Mihaela Ion, Giovanni Russello
CREATE-NET International Research Center, via alla Cascata 56/D, Trento, Italy
Bruno Crispo
Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento, Trento, Italy
Confidentiality, Publish/subscribe, Attribute-based encryption, Encrypted search.
Publish/subscribe is a loosely-coupled communication paradigm which allows applications to interact indi-
rectly and asynchronously. Publisher applications generate events that are sent to interested applications
through a network of brokers. Subscriber applications express their interests by specifying filters that bro-
kers can use for routing the events. In many cases it is desirable to protect the confidentiality of events and
filters from any unauthorised parties, including the brokers themselves. Supporting confidentiality of messages
being exchanged is challenging mainly because of the decoupling of publishers and subscribers who should
not have to share keys, and because brokers forward messages based on the actual content of the messages
that we desire to keep confidential. This paper argues that a complete solution for confidentiality in pub/sub
systems should provide: (i) confidentiality of events and filters; (ii) filters that can express very complex con-
straints on events even if brokers are not able to access any information on both events and filters; (iii) and
finally it does not require publishers and subscribers to share keys. We show that current solutions are not
able to provide all these properties at the same time and suggest a possible solution based on attribute-based
encryption and encrypted search.
The publish/subscribe (pub/sub) model is an asyn-
chronous communication paradigm where senders,
known as publishers, and receivers, known as sub-
scribers, are loosely coupled. The messages that pub-
lishers generate are called events. Publishers do not
send events directly to subscribers, instead a network
of interconnected brokers is responsible for events
delivery. In fact, publishers do not know who re-
ceives their events and subscribers are not aware of
the source of information. In order to receive events,
subscribers need to register interest with a broker
through a filter. When a new event is published, bro-
kers forward it to all subscribers which expressed a
filter that matches the event.
The pub/sub communication paradigm has the ad-
vantage of allowing the full decoupling of the com-
municating entities (Eugster et al., 2003) which en-
ables dynamic and flexible information exchange be-
tween a large number of entities. The communicat-
ing parties do not need to know each other or estab-
lish contacts in order to exchange content. Moreover,
if durable subscription is enabled, publisher and sub-
scribers do not need to actively participate in the in-
teraction at the same time. If a subscriber is offline
when a publisher creates an event, the broker will
store the event until the subscriber becomes online
and the event can be delivered.
Most of the research in pub/sub has been focus-
ing on efficient routing of events. However, there
are scenarios that require control over who can ac-
cess the information. For example, a stock quote ser-
vice could provide to paying customers information
on stock prices. In this case, the events must be de-
livered only to paying subscribers. At the same time,
subscribers may wish to keep the details of their fil-
ters private from anybody spying on their interests.
Another application scenario is in the medical sec-
tor where physicians are notified when certain events
happen such as changes in the condition of a patient.
Such information should be available to the autho-
Ion M., Russello G. and Crispo B. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 287-292
DOI: 10.5220/0002993602870292
rised personnel only to protect patient’s privacy.
Providing event and filter confidentiality in
pub/sub systems is challenging. First of all, any so-
lution trying to establish shared (group) keys would
affect the scalability of the system. Publishers and
subscribers are decoupled and should not share key-
ing information. Second, brokers forward messages
by matching the content of events against the filters
expressed by subscribers. Performing such an opera-
tion while keeping the details of events and subscrip-
tions hidden from brokers is not straightforward with-
out affecting the expressiveness of the filter. The fil-
ters should at least be able to express disjunctions and
conjunctions of equalities and inequalities.
A solution for confidentiality in pub/sub systems
should, hence, provide: (i) confidentiality of events
and filters, (ii) flexible key management that does not
require publishers and subscribers to share keys, and
(iii) allow subscribers to express filters that can de-
fine any monotonic and possibly non-monotonic (i.e.
negation) conditions.
Current solutions for confidentiality in pub/sub
systems achieve only partially these goals. For exam-
ple, in order to support routing based on expressive
filters, (Khurana, 2005) and (Raiciu and Rosenblum,
2006) encrypt only certain event fields while other
fields are left as cleartext so that they can be used
for routing. Other solutions (Raiciu and Rosenblum,
2006) require publishers and subscribers to share a
group key which hampers the loosely coupling and
scalability of the pub/sub model. (Shikfa et al., 2009)
provides confidentiality of events and filters but the
filter is restricted to equality with one keyword.
The contributions of this paper are the following.
First of all, we provide an analysis of requirements
for confidentiality in pub/sub systems. Second, we
highlight which are the shortcomings of current solu-
tions that address the confidentiality issue in pub/sub
systems. Finally, we sketch a preliminary design of
an encryption schema based on existing mechanisms
that overcomes the limitations of current solutions.
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 in-
troduces the pub/sub communication model and moti-
vates the need for confidentiality through an example.
Section 3 formally discusses the properties a complete
solution for confidentiality should support. Section 4
analyses the most relevant solutions for pub/sub con-
fidentiality based on the properties defined and shows
they cannot support all of them at the same time. Sec-
tion 5 shows how a solution could be achieved by us-
ing attribute-based encryption and encrypted search.
Section 6 concludes the paper and highlights some fu-
ture work.
Figure 1 shows a pub/sub network connecting several
publishers and subscribers. The brokers forward the
events created by publishers based on the filters reg-
istered by subscribers. Several pub/sub approaches
have been proposed which differ in the granularity
of the filters. The most simple one is topic-based,
in which subscribers subscribe to a topic identified
by a keyword (Zhuang et al., 2001). A topic-based
scheme is similar to the notion of group communi-
cation. When subscribing to a topic T , a subscriber
becomes a member of group T . When an event for
topic T is published, the event is broadcasted to all
the members of that group. Organizing topics in hier-
archies allows a better management of subscriptions
(Singhera, 2008). For example, by registering to a
topic, a subscriber is also registered to all subtopics.
Figure 1: The pub/sub infrastructure connects publishers
and subscribers via a network of interconnected brokers.
Topic-based schemes are easy to implement but
they offer limited expressiveness. Content-based
schemes are more flexible and allow expressing sub-
scriptions based on the actual content of the event. To
express a filter on the content of an event, subscribers
need a query language and understanding of the data
formats. For example, in Gryphon (Banavar et al.,
1999) and Siena (Carzaniga et al., 2001) the event
consist of sets of (attribute
= attribute
) pairs
and filters are specified as SQL WHERE clauses. Java
Message Service (JMS) (Hapner and Stout, 2002)
does not allow filtering on the content of the event,
but instead, events carry properties in their headers
and subscribers can define filters on them. Filters that
apply to the composition of simple events have also
been proposed ((Bacon et al., 2000)). When express-
ing such a filter, subscribers are notified upon the oc-
currence of the composite event.
Because of its generality and expressiveness, we
will focus on content-based filtering. We assume that
filters define constrains in the form of name-op-value
where op can be one of the comparison operators such
as =, , <, , >. Constrains can be logically com-
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
bined using AND, OR and NOT to form complex sub-
scription patterns.
In the following we show an example of an appli-
cation built using pub/sub in which an attacker could
compromise the confidentiality of events and filters.
2.1 A Case for Pub/Sub Confidentiality
Figure 2 shows an example of a Financial News Ser-
vice implemented using a pub/sub system for infor-
mation delivery. The publishers can be different stock
exchanges and financial news agencies which use the
Financial News Service to sell their content to cus-
tomers. To subscribe to particular content, a customer
specifies a filter and contacts the News Service to pay
the fee. Then it subscribes with a broker to receive
notifications and the broker registers the filter only af-
ter the registration is verified with the Financial News
Service. When a publisher publishes some new con-
tent, the network of brokers will deliver the content
to the authorized subscribers. The publisher receives
the payment from the Financial News Service without
contacting the subscribers directly.
News Service
Figure 2: An attacker who is able to corrupt a broker can
listen on filters and events.
In a typical pub/sub system where confidentiality
is not implemented, an attacker who is able to cor-
rupt a broker could read the traffic that comes in and
out the broker. The attacker would be able to read the
events without paying the fee and then resell them,
and read the filters expressed by the subscribers. To
protect from this kind of attacks, it is necessary to pro-
tect the content of notifications and filters.
In this section we formalize the confidentiality re-
quirements for the information exchanged in pub/sub
systems. We start by defining the threat model. We
then describe general goals identified in literature
from which we derive our more specific requirements.
3.1 Attack Model
We assume an honest-but-curious model for publish-
ers, brokers and subscribers, as in (Srivatsa and Liu,
2007; Shikfa et al., 2009). This means that the en-
tities follow the protocol, but may be curious to find
out information by analysing the messages that are
exchanged. For example, a broker may try to read the
content of an event or try to learn the filtering con-
strains of subscribers. Subscribers may want to read
the events delivered to other subscribers. We also as-
sume that a passive attacker outside the pub/sub sys-
tem may be able to listen on the communication and
invade the privacy of the participants.
3.2 Confidentiality Goals
The problem of confidentiality in content-based
pub/sub systems has first been analysed in (Wang
et al., 2002) where the authors proposed general goals
without giving a concrete solution. Three issues
where identified:
Publication confidentiality: only authorised pub-
lishers should be able to access the events.
Subscription confidentiality: the details of the fil-
ters are hidden from publishers and brokers (or
other unauthorised parties).
Information confidentiality: the brokers should
be able to perform content-based routing without
learning any information about the event or filter.
Providing these goals is still an open issue due to
the following challenges. First of all, a basic encryp-
tion scheme would require publisher and subscribers
to share a secret key. This is not desirable in a pub/sub
system because it would weaken the decoupling prop-
erty. Second, brokers would need to execute matching
operations on encrypted events and filters which is not
simple using basic techniques.
3.3 Confidentiality Requirements
The goals introduced above are not specific enough
and do not fully reflect the particularities of the
pub/sub systems. We formalize these goals into more
concrete requirements to be implemented by an en-
cryption and routing scheme for pub/sub systems:
(P1) confidentiality of events;
(P2) confidentiality of filters;
(P3) a simplified and scalable key management
that does not require publishers and subscribers
to share keys, hence fully supporting the loosely-
coupled model of the pub/sub paradigm;
(P4) allowing brokers to execute matching of
encrypted events against complex encrypted fil-
ters. By complex encrypted filters we mean fil-
ters that can express conjunctions and disjunc-
tions of equalities, inequalities and negations in
an encrypted form.
(Shikfa et al., 2009) showed that both event (P1)
and filter (P2) confidentiality are required to effec-
tively reduce the risk of leaking information in a
pub/sub system. For instance, in providing only sub-
scription confidentiality an attacker who knows the
content of the event may infer the subscription filter.
We argue that (P3) and (P4) should also be provided
in order to have a complete solution for confidential-
In the following section, we analyse current solu-
tions and show they cannot support in the same time
all the above properties.
(Khurana, 2005) proposes a scheme that targets con-
fidentiality of events but not of filters. Events are en-
coded in XML format and only specific fields (e.g.,
price) are encrypted with a symmetric key k. The pub-
lisher then encrypts k with its public key and attaches
it to the message. The brokers forward the events
based on the fields left unencrypted and a proxy ser-
vice changes the encryption of k to an encryption
with the public key of the subscriber. This solutions
achieves partially (P1) encrypting only specific fields
but not the entire event. Properties (P2) and (P4) are
not addressed since events are forwarded based on un-
encrypted event fields and filters. Key management
is scalable and does not require publishers and sub-
scribers to share a key, hence achieving (P3).
(Raiciu and Rosenblum, 2006) target simul-
taneous event and filter confidentiality (P1 and
P2). In their model, notifications are composed of
(name, value) pairs where only value is encrypted (P1
is thus only partially achieved). Publishers and sub-
scribers are required to share a group key (P3 is not
achieved) which is used to encrypt events and filters.
The method does not support general filters as defined
in (P4), but is limited to equality filtering, some range
matches and keyword matching. To hide the name of
the attribute, it is possible to concatenate it with the
attribute type and size and then hash them.
(Srivatsa and Liu, 2007) propose a specific hier-
archical key management scheme that achieves confi-
dentiality of events (P1) and filters (P2). A trusted
centralized authority distributes encryption keys to
publishers and authorization keys to subscribers. To
support range matching, keys are organized in a hier-
archical structure, each key corresponding to an in-
terval. An authorization key corresponds to a fil-
ter and is able to derive the encryption key for an
event that matches the filter. The key management
scheme does not require publishers and subscriber to
share keys (achieving P3). Each event has a routable
topic attribute which is encrypted using an encrypted
search technique. To prevent dictionary attacks on the
events, the routable attributes are tokenized and trans-
formed into pseudo-random chains. The approach is
vulnerable to inference attacks which use information
about the frequency at which events are published to
learn information about an event. To prevent these at-
tacks, a probabilistic multi-path event routing scheme
is proposed at the cost of extra overhead. The main
disadvantage of this method is that it supports rout-
ing based on only one keyword (the topic), hence not
achieving P4). It is possible to express inequality con-
ditions but they can only be checked at the subscriber
side and not by the brokers. When the subscriber re-
ceives an event matching the expressed topic, the au-
thorization key of the subscriber will allow deriving a
correct decryption key only if the numerical value of
the attribute is in the range specified by the subscriber.
In (Shikfa et al., 2009), Shikfa et al. propose a
solution based on multiple layer commutative encryp-
tion that achieves content and filter confidentiality (P1
and P2). The method has the advantage that it does
not require publishers and subscribers to share keys,
instead it uses a local key management in which each
node needs to share a secret key with the immediate
r neighbours (P3 is achieved). To avoid collusion at-
tacks, r can be set as big as necessary. If r consecutive
nodes collude, they can decrypt their children’s sub-
scriptions, but not the subscriptions of other nodes.
The main drawback is that events and filters contain
only one keyword. Encrypted routing tables are cre-
ated for a single keyword and the matching is basi-
cally an equality test (P4 is not achieved).
Concluding the related work, we observe that in
order to provide confidentiality of events and filters,
current solutions limit the expressiveness of the filter.
Where more complex filters are allowed, confidential-
ity is provided only for specific attributes. Our goal
is to propose a solution that can achieve both at the
same time while keeping the key management simple
and scalable.
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
In this section we sketch a preliminary idea for a so-
lution that satisfies all the properties we identified. In
the following we assume that an event E consists of:
(i) the message M that represents the content of the
event and (ii) a set of attributes {a
} that characterise
M and are used for event filtering by the brokers.
A filter consists of conjunctions and disjunctions of
equalities, inequalities and negations.
5.1 Confidentiality of Events
Confidentiality of events (P1) can be achieved by
means of encryption. We require a mechanism
that allows authorised subscribers to decrypt events
without establishing shared keys with the publish-
ers (e.g., group keys). From the available encryp-
tion schemes, ciphertext policy attribute-based en-
cryption (CP-ABE) (Bethencourt et al., 2007) would
allow publishers to encrypt the content of the event
by specifying the characteristics that subscribes must
satisfy to obtain the cleartext of the event. Indeed,
in CP-ABE policies (or access structures) are asso-
ciated with ciphertexts and attributes are associated
with keys. This is similar to the capability model in
access control. A key can decrypt a ciphertext if its
associated attributes satisfy the policy associated with
the data. Using CP-ABE, a publisher could specify
that only paying subscribers registered with a particu-
lar system can decrypt the message M. In this way, we
are effectively decoupling the encryption of events at
the publisher site from its decryption at the subscriber
site, thus simplifying the key management process
5.2 Filter Confidentiality and Secure
Filter confidentiality (P2) can also be achieved by
means of encryption. In key-policy attribute-based
encryption (KP-ABE) (Goyal et al., 2006) ciphertexts
are labelled with sets of attributes and private keys
are associated with access structures. A key is able
to decrypt a ciphertext if its associated access struc-
ture is satisfied by the attributes of the ciphertext.
The access structure, represented as a tree, allows ex-
pressing any monotone access formula consisting of
AND, OR, or threshold gates, inequalities (Bethen-
court et al., 2007), and negations (i.e., the attribute
must not be present among the attributes of the cipher-
text) (Ostrovsky et al., 2007). Expressing the filters
as access structures using KP-ABE would allow us to
satisfy property (P4). However, KP-ABE does not en-
crypt the access tree. We require an additional mech-
anism that allows subscribers to encrypt the attributes
of the filters in such a way that brokers are able to
decide whether the attributes from the tree match the
attributes in the set {a
} attached by the publisher to
the event (also encrypted).
Multi-user searchable encrypted data (SDE)
(Dong et al., 2008) allows an untrusted server to per-
form encrypted searches on data without revealing the
data or the keywords to the server. The advantage of
this method is that it allows multi-user access without
the need for a shared key between users. Each user
in the system has a unique set of keys. The data en-
crypted by one user can be decrypted by any other au-
thorised user. The scheme is built on top of proxy en-
cryption schemes. The idea is that a user defines a set
of keywords for each document. The keywords and
document are encrypted using proxy encryption and
stored on the server. When a user wants to search for
a document, it needs to create a trapdoor for each key-
word. The trapdoor is used by the server to match the
search keywords against the keywords of the stored
document. The server can identify a match without
learning the keyword.
To achieve (P4) we combine KP-ABE with SDE.
In particular, a subscriber S defines a filter F as KP-
ABE access tree and encrypts the attributes of the fil-
ter using SDE. The publisher also encrypts the set
set of attributes {a
} using SDE. When the event E
reaches a broker, if the set of attributes associated with
the event satisfy the filter F, the broker knows that the
event can be forward to S without learning anything
about the attributes or filter. In KP-ABE, when the at-
tributes of the ciphertext match the access tree of the
key, the holder of the key is able to decrypt the cipher-
text. However, by first encrypting M using CP-ABE,
the broker does not gain any information on the actual
content of the event.
In this section we have shown how to combine CP-
ABE, KP-ABE and SDE to achieve event and filter
confidentiality, complex filters that can express any
access structure, while not requiring publishers and
subscribers to share key. In the following we show
how to apply this to the Financial News Service ex-
In this paper, we describe requirements for provid-
ing confidentiality in pub/sub systems. We show that
the identified requirements are not supported by any
available solutions and propose a solution which can
achieve all based on CP-ABE, KP-ABE and multi-
user SDE. Our goal is to support both publication and
subscription confidentiality while not requiring pub-
lishers and subscribers to share secret keys. Although
events and filters are encrypted, brokers should per-
form event filtering without learning any information.
Finally, subscribers should be able to express filters
that can define any monotonic and non-monotonic
constraints on events.
As future work we are planing to provide a con-
crete design of our solution. We will also provide
a formal security analysis of our scheme. We will
implement the schema and integrate it with a main-
stream pub/sub system in order to evaluate the intro-
duced overhead.
The work of the third author is partially funded by the
EU project MASTER contract no. FP7-216917.
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