Generation of Ontology
Roman Mouček and Petr Ježek
Department of ComputerScience and Engineering, University of West Bohemia
Univerzitní 8, 306 14 Pilsen, Czech Republic
Keywords: Relational Database, Object Oriented Programming, Semantic Web, Ontology, OWL, RDF, Semantic Web
Tools, Semantic Web Frameworks, Semantic Mapping, Electroencephalography, EEG, Event-related
Potentials, ERP, Hibernate, Spring MVC.
Abstract: This paper shortly describes the system, which provides the possibility to store and manage data and
metadata from EEG/ERP experiments. The system is planned to be registered as a source of neuroscience
data and metadata. It is one of the reasons we need to provide the system ontology. The scientific papers
often describe the domain by using a semantic web language and consider this kind of domain modelling as
a crucial point of software solution. However, real software applications use up the underlying data
structures such as relational database and object classes. That is why the fundamental differences in
semantics between common data structures (relational database, object oriented code) were summarized.
The existing tools in semantic web domain were studied and partially tested. The first transformations from
the system relational database and object oriented code were performed.
Our research group at Department of Computer
Sciences and Engineering, University of West
Bohemia in cooperation with other partner
institutions (Czech Technical University in Prague,
University Hospital in Pilsen, Škoda Auto...)
specializes in the research of attention, especially
attention of drivers and seriously injured people. We
widely use the methods of electroencephalography
(EEG) and methods of event-related potentials
EEG and ERP experiments take usually long
time and produce a lot of data. Because there is no
usable software tool for long-term storage and
management of data obtained during these
experiments, we have developed our own software
tool for EEG/ERP data storage and maintenance
(called simply the system in the following text)
(Ježek, 2010).
Registration of the system as a recognized data
source occasionally requires providing data and
metadata structures in the form of ontology in
accordance with ideas of semantic web (“SWB”,
2001). Representation of data and metadata using
ontologies is also supported by scientific effort to
integrate data from various data sources and to
develop autonomous agents reading and transferring
data into an ontology form.
This paper briefly introduces the system for
storage and management of EEG/ERP experiments,
describes its architecture and used technologies, and
explains the basic approaches for building
ontologies. Then some known approaches (and their
advantages and drawbacks) to a mapping of
knowledge from common data structures (relational
database, object oriented code) to semantic web
languages are summarized. Existing mapping tools
and occasionally our experience with them are
described. Finally, the preliminary solution for
transformation of our system data and metadata to
semantic web ontology is looked for and discussed.
The final aim of this paper is to open a wider
discussion concerning both the theoretical
background and practical mapping possibilities from
common structures especially if modern open source
frameworks and technologies are used and thereby
some kind of inner semantic mapping is already
cek R. and Ježek P. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Databases and Information Systems Integration, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0003019904150420
System for storage and management of EEG/ERP
experiments enables clinicians and various
community researchers to store, update and
download data and metadata from EEG/ERP
experiments. The system is developed as
a standalone product; the database access is
available through a web interface (Figure 1).
Figure 1: User Interface preview.
The system essentially offers the following set of
features (the set of accessible features depends on a
specific user role):
User authentication
Storage, update, and download of EEG/ERP
data and metadata
Storage, update and download of EEG/ERP
experimental design (experimental
Storage, update and download of data
related to testing subjects
The system is based on tree layer architecture
(MVC pattern) consisting of persistent layer
(relational database), application layer (object
oriented code, object relational mapping from
persistence layer) and presentation layer (JSP). The
persistence layer uses Hibernate framework; Oracle
11g database server is used to ensure the processing
of large data files. Application and presentation
layers are designed and implemented using Spring
technology. This framework supports MVC
architecture, Dependency injection and Aspect
Oriented Programming. There were no significant
difficulties with integration of both frameworks,
Hibernate and Spring MVC. Spring Security
framework is used to ensure management of
authentication and user roles.
Since the system is thought to be finally open to
the whole EEG/ERP community there is necessary
to protect EEG/ERP data and metadata, and
especially personal data of testing subjects stored in
the database from an unauthorized access. Then
a restricted user policy is applied and user roles are
The complete overview of the system features
and user roles (use case diagram) is available in
(Pergler 2009).
Concerning the architectural layers there is
a question which layer is more feasible for mapping
of its structure into ontology. Currently we have
studied two possibilities:
Mapping from the persistence layer
(relational database)
Mapping from the application layer (object
oriented code)
The mapping from the application layer to an
ontology includes the precedent object relational
mapping provided by Hibernate framework. The
next section discusses the differences between the
semantics of ontologies and common data structures.
Although a definition of ontology is still under
debate we will consider the ontology definition
given by Gruber (Gruber, 1993) and Stabb and
Studer (Stabb, 2004) who consider ontology as
a formal explicit specification of a conceptualization
for a domain of interest.
3.1 OWL
The standard for expressing semantic web
ontologies is nowadays W3C OWL 2 Ontology Web
Language (OWL) (OWL, 2009), which is based on
description logic. They are various syntaxes
available for OWL 2 and they serve various
purposes. The RDF/XML syntax is the only syntax
that is mandatory to be supported by all OWL 2
Knowledge expressed in OWL documents
(ontologies) can be reasoned with computer
programs either to verify the knowledge consistency
or to make implicit knowledge explicit (OWL
Primer, 2009). The essential part of OWL ontology
is vocabulary (a set of central terms) with
interrelation information (the meaning of a term is
characterized by its interrelation to other terms).
Then there is important to emphasize that OWL is
neither a database framework (although there is an
analogy e.g. between assertional information and
database content) or a programming language (OWL
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
is a declarative language; e.g. algorithmic realization
of inferences is not a part of OWL document).
OWL 2 also does not provide any means to
prescribe the document syntactic structure. It means
that there is impossible to enforce the presence of
any information in a document.
Concerning the semantics of OWL document the
correct answer to any question is predetermined by
the formal semantics in two possible versions: the
Direct Semantics and RDF-Based Semantics.
OWL of course cannot reflect and represent all
aspects of human knowledge. On the other hand, an
important OWL feature is that it captures the
possibility to draw consequences from the
knowledge. The automatic computation of these
consequences is made by OWL reasoners. This is
also the strength of OWL 2 because these OWL
tools can discover information that can be hardly
found by people. However, this also means that it is
difficult to predict the future effect of various
constructs and their combinations.
The basic OWL notions include axioms (the
statements expressed by OWL ontology), entities
(elements referring to real-world objects –
individuals, classes and properties) and expressions
(combinations of entities).
There are fundamental differences in richness of
semantics between OWL (Description Logic based
system) and relational database or object oriented
systems. On the other hand, there are several
approaches how to bridge at least some of these
semantic gaps. These issues are discussed in the
following sections.
3.2 OWL and Relational Database
What are the differences and similarities comparing
relational databases and OWL? How to bridge the
gap between ontologies and relational databases?
Except an analogy concerning assertional
information (the previous section) an analogy
between ontology terminological information and
a database schema can be found. On the other hand,
they are important differences in the underlying
semantics. If some information is not present in a
database, it is considered to be false (closed-world
assumption). By contrast, if some information is not
present in an OWL document, it may be missing and
possibly true (open-world assumption).
LePendu (2007) aligns the expressiveness of
existing ontology languages with the capabilities of
RDBMS. His work on database integration focused
on generating ontology from schemas and ontology-
based data integration (Dou, 2006a; Dou, 2006b).
Then he continued with the work on the system
taking an ontology as input and generating SQL
relational database schema definition (LePendu,
2007). It is maintained that many of the first-order
features which are common to ontologies are also
reflected in relational databases. A simple
observation is made: database schemas are like
simple ontologies. Simple rules of thumb are used
and there is shown that “ontology schema” for one
database can be merged with another one.
However, to bridge the semantic gap between
relational database and ontology means to get
a broad knowledge of several fields including
relational models, database normalization,
knowledge representation, logic, conceptual
modeling, etc. Moreover, there are not only semantic
gaps between ontologies and relational database but
they are still gaps between the conceptual design of
a database and its implementation in relational
database management system (RDBMS).
A set of general statements and specific facts
within an ontology are often referred to as
intensional (inferred) knowledge in contrary to
extensional (explicit) knowledge. Relational
databases store and retrieve extensional data well but
they generally do not perform inference. Intensional
knowledge reduces the amount of required
extensional data storage. On the other hand,
inference is a time-expending process; it means if
we store more extensional data then we need less
time to answer queries is necessary. From this point
of view data in the systems are extensional while
mappings between systems are intensional rules. The
current research in data integration brings some
logics in databases again (LePendu, 2007).
A methodology describing mapping of ontology
basic constructs and axiomatic features to SQL
database relational schema is described in (LePendu,
2007). A wide discussion is dedicated to connections
between databases and logics with respect to the
various theoretical foundations.
(Hu, 2008) proposes a method of building
domain specific OWL ontology from relational
database automatically. Three mapping rules from
relational database schema to ontology class
property are introduced and a method prototype is
(Lam, 2006) describes translation of two
neuroscience databases into OWL and the formal
merging of the resulting OWL ontologies. An
existing tool D2RQ was used.
(Juric, 2008) introduces a framework for an
automatic mapping of relational database content
and metadata to OWL domain ontologies. The
constructed ontologies are enriched with additional
semantics from the WordNet lexical database. Jena
tool was applied.
(Astrova, 2009) proposes an approach to
automatic transformation of relational database to
ontologies written in OWL with the aim to integrate
data scattered across many different domains.
3.3 OWL and Object Oriented
As we already mentioned OWL as a description
language is not considered to be a software
programming language. Moreover, object oriented
programming (OOP) is not captured as the way of
ontology construction. On the other hand, the
ontological representation of objects in OWL is,
syntactically and semantically, very similar to the
description of objects, classes and instances. Then
the analogy of system analysis in software
engineering process with building ontologies leads
to the idea of system development based on the
description logic, it means formalized ontological
(Koide, 2005) developed an OWL processor
(SWCLOS) based on Common Lisp Object System
(CLOS). CLOS allows lisp programmers to develop
object-oriented systems. OWL processor itself
allows lisp programmers to construct domain and
task ontologies in software application fields. Koide
also demonstrates the possibility of the integration of
OWL and OOP, and discusses semantic gaps
between CLOS and OWL.
The automatic mapping from OWL ontologies
into Java is described in (Kalyanpur, 2004). The
authors note the fundamental differences between
description logic and object oriented systems,
primarily related to completeness and satisfiability.
They present ways to minimize the impact of these
differences and show how to map richer OWL
semantics into Java. HarmonIA framework is
There is a number of frameworks and software tools,
which are considered to generate OWL (RDF)
output from relational database or object oriented
code. Some of these frameworks and tools exist only
as initial proposals or prototypes described in
scientific papers, while some of them have been
really implemented. The following list includes a
selection from existing frameworks and software
tools, which were studied for the next possible
usage. If a framework or tool was widely tested at
our department, our experience is added.
4.1 Jena
Jena is a well known Java framework for building
Semantic Web applications. It provides a program
environment for RDF, RDFS and OWL, SPARQL
and includes a rule-based inference engine. It is
developed as an open source and grown out of work
with the HP Labs Semantic Web Programme. The
framework includes: RDF API, OWL API, Reading
and writing RDF in RDF/XML, N3 and N-Triples,
in-memory and persistent storage and SPARQL
query engine (Jena, n.d.). Jena is integrated within
variety of tools intended for semantic web purposes.
4.2 D2RQ
D2RQ is a declarative language to describe
mappings between relational database schemata and
OWL/RDFS ontologies. The D2RQ Platform uses
these mappings to enable applications to access
a RDF-view on a non-RDF database through the
Jena and Sesame APIs, as well as over the Web via
the SPARQL Protocol and as Linked Data (D2RQ,
There is important for practical usage that the
installation process is straightforward; all necessary
libraries are in a package. We were able to generate
RDF output without substantial difficulties.
4.3 Virtuoso
Virtuoso is open source software, which enables to
transform SPARQL queries to SQL queries. It is
possible to combine SPARQL and SQL queries over
one database. The Virtuoso RDF meta schema is a
built-in feature of Virtuoso's SPARQL to SQL
translator. It recognizes triple patterns that refer to
graphs for which an alternate representation is
declared and translates these into SQL accordingly
(VIRTUOSO, 2009).
4.4 SquirrelRDF
SquirrelRDF is a tool which allows non-RDF data
stores (not explicitly RDF) to be queried using
SPARQL. It includes relational databases and LDAP
servers. It provides a Query Engine, a command line
tool, and a servlet for SPARQL http access. The
result is the information looking like RDF. However,
it makes no attempt, for example, to reveal implicit
relations between objects (suggested by foreign
keys), or normalise denormalised data (SqRDF,
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
4.5 METAMorphoses
The data transformation processor METAmorphoses
transforms data from a relational database into RDF
documents according to a mapping. To achieve this
goal it processes schema mapping and template
documents written in XML languages. The
processor employs an algorithm based on author´s
data transformation model, which is maintained to
have a higher performance than similar solutions in
the field. The tool is designed to hide the complexity
of the semantic web technologies into the schema
mapping layer, while exposing the simple template
layer to the programmer (Švihla, 2007).
This software tool works well with predefined
data source but any change means a lot of manual
work especially during templates construction. Data
processor and supplemental software tools failed
several times during operations without informing
a user about the source of difficulties.
4.6 Sommer
Sommer is a simple library for mapping Plain Old
Java Objects (POJOs) to RDF graphs and back.
XML/RDF template designates the form of output
RDF document. The XML/RDF template is
extended about information from input JavaBeans
(SOMMER, n.d.).
4.7 JenaBean
JenaBean uses Jena's flexible RDF/OWL API to
persist Java Beans objects. Java Beans are
transformed into RDF graph but the biding is driven
by the Java object model rather than an OWL or
RDF schema (JenaBean, n.d.). It also means that this
tool does not require an input template (in contrast
with Sommer) but RDF output is semantically poor
and not well-formed.
4.8 Java2OWL-S
Java2OWL transforms JavaBeans directly into OWL
representation by using two transformations. The
first transformation is from JavaBeans into WSDL
(Web Service Description Language). The input of
this transformation is formed by Java class and the
output is temporary WSDL file. The second
transformation transforms temporary WSDL file into
OWL (four OWL documents are created).
There exist several syntaxes for representation of
ontologies. OWL API is a Java API and reference
implementation for creating, manipulating and
serializing OWL Ontologies. It includes a number of
components including RDF/XML, OWL/XML;
Turtle parsers and writers, and interfaces for
working with reasoners (OWLAPI, n.d.).
As we already mentioned in Section 1 our primary
aim is to register our system as recognized data
source and to provide the system ontology. It means
that we need to perform only one-sided mapping
from relational database (object oriented code) to
OWL; then we need to use only a subset of semantic
richness of RDFS and OWL.
We decided to try out two parallel approaches.
The first approach includes the transformation of
relational database into ontology using D2RQ tool
and OWL API. The second approach includes the
transformation from object oriented classes to OWL
using Java2OWL-S tool.
We have encountered the following difficulties
yet. EEG/ERP raw data are saved in the database as
binary files. However, D2RQ tool does not work
with the corresponding BLOB data type. We solved
this problem by simple refactoring of D2RQ code.
The original reaction (exception is thrown) was
replaced by textual output using the attribute name.
The second approach only OWL output for
smaller part of the Java application code was
successful till now. The transformation of the whole
code brings difficulties which are solved.
The presented paper shortly describes the system
which provides the possibility to store and manage
data and metadata from EEG/ERP experiments.
Open source Java technologies were used for the
We plan to register our system as a source of
neuroscience data and metadata within world known
projects e.g. Neuroscience Information Framework
(NIF, n.d.). It is one of the reasons we need to
provide the system ontology. The scientific papers
often describe the domain by using a semantic web
language and consider this kind of domain
modelling as a crucial point of software solution.
However, real software applications use up the
underlying data structures such as relational
database and object classes. That is why the
fundamental differences in semantics between
common data structures (relational database, object
oriented code) were summarized. The existing tools
in semantic web domain were studied and partially
tested. The first transformations from the system
relational database and object oriented code were
Our aim for the conference includes discussion
concerning both the theoretical background of
semantic richness using various expressing
languages and practical usage of existing
frameworks and software tools. These frameworks
and tools are considered to be suitable for generation
of ontologies over the systems that are already
developed using current Java technologies.
This work was supported by Grant no. 2C06009
Astrova, I. (2009). Rules for Mapping SQL Relational
Databases to OWL Ontologies. In 2nd International
Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research
(MTSR 07) (pp. 415-424)
D2RQ (D2RQ) (2009). Retrieved November 18, 2009,
Dou, D. and LePendu, P. (2006a). Ontology-based
integration for relational databases. In ACM
Symposium on Apllied Computing (SAC) (pp 461-
Dou, D., LePendu, P., Kim, S. and Qi, P. (2006b).
Integrating databases into the semantic web through an
ontology-based framework. Proceedings of the 22nd
International Conference on Data Engineering
Workshops), (pp 54-63).
Gruber, T.D. (1993). A translation approach to portable
ontology specifications. Knowledge Acquisition, 5(2),
Hu, Ch., Li, H., Zhang, X. and Zhao, Ch. (2008). Research
and Implementation of Domain-Specific Ontology
Building from Relational Database. The Third
ChinaGrid Annual Conference (pp.289-293)
JenaBean (JenaBean), (n.d.) Retrieved January, 18, 2010,
Jena framework (Jena) (n.d.) Retrieved November 18,
2010, from
Juric, D., Banek, M., Skocir, Z. (2008). Uncovering the
deep Web: Transferring relational database content
and metadata to OWL ontologies. In 12th
International Conference on Knowledge-Based
Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (pp.
Kalyanpur, A., Pastor, D., Battle, S. and Padget, J. (2004).
Automatic Mapping of OWL Ontologies into Java. In
Proceedings of the 16th Int'l Conference on Software
Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'2004)
(pp. 98-103)
Koide, S., Aasman, J. and Haflich, S. (2005), OWL vs.
Object Oriented Programming. In International
Workshop on Semantic Web Enabled Software
Engineering (SWESE).
Lam, H.Y., Marenco, L., Shepherd, G.M., Miller, P.L.,
Cheung. K.H. (2006). Using Web Ontology Language
to Integrate Heterogeneous Databases in the
Neurosciences. In AMIA Symposium Proceedings (pp.
LePendu, P. (2007). Ontology based Relational
Databases, University of Oregon.
Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF). (n. d.).
Retrieved September 7, 2009, from
OWL API (OWLAPI) (n.d.). Retrieved November 18,
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OWL 2 Web Ontology Language (OWL2). (2009).
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Staab, S. and Studer, R. (2004). Handbook on ontologies
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Švihla, M. (2007). Transforming Relational Data into
Ontology Based RDF data. Thesis. CTU, Prague.
SquirrelRDF (SqRDF) (n.d.). Retrieved January 11, 2010,
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Pergler, J. (2009). Database of ERP experiments –
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ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems