Design of a Multi-Agent System for Hierarchical
Network Management in Wireless Sensor Network
Mubashsharul I. Shafique, Haiyi Zhang and Yifei Jiang
Jodrey School of Computer Science, Acadia University
Wolfville, NS, B4P 2R6, Canada
Abstract. In order to manage a sensor network efficiently, we can divide it logi-
cally into disjoint parts, called clusters. As sensor nodes are resource-constraint,
it is desirable to chose suitable cluster heads and do role-switching of the cluster
heads wherever appropriate. In this work, we design a system that selects new
cluster head through collaboration of multiple software agents in each cluster.
Our system allows to pick up cluster heads dynamically based on current net-
work status. Agents in our design use Fuzzy Logic-based controller to find new
cluster heads.
1 Introduction
Wireless Sensor Network is a deployment of sensor nodes that do data reporting to in-
terested user via sink node. It offers a great facility to remotely monitor an unattended
environment. Due to this feature, sensor networks are widely used in military surveil-
lance, habitat monitoring, industrial plants, and in many other places. Once a sensor
network is deployed, it is necessary to manage it efficiently in order to optimize net-
work life-time.
A sensor network can be managed by hierarchical or flat organization. However,
as hierarchical organization has several benefits over flat network structure, normally a
sensor network is divided into clusters. Here in this work, we design a multi-agent sys-
tem to rotate the role of cluster head nodes. Software agents in our design autonomously
collaborate with each other in the distributed sensor network environment. The remain-
ing part of this paper is organized as follows: section 2 presents some background
knowledge and section 3 defines the problem that his work addresses. Next, section
5 explains the design of our system and inter-agent communication is presented in sec-
tion 6. We conclude our paper in section 7.
2 Background Knowledge
2.1 Wireless Sensor Network
Wireless Sensor Network(WSN) consists of autonomous sensor devices (known as
nodes or motes) that can sense an environment. For example, MicaZ sensor nodes from
Shafique M., Zhang H. and Jiang Y. (2010).
Design of a Multi-Agent System for Hierarchical Network Management inWireless Sensor Network.
In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks and Intelligent Information Processing, pages 53-62
can sense ambient light, barometric pressure, GPS, magnetic field, sound,
photo-sensitive light, photo resistor, humidity and temperature.
Often times, these sensor nodes are battery-powered, and equipped with limited
processing capacity and memory. However, WSNs are very effective and efficient at
monitoring remote environment and communicate real-time data. Sensor nodes can de-
tect events or phenomena, collect and process data, and transmit sensed information to
the interested users.
2.2 Virtual Organization in Sensor Network
WSN differs from an IP network in regards to network backbone because, often times a
WSN does not have any fixed infrastructure. Sensor nodes may run out of battery power
or network topology may change due to some mobile nodes. So, in order to support
data routing, WSN relies on virtual infrastructure which forms on-the-fly during system
operation. One way to manage a sensor network, is to logically divide it into some
disjoint clusters. A particular node in each cluster works as cluster head, and gathers
data from other nodes of the cluster. The cluster head then forwards data to the next hop
node towards the data sink, which is the final destination of any data. Figure 1 shows
an example sensor network with three clusters. We show data reporting from a normal
sensor node to the sink by arrow heads.
Fig. 1. Virtual organization in WSN.
3 Problem Definition
In a static network topology, cluster heads of a sensor network die quite early due to
excessive relaying of data stream towards sink. So, in order to prolong network life-
time, a network should rotate the role of cluster heads. For example, if a current cluster
head had drained a significant amount of energy, network should keep the provision to
pick a new cluster head for that cluster. This kind of dynamic load balancing can delay
the first node death and help decrease data packet loss in the network thereby.
Due to the large number of sensor nodes in a typical sensor network, it is not real-
istic to run any centralized algorithm to switch cluster heads. A network needs to have
distributed architecture which can select new cluster heads with local information, and
further, the role-switching should remain quasi-transparent to the remaining network.
4 Related Works
For Wireless sensor Networks (WSNs), the major design goal is to minimize energy
consumption and maximize the network lifetime. In the last few years, plenty of at-
tempts of exploring advanced power conservation approaches have been used by re-
searchers for wireless sensor networks. Cluster-based routing approach is one of the
famous energy efficient routing approaches in WSNs. LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive
Clustering Hierarchy) in [1], is the first hierarchical cluster-based routing protocol for
WSNs. This algorithm uses random and periodic rotation of the Cluster Heads (CHs)
for load balancing, which can evenly disperse the energy load among the sensor nodes
in the network. More specifically, the cluster heads belonged to the corresponding clus-
ters will only use for certain number of rounds. After a predefined round, new cluster
heads will be randomly generated, which is based on a role that if the random number
is less than a calculated threshold T (n), the corresponding sensor node will be selected
as the cluster-head for the current round. This randomized periodic role rotation en-
sures that all the nodes are equally likely to be cluster head nodes. However, simply
random cluster head rotation will select unfavorable cluster heads, which will turn out
high energy consumption in later rounds.
Due to the above reason, in [9], Energy-LEACH protocol improves the procedure
of CH rotation. Similar to LEACH protocol, the process of CH rotation of E-LEACH
is divided into rounds. In the first round, each sensor node has the same probability
to be turned into CH, which means sensor nodes are randomly selected as CHs. In
the next rounds, since the residual energy of each sensor node is different after every
communication round, residual energy of node is considered as the main metric that
decides whether the sensor nodes turn into CHs or not after the first round. The sensor
nodes who have more remaining energy will become CHs rather than the ones with less
remaining energy.
As for the aforementioned two LEACH algorithms, there is a shared drawback, that
is, both of them consumes more CPU cycles, since each sensor node in WSNs has to
calculate the threshold and generate the random numbers in each round. To overcome
this shortcoming, a improved LEACH, called LEACH-C protocol, is proposed in [10].
LEACH-C is a centralized clustering algorithm and uses the same steady-state phase as
in LEACH algorithm. This protocol also produces better performance on cluster heads
rotation. During the set-up phase of LEACH-C, each sensor node sends information
about its current location (this may determine by using GPS) and residual energy level
to the Base station (BS). In order to ensure that the energy load is evenly distributed
among all the sensor nodes in WSNs, The average node energy is computed by the BS,
and then, determines which sensor nodes have energy below this average. Once the CHs
and associated clusters are found, the BS broadcasts a message that obtains the cluster
head ID for each node. If a cluster head ID matches its own ID, the node will be selected
as a cluster head; otherwise the node determines its TDMA slot for data transmission
and goes sleep until it’s time to transmit data. The steady-state phase of LEACH-C is
identical to that of the LEACH protocol.
Based on the above approach, in [11], cluster heads election using fuzzy logic
is proposed, which can minimize energy consumption and provide a substantial in-
crease in network lifetime compared with the probabilistically cluster heads selecting
approaches. According to this proposed approach, for a cluster, the node elected by the
base station is the node having the maximum chance to become the cluster-head, which
is based on three fuzzy descriptors: energy level in each sensor node, sensor node con-
centration and node centrality with respect to the entire cluster. The operation of this
fuzzy logic cluster-head election scheme is divided into two rounds with each consisting
of a setup and steady state phase similar to LEACH algorithm. During the setup phase,
fuzzy knowledge processing is used for determining the CHs, and then the cluster is
organized. In the steady state phase, the aggregated data is collected by CHs. After that,
CHs perform signal processing functions to compress the data into a single signal. This
composite signal is then sent to the base station. Fuzzy logic control model is core part
of this proposed approach; it includes a fuzzifier, fuzzy rules, fuzzy inference engine,
and a defuzzifier. To be specific, fuzzifier is used to take the crisp inputs from each
of variables of energy, concentration and centrality and determine the degree to which
these inputs belong to each of the appropriate fuzzy sets. Then, these fuzzified inputs
are applied to the antecedents of the fuzzy rules. As for the defuzzification, the input
for this process is the aggregate output fuzzy set chance and the output is a single crisp
number. For fuzzy inference engine, Mamdani Method [13] is commonly used. In [12],
similar cluster heads selections based on fuzzy logic algorithm are also presented.
To our knowledge, several attempts have also been used by some researchers to re-
duce energy consumption based on mobile agents [2][3][4][5]. Due to the constraints
of bandwidth in wireless sensor network, the network’s capacity may not satisfy the
transmission of sensory data. In order to handle the problem of overwhelming data traf-
fic, Qi, et al. [6] proposed Mobile Agent-based Distributed Sensor Network (MADSN)
for multi-sensor data fusion. For this proposed approach, it not only achieves data fu-
sion, but also reduces energy expenditure. However, the application of this approach
can only be applied on cluster-based topologies. MADD approach in [7] is introduced
to deal with this problem. Currently, most energy-efficient proposed approaches are fo-
cused on data-centric model, such as the directed diffusion. By selecting good path to
drain quality data from source nodes, directed diffusion approach can achieve substan-
tial energy gain. However, it still allows redundant sensory traffic to flow back to the
Base station. The main advantage of MADD is to reduce the redundant sensory data.
Through using mobile agent, data is aggregated at each source node and is brought back
to sink. This allows substantial energy gain toward the network lifetime.
To explain the process of MADD approach, it starts when the mobile agent is dis-
patched from the BS with the interest and ends when it returns to the sink with the
aggregated data. The processes involved in MADD are divided into three phases. First,
the mobile agent is dispatched from BS to the first source node. Second, the mobile
agent shifts from the first source node to the last source node, visiting selected source
nodes in between. The drawback for this approach is that it doesn’t always guarantee
the best sequence of nodes to be visited.
To deal with the aforementioned limitations, Shakshuki et al. in [8] proposed a
mobile agent for efficient routing approach (MAER) by using both Dijkstra’s algorithm
and Genetic Algorithms (GAs). As we know, the order of source nodes to be visited by
the mobile agent greatly affects the energy consumption. Although MADD, the work
presented in [7], allows the agent to autonomously select visit sequence of source nodes
for achieving data aggregation, it does not always provide an optimal sequence. To
address this shortcoming, MAER in [8] introduces Genetic Algorithm (GA) to produce
an optimal route.
5 Agent Architecture
An agent in our design consists of four modules: Problem Solver, Knowledge-base
Updater, Scheduler, and Communicator. Further, each agent maintains own knowledge
base in its memory, which gets updated as a result of inter-agent message communi-
cation. Here in this section, we describe different components of individual agent in
Fig. 2. Agent Architecture.
In our design, the role of an agent software switches between two modes- Cluster
head Mode and Normal Mode. However, at any particular time, within each cluster,
agent software of only one sensor node works in Cluster head Mode, others execute in
Normal Mode.
5.1 Scheduler Module (SM)
This module is in charge of scheduling a new round of cluster head selection. It is active
in Cluster head Mode only. It interacts with Problem Solver Module and Communicator
Module. After periodic interval, it checks the remaining energy of the cluster head node
and initiates new cluster head selection if necessary.
5.2 Problem Solver Module (PSM)
This is the basic working module of an agent. Based on current working mode, PSM
does two distinct tasks:
Weight Calculation in Normal Mode. We define the weight of a sensor node as a
function of two parameters: Centrality(C) and Remaining Energy(RE). As sensor nodes
are resource-constraint, we use simple Fuzzy Logic based controller in agents to cal-
culate node weight. During Fuzzification phase, we followed the mapping presented in
[11] to convert crisp values to fuzzy values. Figure 3 portrays this Fuzzification process.
We define our own rule-base for fuzzy controller in table 1. PSM uses this rule base to
determine current weight value in fuzzy variable.
Fig. 3. Fuzzy Sets used in Fuzzy Controller.
Table 1. Fuzzy Rule Base.
Rule Centrality Energy Result
1 Close High High
2 Adequate High High
3 Far High High
4 Close Medium High
5 Adequate Medium Medium
6 Far Medium Medium
7 Close Low Medium
8 Adequate Low Low
9 Far Low Low
New Cluster Head Selection in Cluster head Mode. PSM of cluster head agent op-
erates on all Fuzzy weight values of normal sensor nodes. After comparing multiple
Fuzzy weight values, if some nodes are equally suitable to be the new cluster head,
PSM runs following scheme to break a tie:
In order to Defuzzify, we assign numeric values against different Fuzzy values
High/Close=3, Medium/Adequate=2, and Low/Far=1 and bias the decision by putting
60% importance to energy. For example, if two nodes n
and n
are in a tie with Fuzzy
values {Far, Medium} and {Close, Low} respectively, then PSM computes Defuzzified
values as d
= 1*0.4 + 2*0.6 = 1.6 and d
= 3*0.4 + 1*0.6 = 1.8. Here d
and d
crisp values for node n
and n
respectively. Even after this computation, if PSM can
not break the tie, it compares node IDs and selects node with minimum ID as next
cluster head.
5.3 Communicator Module (CM)
This module is in charge of sensor radio component and communication with other
agents in the system. If agent software is running in Cluster head Mode, it does two
things: (a) Upon receiving request from SM, it sends out Discovery Message to other
agents; (b) If it receives Weight Message(s), it forwards weight value(s) to PSM.
On the other hand, if the agent is working in Normal Mode, CM does only one thing:
it receives Weight Message(s) and forwards to the Knowledge-base Updater Module.
5.4 Knowledge-base Updater Module (KBUM)
This is the only module that interacts with agent Knowledge-base. KBUM uses a ded-
icated area of sensor node’s memory to maintain the Knowledge-base. Any change in
shared knowledge like- weight updates or rule updates are propagated to it by PSM
and/or CM; and as a result, KBUM synchronizes agent’s local memory with global
5.5 Knowledge-base (KB)
Knowledge-base in an agent holds a local copy of the shared knowledge. An agent’s
KB houses a snapshot of a fragment of global information, that it is interested in. KB
includes rules for Fuzzy controller, latest weights of all neighbor nodes and current
cluster head’s node ID.
6 System Dynamics
6.1 Protocol Message Types
In a collaborative multi-agent system, message passing is an integral part which facili-
tates distributed processing. In this section, we present four different message types that
agents in our design exchange during system operation.
Discovery Message. Once remaining energy of the current cluster head goes below
a threshold value (which is 40% of initial energy in our implementation), cluster head
agent broadcasts Discovery Message. A Discovery Message initiates new cluster head
selection within a cluster.
Weight Message. Weight Message contains latest weight value of a node. This mes-
sage is broadcasted by agent in a normal node as a response to an incoming Discovery
Message from current cluster head.
Control Message. Control Message is used to broadcast any change in routing topol-
ogy. After determining new cluster head, current cluster head agent broadcasts Control
Message indicating new cluster head node ID.
Data Message. Data Message originates from normal node agents and is used to report
current data readings to the cluster head.
6.2 System Work-flow
Fig. 4. Sequence diagram for cluster head mode.
In this section we explain the sequences of operation in our agent-based system.
First, figure 4 shows action sequences for an agent operating in Cluster head Mode.
After periodic interval, SM measures remaining energy of the cluster head node, and if
it is bellow the threshold (i.e., less than 40% of initial energy), SM starts a new cluster
head selection round. It notifies PSM that a new cluster head selection process is in
effect and also requests CM to send out Discovery Message.
CM then sends out Discovery Message in the wireless medium, and in response, it
receives Weight Messages from other agents. CM forwards these node-weights to PSM
for calculation. In turn, PSM requests KBUM to update Knowledge base with newly
received weight values and once PSM receives weights from all nodes, it uses Rule
base to select new cluster head as explained in section 5.2. After finding the new cluster
head, PSM requests CM to convey other nodes about new cluster head, and as a result,
CM sends out new Control Message containing newly chosen cluster head ID.
Figure 5 portrays action sequence of an agent working in Normal Mode. If its CM
receives a Discovery Message from current cluster head, CM requests PSM to compute
own node weight. Upon computation, PSM returns own weight to CM. CM then en-
capsulates this weight value in a Weight Message and broadcasts that message in the
neighborhood. Besides, if CM receives Weight Message from a different node, it re-
quests KBUM to update agent’s Knowledge base. In a similar way, KB update is also
performed if an agent receives Control Message from current cluster head.
Fig. 5. Sequence diagram for normal mode.
7 Conclusions
In this work, we design a system to rotate the role of cluster heads in a Wireless Sensor
Network. Multiple agents, each residing in individual sensor node, interact with each
other and participate in new cluster head selection. In our design, agent-based archi-
tecture provides flexibility to network management. At the same time, as we use fuzzy
controller, this design can be easily extended by adding new rules in the rule-base. Our
future work focuses on implementing this design in TinyOS operating system for Wire-
less Sensor nodes.
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