Shoichi Morimoto
Department of Business Administration, Senshu University, 2-1-1 Higashi-mita, Tama-ku, 214-8580, Kanagawa, Japan
Contactless smart card, RFID, Near field communication, ISO/IEC 14443.
Japan leads the world in the field of a rechargeable contactless smart card used as a fare card of public trans-
portation. The card triggered off the spread of Japanese e-money, however, the e-money situation has various
intricate problems to tackle. Therefore, we have surveyed the spread process of the e-money and special
circumstances of Japanese public transportation. In this paper we describe the business success factors and
background. We also analyze and propose the solution against the problems and objectives for globalization
of the market.
Recently, the application of e-money has expanded
into a means of payment of public transportation. The
e-money for the fare is generally implemented by
a smart card, particularly a contactless RFID smart
card. Such a contactless smart card is used all over
the world, e.g., Octopus card in Hong Kong, Suica
card in Japan, Oyster card in London, Navigo card in
Paris, T-money in Seoul, Compass Card in San Diego,
Riocard in Rio de Janeiro, GoCard in Nigeria, and so
on. Above all, Japan is an advanced country of the
contactless smart card.
The spread process of Japanese e-money is very
unique. Japanese people had not had interest in e-
money at all, until the fare contactless smart card
became practicable. After the card appeared in ma-
jor rail services, e-money has spread rapidly, be-
cause a commuter can pass without stopping the very
crowded ticket gate during the Japanese rush hours.
The card can also be used at kiosks and vending ma-
chines inside stations. Moreover, recently the card
has been able to be used at convenience stores, su-
permarkets, eating houses and the other shops outside
stations. In addition, the bus trade has introduced the
card. Thus various Japanese transportation companies
have issued such a card with e-money. One innova-
tive service with the card is coming out after another
in quick succession and entry of the other trades into
the market is increasing. Now the business of the con-
tactless smart card with e-money in Japan has been a
great success.
However, the e-money market has some problems
to solve. Since each transportation company has is-
sued its independent card, the Japanese transporta-
tion trade is flooded with many kinds (about 40) of
contactless smart cards. The introduction of the card
system is also very expensive, thus small companies
which do not sufficiently have the capital strength
(e.g., a local bus company) cannot even introduce the
card and they are outdistanced. Moreover, FeliCa, the
Japanese de facto standard of the contactless smart
card, is not certified by the RFID international stan-
dard ISO/IEC 14443, that is, it is not global standard.
The business of e-money in Japan is overly concen-
trated on the domestic market only. There is very lit-
tle room for entry of overseas enterprises.
So far only the technological side of a contact-
less smart card and its system has been highlighted
(Shiibashi, 2007). No studies have tried to survey the
trade all over and to summarize the business success
factors. Therefore, in this paper we survey the evo-
lution process of e-money in Japanese public trans-
portation and clarify the background and the prob-
lems which are caused by special circumstances of
Japanese railways. We also discuss the secrets of suc-
cess and solutions against the problems of compatibil-
ity and localization. The results in this paper open the
Japanese e-money market and help its globalization.
Moreover, they systematize the introduction of a con-
tactless smart card into public transportation. Conse-
quently, it will enliven the e-money market all over
the world.
Morimoto S. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 76-81
DOI: 10.5220/0002995800760081
2.1 Early History of Japanese e-Money
In 1998, the first Japanese e-money, VISA Cash, was
introduced experimentally. However, this experiment
has ended in failure. VISA Cash was implemented by
a contact smart card. The user had to take the card
from a holder and input the PIN code. Japanese peo-
ple did not accept such troublesome operations.
In 2001, the first contactless smart card with
e-money, named Edy, appeared. Edy is a pre-
paid rechargeable contactless smart card, which
uses Sony’s FeliCa technology. FeliCa allows to
send/receive data at high speed and with high security
(Kurosawa et al., 2003). It does not need a battery
to operate. Further details of the FeliCa technology
will be presented later. Edy was able to be used only
at convenience stores then. Japanese people did not
particularly interest in Edy yet, because e-money did
not have a good image at the time owing to the former
In the same year, the Suica service started in the
metropolitan area (Shirakawa and Shiibashi, 2003).
Suica using the FeliCa technology is a rechargeable
contactless smart card used as a fare card on train
lines. Suica was able to be used only as the fare pay-
ment in the limited lines then; nevertheless it had a
circulation of one million only in 19 days and two
million only in two months. The service has been ex-
panded besides the fare payment after 2004 succes-
The e-money trade has been an arena of rival cards
since Suica achieved a great success. Many public
transportation companies followed the service and is-
sued similar cards. We describe details of such cards
and their development in the following subsections.
2.2 The Cards in Public Railways
Japanese railways are classified into two types; JR
(Japan Railways) or non-JR. JR used to be the na-
tional railway JNR (Japan National Railways), which
dissolved and separated into seven (six passenger rail-
ways and one freightage) JR companies in 1987. The
passenger railways are separated by region. Figure 1
shows each JR company’s area.
Although Japan is a small island country, the char-
acteristic of the people of each region varies accord-
ing to the locality. For instance, consumer behavior
and interest differ from the Kanto region (Tokyo) to
the Kansai region (Osaka/Kyoto) very much. Each JR
company has to work out management policies which
bear closely on the needs of local people. Each JR
Figure 1: The region of JR companies.
company also considers the other JR companies com-
petitors which scramble for business chances. There-
fore, the companies developed their own cards shown
in Table 1. All the cards are implemented by FeliCa.
Table 1: The contactless smart cards of JR group.
Company Card name Number of stations
JR Hokkaido Kitaca 465
JR East Suica 1705
JR Central TOICA 404
JR West ICOCA 1222
JR Shikoku 259
JR Kyushu SUGOCA 560
A user can charge money on to the card at ticket
vending machines inside each station. The charged
money is a profit of the JR company in the card re-
gion. Thus, at first each card was not able to use in the
other regions. The introduction of contactless smart
cards to the Shinkansen line, which is a high-speed
railway line, had also been put off for some years. The
Tokaido Shinkansen line is the main artery crossing
the Japanese mainland. JR Central has jurisdiction
over the line. Because the line lies across the regions,
JR Central and the other JR companies have been at
odds with each other over the profit at the stations in
the Tokaido Shinkansen line.
The specification of each card system is also dif-
ferent from the others. For example, the Suica system
closes a ticket gate if e-money on the card is under the
starting fare when a passenger enters. Meanwhile the
ICOCA system does not close it unless the e-money is
empty, since the Kansai region people generally tend
to dislike a time-consuming operation. TOICA ac-
cepts the empty card. Moreover, the fare adjustment
rule of each JR company is different. The difference
is also caused by the introduction order. The JR com-
panies following the formers can watch the response
to the card. The year of each introduction is shown
in Figure 2 (the number in parenthesis). The compat-
ibility is implemented by a software program in the
card reader, however, each card system must have the
programs against all the other cards.
2.3 The Cards in Private Railways
The private railways (non-JR railways) also started
the fare contactless smart card service. The services
are classified into a joint capital type or an inde-
pendent type. In the metropolitan area, the private
railways established a new association PASMO Co.
Ltd. of the contactless smart card business by joint
capital. The PASMO card is perfectly compatible
with Suica. Therefore, transfer of JR lines and pri-
vate/underground railways has been very convenient;
we can change one line to another only with one con-
tactless smart card in the Kanto region. It was the
epochal event of Japanese railways history, because
JR and non-JR had been always competitors one an-
other. Similarly, the Kansai region private railways
have issued the common card PiTaPa. PiTaPa is a
novel card in Japanese public transportation, which
is a postpay type card like a credit card for the impa-
tient Kansai region people. PiTaPa also implements
various discount services. The private railways in the
other regions have also issued their own cards shown
in Table 2.
Figure 2: The compatibility of the cards.
The private railways cards have the problem of
compatibility. Each card is compatible only with the
JR card in its same region (see Figure 2). For ex-
ample, the PASMO card can use only in the JR East
Table 2: The contactless smart cards of the private railways.
Region Card name Number of members
Kanto PASMO 103 (77)
Kansai PiTaPa 37 (17)
Hokuriku ICa 4 (3)
Chugoku PASPY 13 (9)
Shikoku DESUCA 5 (4)
Kyushu RaPiCa 4 (3)
(Suica) region and is not compatible with any other
cards. Thus the member companies which have fully
the capital strength want to cooperate with the other
regions; on the other hand the small member com-
panies oppose it. Each member company has to pay
a membership fee and maintenance costs of several
hundreds millions Yen (about several millions USD)
every year. Moreover, it must pay several millions
Yen whenever changes of the system happen. The
small or local companies do not interest in use in the
other regions, because they cannot make a profit on
the mutual use any more.
Besides the cards in Table 2, some local private
railways had to issue their independent card for lack
of an alternative. Such cards do not have any compat-
2.4 Bus Companies
The bus companies have joined the association of the
private railways. The number in parenthesis in Table
2 shows the number of bus member companies out of
the total. The bus companies’ case also has the same
financial problem as well as the private railways case.
The bus member companies of PASMO have
about 15,000 buses in all, however, the contactless
smart card system has been introduced into only 30%
of the buses. Because besides the membership fee
and maintenance costs, the introduction of the system
requires from seven to eight hundred thousand Yen
(from eight to nine thousand USD) per bus. Nowa-
days Japanese people think it a matter of course that
the contactless smart card can be used in public trans-
portation. The bus companies which have not intro-
duced it may lose customers.
In this section, we describe why the card has spread
rapidly from the technology viewpoint.
ICE-B 2010 - International Conference on e-Business
3.1 Why Contactless?
Japanese railways have special circumstances which
other countries do not have (and cannot understand).
Almost all Japanese people in the metropolitan ar-
eas take the train daily to work. Therefore, a station
and a train are terribly crowded in rush hours. About
60 commuters per minute pass a ticket gate in peak
hours. In Europe, it is 30 per minute. Additionally,
Japanese train service is strictly on time. The machine
of Japanese ticket gate requires high throughput.
There are many kinds of train tickets in Japanese
railways. The ticket gate must examine varied train
tickets. The gate also does not care insertion direc-
tion and the front/back of a ticket. One ticket gate
accepts both of entry and exit of passengers (Figure
3). The Japanese ticket gate is a very complex ma-
chine. Therefore, the ticket gate machine tends to
break down and its maintenance cost comes high. If
the physical contact can be avoided as much as possi-
ble, the maintenance cost is reducible.
Consequently, a contactless smart card has been
suitable against the foregoingcircumstances. The first
and most successful card Suica of JR East has suc-
ceeded in cutting down the maintenance cost by 1/3.
Figure 3: The ticket gate machine.
3.2 FeliCa Technology
Almost all Japanese contactless smart cards are im-
plemented by FeliCa. To solve the congestion men-
tioned above, JR East invited tenders for the card sys-
tem which can examine one card in 0.1 second. That
is, it has to communicate at 211.875 kbit/s. It was
very high level of specification. Moreover, JR East
requested that the card reader should examine two or
more cards in piles. Only FeliCa had satisfied these
requirements. Since FeliCa had been already intro-
duced into public transportation in Hong Kong, it was
also reliable (Chau and Poon, 2003). After JR East
adopted FeliCa, it has become the de facto standard.
Figure 4: The Suica card and its cutaway drawing.
FeliCa uses Manchester coding at 212 kbit/s in the
13.56 MHz range. It can also operate without a bat-
tery using the electromagnetic induction. Thus it is
thin and light in weight. The coil like a leaf shown in
Figure 4 is an antenna. The leaf form is a device for
reading two or more cards. When the antenna comes
close to the reader, an electric current is generated.
FeliCa reads and writes data with the power. It can
implement various applications, if only software in
the reader is rewritten. Moreover, the security of Fel-
iCa has been certified by ISO/IEC 15408. These Fel-
iCa functions are suitable for the smart card of public
However, FeliCa has been rejected by the RFID
international standard (ISO/IEC 14443, 2008). It has
been certified by the NFC (Near Field Communi-
cation) international standard later (ISO/IEC 18092,
2004). ISO/IEC 14443 provides two types of the
RFID card. The type A uses Modified Miller cod-
ing at 106 kbit/s, which is developed by Philips in
Netherlands. The type B uses NRZ (Non Return to
Zero) coding at 106 kbit/s, which is developed by Mo-
torola in the U.S. The type A is most widely used in
the world. Nevertheless, the type A and B are hardly
used in Japan.
Nowadays, 50% of Japanese people in the major cities
have more than one contactless smart card with e-
money. Suica certainly triggered the spread of e-
money. Japanese people have understood conve-
nience of e-money by Suica. The graph shown in
Figure 5 backs up this fact. The Edy e-money only
for shopping has been gradually increasing, since
Suica appeared. The spread of the mutual use among
㪉㪇㪇㪈 㪉㪇㪇㪉 㪉㪇㪇㪊 㪉㪇㪇㪋 㪉㪇㪇㪌 㪉㪇㪇㪍 㪉㪇㪇㪎 㪉㪇㪇㪏 㪉㪇㪇㪐
㪜㪻㫐 㪪㫌㫀㪺㪸
Figure 5: The number of Edy and Suica cards.
the cards will promote competition among the major
companies and improve the quality of the service. On
the other hand, it may merely encourage the disparity
between local areas and metropolitan areas. Japan is a
conspicuous aging society. Therefore, the local trans-
portation companies aim to revitalize depopulated ar-
eas using e-money with the contactless smart cards.
However, the mutual use has few merits for the lo-
cal transportation companies. In addition, it requires
the software development, but the local transportation
companies do not have software engineers. They have
to request a software vendor to develop it: the devel-
opment cost is about one million Yen (10,000 USD).
Now the government partially supports the local com-
panies only in the initial costs. It should support them
Figure 6: The number of payment per store with Suica.
㪉㪇㪇㪍 㪉㪇㪇㪎 㪉㪇㪇㪏 㪉㪇㪇㪐 㪉㪇㪈㪇 㪉㪇㪈㪈 㪉㪇㪈㪉 㪉㪇㪈㪊 㪉㪇㪈㪋
Figure 7: The prospect of the e-money market in Japan.
The number of the contactless smart cards in Japan
has virtually reached the ceiling; nevertheless the
number of the payment per store is gradually decreas-
ing (Figure 6). For the further spread, each company
or association has to increase member store inside and
outside stations and to propose novel and attractive
privileges. JR East has made full use of the advantage
in the metropolitan area. Suica money is mutually ex-
changeable for the mileage point of ANA (All Nippon
Airways). Suica is also developing novel services us-
ing data-mining from the use records as lifelogs.
The contactless smart cards with e-money have
spread in the world. For instance, PayPass of Master-
Card has a circulation of 60 millions. Sooner or later
Japan must open the contactless smart card market.
Before opening the market, the Japanese e-money
trade has to solve the problem of the mutual use
among FeliCa, the type A and the type B of ISO/IEC
14443. ISO/IEC 18092 standardizes NFC, which has
unified FeliCa and type A. Similarly, type B has been
added to NFC (ISO/IEC 21481, 2005). The card
reader adapting to NFC can use FeliCa, type A and
type B. Such reader is spreading; however,NFC is up-
ward compatible for the hardware protocol. The sys-
tem must have software applications for every chips.
Thus, NFC cannot become a radical solution. More-
over, FeliCa has a serious problem. Generally, a re-
cent mobile phone has a contactless smart card built-
in. In response to the situation, GSMA (Global Sys-
tem for Mobile communications Association, 2010)
has standardized a contactless smart card system for
a mobile phone and adopted type A and type B as a
global standard. All over the world, e-money services
with such mobile phones have already begun. Since
Japanese mobile phones, which are equipped with Fe-
liCa, have the protocol stack different from the mobile
ICE-B 2010 - International Conference on e-Business
phones with type A/B, Japan may be isolated in the
mobile field too. In the future, Japanese mobile phone
should have not only FeliCa but the other global IC
chip and use different applications for every chips.
Nomura Research Institute showed very interest-
ing statistics shown in Figure 7 (Nomura Research In-
stitute, 2008). Theyexpect that the e-moneymarket in
Japan will be expanded further. Thus there are many
business chances for the domestic and foreign com-
panies. The foreign company which entries into the
Japanese market must understand the national char-
acter and special circumstances of Japanese public
transportation. The architecture of the payment sys-
tem with contactless smart cards in Japanese public
transportation has been referred to the IFMS (Interop-
erable Fare Management System) standard (ISO/IEC
24014, 2007). Japan has been nominated for the ed-
itor of ISO/IEC 24014 Part 2: recommend business
practice for set of rules. The organization is currently
summarizing the business model as the technical re-
port. This standardization will be certainly helpful for
the spread of the e-money application of public trans-
portation in the world.
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