Carlos Javier Hernandez-Castro, Arturo Ribagorda
Security Group, Department of Computer Science, Carlos III University, 28911 Leganes, Madrid, Spain
Yago Saez
EVANNAI Group (Artificial Neural Networks and Evolutionary Computation)
Carlos III University, Computer Science Department, Madrid, Spain
CAPTCHA, HumanAuth, Image labeling, Watermarking, Automatic classification.
We propose a new scheme of attack on the HumanAuth CAPTCHA which represents a significant shortcut to
the intended attacking path, as it is not based in any advance in the state of the art on the field of image recog-
nition. After analyzing the HumanAuth image database with a new approach based on statistical analysis and
machine learning, we conclude that it cannot fulfill the security objectives intended by its authors. Then, we
analyze which of the studied parameters for the image files seem to disclose the most valuable information for
helping in correct classification, arriving at a surprising discovery. We also analyze if the image watermarking
algorithm presented by the HumanAuth authors is able to counter the effect of this new attack. Our attack
represents a completely new approach to breaking image labeling CAPTCHAs, and can be applied to many
of the currently proposed schemes. Lastly, we investigate some measures that could be used to increase the
security of image labeling CAPTCHAs as HumanAuth, but conclude no easy solutions are at hand.
The last decade has seen increasing interest in abusing
services provided in the Internet, mainly for economi-
cal reasons. There has been misuse of services like e-
mail account creation for spam sending and phishing,
abuse of sites where anonymous posting is encour-
aged (Wikipedia, blogs comments, news sites, etc.)
for adding links for commercial promotion, harass-
ment or vandalism. There has also been abuse of re-
mote voting mechanisms (Hernandez, 1997). Auto-
matic (script-guide) site wandering has also been de-
scribed as a way to facilitate resource consumption
and thus remote denial-of-service attacks. Anony-
mous abuse of on-line games (Golle and Ducheneaut,
2005), inclusive for commercial promotion, is not
new. Other denial-of-service attacks on public post-
ing sites (like employment listings or CV reception
e-mails addresses) is also possible. Thus, there are
lots of sounding economical reasons to abuse services
provided through the Internet.
The main trend to prevent this automatic abuse has
been to develop the ability to tell humans and com-
puters apart - remotely and through an untrustworthy
channel. Many tests -generically called CAPTCHAs
or HIPs
- have been developed with that aim. Those
tests rely on capacities inherent to the human mind
but supposedly difficult for computers, problems that
have been traditionally hard to solve algorithmically
in computers (as problems that still remain wide open
for Artificial Intelligence researchers).
Moni Naor seems to have been the first (Naor,
1996) to propose theoretical methods of telling apart
computers from humans remotely to preventthe abuse
of web services. In 1997, primitive CAPTCHAs were
developed by Andrei Broder, Martin Abadi, Krishna
Bharat, and Mark Lillibridge to prevent bots from
adding URLs to their search engine (Abadi, 1996).
The term CAPTCHA was coined in 2000 by Luis von
Ahn, Manuel Blum, Nicholas Hopper and John Lang-
ford of Carnegie Mellon University (Ahn et al., 2003).
At the time, they developed the first CAPTCHA to be
used by Yahoo. Those earlier designs were mostly
text-based: the computer chose a random sequence
Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Com-
puters and Humans Apart
Human Interactive Proof
Javier Hernández-Castro C., Ribagorda A. and Saez Y. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 59-65
DOI: 10.5220/0002994000590065
of letters and rendered them in an image after apply-
ing different kinds of distortions. The human chal-
lenger, supposedly far better than a computer in char-
acter recognition, was to identify the characters. But
even after graphic distortion and degradation, some
approaches have been able to “read them and thus
solve the test automatically around 92% of the time
(Mori and Malik, 2003), specially so when it is pos-
sible to divide the graphic into its constituent letters.
Some approaches have focussed on making this divi-
sion (segmentation) harder, typically to the expense
of making it also harder to the human challenger.
Some CAPTCHAs that rely on similar grounds
as text CAPTCHAs may seem slightly stronger, but
are also more difficult for the common user, so can
only be used as special-purpose CAPTCHAs for cer-
tain types of human clients. Among them there
is MAPTCHA, the Mathematical CAPTCHA, that
shows a math formula and asks the user its numeri-
cal solution. Similar CAPTCHAs have been shown to
be easier than expected (Hernandez-Castro and Rib-
agorda, 2009a).
1.1 Image CAPTCHAs
General vision seems to be a harder problem than
character recognition, so more designs have focused
on using pictures instead - even though most of those
CAPTCHAs do not really rely on a “general vision
problem but in a downsized version of categorizing
Figure 1: Results from Google Image Search for “river.
Chew and Tygar (Chew and Tygar, 2004) were
the first to use a set of labelled images to produce
CAPTCHAs challenges. For that purpose, they used
the labelled associated with images in Google Im-
age Search. This technique is not well suited for
CAPTCHAs, as Google relates a picture to its de-
scription and its surroundings (figure 1).
Ahn and Dabbish (von Ahn and Dabbish, 2004)
proposeda new way to label images by embedding the
task as a game, the “ESP game (figure 2). However, it
has a fixed number of object classes (70) and the im-
age database seems not large enough. The site Hot- (figure 3) used a large-scale human la-
beled database provided by the web-
Figure 2: The ESP game.
site, a site that invites users to post photos of them-
selves and rate others’ in a numerical scale of “hot-
ness. This proposal is no longer active, as in January
of 2009, was down. Oli Warner had
the idea of using photos of kittens to tell computers
and humans apart (Warner, 2006).
The main trend in image-labeling CAPTCHAs has
been to use already classified images, either from in-
ternal databases or “crowd computing (typically us-
ing on-line databases) of pictures. The first proposal
was KittenAuth, which features nine pictures of ani-
mals, only three of which are feline. Its database of
pictures is small enough (< 100) to manually clas-
sify them, and this limitation seems troublesome even
if we apply new methods involving image distortion.
ASIRRA (Elson et al., 2007) uses a similar approach
but using a giant database of more that 3 million pho-
tos from, a web-site devoted to find-
ing homes for homeless pets. It has been later shown
weak against machine learning attacks (Golle, 2008)
and side-channel attacks (Hernandez-Castro et al.,
HumanAuth, the CAPTCHA that we analyze in
this article, is somewhat related to both KittenAuth
and ASIRRA. It is also a image-labeling CAPTCHA,
that uses an internal database of pictures that depict
items that are either artificial (a car, a bar, a wheel)
or natural (a bird, a river, etc.). The user has to select
the ones that are natural, that is, depict no artificial
item. HumanAuth is a very interesting proposal in
many terms: it proposes a picture classification prob-
lem that goes well beyond two different types of pic-
tures (as KittenAuth and ASIRRA), thus relying on a
harder (from the AI standpoint) problem, as solving it
using the intended path means understanding what a
picture represents, and then deciding if that item is or
not artificial. On the other point, it is also one of the
fewCAPTCHAs available for vision impaired people,
as every picture is associated to a description (“green
flowers, “wall paint, etc.). A problem with Huma-
nAuth is that the database of pictures it proposes is
small, although it includes a watermarking algorithm
to difficult indexing (of pictures: not of descriptions).
The attack path we propose here is usable against any
image-labelingCAPTCHA, and we have selected Hu-
manAuth as an example because of the included pic-
ture watermarking algorithm.
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 3: An example of a HotCaptcha challenge.
1.2 Motivation
We know that the problem in which a new CAPTCHA
scheme is based has to be easy for humans, and hard
for machines. But, more than that, it has to be that
way not in a general circumstance, but in the im-
plementation that a particular CAPTCHA proposes -
which is always a subset of a more general problem.
Basically, there are two questions that remain to be
1. Is a particular CAPTCHA open to a side-channel
attack? We do not have a clear methodology to
check whether a particular CAPTCHAs design
and implementation is open to a side-channel at-
tack. A side-channel attack is one that solves the
CAPTCHA but not the artificial intelligence prob-
lem upon which it is based, therefore not improv-
ing the state-of-the-art of AI. It is named side-
channel, as it solves the problem using a method
that does not follow the intended attacking path.
2. Is the hardness of the underlying AI problem fully
transmitted to the CAPTCHA design? We lack a
method to check if the particular problem that a
CAPTCHA challenge poses is as hard as the un-
derlying AI problem.
Recent CAPTCHA design history is filled with
failures, which have made them much weaker than
intended. In recent work (Hernandez-Castro and Rib-
agorda, 2009a; Hernandez-Castro et al., 2009; Golle,
2008; Hernandez-Castro and Ribagorda, 2009b), it
has been shown some of security problems of dif-
ferent CAPTCHA schemes. By analyzing those
CAPTCHA proposals we can find and classify vari-
ous flaws. That is why it is so interesting to try to
break current CAPTCHAs, especially in a way that
helps to find pitfalls in their design, to make the state-
of-the-art advance and get to a point when well known
and tested assumptions give base for more secure de-
1.3 Organization
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
In the next section, we introduce the HumanAuth
CAPTCHA in greater detail. After this, in Section
3 we describe the ENT tool, which will be helpful in
the attack against HumanAuth described in Section 4.
Later, we analyze if the watermarking algorithm pro-
posed by HumanAuth is able to counter our attack.
Finally, in Section 5 we extract some conclusions and
propose possible improvements together with future
research lines.
The HumanAuth CAPTCHA
is based on the ability
of humans to distinguish between images with natu-
ral and non-natural contents. The source code of the
HumanAuth application comes with a image reposi-
tory consisting of 45 nature images and 68 non-nature
ones in jpeg format. The idea is quite interesting, and
the CAPTCHA is specially easy for humans and pur-
portedly very difficult for non-humans. The user is
presented with a collection of 9 pictures, and has to
click on the three that represent items that are natural,
that is, no artificial. HumanAuth also includes a wa-
termarking algorithm (figure 4) to difficult indexing
of pictures.
Figure 4: HumanAuth CAPTCHA capture with the GigoIt
logo as an example watermark.
The HumanAuth CAPTCHA is implemented in
PHP. The authors are Peter Schmalfeldt and John
Kramlich, working for the GigoIt Inc. association,
who released it under a GNU GPLv2
The ENT (Walker, 2008) tool is a program compris-
ing a suite of statistical tests that check for informa-
tion density and randomness in a byte sequence. It ap-
plies various tests to the sequence of bytes and reports
their numerical results. As these tests evaluate infor-
mation quantity and randomness quality, this results
are of interest for evaluating pseudorandom number
generators, and studying the output of compression
algorithms. In the novel way presented in this paper,
they can also be used for file/image classification. The
tests included in the ENT program are:
Entropy: information density of the contents of
the file, expressed as the mean number of bits nec-
essary to represent a character of 8 bits (byte).
Compression: this test tells us the size shrink (in
percentage) we could obtain if the file was com-
pressed using a lossless compression algorithm of
the Lempel-Ziv type (one pass).
Chi-square test: this tests computes the expected
p-value for a distribution with 256 degrees of lib-
erty (dividing the file in 8 bit chunks of data). This
p-value represents how frequently a uniform dis-
tribution would exceed the computed value.
Arithmetic mean: this tests computes the mean
value of all the bytes of the input file.
Monte-Carlo value for Pi: uses a Monte-Carlo
(probabilistic) algorithm to compute the value of
Pi, using the input file as the source of randomness
for such algorithm.
Serial correlation: measures how a byte of the file
can be approximated by its preceding byte.
For an idea of the results one can expect of the
ENT test, we show the output obtained when applied
to the following input files:
An ASCII English version of Don Quijote de
la Mancha, by Miguel de Cervantes, from the
Gutemberg Project
A BMP non-compressed image
A WAV non-compressed sound
A JPEG compressed image from
The Chase, an MP3 compressed music file from
the Internet Audio Open Source Archive
The entropy and compression tests (table 1) give
information about data density. The mean and Monte
Carlo Pi tells us about value distribution, the serial
b0ee7fd24b o.jpg
Table 1: Results of the ENT test for different kinds of files.
size 2347772 1683594 116904 4914423 2916331
entropy 4.49 7.24 6.16 7.91 7.85
compression 43 % 9 % 22 % 1 % 1 %
chi square 37,346,041 2,796,525 484,762 669,239 1,643,472
chi square p-value < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01
mean 88.92 73.21 125.74 137.88 119.89
Monte-Carlo Pi 4.00 3.45 3.97 2.84 3.20
serial correlation 0.016057 0.537042 0.928775 0.004862 0.168447
Figure 5: Distribution of classes for each ENT test result.
correlation about data interrelation (also data redun-
dancy), and the chi square test is the most sensible to
non random data distribution.
4 ATTACK TO HumanAuth
We downloaded the image database of the Huma-
nAuth CAPTCHA, and analyzed all of the jpeg files
contained herein with the help of the ENT tool, pro-
ducing a formatted output (in ARFF format, so to be
used with Weka (Winiwarter and Kambayashi, 1997))
with its results. As can be seen in figure 5, although
some of the ENT tests do produce interesting infor-
mation for classification, none of them is able of pro-
ducing a good classifier on its own.
Then, we test different classifiers for approach-
ing the classification of human made (artificial) vs.
from nature. Even though we are processing the
compressed file, the best classifier (in this case Ran-
domForest) was able to show an accuracy rate of
77.8761% (table 2), which is significantly better than
= 60.177% that a trivial classifier (that al-
ways predicts the larger class) will do.
The information disclosure of the values that ENT
outputs is distributed very evenly, except for the val-
ues of the MonteCarlo estimation of π (table 3), im-
plying that devising measures to difficult side-channel
attacks against this scheme is going to be specially
Even after completely removing the three most
significant attributes for the HumanAuth classifier,
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 2: Classification of the HumanAuth image database
using a RandomForest classifier.
=== Run information ===
Scheme: weka.classifiers.trees.RandomForest -I 10 -K 0 -S 1
Test mode: 10-fold cross-validation
Random forest of 10 trees, constructed considering
4 random features.
=== Summary ===
Correctly Classified Instances 88 77.8761 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 25 22.1239 %
=== Confusion Matrix ===
a b <-- classified as
34 11 | a = nature
14 54 | b = nonnature
Table 3: Information disclosure of the different values for
=== Run information ===
Evaluator: weka.attributeSelection.ChiSquaredAttributeEval
Evaluation mode: 10-fold cross-validation
=== Attribute selection 10 fold cross-validation (stratified),
seed: 1 ===
average merit average rank attribute
38.987 +- 5.975 1.9 +- 1.58 8 corr
34.58 +- 3.872 2.6 +- 1.2 3 compressionrate
32.936 +- 6.025 2.7 +- 0.78 2 size
29.844 +- 4.878 3.9 +- 0.83 1 entropy
29.885 +- 4.57 4.6 +- 1.85 4 chisqstatistic
27.228 +- 1.393 5.3 +- 0.46 5 arithmean
0 +- 0 7.2 +- 0.4 7 errmontepi
0 +- 0 7.8 +- 0.4 6 montepi
that is correlation, compression rate and size, a SMO
algorithm is able of achieving a 75.2212% accuracy.
As table 4 shows, it seems extremely difficult to
protect these set of images against the proposed side-
channel analysis, which seriously casts a doubt over
the security of the derived HumanAuth CAPTCHA.
4.1 HumanAuth CAPTCHA
To prevent easy image library indexing, the authors
of the HumanAuth CAPTCHA decided to randomly
merge a PNG image with the JPG image taken from
the library. It locates the PNG in a random position
into the JPG canvas and merges both using a certain
of transparency, so the PNG appears as a watermark,
not distorting the JPG image as much as to make it
difficult for the human eye to recognize the image.
The HumanAuth source includes one PNG image (a
logo) that can be used for testing.
We have created a set of 20,000 images, 10,000 of
each class (nature and non-nature) (figure 6) and have
extracted statistical information from them with the
ENT tool, building an ARFF file for Weka processing.
After analyzing it, we have tried different classi-
fiers, obtaining the following results (table 5).
This result can be somewhat expected: with the
Table 4: Different classification accuracies by classifier and
parameters allowed.
classifier non-allowed
parameters used accuracy
RandomForest - all 77.8761 %
SMO correlation,
rate, size
rest 75.2212 %
Figure 6: Distribution of classes for the different ENT tests,
20000 images.
little randomness introduced by merging the logo
in a random position, the precision of the classifier
slightly drops to 72.585 %.
Using a classification tree of 481 leaves, J48 is
able to reach almost a 91 % accuracy (table 6). This
is due to the “repetition of images, as we have created
an image set of 20,000 images which are statistically
close (enough) to the 45 original ones. This suggests
that the initial small set of images, when used with
the scheme proposed by the HumanAuth authors of
merging with a watermark, may not be of use against
this type of attack, even though might be enough to
prevent hash-function (like MD5) indexing - which
probably was the intention of the designers. One can
argue that we can chose a different watermark that al-
ters more the original image, but that would be also at
the expense of human visual recognition. It can also
be argued that other possible approach could be ran-
domly using a set of different watermarks, but that
would be at the expense of creating an appropriate
set, so we are just moving/distributing the original
problem (images can be characterized because of a
not enough uniform distribution). As can be expected
when using as a seed such a small set of images, the
classification accuracy raises as enough samples are
given to build a good enough decision tree, reaching
its top logarithmically (figure 7). The figures given
here (table 7) correspond to another test set of 20000
images we have created:
Other classification schemes show even slightly
better results than J48 (table 8). These results (table
9) are still good after the most significant attributes
are removed from the classification scheme.
Table 5: Classification of 20K HumanAuth randomly wa-
termarked images, using a DecisionStump tree classifier.
=== Run information ===
Scheme: weka.classifiers.meta.LogitBoost -P 100 -F 0 -R 1 -L
-1.7976931348623157E308 -H 1.0 -S 1 -I 10 -W
Instances: 20000
Test mode: 10-fold cross-validation
=== Classifier model (full training set) ===
LogitBoost: Base classifiers and their weights:
=== Summary ===
Correctly Classified Instances 14517 72.585 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 5483 27.415 %
Kappa statistic 0.4517
Mean absolute error 0.3631
Root mean squared error 0.4229
Relative absolute error 72.6115 %
Root relative squared error 84.5869 %
Total Number of Instances 20000
=== Confusion Matrix ===
a b <-- classified as
8093 1907 | a = nature
3576 6424 | b = nonnature
Table 6: Classification of 20K HumanAuth randomly wa-
termarked images, using a J48 classifier.
=== Run information ===
Scheme: weka.classifiers.trees.J48 -C 0.25 -M 2
Relation: humanauth
Instances: 20000
Attributes: 9
Test mode: 10-fold cross-validation
=== Classifier model (full training set) ===
J48 pruned tree
Number of Leaves : 481
Size of the tree : 961
=== Summary ===
Correctly Classified Instances 18187 90.935 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 1813 9.065 %
Kappa statistic 0.8187
Mean absolute error 0.1113
Root mean squared error 0.2776
Relative absolute error 22.2538 %
Root relative squared error 55.5252 %
Total Number of Instances 20000
Figure 7: Increase in accuracy and number of nodes with
images available.
Table 7: Classification accuracy for different numbers of
watermarked images.
Images Nodes Accuracy
200 21 71.5 %
500 61 74.4 %
1000 85 78.6 %
2000 159 82.1 %
10000 597 88.8 %
20000 929 89.7 %
Table 8: Classification of 20K HumanAuth randomly wa-
termarked images, using a RandomForest classifier.
=== Run information ===
Scheme: weka.classifiers.trees.RandomForest -I 10 -K 0 -S 1
Relation: humanauth
Instances: 20000
Attributes: 9
Test mode: 10-fold cross-validation
=== Classifier model (full training set) ===
Random forest of 10 trees, constructed considering 4 random features
=== Summary ===
Correctly Classified Instances 18538 92.69 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 1462 7.31 %
Kappa statistic 0.8538
Mean absolute error 0.1133
Root mean squared error 0.2327
Relative absolute error 22.658 %
Root relative squared error 46.5399 %
Total Number of Instances 20000
We address in the following, Section 5.1, the general-
ity of the presented attack, and later some conclusions
and ideas for future works.
5.1 Attack Generality
Our approach can be used as a very general analy-
sis tool to realistically estimate the security parame-
ters of any image-labeling CAPTCHA proposal, and
we believe it will be advisable to use it in the fu-
ture before similar systems are launched, to have ad-
equate, well-reasoned, and founded security param-
eters and realistic estimations. One of its main ad-
vantages is that it does not depend on the underlying
format (image, sound, video, etc.) or problem, and
that it could be useful for avoiding pitfalls such as
the existence of some trivial and irrelevant parame-
ter values (i.e. size, or byte correlation) leaking too
much class-relevant information. We have used this
approach against other image-labeling CAPTCHAs
with success, and are in the process of improving it
for better image categorization.
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 9: Classification accuracies for watermarked images,
per classifier and parameters allowed.
classifier non-allowed param-
LogitBoost / De-
- all 72.585 %
J48 - all 90.935 %
RandomForest - all 92.69 %
RandomForest correlation, compres-
sion rate, size
rest 82.805 %
5.2 Conclusions and Future Work
HumanAuth is a very interesting image-labeling
CAPTCHA. Its basic idea is theoretically more pow-
erful that that behind KittenAuth or ASIRRA, as
it relies on a broader image recognition and clas-
sification problem: it delves into many different
types of pictures (much more than KittenAuth and
ASIRRA), thus relying on a harder AI problem. But,
although the HumanAuth, along with many other
image-labeling CAPTCHAs, are very interesting, our
work has shown that their security is not carefully
studied before they are put into use.
With the attack presented here, we are able to suc-
cessfully bypass the HumanAuth challenge 92+% of
occasions, as proposed by its authors (image library
and watermarking image). This is an incredibly suc-
cessful figure, as normally, CAPTCHAs that are pos-
sible to automatically bypass as low as 5% (or even
less) are considered broken, taking into consideration
that a program can try to bypass the CAPTCHA many
times per second.
The lessons learned in this analysis are useful to
improve other attacks based on more common ap-
proaches -like image processing- or, alternatively, can
be used to improve the security of these CAPTCHA
schemes, and this could be an interesting future work.
One particulary interesting way would be filtering im-
ages taken from image databases, to force then to have
a much similar average size and less standard devia-
tion (among other statistical properties), which could
harden a lot the task of the attacker, without affect-
ing the overall good properties of the CAPTCHA pro-
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