A. Drakos, T. Orphanoudakis, C. (T) Politi and A. Stavdas
Department of Telecommunications Science and Technology, University of Peloponnese, Karaiskaki Street
Tripolis 22100, Greece
Keywords: Optical Networks, Optical Communications, Statistical Multiplexing, OBS, CANON.
Abstract: Statistical multiplexing at the optical layer has been considered a critical requirement in order to build the
next generation of ultra-high capacity optical transport networks in a cost-efficient manner. However, even
today, the state of the art of commercially available optical core networks is based on mature wavelength
switching and routing technologies, which lack a transport and control plane architecture that can support
statistical traffic multiplexing with guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS) across a wide range of QoS
parameters even if they can support fast reconfiguration at msec time scales. For several years, most
research efforts have focused on the concepts of Optical Burst Switching (OBS) and Optical Packet
Switching (OPS), which are based on the hybrid use of electronic nodes and optical switches to exploit
Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) in order to achieve statistical multiplexing and dynamic resource
reservation over optical networks. While burst switching has been experimentally proven as a technically
feasible technique, its performance suffers especially under strict requirements for QoS guarantees. In this
paper we evaluate the performance gains that can be achieved exploiting statistical multiplexing over a large
scale core optical network and we demonstrate the efficiency of the CANON architecture (Clustered
Architecture for Nodes in an Optical Network) as a viable alternative to OBS, which can achieve both
targets for statistical multiplexing gains and QoS guarantees at the same time.
Latest trends in backbone network traffic
demonstrate that apart form the tremendous increase
in volume, modern telecommunication services
result in traffic patterns with increased dynamics in
the form of spatial and temporal asymmetry and
stringent requirements for Quality of Service (QoS)
guarantees. While the traffic growth can be
accommodated by exploiting the capacity of WDM
systems, the available fiber and wavelength
resources will not be able to serve the constantly
increasing demand unless the reservation of these
resources is performed in an efficient manner.
To address these requirements one approach is to
deploy a slowly reconfigurable WDM technology
relying on commercially available ROADMs and
MEMS-based OXCs. This will lead to a significant
over-provisioning of links and large port-count
switches to accommodate dynamic traffic patterns.
In contrast, various dynamic resource allocation
schemes like optical burst/packet switching, provide
an alternative to over-provisioning but they
inherently lack QoS guarantees whilst they require
the deployment of rather immature optical
As proposed by A. Stavdas et al. (2008), an
alternative optical multiplexing scheme based on
TDM is CANON (Clustered Architecture for Nodes
in an Optical Network), that reconciles dynamic
resource allocation and statistical multiplexing gains
with QoS guarantees. The CANON architecture
refers to both a networking concept and the
corresponding switching solution.
In this work, we benchmark optical statistical
multiplexing schemes against static provisioning
over the existing infrastructure of the Pan-European
network topology as presented by S De Maesschalck
et al (2003) and when CANON architecture is
applied, to quantify performance results in terms of
loss performance and cost.
Drakos A., Orphanoudakis T., Politi C. and Stavdas A. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Communication Networking and Optical Communication Systems, pages 114-118
DOI: 10.5220/0002991701140118
In order to quantify the gains and trade-offs
comparing dynamic solutions vs. static provisioning
we first examine the case of wavelength switching
as a technology to implement the circuit switching
concept (Optical Circuit Switching - OCS). OCS
employs a pre-provisioned allocation of network
resources in order to serve the capacity demand.
OCS inherits both the advantages and disadvantages
of circuit switching: it guarantees QoS with no
losses or delay but at a high overall cost and poor
resource utilisation.
In order to overcome the severe scalability
limitations of OCS we consider sub-wavelength
reservation and switching techniques and evaluate
OBS as an indicative case. OBS, as proposed in the
literature, is a dynamic resource allocation protocol
and statistical multiplexing solution. An OBS node
aggregates traffic destined to one destination and
casts it into a burst after transmitting a reservation
message informing the intermediate nodes for the
upcoming burst transmission. It is well-known
through numerous studies, that OBS cannot
guarantee QoS due to this one-way reservation
scheme that leads to high burst losses. Slotted OBS
(S-OBS), presented by Z. Zhang, L. Liu and
Yuanyuan Yang (2007) is an OBS solution where all
bursts are constrained to a specific size. S-OBS is
considered a superior solution not only due to the
partial burst collision probability but also due to the
reduced switching node control and scheduling
complexity, when variable slot allocations need to
be scheduled in real-time. Therefore in this work,
the S-OBS is considered.
To limit the burst loss in large optical core
networks where dynamic resource allocation is
employed, CANON implements a hybrid reservation
mode. Electronic buffering is still employed at
network edge nodes, which are called Regular
Nodes (RNs) but optical frame generation is not
performed based on local RN queue status
information as is done in OBS nodes but based on a
MAC protocol executed between a Master Node
(MN) and all RNs of a sub-net called “cluster”. We
will briefly describe this principle of operation in the
remainder of this section and in the next section we
will demonstrate how this distributed switching
architecture leads to nearly optimal performance
2.1 CANON Architecture
The CANON solution has previously described by
A. Stavdas et al. (2008) and by J. D. Angelopoulos
et al. (2007) and the principle of operation is now
summarized. CANON is organising the nodes of a
core network in clusters, mainly based on vicinity,
traffic, legacy infrastructure and administrative
criteria. This process creates a new hierarchy since
the core nodes are classified as Master Nodes (MN)
and Regular Nodes (RN) based on functionality
considerations and a differentiated traffic handling
policy (i.e. traffic destined to nodes of the same
cluster versus transit traffic destined to the nodes of
a distant cluster). The role of the MN is to
coordinate both inter and intra-cluster operations. In
the latter process, the RNs contribute fixed size
contiguous optical slots, which are marshalled into
appropriately sized frames destined for other
clusters, under the guidance of a reservation-based
MAC protocol. In addition, under MN’s supervision,
RNs use the same frame and wavelength to transport
traffic to the same destination cluster, so each ring is
effectively operating as a “distributed switch”.
Details on traffic aggregation, flexible bandwidth
allocation, robustness and resiliency are discussed
by J. D. Angelopoulos et al. (2007). Regarding inter-
cluster operation, a pre-provisioned scenario has
been analysed by J. D. Angelopoulos et al. (2007)
whilst a fully dynamic case based on one-way
reservations over the pan-European network has
been benchmarked by A. Stavdas, A.
Orphanoudakis, C. (T) Politi, A. Drakos and A. Lord
Regarding CANON node architectures, the
proposed MN has been presented by A. Stavdas, C.
(T) Politi, T. Orphanoudakis and A. Drakos (2008).
It is a wavelength and a link modular architecture
allowing the node to gracefully scale to hundreds of
Tb/s. On the other hand, the RNs are optical
add/drop mulitplexers (OADMs). This solution
greatly supports the smooth migration from existing
rings to the CANON solution. Conclusively, the
combined operation of network and switch
architecture allows to efficiently groom slots into
frames in a collision free-way by means of a MAC.
3.1 Benchmarking Parameters
Since the performance of OBS is directly
proportional to the available number of wavelengths
in a WDM system (since they provide the means for
contention resolution) we need to establish a fair
basis for comparison. The basic parameters for a
benchmarking between the different schemes
include the network topology, the available
resources and node functionality. Thus, we first
select a reference network topology and a traffic
load profile to evaluate network performance, when
serving this input traffic load. Obviously CANON
introduces a topology transformation and a different
multiplexing paradigm. Therefore the edge node
functionality in each case is different. However the
important thing we need to evaluate is the
performance of the resulting network architecture
given a specific amount of resources. In this study
the number of resources is expressed in terms of
number of ports and wavelengths per port on
network nodes. The basis for comparison is drawn
from the minimum number of wavelengths that are
required over the core network links to serve the
input traffic load in the static case of OCS. Given
this figure we demonstrate the performance trade-off
that sub-wavelength resource allocation can achieve
and benchmark the CANON distributed switching
architecture and OBS against static OCS.
For the benchmarking, the Pan-European core
topology of S De Maesschalck et al (2003) shown in
Figure 1 is used. This core network consists of 16
nodes interconnected in a partially mesh topology
consisting of 23 links. For our modelling work, the
following statistical characteristics of the incoming
traffic were assumed: Poisson inter-arrival times of
fixed-sized frames with size equal to 0.125msec and
uniform distribution probability destination. For
each node, traffic filling four wavelength channels
per input link was assumed. For the S-OBS case the
burst size has been assumed equal to 5msec. The
nodes are based on the λ-S-λ configuration presented
by A. Stavdas et al. (2008), providing full
wavelength conversion. Also at the edge nodes
electronic buffers have been assumed for all cases
where burstification takes place.
Firstly we study the performance of both S-OBS
and OCS. For the OCS scenario, each node needs to
have an interconnection with every other node and
taking into account the distribution of the four input
wavelength traffic load over all destinations and the
wavelength conversion capability at each output port
in every node, the minimum requirement for the
interconnection of the nodes is a (virtual) wavepath
of the size of one wavelength for each destination.
On the other hand for the S-OBS two different
scenarios have been evaluated. Since S-OBS is a
statistically multiplexing protocol with dynamic
reservations, it can be assumed that the over-
provisioning made at the OCS case can be limited to
cover only the expected demand as would be done in
any other case of traditional packet switching
networks. Thus the network capacity has been
limited to the average expected traffic of the OCS
capacity. In order to be more fair a second scenario
has been assumed. This time we adjust the capacity
of each link taking into account the maximum load
of a node. By using this over-provisioned
assumption we expect the performance of S-OBS to
be improved albeit with higher cost and poor
resource utilisation.
This difference in the number of resources of
each scenario and thus the cost of each solution can
also be seen in
Figure 2, with the two scenarios of S-
OBS marked as mesh S-OBS lim and mesh S-OBS
over respectively.
Figure 1: Pan-European core topology.
Mesh S-
OBS lim
Mesh S-
Capacity (num Tx/Rx pair)
Figure 2: Overall capacity in number of Tx/Rx pair.
In order to evaluate the benefits of CANON, we
segmented the same core network into 4 separate
clusters as it is indicated by the grey areas Figure 1
DCNET 2010 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking
without introducing any modification on the existing
infrastructure. The resulting topology is shown in
the inset of Figure 1 (upper right) showing 4 clusters
consisting from 4 MNs (nodes 3, 6, 7, 12) and a
number of RNs per cluster. Under the current
partitioning, those links which are designated with a
dotted line are not in use. It is important note that the
algorithm for the segmentation of the network
depends only on the distances of the nodes. A better
solution may be found by applying more efficient
algorithms, though such optimisation is out of the
scope of this paper.
By following the CANON solution, different
network capacities can be assumed for the two
hierarchical sections of intra and inter-cluster.
Additionally the traffic can also be distinguished in
traffic destined to other clusters, and traffic destined
to nodes inside the ring. For the latest, one
wavelength is assumed sufficient while for the rest
of the traffic the capacity of the ring is limited to the
required number in order to serve the average
expected traffic. For the inter-cluster, as before, the
two different approaches of OCS and S-OBS are
being used to serve the inter-cluster interconnection.
Following the same principle of the mesh OCS case,
in CANON-OCS, each MN needs a virtual wavepath
for each destination cluster but this time each
wavepath is provisioned only with the minimum
number of wavelengths required to serve the load.
Likewise, for the S-OBS case we limit the capacity
of each link to in order to serve the average expected
traffic taking also into account the routing.
In CANON, as explained earlier, only the MNs
are considered as λ-S-λ switches while the RNs are
OADMs. The same traffic profile as before is used
and the frames have the same duration of the S-OBS
burst of 5msec.
3.2 Result Evaluation
Figure 3 shows the loss probability of all simulated
scenarios. As expected no losses occur in the OCS
scenarios in contrast with the S-OBS. As it can been
seen in Figure 3 the mesh S-OBS solution with the
limited capacity even for the lowest traffic loads
suffers from network collisions and thus severe
losses. Moreover when the over-provisioned
solution for the mesh S-OBS network is used, the
performance improves but even for moderate
loading the loss probability still remains
unacceptably high (even though full wavelength
conversion is employed at all core nodes). On the
other hand when CANON is applied, a more reliable
system is shown and only for the highest traffic
loads there are losses that are more than an order of
magnitude less than what is achievable with mesh S-
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Load (%)
Slot Loss Probability
Mesh S-OBS over
Mesh S-OBS lim
* mesh OCS and CANON
OCS have 0% losses
Figure 3: Overall capacity in number of Tx/Rx pair.
Even though the simulations have a specific traffic
profile, in theory the maximum capacity of the
network would have been achieved only if all links
were loaded at 100% at the same time. Thus the
throughput of each scenario over this theoretical
maximum capacity of the network is a metric that
combines the results of both Figure 2 and Figure 3
and it is shown in Figure 4. Even though a mesh
OCS solution guarantees transmission QoS, it
demands an extremely high capacity which usually
remains under-utilized. On the other hand both of
the scenarios for the S-OBS case have poor
performance since they both suffer from severe
losses. Additionally in the case of the over-
provisioned network, the high cost reduces even
more the performance.
Finally, CANON is a solution that combines both
performance and cost. In the first case the loss
probability of CANON S-OBS is close to the
guaranteed performance of OCS due to the statistical
multiplexing enforced by CANON, while even when
OCS is used for the inter-cluster communication, the
new architecture enforced by CANON keeps the
demanded network resources close to the values of
the S-OBS case. Thus, as shown in Figure 4, both
CANON solutions have similar performance.
Moreover both CANON solutions not only
outperform the mesh scenarios and if we also take
into account the different switching technologies
that CANON uses in the intra-cluster segment we
can also deduce that the overall cost of CANON
(monetary cost, power consumption,…) is much
lower than the compared solutions.
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Load (%)
Mesh S-OBS over
Mesh OCS
Mesh S-OBS
Figure 4: Throughput over theoretical maximum capacity.
We demonstrated that using the existing
infrastructure of the Pan-European network,
CANON can efficiently combine statistical
multiplexing gains and improved blocking
performance, compared to a mesh S-OBS solution,
while keeping the overall cost of the implementation
considerably lower than the pre-provisioned mesh
OCS case. S-OBS suffers from extensive loss
probability resulting in almost complete blocking
even at light traffic load values and even under
resource over-provisioning. CANON on the other
hand can provide the same level of QoS guarantees
as OCS (practically lossless operation), limiting
over-provisioning by employing the OCS model
only in the inter-cluster network and utilizing
statistical multiplexing that results from the
distributed traffic aggregation inside the local
network clusters. Even in the fully dynamic case
when OBS is employed for MN interconnection over
the mesh inter-cluster topology, the cost (in terms of
resources) and performance trade-offs are much
better than in the case of S-OBS.
The work described in this article was carried out
with the support of the STRONGEST-project funded
by the European Commission through the 7th ICT-
Framework Programme.
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DCNET 2010 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking