Pavel Kr´al
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of West Bohemia, Plzeˇn, Czech Republic
Christophe Cerisara
LORIA UMR 7503, BP 239 - 54506 Vandoeuvre, France
Automatic labeling, Corpus, Dialog act, Internet.
This work presents two complementary tools dedicated to the task of textual corpus creation for linguistic
researches. The chosen application domain is automatic dialog acts recognition, but the proposed tools might
also be applied to any other research area that is concerned with dialogs processing. The first software cap-
tures relevant dialogs from freely available resources on the World Wide Web. Filtering and parsing of these
web pages is realized thanks to a set of hand-crafted rules. A second set of rules is then applied to achieve
automatic segmentation and dialog act tagging. The second software is finally used as a post-processing step
to manually check and correct tagging errors when needed. In this paper, both softwares are presented, and the
performances of automatic tagging are evaluated on a dialog corpus extracted from an online Czech journal.
We show that reasonably good dialog act labeling accuracy may be achieved, hence greatly reducing the cost
of building such corpora.
Modeling and automatically identifying the structure
of spontaneous dialogs is very important to better in-
terpret and understand them. The precise modeling of
spontaneous dialogs is still an open issue, but several
specific characteristics of dialogs have already been
clearly identified. Dialog Acts (DAs) are one of these
Dialog acts are defined by Austin in (Austin,
1962) as the meaning of an utterance at the level of
illocutionary force. In other words, the dialog act is
the function of a utterance (or its part) in the dialog.
For example, the function of a question is to request
some information, while an answer shall provide this
Dialog acts are also used in Spoken Language Un-
derstanding. In this area, dialog acts are defined much
more precisely, but they are also often application-
dependent. Hence, Jeong et al. define in (Jeong and
Lee, 2006) a dialog act as a domain-dependent intent,
such as Show Flight” or “Search Program”, respec-
tively in the flight reservation and electronic program
guide domains.
One of the main issue in the automatic dialog acts
recognition field concerns the lack of training data
and the design of fast and cheap methods to create
new corpora.
The main goal of this work is three-fold:
1. Design semi-automatic procedures to build such
corpora at a low cost.
2. Develop dedicated tools that implement these pro-
3. Assess their performances on the concrete task of
building a textual corpus in the Czech language
annotated with dialog acts.
Two main steps are required to actually build
a corpus:
1. Data acquisition.
2. Data labeling.
Both steps can be realized manually in order to
guarantee the best possible quality of the corpus, but
this is then extremely costly and time consuming.
Most often the first step of data acquisition is real-
ized based on existing resources. Nowadays, a great
amount of information and textual content is available
Král P. and Cerisara C. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Human-Computer Interaction, pages 198-203
DOI: 10.5220/0003019501980203
on the Web. Among these resources, many dialogs
in many different languages are available. Therefore,
a lot of efforts has been put in order to exploit the
World Wide Web as a primary content source for cor-
pus building. The proposed work follows the same
strategy and also focuses on extracting textual online
content for the target application. Yet, online texts
are difficult to exploit because of the wide variability
of encoding and representation formats, which makes
the extraction process challenging. Note, that in this
work, only texts are extracted, and the audio record-
ings are discarded for the time being. We have indeed
shown in previous works (Kr´al et al., 2006), (Kr´al
et al., 2007), (Kr´al et al., 2008) that textual transcrip-
tions are the most informative features for dialog act
recognition, which justifies this choice as a first ap-
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The
next section presents a short review of corpus cre-
ation approaches. Section 3 describes the processing
of Web pages along with the proposed approach for
automatic segmentation and dialog act labeling. Sec-
tion 4 describes the jDALabeler tool for manual an-
notation and correction, while Section 5 evaluates the
whole process on building a Czech corpus. In the last
section, we discuss these results and propose some fu-
ture research directions.
Because of the virtually unlimited amount of tex-
tual content freely available on the World Wide Web,
many research works have tried to extract and exploit
useful information from the Web in the last years, in
order to create corpora for a variety of applications
and domains. We only review next a few of these
works that are closely related to our application or
that illustrate some specific and important benefits of
exploiting these kinds of resources.
Maeda et al present in (Maeda et al., 2008) several
tools/systems for various corpus creation projects.
The following main issues are addressed:
Data scouting: to browse Web pages and save
them in a database.
Data selection: to chose the adequate data source.
Data annotation: to associate the data with its cor-
responding labels.
Speech transcription.
Most often, these processes are realized manually,
which guarantees a good quality but greatly increases
the overall cost. A major advantage of extracting in-
formation from Web pages is that textual resources
are often completed with contextual information, such
as keywords, document summary, related videos, and
so on. However, most of this information is stored
in different and non-standard formats, requiring ad-
vanced methods, such as automatic classifiers, to fil-
ter and “interpret” them. For instance, (Zhang et al.,
2006) exploit k-nearest-neighbor classifiers to grab
bilingual parallel corpora from the Web.
The work described in (Sarmento et al., 2009) is
more closely related to our work; it also exploits fine-
tuned hand-crafted rules to classify sentences. How-
ever, it mainly differs on the chosen application -
political opinions mining, on the chosen language -
Portuguese, on the textual sources - online newspa-
pers and on the manual rules. Many research efforts
in the domain of corpus creation are actually dedi-
cated to gathering and compiling available resources
in a given language, for which large enough corpora
may not exist yet (Pavel et al., 2006). The Web is very
important in these aspects, and several such works
thus focus on comparing and exploring the most ef-
ficient ways to crawl the web and retrieve relevant in-
formation (Botha and Barnard, 2005).
The MOIS (Monitoring Internet Resources) software
is a specific Web crawler designed to process Web
pages with dialogs in order to build new corpora. The
algorithm for processing a website is the following:
1. Start from a given URL.
2. Detect, clean and save all dialogs in the Web page
corresponding to this URL.
3. Parse the dialogs: segment into sentences and an-
notate all sentences with dialog act tags.
4. Store all hyperlinks in this Web page into a list.
5. Chose (and remove from the list) one of the saved
URL and iterate from step 1 until the depth of the
website exceeds n.
3.1 Dialog Detection
During step 2, dialog detection and extraction is
achieved based on hand-made rules. These rules ex-
ploit several features, such as:
Information about the speakers (e.g. speaker iden-
Regular alternation of different font styles of para-
graphs (e.g. bold, normal).
Regular paragraph separation by vertical bars.
Alternation of modalities (e.g. succession of sen-
tences with a final . punctuation mark inter-
leaved with sentences with a final question mark).
Dialogs are then cleaned by removing all html and
xml tags from the Web pages: only “raw” text with
punctuation is passed to the next processing steps.
Without any prior information about their internal
structure, it is very difficult to completely clean all
Web pages because of the variety of websites’ struc-
tures. Hence, a subsequent manual checking and cor-
rection may be sometimes needed, and this function-
ality should be available in the annotation software.
In order to minimize these corrections, the
first version of MOIS is designed to specifi-
cally support an online Czech journal called “Su-
per” (see
), which contains many dialogs. Hence,
in its most generic version, MOIS processes websites
without any prior information about their structure,
but a specific HTML parsing has been implemented
for the case of the website of the journal “Super”.
3.2 Sentence Segmentation and
Sentence segmentation is realized based on a sim-
ple rule, which looks for the sequences of characters
end sentence mark + space + capital letter where
end sentence mark can be ”.”, ”!”, “:”, “;” or “?”, and
segments the raw text every time such a sequence is
Automatic dialog act labeling also analyses the
punctuation marks with a set of lexical and gram-
mar rules. In the first version of MOIS, only four
elementary DAs are considered: statements (S), ex-
clamations (E), yes/no questions (Q[y/n]) and other
questions (Q).
The classification algorithm is then as follows:
E : sentences with a final “!” mark.
Q : sentences with a final ?” mark and which
start with an interrogative word.
Q : sentences with a final “?” mark and with an
interrogative word just after a comma.
Q[y/n] : other sentences with a final “?” mark.
S : all others utterances.
In the second version of MOIS, we plan to imple-
ment more precise rules, such as detecting the inver-
sion of the subject-verb pair for questions. We will
further add more keywords (e.g. acknowledgment de-
tection), as well as several other enhancement of this
basic set of rules. The choice of which rules to apply
at this stage will be made based on empirical studies
of the behavior of the system in this first set of exper-
3.3 Software Description
MOIS is a Web application based on the J2EE servlets
technology. It is composed of two main windows: the
first one is used to input the URL to process and to
save the resulting dialogs into XML files; the second
one is used to show the resulting dialogs.
The main screen of MOIS is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Main screen of the MOIS tool.
Automatic annotation is not perfect, and manual cor-
rection of dialog act labels might be required. In order
to perform such a manual annotation, we have devel-
oped the jDALabeler software, which is a tool ded-
icated to manual corpus labeling with predefined la-
bels (dialog acts in this case) at the sentence level.
jDALabeler is an OS-independent software devel-
oped in the java programming language. This tool
contains a graphical user interface, which is con-
trolled by a combination of keyboard shortcuts and
mouse controls.
It contains two predefined DA tag-sets that are
based on the two very popular DA taxonomies: Meet-
ing Recorder DA (MRDA) tag-set (Dhillon et al.,
2004) and VERBMOBIL (Jekat et al., 1995). It is
possible to change or complete these predefined tag-
sets via a configuration file. The user can also define
its own DA taxonomy. The hierarchical DA structure
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
is represented by a tree that is saved in xml format.
An example of a part of such a tree is given next:
<daGeneralTag name=”questions” keyShort Cut=”q”
detailExplanation=”to request some information”>
<daSpecificTag name=”y/nQuestion” keyShortCut=”qy”
detailExplanation=”possible answer yes or no”/>
<daSpecificTag name=”whQuestion” keyShortCut=”w”
detailExplanation=”contains wh word” />
The corresponding xml format is validated with xsd
During the labeling process, the user first selects
some sentence to label. Then, he may either tag the
selected text by choosing the corresponding DA with
the mouse or with a keyboard shortcut. By default,
plain text files with UTF-8 encoding are supported by
the software. Although this tool is primarily designed
to support speech recogniser outputs, it may also load
textual files stored in xml format. The labeled text is
finally saved in xml format as shown in the following
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>
<document annotationSchemeDA=”MRDA”>
<speaker id=”1” name=”Josef Husa”/>
Ano, tak jsem to myslel a beru to. Jak
ale chcete vyˇreˇsit tohle? ...
<speaker id=”1”>
<daGeneralTag name=”responses”>
<daSpecificTag name=”positive”>
The whole text is automatically segmented into units,
called ”tokens”. The tags ”speaker id” and ”sentence”
respectively inform about the speaker identity and the
segmentation into sentences.
The main screen of the jDALabeler is shown in
Figure 2.
A dedicated window of the graphical interface dis-
plays the current line of the transcription file, the
eventual error messages and the application help.
Figure 2: Main screen of the jDALabeler tool.
The tagging functionality of the developed tool MOIS
has been evaluated on the Czech internet journal “Su-
per”, which contains several dialogs between journal-
ists and celebrities. 439 dialogs have been detected
and processed. These dialogs havebeen automatically
segmented into sentences and annotated with dialog
As mentioned previously, our dialog act tag-set is
composed of four elementary DAs: statements (S),
exclamations (E), yes/no questions (Q[y/n]) and other
questions (Q).
The composition of the resulting dialog act corpus
with illustrative examples of dialog acts is shown in
Table 1.
Table 1: Composition of automatically created Czech DA
corpus from the journal “Super” with some examples
DA No. Example English translation
S 33567 A firma ho
It will be definitely
supported by the
E 1238 Holky, poj
ke mˇe!
Girls, come to me!
Q[y/n] 4135 Poˇıt´ate s
ım, ˇze ˇskolu
Do you hope to
finish this school?
Q 3156 Kolik prod´av´ate
How many gramo-
phone records do
you sell?
All 42096
In order to evaluate the quality of the segmenta-
tion and labelling of the proposed system, a part of
the corpus produced has been manually checked and
corrected. One hundred sentences per dialog act class
are randomly chosen and their DA labels manually
checked and corrected with jDALabeler. Two types
of errors are identified: segmentation and labeling er-
Table 2 shows the ratio of erroneous sentences, re-
spectively for segmentation and classification errors,
over the total number of sentences for each dialog act
class. The column “Segment. hence reports segmen-
tation errors, while the column “Label. reports DA
labeling errors. Labeling errors are further decom-
posed into two classes, depending on whether these
errors may be easy to handle via additional hand-
crafted lexical/grammatical rules or not. The former
errors appear in the “Regular” column, while the lat-
ter errors are shown in the “Irregular column, as they
are much more difficult to handle via a simple rule.
This clustering is of course subjective, but it also gives
some insights about the actual potential of the pro-
posed approach.
Regarding segmentation errors, most of them oc-
cur in long sentences with several “, marks and/or
sentences that contain textual citations (between dou-
ble quote symbols).
Table 3 reports the confusion matrix for automatic
DA labeling, without segmentation errors. In addi-
tion to the four dialog acts described above, a new
column A is included in this matrix, which corre-
sponds to sentences that should be classified in An-
other dialog act, such as accepts, rejects, thanks, ac-
knowledgments, etc. These sentences are thus con-
sidered as systematic classification errors. We plan to
extend our basic set of dialog acts in a future work to
handle these sentences.
The following conclusions can be made from error
Many errors in class S are sentences that contain
speaker identification; i.e. “speaker:”.
Class E is mainly composed of “exclamations”,
but 5% of them can also be interpreted as orders.
Class E is the one that contains the most of unsup-
ported DAs, and should thus benefit from extend-
ing the basic DA tag set.
An analysis of confusions in class Q[y/n] shows
that many such errors actually correspond to ques-
tions that can have two possible answers, other
than yes/no; these questions belong for now to
class Q, but it may be a good idea to create spe-
cific class and rules for these specific questions.
Conversely, most errors in class Q correspond to
confusions with class Q[y/n].
Table 2: Segmentation and classification errors in automat-
ically created DA corpus.
Error types in [%]
Class Segment. Label. Regular Irregular
S 4 9 7 2
E 4 14 0 14
Q[y/n] 2 26 26 0
Q 1 13 12 1
Table 3: Confusion matrix (in %) of automatic DA corpus
Automatic labeled class in [%]
Class S E Q[y/n] Q A
S 91 0 0 0 9
E 0 86 1 1 12
Q[y/n] 0 0 74 16 10
Q 0 0 12 87 1
We have presented in this work a software frame-
work for text corpus creation from the web. An ap-
proach for automatic sentence segmentation and di-
alog act labeling, which exploits a set of manually-
defined rules, has also been developed. The perfor-
mances of this system have been evaluated on a Czech
dialog corpus, extracted from an online journal. A
part of this corpus has been manually checked to com-
pute the classification accuracy of the chosen lexi-
cal and grammatical rules. The resulting confusion
matrix has been analyzed, suggesting that the perfor-
mances obtained with such an automatic approach are
good enough to further exploit the extracted data as a
bootstrapping corpus for subsequent processing with
model-based approaches, such as the ones described
in our previous works on automatic dialog act recog-
Yet, the analysis of errors still suggests several
ways to improve the quality of this initial corpus.
First, extending the dialog act tag set may be use-
ful, as 8% of extracted sentences can not be clas-
sified within the four basic dialog acts. Further-
more, additional rules shall also be included, as
more than 70% of the errors have been considered
by the human annotator as relatively easy to handle
via lexical or grammatical rules. Finally, we plan
to use semi-automatic methods, for instance based
on the Expectation-Maximization algorithm or Active
Learning, to reduce the number of remaining errors.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
This work has been partly supported by the Ministry
of Education, Youth and Sports of Czech republic
grant (NPV II-2C06009).
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