Jonas Helming, Holger Arndt, Zardosht Hodaie, Maximilian Koegel and Nitesh Narayan
Institut für Informatik,Technische Universität München, Garching, Germany
Keywords: Machine Learning, Task Assignment, Bug Report, UNICASE, Unified Model, UJP.
Abstract: Many software development projects maintain repositories managing work items such as bug reports or
tasks. In open-source projects, these repositories are accessible for end-users or clients, allowing them to
enter new work items. These artifacts have to be further triaged. The most important step is the initial
assignment of a work item to a responsible developer. As a consequence, a number of approaches exist to
semi-automatically assign bug reports, e.g. using methods from machine learning. We compare different
approaches to assign new work items to developers mining textual content as well as structural information.
Furthermore we propose a novel model-based approach, which also considers relations from work items to
the system specification for the assignment. The approaches are applied to different types of work items,
including bug reports and tasks. To evaluate our approaches we mine the model repository of three different
projects. We also included history data to determine how well they work in different states.
Many software development projects make use of
repositories, managing different types of work items.
This includes bug tracker systems like Bugzilla ,
task repositories like Jira and integrated solutions
such as Jazz or the Team Foundation Server . A
commonality of all these repositories is the
possibility to assign a certain work item to a
responsible person or team (Anvik 2006).
It is a trend in current software development to open
these repositories to other groups beside the project
management allowing them to enter new work
items. These groups could be end-users of the
system, clients or the developers themselves. This
possibility of feedback helps to identity relevant
features and improves the quality by allowing more
bugs to be identified (Raymond 1999). But this
advantage comes with significant cost (Anvik et al.
2006), because every new work item has to be
triaged. That means it has to be decided whether the
work item is important or maybe a duplicate and
further, whom it should be assigned to. As a part of
the triage process it would be beneficial to support
the assignment of work items and automatically
select those developers with experience in the area
of this work item. This developer is probably a good
candidate to work on the work item, or, if the
developer will not complete the work item himself,
he probably has the experience to further triage the
work item and reassign it. There are several
approaches, which semi-automatically assign work
items (mostly bug reports) to developers. They are
based on mining existing work items of a repository.
We will present an overview of existing approaches
in section 2.1.
In this paper we compare different existing
techniques of machine learning and propose a new
model-based approach to semi-automatically assign
work items. All approaches are applied to a unified
model, implemented in a tool called UNICASE
(Bruegge et al. 2008). The unified model is a
repository for all different types of work items.
Existing approaches usually focus on one type of
work item, for example bug reports. The use of a
unified model enables us to apply and evaluate our
approach with different types of work items,
including bug reports, feature requests, issues and
tasks. We will describe UNICASE more in detail in
section 3.
UNICASE does not only contain different types of
work items, but also artifacts from the system
specification, i.e. the system model (Helming et al.
2009). Work items can be linked to these artifacts
from the system specification as illustrated in Figure
1. For example a task or a bug report can be linked
to a related functional requirement. These links
provide additional information about the context of a
Helming J., Arndt H., Hodaie Z., Koegel M. and Narayan N. (2010).
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering, pages 149-158
DOI: 10.5220/0003000901490158
work item, which can be mined for semi-automatic
assignment, as we will show in section 4. Our new
approach for semi-automatic task assignment, called
model-based approach, processes this information.
The results of this approach can be transferred to
other systems such as bug trackers where bug
reports can be linked to affected components.
We found that existing approaches are usually
evaluated in a certain project state (state-based),
which means that a snap shot of the project is taken
at a certain time and all work items have a fixed
state. Then the assigned work items are classified by
the approach to be evaluated and the results are
compared with the actual assignee at that project
state. We use this type of evaluation in a first step.
However, state-based evaluation has two
shortcomings: (1) The approach usually gets more
information than it would have had at the time a
certain work item was triaged. For example,
additional information could have been attached to a
work-item, which was not available for initial triage.
(2) No conclusion can be made, how different
approaches work in different states of a project, for
example depending on the number of work items or
on personal fluctuations. Therefore we evaluated our
method also “history-based” which means that we
mine all states of the project history and make
automatic assignment proposals in the exact instance
when a new work item was created. We claim that
this type of evaluation is more realistic than just
using one later state where possible more
information is available. We evaluate our approach
by mining data from three different projects, which
use UNICASE as a repository for their work items
and system model. To evaluate which approach
works best in our context as well as for a
comparison of the proposed model-based approach
we apply different machine learning techniques to
assign work items automatically. These include very
simple methods such as nearest neighbor, but also
more advanced methods such as support vector
machines or naive Bayes.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2
summarizes related work in the field of automated
task assignment as well as in the field of
classification of software engineering artifacts.
Section 3 introduces the prerequisites, i.e. the
underlying model of work items and UNICASE, the
tool this model is implemented in. Section 4 and 5
describe the model-based and the different machine
learning approaches we applied in our evaluation.
Section 6 presents the results of our evaluation on
the three projects, in both a state-based and a
history-based mode. In section 7 we conclude and
discuss our results.
In this section we give an overview over relevant
existing approaches. In section 2.1 we describe
approaches, which semi-automatically assign
different types of work items. In section 2.2 we
describe approaches, which classify software
engineering artifacts using methods from machine
learning and which are therefore also relevant for
our approach.
2.1 Task Assignment
In our approach we refer to task assignment as the
problem of classifying work items to the right
developer. Determining developer expertise is the
basis for the first part of our approach. In our case
this is done by mining structured project history data
saved within the UNICASE repository.
Most of the approaches for determining expertise
rely on analyzing the code base of a software project
mostly with the help of version control systems.
(Mockus & Herbsleb 2002) treat every change from
a source code repository as an experience atom and
try to determine expertise of developers by counting
related changes made in particular parts of source
code. (Schuler & Zimmermann 2008) introduce the
concept of usage expertise, which describes
expertise in the sense of using source code, e.g. a
specific API. Based on an empirical study, (Fritz et
al. 2007) showed that these expertise measures
acquired from source code analysis effectively
represent parts of the code base, which the
programmer has knowledge for. (Sindhgatta 2008)
uses linguistic information found in source code
elements such as identifiers and comments to
determine the domain expertise of developers.
Other task classification approaches use information
retrieval techniques such as text categorization to
find similar tasks. Canfora et al. (Canfora & Cerulo
o 2005) demonstrate how information retrieval on
software repositories can be used to create an index
of developers for the assignment of change requests.
(J. Anvik 2006) investigate applying different
machine learning algorithms to an open bug
repository and compare precision of resulting task
assignments. (Anvik et al. 2006) apply SVM text
categorization on an open bug repository for
ENASE 2010 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
classifying new bug reports. They achieve high
precision on the Eclipse and Firefox development
projects and found their approach promising for
further research. (Čubranić 2004) employ text
categorization using a naive Bayes classifier to
automatically assign bug reports to developers. They
correctly predict 30% of the assignments on a
collection of 15,859 bug reports from a large open-
source project. Yingbo et al. (Yingbo et al. 2007)
apply a machine learning algorithm to workflow
event log of a workflow system to learn the different
activities of each actor and to suggest an appropriate
actor to assign new tasks to.
2.2 Artifact Classification
Machine learning provides a number of
classification methods, which can be used to
categorize different items and which can also be
applied to software artifacts. Each item is
characterized by a number of attributes, such as
name, description or due date, which have to be
converted into numerical values to be useable for
machine learning algorithms. These algorithms
require a set of labeled training data, i.e. items for
which the desired class is known (in our case the
developer who an item has been assigned to). The
labeled examples are used to train a classifier, which
is why this method is called “supervised learning”.
After the training phase, new items can be classified
automatically, which can serve as a recommendation
for task assignment. A similar method has been
employed by (Čubranić 2004) who used a naive
Bayes classifier to assign bug reports to developers.
In contrast to their work, our approach is not limited
to bug reports, but can rather handle different types
of work items. Moreover, we evaluate and compare
different classifiers. Also (Bruegge et al. 2009) have
taken a unified approach and used a modular
recurrent neural network to classify status and
activity of work items.
We implemented and evaluated our approach for
semi-automated task assignment in a unified model
provided by the tool UNICASE . In this section we
will describe the artifact types we consider for our
approach. Furthermore we describe the features of
these artifacts, which will form the input for the
different approaches. UNICASE provides a
repository, which can handle arbitrary types of
software engineering artifacts. These artifacts can
either be part of the system model, i.e. the
requirements model and the system specification, or
the project model, i.e. artifacts from project
management such as work items or developers
(Helming et al. 2009)
Figure 1: Excerpt from the unified model of UNICASE
(UML class diagram).
Figure 1 shows the relevant artifacts for our
approach. The most important part is the association
between work item and developer. This association
expresses, that a work item is assigned to a certain
developer and is therefore the association we semi-
automatically want to set. Work items in UNICASE
can be issues, tasks or bug reports. As we apply our
approach to the generalization work item it is not
limited to one of the subtypes as in existing
approaches. As we proposed in previous work (J.
Helming et al. 2009), work items in UNICASE can
be linked to the related Functional Requirements
modeled by the association isObjectOf. This
expresses that the represented work of the work item
is necessary to fulfill the requirement. This
association, if already existent adds additional
context information to a work item. Modeled by the
Refines association, Functional requirements are
structured in a hierarchy. We navigate this hierarchy
in our model-based approach to find the most
experienced developer, described in section 4. As a
first step in this approach, we have to determine all
related functional requirements of the currently
inspected work item. As a consequence this
approach only works for work items, which are
linked to functional requirements.
While the model-based approach of semi-automated
task assignment only relies on model links in
UNICASE, the machine learning approaches mainly
rely on the content of the artifacts. All content is
stored in attributes. The following table provides an
overview of the relevant features we used to
evaluate the different approaches:
Feature Meaning
A short and unique name for the
represented work item.
Description A detailed description of the work item.
The object of the work item, usually a
Functional Requirement.
We will show in the evaluation section, which
features had a significant impact on the accuracy of
the approach.
UNICASE provides an operation-based versioning
for all artifacts (Koegel 2008). This means all past
project-states can be restored. Further we can
retrieve a list of operations for each state, for
example when a project manager assigned a work
item to a certain developer. We will use this
versioning system in the second part of our
evaluation to exactly recreate a project state where a
work item was created. The goal is to evaluate
whether our approach would have chosen the same
developer for an assignment as the project manager
did. This evaluation method provides a more
realistic result than evaluating the approaches only
on the latest project state. With this method both
approaches, machine learning and model-based, can
only mine the information, which was present at the
time of the required assignment recommendation.
For the model-based assignment of work items we
use the structural information available in the unified
model of UNICASE. In UNICASE every functional
requirement can have a set of linked work items.
These are work items that need to be completed in
order to fulfil this requirement.
The main idea of our model-based approach is to
find the relevant part of the system for the input
work item. In a second set we extract a set of
existing work items, which are dealing with this part
of the system. For a given input work item and based
on this set we select a potential assignee. We will
describe how this set is created using an example in
Figure 2.
The input work item W is linked to the functional
requirement B. To create the relevant set of work
items (RelevantWorkItems(W)) we first add all
work items, which are linked to functional
requirement B (none in this example). Furthermore
we add all work items linked to the refined
functional requirement (A) and all work items linked
to the refining requirements (C). In the example the
set would consist of the work items 1 and 2.
Futhermore, we recursively collect all work items
from the refiningRequirements of A, which are
neighbors of functional requirement B in the
hierarchy (not shown in the example).
Using the set RelevantWorkItems(W) we determine
expertise of each developer D regarding W
(D)). We defined Expertise
(D) as the
number of relevant work items this developer has
already completed. After determining Expertise
for all developers, the one with highest expertise
value is suggested as the appropriate assignee of the
work item W.
Figure 2: Example for the model-based approach (UML
object diagram).
