The Electrical Power Production Operators Domain
Ricardo Molina-González, Guillermo Rodríguez-Ortíz, Víctor-Hugo León-Sagahón
Gerencia de Sistemas Informáticos, Instituto de Investigaciones Eléctricas, Reforma 113, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
Jaime-Israel Paredes-Rivera
Subdirección de Generación, Comisión Federal de Electricidad, Don Manuelito 11, Col Olivar de los Padres, Mexico D.F.
Keywords: Training, Skills, Talent, Innovation, Ontology, Competitiveness, Knowledge Management, Competence.
Abstract: An ontology based approach to loosely integrate independent training management systems is presented.
The three systems are: the traditional training management system, the labour skills management system
and the talent and innovation management system. The method first represents the data of each of the three
independent systems using a simplified ontology structure, and then the integration relationships among the
systems are specified and implemented.
Derived from governmental policies related to
competitiveness and considering its strategic
planning objectives, CFE (Comisión Federal de
Electricidad -the National Electric Utility in Mexico,
a 70,000 employee power company) has establish an
strategic program to improve its human capital and
to align it with its mission and future vision. This
program promotes learning and innovation at CFE
which is the enterprise responsible for generating,
transmitting and distributing electricity through out
the Mexican nation.
Continously, CFE has invested significant
amount of work to train and develop its human
capital related to electric power generation, with
efforts mainly concentrated on learning acquisition
(to enhance the specialization level), the workers
academic grades improvement, and the value
contribution through innovation as the basis for
During the last 5 years, CFE has evolved its
training system by integrating its traditional
administrative model with training based on
competences. The implementation of this new
system is supported by powerful computer systems
Information is managed to follow up both face-
to-face and on-line training.
Information is maintained on the training
alignment with the mission and functions of the
Applicable labor skills standards to electricity
generation are registered
Labor competence certificates granted to the
workers are registered
It is supported the elaboration, storage and
recovery of instructional contents for self
training trough Internet
The talent and innovation management is
With this new Human Capital Management
System (HCMS) for the electrical generation
operators, the workers are involved in a repetitive
cycle between the learning (training) process and the
innovation process (Miller, 2007) with emphasis on
value creation to guaranty financial profitability.
In this paper we describe the ontology based
approach used to integrate the traditional training
model and the competence based training model
with the talent and innovation management to
manage information about human capital.
Section two presents the HCMS model that
integrates learning, talent and innovation
management, the model is described both from the
conceptual and functional points of view. In section
Molina-González R., Rodríguez-Ortíz G., León-Sagahón V. and Paredes-Rivera J. (2010).
ONTOLOGY BASED INTEGRATION OF TRAINING SYSTEMS - The Electrical Power Production Operators Domain.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 49-56
DOI: 10.5220/0003016800490056
three, the management systems are described and the
ontology models for each system is introduced, and
finally the integration method is presented.
The Human Capital Management System can be
described using two models: a conceptual model and
a functional model.
2.1 The Conceptual Model
As mentioned in (Miller, 2007), learning stimulates
innovation, in the form of information and
knowledge. And in return, innovation gives birth to
new learning and knowledge. One way to experience
the relationship between learning and innovating is
to tune into our own breathing rhythms. Learning
and innovating go together just like inhaling and
Inhaling = learning: acquiring, creating and
sharing new knowledge; converting knowledge
to wisdom.
Exhaling = innovating: generating, deciding
upon, implementing and celebrating innovative
responses to opportunities and challenges.
Figure 1: Learning, Talent and Innovation.
The HCMS conceptual model is shown in figure 1.
The aim of the Learning Process is to train and
develop human capital.
With the Talent Management Module CFE
identifies the capacity of the workers and using
career training and development preserves their
The innovation management system supports
decisions about the workers value contributions to
CFE stimulating the creation of personal and
organizational innovations.
The information systems integrate learning,
talent and innovation using interactive technologies
as explained in the following section.
2.2 The Functional Model
From the functional point of view, the HCMS is
composed of an integrated set of four interactive
information management systems as shown in
Figure 2: the traditional training management
system, the competence based training system, the
talent management system and the innovation
management system.
Figure 2: Information Systems.
This section describes the component systems of the
HCMS and their ontology models.
