Experiments with Single-class Support Vector Data
Descriptions as a Tool for Vocabulary Grounding
Aneesh Chauhan
and Luís Seabra Lopes
Actividade Transversal em Robótica Inteligente
, Universidade de Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
Abstract. This paper explores support vectors as a tool for vocabulary
acquisition in robots. The intention is to investigate the language grounding
process at the single-word stage. A social language grounding scenario is
designed, where a robotic agent is taught the names of the objects by a human
instructor. The agent grounds the names of these objects by associating them
with their respective sensor-based category descriptions. A system for
grounding vocabulary should be incremental, adaptive and support gradual
evolution. A novel learning model based on single-class support vector data
descriptions (SVDD), which conforms to these requirements, is presented. For
robustness and flexibility, a kernel based implementation of support vectors
was realized. For this purpose, a sigmoid kernel using histogram pyramid
matching has been developed. The support vectors are trained based on an
original approach using genetic algorithms. The model is tested over a series of
semi-automated experiments and the results are reported.
1 Introduction
The meanings of words lie in concomitance with the entities of the world they refer to
(Barsalou 1999; Harnad 1990). Supported by the studies carried out on populations of
robots – to study origins, evolution and transfer of language – a new view is emerging
that considers language a cultural product (Love 2004; Roy and Pentland 2002;
Seabra Lopes and Chauhan 2007, 2008; Steels and Kaplan 2002). Here the language
grounding process is considered distributed in nature, where the language symbols are
acquired (and transferred) through social interactions (Cowley 2007; Loreto and
Steels 2008; Steels 2007). It can be inferred from this argument that there are two key
factors that influence language acquisition. On the one hand, language is acquired
through social interactions, leading to a set of shared language symbols. On the other
hand, the meaning formation of these symbols is an internal cognitive task, where the
symbols refer to the real world entities.
In the past decade, a significant amount of work has been carried out on designing
robotic agents that acquire their vocabulary through social interactions with humans.
Many approaches have been designed that use humans to teach robots the names of
visual concepts. This paper discusses a similar approach, where a robotic agent
acquires its vocabulary through interaction with a human instructor. The agent is
embodied with a camera for visual perception and grounds the words taught by the
Chauhan A. and Lopes L.
Experiments with Single-class Support Vector Data Descriptions as a Tool for Vocabulary Grounding.
DOI: 10.5220/0003028000700078
In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science (ICEIS 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-8425-13-3
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
instructor in their respective visual descriptions.
Similar works have been reported in literature where these approaches differ from
each other based on the choice of methods for learning visual concepts. Gold et al
(2009) explore an approach based on dynamic decision trees; Levinson et al (2005)
investigate Hidden Markov Models for the similar purpose; Roy and Pentland (2002)
used neural networks and density match in their CELL model; Seabra Lopes and
Chauhan (2007) used support vector data description (SVDD) (Tax 2001) based
approach and later investigated multiple other classifiers and classifier combinations
(2008); and Skocaj et al (2007) use the single most suitable prototype to describe a
visual concept. The number of words learned in these approaches ranges between 3
and several tens of categories.
The learning algorithm for this work is SVDD. The motivation behind this
preference is to imitate the language development process in children at the single-
word stage. Studies in cognitive language development literature indicate that
children predominantly learn from positive examples only (Bloom, 2000; Markman,
1989). A learning methodology to imitate child like word grounding should support
similar process. SVDD is a single-class classifier that has been shown to be robust at
novelty detection tasks using only a few positive examples (Tavakkoli et al 2008; Tax
2001). However, in its original form SVDD is neither incremental, nor can it handle a
multitude of outliers, making it unsuitable for the open-ended processes like
vocabulary acquisition.
In this paper, a novel strategy is presented where the SVDD optimization process
has been modified so as to make it more efficient for incremental, online and open-
ended processes. A new method based on a genetic approach has been designed for
optimizing various magic parameters of the SVDD. The genetic approach for
optimizing parameters has previously been shown to improve the SVDD performance
(Tavakkoli et al 2008). But the approach of Tavakkoli was not incremental.
Incremental learning brings different challenges and the approach in this paper has
been specifically designed for such learning processes.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Next section describes the approach
for social language transfer between the robot and its instructor. Section 3 details the
learning and categorization methodology. Section 4 reports and discusses the
experiments and the final section concludes the paper.
2 Interaction Approach for Social Language Transfer
Any two individuals (robots or humans) can share a language if they ground the same
words to the same entities, regardless of their respective process of meaning
formation. With this in mind, a social language scenario is designed where a human
instructor teaches the robotic agent the names of the objects present in their visually
shared environment.
The robotic agent is embodied with a camera to visually perceive its world.
This camera is mounted over a table which becomes a shared environment between a
human instructor and the robot. The names taught by the instructor are grounded by
the robotic agent in visual descriptions, leading to a vocabulary shared with its
Fig. 1. Robot’s visual scene and an extracted object as selected by the user.
The instructor selects (by mouse-clicking on the visual scene) an object from the
robot’s visible scene (Fig.1). The selected object is extracted from the visual scene
and further processed to compute a set of shape features. The shape of the object in
this implementation is expressed using the vector of normalized-radii features
(described in Seabra Lopes and Chauhan 2007). This feature vector has previously
been shown to be a robust shape descriptor and faithfully captures the shape of a
segmented object, invariant to size, translation and rotation. Once the object has been
extracted from the scene, the instructor can interact with the robot through the
following instructions (using a menu-based interface):
1. Teach the category name of the selected object;
2. Ask the category name of the selected object;
3. If the category predicted in the previous case is wrong, send a correction.
4. Provide a category name and ask the robot to locate an instance of that category;
5. If the object identified by the robot in the previous case does not belong to the
requested category, provide the true category.
The robot can respond to the human instructions in either of the following ways:
1. Linguistic response: provide the classification results to the user;
2. Visual response: visually report the results of a “search/locate” task.
Simulated Instructor Agent. Teaching vocabulary to the robotic agent can be an
extremely exhaustive task for the human user. Therefore, a simulated user has been
developed for the purposes of the experiments reported in this paper. The actions of
this agent are limited to the following actions of the human user: teaching, asking and
From many previous experiments a database of ~7000 images (from 69 categories)
has been collected. The extracted object in Fig. 1 can give an idea of the type of
images in this database. Most of these images (and their category names) were
collected during a long duration experiment, where a human user followed a teaching
protocol to teach the category names to the robotic agent (Seabra Lopes and Chauhan
3 Learning and Categorization
This paper presents a novel methodology for category learning and classification
based on the single-class SVDD (Tax 2001). For a given set X of positive examples,
the SVDD approach tries to locate the data points x
(i.e. the support vectors) that
form a closed description around the data. In a regular case, this approach will give a
closed spherical description around all the data points. Tax showed that by mapping
the data points to a better feature space (by applying a kernel function K on the data),
a much more robust and flexible data description can be achieved. Such a description
is referred as a hypersphere. The optimization process used to determine the center
and the support vectors attempts to minimize two errors: Empirical error – percentage
of misclassified training samples; Structural error – radius R
of the hypersphere
which must be minimized with respect to the center a with certain constraints. Tax
gives the final error L to be minimized as:
L α K(x ,x )=
ij i j
i, j
αα K(x ,x )
with the following constraints on the Lagrange multipliers α
α ; 0
α , 1
α =
; and
a= α x
Minimization of L with these constrains is a classic quadratic optimization
problem. To find optimal support vectors many optimization approaches have been
developed (e.g. SMO (Platt 1998) and the genetic approach of (Tavakkoli et al
2008)). For the SVDD, the genetic approach of Tavakkoli et al led to a more robust
and efficient optimization in comparison to other methods. However, their approach
was neither incremental nor online. For an open-ended domain like vocabulary
acquisition, a learning process needs to be incremental, online and open-ended. Such
process requires continual assessment and updates of the support vectors when the
new data gets introduced. The SVDD parameter optimization used in this paper is
also based on using genetic algorithms, but the methodology has been designed to
take the open-ended nature of vocabulary learning into account.
An instance based approach has been used for category representations, where a
category is described by a set of known instances belonging to that category. An
instance is added to a category description when an instructor teaches the name of a
selected instance (teaching actions) or provides a correction in case of an incorrect
prediction by the robot (correction action). Each time a new instance is added to a
category description a new chromosome is created with as many genes as the number
of instances in the description. A new gene is also added to the existing
chromosomes. These new genes contain a randomly chosen value of α
and all the
existing genes are modified to be in the range listed in equation (2). In this
implementation, the number of chromosomes is limited to 20, while there is no limit
on the number of genes added. At any certain moment in time, the best chromosome
for a category description is used as its Lagrange multipliers. Before describing the
Lagrange parameter optimization, both the kernel function and the classification
methodology have to be elaborated.
Although the choice of kernel is data dependent, in most applications the Gaussian
kernel produces good results (Tax 2001). This is also the choice for the experiments
reported here. The kernel K used in this paper is defined as:
Ni j
( P (x ,x ))
where x
and x
are the i
and j
instances describing a category; σ is the standard
deviation of the data; and P
) is the normalized pyramid match and is given as
)/Max_Match, where P(x
) is the pyramid match (Grauman and Darrel 2007)
found on the feature vectors x
,and x
. The highest value (Max_Match) that a pyramid
match can achieve on any two sets of equal sized features is the number of elements
contained in a feature vector (in our case 40).
Given an instance z to be classified, Tax (2001) describes its membership to a
category C with the hypersphere radius R
(C) as:
(,) ( ())
DCz R C<
where, D(C,z) = 1+
(, )2 (,)
ij i j i i
ij i
xx Kzx
αα α
D(C,z) is the distance of the input instance z from the hypersphere center. If the
distance is less than the squared radius of a category description, the instance is
considered to belong to that category. To accommodate multiple category
descriptions, the distance of instance z from the hypersphere boundary is calculated
and the category description giving lowest boundary distance is predicted as the
category of that instance. This boundary distance is given as:
(C,z) = (R
- D(C,z)
// C
is the input category description
n = 1;
//Chromosome index
repeat {
i = 1; //Category index
) = 0;
repeat {
= randomly chosen instance from C
= randomly chosen instance from C
if (C
== C
) continue;
// Test whether using cr
interferes with the recognition capacity
// of existing categories
if (B
, x
) > B
, x
)) // No interference
) fitness(cr
) + 0.5;
else fitness(cr
) fitness(cr
) - 0.5;
// Test whether using cr
improves the recognition capacity of
// instances belonging to C
if (B
, x
) > B
, x
)) // Correct recognition
) fitness(cr
) + 0.5;
else fitness(cr
) fitness(cr
) - 0.5;
i i + 1;
} until (i > number of categories)
) fitness(cr
) / (total number of categories – 1);
n n + 1;
} until (fitness(cr
) > 95% OR all chromosomes have been evaluated)
Fig. 2.
The core function to evaluate the fitness of a chromosome.
Fig. 3. The possible crossover and mutation capabilities of the system (the constraints
mentioned in equation (2) are always maintained). Similar operations are carried out to
optimize σ values.
Given a category description, the optimization process attempts to iteratively
evolve the set of chromosomes until the best chromosome has been found, without
affecting the boundary descriptions of other category descriptions. In the current
implementation the number of iterations used was 300 (usually the best solution was
reached much earlier). Fig.2 describes the function designed to evaluate the fitness of
the chromosomes for a given category. This function is called for each of the
iterations. If no chromosome reached the desired fitness (85%) in a particular
iteration, all the chromosomes are randomly mutated or crossed over (see the
illustration in Fig.3).
The key advantage of this strategy is that the optimization procedure, instead of
minimizing the error L (equation (1)), tries to find the best set of Lagrange multipliers
using the classification success of each chromosome while trying to maintain the
classification performance over existing category descriptions. This makes the
optimization process feasible for incremental, online, open-ended and multiple
category scenarios.
4 Experimental Evaluation
Experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of the new learning system
on vocabulary acquisition using an experimental protocol. This protocol (“teaching
protocol” (Seabra Lopes and Chauhan 2007)) is generic enough to be applied to any
incremental and open-ended class learning domain. An instructor, following this
protocol, performs either “teach”, “ask” or “correct” actions. As the protocol
progresses, the robot accumulates new words. The protocol dictates that, at the
introduction of a new category, the recognition performance over the previously
learned categories should be tested and the next category should be introduced only
when the performance of the overall learning system is above a set threshold (66.67%
for reported experiments). The classification precision measure (computed over a
fixed number of most recent question-correction iterations) is used to analyze the
impact of a new category on the learning system, from initial instability to final
recovery in system's performance. An experiment is concluded when the robot is
unable to recover from the initial instability at the introduction of a new class (i.e.
when the breakpoint is reached). One more evaluation measure – overall system
precision, calculated as an average over all the classification precision values for all
the question-correction iterations - has been used to evaluate the overall performance
of the system.
Table 1. Summary of experiments.
Exp #
# cats at
# Question
precision at
# Avg.
per category
at breakpoint
System precision
before the
introduction of the
last category
1 33 1519 62 17.8 71
2 20 1036 60 20.8 63
3 29 1349 58 18.6 70
4 29 1621 60 22 66
5 27 1246 53 18.3 65
Fig. 4. Evolution of classification precision versus number of question/correction interactions
in the third experiment.
Experiments were conducted using the simulated instructor agent. For each
new/learned category, the instructor randomly selects an instance of that category
from the image database, preserving the essence of natural interactions. When all the
images of particular category have been used or if all the categories in the database
have been exhausted, the human user is called to show a new image or to introduce a
new category.
In total 5 experiments were conducted, where the robot was able to learn
somewhere between 19-32 categories. Table 1 provides a summary of these
experiments when the breakpoint was reached. The last column of Table 1 gives the
overall system precision over the question/correction iterations right before the final
category was introduced. Thus the system precision is used here to show the
performance of the learning methodology over the set of categories that were
successfully learned.
Fig.4 illustrates the evolution of classification precision in the third experiment. In
this experiment, the robot learned 28 categories (and category names). In general, the
introduction of a new category to the agent led to the deterioration in classification
precision followed by gradual recovery. Each such introduction can affect the
classification performance over other categories, since any new data can lead to the
confusion between different boundary descriptions. The depressions in the graph
normally indicate the period after the introduction of a new category. At each
misclassification on any learned category, the optimization process is carried out to
derive the fittest chromosome. This leads to a gradual system recovery, eventually
improving the complete system performance. This process continues until the system
starts to confuse the category descriptions to an extent that it can no longer recover.
For an example, on the introduction of 29
category in experiment 3, the precision
remained around 57% (for ~500 iterations) without showing signs of recovery. All the
reported experiments showed similar classification precision evolution pattern.
5 Conclusions
This paper presented a novel approach to grounding vocabulary in robotic systems.
This approach is inspired by the studies on grounding vocabulary through social
interactions. A scenario has been designed where a human instructor can teach the
robot the names of objects present in their visual environment. The robot grounds
these words in its visual-sensor based descriptions.
The key contribution of this paper has been the use of single-class SVDD for
vocabulary learning. The SVDD has been modified so as to be able to function in
incremental, online, open-ended and multiple category scenarios. A novel genetic
approach has been designed that modifies the optimization criteria of the SVDD.
Instead of considering the optimization of Lagrange parameters as a quadratic
optimization problem, the new approach tries to optimize these multipliers based on
the classification success of a category on its own instances. The fitness function has
been designed to maximize self categorization, without affecting the existing category
The robot was able to incrementally learn between 19 and 32 categories in 5
different experiments. The evolution process of the classification precision in
different experiments clearly shows that the proposed strategy is capable of
incremental learning in open-ended scenarios. On the other hand, the number of
categories learned was very limited. We believe, however, that the approach is
promising. There are perhaps many areas where improvements can be made. But the
fitness strategy itself will be the key to better performance. Future work will primarily
entail refining the optimization process by investigating more robust fitness functions,
while maintaining the optimization criteria.
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