We have used the Universal Java Matrix Library
(UJMP) (Arndt et al. 2009) to convert data from
UNICASE into a format suitable for machine
learning algorithms. This matrix library can process
numerical as well as textual data and can be easily
integrated into other projects. All work items are
aggregated into a two-dimensional matrix, where
each row represents a single work item and the
columns contain the attributes (name, description,
ObjectOf association). Punctuation and stop words
are removed and all strings are converted to
lowercase characters. After that, the data is
converted into a document-term matrix, where each
row still represents a work item, while the columns
contain information about the occurrence of terms in
this work item. There are as many columns as
different words in the whole text corpus of all work
items. For every term, the number of occurrences in
this work item is counted. This matrix is normalized
using tf-idf (term frequency / inverse document
i, j
i, j
k, j
ENASE 2010 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
,where n
is the number of occurrences of the term t
in document d
, and the denominator is the sum of
occurrences of all terms in document d
The inverse document frequency is a measure of the
general importance of the term: logarithm of total
number of documents in the corpus divided by
number of documents where the term t
appears. A
deeper introduction to text categorization can be
found in (Sebastiani 2002).
We have not used further preprocessing such as
stemming or latent semantic indexing (LSI) as our
initial experiments suggested, that it had only a
minor effect on performance compared to the
selection of algorithm or features. We have used the
tf-idf matrix as input data to the Java Data Mining
Package (JDMP) (Arndt 2009), which provides an
common interface to numerous machine learning
algorithms from various libraries. Therefore we were
able to give a comparison between different
Constant Classifier
The work items are not assigned to all developers on
an equal basis. One developer may have worked on
much more work items than another one. By just
predicting the developer with the most work items it
is possible to make many correct assignments.
Therefore we use this classifier as a baseline, as it
does not consider the input features.
Nearest Neighbor Classifier
This classifier is one of the simplest classifiers in
machine learning. It uses normalized Euclidean
distance to locate the item within the training set
which is closest to the given work item, and predicts
the same class as the labeled example. We use the
implementation IB1 from Weka (Witten & Frank
2002). We did not use k-nearest neighbors, which
usually performs much better, because we found the
runtime of this algorithm to be too long for practical
application in our scenario.
Decision Trees
Decision trees are also very simple classifiers, which
break down the classification problem into a set of
simple if-then decisions which lead to the final
prediction. Since one decision tree alone is not a
very good predictor, it is a common practice to
combine a number of decision trees with ensemble
methods such as boosting (Freund & Schapire
1997). We use the implementation
RandomCommittee from Weka.
Support Vector Machine (SVM)
The support vector machine (SVM) calculates a
separating hyperplane between data points from
different classes and tries to maximize the margin
between them. We use the implementation from
LIBLINEAR (Fan et al. 2008), which works
extremely fast on large sparse data sets and is
therefore well suited for our task.
Naïve Bayes
This classifier is based on Bayes' theorem in
probability theory. It assumes that all features are
independent which is not necessarily the case for a
document-term matrix. However, it scales very well
to large data sets and usually yields good results
even if the independence assumption is violated. We
use the implementation NaiveBayesMultinomial
from Weka (Witten & Frank 2002) but also
considered the implementation in MALLET , which
showed lower classification accuracy (therefore we
only report results from Weka).
Neural Networks
Neural networks can learn non-linear mappings
between input and output data, which can be used to
classify items into different classes (for an
introduction to neural networks see e.g. (Haykin
2008)). We have tried different implementations but
found that the time for training took an order of
magnitudes longer than for the other approaches
considered here. Therefore we were unable to
include neural networks into our evaluation.
For the state-bases evaluation, we trained these
classifiers using a cross validation scheme: The data
has been split randomly into ten subsets. Nine of
these sets were selected to train the classifier and
one to assess its performance. After that, another set
was selected for prediction, and the training has been
performed using the remaining nine sets. This
procedure has been performed ten times for all sets
and has been repeated ten times (10 times 10-fold
cross validation). For the history-based evaluation,
the classifiers were trained on the data available at a
certain project state to predict the assignee for a
newly created work item. After the actual
assignment through the project leader, the classifiers
were re-trained and the next prediction could be
Depending on the approach, runtime for the
evaluation of one classifier on one project ranged
from a couple of minutes for LIBLINEAR SVM to
almost two days for the nearest neighbor classifier.
Although a thorough comparison of all machine
= log
d : t
learning methods would certainly have been
interesting, we did not include a full evaluation on
all projects and performed feature selection using
LIBLINEAR, which was the fastest method of all.
We argue that an algorithm for automatic task
assigment would have to deliver a good accuracy but
at the same time the necessary performance in terms
of computing time to be useable in a productive
environment. Therefore we could also discarded the
classifiers nearest neighbour and random committee
for the complete evaluation and report results only
In this section we evaluate and compare the different
approaches of semi-automated task assignment. We
evaluated the approaches using three different
projects. All projects have used UNICASE to
manage their work items as well as their system
documentation. In section 6.1 we introduce the three
projects and their specific characteristics. In section
6.2 we evaluate the approaches „state-based“. This
means we took the last available project state and
tried to classify all assignments post-mortem. This
evaluation technique was also used in approaches
such as (Canfora , 2005). Based on the results of the
state-based evaluation we selected the best-working
configurations and approaches and evaluated them
history-based. We stepped through the operation-
based history of the evaluation projects to the instant
before an assignment was done. This state is not
necessarily a revision from the history but can be a
state in between two revisions. This is why we had
to rely on the operation-based versioning of
UNICASE for this purpose. On the given state we
tried to predict this specific assignment post-mortem
and compared the result with the assignment, which
was actually done by the user. We claim this
evaluation to be more realistic than the state-based
as it measures the accuracy of the approach as if it
had been used in practice during the project.
Furthermore it shows how the approaches perform in
different states of the project depending on the
different size of existing data. As a general measure
to assess performance we used the accuracy, i.e. the
number of correctly classified developers divided by
the total number of classified work items. This
measure has the advantage of being very intuitive
and easily comparable between different approaches
and data sets. Other common measures such as
precision or sensitivity are strongly dependent on the
number of classes (number of developers) and their
distribution and therefore would make it more
difficult to interpret the results for our three projects.
6.1 Evaluation Projects
We have used three different projects as datasets for
our evaluation. As a first dataset we used the
repository of the UNICASE project itself, which has
been hosted on UNICASE for nearly one year. The
second project, DOLLI 2, was a large student project
with an industrial partner and 26 participants over 6
month. The goal of DOLLI was the development of
innovative solutions for facility management. The
third application is an industrial application of
UNICASE for the development of the browser game
"Kings Tale" by Beople GmbH, where UNICASE
has been used for over 6 months now. The following
table shows the number of participants and relevant
work items per project.
Table 1: Developer and work items per project.
Developers 39 26 6
work items
1191 411 256
work items
290 203 97
6.2 State-based Evaluation
For the state-based evaluation we used the last
existing project state. Based on this state we try to
classify all existing work items and compare the
result with the actually assigned person. In a first
step (section 6.2.1) we evaluate the machine learning
approaches. In a second step we evaluate the model-
based approach.
6.2.1 Machine Learning Approaches
We have chosen different combinations of features
as input of the application and applied the machine
learning approaches described in section 4 as well as
the model-based approach described in section 5.
Our goal was to determine the approaches,
configurations and feature-sets, which lead to the
best results and re-evaluate those in the history-
based evaluation (section 6.3). We started to
compare different feature sets. As we expected the
name of a work item to contain the most relevant
information, we started the evaluation with this
feature only. In a second and third run, we added the
ENASE 2010 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
attribute description and the association ObjectOf.
The size of the tf-idf matrix varied depending on the
project and the number of selected features, e.g. for
the UNICASE project, from 1,408 columns with
only name considered to 4,950 columns with all
possible features.
Table 2 shows the results of different feature sets
for the support vector machine. In all evaluation
projects, the addition of the features description and
ObjectOf increased accuracy. The combination of all
three attributes leads to the best results. As a
conclusion we will use the complete feature set for
further evaluation and comparison with other
Table 2: Different sets of features as input data.
s Tale
Name and description
s Tale
Name, description and Ob
In the next step we applied the described machine-
learning approaches using the best working feature
set as input (Name, description and ObjectOf). As a
base line we started with a constant classifier. This
classifier always suggests the developer for
assignment who has the most work items assigned.
As you can see in table 3, we can confirm the
findings of (Anvik et al. 2006), that SVM yields
very good results. Random Committee performed
quite badly in terms of accuracy and performance so
we did not further evaluate them on all projects. The
only competitive algorithm in terms of accuracy was
Naïve Bayes, which was however worse on the
Kings Tale project. As there was no significant
difference between SVM and Naïve Bayes we chose
SVM for further history-based evaluation due to the
much better performance.
6.2.2 Model-based Approach
In the second step of the state-based evaluation we
applied the model-based approach on the same data,
which yields in surprisingly good results (see Table
4). The first row shows the accuracy of
recommendations, when the model-based approach
could be applied. The approach is only applicable to
work items, which were linked to functional
requirements. The number of work items the
approach could be applied to is listed in Table 1. It is
worth mentioning that once we also considered the
second guess of the model-based approach and only
linked work items, we achieved accuracies of 96.2%
for the UNICASE, 78.7% for DOLLI and 94.7% for
the Kings Tale project. For a fair overall comparison
with the machine learning approaches, which are
able to classify every work item we calculate the
accuracy for all work items, including those without
links, which could consequently not be predicted.
Table 4 shows that the accuracy classifying all work
items is even worse than the constant classifier.
Therefore the model-based approach is only
applicable for linked work items or in combination
with other classifiers.
Table 3: Different machine learning approaches state-
s Tale
19,7% 9,0% 37,4%
Table 4: Model-based approach.
s Tale
work items
82,6% 58,1% 78,4%
work items
19,9% 20,7% 29,3%
We have shown that the model-based approach can
classify linked work items based on the ObjectOf
reference. Therefore the approach basically mines,
which developer has worked on which related parts
of the system in the past (see section 5). One could
claim that the machine learning approaches could
also classify based on this information. Therefore we
applied the SVM only on linked work items with all
features and also only using the ObjectOf feature.
The results (see Table 5) show that linked work
items are better classified than non-linked. But even
a restriction to only the feature ObjectOf did not lead
to results as good as the model-based approach.
Therefore we conclude to use the model-based
approach whenever it is applicable and classify all
other elements with SVM.
Table 5: Classification of linked work items.
29,3% 18,3% 40,3%
53,9% 33,4% 50,2%
49,7% 23,8% 49,2%
6.3 History-based Evaluation
In the second part of our evaluation we wanted to
simulate the actual use case of assignment. The
problem with the state-based evaluation is, that the
system has actually more information at hand, as it
would have had at the time, a work item was
assigned. Consequently we simulated the actual
assignment situation. Therefore we used the
operation-based versioning of UNICASE in
combination with an analyzer framework provided
by UNICASE. This enables us to iterate over project
states through time and exactly recreate the state
before a single assignment was done. Note that this
state must not necessarily and usually also does not
conform to a certain revision from versioning but is
rather an intermediate version between to revisions.
By using the operation-based versioning of
UNICASE we are able to recover these intermediate
states and to apply our approaches on exactly that
state. For the machine learning approach (SVM) we
trained the specific approach based on that state. For
the model-based approach we used the state to
calculate the assignment recommendation. Then, we
compared the result of the recommendation with the
assignment, which was actually chosen by the user.
For the history-based evaluation we selected the two
best working approaches from the state-based
evaluation, SVM and the model-based approach. We
applied the model-based approach only on linked
work items.
We applied SVM and the model-based approach
on the UNICASE and the DOLLI project. The
Kingsthale project did not capture operation-based
history data and was therefore not part of the
history-based evaluation. As expected the results for
all approaches are worse than in the state-based
evaluation (see Table 6). Still all applied approaches
are better than the base line, the constant classifier.
An exception is the model-based approach applied
on the DOLLI project, which shows slightly better
results in the history-based evaluation. We believe
the reason for this is that the requirements model,
i.e. the functional requirements, and the related work
items were added continuously over the project
runtime. Therefore at the states when the actual
assignment was done, the model-based approach
could calculate its recommendation based on a
smaller, but more precise set of artifacts.
Furthermore we can observe, that the results for the
UNICASE project differ largely from the state-based
evaluation compared to the DOLLI project. A
possible explanation for this is the higher personal
fluctuation in the UNICASE project. This
fluctuation requires the approaches to predict
assignments for developers with a sparse history in
the project and is therefore much more difficult. In
the state-based evaluation the fluctuation is hidden,
because the approaches can use all work items of the
specific developer no matter when he joined the
Table 6: History-based (aggregated accuracy) UC=
Const. 22% 19,7% 7% 9,0%
SVM 29% 38.0% 27% 28.9%
75% 82,6% 61% 58,1%
Figure 3 and 4 show the accuracy over time for the
UNICASE project and SVM and model-based
approach, respectively. All presented charts show
two lines. The first line (black) shows the aggregated
accuracy over time. The second line (dotted black)
shows the aggregated accuracy for last 50 (DOLLI)
and 100 (UNICASE) revisions and therefore reveals
short time trends. In the selected time frame, both
Figure 3: SVM – UNICASE.
ENASE 2010 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
approaches do not fluctuate significantly. This
shows, that both approaches could be applied to a
continuous project, were developers join and leave
the project.
In contrast to the continuous UNICASE, we
investigated the DOLLI project from the beginning
to the end (Figure 5 and 6) including project start-up
and shutdown activities. We observe that SVM lacks
in accuracy at the beginning, where new developers
start to work on the project. For an efficient
classification the SVM approach has to process a
reasonable set of work items per developer.
Therefore a high accuracy is only reached to the end
of the project. A closer look at the accuracy of the
model-based approach shows that it decreases at the
end of the project. Starting from around revision 430
there has been a process change in the project as
well as a reorganization of the functional
requirements. This clearly affects the results of the
model-based approach as it relies on functional
requirements and their hierarchy. In contrast to the
model-based approach, SVM seems to be quite
stable against this type of change.
Figure 4: Model-based – UNICASE.
Figure 5: SVM – DOLLI.
Figure 6: Model-based – DOLLI.
We applied machine learning techniques as well as a
novel model-based approach to semi-automatically
assign different types of work items. We evaluated
the different approaches on three existing projects.
We could confirm the results from previous authors
that the support vector machine (SVM) is an
efficient solution to this classification task. The
naïve Bayes classifier can lead to similar results, but
the implementation we have used showed a worse
performance in terms of computing time. The
model-based approach is not applicable to all work
items as it relies on structural information, which is
not always available. However it showed the best
results of all approaches whenever it was applicable.
The model-based approach relies on links from
work items to functional requirements and is
therefore not directly applicable in other scenarios
than UNICASE, where these links do not exist.
Although we believe that it can be transferred to
other systems where similar information is provided.
Bug trackers often allow to link bug reports to
related components. Components on the other hand
have relations to each other, just like the functional
requirements in our context. An obvious
shortcoming of the model-based approach is that it
requires a triage by the affected part of the system
no matter which model is used. On the one hand we
believe, that it is easier for users to triage a work
item by the affected part of the system rather than
assign it, especially if they do not know the internal
structure of a project. On the other hand if a project
decides to use both, links to related system parts and
links to assignees, the model-based approach can
help with the creation of the latter.
In the second part of our evaluation, we tried to
simulate the use case in a realistic assignment
scenario. Therefore we applied the two best working
approaches over the project history and predicted
every assignment at exactly the state, when it was
originally done. As a consequence all approaches
can process less information than in the first part of
the evaluation, which was based on the last project
state. As expected the history-based evaluation leads
to lower accuracies for all approaches. The model-
based approach is less affected by this scenario than
the SVM. A possible reason for that is that the
model-based approach is not so much depending on
the size of the existing data but more on its quality.
This assumption is underlined by the behavior of the
model-based approach during massive changes in
the model, leading to lower results. In contrast to
that, the SVM was not so sensible to changes in
model, but more to fluctuations in the project
We conclude that the best solution would be a
hybrid approach, i.e. a combination of the model-
based approach and SVM. This would lead to high
results for linked work items, but would also be able
to deal with unlinked items.
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ENASE 2010 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering