A Tool for Knowledge Transfer between Universities and Business Organizations
Ana-Maria Suduc, Mihai Bizoi, Gabriel Gorghiu
Automatic Control, Informatics and Electrical Engineering Department, Valahia University, 130082, Targoviste, Romania
Laura Monica Gorghiu
Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Valahia University Targoviste, 18-24 Unirii Blvd., Targoviste, 130082, Romania
Keywords: Web collaboration, Web conferencing, Knowledge transfer.
Abstract: It is commonly accepted that universities are an important source of new knowledge, especially in the
science and technology sector. The mechanisms to transfer this new knowledge from academia to business
organizations are widely discussed by many authors. This paper presents how web collaboration
environments may help in distance knowledge transfer and also a web conferencing example meant to stress
the factors which led to a successful web meeting for knowledge diffusion. There is presented also the
positive feedback of the attendees, in the conditions of low participation rate in previous similar
One of the most interesting research subjects in the
e-learning area is represented by the establishing of
new collaborative environments, important spaces
where people can share and create knowledge. In
most of cases, the universities promoted such
initiatives, even for developing specific educational
actions, but also for spreading the knowledge to the
economic environment or promoting different
applied projects together with various corporate
organizations. In this sense, a clear actual trend is
offered by the development of such networks within
collaborative environments, having as objective the
increasing of their innovation capability, where
different organizations are focused on the
development and sharing of core competences. As a
result of the practical implementation, some
networking models have been developed like
Extended Enterprises or Virtual Enterprises (Flores
et al., 2007) (Barbat & Filip, 2007). But the
collaborative environments have as basis the
collaborative technologies which consist of a range
of different tools, systems and IT platforms, all of
them having an important role to the consolidation
of the virtual collaborative communities.
An intensive exchange of knowledge between
universities and business firms “is not a goal by
itself but a means to sizable economic benefits”
(Arvanitis et al., 2005).
Bekkers and Bodas Freitas have identified in
2007, in the scientific literature, four main channels
through which knowledge and technology is being
transferred between universities and industry: (1)
publications and patents, (2) collaborative and
contracted research activities, (3) employment of
university researchers by firms, and (4) informal
contacts (Bekkers & Bodas Freitas, 2008). Except
the first one, all the other knowledge transfer
channels require a direct interaction between
universities and industry representatives. This direct
interaction is even more important in case of tacit
knowledge transfer, because “effective transfer of
tacit knowledge generally requires extensive
personal contact and trust” (Song, 2009).
The interaction, which can be materialised
through face-to-face meetings, between the
knowledge creator and the recipient can be done
without many efforts if they are located in the same
Suduc A., Bizoi M., Gorghiu G. and Monica Gorghiu L. (2010).
WEB CONFERENCING - A Tool for Knowledge Transfer between Universities and Business Organizations.
In Proceedings of the Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT, pages 165-168
DOI: 10.5220/0003036301650168
geographical region. The costs of interaction could
significantly increase when the two interaction parts
are, more or less, far away one from another.
Travelling and face-to-face meetings can be tiring
and stressful and interaction efficiency can be
affected. In this case, a web collaboration /
conferencing platform can allow people get in
contact without the physical limitations of distance,
time, and organizational boundaries. Web meetings
are cheaper and request less time to organize them.
The amount of resources involved in web
meetings is significantly reduced and the number of
attendees, knowledge creators and recipients, is
likely to increase as it is often easier for people to
connect online, making each meeting more efficient.
Therefore web conferencing / collaboration offers a
more efficient, flexible and dynamic approach to
meetings (Suduc et al., 2009).
There are two categories of conferencing
environments which support web meetings: web
conferencing and web collaboration environments.
Typically, the web conferencing environments
are designed as unidirectional tools: a member of the
group sends information to multiple locations (from
speaker to audience, from knowledge creator to
recipients). Many other web conferencing software
also offer basic bidirectional or multidimensional
communication tools (such as voting, chat, instant
messaging, whiteboards, video feed(s) and feedback
to the presenter who can share a presentation or the
display from an application on his or her desktop)
(Austin et al., 2006). These tools might be very
useful for the fourth channel - identified by Bekkers
and Bodas Freitas - for knowledge transfer: informal
For the second channel for knowledge transfer,
collaborative and contracted research activities,
and, in some cases for the third channel, employment
of university researchers by firm, a web
collaboration environment might be the solution, in
case of distance collaboration. Web collaboration
platforms are many-to-many conferencing tools
which support activities like brainstorming, list
analyzing, evaluating, rating, categorizing, grouping,
organizing, problem solving, assessing risk, strategy
planning, consensus building, capturing knowledge,
product development (Collins, 2006). Usually web
conferencing software allows, besides visual and
audio participation, face-to-face like, shared
whiteboards, desktop application sharing, computer
access and storage, video recording to keep a
permanent record of the knowledge transfer (Suduc
et al., 2010). Therefore, web collaboration platforms
offer features not only for knowledge transfer but
also for knowledge creation.
In the following there will be used the concept of
web conferencing for both categories of web
meetings: web conferencing with basic features for
bidirectional or multidimensional communication
and for web collaboration.
In the frame of the European Comenius 2.1 project
entitled “Virtual Community Collaboration Space
for Science Education - VccSSe”, a project results
dissemination web conference has been organized.
Even the main objective of this web meeting was not
the knowledge transfer from academia to business
organization but a knowledge diffusion from
creators to end users in general, the analysis of the
web conference participants’ responses to a
feedback questionnaire filled at the end of the web
meeting may show what are the factors which
influence the success or the failure of a knowledge
diffusion web meeting and what is the perception of
the users who have no or low experience in using
web conferencing environments.
The main activities included in the web
conference agenda were: the project presentation,
the demonstration and presentation of a series of
online simulating laboratories and virtual
experiments for Science education (project
outcomes), the description of the guideline of the
best practices, followed by discussions and
comments. The duration of the web conference was
one hour.
Adobe Connect Pro represented the software
solution chosen for developing the web
conferencing. The number of participants was 100,
located in 12 connection points in Finland (one was
the host of the Adobe Connect Pro server), Romania,
Greece, Spain, Poland, Turkey, Portugal and
Norway (Suduc et al., 2010).
INNOV 2010 - International Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT
5.1 Coordination
In web conferencing, the coordinating skills
represent a crucial aspect for having a successful
session. In this sense, the connection with the remote
sites and the testing in advance represent
compulsory activities. In addition, a reviewing of the
session plan from the technical point of view and
some practical activities with the related equipment
are good options before starting. During the session,
the projected web meeting plan has to be carried out
as it is established, with a definite period for each
activity (presentations, discussions, voting, etc.).
The facilitator (coordinator) must lead the
session in a logical sequence, ask for responses from
the audience, review the main points but offer a
proper enthusiasm and promote a friendly
atmosphere. The facilitator has also to find or create
a shared context that enables the web meeting
participants to see that they are similar in some
important aspects to others in their group, to build
familiarity among group members. Psychologists
have demonstrated that people need a common
context in order to build new relationship (Clark,
1996). The relationship building requires a
significant effort because the distance decreases the
group members’ involvement.
Sa tisfactory
Figure 1: Appreciation related to the coordinating skills of
the web meeting organized in the frame of VccSSe
Taking into account all the mentioned aspects,
during the web meeting organized in the frame of
the VccSSe project, the coordinating skills were
appreciated by 88% of participants as excellent and
very good (figure 1).
Because the web conference organization was a
collective effort of the VccSSe project partners, the
participants were asked to evaluate the coherence of
the partners’ performance content with the projected
web meeting plan. A percentage of 86% of the
participants responded excellent and very good
(figure 2).
Sati sfa ctory
Figure 2: Evaluation of the coherence of the partners’
performance content with the web meeting plan.
5.2 Time
A good management implies also a better allocation
of the web meeting time, especially when the
participants are numerous. In this sense, all the
participant groups need optimum periods for
presentations and discussions. The time has to be
well balanced with a maximum benefit of gathering
information from the participants’ point of view.
The web meeting organized in the frame of the
VccSSe project offered an effectiveness of the time
usage for the participant groups appreciated by 79%
of participants as excellent and very good (figure 3).
Excell ent
Sa tisfactory
Figure 3: Appreciation of the effectiveness of time usage
in the participant groups.
5.3 Clarity and Expectations
Finally, two criteria linked with the success of the
web meeting are important to be presented: the
clarity of the goals and the level of the expectations
achievement. Setting the meeting’ goals mean in fact
to establish some indicators that describe the
participants’ performances.
In the case of the VccSSe project web meeting,
the presentations and the contributions to
discussions were evaluated as very positive aspects
WEB CONFERENCING - A Tool for Knowledge Transfer between Universities and Business Organizations
which strength the clarity of the meeting goals,
before its realization. In this case, 87% of
participants appreciated this aspect as excellent and
very good (figure 4).
Excell ent
Figure 4: Appreciation of the clarity of the web meeting
goals before the realization.
It was appreciated also that the web meeting
guests’ expectations were met at a significant level:
85% of the participants appreciated this fact as
excellent and very good (figure 5).
Figure 5: Evaluation of the extent to which the web
conference guests’ expectations were met.
Because knowledge transfer often involves direct
interaction between the creator - professors and
researchers and the recipient - firms, and in many
cases those two are located in different geographical
areas, web collaboration environments seem to be
the proper tools for an efficient and affordable mean
to knowledge transfer. Web conferencing can reduce
travel and facility costs, but also can improve
knowledge transfer quality.
The results presented in this paper show that the
participants to a knowledge dissemination web
conferencing can be more than satisfied of the
meeting if the meeting is properly organized and
This work was funded through the Socrates-
Comenius 2.1. European project 128989-CP-1-2006-
1-RO-COMENIUS-C21: “VccSSe - Virtual
Community Collaborating Space for Science
Education”. The support offered by the European
Commission through the VccSSe project is
gratefully acknowledged.
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INNOV 2010 - International Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT