2 and Base-sec7). The Base-
minsec case is of course less energy hungry, but, at the
same time, it provides, in average, a lower level of se-
curity to packets. The same applies to the Base-sec4
Figure 4 compares the number of packets sent by
the optimized system during the simulation period
with the ones sent by the non-optimized systems. The
optimized system is able to send an highest number
of packets with respect to more energy hungry modes.
Obviously, less energy hungry modes are able to send
more packets before finishing the battery.
Summarizing, the results show how our optimiza-
tion method provides QoS management while obtain-
ing the highest possible level of security that is com-
patible with the current system parameters.
It should be noticed that our results report the en-
ergy consumption of the whole node, even including
the sensing part. It is well known that, in these con-
ditions, the energy spent for transmission is not the
predominant part of the total energy consumption. In-
deed, the portion of energy devoted to communication
(not considering the energy used by the infrastructure)
is about 10% of the total consumed energy. For this
reason the differences in performances among differ-
ent cases might appear limited, even if they are not. In
fact, they are significant if we focus our analysis only
to energy related to data transmission.
In this paper we proposed a novel adaptation mecha-
nism to deal with secure and priority-based transmis-
sion of packets in WSNs. This optimization mech-
anism allows the system to survive long periods in
which the energy harvesting adopted might not be
able to provide energy. The algorithm, by perform-
ing QoS management, provides the ability to privilege
important (i.e., high priority) packets when the energy
available is scarce. Security settings are changed dy-
namically to provide the best security compatible with
the current system conditions.
Future work include refinement and extension of
the methodologyproposed and, in particular,the addi-
tion of new capabilities such as, for example, chang-
ing dynamically the duty cycle of the network and/or
the monitoring period.
This work was partially supported and funded by
the Hasler Foundation under the Project AETHER+
(Grant No. 09083-2043-021). The paper reflects only
the view of the authors; the Hasler Foundation is not
liable for any use that may be made of the information
contained herein.
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