A Contextual Approach to Invoke Intelligent House
Services: An Application to Help Physically Handicapped
Valérie Monfort
and Fayssal Felhi
University of Sfax, ISIMS, Miracle, M'harza Road, Km 1,5 BP 1030, Sfax, Tunisia
University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne
90 Tolbiac Road, 75634 Paris cedex 13, Paris, France
University of Sousse, ISITC, GP1 Hammam Sousse 4011, Sousse, Tunisia
University of Kairouan, ISIG, Khemais Elouini Road, Kairouan, Tunisia
Abstract. Intelligent Houses are considered as a subclass of Programmable
houses that are automatically planed to perform some activities and then, to
propose services to inhabitants as persons with specific needs. In this paper, we
propose an infrastructure based on geo-localization, Web services and aspects
to promote Adaptive Intelligent Houses. Our research work uses a case study
extracted from a concrete industrial project.
1 Introduction
Intelligent Houses are very similar to Programmable houses that are programmed to
perform some activities. The difference is in a way the house is being programmed. In
case of Programmable House technologies, human intervention is needed to program
or reprogram the house. In case of Intelligent Houses it would be done automatically
by the house itself. This is achieved by the capability of the house to observe the
inhabitants in the search for patterns. After the pattern is found the house would start
performing the activities automatically every time the pattern would be noticed again.
By performing some activities for people, the house can do some important activities
like opening the door or switching the light. There is a differentiation in Intelligent
Houses between the system’s reaction on simple sensor inputs and system recognizing
and assessing situations. Some Intelligent Houses own ambient intelligence allowing
them to assess situations and scenarios and to be present all the time focusing on its
improvements. So eventually the right reliability would be achieved. Other
advantages of the Intelligent House are capabilities of intrusion or accident detection.
As the house is observing the inhabitant all the time and all their usual activities are
stored, then it is possible to easily detect an unusual activity. In some circumstances it
could be a sign that a person for example fainted. In such cases the neighbors or
health care can be informed. Intelligent houses require specific software to implement
high flexibility, reliability and availability level. Such systems usually are very
complex and maintenance is hard and costly. Moreover, used devices and
Monfort V. and Felhi F.
A Contextual Approach To Invoke Intelligent House Services: An Application to Help Physically Handicapped Persons.
DOI: 10.5220/0003025000820091
In Proceedings of the International Joint Workshop on Technologies for Context-Aware Business Process Management, Advanced Enterprise Architecture and Repositories and Recent
Trends in SOA Based Information Systems (ICEIS 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-8425-09-6
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
technologies are very heterogeneous and it is not obvious to add a new device or to
develop a new service to satisfy the user.
We noticed that Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) offers a great flexibility to
Information Systems (IS) because each application owns interfaces masking
implementation details. So, applications own interfaces including services and are
seen as black boxes independently connected to a middleware as Enterprise
Application Integration bus (EAI) with its connectors and adaptors. Moreover, Web
services are based on standards and are till now the cheapest and simplest solution to
support interoperability between platforms. Based on Web services, Enterprise
Services Bus (ESB) [17] is a kind of services Web based EAI and allows loosely
coupling with low costs. However, even if Web services offer technical connection
means for interoperability, they address neither adaptability nor context aware
We are convinced that platforms for adaptability as [23] could be used as a
software solution for an Intelligent Houses. Particularly, Wcomp supports Web
services and Aspects Weaving for adaptability implementation. This paper is based
on a concrete industrial project improving accessibility for persons with specific
needs in their usual environment (at home, in their cars, in the underground...). It
shows a concrete implementation of context awareness in Intelligent Houses with
Web services and aspects based on WComp Platform. We shall process as followed.
The second section presents context awareness. The third section presents the case
study extracted from the industrial project. The fourth section explains Web services,
and WComp platform. The fifth section presents the architecture and development
examples. The Sixth section shows related works and finally the last section treats our
2 Context Awareness
The emergence of new technologies in particular wireless communications and the
increasing use of portable devices (smart phones, personal digital assistants-PDA-,
laptops…) have simulated the emergence of a new computing paradigm called:
pervasive computing. In fact we have moved from the desktop computing paradigm to
the mobile and ubiquitous computing paradigm. Pervasive computing refers to the
seamless integration of devices into the users everyday life. “Appliances should
disappear into the background to make the user and his tasks the central focus rather
than computing devices and technical issues.”. Computing applications now operate
in a variety of new settings; for example, embedded in cars or wearable devices. They
use information about their context to respond and adapt to changes in the computing
environment. They are, in short, increasingly context aware.
They explain how to use context and propose a classification of the features of
context-aware applications that combine their different ideas. They consequently
define three categories of features that context-aware applications may support as (1)
presentation of information and services to the user; (2) automatic execution of a
service; and (3) tagging of context to information for later retrieval. In order to
describe how an application can be context aware, a lot of works are described in [33]
and propose various architectures for context-aware systems.
All these works converge to a general architecture composed of five ordered layers
presented in fig. 1. The complete description of every layer is given in [22].
Fig. 1. Architecture of context-aware system.
3 Case Study
3.1 Context
We are working on a concrete Demotic or intelligent house project to help
handicapped persons for their usual tasks at home. They can allow continuing an
independent life for elderly persons (control, communicate, banking….) and those
persons can thus benefit from Domotics to be more autonomous. So, Domotics can
contribute to a better quality of life. Moreover, an intelligent (smart) house can be
considered as a comprehensive and intelligent aid, adaptable to the functional
possibilities of the user and to the desired actions. For instance, the intelligent house
can manage: i) safety as burglar alarm, fire alarm, gas and smoke detector, …ii)
signaling as video intercom, computer with programs a peripherals, recognition
software, speech module, … iii) personal care and housekeeping as bathroom lift,
adjustable bed … iv) communication as person-to-person communication, access to
various services such as e shopping and e banking, monitoring health conditions, , ...
v) automatic switching lightning, remote control of radio/TV/Video/CD/DVD,
remote control of front door … The elements that generate signals are called
“sensors” (switches, temperature meters, infrared-cells, motion-detectors, wind-
detectors, light-cells,…). We called “actuators” the elements that are activated by the
system (relays / dimmers for lamps, motors for the garage door, ... ).
In this paper, we, off course, reduced the scope of the case study. In our domotics
system sensors, actuators, supply and communication are part of a home network.
The network is controlled by the coordination-system (fig.2). Sensors intercept
signals and send information to the coordination-system. For instance, when the
handicapped person goes close to a door, he enters into the perimeter defined to be
detected by a geo-localization sensor. So, while door opening, the geo-localization
sensors into the room send entrance information to a geo-localization system
including data base that performs the person’s position and associates several services
specific to the room. The handicapped person may loudly ask for a service, a sensor
detects vocal information to send it to the system and the system provides the required
Fig. 2. Intelligent house.
3.2 Modeling
According to previous section, the different services invoked by the handicapped
person are: opening the door, switching on the light or TV … The actor (the
handicapped person) goes into the room that is equipped by several sensors, and the
system “InRoomDeviceManagement” detects that room intrusion (Fig 3.). According
to the voice signal the sensor will choose the fitted service. Position, Time, Climate,
Voice are signals intercepted by the system to provide services. We aim to offer:
flexibility to changes, interoperability to different platforms and adaptability. Let us
see now the way we implemented the case study and firstly present the technologies
we used as Web services for flexibility and interoperability and Wcomp platform for
Fig. 3. UML Class model of the case study.
4 Web service, Aspect and WComp
4.1 Web Service Definition
Web services (WS) [7], like any other middleware technologies, aim to provide
mechanisms to bridge heterogeneous platforms, allowing data to flow across various
programs. The WS technology looks very similar to what most middleware
technologies looks like. Consequently, each WS has an Interface Definition
Language, namely WSDL (Web Service Description Language), that is responsible
for the message payload, itself described with the equally famous protocol SOAP
(Object Access Protocol), while data structures are expressed by XML (eXtended
Markup Language). Very often, WS are stored in UDDI (Universal Description
Discovery and Integration) registry. WS-BPEL (Business Process Execution
Language) is a WS orchestration language. An orchestration specifies an executable
process that involves message exchanges with other systems, such that the message
exchange sequences are controlled by the orchestration designer. WS-BPEL provides
a language for the specification of Executable and Abstract business processes. By
doing so, it extends the WS interaction model and enables it to support business
transactions. WS-BPEL defines an interoperable integration model that facilitates the
expansion of automated process integration [12] in both the intra-corporate and the
business-to-business spaces. Web services are the fitted solution for flexibility and
interoperability but as mentioned in related works [19], [26] they do not offer
adaptability. However, in our case study we shall not need UDDI repository locally,
inside house. Following section briefly presents Aspects paradigm.
4.2 Aspects Paradigm Definition
Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) is viewed as an answer to improve Web
services flexibility. AOP [1] is a paradigm that enables the modularization of
crosscutting concerns into single units called aspects, which are modular units of
crosscutting implementation. Aspect-oriented languages are implemented over a set
of definitions:
Joinpoints: They denote the locations in the program that are affected by a
particular crosscutting concern.
Pointcuts: They specify a collection of conditional joinpoints.
Advices: They are codes that are executed before, after or around a joinpoint.
In AOP, a tool named weaver takes the code specified in a traditional (base)
programming language, and the additional code specified in an aspect language, and
merges together the both in order to generate the final behavior. The weaving can
occur at compile time (modifying the compiler), load time (modifying the class
loader) or runtime (modifying the interpreter). Let us see now WComp Platform, a
platform for context aware adaptation.
4.3 The Wcomp Platform
WComp is a prototyping “development” environment for context-aware applications.
The WComp Architecture is organized around Containers and Designers paradigms.
The purpose of the Containers is to take into account system services required by
Components of an assembly during runtime: instantiation, destruction of software
Components and Connectors. The purpose of the Designers allows configuring
assemblies of through Containers. To promote adaptation to context WComp uses
Aspect Assembly paradigm. Aspect Assemblies can either be selected by a user or
fired by a context adaptation process. It uses a weaver that allows adding and or
suppressing components. A container includes a set of (Beans) components. Each
bean has: properties, input methods that use received input information, and output
Methods to send to another bean, for instance, output information. Aspect Assemblies
allow defining links between Beans by using input and output information. WComp
uses UPnP (Plug and Play) technology to detect locally whether the device is active or
not and to define input methods and sent events for each component. With this
architecture WComp allows: i) managing devices heterogeneity and dynamic
discovering by using UPnP, ii) events driven interactions with devices, iii) managing
dynamic devices connection and disconnection in infrastructure. Concerning proposed
case study, Beans are composed according to needs in a predefined manner
(Lightweight Components Architecture or LCA). Let us see now the proposed
5 Solution
5.1 Architecture
Fig.4 shows proposed architecture where UPnP plug-in intercepts events coming from
devices to send them to WComp that performs localization of the person. The
Gateway links services to a set of points within a room. This architecture is deployed
locally, inside the house of the handicapped person.
Fig. 4. Proposed Architecture.
5.2 Implementation
Here is a set of figures denoting our application and illustrating the corresponding
assembly. Fig.5 shows the request of several services in a sitting room as: Air
conditioner, Lightning, Screen Camera Monitoring. When the handicapped person is
in the room status is on and the “EventToggler” Bean intercepts this status change and
services request is expressed.
Fig. 5. WComp container modeling.
Following Fig.6 shows the updating status through the WComp interface. We
simulated the sensors with this interface (Fig. 6).
Fig. 6. WComp interface, asking for a service.
Following Fig.7 shows a sequence diagram to express the process. The
handicapped person goes into a room and asks for light switch on service. We
simulate this with a click “on” and the “EventToggler” Bean intercepts the ok value
Fig. 7. Sequence Diagram.
(coming from “on” value) and then executes “FireEvent” method that updates the
light switch status. This value comes from the event “EventOut” via the bean called
« Demande Service Salon » that updates light switch status. « setChecked » changes
the status of the radioButon « Demande Service Salon » via the « MyBestHouse »
Fig. 8 and 9 show the definition of the assembling between “MyBestHouse” Bean
and the “radioButton2” in the container (lines 35 and 36) . The link between the
”radioButton2” via “MyBestHouse » defined by “EventHandler” that intercepts
“CheckedChanged” value and provides the value to the Entry method to
“MyBestHouse” Bean. This value is performed by
“this.__radioButton2_to_myBestHouse1_0 » as a parameter of the “EventHandler”
Fig.8. Assembling definition.
The lines 37 to 30 are the assembling between bean “MyBestHouse” Bean and a
“radioButton” in the container.
Fig. 9. Updating radioButton.
The lignes 42 and 43 show the declaration of the method
__radioButton2_to_myBestHouse1_0 whose parameter is the object or the component
that will receive the sent value. This work allowed us to develop complete application
we used concrete sensor and fitted electronics system to define a genuine prototype.
This is a part of the future works as shown in following section.
6 Future Works
We would like to extend previous solution by adding the possibility to invoke a
distant service via the Web. For instance, the handicapped person wants to command
a pizza, but it is Sunday, only a few pizzerias are opened on Sunday. The system
analyses the request of the handicapped person adapting it to the specific day and by
listing the opened pizzerias on Sunday, close to the house of the user. He just has to
choose the pizzeria with any media. WComp can do the adaptation according to the
date and the localization. It offers the possibility to invoke a distant service according
to a BPEL process. Then it is necessary to develop a correspondence gateway to link
service to localization, as the gateway inside house. UDDI repository is required with
distant service invocation. We have to work to define gateways and performing
geolocalization databases. These geolocalization databases aim to define geographical
zones. Moreover, we notice the need to define Aspects Beans and we would like to
increase adaptability via auto adaptability, we also are working in this direction.
7 Related Works
Several research works as [25], aim to use meta modeling [10], [13], [14], [20], [21],
[22], context awareness platform as WComp [24] or other platform to promote
adaptability. In Intelligent House domain more often system used is system based
hardware. We did not find any research work using context aware platform.
8 Conclusions
This research paper presents a genuine case study coming from an industrial project
about Intelligent Houses for handicapped persons. The context adaptation platform
(WComp) is considered as a middleware: orchestrating messages and events sending,
reconfiguring components according to aspects, invoking local or distant Web
services. We presented an architecture and we pragmatically showed the adaptation
with models and pieces of code. This architecture can be extended by offering local
and distant services according to different context parameters as position, dates,
weather, … We are working now on a full auto adaptable platform.
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