X-plain: A Game that Collects Common Sense
Zuzana Nev
Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Botanick
a 68a, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Abstract. Common sense knowledge is very important for some NLP tasks, but
it is hard to extract from existing linguistic resources. Thus specialized collections
of common sense propositions are created. This paper presents one of the ways
of making such collection w.r.t. Czech language. We have created a cooperative
game, where computer program plays together with human. The purpose of the
game is to describe a word with short sentences to the co-player. While the human
player is expected to use his/her common sense, the computer program uses word
sketches. The paper describes in detail the game, its background and discusses the
need for motivation and game policy. It also discusses the quality and coverage
of the collection.
1 Introduction
Common sense knowledge is considered to be crucial for some NLP tasks. In principle
there are two approaches on how to collect common sense data: collection made by
experts, collection made by volunteers. Both approaches and many variants between
them differ in several aspects such as cost, quality, coverage.
We present a project, where common sense propositions are collected by means of
a game. In this article a Czech version of the game is presented. However the principle
can be used for different languages as well.
The game presented in this paper is named X-plain. Players are at the same time
contributors to the database of common sense propositions. Section 2 describes the
common sense and explains the need for collecting it. In section 3 we describe the prin-
ciple of the game. Section 4 describes closely how computer program can play together
with human. In section 5 we discuss the quality of collected data and contribution pol-
icy. We have to expect that the database will be error prone and different contributors
have different reliability.We propose some work in future in section 6.
2 Common Sense and How to Collect it
Common sense is often described as a huge set of processes of natural cognition and
system of beliefs that people share. Common sense does not always correspond to sci-
entific or even real world observation, rather it is a set of assumptions about the real
world [6].
Inherently common sense propositions are not easy to collect. Therefore special-
ized collections of common sense exist. Well-known projects include CyC [4], Thought
Zilovà ˛a Z.
X-plain: A Game that Collects Common Sense Propositions.
DOI: 10.5220/0003015200470052
In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science (ICEIS 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-8425-13-3
2010 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Treasure [5] (both expert-made) or Open Mind Common Sense Initiative [8] (volunteer-
The game Verbosity [10] proposes another way of collecting common sense propo-
sitions. All mentioned projects contain mainly data in English language. This paper
refers about a game similar to Verbosity, but with different engine. Its main purpose is
to create a collection of common sense propositions in Czech language.
3 Game Principle
X-plain has analogy in board games such as “Taboo
”. It is a cooperative game for
two players. The principle is that a random word (called secret word) is displayed to one
player (narrator) and s/he has to explain it to the second player (guesser). The guesser
has to say (or write down) the exact word.
In X-plain the guesser tries to guess the word with apparently unlimited number of
tries. When s/he is successful, the score is increased and next turn the roles swap. When
the narrator is not able to describe the secret word or the guesser is not able to reveal it,
they can pass on the word. Next turn the roles swap but the score stays unchanged. The
game is time limited to 3 minutes.
In X-plain there are different relation types that together with the secret word and the
object make sentence templates, e.g. X is_kind_of Y. Currently there are following
relation types:
At first relations were selected according to Verbosity. Afterwards the list was
adapted to Sketch Engine outputs (see subsection 4.2). These relations are considered
to be easy to understand, however it seems that players attach significant importance to
secret words and objects and not to relations (see section 5).
Secret words were selected randomly, one-meaning words are preferred. The list is
continuously adapted, as the words are examined by human players and Sketch Engine
(“difficult” words are rejected), see section 5.
Fig. 1. Screenshot (part) from X-plain: narrator (human) has to describe the word “kometa”
(comet). On the left s/he has to fill the following sentence templates: se skl
ada z (has part); je
ı (is part of); je druh (is a type of); je ur
a pro/k/na (is used for); se nej
eji nach
ızko/v/na (can be likely found). S/he types: “. . . se skl
a z ohonu” (. . . has part tail). On the
right the guesser (computer) tries to guess the secret word: “li
ska” (fox), “k
n” (horse).
4 Game Background
There is a significant difference between X-plain and Verbosity: in Verbosity two human
players (that are chosen randomly from on-line players) play together, whether in X-
plain human plays with computer program. The program has to take role of the second
player. The program’s “knowledge” is based upon two resources: previous contributions
and word sketches.
X-plain is a web-based application where server side is programmed in PHP
. Client
side uses Javascript and AJAX
for better comfort. Thus players do not have to install
special software. Contributions from human narrators are stored in MySQL
in form of triple (subject, relation, object) together with its number of occurrences.
Explanations given by computer program are not stored because they result from the
database itself or from the Sketch Engine (see subsection 4.1).
4.1 Word Sketches
Word sketch [2] is made from corpus using grammar patterns. It groups together words
playing the same grammatical role in sentences. The Sketch Engine [3] is supplied with
grammatical relations for the requested language.
Grammatical relations for Czech include three types: symmetric, dual and trinary
(explained in detail in [1]). For Czech language the words are in grammatical relations
such as:
coord – words in coordination, typically nouns connected by conjunctions “and”,
“or”. This relation is symmetric.
prec_<preposition> the word followed by <preposition> and X.
This relation is trinary.
a_modifier – adjective word modifier. This relation is dual to modifies.
Asynchronous Javascript And XML
4.2 From Grammar to Semantics
In X-plain the relations in sentence templates are semantic, but in word sketches only
grammatical relations exist. Therefore, we propose a set of rules that link grammatical
and semantic relations. The idea is similar to grammatical relations in Sketch Engine:
the rules are quite straightforward and the results do not tend to be perfect, but plausible.
Currently there are grammar-to-semantics rules such as:
is_related_to = ["coord"]
is_part_of = ["gen_1"]
has_part_of = ["gen_2"]
can_have_property = ["a_modifier"]
The first rule is interpreted as “relation type is_related_to relates the se-
cret word to all words from word sketch coord (coordination)”. Similarly reverse
grammar-to-semantics rules exist:
is_related_to = ["coord"]
is_part_of = ["gen_2"]
has_part_of = ["gen_1"]
can_have_property = ["modifies"]
4.3 Use of Word Sketches in the Game
In the role of narrator, X-plain looks for objects in the database of contributions (the
result is a set), creates word sketch for the secret word and obtains a set of words
depending on grammar-to-semantics rules. As explanation of the secret word it chooses
randomly some word from the union of the two sets.
Conversely, in the role of guesser, the program looks for subjects in the database of
contributions, creates word sketches for the object and obtains set of words depending
on reverse grammar-to-semantics rules. X-plain tries to guess the secret word from
words randomly chosen from the union of the two sets.
Example The secret word is “kometa” (comet)
narrator (human) fills template: . . . souvis
ı s vesm
ırem (. . . is related to space)
guesser (computer) gets “hv
ezda” (star) from the database and science, solar, as-
tronomy . . . from word sketchesGuesser chooses following words: astronomie (as-
tronomy), v
eda (science), hv
ezda (star)
narrator (human) fills template: . . . m
ze m
ıt vlastnost Halleyova (. . . can have
property Halley’s)
guesser (computer) gets no results from the database, but one result from word
sketches: “kometa” (comet).
success! (players score points)
So far human players score points 1,24× more often than computer. For making
computer program more successful we can arrange the results from database and word
sketches and do not choose randomly but consider the frequency. On the other hand the
more successful the computer is less the propositions we collect.
Table 1. Relations that are used with same subjects and objects: X relation 1 Y and X
relation 2 Y.
relation relation % of occurrences
is_similar_to is_related_to 1.08
is_similar_to is_a_type_of 0.51
is_related_to is_part_of 0.47
is_related_to is_a_type_of 0.47
can_be_likely_found is_part_of 0.47
5 Game Policy and Quality of Contributions
A simple measure for quality of contributions is the agreement. Since common sense
propositions are not a scientific approach we do not need to collect the “truth”. All we
need is the usage. Where a proposition repeats from different contributors, it means that
several players think the same way about the secret word.
Players are playing with time limit, so they often write the first idea that comes to
their mind. When collecting common sense propositions, this is rather an advantage.
On the other hand the time limit can lead to many spelling errors.
In the data we have already collected (about 2200 propositions), the relation type
is often misused. For example in the database we can find records such as: X is_-
similar_to Y and X is_opposite_of Y. This has not to be error in all cases,
however we cannot weight the relation type same as the secret word or the object.
Table 1 shows what types of relations (the most occuring cases) are used with the same
subject and object and their occurrence ratio in the whole collection.
An important aspect of the collection is the coverage. We can observe that some
words are passed very often with no propositions: either they are not understood by
players or they are “hard” to explain. Table 2 shows words that are poorly covered and
their categorization. The majority of them are abstract words and we can assume that
these words are difficult to explain.
Table 2. Words difficult to explain for humans and their categorization. Number of unsuccessful
guesses take in account only games where human player gives at least some clue.
word translation number of unsuccessful guesses category
era fraud 5 abstract words
ska exam/testing 4 abstract words, polysemes
myslivost woodcraft 3 domain specific terms
y sick/invalid 3 polysemes
vztah relation 3 abstract words
copyright copyright 2 abstract words
demokracie democracy 2 abstract words
er governor/proconsul 2 polysemes
hrana edge/angle/knell 2 polysemes
ak woodlander 2 domain specific terms
6 Conclusions and Future Work
This paper describes another approach to linguistic data collecting. It is designed mainly
for collecting common sense propositions within Czech language. Czech is a minor lan-
guage thus we cannot expect millions of propositions within a few months like GWAP
[9]. We are strongly interested to players’ motivation.
Game history is available for each game, so we can identify the words that are hard
to explain (many passes, few propositions) or conversely the words that are easy to
explain (best scored guesses). Further analysis should answer the question why some
words are “easy” and others are not. We have to carefully choose the words for each
level so that players stay motivated.
The major contribution of this work is the method how to collect common sense
propositions in Czech. We have to evaluate the reliability of the collection over time.
We expect that a plausible number of common sense propositions will be collected over
This work has been partly supported by the Ministry of Education of CR within the
Center of basic research LC536.
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