3.1 The Traditional Training Model
For more than 20 years, CFE has executed a training
program that includes a coherent and comprehensive
group of standards developed internally and aimed
to achieve the training of its 70,000 employees and
with the contractual objective of offering 10 training
days per year for each employee. The norms are
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
classified in four groups:
Position Profiles
Training Batteries
Training profile per worker
Individual Knowledge Matrix
Individualized Training Program
Specific problem solution oriented program
Organization and Integration:
Revision, consolidation and authorization of the
annual training program
Instructors' development
Execution of the annual training program
Construction and application of diagnostic
Creation and application of partial evaluations
Application of reaction evaluations
Elaboration of the courses reports
Transcript release of credit courses
The worker's evaluation in his position
Transcript release of labor abilities (aptitude
Transcript updating of labor abilities and their
upgrade for the current position and/or
immediate superior position.
The objective of the traditional program is to
obtain an annual training program of individualized
courses with impact in the productivity indexes.
CFE classifies the hundreds of employee
positions of its organizational chart into organic
groups or levels (from I to XII) depending on the
position responsibility (director, manager,
department boss, operator, clerk, etc.), the position
participation in business processes (generation,
transmission, distribution) or support processes, if
the position is unionized, and the remuneration level.
Each position in the organization has an assigned
profile that it includes one or more specialties, for
Maintenance (mechanic, instrumentation, elec-
Operation (analysis and results, engineering,
Planning (supply, analysis, studies)
Services (billing)
The specialties are classified in levels that match
with the academic levels: secondary, high school,
primary technician, secondary technician, bachelor,
graduate, master, and doctorate.
In this fashion, the annual training needs are
detected to proceed to the assignment of dates for
each course and to conform the training program
which typically includes approximately 40,000
courses per year. The aptitude records are good for
performance evaluation, to cover vacancies, or for
incentive assignments.
The ontology model to describe the data for the
traditional training model is shown in figure 3.
Figure 3: The Ontology Model for the Traditional Training
3.2 The Labor Skills Model
A competency or labor skill is a specific capacity to
perform a productive function in different labor
contexts on the basis of obtaining quality results in
the corresponding productive sector. A productive
sector is a part of the society that specializes in some
type of activity, for example, agriculture, health, or
ONTOLOGY BASED INTEGRATION OF TRAINING SYSTEMS - The Electrical Power Production Operators Domain
In contrast with a traditional training system, the
main objective of a job skills management system or
program is to certify individuals in knowledge,
skills, expertise, abilities, and attitudes appropriate
for specific enterprise productive functions
independent of how they acquired them. This means
that a labor competencies program may or may not
be supported by a training system.
The ways and means that a person uses to
acquire his skills is not the concern of a labor
competency program, however, this program has to
have evaluation tools and systems to make sure that
a candidate for certification has or not the
knowledge, abilities and attitudes required for
performing a position for a particular productive
The Job Skills Technical Standard (JSTS)
management module of the system includes the
productive functions map for the electric sector, the
collaboration mechanisms for the JSTS
development, printing and publishing, and the
content structures to manage their storage.
A Job Skill Technical Standard (JSTS) is defined
and developed by a Job Skill Standard Committee
(compose of methodologists, technicians and
specialists, among other) authorized by CFE, and
approved by the National Council for Job Skills
Standardization and Certification (CONOCER,
Spanish initials) and sanctioned by the Public
Education and the Work and Social Affairs
Secretaries of State. A JSTS establishes, for
repeated and common use in the whole Mexican
States territory, the characteristics and the guidelines
for the evaluation of capacity or labor competence.
In Figure 4, a semantic model is shown for the
normalization management that has been
implemented with a relational database management
The methodologists generate the knowledge
included in a JSTS; they are the experts in a
productive function contained in the company’s
functional map. Roughly, the functional map of the
CFE is a functions hierarchy or tree where the
functions corresponding to the highest level are four:
1. To operate the equipment for electric power
generation, transmission, transformation and
2. To maintain the equipment for electric power
generation, transmission, transformation and
distribution under operating conditions.
3. To manage the operation and energy transactions
of the Power Electrical System.
4. To provide the electric power utility service.
Figure 4: Semantic Model for job skills normalization.
It is not the intention of this paper to show the
complete functional map for each one of the four
mentioned highest level functions, it would be very
extensive. All functions are composed of sub-
functions; a short fraction of the tree for the function
2 is as follows:
2.1 To plan the maintenance of the equipment for
electric power generation, transmission,
transformation and distribution.
2.2 To carry out the maintenance of the equipment
for electric power generation, transmission,
transformation and distribution.
2.3 To determine the maintenance effectiveness of
the equipment for electric power generation,
transmission, transformation and distribution.
Breaking down function 2.2 we reach (sub)
function “To carry out the mechanical
maintenance of steam turbines” where several
standards is at hand, one of those is the norm:
CCFE0628.01 Mechanical maintenance of steam
turbines with high and low pressure cylinder.
In this way, CFE had to elaborate a JSTS for
each one of the lowest level productive functions of
the company (approximately two hundred norms). In
turn, the elements of a norm include evaluation
instruments that are the performance criteria related
with categories, in such a way that for an element
different skills evidences can be assessed, either for
abilities, for knowledge or for attitudes. One can
observe that to work in a company position, a person
will have to be certified in several labor
Each standardized competence or labor skill has
assigned a performance level according to the
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
English NVQ system (National Vocational
Qualification). This classification of the
competences is in five performance levels, based on
different variables: complexity of the behavior,
variety of acting in different contexts, autonomy and
responsibility, requirement level, and of the
collaboration management of other people and
The levels imply progressive domain of these
variables as the competence level increases, the
smallest level of complexity and of variation is level
one, and level five is the highest.
Level 1: Competence performance is of different
labor activities most routine and predictable.
Level 2: Competence is in a significant scale of
labor activities carried out in different contexts.
Some are complex not routine. It should demonstrate
certain responsibility and autonomy and frequently
collaboration of others (team work).
Level 3: Competence is in a wide range of activities,
in different contexts. Most complex and not routine,
should demonstrate responsibility and autonomy,
frequently to control and to direct.
Level 4: Competence is in a wide range of labor
activities, in very different labor contexts, great
responsibility and autonomy, to take the
responsibility of the work of others and for
assignment of resources.
Level 5: Competence implies the application of great
quantity of fundamental and technical principles in
varied unpredictable contexts. It demands the
employee's autonomy, to take the responsibility in
great measure for the work of others and
considerable assignment of resources.
The elaboration of a specific norm is assigned to
a group that is integrated with a leader and a certain
number of technicians. The group uses a
methodological manual that contains a set of
templates or formats for the elaboration of standards.
The ontology model to describe the data for the
Labor Skills
model is shown in figure 5
Figure 5: Ontology for the Labor Skills Model.
3.3 The Talent and Innovation Model
The talent management model, conceptually
integrates the talent flow in periods that a worker
passes through from his entrance to CFE, until his
retirement (Figure 6). The training processes and
professional development, should consider the talent
management aspects that guarantee the investment
profitability as part of the intellectual capital of the
Figure 6: Worker Talent Flow (from hiring through
As talent management, we classify the time
periods of the worker trajectory in:
NH: New Hired Worker
Worker identified in their attitudes according to
generations M or Y with time value to be classified
this way between 1 and 5 years of employment.
EW: Experienced Worker
Worker identified in their attitudes like
generation X with a time value to be classified this
way between 6 and 24 years of employment.
RP: Retirement Process Worker
Worker identified in their attitudes like
generation X or B-B with a time value to be
classified this way between 25 and 30 years of
RP: Repositioned Worker
Worker identified in their attitudes like
generation B-B with a time value to be classified this
way between 31 or more years of employment.
These time periods mentioned can be defined in
agreement with specialists, so that they can be
changed according to the perception that the
company has of them in a given moment.
The structural elements of the talent management
model are shown in figure 7.
ONTOLOGY BASED INTEGRATION OF TRAINING SYSTEMS - The Electrical Power Production Operators Domain
The training (knowledge, abilities and attitudes)
and the development represent or describe the
worker's talent throughout their trajectory or flow in
the company.
Training generally follows the worker's position
training battery and the battery of the immediately
higher position. The training is mainly aimed to
increase knowledge.
Figure 7: Structural elements of the talent management
The skills training is of field practices with low,
high and very high intensity, with improvements
verification in the field, as well as the new
approaches of mental and psycho-motion abilities.
The attitude is what is expected on the part of the
worker in the various stages belonging to the
corresponding period of his labor trajectory.
Examples of attitudes are: personal interest toward
work, interest to participate in their position,
involved in work groups, and concern to engage in a
career plan.
Other attitudes are: to assume responsibility in
CFE, will to accept new challenges, to accept
responsibility as value and will to innovate and
create projects and improvements as well as to
promote learning and positive criticism for
improvement. Each attitude can show up in levels:
Level 1 - Reception
Level 2 - Answer
Level 3 - Appraisement
Level 4 - Organization
Level 5 – Characterization
The development includes the opportunities
offered to the worker during the corresponding
period, development examples are: technical careers,
bachelor and graduate degree levels, technical,
administrative and executive competence
certification, and global competences, also,
specialization, short courses, research, author, tutor,
instructor and advisory skills development.
Experience is a key indicator in a talent
management system and the experience is measured
with the time dedicated to activity, where results
were obtained and there were a productive
performance in the different positions and
competences of the worker (xxxxx see section of
The worker acts with objectives and clear
indicators, he knows the tracking processes, he
commits to his achievement and it accumulates
merits for results of his experience in the work.
The worker manages information and locates a
great deal of knowledge objects with related value to
the context of his work, like procedures, work
instructions, training manuals, recordings,
presentations, maps of contents, frequent searches in
internet and outstanding places, glossaries, initials,
data or corporate contents, convenient web links,
publications, historical information, norms, real
cases, examples, references to books, indexes,
summaries, etc.
The worker can contribute value to the company
by creating new knowledge objects or documents,
and this contribution can be evaluated financially
through a cost benefit analysis of the contribution.
For innovation management, we propose a
variation of the Values Analysis Model Process that
is the precursor to the Measure, Analyze, and
Improve process that in turn is the basis of the Six
Sigma improvement process. The HCMS innovation
process is composed of the following phases:
A creative idea is captured through a coorporate
Headquarters pre-evaluates the idea
An assigned operating area evaluates the idea
A community of practice approves the idea and
sets up a project to implement the innovation
The ontology model to describe the data for the
talent model is shown in figure 8.
The talent and innovation management indicators
are a way of measuring the talent that the company
has, some indicators are an indirect way to express
the possible benefits of the value that the company
can obtain from its workers contribution.
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 8: Ontology for the Talent Model.
The indicators are defined for the individual
worker and they can be integrated or accumulated
hierarchical or globally for the working center,
region and nation.
The proposed indexes of talent and innovation
management are:
Tenure in CFE (years of employment)
Experience, is the time and number of exercised
positions (functional and organic).
Labor period where the worker is (NH, EW, RP, or
Knowledge (Training)
Current expenses in training
Days of training
Training percent in primary, secondary and
complementary functions
Depth level of cognitive area (1, 2, 3, or 4)
Certified Competences or Skills (complexity levels:
1, 2, 3, 4, or 5)
Practice percent (in primary, secondary and
complementary functions).
Depth level in the psycho-motion area (1, 2, 3, or
4 )
Depth level in the attitude or affective area (1, 2,
3, 4, or 5)
Education, highest academic degree
Value Contribution and Innovation per worker
(documented cost benefit).
3.4 Integration
The real power of ontologies lies in the ability to
create relationships among classes and instances,
and to assign properties to those relationships that let
us make inferences about them (Jepsen 2009). As
mention in (Janev 2009), one application of
ontologies is on data integration, and data share and
The Human Capital Management System loosely
integrates the Traditional Training Management
System (TTMS), the Labor Skills Management
System (LSMS), and the Talent and Innovation
Management System (TIMS). The information
systems that implement these models were
developed independently; however, to obtain data
consistency and integrity among the systems a data
integration effort was pursued.
The approach used was to develop an automatic
data extractor that gets data from one system and
inserts the data in another system, and if necessary
performs some processing on the data before the
integration into the other system. Table 1 shows
some examples of data extractor specifications of
source and target data items and the required
Table 1: Source and target data items.
Definition Source Processing
training hours
for a position
Sum of the
training hours
from a
Skills training
hours for a
position profile
Sum of the
skills hours
from a
training hours
for a position
Sum of the
training hours
from a
training hours
of an employee
Sum of
hours from
the training
ONTOLOGY BASED INTEGRATION OF TRAINING SYSTEMS - The Electrical Power Production Operators Domain
Table 1: Source and target data items. (Cont.)
Skills training
hours of an
Sum of skills
hours from
the training
training hours
of an employee
Sum of
training hours
from the
articles ) that
the employee
produces in
order to
increase the
company value
awarded to the
during his
education level
An ontology based approach to loosely integrate
independent training management systems was
presented. The three independently developed
systems were loosely integrated: the traditional
training management system, the labour skills
management system and the talent and innovation
management system. The resultant Human Capital
Management System allows users to interactively
access information from the three systems without
the need of knowing which system they are
The ontology analyses help us to integrate the
data and to support data share and reuse.
Janev, V. and Vraneš, S., Semantic Web Technologies:
ready for adoption?, IEEE, IT Pro September/October
2009, pp. 22-27.
Jepsen, T. C., Just what is an ontology anyway?, IEEE, IT
Pro September/October 2009, pp. 22-27
Miller, W. C., The Innovation Process: Energizing values-
centered innovation from start to finish, IEEE-USA,
Values Analysis Model, Brecker Associates Inc:
Pittsburgh PA. 2007 http://www.brecker.com/
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies