Lerina Aversano, Roberto Intonti, Clelio Quattrocchi and Maria Tortorella
Department of Engineering, University of Sannio, via Traiano 82100, Benevento, Italy
Keywords: Schema Matching, Schema Merging, Virtual View, Heterogeneous Data Source.
Abstract: In order to make possible the analysis of data stored in heterogeneous data sources, it could be necessary a
preliminary building of an aggregated view of these sources, also referred as virtual view. The problem is
that the data sources can use different technologies and represent the same information in different ways.
The use of a virtual view allows the unified access to heterogeneous data sources without knowing details
regarding each single source. This paper proposes an approach for creating a virtual view of the views of the
heterogeneous data sources. The approach provides features for the automatic schema matching and schema
merging. It exploits both syntax-based and semantic-based techniques for performing the matching; it also
considers both semantic and contextual features of the concepts. The usefulness of the approach is validated
through a case study.
The diffusion of information systems and continuos
development of communication technologies allows
accessing numerous data sources, and offers the
possibility of extracting and analyzing the available
information. However, if a user needs to analyse
data of the same domain but stored in different data
souces, he could find difficulties for synthesizing the
information useful to his purpose. These difficulties
increase if the source are heterogeneous, because
they are created in different times, on different
systems and with different criteria. Forms of
heterogenity may exist in the technology used for the
data source implementation, and in the adopted
modeling formalism. The first kind of heterogeneity
is due to the type of technology used for building the
data source, as different DBMSs and persistence
models can be used. The modeling heterogeneity is
due to the schema describing the real data, as two
different sources can use different schemas for
representing the same set of information. This is
mainly due to the different choises of the data source
designers, as a standard method for modeling
concepts doesn’t exist.
For all the reasons above, the management and
analysis of data stored in heterogenous data sources
represents a critical problem. Therefore, the support
of a process for building an aggregated view of a set
of heterogenuos data sources could be useful. The
aggregated view is also referred as virtual view and
allows the unified access to heterogeneous data
sources as if they would be a unique source. The
cited process should assure the maximun trasparency
to the end users and maximun autonomy for
managing the involved data sources. If the number
of sources is low and data model is not too complex,
it is possible to adopt a manual process aiming at
creating an homogeneous model considering all the
data, otherwise the manual approach is not feasible.
This paper proposes an aggregation process
aiming at creating a virtual view of the schemas of a
set of data sources to be analysed. The virtual view
provides a unique vision of the real data stored in
different data sources. The process foresees a
progressive contruction of the virtual view. In fact, if
a new data source is acquired the virtual view is
updated so that the new data source is accessible
through it. The acquisition of a new data source is
performed in two phases: Schema Matching,
generating the mapping among the elements of the
two schemas; and Schema Merging, during which
the merge of the schemas is performed. The
solutions existing in literature are focused only on
specific aspects of the problem or require a level of
interaction with an expert user. The use of semantic
information allows some of these solutions reaching
Aversano L., Intonti R., Quattrocchi C. and Tortorella M. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 266-275
DOI: 10.5220/0003011702660275
good results in a strongly heterogenous context. But
a complete solution detecting and solving all the
heterogeneous forms does not currently exist. The
approach proposed in this paper aims to detect and
solve the heterogeneous forms that are introduced
from different data sources designer.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section
2 discusses some related work; Section 3 describes
the proposed approach; Section 4 introduces a case
study for showing the results gotten by using the
approach. Section 5 contains conclusive
Many researchers are involved in studying
methodological and technological approaches for the
aggregation of heterogeneous data sources. The
main problem to be faced by these approaches is the
identification and resolution of conflicts that exist
between the schemas of the different data sources. In
(Lee, 2003), three types of conflicts are defined:
nominal, structural and type. The nominal conflicts
are referred to both synonyms, i.e different terms
used for indicating the same concept, and
homonyms, a unique term employed for representing
different concepts. A structural conflict is
introduced when different structures are used for
representing the same concept. Finally, a type
conflict exists when the same concept is modelled
by using different data types. The activities mainly
considered in literature for merging different
schemas are the following two: Schema Matching
and Schema Merging. The two following
subsections discuss the approaches of Schema
Matching and Schema Merging presented in the
literature, while the subsequent subsection compares
the different discussed approaches.
2.1 Schema Matching
The schema matching is a process for searching
similar or equivalent elements existing between two
schemas (Denivaldo, 2006) (Rahm, 2001) (Jayant,
2001). The result of this process is a set of mappings
identifying the corresponding elements of the two
schemas. The mapping can be generated by using
syntax-based (Cohen, 2003) and/or semantic-based
techniques (Giunchiglia, 2003). The former kind of
technique analyses the syntactic characteristics for
determining if two elements are equivalent. They
return a factor belonging to the range [0,1]. Two
elements are considered equivalent if the returned
factor is greater than a given threshold. The
semantic-based techniques extract the semantic
relationships existing among the concepts of the real
world that the two considered elements represent.
Cupid (Jayant, 2001) is a software component
executing a schema matching activity. It uses a
thesaurus for identifying acronyms, homonyms and
synonyms of the terms in the schemas to be
compared. It generates a mapping between the
schemas of the two data sources by executing two
phases: Linguistic Matching and Structure
Matching. The Linguistic Matching generates the
mapping regarding names, data types and domains
of the elements. The Structure Matching regards the
context of the elements and is based on the idea that
two elements are structurally similar if their
composing elements are equivalent.
Given two schemas represented as trees, S-
Match (Giunchiglia, 2003), (Giunchiglia, 2004a),
(Giunchiglia, 2004b), generates a set of semantic
relationships performing element-level and
structure-level matching. Semantic relationships
among two single elements are generated by using
WordNet (Miller, 1995), that is a lexical database
for the English language. Given a word and the
relative syntactic category (i.e., noun, verb, adjective
and adverb), the system returns a set of sense, or
synset. A sense is the meaning/concept that a word
has/represents in the real world. Every sense has a
gloss, that is a textual description of the meaning.
WordNet is a real world ontology since senses are
organized in a semantic net. The main stored
semantic relationships are: synonymy, type of, is
part of. A semantic matching among two elements is
generated by extracting the senses and verifying if a
relationship exists for at least one couple of senses.
If it exists, the relation is returned.
GLUE (AnHai, 2003) is the only analyzed
system that performs the matching by using machine
learning techniques. It accesses instances for
determining the type of relationship existing
between two concepts.
The schema matching performed by Puzzle
(Huang, 2005) automatically generates the 1:1
mapping by two phases: Linguistic Matching and
Contextual Matching. The Linguistic Matching
generates a similarity factor for every couple of
classes by only considering the class names. For this
purpose, it combines both syntax-based and
semantic-based techniques. The Contextual
Matching generates a similarity factor by
considering properties and relations of classes. By
combining the obtained values Puzzle generates for
every couple of classes one of following relation:
Table 1: Comparison among Approaches of Schema Matching and Schema Merging.
Cupid Dike S-Match Puzzle PROMPT GLUE MOMIS
ER Ontology Ontology Ontology Ontology Any Schema
// /// // //
1:1/1:n 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1.1
Integration of
Integration of
Integration of
Integration of
Integration of
subclass, superclass, equivalentclass, sibling, other.
PROMPT performs the schema matching by
adopting a semi-automatic approach and applying
syntax-based techniques (Fridman Noy, 2000).
DIKE generates relations of synonymy, homonymy,
is-a, overlap by applying syntax-based techniques
and exclusively analyzing the contextual
characteristics of the elements (Ursino, 2003).
Momis is based on the affinity factor existing
among the classes by considering their names and
attributes. The system is able to detect only
equivalence relations (Bergamaschi, 1997).
2.2 Schema Merging
The last four approaches discussed in the previous
subsection, Puzzle, PROMPT, DIKE and Momis,
perform also the Schema Merging activity. This
activity (Lee, 2003) (Fong, 2006) (Chiticariu, 2008)
(Hyunjang, 2005) performs the merging of two
schemas, given the mappings produced by the
schema matching, after their validation of a user.
Puzzle (Huang , 2005) performs automatic
merging of heterogeneous ontologies by using the
relations generated by the schema matching.
As Puzzle, PROMPT (Fridman Noy, 2000)
performs the merging of heterogeneous ontologies,
but, in this case, a semi-automatic approach is
adopted. For every mapping, PROMPT generates a
set of merge operations to be performed. Once the
user selects the operation, the system performs it and
display new suggestions and possible conflicts that
the user must resolve. The types of conflicts that can
be created are: name conflicts, leaning references,
redundancy in a is-a hierarchy.
DIKE (Ursino, 2003) performs the merging of
Entity Relationship schemas. Given the relations
generated by the schema matching activity, schemas
are grouped into clusters. The schemas belonging to
the same cluster are integrated in a virtual schema.
This process is iterated on the produced schemas and
finishes when one schema is obtained.
On the base of the factors calculated in the
schema matching activity, Momis (Bergamaschi,
groups concepts in clusters. For each cluster,
only one class will be defined in the new virtual
2.3 Comparison
Table 1 compares the approaches discussed in the
previous two subsections. Some observation will be
reported in the following with reference to the table
Table 1 highlights that Cupid, Puzzle and S-
Match adopt the best approaches with reference to
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
schema matching activity. In fact, they integrate
semantic-based and syntax-based techniques.
Regarding the types of mapping, Momis and
PROMPT are able to only identify the equivalence
relationship. Both of them adopt a semi-automatic
approach, since the generated mapping depends on
the choices that the user makes during the schema
matching activity.
Puzzle considers the best approach for the
integration of heterogeneous databases, since it
generates the mapping by combining both contextual
and semantic characteristics of concepts. Moreover,
it performs the merging in an automatic way. A
disadvantage of Puzzle is represented by the fact that
it is only able to produce mappings 1:1.
PROMPT requires a degree of iteration with the
user that can be just permitted for databases with
small dimensions.
DIKE and Momis are the only tools supporting
the integration of heterogeneous databases. Their
problem regards the fact that both of them produce
mapping exclusively by analyzing the structures of
the schemas without using auxiliary information,
such as thesauri, dictionaries, and so on.
The approach proposed in this paper tries to
overcome the limitations introduced by the listed
approaches. It considers both Schema Matching and
Schema Merging activities and uses both syntax-
based and semantic-based techniques. In addition, it
foresees the automatic support of the full process of
generation of a complete virtual view of the
analysed set of heterogeneous data sources.
The proposed aggregation process aims at providing
a virtual view of the data stored in heterogeneous
sources. Figure 1 shows a high-level view of the
proposed approach. The virtual view is created
through an incremental merging process of the local
schemas of the data sources to be acquired. The
advantage of using a virtual view is offering a
uniform access to the single data sources from the
external software applications.
Figure 2 shows the relationships between the two
main components of the proposed solution. The
mediator assures the maximum transparency to the
end users, since it coordinates the data flow among
the local database and applications. In particular, the
applications perform the queries with reference to
the virtual view, and the mediator converts these
queries into simpler ones referred to the single data
sources. The wrappers are the software components
that directly interact with the respective local
databases. They perform the following operations:
translation of the local schemas into a global
language; sending of the queries to data sources;
collection of the query results and sending them to
the mediator. The wrappers allow the acquisition of
any source independently from the used technology.
The full approach, creating and updating a virtual
view, is shown in Figure 3. It receives as input the
schema of the data source to be acquired and
produces as output the new virtual view. The
approach consists of the following five main
Pre-processing: it performs a first analysis and
processing of the input data source to be acquired. It
is composed of the following three tasks:
Schema Extraction: it extracts the local schema
from the data source and represents it as an
object model, composed of classes, properties,
and relationship is-a and has.
Tokenization: it decomposes the names of the
classes and properties into tokens through the
recognition of special characters.
POS Tagging: it associates every token to its
lexical category. The output of the task is an
Element List, that is a list associating every class
and property to the corresponding tokens, and
each token to the related lexical category.
Sense Mapping: it associates the needed semantic
information for applying the semantic-based matcher
to the tokens of the Element List. The semantic
information is collected from a lexical semantic
database received as input. The used database is
WordNet (Miller, 1995). It groups the tokens with
similar meaning on the basis of their lexical category
and memorizes their semantic relationships.
The activity of Sense Mapping is composed of the
following two tasks:
Sense Extraction: it accesses the semantic
database and associates each token with the
senses related to its lexical category, determined
in the POS-tagging task of the Pre-Processing
Sense Filtering: it uses genetic algorithm based
on the Similarity package of WordNet for
selecting the correct sense for every token, and
filters the other ones. The Similarity package of
WordNet includes a set of measures using the
structure of WordNet for determining the
similarity degree of two senses (Pedersen, 2004)
(Pattwardhan, 2003).
igure 1: The Virtual View obtained by heterogeneous data
Figure 2: Details of the Mediator/Wrapper components.
Figure 3: Overall view of the proposed approach.
Schema Matching: it generates a set of mapping
among the classes of the virtual view and the local
schema, combining both semantic and contextual
characteristics. The Schema Matching activity is
composed of the following three tasks:
Semantic Matching: it exclusively considers the
semantic characteristics of the classes. The matching
is performed by considering the objects of the real
world that the classes represent in the belonging
schema. For every couple of classes (C
, C
formed of one class of the virtual view and one of
the schema of the local data source, a semantic-
based matcher is used for determining the semantic
relationship existing among the classes of the
couple, indicated with SemanticRel. Given the
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
senses associated to the tokens of the classes, the
matcher accesses WordNet and checks if an
equivalence (=) or is-a (
) relationship exists
for at least one couple of senses. In the affirmative
case, the found relationship is returned, otherwise
idk (the don'ts known) is returned. A factor, called
semanticSim, is also associated to the relationship
for indicating the degree of existing semantic
relation in the case the name of the classes is
composed of more than one token.
Contexual Matching: it considers the contextual
characteristics of the classes and the way they are
modelled for calculating the similarity degree
existing between each couple of classes or
aggregation of them. Actually, the greater the
number of the equivalent properties among two
classes is, the higher their similarity degree. First,
the mapping among the properties is produced by
applying a semantic-based or syntax-based matcher.
Then, for each couple of classes (C
, C
), the
ContextualSim is calculated. It is a coefficient
belonging to the range [0,1], evaluated by applying
the Jaccard’s metric to the properties of the two
classes (Tan, 2005). Let P(C
) and P(C
) be the sets
of the properties of C
and C
, respectively, the
Jaccard’s metric is evaluated as the rapport between
the number of the common properties of the two
classes and the total number of properties:
Mapping Selection: it generates the mappings 1:1,
1:n, n:1, n:m, by combining the results of previous
activities and using some threshold values received
in input. The idea is that, if a semantic relationship,
SemanticRel, exists between a set of classes, and the
degree of contextual similarity, ContexualSim, is
greater or equal than a given threshold value, the
corresponding mapping can be considered valid. If
the relation is equal to the threshold value, it is
indicated with the symbol
, else
is used.
Lowering the threshold values, a major relevance is
given to the semantic characteristics than to the
contextual ones. The task produces two lists: one
regarding the so-called automatic mapping, that can
surely be considered as valid and does not need
validation; and one including semi-automatic
mappings that need to be validated. A mapping is
automatic if the two following conditions are
satisfied: (i) it concerns two classes connected by a
semantic relation with the higher SemanticSim
value; (ii) a Jaccard factor equal to 1 is associated to
the classes involved in the mapping, meaning that a
1:1 correspondence exists between the related
classes properties.
Mapping Validation: it permits the user to validate
and modify the automatically generated mapping.
Table 2: Schema Merging Algorithm.
Step 1. Create NewMappingList and new schema
Step 2. For each Mapping({C
, {C
) execute a
Merge operator.
Step 3. Insert classes and properties of LocalView that
are not present in NewGlobalView
Step 4. Delete redundancy relations from
Step 5. Execute refactoring of NewGlobalView
Step 6. Generate the mapping file for the LocalView
Step 7. NewGlobalView is the new virtual view
Schema Merging: it performs the merging of local
schema in the virtual view for generating a new
virtual view. The new virtual view must satisfy the
requirement of not redundancy and completeness,
that is it must include all the information of the
acquired schemas. The algorithm used for the
schema merging is shown in Table 2.
Step 1 in Table 2 initializes the new virtual view
with that first local data source to be considered.
Step 2 applies some Merge operators for performing
the merge of the classes included in the current
mappings. The execution of Steps 3 and 4 aims at
guaranteeing completeness and not redundancy of
the new virtual view. Step 5 executes the
refactoring, that is a process evolving the new
virtual view assuring correctness and minimality.
Step 6 produces the new file of the mapping between
the new virtual view and local data sources. This file
adds the mappings between the new virtual view and
the schema of the acquired data source and updates
the mappings with the schemas of the data sources
previously acquired.
This section describes the application of the
proposed approach to a case study, and considers the
data sources used in the health care domain.
The initial virtual view is built starting from the first
data source, shown in Figure 4. The schema of the
second data source to be acquired is shown in Figure
5. Its acquisition required the updating of the virtual
view, so that its data are uniformly accessible
through it.
Figure 4: Initial virtual view obtained from the first data source.
Figure 5: Local Schema of the second data source.
Analyzing the two schemas in Figures 4 and 5,
both nominal and structural conflicts emerged. As an
example, there is a nominal conflict with reference
to the name
Surgery. Indeed, it is used in the two
considered schemas for representing different
concepts. In the virtual view, it represents a room
where a doctor can be consulted, while it represents
an operating room in the second local view.
Moreover, as an example of structural conflict, the
attributes of the class Statistics in the local
schema are modeled as attributes of the class
Hospital in the global schema.
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
The application of the approach steps of the
proposed approach for acquiring the schema of the
second data source depicted in Figure 5 is detailed in
the following.
Pre-processing: the Schema Extraction activity
takes out the schema of the second data source. The
tokenization activity follows for extracting the
tokens from the class names. As an example, tokens
Admission and Room, and Laboratory and
Technician are respectively identified from the
AdmissionRoom and Laboratory
. Then, the POS Tagging activity
associates the lexical category Noun to each token.
Sense Mapping: this activity associates the senses
encoded in WordNet to the tokens gotten in the
previous phase. For instance, the senses of the
Hospital token are the following:
1. Sense#1: a health facility where patients receive
2. Sense#2: a medical institution where sick or
injured people are given medical or surgical care.
Table 3 shows the senses selected by the Sense
Filtering task for some tokens.
Table 3: Sense Filtering Output.
Hospital Hospital
Sense#1: a health facility
where patients receive
Ward Ward
Sense#3: block forming a
division of a hospital (or a
uite of rooms) shared by
atients who need a similar
kind of care
Schema Matching: for performing this activity, it is
first necessary to fix the threshold values.
In particular, the values adopted in the proposed case
study are the following:
: 0.4 α
: 0.2 β: 0.8
where α
is the threshold adopted for the equivalence
relationship, α
is the threshold adopted for the
specialization/generalization equivalence
relationship, and β is the threshold considered for
selecting the correspondences found by using the
Jaccard coefficient.
The correct mapping identified by the Schema
Matching activity are the following:
1. Lab
= Laboratory
2. Ward
= Ward
3. AdmissionRoom
= AdmissionRoom
4. Surgery
= OperatingRoom
5. [Hospital
, Statistics
] = Hospital
6. Person
7. Nurse
8. Doctor
9. Person
The mapping related to the AdmissionRoom
and AdmissionRoom
concepts can be automatically
accepted. Indeed, the Jaccard coefficient value of the
couple formed by the two classes is equal to 1.The
Schema Matching activity is able to identify both the
existing nominal and structural conflicts. For
example, in the considered case study, thanks to the
use of the semantic-based matcher, equivalence
relationships are identified among the classes
and Lab
, OperatingRoom
, respectively, although synonyms are
used for them.
Moreover, the mapping is identified between
and the classes Hospital
Mapping Validation: the user must delete the
mapping automatically generated that are not correct
and modify the mapping among the classes
" and "LaboratoryTechni-
Schema Merging: this activity performs the
merging of the local schema into the virtual view for
generating a new virtual view. It executes the
algorithm described in Table 2. The updated virtual
view of the analyzed case study is shown in Figure
6. Table 4 shows a fragment of the XML file
produced for mapping the acquired data source to
the components of the new virtual view. The table
shows that a
global-class element is used for
each class of the virtual view. The
element includes a son element for each attribute of
the class to which it is referred. These attributes are
indicated with the tags
global-attribute. The
mapping is, then, introduced for each mapped
attribute in the local view and is indicated with the
mapping-rule tag. As a example, Table 4 shows
that the
Name and Surname attributes of the virtual
Person are mapped to the Name and Surname
attributes of the local class
Person, and that the
CityResidence attribute of virtual class Doctor is
mapped to the
CityResidence attribute of local
Figure 6: Updated Virtual View.
Table 4: File of mapping.
<global-class name="Person">
<global-attribute name="Name">
<attribute-ref class-refid="Person"
<global-attribute name="Surname">
<attribute-ref class-refid="Person"
<global-class name=“Doctor">
<global-attribute name="CityResidence">
<attribute-ref class-refid="Person"
This paper describes an approach proposed for crea-
ting and updating a virtual view of more than one
heterogeneous data sources. The creation of a virtual
view guarantees the access to more than one
heterogeneous sources, as if they are a unique
source. In the proposed approach, the virtual view is
created through the merging of schemas containing
the metadata of the single acquired data sources.
The solutions already proposed in literature
concerning the aggregation of heterogeneous data
sources, are focused just on specific aspects of the
problem or require a too elevated level of interaction
with the user. The proposed approach completely
automates the activities of schema matching and
schema merging. It just requires the intervention of
the user for defining the threshold values and
validating the identified mappings. In particular, the
Schema Matching activity produces mappings of
cardinality 1:1, 1:n, n:1, n:m, among the classes of
two schemas by considering both the semantic and
contextual aspects. Mapping among two single
elements are produced by using syntax-based and/or
semantic-based techniques. This allowed improving
the quality of the mappings and solving the nominal
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
The validation of the approach was performed by
using two data sources of the health care domain.
The obtained results are encouraging for what
concerns the defined approach, even if the approach
does not solve problems that depend on the quality
of the data sources to be acquired. In particular, the
quality of the constructed virtual view strongly
depends on the quality of local schemas. Therefore,
if a database to be considered is not normalized, it
may contain redundancy and inconsistency that will
be reflected in the new virtual schema. The only
solution to this problem is a redesigning intervention
of the local database.
In the future, further experimentation will be
executed for validating the proposed approach and
establishing the ranges of the threshold values
assuring a good quality of the mappings.
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