A Language Model for Human-Machine Dialog: The
Reversible Semantic Grammar
ome Lehuen and Thierry Lemeunier
LIUM, Universit
e du Maine, Avenue Olivier Messiaen, 72085 Le Mans, France
Abstract. In this paper we present algorithms for analysis and generation in a
human-machine dialog context. The originality of our approach is to base these
two algorithms on the same knowledge. The latter combines both semantic and
syntactic aspects. The algorithms are based on a double principle: the correspon-
dence between offers and expectations, and the calculation of a heuristic score.
We present also some results obtained by performing an evaluation based on the
MEDIA French corpus.
1 Introduction
The human-machine spoken dialog systems generally dissociate analysis processes
from generation processes. Yet, it is useful to pool the knowledge of the analysis and of
the generation processes so that the system can say what it understands and can under-
stand what it says. There are at least three consequences. Firstly, the user’s utterances
can be quoted or reformulated. Secondly, the machine can control itself during the gen-
eration processes. Thirdly, a joint improvement of these two skills is possible as soon
as the knowledge increases.
We propose a specific model of language called the Reversible Semantic Grammar
(RSG) which combines both semantic and syntactic aspects. The originality of our ap-
proach consists in the reversibility: this language model is used at the same time to
analyze and to generate utterances. Another important point of this dual representation
is that it allows a robust analysis of the spoken utterances and a rather subtle generation.
The RSG takes place in an existing dialog engine which is structured into four levels
(see Fig. 1). The three upper ones (language, dialog and interactive task) communicate
through a shared working memory, in the same way as the ”blackboard” architectures.
This article focuses on the language level. The RSG is presented in section 2. The
analysis and the generation algorithms are detailed and exemplified in section 3. Some
results and a comparison with other systems are given in section 4.
2 The RSG Model of Language
The knowledge model is based on the notions of concept and of relations between
concepts. This last aspect is inspired by the model of dependency structures proposed
by the French linguist Lucien Tesni
ere [1]. A concept represents an object, an action, an
Lehuen J. and Lemeunier T.
A Language Model for Human-Machine Dialog: The Reversible Semantic Grammar.
DOI: 10.5220/0003017200170026
In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science (ICEIS 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-8425-13-3
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Application Level
Interactive Task Level
Dialog Level
Underlying application
Specific dialog rules
Generic dialog rules
Language Level (RSG)
Knowledge and algorithms
for analysis and generation
Fig. 1. RSG in the dialog engine.
concept "blah blah blah"
{ x, y, z }
{ e1, e2 } { e3, e4 }
Fig. 2. Model of a concept of valence 2.
attribute, etc. The features of a concept are its offers, its expectations, and its syntactic
patterns (see Fig. 2).
The offers are semantic categories and define the concept [2]. The expectations are
also semantic categories but describe the potential links with other concepts. An expec-
tation is not necessarily required. Each concept has a library of syntactic patterns. The
latter contains words and references to the expectations of the concept. Each pattern can
be characterized by distinctive features (pragmatic and/or morphological ones) which
allow a precise description of the pattern’s use (level of language, politeness, illocutory
force, gender, number, etc.). This full-form encoding simplifies the generation process.
The representation of an utterance consists in an oriented graph. The nodes in
the graph, called ”comprehension granules”, are concepts instanciated in the context
of utterance. For example the following French utterance: ”bonjour, je voudrais une
baguette bien cuite s’il vous plat” (hello, I’d like a nice crisp baguette please) is repre-
sented in Fig. 3.
3 The Analysis and the Generation of Utterances
3.1 The Analysis Algorithm
According to the knowledge model, the analysis consists in building a structure of gran-
ules from a string of characters. The process composed of ve stages creates and links
granules according to syntactic criteria (the pattern matching) and/or semantic criteria
(the correspondence between offers and expectations). These two kinds of criterion are
either combined, or used independently from one another in order to generate hypothe-
ses. The five stages of the analysis are:
1. Nucleus Identification: the instantiation of certain types of ”leaf granules” (such
as dates) using regular expressions or local grammars;
Bonjour, je voudrais une baguette bien cuite s'il vous plaît.
(opening) (politeness)(speech-act)
Root granules
Fig. 3. Dependency structure produced by the RSG.
2. Utterance Segmentation: the identification of parts of the utterance likely to con-
tain a granule using the concepts’ expectations and the syntactic patterns. The aim
is to generate some lexical hypotheses (word or expressions) as hypothetical gran-
3. Structure Construction: the instantiation of granules as well as the connections
between them using the concepts’ expectations and the syntactic patterns. The al-
gorithm is based on the opportunistic filling of a chart and on a heuristic function;
4. Conflict Resolution: the removal of the remaining conflicts of position between
granules. The ”weak granules” are suppressed for the benefit of the ”strong gran-
ules” using an evaluation function;
5. Granule Rescuing: the linking of ”orphan granules” to others thanks to hypothet-
ical links using the correspondence between offers and expectations, as well as a
proximity criteria.
The method we use to analyze without backtracking is ”chart parsing” [3] [4]. Basi-
cally, a chart parser emulates parallel processing by concurrently pursuing all alternative
analyses at each step. The chart parser can identify the multiple understandings. It is up
to the dialog level to select one through interaction. At the end, there only remain the
”strong granules” or conflictual granules of the same score (Fig. 4 presents an analysis
A score of a granule G is computed by taking into account its coverage (number
of words), its dispersion (number of words that are not taken into account), the scores
of its links Ai and the scores of its children Gi. The score of a link is equal to the
number of common features between the offers and the expectations. An example of
score computing is given in Fig. 4.
score(G) = coverage(G) dispersion(G) +
v al
3.2 Some Particular Cases of Analysis
This section presents examples illustrating particular performances, such as the identi-
fication of tonic or periphrastic questions and as the resolution of certain ambiguities
and as the generation of hypotheses.
score = 1
score = 34
score = 2
offers = { object, eatable }
text = "une baguette très bien cuite"
position = 4
coverage = 5
dispersion = 1
offers = { quality }
text = "bien cuite"
position = 7
coverage = 2
dispersion = 0
expectations = { quantity }
scoreA1 = 1
expectations = { quality }
scoreA2 = 1
offers = { quantity }
text = "une"
position = 4
coverage = 1
dispersion = 0
Fig. 4. Calculation of the score of the granule BAGUETTE.
The first example illustrates the difference between the analysis of a tonic ques-
tion and the analysis of a periphrastic one. In the representations below, the tonic
character is indicated by the underlined categories and the periphrastic character is
indicated by the speech-act granule:
a) Le second semestre commence quand ? (When does the 2nd semester start?)
(information:DATE question tonic
b) Je voudrais savoir
a quelle date commence le second semestre (I’d like to know
when the 2nd semester starts)
The second example shows how the analyzer naturally solves the rare (and artifi-
cial) cases of homonymous ambiguity, if the context so permits. Here, the problem
with the French word ”avocat” (which can be both a lawyer or an avocado) is solved
thanks to its adjective:
c) Je voudrais un avocat bien m
ur (I’d like a well ripe avocado)
d) Je voudrais un avocat comp
etent (I’d like a competent lawyer)
The coordinating-conjunction ”et” (and) is built according to the categories or the
features of the granules situated on the left and on the right of the conjunction. The
category of the concept AND is given by its two child-granules:
e) Puis-je avoir une baguette et avez-vous deux croissants ? (Can I have one baguette
and have you got two croissants?)
f) Je voudrais une baguette et deux croissants (I’d like one baguette and two crois-
The rescuing stage enables the analyzer to deal with dislocated utterances which
produce ”orphan granules”. The analyzer will try to connect them to nearby gran-
ules if possible. The codes of the hypothetical connections are underlined in the
examples below:
g) Le second semestre je voudrais savoir la date (the 2nd semester I would like to
know the date)
h) Le second semestre la date je voudrais savoir (the 2nd semester the date I would
like to know)
Finally, thanks to the step of segmentation, the analyzer is able to make lexical
hypotheses concerning unknown words. The unknown segments ”le truc” and ”le
bidule” are identified with the syntactic pattern ”ranger [objet] dans [rangement]”
(to tidy [object] in [place]).
i) Ranger le truc dans le bidule
A1:(?object:[le truc])
A2:(?place:[le bidule]))
3.3 The Generation Algorithm
The objective is to build a sentence from a granule structure by using the most adequate
syntactic patterns. The principle is based on the propagation of a ”global generation
goal” Tg from the root to its leaves. A score is calculated for each node and for each
verbalization according to Tg and to a local criterion that takes into account its dis-
tinctive features, the scores of its children and links. The final sentence is obtained by
combining the best verbalizations. Let V be a verbalization and Tp(V) its distinctive
features. Let Vi be a candidate verbalization for the i
child granule and Tp(Vi) its
distinctive features. The score of V is computed by the following formula:
score(V ) = card(T p(V ), T g) +
v al
(10×score(V i) + card(T p(V ), T p(V i)))
where card(s1, s2) = cardinality(s1 s2) for two sets s1 and s2. In Fig. 5, the score
of the verbalization ”une baguette bien cuite” is 25, whereas the score of the wrong
verbalization ”un baguette bien cuit” is 23 (there are two gender agreement errors:
”un” instead of ”une” and ”cuit” instead of ”cuite”). Let the generation goal be Tg =
{colloquial}, then the score of the verbalization ”je voudrais une baguette bien cuite”
will be 251 whereas the score of the best verbalization ”file-moi une baguette bien
cuite” will be 252.
granule BAGUETTE
Tg = { colloquial }
text = "file-moi une baguette bien cuite"
score = 1 + 1 + 250 = 252
pattern = "file-moi A1"
Tp = { colloquial }
Tg = { colloquial }
text A1 = "une baguette bien cuite"
score A1 = 1 + 12 + 12 = 25
granule ONE
text A2 = "bien cuite"
pattern = "A1 baguette A2"
Tp = { fem, sing }
pattern = "bien cuite"
Tp = { fem, sing }
pattern = "une"
Tp = { fem, sing }
Tg = { colloquial }
score A2 = 1
granule REQUEST
Fig. 5. Example of a generation process.
3.4 An Example of Use of the Generation Capabilities
The following example shows how RSG can be used in order to reformulate a dislocated
utterance like: ”Je voudrais baguette... une” (Can I have baguette... one). The result of
the analysis of this utterance is:
There is an uncertain link between the two granules BAGUETTE and ONE (it’s the
result of the ”granule rescuing” stage (see 3.1)), so the dialog engine has to check it
by engaging a validation tactic. The generated response is: ”Pardon, j’ai un doute sur
la quantit
e exprim
ee, vous voulez bien une baguette ?” (Sorry, I have doubts about the
quantity you have expressed, do you want one baguette?). This response consists of two
parts. The first one (Sorry [...] expressed) uses a description pattern of the expectation
A1 of the granule BAGUETTE. The second one (do you want one baguette) is based
on a verification pattern of the granule REQUEST.
4 The Evaluation of the Analyzer
4.1 The MEDIA Corpus
At this time, we have evaluated only our analyzer using the French MEDIA dialog cor-
pus. This corpus has already been used in the MEDIA evaluation campaign [5] [6] that
aimed to define and test an evaluation methodology to compare and diagnose the un-
derstanding capability of spoken dialog systems. Both context-independent and context-
dependent understanding evaluations had been planned but only the first possibility was
The MEDIA task is the reservation of hotel rooms with tourist information, using
information obtained from a web-based database. The dialog corpus was recorded using
a WOZ system simulating a vocal tourist information phone server. Each caller believed
he or she was talking to a machine whereas in fact he was talking to a human being (a
wizard) who simulated the behavior of a tourist information server. In this way, 1257
have been recorded from 250 different speakers where each caller carried out 5 different
hotel reservation scenarios. The final corpus is about 70 hours of dialogs transcribed
then conceptually annotated according to a semantic representation defined within the
campaign. It is divided into a training part of 11000 utterances and an unseen test part
of 3000 utterances.
Four kinds of scores have been proposed according to the characteristics of the se-
mantic representation in which there are four modes (affirmative, negative, interrogative
or optional) and a set of attributes (representing the meaning of a sequence of words)
more or less specified (by adding some specifiers taken from a limited list). The full
scoring uses the whole set of attributes whereas in the relax scoring, the specifiers are
no longer considered. Another distinction is done by taking into account either the 4
modes or only 2.
4.2 The MEDIA Semantic Representation
The MEDIA evaluation is based on a flat semantic representation [5] which is based
on a list of attribute-value structures in which conceptual relationships are implicitly
represented by the names of the attributes. More precisely, the meaning of a segment
of words is represented by a triplet which contains the name of the attribute, the value
of the attribute, and a mode which can be affirmative (+), negative (-) or interrogative
(?). For example, the utterances ”Je voudrais r
eserver un h
a Paris pr
es de la gare
Saint-Lazare du quatorze au seize” (I’d like to book a hotel in Paris near the Gare
Saint-Lazare from the fourteenth to the sixteenth) is represented in Table 1.
This flat representation is less expressive than ours, which is a hierarchical one,
but we must project it to this flat one so as to be able to perform an evaluation using
the common evaluation tools. We have identified 3 major steps to project the granules
structures to triplets sequences:
1) The creating of incomplete triplets (attribute, value, +) from the granules: con-
cepts become values and categories become attributes. For example, the concept ”near”
which offers the category ”localization-relativeDistance” produces the attribute ”localization-
relativeDistance” with the value ”near”. The mode is set to + by default, unless it is
noted in the syntactic pattern.
2) The appending of missing specifiers to attributes on the basis of propagation
rules. For example, the specifier ”-hotel” is appended to the attribute ”localization-
relativeDistance” because of the preceding triplet (BDobject, hotel, +).
3) The adding or the changing of some modes on the basis of inference rules. For
example, the mode of all the triplets of the second utterance are changed into an inter-
rogative one because of the interrogative marker ”Quels sont”. The latter is recognized
by our analyzer but does not produce any triplet because it does not correspond to any
attribute of the MEDIA semantic dictionary.
Table 1. An example of a MEDIA semantic representation.
Word sequence Attribute name Normalized value Mode
je voudrais r
eserver command-task reservation +
un h
otel BDobject hotel +
a Paris localization-town-hotel Paris +
es de localization-relativeDistance-hotel near +
la gare Saint-Lazare localization-relativeNamedPlace-hotel gare Saint-Lazare +
du quatorze time-day-month-from-reservation 14 +
au seize time-day-month-to-reservation 16 +
4.3 The Results
We present in Table 2 error rates calculated from comparisons of our results and ex-
pected ones. This rate is: (SUB + DEL + INS) / TOT where SUB is the number of
changed triplets, DEL is the number of deleted triplets, INS is the number of added
triplets, and TOT the number of triplets we have to identify. We obtain a pretty good
score in the most difficult mode (full 4 modes). The deviations of 4.7% and 5% be-
tween the ”2 modes” rates and the ”4 modes” rates correspond to the identification of
questions which are difficult to identify without taking into account the context of the
application. Our system is more efficient than others on this point. There is an average
deviation of 2.9% between the ”relax modes” rates and the ”full modes” rates. This
can be explained by the relative proximity between our semantic representation and the
MEDIA one, which avoids errors of projection of granules to triplets.
We obtain 5986 correct concepts, 1363 SUB, 1038 DEL and 499 INS. The major
problem is the very important number of substitutions. If we have a look on the align-
ment charts, we can see that this is a side effect of the Levenshtein algorithm. In fact, a
lot of substitutions are consequences of alignment errors, which are due to the deletions
and to the insertions. So to reduce the substitution errors rate, clearly we have to work
in order to reduce the deletions rate and the insertions rate. The important number of
substitutions comes also from a source of errors already identified in [7] related to the
projection of a hierarchical representation to a linear one. Indeed, the triplets follow the
order of words, while structures of granules are not dependent on that order. Whatever
the projection method, we observe inversions compared to the expected order, which
together increase the SUB rate and the INS rate.
If we sort the errors by category (cf. Table 3), we can notice that an important per-
centage of errors concern the recognition of the concept refLink-coRef (26.18% of the
deletions, and 16.35% of the insertions). In the annotated corpus, this concept corre-
sponds to some articles (le, la, les), to some pronouns (il, elle), and to some demon-
strative adjectives (ce, cet, cette), in anaphoric reference contexts. We tried to enhance
the recognition rate by working on syntactic patterns. We observed a communicating
vessels effect between the DEL rate and the INS rate, but no global significant improve-
ment. Therefore we think that we can’t resolve this problem without introduce anaphora
resolution capabilities.
Another problematic issue is the recognition of the concept object. A lot of terms
are both a concept name, and a possible value of the concept object (example: hotel,
room, equipment, localization, number, time, etc.). This ambiguity causes 15.74% of
the deletions, 6.21% of the substitution and 6% of the insertions. If we try to work on the
syntactic patterns, we observe a communicating vessels effect, like for the refLink-coRef
concept. We think that these problems denote one limit of the ”knowledge” approaches
that probabilistic approaches don’t have. However, we also show that our approach
gives good results in full mode, i.e. when we have to complete a triplet (concept, value,
Table 2. Results in terms of error rate.
Full Relax
4 modes 2 modes 4 modes 2 modes
LIMSI-1 (29.0) LIMSI-2 (23.2) LIMSI-1 (27.0) LIMSI-2 (19.6)
LIMSI-2 (30.3) LIMSI-1 (23.8) LIMSI-2 (27.2) LIMSI-1 (21.6)
LIUM (34.7) LORIA (28.9) LIA (29.8) LIA (24.1)
LORIA (36.3) LIUM (30.0) LIUM (31.9) LORIA (24.6)
VALORIA (37.8) VALORIA (30.6) LORIA (32.3) LIUM (26.9)
LIA (41.3) LIA (36.4) VALORIA (35.1) VALORIA (27.6)
5 Conclusions
This article presents a new dialog-oriented model of language: the Reversible Semantic
Grammar which uses the same knowledge for analysis as well as generation. Its orig-
inality comes from a high integration of syntactical and semantical aspects, which is
present in the lexical representation, but also in the algorithms. That’s why there is not
a real grammatical parser in our system, in opposition to other systems. This allows us
to focus on semantics: the lexicon is a collection of concepts which includes syntactic
patterns. Our approach can be compared with Gardent’s [8]. The common point is that
a non-deterministic algorithm is used for the generation. The differences come from the
linguistic model, and the way to enforce determinism. We use semantic/pragmatic con-
straints, whereas Gardent uses grammatical ones. The reason is that we work on spoken
dialog, with sentences that are mainly ungrammatical and not well-structured.
Table 3. The nine most important errors sorted by category.
Number Type Concept Percentage
266 DEL refLink-coRef 26.18 of 1016 DEL
160 DEL object 15.74 of 1016 DEL
123 INS connectProp 20.74 of 593 INS
97 INS refLink-coRef 16.35 of 593 INS
91 SUB hotel-name 6.98 of 1326 SUB
81 SUB object 6.21 of 1326 SUB
70 INS response 11.80 of 593 INS
64 SUB refLink-coRef 4.94 of 1326 SUB
58 DEL connectProp 5.70 of 1016 DEL
The results exposed in this article only concern the analyzer. The evaluation is based
on the MEDIA corpus which is the French reference dialog corpus with evaluation
tools. The linguistic model that we implement, which is a kind of context-free grammar,
is pretty simple. Since the scores we obtain are equivalent to those of other systems, this
proves that this approach is good enough in our dialog context.
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