Bayrem Triki, Slim Rekhis and Noureddine Boudriga
Communication Networks and Security Research Lab, University of the 7th of November, Carthage, Tunisia
Secure multipath routing, k-x-connectivity, Wireless sensor networks.
Multipath routing in Wireless Sensors Networks (WSNs) is used in order to tolerate node failures and improve
the reliability of data routing. To make a multipath routing algorithm adaptive to the sensitivity of the used
application, communicating nodes in the network should be able to specify to which extent the established
paths are disjoint. In this paper, we propose a novel routing algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)
entitled Secure Multipath Routing Algorithm (SeMuRa). We extend the concept of k-connectivity to k-x-
connectivity where x is the value of threshold representing the maximal number of nodes shared between any
two paths in the set of the k established paths. The proposed algorithm: a) is based on on-demand routing; b)
uses labels in the datagrams exchanged during the route discovery to carry the threshold x; and c) is secure
thanks to the use of threshold signature. A simulation is conducted to prove the efficiency of the algorithm
and estimate the additional overhead.
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of a large
number of small devices called sensor nodes which
are equipped with a radio transceiver and an antenna,
a processor, a memory, and a short lifetime battery.
These sensors are constrained in terms of computa-
tional, and communication capabilities . WSNs are
mainly used for collecting data and sensing samples,
and sending them to a (central) site in order to be an-
alyzed. Unlike wired networks, sensor nodes can be
deployed in hostile environment, making them vul-
nerable to physical and logical security attacks .
WSNs are characterized by their infrastructure-
less nature, ease of deployment, and independence to
any pre-existing architecture which make the design
of routing protocols for WSNs a challenging prob-
lem. In fact, routes may be easily broken due to
nodes mobility and interference occurrence. More-
over, links between nodes may have limited band-
width and nodes may lack resources. To alleviate
these problems, algorithms for multipath routing were
developed as an alternative solution to increase the ef-
ficiency of the routing process. They exploit resource
redundancy and diversity to enforce fault tolerance,
load balancing, and end-to-end delivery delay mini-
mization(Law et al., 2007).
k-connectivity, is a concept used by multipath
routing. It defines a minimum number of k differ-
ent paths between two communicating nodes. Before
sending data, a sensor node should be sure that a set of
k paths are available between itself and the base sta-
tion (BS). Then it sends duplicated copies of data over
the alternative paths to decrease the probability of
communication failure (H.M. and A.E., 2009). Sev-
eral propositions were made by the literature to de-
sign multiple routing algorithms. For instance, Mul-
tipath On-Demand Routing Algorithm (MDR) (Dul-
man et al., 2003) ensures the establishment of disjoint
paths between the source and the destination. It splits
the original data packet into k parts, and sends these
new subpackets instead of the whole packet across
available paths. The destination, receiving one of the
route request messages, will only be aware of the ex-
istence of a path. It returns a route reply containing
the number of hops it traveled so far. Each node that
receives a route reply, increments the hop count of the
message and then forwards the message to the neigh-
bor from which it got the original route request. This
solution may cause a lot of overhead in the network.
In dynamic multi-path source routing (DMSR) (Yang
and Huang, 2008), each node writes its bandwidth
into forwarded packets in order to find better paths
based on the available bandwidth. Best Effort Geo-
graphical Routing Protocol (BEGHR) exploits nodes
position to forward data, and requires the use of a
Triki B., Rekhis S. and Boudriga N. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Communication Networking and Optical Communication Systems, pages 25-34
DOI: 10.5220/0002983100250034
positioning system such as Global Position Systems
(GPS). However,the demands for resources at the dif-
ferent nodes are quite high, which affect battery life-
Depending on the number of available nodes, es-
tablished routes may not be totally disjoints. While
most of the multipath routing algorithms have taken
interest to the establishment of maximal disjoint
paths, node performance may be severely affectedand
resources may be quickly exhausted, especially if the
routes include many hops and the nodes density is
high. To cope with this issue, it would be useful to
extend the multipath routing algorithms so that a dis-
jointness threshold will be defined and exploited dur-
ing the routes discovery to create a trade-off between
fault-tolerance and performance.
In this paper, the concept of k-connectivity is ex-
tended to k-x-connectivity where x is a disjointness
threshold representing the maximal number of nodes
shared between any two paths in the set of k estab-
lished paths. This concept is applied by a secure on-
demand routing algorithm, called SeMuRa. It uses
labels in the datagrams exchanged during the route
discovery to carry the threshold x. SeMuRa is se-
cure thanks to the use of elliptic threshold signature
and exploits the watchdog concept to tolerate several
types of routing attacks.
The paper contribution is ve-fold. First, the pro-
posed routing algorithm is adaptive. It allows a source
node to tune the disjointness threshold to a suitable
value before establishing a path and sending data. The
value of the threshold may depend on the sensitivity
of the message to be sent, or the rate of broken routes
during previous communications. Second, thanks to
the use of threshold signature, the algorithm is secure
and does not require an extensive number of stored
keys per sensor node. The technique of sur-signature
could be used for the generation of evidences, which
could be used by a digital investigation scheme to
prove the identity of malicious nodes, and trace and
analyze the attack. Third, the algorithm is tolerant to a
large set of routing attacks such as wormhole. Fourth,
SeMuRa takes into consideration the characteristics
of WSNs, in terms of architecture, nodes resources
limitation, and categories of attacks. Fifth, the varia-
tion of the network topology could make nodes unable
to establish multiple disjointness paths to the destina-
tion. If the WSN is used for some application requir-
ing a high level of tolerance to nodes and link fail-
ures, by tuning the value of the disjointness threshold,
nodes could cope with topology variation and con-
tinue benefiting from a degraded level of tolerance.
The remaining part of the paper is organized as
follows. The next section describes the requirements
to be fulfilled by a secure and multipath routing al-
gorithm. Section 3 describes the proposed routing
algorithm. Section 4, presents security mechanisms
used by the proposed algorithm. In section 5, a val-
idation of the proposed algorithm is addressed. Sec-
tion 6 presents and discusses simulation results. The
last section concludes the work.
This section describes the requirements to be fulfilled
by a multipath routing algorithm based on the con-
cept of k-x-connectivity. First, the proposed algo-
rithm should be tolerant to attacks on routing proto-
cols. In wormhole attacks, for instance, a node can
perform a high-powered transmission of a route re-
quest datagram to a non neighbor node, forcing the
routing algorithm to include it in the established rout-
ing path. This attack, makes the malicious node to
appear as a highly connected node, while, in reality,
it is connected to few number of nodes. The pro-
posed algorithm should verify that packets are prop-
erly forwarded in the networks and identities of inter-
mediate nodes are appended securely to the routing
requests. Second, the algorithm should include the
generation of evidences regarding the identities and
behavior nodes involved during the establishment of
the multiple routes. This is of utmost importance if
a digital investigation scheme is used to traceback an
occurred attack, locate the malicious nodes, and prove
the existence of fake routes.
Third, it would be better that the algorithm be re-
active rather than proactive. In fact the source node is
usually the node that specifies the disjointness thresh-
old value. This value may depend on the sensitive-
ness of transmitted data. Fourth, the algorithm must
be distributed where intermediate nodes should start
learning and gathering information regarding poten-
tial available path as soon as the route request data-
grams propagate. Since nodes in WSNs have lim-
ited energy, and consequently limited network life-
time, it is essential to share routes computation tasks
between nodes. In addition, distributed computation
have a better chance to withstand failure in the case
of attacks. Fifth, the routing algorithm must preserve
the network performance. Especially, the overhead
caused by the storage of information regarding po-
tential usable routes, and the distributed computation
of the routing paths by intermediate nodes in the net-
works, should be reduced.
DCNET 2010 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking
The proposed multipath routing algorithm, SeMuRa,
extends the Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) (Johnson
and Maltz., 1996) algorithm, which is a reactive rout-
ing approach, widely used as a basis for a large set of
extended routing protocols. We consider a tracking-
based WSN where a set of sensor nodes are randomly
deployed in the network, and are in charge of sens-
ing activities from the surrounding environment and
sending the collected data to a BS. Sensor nodes
communicate with the BS by forwarding datagrams
through their neighbors. Compared to sensor nodes,
the BS is typically endowed with sufficient computa-
tional resources, and high storage capacity.
3.1 SeMuRa Phases
This protocol includes two steps: route discovery
and route maintenance, which allow to discover and
maintain possible multiple paths between any sensor
source node, say S, and the BS.
Route Discovery: is the mechanism used when S
wants to establish a set of paths with the BS. Route
Request datagrams, say RReq, are sent by S when
it does not already have a route to BS. The entirely
on-demand properties allows SeMuRa to minimize
the overhead and specify the path-disjointness thresh-
old value. After receiving list of potential paths, S
computes all paths to the destination which satisfy
the specified threshold, chooses the list of paths to
be used, caches the remaining ones, and starts send-
ing the data. Keeping information regarding unused
paths, allows the reaction to routes modification to be
rapid and decreases the overhead related to the gener-
ation of a new RReq.
Route Maintenance: is the mechanism used to let S
update the list of paths in use if the network topology
changes, or some routes are broken due to an attack
or sleeping cycles of nodes. This mechanism is based
on letting intermediate nodes use the watchdog con-
cept for every packet they forward (Lee et al., 2007)
to detect the identities of misbehaving nodes or detect
routes errors. If the next hop appears to be broken, a
route error packet, say RErr, is generated and sent to
S in order to decrease the number of possible path to
the destination. S will consider all the path as broken
and attempts to use another route that go over the non
responding stored in its cache which allows to main-
tain the k-x-connectivity. If none backup route to the
BS is in the cache, the source node invokes again the
Route Discovery mechanism.
SeMuRa can be easily extended to the context of
Adhoc networks, where the set of features performed
by the BS would be supported by any node in this net-
work, and the destination to which a node would gen-
erate multiple routes, would be any one of them.
3.2 SeMuRa Route Discovery
Five kinds of datagrams are used by SeMuRa during
the route discovery phase: (a) Route Request: is the
first packet to be broadcasted by a node who wants to
establish a multipath route to the BS. Every interme-
diate node exploits this datagram to discover incom-
plete routes in the network. It also appends its iden-
tity in the RReq and broadcasts it to its neighbors. (b)
Route Response: is sent back by the BS upon recep-
tion of the RReq. This datagram contains the optimal
path and is source routed to the node which generated
the RReq. (c) Notification : used by the destination
node to ask intermediate nodes to forward the infor-
mation they learned regarding the routes to the source
node. These information would have been invisible
by the BS when it received the RReq datagram. (d)
List forwarding: used by intermediate nodes to for-
ward the information they stored regarding the exist-
ing paths in the network. (e) Route Error: sent by an
intermediate node to the source node when it detects
a route failure. It also lets the source node update the
set of paths it uses to reach the BS.
Network Discovery. When a node, say S1, joins the
network, it broadcasts a two-hop HELLO message,
which includes its identity and has a Time To Live
(TTL) value equal to 2. Any node, say S2, which
hears the message includes the identity of S1 in its
list of one-hop neighbors, sets the TTL value of the
HELLO message equal to 1 lower than its received
value, and forwards the datagram. Any node, say S3,
that hears the message includes the identity of S2 in its
list of one-hop neighbors, and S1 in its list of two-hop
neighbors, sets the TTL value of the HELLO message
equal to 1 lower than its received value, and discards
the datagram. To be considered as active, every node
should periodically send a two-hop HELLO message
and follow the above described process. This allows
each node to maintain two up-to-date lists: its neigh-
bors list, and the neighbor list of its neighbors. The
two lists will support the detection of routing attacks
(described later in section 4).
Route Request Generation and Forwarding. A
node which wants to establish a path to the BS, ini-
tiates the route discovery by generating a RReq data-
gram to the BS and broadcasting it in the network.
Every generated RReq includes a three-tuple infor-
mation: hSeq, RRec, Dti. Seq stands for a sequence
number which should be different for every new gen-
erated RReq. The sequence number, together with the
IP address of the sender, allow to uniquely identify
the RReq and associate it to the subsequent generated
responses. Dt is the disjointness threshold which is
set by the sender to specify the maximal number of
nodes that could be shared by any two paths among
the set of paths to establish with the BS. The value of
Dt remains unchanged during the forwarding of the
RReq to the destination. RRec is a route record which
is used to include the path followed by the RReq to
reach the BS. In fact, when a node in the network
receives a copy of this datagram for the first time, it
appends its identity to the RRec field, and broadcasts
it to its neighbors. Every node, say N, including the
BS, which receives a second copy of the datagram,
extracts the content of the RRec field. The latter pro-
vides a path from the sender to the node N. The node
N will append the content of RRec together with the
value of Seq to a list, entitled RP, which stands for list
of Received Paths. Then it discards the datagram.
Route Response Generation and Forwarding.
Once different copies of the RReq datagram reach
the destination (i.e., the BS), the latter will gen-
erate a Route Response datagram, say RRep, to
the source. It includes three-tuple information
hSeq, R, RNC, RPBSi where Seq represents the value
of the sequence number that appeared within the re-
ceived RReq, R is the route, which is composed of the
sequence of nodes identities representing the shortest
path (between the source and the BS) among those
that were received within the different copies of the
RReqs. RCN stands for the remaining number of com-
mon nodes. It is initiated by the BS to the value of x
received within the RReq. This value is decreased by
1 every time the RRep is routed by a node which con-
tains a non empty list of received paths for the same
value of the sequence number. The RRep datagram
will be source routed to the sender based on the con-
tent of R. Moreover a list, say RPBS ,containing the
list of all the routing paths connecting the source node
to the BS is added to the RRep. When the RRep packet
is routed to the source, the latter and all intermediate
nodes will discover a route to the BS, store it in their
cache, and use it as an alternative path if some link er-
ror will potentially occur. We remind the reader that
any different routes requests, to be received by the
BS, may share some nodes. Every one of them can be
written as a series of nodes shared with other routes,
followed by a series of distinct nodes.
Notification Datagrams Generation and Forward-
ing. In the case where the BS has discarded a
copy of the RReq, it generates a notification data-
gram, say NP, containing the three-tuple informa-
tion hSeq, RCN, L, RPBSi composed of the sequence
number (Seq) and the value of RCN received in the
RRep, in addition to a list, say L, containing the iden-
tities of neighbor nodes from which a received copy
of the RReq was previously discarded (i.e., the identi-
ties of these neighbors stand for the last nodes in the
routing paths provided by RP and related to the se-
quence number Seq). If the case where the NP is sent
by the BS, the list L will be set to the identities of
neighbor nodes from which a copy of the RReq was
received. RPBS is a list containing the set of routing
paths connecting the source node to the BS, includ-
ing the shortest path. These routes are collected from
the copies of the RReq received by the BS. The NP is
sent to the source node, broadcasted but treated only
by nodes existing in the list L.
In the case where some node in the network, say
X, receives the RRep two situations may happen. It
X has already discarded, at least, a copy of the re-
lated RReq, it forwards it after decreasing the value of
RCN and generates an NP containing the three-tuple
information hSeq, RCN 1, L,RPBSi. If it is not the
case, it simply forwards the datagram to its neighbors.
When an intermediate node, say X, receives an NP for
the first time, two situations may happen. If X has not
previously discarded any copy of the related RReq, it
simply forwards the NP to its neighbors. If X has al-
ready discarded, at least, a copy of the related RReq,
it forwards it after decreasing the value of RCN and
replacing the value of L by the identities of neighbor
nodes from which a received copy of the RReq was
previously discarded. When a node receives a second
copy of the NP, it simply discards it. If the value RCN
becomes equal to 0 after decreasing it by one, the no-
tification packet will be rejected before sending it.
List Forwarding Datagrams Generation and For-
warding. Every node which decreases the RCNs
value of the NP, generates a list forwarding datagram
containing the sequence number (already received in
the NP) and a list obtained from RP (the sequence
number associated to RP should be the same as the
one received in the NP) after applying two filters, say
F1 and F2, consecutively. The list forwarding data-
gram is sent to the source node (i.e., the node which
initiated the RReq). The first filter F1 eliminates from
RP any path that has more than RCN 1 shared nodes
with any path existing in RPBS. The second filter F2
locates in the output of F1 groups of nodes that share
more than RCN 1 nodes. It replaces each one of
these groups in the RP list by the shortest path. When
DCNET 2010 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking
the source node specifies an x equal to 0 (i.e., all the
discovered paths must be disjoint), the NP will be sent
with a value of RCN equal to 0. Intermediate nodes
receiving this latter and have an empty RP,will for-
ward the packet to their neighbors. If it is not the
case, they drop the NP. Each time a node sends its RP
list to the source node, it eliminates this list from its
memory to preserve storage resources. If there is no
additional space in the node memory, a solution con-
sists in using the neighbor memory. Two categories of
nodes can be used: nodes with high storage capacity
and nodes with limited storage capacity. Each node
knows the category of its neighbors. A node with a
low storage capacity has the possibility to send parts
of the data it stores only to neighbor nodes with high
storage capacity. In fact, the receiving node should
send back the data to the sender before it goes out of
its coverage or sleeps. If the sender memory is still
full, the receiving node should find a neighbor node,
which is also a neighbor of the sender and has a high
storage capacity, transfer the data to that node, and
inform the sender about its identity.
3.3 Reconstruction of Routes by the
The aim of the reconstruction process is to construct
k paths satisfying the disjointness threshold x. If sev-
eral combinations are possible, the sender could se-
lect the one which uses the minimal number of shared
nodes, or select the one which uses the shortest k
possible paths. The first alternative could be chosen
if availability is more sensitive than delivery delays.
We remind, that xs value specified in the RReq, has
prevented intermediate nodes to forward useless list
of paths, which if assembled together by the source
node, would generate routes that include a number of
shared nodes higher than it is expected by x.
To reconstruct the set of paths, the following al-
gorithm is executed. Let L
be the list of complete
paths satisfying the threshold x to generate by the
algorithm, and L
be the series of path received in
the different list forwarding datagrams sent by inter-
mediate nodes in the network. L
=< p
, ..., p
where every p L
represents any path, if the form of
< S
, ...,S
>, where: a) S
represents the identity of
the node, which initiated the route discovery; and b)
represents the identify of any intermediate node
in the network including the BS, which discarded a
second copy of the RReq datagram.
Starting with a FIFO queue, say Q , containing the
set of paths in RPBS received by the BS. Until Q = hi
or L
0, the algorithm do: Let R =< S
, ...,S
be the first routing path in Q , where S
stands for the
source node and S
stands for the BS. Starting from
a value of i equal to n, and until i becomes equal to 1
(i.e., i is decreased by 1 in every loop), the algorithms
checks for every p L
if S
R corresponds to the
last node S
p. If it is the case, the source node
will generate a path equal to hS
, ...,S
..., S
appends it to L
and Q , and deletes p from L
. If
i becomes equal to 1, the algorithm deletes R from
Q . For the particular case where the BS has gen-
erated an RPBS containing paths which share more
than x nodes, the L
needs to be filtered by keeping
the shortest path from those having more than x nodes
shared with paths in the RPBS . Based on the content
of L
, the source node will be able to select the best
combination of paths satisfying the values of k and x.
3.4 Route Maintenance
A path can fail due to collisions, and/or nodes mo-
bility. It is essential to recover broken paths imme-
diately to ensure the reliability of data. In SeMuRa,
after routes establishment and during data forward-
ing, when a node fails to send the packet to the next
hop, or detects that a neighbor is not forwarding the
datagram, it considers the route as broken and sends a
RErr to the source node to inform it about the identity
of the unavailable node. This mechanism is strength-
ened by applying a watchdog mechanism described
in the section 4. Upon reception of this RErr packet,
the source node deletes any alternative route in the k
established path that uses the broken node. It tries to
replace it by one of the available routes in its cache,
and verifies if the set of k paths to use still have, at the
maximum possible, x common nodes. If it is not the
case, the route discovery step is initiated again.
Lemma 1. All the paths reconstructed at the source
node do not share a number of nodes higher than
the pre-defined disjointness threshold with the short-
est path.
Proof. We remind that a route response uses the
shortest path to reach the source node and contains the
pre-defined disjointness threshold x of shared nodes.
Given a node, say n, whose identity is part of the
shortest path, and which has already discarded a du-
plicated copy of the RReq. If node n forwarded that
packet, the latter would have reached the BS using
the same nodes existing between n and BS within the
shorted path, and the BS would have obtained two
routing paths sharing a number of nodes, say snn,
composed of all nodes between n and BS. The pro-
cess of generation and forwarding of the RRep, which
includes the decrementation of xs value, allows to de-
tect whether the value of snm exceeds this threshold.
In addition, given a node, say n
, whose identity is
part of the shortest path, and which has broadcasted
the RReq to its neighbors, where one of them is part
of path, say p, different from the shortest path. As
the path p will share with the shortest path the set of
nodes between the source node and the node n
. Ap-
plying filter F2 on the output of the filter F1 will take
into consideration shared node between the source
node and n
. Consequently paths that share more than
x nodes with the shortest path will not be sent to the
source node. As a result this path will not be used in
the reconstruction process.
Lemma 2. Any path in a node’s RP, related to the
same route request, can be described as the concate-
nation of two series. The first series can be shared
by another path in RP while the second series never
occurs in another path in RP.
Proof. The proof of the first series is conducted as
follows. We remind that a RReq contains the identi-
ties of nodes through which the datagram has been
routed. During the route discovery, a node broad-
casts the RReq, and all its neighbors receive a copy.
Given two distinct nodes, which have received the
same copy from a neighbor. Each one of them ap-
pends its identity to the copy it received and forwards
it. Consequently, the routes that will be generated in
the RP within the other nodes could start with a se-
ries of shared nodes. The proof of the second series
is based on the fact that a node, which receives a sec-
ond copy of some RReq, does not forward it. Conse-
quently, a node could not append two paths to the RP
which share some nodes.
3.5 Example Applying k-x-connectivity
In the example presented in Figure 1, the source node
A needs to establish three (k = 3) routes to the BS
sharing at maximum two nodes between them (x = 2).
In the proposed topology, it is hard to respect three
disjoint paths without tuning the threshold x. A gener-
ates and broadcasts a RReq with a disjointness thresh-
old x equal to 2. In the Figure, nodes are represented
by circles, and an edge connects two nodes if they are
able to directly communicate together. The RP lists
stored by each node are represented by rectangles.
Node B receives the first packet directly from A and
receives a second copy though two other paths which
are < A,C,B > and < A,C,E,B >. As each time node
B drops a duplicated packet, it stores the routing path
used by this copy in its RP list, the routing path RP
will be equal to << A,C,B >< A,C,E,B >>. The
RReq is forwarded to neighbor nodes until it reaches
the BS on the shortest path R
=< A,B,D, F,BS >.
Figure 1: Response process.
Based on the number of minimum common nodes
RCN which is set to 2 in the NP, the RP lists are
only sent by nodes F, M, D and E. In fact, at the re-
sponse step, when Node F receives the NP from the
BS, it decreases the value of RCN to 1 and forwards
this packet to its neighbors. This node applies the
filter F1 on its RP list based on the content of the
RPBS list received for the BS. Note that this RPBS
contains the two following paths < A,B,D,F,B,S >
and <A,B,D,E,M,BS>. Using the filter F1, paths
< A,B,E,F > and < A,B,E,M, F > , in the RP list
of the node F,will be eliminated because they have
more than RCN 1 = 1 shared node with the RPBS.
As the RP list of node F is empty, its RP list will be
sent back to the source node. When node M receives
the NP from the BS, it decreases RCN o 1 and applies
the two filters F1 and F2 on its RP list. By apply-
ing F1, node M, will discard the path < ABDFM >
from its RP list, because it has more than RCN1 = 1
shared nodes with the first path < A,B,D,F,BS > of
the RPBS list. When the node M receives a second
copy of the NP from the node F it will discard it.
When nodes D and E receive the NP from node
F, they decrease the value of RCN to 0. By ap-
plying the two filters F1 and F2, node D will not
send the path < A,B,E,D >stored in its RP list. In
fact, the use of filter F1 lets node E keep only paths
< A,C,E > and < A,C,G,E > in its RP list. How-
ever, < A,C,E > and < A,C,G,E > share node C be-
tween them and node E accepts only RCN 1 = 0
common nodes. Therefore, when it applies the fil-
ter F2, node E is forced to keep only the shortest
path, which is < A,C,E >. When the node E re-
ceives a second copy of the NP from the node M,
it discards it. When the neighbors of nodes D and
E receive the NP with an RCN set to 0, they dis-
card this packet without sending any information. At
the end, the source node A, has a list of paths avail-
able to the BS which is equal to L
= {< A,C,E >}.
The RPBS, which is extracted from the RRep, to-
DCNET 2010 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking
gether with the list of paths L
will be used to de-
termine the set of routes, characterized by k = 3 and
x = 2, to the BS. By applying the reconstruction al-
gorithm described in Subsection 3.3, the final list of
reconstructed paths L
will be equal to: L
= {<
A,C,E,F,BS >< A,B,D,F,BS >< A,B,E,M,BS >}.
To provide a secure routing algorithm, against a set of
attacks, that prepare for the investigation, three main
properties should be satisfied. First, nodes should be
able to authenticate each others during the process
of routes establishment. Datagrams generated with
forged information should be discarded before reach-
ing the BS. Second, every node should not only be in
charge of generating and forwarding datagrams to the
BS, but also of controlling the behavior of its neigh-
bors. In this context, the watchdog technique is used
to detect nodes that do not forward the datagrams as
expected. A node which uses the watchdog technique
is able to determine whether its neighbor nodes are
forwarding the datagram they receive or not. If the
packet is not forwarded within a certain period, this
neighbor is considered as malicious(Lee et al., 2007).
Every node should maintain two lists: a list of one-
hop neighbors and a list of two hop neighbors. The
two lists are created by letting every node periodically
perform a two-hop broadcast of a Hello Message (i.e.,
by setting the TTL equal to 2). A node, say n
receives a generated Hello message by a node, say n
with a TTL equal to 2, appends the identity of n
its list of neighbors, appends it own identity (i.e., n
decreases by one the TTL, and forwards the packet.
A node, say n
, which receives a datagram with a
TTL equal to 1 from the neighbor node n
, appends
the identity of the sender (i.e., n
) to its list of two
hop neighbors, and marks this node as being reach-
able through the immediate sender n
. Third, when
a node detects a malicious neighbor, both the source
node and the BS should be informed.
We use a signature scheme to authenticate nodes
and guarantee the integrity of the information they ex-
change. We suppose that every node joining the net-
work is authenticated by the BS. Intermediate verifi-
cation of packets signature allows discarding compro-
mised packets before theyreach the destination nodes,
which optimizes the used energy and communication
resources, and reduces the overhead of the signature
verification process performed by the BS. Every node
which generates or forwards the RReq, appends its
identity, the identity of the next receiving nodes, and
sur-signs the route record. A node which receives the
forwarded message verifies whether the last appended
signature is correct, checks if it is the presumed des-
tination, determines the immediate sender (the neigh-
bor node from which the packet is being forwarded)
of that datagram and makes sure that it is a neighbor.
If it is the case, it appends its identity, the identity
of the possible next hops and sur-signs the datagram.
To perform signature, the elliptic threshold signature
provided by (Sliti et al., 2008) is used. It allows to
generate for a public key, say k
, n associated secret
keys, say k
. Every signature created using
one of the private keys, say k
, can be checked using
. In the SeMuRa , every node, including the sen-
sors and the BS, uses its own private key for signature,
while the same public key is used by all of them for
the purpose of signature verification. Such techniques
increases the resilience of WSNs against node cap-
ture by: (a) using threshold signature to authenticate
packet content and discarding invalid datagrams (b)
the identification of captured node based on applied
watchdog mechanism and intermediate signature (c)
to be tolerant to the discard of compromised paths in-
volving captured node by authorizing x shared node,
which assures that, even when part of the nodes have
been captured, the rest of the network remains secure.
Based on threshold signature, if a node is duplicated,
and its key is used by a malicious node, the BS will
notice the attack by detecting that the same key was
used by several nodes. To do so, the BS checks
whether two nodes having the same identities have
participated in forwarding the RReq. If it is not the
case, for each signature appended to the RReq, the BS
identifies the identity of the signer node, and verifies
whether it could really producethis signature if its pri-
vate key was used (the BS is assumed to know all the
sensors private keys). Note that, the use of the public
key is not sufficient to authenticate the nodes, because
it does not allow detecting whether the same private
key was used several times to generate the sur-signed
RReq. When the BS detects that a node has used a
key of another node, or a node has participated sev-
eral times in the same RReq, it forwards an alert con-
taining the identity of the compromised nodes, asking
the remaining nodes to reject any packet sent from
that node in the future. When a node receives a sec-
ond copy of the RReq, it signs and stores the received
path in the RP list, where each identity, in the received
path, is signed by intermediate nodes. If a malicious
node wants to modify the RP list, it must uses sig-
natures of all nodes involved in the modified path to
re-sign each identity which is impossible. In addition
when an intermediate node eliminates a received RP
list instead of forwarding it, the watchdog mechanism
used by neighbor nodes will detect such behavior.
SeMuRa is also protected against a set of rout-
ing attacks such as the wormhole attack (Triki et al.,
2009), where a malicious node receives packets, tun-
nels them to another location in the network, and re-
send them. In the case of an out-of-band channel es-
tablishment, a malicious node may collude with an-
other node, which is typically located near the BS,
to make the routing paths, that go over them, look
shorter than expected. Such behavior could compro-
mise the discovery k x-connected paths. By relying
on watchdog mechanism and intermediate signature,
the wormhole attack will be detected. In fact, a ma-
licious node could forward a packet to non neighbor
node using a high powered transmission. Since the
node should append its identity and the identity of
immediate receivers to the route record and sur-sign
them, two situations could happen:(a) If the malicious
node, specifies a correct identity of the immediate re-
ceiver,the watchdog neighbors, verify the signature in
the datagram and detect that the packet was forwarded
to a non neighbornode. When the malicious datagram
is forwarded to the BS, together with the alert gener-
ated by the watchdog nodes, the latter could use the
signature as an evidence to prove the identity of the
malicious node (b) the malicious node specifies the
identity of a neighbor node when it signs the route
record, but forwards the datagram to a non neighbor
node. In that case, the neighbor nodes, using watch-
dog technique, will detect that the node has appended
an identity of a non neighbor node, which will receive
the packet. The watchdog nodes will broadcast an
alert, containing the identity of the malicious node.
In SeMuRa, the construction of paths is based on a
distributed mechanism where information regarding
available links is collected by the BS, or stored by in-
termediate nodes, and copies of a same datagram are
discarded. The correctness of the routes generation
is vindicated by the fact that exchanged information
are signed and verified by neighbors. In addition, the
NPs generated by the BS, or by nodes incorporate the
disjointness threshold related to the set of the k estab-
lished paths. Since this value is decreased whenever
the NP is forwarded by a node which maintains a path
to the source node, all pairs of paths that have more
than x shared nodes will not be generated. This al-
lows that nodes to store and forward only the useful
information, and reduce the network overhead.
The completeness of SeMuRa is satisfied by the
fact that the source node is able to reconstruct all ex-
isting and shortest paths to the destination. In fact,
SeMuRa broadcasts the RReq over all nodes in the
network, and makes all the nodes, including the BS,
able to save all information regarding possible routes
from the source node to themselves. In addition, NPs
are broadcasted to all neighbor nodes, which havedis-
carded a copy of the RReq, to let them send to the
source node the list of paths they discovered. Using
SeMuRa the network overload may increase depend-
ing the number of nodes and the value of the threshold
x. Especially, a high number of lists of paths may be
generated and the number of list of paths datagrams
may increase. The traffic overload will be estimated
in the next section. In WSN, if nodes are in sleeping
state they will not be involved in the route discovery.
If the node changes its state at the end of this process
it will be considered as a novel node joining the net-
work and will be involved in the next route discovery.
The security of SeMuRa is based on the use
of watchdog mechanism and digital signature. The
watchdog mechanism allows to capture several types
of routing attacks including for instance, the worm-
hole attacks. In fact, bi-directional links should be
used to communicate between sensors, in order to let
a node detect whether its neighbor is forwarding the
datagram received from another node. False positives
may occur if a node detects that its neighbor is ma-
licious because it has not forwarded the datagram,
while, in reality, it happens due a collision. False neg-
atives may occur if the state of some node, involved
in the route to the BS, becomes sleeping or runs out of
energy. Such node, which is not detected as inactive
yet, may be considered as malicious and leads to the
generation of false negative alerts.
The values of the two parameters x and k are
highly correlated and both of them depend on the
node density. Typically, if the source node chooses
a high value of k, it should tend to decrease the value
of x to guarantee the establishment of all the paths. It
is worth to notice that, for a fixed value of k, the more
the node density is low, the lower will be the value of
x. Conversely, if the nodes density is high, the value
of x could increase with regard to the latter situation.
Two particular topologies could reduce consider-
ably the performance of SeMuRa. The first is ob-
tained when nodes are so close to each other and all
of them are located around the BS. In this topology,
a RReq generated from any node will reach all nodes
in the network. As a result, a node could receive the
same copy of datagrams from all nodes in the net-
work. The nodes memory will be overloaded due to
the highest number of paths to store in the RP list. The
second, is obtained when nodes are not deployed with
a sufficient number, and most of nodes do not have
more than two neighbors. The routing paths to gen-
DCNET 2010 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking
erate will contain a large set of intermediate nodes.
While the memory occupation rate in nodes is highly
reduced with regard to the previous topology, a multi-
path will require a high delay to be established.
6.1 Memory Overhead Estimation
When the RReq datagram is forwarded, every node,
which receives a copy,stores the route record in its list
of received paths. Since this list is temporary stored
within the sensor node memory, we estimate the aver-
age number of stored paths in each node in terms of
the number of nodes. We consider a network area of
72 × 72 length units. The nodes communication ra-
dius is set to 10 length units and the xs value is set
to 2. Based on these values, the optimal number of
deployed nodes is given by the following formula:
(3× Node
and is approximately equal to 50 3 72
In this simulation nodes positions are computed us-
ing a uniform distribution of random values. The
use of uniform distribution is very common (Karl and
Willig, 2007) as it allows to distribute nodes over the
whole network area and ensure a homogeneous cov-
erage. If the nodes would have been deployed in non-
flat surface containing valleys, rivers and lakes, the
use of another distribution such as normal distribution
(Krupadanam and Fu, 2008) would be considered.
Figure 2 shows the variation of the average num-
ber of stored paths per node, with respect to a number
of nodes ranging from 10 to 150. This average is com-
puted during the route discovery phase. It is equal
to the Number of stored paths in all nodes divided
by the Number o f deployed nodes. The simulation
results indicate that the more the nodes communica-
tion radius is, the more will be the memory overhead.
Starting from a value of deployed nodes equal to 10,
and until this number reaches the optimal value (i.e.,
50), the number of received copies of the same RReq
increases which slowly increases the number of stored
paths in each node. In fact, since the node number is
lower than the optimal value, the number of unreach-
able nodes is important. The node, which do not re-
ceive any copy of RReq, will have a number of stored
paths equal to 0. Starting from a number of nodes
higher than 50, all the nodes become reachable and
the average of stored paths linearly increases as long
as the number of nodes in the network increases.
Figure 2: Influence of nodes density on length of stored
paths list.
6.2 Communication Overhead
In order to estimate the communication overhead gen-
erated by SeMuRa, we consider a network area equal
to 39×39 length units, which holds a variable number
of randomly distributed nodes. The nodes communi-
cation radius is set to 10 length units and the value of
x is set to 2. Based on these values, the optimal num-
ber of deployed nodes is equal to 15. The curve de-
picted by Figure 3 shows the estimated average time,
per node, required to generate a set of routes satisfy-
ing the kx connectivity scheme, in terms of number
of nodes in the network and number of hops separat-
ing the source node to the BS. The number of nodes
was varied from 5 to 195, and the estimated time was
computed for different possible hop values.
The simulation shows that the estimated average
time, per node, to establish a path, initially increases
as the number of nodes increases from 5 to approx-
imately 30. In fact, the network becomes more and
more covered, and nodes far from the BS become able
to establish a path, which increases the average of the
estimated time. As the number of nodes becomes far
from the optimal value, the estimated average time
becomes approximately constant. This is due to the
fact, that datagrams generated by the algorithm are
always routed through the shortest path. Even dur-
ing the route establishment phase, the copies of the
RReq datagrams, which arrive to the BS, are the ones
which were forwarded through the minimal number
of nodes. The simulation shows also that the high-
est values of hops are obtained for a number of nodes
ranging from 20 to 35. In fact, since the network is not
sufficiently dense, nodes far from the BS will require a
high number of hops to reach the BS. As the network
becomes dense, these nodes become able to reach the
BS using shorter paths. Finally, it is also noticed that
as the number of hops increases by 1, the estimated
average time regularly increases with approximately
5 periods of time due the static value of the waiting
and processing time of datagrams in nodes.
Distance of the
source node to the BS
Nodes number
Estimated average time
per node to establish a path
Figure 3: Influences of nodes density on the overhead and
the length of paths.
In this work, we described a routing algorithm, called
SeMuRa, for maintaining k-x-connectivity, where k
stands for the number of paths that should be avail-
able between a source and a destination before send-
ing data, and x is the maximal number of nodes shared
between any two paths among the k paths. SeMuRa
uses a threshold signature algorithm to authenticate
exchanged packets. A simulation is conducted to an-
alyze the memory and communication overhead. Di-
rections for future works include the study of the digi-
tal investigation of security attacks on multipath rout-
ing algorithms. SeMuRa is used for WSNs but it can
also to be adapted to Adhoc networks.
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DCNET 2010 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking