Nick Papanikolaou, Sadie Creese, Michael Goldsmith
International Digital Laboratory, University of Warwick, U.K.
Marco Casassa Mont, Siani Pearson
Systems Security Lab, Hewlett Packard Laboratories, Bristol, U.K.
Keywords: Privacy policies, Policy hierarchy, Policy refinement.
Abstract: We make the case for an integrated approach to privacy management within organisations. Current
approaches to privacy management are either too high-level, enforcing privacy of personal data using legal
compliance, risk and impact assessments, or too low-level, focusing only on the technical implementation of
access controls to personal data held by an enterprise. High-level approaches tend to address privacy as an
afterthought in ordinary business practice, and involve ad hoc enforcement practices; low-level approaches
often leave out important legal and business considerations. As part of the EnCoRe project we are
developing a methodology which tries to bridge the gap between privacy risk and impact assessment with
the technical management of privacy policies. We are working to define a conceptual model as a means of
expressing policy requirements as well as users’ privacy preferences and as a way to bridge the gap
described above. We aim to show the value of this approach in collaborative case studies (including
corporate personnel management, biobanks and assisted living) in the context of the EnCoRe project.
Enterprises manage and administer huge databases
of personal data which are collected as part of
normal business practice. This process is complex
and involves meeting a wide range of requirements,
including the need to satisfy data protection laws
and privacy.
There is not yet a unified view of the different
approaches to policies existing in an enterprise. In
general there are two extreme approaches to
management and enforcement of privacy policies.
There is firstly a pragmatic approach, mostly
driven by risk assessment and risk management and
tailored to current business practices. It involves
identifying suitable high level policies and points to
act on, but then typically requires the deployment of
pragmatic control points, which are very dependent
on the specific scenario/environment. In particular,
the control points enforcing policies are often
hardcoded within applications and services in an ad-
hoc way, and so cannot be easily reused in different
scenarios and organisational contexts. This makes it
very expensive to reuse with other applications.
However, this seems to be the norm in business
practice today.
On the other hand, researchers often focus
instead on a purely technical approach and narrowly
propose yet another language or formal model for
security, access control or obligations without taking
into account legal, business and operational
Hence, related policy languages might be too
generic or detached from real requirements. What
happens is that often these languages and models are
of interest to the research community but seldom
widely adopted in real environments.
We believe that there is a major gap between the
two approaches and that there is a unique
opportunity to combine aspects of each and provide
mechanisms to bridge and provide continuity. Risk
assessment and privacy impact assessment can help
to identify threats and explore mitigations by means
of suitable controls and related high-level policies.
We believe that a conceptual model of these high-
level policies enables reasoning about them and
supports their refinement and mapping into low-
level technical policies for practical enforcement in
Papanikolaou N., Creese S., Goldsmith M., Casassa Mont M. and Pearson S. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 171-176
DOI: 10.5220/0002987501710176
an IT information system. In the EnCoRe
(“Ensuring Consent and Revocation”) project, we
are exploring this approach while specifically
focusing on an important aspect of privacy: the
management of users’ preferences with regard to the
handling of their personal data (their expressions of
consent and revocation).
Based on this position, our general approach is as
1. Policies regarding the handling of personal
data may be represented at different levels of
abstractions within an enterprise, and so a unified,
conceptual representation which allows us to
compare and integrate them is desirable;
2. Current policy management approaches, tools
and representations are suited only to particular
classes of policies within this hierarchy, and so we
aim to define approaches which bridge levels from
legal requirements all the way down to technically
implementable privacy and security policy;
3. When handling policies we want to take into
account privacy preferences expressed by data
subjects (end-users) and enforce them, hence
enabling a user-centric perspective to privacy.
4. We envisage the need for a formal access
control model embodying policy and preference
concepts which enables reasoning from an abstract
level (including legal, social and business aspects) to
a technical, implementable level.
The different levels of privacy policies and their
key characteristics are discussed in section 2.
Section 3 analyses the pros and cons of current
approaches to privacy management and proposes a
hybrid approach to the development and
enforcement of privacy policies, which takes into
legal, security and business requirements,
the outcomes of risk and privacy impact
what is feasible technologically.
Section 4 discusses different levels of policy
representations and illustrates the neeed to move
towards a unified conceptual model, which should
formalise the elements of policies in the hierarchy.
This is presented in the context of a practical
example of policy enforcement for consent and
revocation. Section 5 summarises these ideas and
See www.encore-project.info.
As discussed above, organisations need to cope with
a variety of policies and constraints at different
levels of abstraction, dictated by legal, social,
business and individuals. This includes security and
privacy requirements as well as data subjects’ (end-
users’) preferences.
At the highest level of the hierarchy, there is a
set of requirements which are set out by
international agreements and directives, such as the
European Data Protection Directive or the EU Safe
Harbour agreement. Further, many countries have
national data protection legislation, such as the Data
Protection Act 1998 in the UK, or the HIPAA,
GLBA, SB 1386, COPPA and various State Breach
laws in US. With regards to regulation in particular,
there are export and transborder flow restrictions on
personal data that need to be enforced. Privacy laws
and regulations constitute the topmost layers of
policy hierarchy regarding personal data with which
an enterprise must comply. Such policies are often
expressed in natural language as is typically the case
with related data subjects’ preferences.
At this high level of abstraction, security
requirements may include adherence to the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) for financial reporting,
or the PCI Data Security Standard (DSS). These may
be refined to a set of policies at a lower level.
Similarly, business requirements include contractual
obligations, information lifecycle policies and the
enterprise’s own internal guidelines. All of the
above influence how personal data is collected,
stored and administered.
At the lowest level there are various operational,
technical policies that are machine readable and
enforceable by policy management frameworks.
This includes XACML, EPAL, P3P (Cranor et al.,
2006), P-RBAC (Ni et al., 2007), and other technical
policy languages.
Hence there are many levels of policies an
enterprise has to cope with. Ideally all these kinds of
policies should be managed and enforced
successfully, in such a way that their requirements
and stipulations are unambiguous and mutually
In practice this can be difficult. However we
believe that by introducing a conceptual model, we
can bridge some of the disconnection between
higher and lower levels of policies.
We believe it is important to explore how to
build a conceptual model of policies bridging the
existing gaps. This involves investigating the
tradeoffs between pragmatism and generality of
policy representation approaches (so as to choose an
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
approach that is neither overly pragmatic nor
narrowly technical) and taking into account all the
levels of policy pertaining to personal data including
legal, security and business angles.
The specific area of management of privacy
policies, security constraints, consent and revocation
(Casassa Mont et al., 2009) is of particular interest
because it is at the intersection of legislation, user
requirements and management of privacy & security
technical policies within and across organisations.
In this context, as shown in Figure 1, EnCoRe
aims to provide a solution that takes into account all
the different angles; the approach will not aim to
produce just a technical language for policies,
divorced from the realistic needs of businesses and
end-users. Rather, an assessment of risks and threats
will be made so that suitable privacy controls can be
devised. Privacy enforcement will aim to be
extensible and sufficiently general to handle a
number of different enterprise scenarios.
A wide variety of knowledge and (technical,
social and legal) expertise can be leveraged in
EnCoRe to define approaches to privacy policy
management at a legal level as well as at a technical
implementation level.
What is particularly desirable is to devise an
intermediate representation of policies that embodies
high-level requirements while being directly
translatable to (potentially existing) low-level
policies or access control languages such as
XACML. Such a representation should not be tied to
a particular implementation language. We aim to
achieve this goal as part of our EnCoRe objectives.
Access control and privacy policies related to the
protection of personal data typically contain
stipulations about:
for which purposes a data processor may collect
personal data
which types of personal data are considered
sensitive, and hence are subject to additional
for how long collected personal data may be
whether and how personal data may be shared
with third parties
which actions a data processor must take in
case of a privacy breach
These reflect privacy principles that are common
to different levels of policies in the hierarchy
presented in Section 2. What is desirable is to have a
uniform conceptual representation of the policies
defined in the different layers. We consider here
some of the distinctive features of these different
types of policies, and for some we identify a general
format; this is precisely what is needed for a
conceptual representation. In future work we hope to
find the structures that are common to all the
different types of policies and to characterise them
in a formal manner.
An example of a high-level policy is the set of
data protection principles set out in the Data
Protection Act. These principles (paraphrased
versions of which follow) require that personal data
Be processed fairly and lawfully and shall not
be processed unless certain conditions are met;
Be obtained for a specified and lawful purpose
and shall not be processed in any manner
incompatible with that purpose;
Be adequate, relevant and not excessive for
those purposes;
Be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to
Not be kept for longer than is necessary for that
Be processed in accordance with the data
subject’s rights;
Be kept secure from unauthorised or unlawful
processing and protected against accidental
loss, destruction or damage by using the
appropriate technical and organisational
Not be transferred to a country or territory
outside the European Economic Area, unless
that country or territory ensures an adequate
level of protection for the rights and freedoms
of data subjects in relation to the processing of
personal data.
Such legislation may be translated into policies,
but for some of these, refinement and/or
interpretation will be necessary in order to translate
these into operational (technical) policies, and this is
easier to do with some policies than others. For
example, it is straightforward to do this with
notification requirements and some forms of
transborder data flow, but not for transparency and
adequacy requirements.
An example of a simple related privacy-aware
access control policies could be conceptually
expressed as an if...then...else rule:
Target: Personal Data D
if (Data Requestor wants to
access personal data D for
Purpose P)
and (data subject has given
consent for this data)
then Allow Access
else Deny Access
Similarly, for transborder data flow, rules may
also be represented in the same form, such as:
if (all source countries are
members of EEA and all target
countries are members of EEA)
then (no problems with
transborder data flow)
This type of rule is not an access control policy
or an obligation policy, but is a different type of
policy – a ‘compliance policy’.
Notice and notifications require checking for
“triggering” conditions and the context. Again, an
if...then rule could be used to capture these
concepts . For example:
if (<country legal entity
resides in> is member of
[Belgium, Portugal])
then (provide notification)
This is more like an obligation policy, but note
that it is not triggered by access control (Casassa
Mont, 2006). Another example would be that if there
were a data breach then it would be necessary to
notify the legal authorities and end users. This is an
obligation policy, of a type that is triggered by an
The key point here is that it is possible to
identify some common patterns and concepts across
these types of policies along with intermediate
representations (e.g. rules) that are independent of
underlying technical policies but which may
nevertheless be fairly directly mapped onto these.
A similar analysis of policies can be made from
a business znd security perspective.
Business policies for example, relate to the
treatment of information throughout its lifecycle,
and that are also relevant to consider as background.
These include: availability and recovery time
policies, change control policies, binding contractual
arrangements with third parties, service level
agreements - SLAs) and IT governance policies.
Also in this category are internal guidelines (that can
map onto access control policies, obligation policies
and/or compliance policies), and contractual
obligations, which could relate to clauses included in
contracts with clients, or to information contained
within SLAs, etc.
Security requirements and related policies often
originate in information security standards dictating
methodologies and common security practices.
These include: PCI DSS, Standard of Good Practice
for Information Security, OCTAVE & CORAS
(these are risk management methodologies), ISO
27001/2 (an international standard outlining best
practices), BS 10012:2009 (British Standard
outlining best practices); DoD MIL-STD-1629A
(US Department of Defense risk management
methodology). Examples of requirements from PCI-
DSS are: restrict access to cardholder data by
business need to know; track and monitor all access
to network resources and cardholder data
Usually these security requirements dictate
constraints on who can do what on which protected
resource, given a specific context. Conceptually this
can be expressed in terms of access control policies:
Target: Resource X
if (Data Requestor is User
U/Role R in Context C)
then (Allow access to X)
else (Deny access)
At a conceptual level we notice similarities about
how to represent these constraints across different
In the specific case of management of personal
data, privacy and security concepts can be
conceptually bundled in a uniform representation.
For example, both privacy and security constraints
could be represented in the same
if...then...else rule model:
Target: Personal Data X
If (Data Requestor is User
U/Role R in Context C)
and (Data Requestor wants to
access personal data D for
Purpose P)
and (data subject has given
consent for this data)
then (Allow access to X)
else (Deny access)
The above examples are meant to show the value
of being able to explicitly and uniformly represent
the concepts and constraints involved in different
types of policies as a way to reason about them. We
believe that a conceptual model should provide a
way to consistently represent all these concepts
across different domains without the constraints
induced by any specific “technical” language.
To ensure continuity of the mapping between
different layers, these requirements and policies
need eventually to be mapped into enforceable
technical policies, for example in languages such as
XACML. This is where most of conceptual gaps can
be identified as well as limitations of current
technical approaches to policy languages. In the case
of technical policies, we need to take into account a
variety of details, for example where PII data and
data subjects’ preferences are stored, how to express
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
constraints in a way that can be automatically
enforced, how to deal with consent and revocation,
etc. An example is given in the following diagram.
In this example, a basic privacy-aware access
control policy (in a “pseudo” conceptual
representation) could look like the following:
Target: <Database:DB1,
if (DataRequestor.role is
“employee” and
DataRequestor.intent is
then ((Allow access to
T1.Condition, T1.Diagnosis)
& Enforce (Consent))
else if (DataRequestor.intent
is “Research”)
(Allow access to T1.Diagnosis)
& Enforce (Consent))
else (Deny access)
This policy could be potentially mapped in
technical policies such as XACML. However, an
accurate analysis of the example policy above
(Casassa Mont et al., 2006) highlights that the
management of “conditional YES” is required i.e.
postponing the check of consent at the policy
enforcement point.
This cannot be easily achieved with the current
XACML representation. As a result, in the EnCoRe
project we had to “twist” the language and
framework to achieve the desired outcomes.
A conceptual representation of policies would
have enabled reasoning about them as well as the
identification of constraints to be satisfied by the
underlying levels.
What is desirable is to have a uniform
conceptual representation of the policies across the
different layers. In this section we have briefly
discussed some of the distinctive features of the
different types of policies, and for some we have
identified a potential conceptual format; this is a
first, initial step towards a full conceptual
representation. In future work we hope to find the
structures that are common to all the different types
of policies and to characterise them in a formal
manner. We have already developed elements of a
formal access control model for consent and
revocation that can be directly leveraged in this
We have discussed in this paper issues to do with the
description, management and enforcement of
policies in organisations. Specifically we highlighted
the gap existing from a high-level approach to
policies driven by risk and privacy impact
assessment and low-level technical policies.
We strongly believe this gap needs to be filled to
enable continuity of requirements and constraints
across all these levels and enable proper
enforcement of policies. To achieve this we
proposed the adoption of a conceptual policy model,
to enable reasoning and mapping of concepts at
lower levels of abstraction.
In our analysis we illustrated the range of
privacy policy levels that exist (each level
corresponds to a different layer of abstraction) and
some of the related, distinctive requirements;
elements of a conceptual model which characterises
the properties of these different types of policy; first
thoughts on an access control model which might be
used to describe different types of policy rules in a
uniform way, with an emphasis on user preferences.
This is work in progress. A conceptual model is
going to be researched and developed in the context
of the EnCoRe project.
The position outlined in this paper is the result of
many fruitful interactions within the EnCoRe project
(see www.encore-project.info). We thank the project
sponsors – TSB, EPSRC and ESRC.
Marco Casassa Mont (2006). On the Need to Explicitly
Manage Privacy Obligation Policies as Part of Good
Data Handling Practices. Proceedings ofW3C
Workshop on Languages for Privacy Policy
Negotiation and Semantics-Driven Enforcement, 17-
18 October 2006, Ispra, Italy.
Marco Casassa Mont, Siani Pearson, Gina Kounga, Yun
Shen, and Pete Bramhall (2009). On the Management
of Consent and Revocation in Enterprises: Setting the
Context.Technical Report HPL-2009-49, HP Labs,
L. Cranor, B. Dobbs, S. Egelman, G. Hogben, J.
Humphrey, M. Langheinrich, M. Marchiori, M.
Presler-Marshall, J. M. Reagle, M. Schunter, D. A.
Stampley, and R. Wenning (2006). The Platform for
Privacy Preferences 1.1 (P3P1.1) Specification.
World Wide Web Consortium Note NOTEP3P11-
Marco Casassa Mont, Robert Thyne, Privacy Policy
Enforcement in Enterprises with Identity Management
Solutions, PST 2006, 2006.
OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language
(XACML). Standard available from
Qun Ni, Alberto Trombetta, Elisa Bertino, and Jorge Lobo
(2007). Privacy-aware role based access control. In
Proceedings of the 12th ACM Symposium on Access
Control Models and Technologies (Sophia Antipolis,
France, June 20-22, 2007). ACM, New York, pp. 41-
Rodolfo Ferrini, Elisa Bertino (2009). A Comprehensive
Approach for Solving Policy Heterogeneity. In ICEIS
2009 -Proceedings of the 11th International
Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (Milan,
Italy, May 6-10, 2009), pp. 63-68.
Ioannis Agrafiotis, Sadie Creese, Michael Goldsmith, and
Nikolaos Papanikolaou (2009). Reaching for Informed
Revocation: Shutting Off the Tap on Personal Data.
Proceedings of Fifth International Summer School on
Privacy and Identity Management for Life (Nice,
France, 7th – 11th September 2009).
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