RFID Event Data Processing: An Architecture for
Storing and Searching
Matthieu-P. Schapranow, J¨urgen M¨uller, Alexander Zeier and Hasso Plattner
Hasso Plattner Institute, Enterprise Platform and Integration Concepts
August–Bebel–Str. 88, 14482 Potsdam, Germany
Abstract. The pharmaceutical industry suffers from increasing counterfeit rates.
U.S. federal restrictions force manufacturers to guarantee product authenticity.
RFID technology can be used as foundation for an integer and counterfeit-resistant
pharmaceutical supply chain. We present an architecture optimized for storing
and searching of pharmaceutical RFID data and share results of our main-memory-
based prototype.
1 The Pharmaceutical Supply Chain
The European pharmaceutical industry hit the headlines with operation MEDI-FAKE
announcing 34 million detected fake drugs in only two months [1]. The European Com-
mission reports an increase of 118% for pharmaceutical counterfeits detected at borders
in 2008 compared to 2007. The pharmaceutical product category is the third largest
product category in terms of quantities of intercepted articles besides the categories
CDs/DVDs and cigarettes [2]. Counterfeited goods are a risk for customers and for
suppliers, because their efforts is neither tested nor validated and the customer may suf-
fer from various kinds of medical complications. In 2004, it was estimated that more
than 500 billion USD were traded in counterfeits, i.e. 7% of the world trade in the same
period [3]. It is argued, that this equals an increase of 150 billion USD compared to
2001 [4]. During the same period, the worldwide merchandise trade increased only by
approx. 50 billion USD. This example highlights the risks of counterfeits and the need
for product protection. A high level of supply chain integrity is the basis for reliable
product tracking to support counterfeit detection. The European pharmaceutical supply
chain consists of approx.2,200 pharmaceutical producers, 50 thousand wholesalers, and
more than 140 thousand retailers [5]. Every supply chain participant stores events in a
local event repository for any handled product. Reliable product tracking and tracing
across the entire supply chain can be implemented with RFID [6], but this technique is
not designed to be immunized against threats, such as cloning, spoofing or eavesdrop-
ping [7]. The pharmaceutical industry has to identify specific solutions addressing the
product’s authenticity while data integrity is ensured to shield the global pharmaceuti-
cal supply chain against intrusion of counterfeits. Enhancing existing supply chains by
introducing RFID tags comes with various prevailing advantages [8], e.g. in contrast
to barcodes, RFID tags can be read without establishing a direct line of sight, multiple
Schapranow M., MÃijller J., Zeier A. and Plattner H.
RFID Event Data Processing: An Architecture for Storing and Searching.
DOI: 10.5220/0003017100130022
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on RFID Technology - Concepts, Applications, Challenges (ICEIS 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-8425-11-9
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tags can be read simultaneously, and they can cope with dirty environments [9]. Build-
ing an industry-specific solution on top of an existing communication infrastructure is
non-trivial, because the communication medium suffers from the amount of event data
exchanged for anti-counterfeiting [10]. We propose an architecture which addresses the
following challenges:
small event data (approx. 100-200 bytes) to be stored in local repositories,
hundreds of thousands of events captured hourly at partner sites,
queries which need to be forwarded via a global communication infrastructure to
decentralized EPC Information Services (EPCIS) repositories, and
queries to be processed in sub-second time, because the authenticity of hundreds of
products is checked simultaneously, e.g. during inbound processing.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: In Sect. 2 our work is placed in con-
text of related work. Architecture components are outlined in Sect. 3, while Sect. 4
explains their interaction. Sect. 5 describes benchmarking setup, results, and shares our
measurement evaluation. Our paper concludes in Sect. 6.
2 Related Work
Fast storing and performing predefined search queries on RFID data is a current trend
in research and various works address this topic. Acquiring real-world events by read-
ers to map them to virtual product histories is the task of enterprise RFID middle-
ware systems [11]. They support either one of both categories of RFID applications:
history-oriented tracking and real-time monitoring. The latter requires sub-second re-
sponse times, e.g. for incoming goods processing. Our Java prototype is optimized for
real-time monitoring by leveraging very short response times for EPC-based queries.
Product flow and temporal event queries are expected to be major queries in RFID
event analysis [12]. Existing data stream management systems build on enhancements
of query languages, e.g. SQL. Language enhancements for temporal queries exist to re-
duce complexity of temporal RFID exploration [13]. Special query templates exist for
storing and retrieving flow and temporal data of a certain product [14]. They build on
the separation of tag, path, and time data. All data is stored in separate Data Base (DB)
tables stored in a centralized repository, but a decentralized application prototype was
also proved to work [15].
Our architecture approach uses decentralized event stores, which can be uniquely
identified by URLs using the Object Name Services [16]. It builds on a tree-based data
structure comparable to the one used by the Domain Name Service (DNS). The DNS
architecture supports distribution of responsibilities across hierarchy levels via dedi-
cated network information centers [17]. Although a centralized instance reduces costs
for maintenance, it introduces a single point of failure, e.g. when the system has to
be placed offline. This requires redundant hardware and data to overcome extreme sit-
uations which doubles infrastructure costs at least. We combine the ideas of an EPC
Discovery Service [18] and a DNS architecture. Queries are forwarded to decentralized
EPCIS repositories to prevent load peaks that paralyze centralized architecture compo-
nents. The huge amount of RFID data makes any kind of architecture fragile in terms
of system load. Various researchers focus on data reduction, e.g. filtering duplicate and
redundant RFID events which can be performed by enterprise middleware systems to
reduce the total data load [19]. The cuboid architecture offers an implementation for
partitioning RFID data [20], which can be enhanced to implement static load balancing
policies. Once a product reaches the end consumer, associated events can be moved
to slower storages to establish data retention management and to increase the system
performance [21].
3 Architecture Components
The architecture components depicted in Fig. 1 are described in the following focusing
on throughput effectiveness. To satisfy incoming queries, all EPC-related events need
to be aggregated which involves the following steps:
determination of involved EPCISs,
query propagation to involved EPCISs,
parallel and distributed processing of query at remote EPCISs,
return of partial query results,
aggregation of partial query results, and
return of final query result to querying participant.
Fig.1. Architecture: Infrastructure Components and Data Flow.
Queries are only forwarded to EPCISs that are involved in the supply chain path of
a certain product. All EPCIS repositories offer interfaces to access their stored data in
a unified way, regardless of internal format and vendor. Data unification is not part of
the given architecture. The outlined algorithm is chosen to reduce processing time by
enabling partial processing comparable to MapReduce [22]. By limiting the recipients
for a query, the overall network load is kept minimal and the risk for congestion by
flooding the communication network with RFID data is prevented [23].
The Global Name Server (GNS) is the central component of our architecture. Its
implementation follows the concept of the DNS root servers [17]. The GNS receives an
incoming query containing the product’s EPC. Firstly, the Global Aggregation Server
(GAS) is notified and secondly, the incoming query is forwarded to servers at lower hi-
erarchy levels, i.e. Company Servers (CSs) which have access to a single EPCIS repos-
itory or multiple EPCISs repositories of a company or department. Spanning a tree on
top of the CSs hierarchy helps to identify the correct CS for a certain EPC in logarith-
mic time, i.e. O-complexity O log n , instead of performing a long sequential scan on
a list of servers with O n . Our GNS implementation differs from a DNS root server,
because query results from servers at lower hierarchy levels are received to enable pro-
cessing of the next query. If one EPCIS repository declines information, e.g. because of
insufficient access rights, the requester is informed. Access rights are implemented and
managed by each EPCIS repository separately to guarantee data protection. We con-
sider EPCIS repositories as standardized products, e.g. the open source RFID platform
. Their design is not discussed due to page limitations.
The GAS is responsible for collecting partial query results generated by the CSs,
it is queried by the GNS and receives partial query results by CSs. To save a list of
known companies and to store partial query results received from the CS, the GAS allo-
cates memory for a temporary session to store the query [18]. It can perform additional
plausibility checks for anti-counterfeiting, but this is not an integrated part of our archi-
tecture as we encourage counterfeit detection to be implemented by dedicated service
The CS has direct access to the EPCIS repositories of the company or department
which contains event data. We decided to use the SAP TREX Main Memory (MM) DB
to store events. Instead of loading all attributes, the columnar DB layout enables loading
of affected attributes, e.g. only EPC and timestamp to answer the following query:
”When did the product with the given EPC leave your company?”
The results are forwarded to the GAS. Each supply chain participant knows details
about predecessors and successors of a certain product. This information is combined
with the data received from the EPCIS and returned to the GNS. The GNS restarts its
algorithms and forwards the initial query to the next participant in the supply chain.
Starting from the last participant traversing back to the producer the same steps are per-
formed to improve processing time. The last participant in the supply chain is defined by
the querying party. If the querying party is an intermediate and the product was already
passed to the next participants the chain has to be reconstructed by the querying party
only in one-way traversing to the end of the chain. By executing both queries in parallel,
processing time can be divided by two if the querying party holds the product. If the
communication network is segmented at a single site or partially unable, this approach
can be used to reconstruct the chain around the unresponsive participant, because the
query would stop from both ends at the same participant. If multiple participants are
unresponsive or multiple paths are unavailable, the outage cannot be bridged and an
incomplete result is indicated.
SAP TREX is a columnar MMDB supporting queries to be performed directly on
compressed data in MM [24]. Using a MMDB benefits in instant responses when query-
ing a specific EPC. We simulated event data for the pharmaceutical supply chain. Each
event consists of the following attributes: EPC, readpoint, time, action, disposi-
Table 1. Test Data Scenarios.
# Events Size on Disk Size in RAM
Scenario I 1.1 M 200 MB 20 MB
Scenario II
6.3 M 1150 MB 120 MB
Test Data Scenarios
tion, bizlocation, bizstep. The EPC is stored as serialized global trade identifica-
tion number and the locations (readpoint and bizlocation) are stored as serialized
global location number [25]. The remaining attributes are used for anti-counterfeiting
by service providers.
Our simulated data is characterized in Tab. 1. Scenario I consists of 1.1 M events,
consuming 200 MB on disk and 20MB of RAM once the data is loaded and compressed
by SAP TREX. Scenario II is 6-times larger and consists of 6.3 M events, 1150MB on
disk and 120MB in RAM. Both scenarios were compressed 10:1 by SAP TREX when
loaded into MM. We identified the mean size of a single event with circa 182 byte
uncompressed resp. 18byte compressed, which helps to estimate storage demands for
the global pharmaceutical supply chain.
The Service Provider performs plausibility checks for anti-counterfeiting with the
product’s virtual product history. All supply chain participants have to agree on com-
mon access rights for this instance to process any request. If a counterfeit is identi-
fied, the service provider returns counterf eit and the product is removed from the
supply chain. If the virtual product history is valid, authentic will be returned. If
the result of the counterfeit detection is inconclusive, e.g. during network partition-
ing, unknown will be returned to indicate the need for further processing. We define
a function servic e
counterf eit
in Equation 1 describing the service provider which per-
forms checks with the help of a given epc
. It returns either one of the results authentic
a, counterfeit c, or unknown u.
ser vice
counterf eit
: epc
, a, c, u (1)
4 Performance Aspects
A product query is created and sent to the GNS, which registers the request and gen-
erates a unique query ID. With the help of the ID, the GAS is contacted and creates
a temporary session to hold responses. The query results received from the CS are as-
signed by the GAS to the corresponding session. The EPC consists of an encoded com-
pany prefix, an encoded product reference, and a serial number [26]. The GNS contacts
the producer of a certain product. The initial query and the query ID are forwarded to
the CS. The CS performs two DB lookups: the first returns the supply chain successor
the product was passed to, the second performs the existence check for events associ-
ated with the given EPC. Results of the first lookup are used for the following next-hop
algorithm. This separation improves response time, because looking up events associ-
ated with a certain EPC takes longer time than determining the next participant in the
supply chain. The next CS can be queried autonomously to start the next lookup; the
algorithm continues until no further successors exist. The GAS receives a notification
for anti-counterfeiting checks consisting of:
1. the query ID for mapping the query result to the corresponding query,
2. the company ID of the current CS, and
3. an indicator for the EPC’s existence in the local event store of the company.
4.1 Network
During the development, we switched the communication protocol from Transmission
Control Protocol (TCP) to User Datagram Protocol (UDP). This was initiated to handle
numerous messages which are exchanged between GNS, CSs, and GAS. We deter-
mined that a significant amount of time was spent for TCP’s three-way handshake [27].
We assume modern communication infrastructures to be reliable, i.e. lost packets dur-
ing query retrieval are retransmitted after timeouts. If duplicated results are received,
they are distinguished by the GAS using the company ID and query ID. If expected
responses are not received, the return value will be marked to be incomplete. This
way, network segmentation and missing data can be identified without creating false-
4.2 Sequence of Company Actions
Besides the selected communication protocol we figured out that the sequence of per-
formed DB queries has an impact on the response time. We decided to implement two
different action settings as depicted in Fig. 2. Both action settings differ in the opera-
tion of the CS. We focused on the CS because this component is involved multiple times
during a trace for a single product. Our architecture builds on two DB queries which are
performed by the CS. Action setting I in Fig. 2 shows, that both queries are performed
simultaneously in step 5. Once both results are returned, the CS sends one part to the
GNS and the other to the GAS. Fig. 2 outlines for action setting II that the first query
retrieves details about the successor of a product. In contrast to action setting I, the GNS
is now informed immediately in step 4 and in step 5 the second query is performed by
the CS while the GNS can proceed traversing the trace. The result of the second query
is sent asynchronously to the GAS in step 6.
5 Timing Results
We share insights about our 4 implementation combinations consisting of 2 communi-
cation protocols and 2 action settings in the following.
SAP TREX DB was configured to run in a non-distributed environment. It was installed
on a single IBM Blade HS 21XM Type 7995 running SuSE Linux Enterprise 10 SP 2
with the 64-bit kernel It was equipped with two CPUs Intel Xeon
E5450 CPUs, each running at 3.0GHz clock speed consisting of four logical cores with
32 kB L1 cache, 12 MB L2 cache. The system was equipped with eight 4 GB DIMM
DDR modules to form a total of 32 GB RAM. We measured the impact of the DB size
on the response time.
Fig.2. Action Setting I (left) and Action Setting II (right).
Our results showed, that the next company query returns in avg. in 11 ms and the
result query in avg. in 10 ms. These timing results are scenario-independent as shown
in Fig. 3 (b) for bars TCP 1 and UDP 1. This underlines the instant response time which
is achieved by the SAP TREX MMDB in the given enterprise scenario. The RAM size
in the blade systems exceeds the amount of used simulated data, i.e. the entire data sets
of both scenarios fit completely in MM and can be accessed with MM access time.
The Network was benchmarked by installing GNS and GAS on workstations running
Microsoft Windows 7. They were equipped with a single CPU, two cores running at
2.6GHz clock speed, 4 GB RAM, and Gigabit network interface cards. All systems
were connected through an unmanaged Gigabit network switch. The network through-
put of our prototype is addressed by measuring the connection time, i.e. the time needed
to transfer messages between peers. The connection time for the communication proto-
cols TCP and UDP are compared.
Our measurements showed that each data transfer using TCP needs 6 ms in avg.
whereas UDP is approx. 6-times faster with an average of 1 ms. With TCP one com-
pany needs 41ms in avg. to complete query processing. Fig. 3 (a) on the left shows the
cumulated results which consist of the connection time between GNS and CS (6 ms),
processing the DB queries for the next participant (11 ms) and the query for detecting
the EPC in the local EPCIS (10 ms), evaluating the next company (2ms), and two con-
nection times: to the GNS (6 ms) and to the GAS (6ms). Switching our prototype to use
UDP as communication protocol reduced the connection time to avg. 1ms. We were not
confronted with unordered or lost packets, which might occur in more complex routed
networks. The complete processing time when using UDP is reduced to an average of
26 ms as depicted in Fig. 3 (a) on the right.
Architecture Configurations were implemented as a configurable CS to switch between
action settings. Action setting I uses two subsequent DB queries. From the GNS’s point
of view using action setting I showed to consume 35 ms in avg. with communication
protocol TCP and 25ms with communication protocol UDP as shown in Fig. 3 (b)
Time in [ms]
Communication Method
Response Time Measurements
Next Evaluation
Existing Query
Next Query
Time in [ms]
Communication Method
Response Time Measurements
Existing Query
Next Evaluation
Next Query
Fig.3. Comparison of Communication Methods (a) and Configurations (b).
for TCP1 and UDP1. These response timings occur, because result transmission to the
GAS is postponed until both DB results are available. By varying query processing in
action setting II, it is possible to reduce processing time at the CS by avg. 10ms. Once
the next company is determined, it is immediately sent to the GNS. The GNS receives
the result without the need to wait for the second DB query to complete. Using the
communication protocol TCP in this case results in avg. 25 ms processing time. The
communication protocol UDP consumes 40 % less processing time with 15ms in avg.
as depicted in Fig. 3 (b) for UDP2. Our timing results show, that the GNS is able to
process one CS within 15ms in avg. depending on the architecture configuration. By
switching to action setting II using UDP, we were able to reduce processing time by
approx. 60 % compared to action setting I using TCP.
6 Conclusions
In the given paper,we shared our insights gathered by the implementation of a Java pro-
totype designed for storing and searching of RFID event data. Our work is motivated
by the need for counterfeit detection in the pharmaceutical industry, because of an in-
creasing number of fake drug cases. Our proposed architecture consists of GNS, GAS
and numerous decentralized CSs connected to EPCICs. For storing RFID event data
we used the SAP TREX MMDB to leverage instant response times for real-time mon-
itoring. To perform centralized anti-counterfeiting, we query all participants involved
in the product lifecycle for a certain product to return event details. A linked list of
companies is traversed in two directions to save time and to reconstruct single network
segmentations. The amount of messages traveling through the communication network
is minimized by querying only involved supply chain participants instead of performing
broadcasts to all participants.
We outlined different architecture configurations, gave details about timing results
and characterized the optimal setup for our prototype. Using action setting II with
communication protocol UDP enables us to contact each involved participant in the
product’s lifecycle in avg. 15ms which is 60 % faster than action setting I with com-
munication protocol TCP. We observed that our simulated RFID events consume in
avg. 18 bytes when stored by SAP TREX compressed in memory. For the European
pharmaceutical supply chain, we assume 1 producer, 4 wholesalers, 1 retailer, and 1
end consumer. With approx. 15billion prescriptions per year and 9 read events – 2 per
wholesaler and 1 per retailer – an annual amount of approx. 2.3 TB of compressed event
data needs to be stored by all decentralized SAP TREX instances.
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