Antonia Mas, Antoni Lluís Mesquida, Esperança Amengual
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of the Balearic Islands, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Bartomeu Fluxà
Brújula Tecnologías de la Información S.A., Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Keywords: ISO/IEC 15504 (SPICE), ISO/IEC 27000, Information security, Software Process Improvement (SPI).
Abstract: In software development companies, as well as in any company, information must be adequately protected.
Therefore, the implementation of information security standards has also become crucial in software
organizations. Software companies involved in a process improvement initiative according to the ISO/IEC
15504 standard for process assessment and improvement are showing an increasing interest in the
implementation of the ISO/IEC 27000 standard for information security management. With the intention of
supporting these companies in the implementation of the ISO/IEC 27000 standard, our main goal is the
development of a method which provides guidance on the application of both frameworks. As a first step of
this work, in this article a mapping between ISO/IEC 27002 and ISO/IEC 15504-5 is presented.
Nowadays information has become a very important
asset for companies and, as well as other crucial
assets, it requires special protection. In fact,
information should be adequately protected
independently of its format and transmission mode.
The main objective of information security is to
properly protect information from unauthorized
access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification and
The implementation of information security
controls as those defined in ISO/IEC 27002 is a
priority for companies to assure its continuity,
minimise possible injuries and maximize the return
of investment and business opportunities.
In software development companies in particular,
information security is also fundamental. Within our
environment a significant number of software
companies, that have been or are currently involved
in a process improvement programme according to
ISO/IEC 15504, demand the implementation of
ISO/IEC 27000 as a security standard.
In order to guide software organizations involved
in process improvement programmes according to
ISO/IEC 15504 in the implementation of the
ISO/IEC 27000 standard, even obtaining a
certification against ISO/IEC 27001, it is necessary
to look for an efficient way of applying the ISO/IEC
27002 security controls.
During the last years, several initiatives relating
quality and security best practices have emerged.
(Barafort, Humbert and Poggi 2006) have developed
a process reference model and a process
implementation model which provide a framework
for assessing and increasing process capability and
organisational maturity in the field information
security. (Valdevit, Mayer and Barafort 2009)
propose a guide for a more affordable, easier and
faster way to implement a vast majority of ISO/IEC
27001 in SMEs.
The Software Process Improvement (MiProSoft)
research group is experienced in implementing
ISO/IEC 15504 in software companies (Mas and
Amengual, 2004), (Mas and Amengual, 2005),
(Amengual and Mas, 2007), (Mas, Fluxà and
Amengual, 2009) and using multiple standards in a
combined way (Amengual and Mas, 2003)
(Mesquida, Mas, and Amengual, 2009).
With the main intention of joining forces in the
combined implementation of ISO/IEC 15504 and
ISO/IEC 27000, in this article the possible relation
Mas A., Mesquida A., Amengual E. and Fluxà B. (2010).
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering, pages 192-198
DOI: 10.5220/0003001001920198
between ISO/IEC 15504-5 best practices and
ISO/IEC 27002 security controls is analysed.
In section 2 both standards are introduced.
Section 3 defines the process followed to perform
the mapping between the two standards and
summarizes the results of this mapping. In section 4
a discussion about the obtained results is offered.
Finally, in section 5 the conclusions are presented.
In this section, both standards ISO/IEC 27000 and
ISO/IEC 15504 are introduced.
2.1 ISO/IEC 27000 Series
The ISO/IEC 27000 series, also known as the “ISMS
Family of Standards”, comprises information
security standards jointly published. The series
provides best practice recommendations on
information security management, risks and controls
within the context of an overall Information Security
Management System (ISMS). At present, six of the
standards in the series are publicly available while
several more are under development. In order to
conduct the research presented in this paper only
two standards, ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27002,
have been used.
The ISO/IEC 27001:2005 Information
technology - Security techniques - Information
security management systems - Requirements
standard (ISO/IEC, 2005a) promotes the adoption of
a process approach and specifies the requirements
for establishing, implementing, operating,
monitoring, reviewing, maintaining and improving a
documented ISMS within the context of an
organization. This standard can be used in order to
assess conformance by interested internal and
external parties. The requirements set out in
ISO/IEC 27001 are generic and are intended to be
applicable to all organizations, regardless of type,
size and nature. The standard is aligned with ISO
9001:2000 and ISO 14001:2004 in order to support
consistent and integrated implementation and
operation with related management standards. It is
designed to enable an organization to align or
integrate its ISMS with related management system
ISO/IEC 27002:2005 Information technology -
Security techniques - Code of practice for
information security management (ISO/IEC, 2005b)
is the rename of the ISO/IEC 17799 standard. It
establishes guidelines and general principles for
initiating, implementing, maintaining, and
improving information security management in an
organization. The control objectives and controls of
this international standard provide general guidance
on the commonly accepted goals of information
security management. This standard may serve as a
practical guideline for developing organizational
security standards and effective security
management practices and to help to build
confidence in inter-organizational activities.
ISO/IEC 27002 contains 11 security control
Clauses collectively containing a total of 39 security
Categories and 133 Controls. Table 1 summarizes
the structure of the standard.
Table 1: ISO/IEC 27002 Structure.
5 Security policy 1 2
6 Organization of information security 2 11
7 Asset management 2 5
8 Human resources security 3 9
9 Physical and environmental security 2 13
10 Communications and operations
10 32
11 Access control 7 25
12 Information systems acquisition,
development and maintenance
6 16
13 Information security incident
2 5
14 Business continuity management 1 5
15 Compliance 3 10
Total 39 133
Each Category contains a control objective,
stating what is to be achieved, and one or more
controls that can be applied to achieve the control
objective. Control descriptions are structured into
three different fields: control, implementation
guidance and other information. Table 2 shows this
Category structure.
Table 2: ISO/IEC 27002 Category structure.
Category Name
(For each control of the Category)
Control description
Other information
2.2 ISO/IEC 15504
ISO/IEC 15504 Information technology - Process
assessment (ISO/IEC, 2004), also known as SPICE
(Software Process Improvement and Capability
dEtermination), is an International Standard for
process assessment and improvement. It can be used
by any organization to determine the current and
potential capability of its own processes, and also to
define areas and priorities for process improvement.
ISO/IEC 15504 is composed of seven parts that
provide guidance to process assessment. In order to
perform a process assessment conformant with
ISO/IEC 15504-2:2003 (ISO/IEC, 2003) a Process
Assessment Model (PAM), based upon a suitable
Process Reference Model (PRM), needs to be
properly defined.
ISO/IEC 15504-5:2006 (ISO/IEC, 2006)
describes an exemplar PAM for the particular case
of the software lifecycle processes defined in
ISO/IEC 12207:1995/Amd 1&2 Information
technology - Software life cycle processes (ISO/IEC,
1995). In this part the standard defines process
performance indicators, also known as Base
Practices (BP), for each one of the 48 software
lifecycle processes which are structured in 9 Process
Groups. Table 3 shows these nine Process Groups,
the number of processes and the number of Base
Practices per group.
Table 3: ISO/IEC 15504-5 summary of Process Groups.
Process Groups Processes BP
Acquisition (ACQ) 5 23
Supply (SPL) 3 25
Engineering (ENG) 12 66
Operation (OPE) 2 11
Management (MAN) 6 52
Process Improvement (PIM) 3 23
Resource & Infrastructure (RIN) 4 29
Reuse (REU) 3 26
Support (SUP) 10 73
Total 48 328
ISO/IEC 12207:1995/Amd 1&2 describes each
process in terms of a Process Name, a Process
Purpose and Process Outcomes. ISO/IEC 15504-5
extends this definition of a process by adding
information in the form of a set of Base Practices,
which provide a definition of the tasks and activities
needed to accomplish the process purpose and fulfil
the process outcomes, and a number of Input and
Output Work Products related to the process
outcomes. The complete structure of a process is
shown in Table 4.
Table 4: ISO/IEC 15504-5 Process structure.
Process ID
Process Name
Process Purpose
Process Outcomes
Base Practices
Work Products
Inputs Outputs
Finally, Table 5 summarises the structure of both
ISO/IEC 27002 and ISO/IEC 15504-5 standards.
Table 5: Summary of the standards in quantitative terms.
ISO/IEC 27002 ISO/IEC 15504-5
Clause (11) Process Group (9)
Category (39) Process (48)
Control (133) Base Practice (328)
27002 AND ISO/IEC 15504-5
The mapping between the two standards was done
by following an iterative and evolving strategy in
which the ISO/IEC 27002 Controls and the ISO/IEC
15504-5 Base Practices have been compared. This
version of the mapping is the result of a successive
refinement process performed in three stages as
shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: The mapping process flow.
With the objective of sharing the knowledge and
the different points of view among the authors,
during the joint analysis stage both standards were
analysed in group. Since it was not possible to
perform a complete mapping in only one session,
different meetings were necessary in order to obtain
a first preliminary version of the mapping. During
each meeting two or three ISO/IEC 27002 Clauses
were analysed. More specifically, taking into
account that each Clause is composed of different
Categories and that these Categories are composed
of Controls, for each Control the Description, the
Version im
ENASE 2010 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 6: Mapping between the ISO/IEC 27002 Clauses and the ISO/IEC 15504-5 Process Groups.
ISO/IEC 15504-5 Process Groups
5 Security policy
6 Organization of information security
9 9
7 Asset management
8 Human resources security
9 Physical and environmental security
10 Communications and operations management
9 9 9
11 Access control
12 Inf. systems acquisition, development and
13 Information security incident management
14 Business continuity management
15 Compliance
9 9 9
9 9
Implementation guidance and the Other information
fields were analysed in depth. It should be noted that
the authors’ knowledge of the ISO/IEC 15504
standard facilitated the initial selection of the set of
processes related to the Control under consideration.
After a detailed analysis of the Base Practices of the
ISO/IEC 15504-5 selected processes, it was possible
to determine the existence or not of a connection
between the ISO/IEC 27002 Control and a particular
ISO/IEC 15504-5 process.
With the intention of consolidating the results
obtained after the meetings, these results were
individually re-examined by each author to confirm
the decisions reached or, on the contrary, to make
some modifications to the initial version of the
Finally, during the joint review stage the
individual proposals of each author were carefully
discussed in order to reach a general consensus to
accept or reject each proposal.
In this section due to a limitation of space the
whole mapping is not included. Otherwise, a
summary of the results of the mapping from
different perspectives is offered to facilitate the
understanding of the connections between the two
Firstly, Table 6 shows a high level view of the
relations between the ISO/IEC 27002 Clauses and
the ISO/IEC 15504-5 Process Groups.
Secondly, at a more detailed level, Table 7
shows an extract of the mapping between the
ISO/IEC 27002 Controls and the ISO/IEC 15504-5
Base Practices. More concretely, the relations
between the Controls in clause 10 Communications
and operations management and the Base Practices
of the initially selected processes for each Control
are shown. In case a Control is related to all the Base
Practices of a process, the table only shows the
Process Name.
Table 7: Example of mapping between the ISO/IEC 27002
security Controls and the ISO/IEC 15504-5 Base
Clause: 10 Communications and operations
Categories: 10
Controls: 32
10.1 Operational procedures and responsibilities
10.1.1 Documented operating
10.1.2 Change management SUP.10
10.1.3 Segregation of duties RIN.4.BP2
10.1.4 Separation of development, test
and operational facilities
10.2 Third party service delivery management
10.2.1 Service delivery ACQ.3.BP1,BP3
10.2.2 Monitoring and review of third
party services
10.2.3 Managing changes to third
party services
10.3 System planning and acceptance
10.3.1 Capacity management ---
10.3.2 System acceptance ACQ.5.BP3
10.4 Protection against malicious and mobile code
10.4.1 Controls against malicious
10.4.2 Controls against mobile code RIN.4.BP2
10.5 Back-up
10.5.1 Information back-up
10.6 Network security management
10.6.1 Network controls RIN.4.BP4,BP6
10.6.2 Security of network services ACQ.3.BP1
10.7 Media handling
10.7.1 Management of removable
10.7.2 Disposal of media ---
10.7.3 Information handling
10.7.4 Security of system
10.8 Exchange of information
Table 7: Example of mapping between the ISO/IEC
27002 security Controls and the ISO/IEC 15504-5 Base
10.8.1 Information exchange policies
and procedures
10.8.2 Exchange agreements
10.8.3 Physical media in transit SPL.2.BP8
10.8.4 Electronic messaging RIN.4.BP2
10.8.5 Business information systems
10.9 Electronic commerce services
10.9.1 Electronic commerce
10.9.2 On-line transactions
10.9.3 Publicly available information
10.10 Monitoring
10.10.1 Audit logging RIN.4.BP2,BP4
10.10.2 Monitoring system use
10.10.3 Protection of log information ---
10.10.4 Administrator and operator
10.10.5 Fault logging ---
10.10.6 Clock synchronization ---
Finally, starting from the ISO/IEC 15504 another
point of view of the mapping can be obtained. As an
example, Table 8 shows all the ISO/IEC 27002
Categories related to the processes of the ISO/IEC
15504-5 Management Process Group (MAN).
Table 8: Example of the mapping between the ISO/IEC
15504-5 Processes and the ISO/IEC 27002 Categories.
ISO/IEC 15504 Process ISO/IEC 27002 Category
MAN.1 Organizational
5.1 Information security policy
8.1 Prior to employment
8.2 During employment
MAN.2 Organizational
6.1 Internal organization
14.1 Information security aspects
of business continuity
MAN.3 Project
MAN.4 Quality
MAN.5 Risk
6.2 External parties
12.6 Technical Vulnerability
13.1 Reporting information
security events and weaknesses
13.2 Management of information
security incidents and
MAN.6 Measurement ---
In this section the results of the mapping between
ISO/IEC 15504 and ISO/IEC 27002 are analysed
and the different types of relations between the Base
Practices and Controls are exposed.
4.1 Analysis of the Relations
Table 6, presented in the previous section, can be
analysed from two different points of view. On the
one hand, an analysis by columns gives information
about the relations from the perspective of ISO/IEC
15504 Process Groups. On the other hand, an
analysis by rows determines the relations from the
perspective of ISO/IEC 27002 Controls.
Beginning with an analysis of Table 6 by
columns, it can be seen that the Resource and
Infrastructure Process Group (RIN) is the only
Process Group that is related to all ISO/IEC 27002
Clauses. This Process Group consists of processes
performed in order to provide adequate human
resources and the necessary infrastructure as
required by any other process. Not surprisingly, the
relations established between this Process Group and
the ISO/IEC 270002 Clauses are quite evident.
On the contrary, the Operation Process Group
(OPE), the Process Improvement Group (PIM) and
the Reuse Process Group (REU) have a weak or
non-existent connection with any clause in ISO/IEC
The OPE Process Group contains Base Practices
for the correct operation and use of the software
product and/or service. Consequently, it is hardly
surprising that no relation with the ISO/IEC 27002
standard has been found.
The PIM Process Group consists of processes
performed in order to define, deploy, assess and
improve the processes performed in the
organizational unit. These kinds of aspects are not
considered specifically in the ISO/IEC 27002
standard. They are related to the ISO/IEC 27001
standard, more concretely to the proposed PDCA
process model which is applied to structure all ISMS
The purpose of the REU processes is to manage
the life of reusable assets and to plan, establish,
manage, control, and monitor an organization’s
reuse program to systematically exploit reuse
opportunities. These activities are better related to
the ISO/IEC 27001 standard than to ISO/IEC 27002.
That is the reason why no evidences of REU Base
Practices in ISO/IEC 27002 Controls have been
ENASE 2010 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Finally, analysing Table 6 from the perspective of
the ISO/IEC 27002 Clauses, it can be observed that
the “Asset management”, “Physical and
environmental security” and “Access control”
Clauses have only weak connections with the RIN
Process Group. Moreover, “Security policy”,
“Human resources security” and “Business
continuity management” are only related to the
MAN and RIN Process Groups.
4.2 Types of Correspondence
From the analysis of the relations between ISO/IEC
27002 Controls and ISO/IEC 15504-5 Base
practices, five different types of correspondence
between both standards have been established:
1. Correspondence between a Control and the
Whole Set of the Base Practices of a Process.
The connection between the “10.1.2 Change
Management” Control and the Base Practices of the
“SUP.10 Change request management” process can
be considered an example of this particular case.
Although this set of Base Practices is performed in
order to ensure that changes to products in
development are managed and controlled, the same
set of Base Practices could be performed in order to
manage changes to information processing facilities
in the manner indicated by the Control.
Another example of this case can be observed in
the connection between the “10.1.1 Documented
operating procedures” Control and the “SUP.7
Documentation” process.
2. Correspondence between the Control and
Part of the Set of the Base Practices of a
This is the case of the “10.5.1 Information back-up”
Control which is clearly related to SUP.8.BP10 and
The description of this Control states that back-
up copies of information and software should be
taken and tested regularly in accordance with the
agreed backup policy.
This description fits with SUP.8.BP10
description: Manage the backup, storage, archiving,
handling and delivery of configured items. Ensure
the integrity and consistency of configured items
through appropriate scheduling and resourcing of
backup, storage and archiving. Control the handling
and delivery of configured items.
Likewise, the Control description also fits with
RIN.4.BP2 description: Define the infrastructure
requirements to support the performance of
appropriate processes. Infrastructure process
requirements may include: security, throughput and
data sharing requirements, backup and recovery,
remote access facility, physical workspace and
equipment, user support requirements and
maintenance requirements.
3. Correspondence between a Control and a
In this case there is a correspondence between a
Control and a process without an explicit connection
with a particular Base Practice of the process. The
relation has been identified by comparing the control
description with the process purpose.
This is the case of the “10.7.4 Security of system
documentation” Control with the “SUP.7
Documentation” process. The description of this
Control states that system documentation should be
protected against unauthorized access and the
purpose of SUP.7 is to develop and maintain the
recorded information produced by a process.
In this case, in order to include the security
aspects considered by the Control in the related
process two possible solutions could be undertaken.
On the one hand, a new Base Practice could be
added to the process in order to satisfy the Control
objective. The description of this new Base Practice
could be adapted from the Control implementation
guidance. On the other hand, the description of the
existent Base Practices and the process purpose
could be modified or expanded.
For the particular of case of SUP.7, SUP.7.BP1,
SUP.7.BP3, SUP.7.BP6, SUP.7.BP7 and SUP.7.BP8
should be expanded in order to meet the Control
objective. Moreover, the process purpose could also
be changed to “to develop, maintain and protect
against unauthorized access the recorded
information produced by a process”.
4. Nonexistence of a Correspondence between a
Control and a Process.
This is the case of controls “10.10.4 Administrator
and operator logs”, “10.10.5 Fault logging” and
“10.10.6 Clock synchronization”.
Because of its particular nature, these controls
are related to system administration activities which
are not covered by ISO/IEC 15504-5.
5. Correspondence between a Control and
RIN.4 Infrastructure Process.
In this case, a Control is only related to the RIN.4
Infrastructure process which purpose is to maintain a
stable and reliable infrastructure that is needed to
support the performance of any other process. The
RIN.4 Base Practices most frequently connected are
RIN.4.BP2 and RIN.4.BP4.
An example of this case can be observed in the
first Control of the Category 10.10 Monitoring,
“10.10.1 Audit logging”, which objective is to
produce and keep audit logs recording user
activities, exceptions and information security
events. If this objective is understood as a security
infrastructure requirement, the Control should be
related to RIN.4.BP2 and RIN.4.BP4. A similar case
could be found in the “10.10.2 Monitoring system
use” Control.
In this article, a mapping between the ISO/IEC
27002 security Controls and the ISO/IEC 15504-5
Base Practices for software lifecycle processes has
been presented.
As it has been proved, ISO/IEC 15504 considers
an important number of the security aspects and
controls which are necessary for the implementation
of an Information Security Management System.
Consequently, software companies involved in a
process improvement program according to this
standard have already performed some steps in order
to implement the ISO/IEC 27000 Standard.
After demonstrating the relations between these
two different standards, further work is expected to
be performed in order to meet the following goals:
Development of a method with the necessary
guidelines for the implementation of both
standards reducing the amount of effort.
Improvement of this method by considering the
lessons learned from its application in software
Analysis of the relations between the ISO/IEC
27002 Security controls and the Generic
Practices of Capability levels 2-5 provided by
ISO/IEC 15504-5 to determine if the
implementation of security controls could help
process improvement in a company.
Development of a software tool to support the
implementation of both standards.
This research has been supported by CICYT
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ENASE 2010 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering