Carlos de Alfonso, Miguel Caballer and Vicente Hernández
Instituto Universitario I3M, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Camino de Vera s/n, Valencia, Spain
Keywords: Green computing, Cluster.
Abstract: Nowadays the computer cluster infrastructures are very common not only in research centers, but also in the
business environment. These computer infrastructures were traditionally used to perform complex
mathematic calculations using parallel programs, but currently it is extended the use of them as
virtualization platforms and shared by means of grid middlewares. Anyway, this kind of infrastructures
usually has many idle periods due to different issues such as the lack of intensive calculations, holydays,
weekends, etc. Even having reduced the power consumption of different components, and accomplishing
energy saving initiatives, it would be better to not to waste energy when it is not needed. This paper shows
that green computing techniques can be applied in these infrastructures, powering-off the nodes which are
not being used and switching them on when needed, to enable reducing power consumption considerably.
These techniques must be applied trying to cause a minimum impact to the user who is using the
infrastructure, and without interference in running applications.
Green computing or green IT, refers to
environmentally sustainable computing or IT. It is
"the study and practice of designing, manufacturing,
using, and disposing of computers, servers, and
associated subsystems - such as monitors, printers,
storage devices, and networking and communica-
tions systems - efficiently and effectively with
minimal or no impact on the environment. Green IT
also strives to achieve economic viability and
improved system performance and use, while
abiding by our social and ethical responsibilities.
Thus, green IT includes the dimensions of
environmental sustainability, the economics of
energy efficiency, and the total cost of ownership,
which includes the cost of disposal and recycling. It
is the study and practice of using computing
resources efficiently." (Murugesan, 2008)
Nowadays is usual to perform experiments
consisting on the model simulations using
computers. Moreover these models are more and
more complex and require greater computer
infrastructures to perform the calculations
efficiently. So, it is common to use singular
infrastructures of cluster of computers, to compute
these models.
On the other hand, it is extended the use of
computer infrastructures as virtualization platforms.
These platforms are usually managed by some
specific middlewares as OpenNebula (Fontan,
2008), Eucalyptus (Nurmi, 2008), etc. that enable to
manage virtual machines (power on, stop, check the
state, etc.) efficiently in a cluster infrastructure.
Nevertheless, these middle-wares try to have only
the needed virtual machines actives. This way, in
many times, the platform is not completely used.
Maintain these infrastructures working have an
important power impact. Furthermore is important to
consider that the computer power source have
efficiencies lower than 80% (Liang, 2008) (although
there are many current initiatives to improve this
ratio as (The 80 PLUS Program, 2009) or (Hoelzle,
2010)). The rest of the enery is transformed into
heat, which may be dissipated by coolers which,
indeed, need energy.
Many other previous green computing works,
realted to high performance cluster systems, were
focused on reducing the power consumption and
heat disipation of the different components of the
computer (mainly the CPU) (von Laszewski, 2010),
(Feng, 2008), (Feng, 2007).
This paper describes techniques which aim at
reducing power consumption of high performance
de Alfonso Laguna C., Caballer M. and Hernández V. (2010).
In Proceedings of the Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT, pages 39-44
DOI: 10.5220/0003036500390044
cluster systems, which run batch jobs. That working
pattern match many scientific computing clusters
which apply queue managers such as Portable Batch
System (PBS), Load Sharing Facility (LSF), or
others, using similar ideas than shown in (Da-Costa,
These techniques can be also applicable to
clusters shared using Grid middlewares (Globus
Toolkit (Globus Alliance, 2009), gLite (EGEE,
2009)), since the job submission is performed using
the same queue managers.
The next section shows the special features of the
working modes of the clusters in the described cases.
Then some approaches to reduce the power
consumption are proposed. Finally it is show a case
analyzing the impact of the raised measures in a real
A cluster is composed by, besides the passive
elements (screws, cables, etc.), the following
elements: working nodes, administration nodes,
front-end node, storage systems, internal network
switches, external switches, firewalls, etc. (Lucke,
The power needed to feed this infrastructure is
great and it is convenient to have a power saving
plan, to minimize the consumption. This plan must
take into account the way that the cluster is used,
and should try to reduce the impact in the throughput
of the applications and the system as a whole.
A common way to use a cluster consist in having
a front-end which is in charge of coordinating the
execution of user’s jobs by a Local Resource
Manager System (LRMS), such as a queue system
(Torque, OpenPBS, LSF, Sun Grid Engine, etc.). In
this case, the users submit jobs to a queue, and they
are executed as they have enough nodes to satisfy
the job’s requirements.
In the last years, a common way of using a
cluster was by sharing it by a Grid Computing
middleware such as Globus Toolkit. The way of
running jobs in the cluster by Grid techniques is
partly integrated with the LRMS. So the usage of the
cluster consists in submitting the jobs to the local
queue. The main difference in this case is that it is
needed an extra information reporter, which must
provide the number of free online nodes (among
other characteristics of the cluster).
A recent manner of managing a cluster consists
in having it as a virtualization platform. Some
examples of Virtual Appliance management
platforms are VMWare, Eucalyptus or Open Nebula.
Using these middlewares, the Virtual images are
started in the form of running virtual machines, in
the internal nodes of the cluster.
A power saving plan must take into account the
way of using the clusters, but also the hardware
issues. The most common way to reduce the power
consumption is to power off the machines, but the
problem can arise when trying to power on the nodes
again. In this sense, there are mainly two
approaches: the usage of Power Distribution Units
(PDU), to manage the power access to the nodes, or
the usage of Wake-on-Lan alternative.
Each of the approaches need that the nodes are
configured in a specific way: using a PDU requires
that the node powers on when power is restored, and
WOL alternative needs that the network card is well
tuned by the operating system.
Regarding any of the alternatives, there is always
a residual consumption associated to the PDU
controlling system or to the network card WOL
monitoring. So it will impossible to achieve the zero
Different techniques can be used to save energy in
the computer cluster environment. These techniques
are based in powering-off idle nodes, or
alternatively, hibernating them or putting them in
standby mode.
These two last approaches may have problems in
Linux environments since (1) many devices do not
support the standby mode and (2) in many cases
(depending on the memory used in the machine, as
the main factor) hibernating the node and starting up
the machine again implies far more time than
switching-off and on the computer.
On the other hand, the basic criterion for
applying any of these techniques is that the node
must be idle. Furthermore, the process of switching-
on a working node in a cluster is quite fast, as during
the boot process only the minimum applications are
needed to be loaded. So the approach of powering
off an idle node and powering it on when it is
needed is an appropriate solution.
In any case, the aim of using these techniques is
to achieve the maximum power saving, trying to
maintain the response times for the users, and
searching for the easier measures to apply.
In order to achieve those objectives the
following aspects must be considered:
To select the power-on/off block size: If a
group of nodes are idle, they can be switched
INNOV 2010 - International Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT
off. Nevertheless, it is interesting not to power
down all the cluster nodes (when possible),
considering an eventual increase in the
demand. Reciprocally when a demand of a set
of nodes is detected, instead of switching on
only the number of needed machines, a block
of nodes can be activated preventing a future
demand of more resources. The “block size”
can be defined as the number of nodes to be
deactivated when the cluster is idle, or to be
activated when some resources are needed.
This size can change from one node to the
whole cluster, but it is important to select the
proper one, depending on the cluster and the
user needs.
The usage of a small block size enables a
maximum power reduction, since only the
needed nodes will be activated. On the other
hand, it would increase the response time for
the users, since in many cases the launched
jobs will wait for the cluster to be switched on
before getting their jobs started.
In case of using a large block size, the power
consumption is greater, since the number of
activated machines would be more than
needed by the users. But, on the other hand, as
users usually send consecutive executions,
they only should wait for the first one, while
the other jobs will be launched immediately.
According to the usage of the cluster, it should
be applied an intermediate approach, which
reduces the waiting times to the users, but also
reduces the power consumption. Some mixed
solution can be also chosen so that it can be
used different heuristics to change the block
size according to different factors: the job
requirements, the time when the job is
submitted, the number of connected users, etc.
To select the cluster inactivity time to
deactivate: In a HPC cluster environment it is
quite simple to find patterns in the the usage
of the nodes, due to the use of Local Resource
Management Systems (LRMS). A first
approach consist in checking the LRMS logs
files to get the maximum and minimum
inactivity times, to obtain the appropriate
values to the system usage.
To work in a correct way for estimating the
switching off time, the jobs can be grouped in
the switched-on nodes, correlating with the
power-on/off block sizes, to obtain the waiting
times and thus determining the most suitable
time to wait before suspending a node.
In addition, other heuristics can be introduced,
considering the working hours, the holidays,
To get the best solution with the most
appropriate values for the analyzed parameters, a
good approach is to make some simulations, varying
the different parameter to evaluate the system
behavior and selecting the best values.
Anyway, the behavior of the system may change
in the future, according to different projects, users
interests, etc., so it will be necessary to re-evaluate
the parameter values to adequate them to the new
system usage and user needs.
We have developed a system which, taking into
account the considerations in previous sections,
powers-on and off the nodes in a cluster.
The solution is divided into two subsystems: the
core engine, which is in charge of orchestrating the
power-on and off of the system, and the plug-ins
which must evaluate which nodes have been inactive
for a long time, and so they are likely to be powered
The core engine consists in a script which is
periodically launched by common linux utilities (in
our case, the cron daemon). The pseudo code of the
body of this script is stated below:
for each plugin in plugin_dir
candidate_nodes = exec_monitor
inactive_nodes = inactive_nodes
intersect candidate_nodes
end for
poweroff inactive_nodes
In our approximation, there must be
implemented a plug-in for each way of using the
cluster. Each plug-in has two parts: the first one will
be invoked when checking the state of usage of the
cluster, and will return a list containing the nodes
which are inactive. The second part will be in charge
of on demand powering-on the nodes of the cluster,
and must be integrated with the running subsystem.
Currently we have developed the Torque-LRMS
plug-in. The plug-in in charge of listing the inactive
nodes uses the “pbsnodes” to get the list of the
resources and their states. The script in charge of
getting the information about the demand uses the
“qstat” command in order to get the jobs launched
into the system, and the resources needed by them.
To switch-on the nodes the “Job Submission
Filter” option of the “qsub” command is used to
enable launching a script before the effective
submission of a job into the queue system. This
script checks the availability of the resources needed
by the submitted job, and switches-on a set of nodes,
if necessary, using the selected block size. This
solution minimizes the impact to the user since it
will use the same commands to submit the jobs to
the system.
This cluster also is shared using the Globus
Toolkit grid middleware. The service Globus
Resource Allocation Manager (GRAM) provides the
capability to submit jobs to the cluster LRMS. The
GRAM service as well as the users, uses the “qsub”
command to submit jobs to the queue system, so the
integration is immediate. On the other hand the
Monitoring and Discovery System (MDS) requires a
simple modification since it considers the powered-
off nodes as unavailable resources. The script that
provides the information about the Torque/PBS
system to the Globus information system must be
modified to publish the switched-off nodes as
available resources.
Some of the described techniques to reduce power
consumption have been tested in a high performance
cluster, in order to check the real impact in the
power consumption and in the response time of the
user submitted jobs.
The cluster is composed by 51 bi-processor
nodes Intel Xeon CPU 2.80GHz, interconnected by a
SCI network in a 10x5 2D Torus topology. Each
node has 2 GB of RAM memory. The front-end
node is the access point to the cluster, and the other
(50) are used as the working nodes.
The SCI network has an important restriction
when applying the green computing techniques,
since it is necessary to have all the nodes activated
to get the best parallel performance of the network.
If one of the nodes is inactive, some of the paths
between nodes are lost, and thus decreasing the
network performance. This restriction makes
necessary switching on/off the whole cluster for
avoiding the interference on the user or the running
5.1 Cluster Analysis
To study the impact of the described techniques, it
has been made a complete analysis of the cluster, not
only at the power consumption level, but also at the
usage of the system by the users. Taking the results
of this analysis it is possible to get an estimation of
the different key factors for the technique described
in this paper: the power consumption, the economic
saving and the final impact on the user interactivity
or running applications.
5.1.1 Power Consumption
In the target cluster, we have measured the power
consumption in the main states of the cluster:
powered off, idle, and calculating with one and two
processors per node.
Figure 1 shows the power on cycle of the 50
working nodes (blue), the execution of a parallel
process in all the nodes using one processor per node
(green) and finally the execution using two
processors per node (red).
Figure 1: Cluster Power consumption.
In the initial state (all the working nodes
switched off) the power consumption is 9.4A. This
consumption corresponds to the front-end node, the
switches, the KVMs, etc. Once the working nodes
are powered on and the consumption arrives a stable
state, it reaches 37.2 A of consumption. When the
parallel process is started the consumption gets to
48.5 A; but when a parallel process uses two
processors per node the consumption increases until
53.3 A.
5.1.2 Usage
To evaluate the cluster usage, the torque LRMS
accounting files have been analyzed for about four
The total number of jobs was 8806, which have
been launched in a 133 days period. The jobs
average time was 15’32’’.
The cluster usage percentage (at least one job
running in the LRMS) was only the 17.38% of the
INNOV 2010 - International Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT
time. Therefore the remaining 82.62% it is
consuming resources without any throughput.
Table 1: Jobs that have to wait the cluster to power on.
Wait Time 4 h 3 h 2 h 1h
Jobs 54 63 72 85
To obtain the best value for the cluster inactivity
time to deactivate, it has been analyzed the impact of
using a set of values for the user wait time, and but
also the power consumption.
Table 1 shows the jobs
that have to wait the cluster to power on, when
considering different values of the time to wait. In
any case the number of jobs that have to wait is
around 1% of the total jobs. On the other side, the
power-on time of the whole cluster is less than 1 min
and 30 seconds (as shown in Figure 1).
Table 2: Percentage of time in each state.
Wait Time Off Idle Used
4 h 75,86% 6,77% 17,38%
3 h 76,70% 5,92% 17,38%
2 h 78,11% 4,51% 17,38%
1 h 79,96% 2,66% 17,38%
Table 2 shows the percentages of time that the
cluster would have been in the different states,
applying the different values for the cluster
inactivity time to deactivate. It shows that there is no
significant difference among the different values.
5.2 Results
To estimate the power consumption, the behavior of
the cluster will be split into three states: powered
off, idle, and in use. For the first two cases, the
power consumption has been measured in the
previous section. In the last case the power
consumption has been estimated to be a usage of the
75% of the cluster nodes, using only one processor.
The diary power consumption is shown in
Table 3.
Table 3: Diary power consumption.
State Ampere Volts
Off 9,4 230 51,88
Idle 37,2 230 205,34
Used 41 230 226,32
Using this data and the current usage percentage
of the cluster, the total yearly power and economic
consumption is show in
Table 4.
With the restrictions imposed by the usage of the
SCI network, in the performed tests it has been
applied an algorithm which powers off the whole
cluster, with a period of inactivity of 4 hours. The 4
hours period has been selected due to the results
obtained in the last section, in order to avoid the
maximum number of cluster activations (it restricts
the component stress due to the power-on and
power-off cycles).
Table 5 shows an economic and
power consumption estimation applying the
described green computing techniques, showing an
economic saving of 3.754, which means a 55% of
the whole current expenses.
Table 4: Current power consumption.
State Pct kW/Year €/Year
Off 0% 0 0
Idle 82,62% 59.927 5.453
Used 17,38% 14.353 1.306
TOTAL 100% 74.280 6.759
* Cost: 0,091 €/kw. Data obtained from the Ministerio de Industria,
Turismo y Comercio del Gobierno de España.
Other important issue to consider is the impact of
the cluster activation in the wait time for the users.
Some test has been performed to evaluate this time,
getting an average of 1’58’’, with a maximum time
of 2’10’’. This time is only the 12.6% of the average
time of the measured jobs. Furthermore, as it has
been analyzed in the previous section only will
affect to the 0.61% of the total jobs, so the effective
impact to the user will be minimal.
Table 5: Estimated power consumption.
Pct kW/Year €/Year
Off 75,86% 13.755 1.252
Idle 6,77% 4.908 447
Used 17,38% 14.353 1.306
TOTAL 100% 33.016 3.005
Not only it is important the power consumption
of the cluster but also it is needed to consider the
heat dissipation produced by it, that must be
counteracted by a cooling system equipment.
The cooling system of the cluster room in the use
case is composed by two compressors, each one
consuming about 10 A. Approximately in the warm
months (from May to October) the cooling system is
working with both compressors whether the studied
cluster is switched-on or not. So in these 6 months
there is no possibility of decreasing the power
consumption of the cooling system. In the cool
months (from November to April) we have
measured that if the main cluster is switched off only
one of the compressors is needed to maintain the
temperature of the cluster room. But when the
cluster is activated both of them are needed. Using
those observations it can be estimated the power
consumption saving produced in the cooling system
when applying the green computing techniques
Table 6 shows the cooling system power
consumption in the cold months, in the warm
months, and the total consumption and compares
them with the current expenses. It is produced a
saving of 695€, a 19% of the current total cost.
Table 6: Cooling system power consumption comparison.
Estimated Curr.
cold months warm months
Kw € Kw € €/Year €/Year
Off 7.641 695 15.283 1.391 2.086 0
Idle 1.363 124 1.363 124 248 3.030
Used 3.500 319 3.500 319 637 367
Total 12.506 1.138 20.093 1.834 2.972 3.667
This paper describes techniques to reduce the power
consumption on cluster infrastructures, reducing the
impact on users. Different aspects to be considered
are commented: the selection of the block size to
power on/off the cluster, the time to detect the
inactivity of the system to deactivate nodes, etc.
In this kind of environments the usage of LRMS
enables to easily manage the information about the
usage of cluster systems.
The real case described, exposes good results in
the implantation of this kind of techniques in a real
cluster, decreasing the power consumption in 55%
of the total expenses.
We are currently working in the development of
other plug-ins, which will address emerging uses of
clusters, such as Cloud Computing. In our case, we
are debugging plug-ins for Open Nebula and
Eucalyptus. In this case, the aim is to maintain a
quality of service for virtual machines, with the
minimum number of host nodes. In order to
determine which nodes are candidate to be powered
off and on, we manage concepts such as virtual
memory per node, virtual cores per real cores and
disk image size.
Our approximation is oriented to cluster
management, in which nodes are homogeneous and
are interconnected by a private network. But we are
also considering the extension to heterogeneous
nodes (with different number of cores per node,
memory size, disk size, etc.), and evaluating the
impact of managing machines in local area
The authors wish to thank the financial support
received from The Spanish Ministry of Education
and Science to develop the project "ngGrid - New
Generation Components for the Efficient
Exploitation of eScience Infrastructures", with
reference TIN2006-12890. This work has been
partially supported by the Structural Funds of the
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
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INNOV 2010 - International Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT