A Tool for Performing Systematic Literature Reviews
Ana M. Fernández-Sáez, Marcela Genero Bocco
ALARCOS Research Group, Department of Technologies and Information Systems, University of Castilla-La Mancha
Paseo de la Universidad, 4, 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain
Francisco P. Romero
SMILE Research Group, Department of Technologies and Information Systems, University of Castilla-La Mancha
Avda. Carlos III, s/n, 45071 Toledo, Spain
Keywords: Systematic Literature Review, SLR, Tool, Text mining.
Abstract: Systematic literature reviews (SLRs) have been gaining a significant amount of attention from Software
Engineering researchers since 2004. SLRs are considered to be a new research methodology in Software
Engineering, which allow evidence to be gathered with regard to the usefulness or effectiveness of the
technology proposed in Software Engineering for the development and maintenance of software products.
This is demonstrated by the growing number of publications related to SLRs that have appeared in recent
years. While some tools exist that can support some or all of the activities of the SLR processes defined in
(Kitchenham & Charters, 2007), these are not free. The objective of this paper is to present the SLR-Tool,
which is a free tool and is available on the following website:, to be
used by researchers from any discipline, and not only Software Engineering. SLR-Tool not only supports
the process of performing SLRs proposed in (Kitchenham & Charters, 2007), but also provides additional
functionalities such as: refining searches within the documents by applying text mining techniques; defining
a classification schema in order to facilitate data synthesis; exporting the results obtained to the format of
tables and charts; and exporting the references from the primary studies to the formats used in bibliographic
packages such as EndNote, BibTeX or Ris. This tool has, to date, been used by members of the Alarcos
Research Group and PhD students, and their perception of it is that it is both highly necessary and useful.
Our purpose now is to circulate the use of SLR-Tool throughout the entire research community in order to
obtain feedback from other users.
An SLR is a means of identifying, evaluating and
interpreting all available research relevant to a
particular research question, or topic area, or
phenomenon of interest (Kitchenham & Charters,
2007). These reviews differ from traditional
literature reviews in their rigorous and impartial
nature, which makes them of great scientific value.
The first methodology for conducting SLRs in
Software Engineering was presented by Barbara
Kitchenham (Kitchenham, 2004). This methodology
provides specific details of each of the phases and
activities evolved in carrying out an SLR. The
methodology was based on ideas taken from
medicine, a discipline in which SLRs are
indispensible, signifying that their realization is
considerably more mature in this area. Later, and
after three years of using the original methodology,
the same author proposed a new improved version of
the original method (Kitchenham & Charters, 2007).
SLRs have been gaining a significant amount of
attention from Software Engineering researchers
since 2004. They are becoming increasingly
important as the fundamental methodology through
which to contribute to the maturity of what is
denominated as “Evidence-Based Software
Engineering” (EBSE), whose main goal is ‘‘To
provide the means by which current best evidence
from research can be integrated with practical
experience and human values in the decision making
Fernández-Sáez A., Genero Bocco M. and Romero F. (2010).
SLR-TOOL - A Tool for Performing Systematic Literature Reviews.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 157-166
DOI: 10.5220/0003003601570166
process regarding the development and maintenance
of software” (Dybå et al., 2005).
The relevance of SLRs is reflected in the
numerous papers that have been written since 2004
which either present SLRs of a specific subject or
deal with methodological aspects. For example,
(Brereton, et al., 2007; Turner, et al., 2008) present
lessons learned which were obtained after
performing several SLRs by following the proposed
methodology. (Dieste & Padua, 2007) present a
means to develop optimal search strategies that
retrieve as much relevant information as possible,
while maintaining low costs and effort. (Babar &
Zhang, 2009) present preliminary results from
interviews with researchers which were carried out
with the goal of independently exploring the
experiences and perceptions of the practitioners of
SLRs in order to gain an in-depth understanding of
various aspects of SLRs as a new research
methodology in Software Engineering. In
(Kitchenham, et al., 2009) an observer-participant
case study is used to analyse the impact of limited
search procedures for SLRs. In (Kitchenham, et al.,
2009) an SLR of SLRs is presented whose objective
is to review the current status of EBSE since 2004.
20 SLRs published between 2004 and 2007 are
analysed in this paper.
Further evidence of the relevance that SLRs are
taking on as a research methodology in Software
Engineering is that from 2005 onwards the
Information and Software Technology Journal has
included SLRs as a new type of paper for
submission. Moreover, since 2007 there have been
special sessions related to SLR issues at the EASE
and ESEM conferences.
While there is an established methodology for
conducting SLRs, most of the authors of papers
containing SLRs stress the difficulty of carrying
them out, which is particularly caused by the low
amount of flexibility of searches that most digital
libraries provide and the lack of a tool to support the
entire process of SLRs which would reduce the time
and resources required for effectively and efficiently
carrying out SLRs without compromising their
quality (Babar & Zhang, 2009).
The objective of this paper is to present the SLR-
Tool that we have designed and implemented to
support each of the phases in the SLR process. The
main advantage of this tool is that, unlike other
existing tools, it is free, and reduces the effort
required to carry out the SLR manually.
With regard to the SLR-Tool’s functionality, it
has the following advantages:
It can store data related to each of the activities
in each of the phases of the process used to
perform SLRs.
It allows the searches to be refined by using text
mining techniques.
It permits the definition of classification scheme
which helps the researcher to perform data
synthesis and analysis.
It uses text mining techniques to cluster the
review documents by using the similarities
among them.
It exports all the data collected in the review
process to Excel files in table or graphic
formats. It also permits the export of all the
references of the documents uploaded in the tool
to the format accepted by bibliographic
packages such as EndNote, BibTeX and Ris.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows:
Section 2 presents a summary of the tools that
currently exist to perform SLRs, emphasizing the
differences between them and the tool that we
propose in this paper. In Section 3 shows the
processes for performing SLRs. Section 4 presents
design and implementation details of SLR-Tool and
Section 5 shows an example of how the tool has
been used. Finally, Section 6 presents some
conclusions and future work.
To the best of our knowledge, several tools covering
some or all of the phases in the SLR process
presented in (Kitchenham & Charters, 2007) exist,
and these are summarized below:
EPPI-Reviewer (EPPI-Reviewer, 2010). This
web tool can be used by various researchers to
carry out a collaborative systematic review.
Besides supporting bibliographic management,
and inclusion and exclusion criteria
management, EPPI-Reviewer focuses most of
its functionality on plotting results, generating
reports and applying certain meta-analysis
TrialStat's SRS software (TrialStat, 2010) is a
commercial tool. It is necessary to pay a
substantial amount to obtain a license to use this
Tools to manage bibliographies also exist. Some
of these act as metasearchers, which allow
searches to be made in digital libraries such as
ACM or IEEE, or in reference managers such as
CiteSeer. They also permit the searches to be
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
refined with their own searchers. The problem
with this type of tools is that they do not support
the complete process involved in SLR process,
since they only support the search for candidate
papers for primary studies. Some examples of
these tools are presented in (JabRef, 2010;
Skidmore, 2002).
There are also numerous tools that allow
empirical data to be integrated through meta-
analysis, thus enabling general conclusions
about the empirical data found in SLRs to be
Those tools that support the whole SLR process
need a license for their use, while those tools whose
functionality is limited to part of the SLR are free.
There is thus a need to develop an SLR-Tool in
order to provide a tool for performing SLRs that is
freely available and which can overcome some of
the limitations of digital library search engines, such
as the difficulty involved in defining complex search
strings, or in allowing searches to be made in
different fields of documents such as the title, the
abstract, the keywords or the full text.
SLR-Tool is available on the website, and
can therefore be used by researchers from the
Software Engineering community, from whom we
hope to obtain feedback in order to adapt the tool to
the real needs of researchers.
According to (Kitchenham & Charters, 2007) an
SLR is an evaluation and interpretation of all
existing research that is relevant to a specific
research question, an area of knowledge or a
phenomenon of interest. SLRs aim to provide a fair
assessment of a research topic through a reliable,
rigorous and auditable methodology.
The importance of SLRs lies in their impartiality.
Many researchers carry out small research studies
that may initially appear to be SLRs. However,
unless it is a thorough and impartial process the
results may lack scientific value.
The three main phases of an SLR consist of
planning, conducting and reporting the review, each
of which will be expalined as follows.
3.1 Planning the Review
The first action that must be performed in this phase
is that of identifying the need to carry out a review,
which arises from researchers’ needs to summarize
all existing information on a phenomenon in a
thorough and impartial way.
Sometimes an organisation requires information
about a specific topic but does not have the time or
expertise to perform an SLR itself. In such cases it
will commission researchers to perform an SLR of
the topic. When this occurs the organisation must
produce a commissioning document specifying the
work required.
It is then neccesary to specify the research
questions, which is the most important part of any
SLR. The review questions drive the entire
systematic review methodology:
The search process must identify primary
studies that address the research questions.
The data extraction process must extract the
data items needed to answer the questions.
The data analysis process must synthesise the
data in such a way that the questions can be
The following step should be that of developing a
review protocol. Its implementation is necessary to
avoid the possibility of researchers’ bias. The
components of a protocol include all the elements of
the review plus some additional planning
Background, and reason for carrying out the
The research questions that the review intends
to answer.
The strategy used to search for primary studies,
including the terms and resources (digital
libraries, specific journals and conference
proceedings) that will be searched.
Study selection criteria. These criteria are used
to determine which studies will be included in
or excluded from the review.
Study selection procedures. These indicate how
researchers should apply the selection criteria,
i.e. how many people have to evaluate each
potential primary study, how to resolve
disagreements, and so on.
Study quality assessment checklists and
procedures. The researchers should develop
quality checklists to assess the individual
Data extraction strategy. This defines how the
information required from each primary study
will be obtained. If the data require
manipulation or assumptions and inferences to
be made, the protocol should specify an
appropriate validation process.
Synthesis of extracted data. Define the synthesis
SLR-TOOL - A Tool for Performing Systematic Literature Reviews
Dissemination strategy. Where and when the
results are intended to be presented. This point
is included only if it is not specified in the
review commission document.
Project timetable. This should define the review
Finally, the review protocol must be evalueted. If
sufficient funding is available then it is advisable to
ask an independent panel to review the protocol.
3.2 Conducting the Review
In this phase, it is first necessary to identify the
search with regard to the research in question, thus
generating a search strategy and documenting the
search. Strategies are often iterative, and benefit
Previous research aimed at identifying existing
SLRs and assessing the volume of potential
An attempt to use various combinations of
research terms to discover the question. One
approach is to divide the question into parts,
find synonyms, abbreviations, or to use logical
operators like "AND" and "OR", etc. The most
common places in which to carry out this search
are reference lists, magazines, newspapers,
conferences, research and Internet records.
Consult experts in the field.
The study selection is then carried out, i.e. the
primary studies are selected. This step seeks to
assess the relevance of the primary studies with
regard to the research questions. Final decisions for
inclusion or exclusion should be made after
reviewing the full text, and it is important to indicate
the reason for exclusion. It is then necessary to
analyze the reliability of the listing decisions. Two
or more researchers must evaluate each document,
and discuss and resolve their differences. This can
be done by evaluating all the documents, or by
selecting a random sample to serve as an example.
The following step is to assess the quality of the
primary studies in order to determine the individual
importance of each study, interpret the strength of
inferences, recommend future research, etc.
Researchers can use hierarchies of evidence to
restrict the primary studies that they wish to include
in their systematic review.
It is then necessary to design a means to extract
the data that connect the information from the
primary studies. At this point, it is advisable to
create a classification scheme and classify the
primary studies in accordance with this.
Finally, we sintethize the data, summarising the
results obtained from of the primary studies.
3.3 Reporting the Review
The final phase involves writing up the results of the
review and circulating them to potentially interested
parties. It is first important to prepare a report, which
should contain all information related to the various
phases of the review and a summary of all the results
obtained. This report may then be disseminated in
official publications such as conferences, magazines,
or workshops, or in other forms such as web pages,
This section presents some details related to the
design and implementation of SLR-Tool. SLR-Tool
has been developed by using the JAVA
programming language. The integrated development
environment (IDE) chosen has been Eclipse. The
tool runs under the Windows operative system (XP
version and latter). SLR-Tool is a multi-language
tool in which both English and Spanish interfaces
are available.
The development of SLR-Tool has followed the
Rational Unified Process (RUP) (Jacobson, et al.,
1999). The modeling language used is UML 2.0
(OMG, 2003).
The tool has been designed through a three-layer
architecture (Larman, 2001), which isolates each of
the main elements of operations so that the
presentation is independent of processing rules and
business logic which are, in turn, independent of
data. This model significantly reduces maintenance
costs and increases long term functional flexibility.
The functionality of the tool is summarized in the
activity diagram shown in Figure 1. The stages may
appear to be sequential, but it is important to
recognise that many of the stages involve iteration.
In particular, many activities are initiated during the
planning of the review, and refined when the review
itself takes place.
The filled in activities are those activities that
will be carried out externally to the tool, and the
double circled activities are those activities which
are characteristic of the tool itself and were not
proposed by (Kitchenham & Charters, 2007), and
are therefore our own contribution.
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 1: Activity diagram of SLR-Tool.
SLR-Tool enables all the information needed to
carry out the SLR process proposed in (Kitchenham
& Charters, 2007) to be stored and managed. This
differentiates it from other existing tools that simply
manage the bibliographic stages as with the
previously mentioned JabRef (JabRef, 2010) or
SLR-Tool allows the searches to be refined by
using text mining techniques. The number of
relevant papers can therefore be reduced by filtering
only those that fit with the full search string. Most
search engines in the major digital libraries have
limitations in defining complex search strings or do
not allow all the fields of the document to be
searched. The refinement of the searches was carried
out by using the Lucene (Lucene, 2009) search
engine. It is worth noting that SLR-Tool is not a
metasearch but that the search for documents is
performed manually and independently of the tool,
and once the documents have been obtained, they
are uploaded into SLR-Tool.
The tool provides three possible ways in which
to import or store the documents found:
Manually. The user introduces the metadata
related to the document being imported, along
with the document in PDF format. If the
abstract field is not added, the tool will read the
PDF file and try to locate it.
From EndNote, BibText, Ris files. The user
introduces an EndNote/BibTex/Ris reference
archive (from which the metadata are extracted)
and the document in PDF. As with the first
option, if the abstract has not been recovered
from the reference file, it can be extracted from
the PDF file.
Automatically from a PDF file. In this case the
user only introduces the document in PDF
format and the tool attempts to extract the
metadata by analyzing the file.
Furthermore, when the documents are loaded
into the tool, it automatically detects the existence of
duplicates, removing the copy that the user indicates,
and keeping count of duplicated documents.
It is worth highlighting that SLR-Tool permits a
classification scheme to be defined that helps the
researcher to perform data synthesis and analysis.A
classification scheme can be used to define the
categories and subcategories required to classify the
primary studies in order to sinthetize the results of
the review. The classification scheme that can be
created with this tool permits a tree of two levels to
be created, i.e., it either permits categories that the
possible values depend on when a document is
assigned, or categories with sub-categories, in which
case the values to be assigned depend on the latter.
Once all the primary studies have been classified
with the classification scheme defined, SLR-Tool
can generate tables and charts to summarize the data.
The researcher will therefore have visual access to
this data thus allowing him/her to form a rapid and
easy idea of the situation, therefore facilitating the
synthesis of data and the extraction of conclusions.
If it is necessary to carry out meta-analysis to
integrate empirical data, this must be done by using
SLR-TOOL - A Tool for Performing Systematic Literature Reviews
Figure 2: Search strategy.
another tool, since SLR-Tool does not have this
SLR-Tool exports all the data collected in the
review process to Excel file sheets and the charts to
PDF files. This makes the data more manageable,
allowing them to be used in any documents or
papers in which it is intended to report the
conclusions obtained. SLR-Tool also allows all the
bibliographic data from the primary studies
uploaded in the tool to be exported to the format
accepted by bibliographic packages such as
EndNote, BibTeX and Ris. This facilitates the use of
these references in subsequent publications.
Finally, it is important to note one of the tool’s
other functionalities. It uses text mining techniques
to cluster the documents by using the similarities
among them, highlighting key words that identify
each group of documents. This is of assistance when
it is necessary to know whether the documents found
in the search are really related to the subject under
study, thus permitting the exclusion of those
documents that centre on a subject, which is too far
removed from the subject under study.
An example of the use SLR-Tool to perform an SLR
on "Quality of UML models "(Genero et al., 2009) is
shown below.
The data related to the planning phase recommended
in (Kitchenham & Charters, 2007) was first stored in
the tool. As is shown in Figure 3, general data such as
the title of the review, the dates of commencement
and completion, the background, and so on were
Figure 3: General data.
We then posed the research questions that were
intended to be answered through the results obtained
by the SLR (Figure 4). Once the results had been
analyzed in later stages, answers to these questions
were obtained and stored in the attachment column.
Figure 4: Research questions.
At the beginning of the phase which involved
conducting the review, it was necessary to define the
search strategy that had to be followed. This was
done by first loading the different digital libraries to
be used as bibliographic sources (top of Figure 2).
SLR-Tool automatically generates a source of
information called gray literature in which it is
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 5: Execution phase.
possible to add all those relevant documents that are
known by experts but have not been returned by any
search.The next step was to add the search strings
that were originally intended for the search engines
of each digital library. One or more search strings
are possible. The adjustment of each string then had
to be added to each of the search engines defined
above, using each of their operators. It is also
important to add the date on which the search is
conducted (bottom of Figure 2).
The inclusion and exclusion criteria are defined
here (
Figure 6). The quality criteria are also defined
in a similar manner.
Figure 6: Inclusion/Exclusion criteria.
The search was conducted independently of SLR-
Tool, and the documents obtained were stored in the
tool using one of three possible methods previously
described by the tool. Once the documents had been
loaded into the tool (Figure 5), the search was
For example, the IEEE Computer search engine
presents the two fields that can be filled in to carry
out the search with logical operators as being an
“advanced search” (
Figure 7). However, this search
cannot be limited to the document’s abstract. In
highly studied research themes many more
documents than those desired are therefore obtained,
since the terms being sought may appear in the
complete text as introductory or isolated terms,
which do not ensure the document’s relationship
with the subject of interest. It is therefore of interest
to limit the search for relevant terms to the abstract.
Figure 7: Advanced search in IEEE Computer.
Our original search string was: (UML or unified
modeling language) and (representation or diagram
or model) and (quality or consistency or
maintainability or understandability or completeness
or comprehension or comprehensability or testability
or defect or effectivennes or complexity or
readability or efficiency or validation or verification
or layout).
In this search the search engine returned 109
documents. These were all loaded into the tool, and
the search was refined by using the tool to search for
SLR-TOOL - A Tool for Performing Systematic Literature Reviews
the search string in the abstract (Figure 8). The
number of documents was therefore reduced to 66.
Figure 8: Refine the search.
Table 1: Example of the classification scheme.
Category Subcategory Value
Type of
Syntactic Correctness
Type of
Class diagrams
Sequence diagrams
Activity diagrams
Use case diagrams
Statechart diagrams
Collaboration diagrams
Component diagrams
Package diagrams
Interaction overview
UML models
UML 2.0 new diagrams
Checklist, rules, modeling
conventions, and guidelines
We then defined the classification scheme used to
classify the documents that were considered to be
relevant, as was explained in Section 5.
Table 1
shows part of the classification scheme used.
We next read each of the 399 documents found
(from IEEE and from the other search engines), to
decide which we considered to be relevant, bearing
in mind the inclusion/exclusion criteria defined
during the planning phase. The tool allows us to
indicate which review of the document led to its
exclusion (Figure 9): the first (in which only the title
and abstract of the document were used) or the
second (using the full text).
Figure 9: Exclusion of a document.
All those documents that were not excluded from the
review (193 in total) were considered as primary
studies. These were then classified in accordance
with the classification scheme defined (
Figure 10).
We also decided how each of the documents fulfils
the quality criteria defined in the planning stage.
Figure 10: Classification of a document.
Finally, we used the Report Results option to
automatically generate tables and charts such as:
Summary of documents found by each search
engine, detailing those that were initially found,
were eliminated owing to repetition and were
Summary of classified documents for each
category or subcategory of the defined
classification scheme. Figure 11 shows an
example of this type of charts generated by the
Summary of compliance of the documents with
each defined quality criterion.
Summary of documents found by year and by
document type (journal, book, etc).
The main contribution of this paper is the
presentation of SLR-Tool, a freely-available tool for
performing SLRs by following the process proposed
in (Kitchenham & Charters, 2007).
SLR-Tool has been tested through its use in
(Genero, et al., 2009). SLR-Tool has also been used
by the university teachers who are members of the
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
ALARCOS Research Group, and it is currently
being used by our Ph.D students.
Figure 11: Charts generated by SLR-Tool.
The main advantage of the SLR-Tool is that its
use implies a significant reduction in effort when
compared to that involved in carrying out all the
activities manually. Although it is rather difficult to
upload all the primary studies included in the
review, the tool allows the search among the
documents found to be refined, thus reducing the
number of papers with which it is necessary to work.
The tool also permits the definition of a
classification scheme, which facilitates the
classification of documents. The tool uses this
classification to automatically generate charts and
graphs that summarize the results, so that if there is a
change in the classification of a document it will not
be necessary to do any additional work to update the
tables and graphs. Finally, also note that it is
possible to export the primary studies to files in
different formats such as EndNote, BibTeX or Ris,
thus permitting their use as bibliographical
references in other documents.
Possible improvements that could be made to the
tool are:
The addition of a wizard to adapt the search
strings to each bibliographic source.
Allowing the initial search for papers to be
made directly in the tool, by directly accessing
the search engines of the bibliographic sources.
Allowing SLRs to be carried out in a
collaborative manner.
Allowing the tool to be used via the Web.
Allowing document metadata to be imported
from Excel files.
Allowing review data to be exported to open
source formats.
The addition of a “scheduling module” to plan
the timetable of each review phase in advance.
Making the tool available in other languages,
and not only English and Spanish.
All appropriate suggestions made by researchers
who have downloaded and used the tool will also be
This research is part of the following projects:
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TRA2009_0074), IDONEO (JCCM PAC08-0160-
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ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies