Biljana Stošić and Sonja Išljamović
Dept. of Operations Management, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade
154 Jove Ilića Street, Belgrade, Serbia
Keywords: Innovation management, Innovation models, Integration, Networks.
Abstract: Innovation and innovative competences have long been recognized to be one of the basic competitiveness
and long-term profitability factors, from the firm level up to national and global economy level. Having in
mind that innovation, generally, represents the process from idea to realization, the paper is concerned with
the key elements of innovation process models in today’s knowledge-driven economy. Contemporary,
network and integrative innovation models should be based on the relation between the firm, strategy and
environment i.e. the firm should be linked with the environment by means of strategy, which represents a
mediating force - the firm is responding to market requests driven by its strategic concept. Integrative
models for 21
century should overcome basic weaknesses of conventional linear technology-push and
market-pull approach, taking into account the possibilities of proactive innovation strategy, networking and
external linkages of the firm.
The increasing importance of knowledge as an
economic driver implies a growing influence of
innovation and innovativeness, which are proven to
be the key determinants of competitiveness and
profitability on different economy levels (from
enterprise to national economy, and globally).
Innovation appears to be the central element of this
new economy, with domination of information-
communication technologies - ICT, as a key
strategic dimension bringing completely new
methods of communication and business - especially
e-business and Internet, (Day, Shoemaker, Gunter,
2004). In other words, today’s most developed and
technologically advanced economies are actually
knowledge-based, with innovation as the key
success factor. As for the company level, for
innovation leaders (like Apple, Google, Toyota,
being ranked as the top three in BCG Innovation
Reports since 2007), innovation is the tool that
redirects the competitive course of an entire
industry. In line with the standard guidelines for
collecting and interpreting innovation data, well-
known in innovation field as the Oslo Manual
(OECD, Eurostat, 2005), innovation represents the
implementation of a new or significantly improved
product (good or service), or process, or a new
marketing or organizational method The knowledge
accumulated by the firm is the most significant
innovation capability, meaning intellectual capital
gained from learning processes and disposed in
human resources, procedures, routines (OECD,
Eurostat, 2005), and other characteristics of the firm
which enables implementation of innovation process
from idea to realization.
On the global level, while defining a roadmap to
the European Union’s innovation policy at the
beginning of this century, the European Council
emphasized the importance of innovation as the
main source of competitiveness and economic
growth, and its key role in the European Research
Area. In European Commission’s Green Paper on
Innovation (1995), innovation is defined as the
renewal and enlargement of the range of products
and services and the associated markets; the
establishment of new methods of production, supply
and distribution; the introduction of changes in
management, work organization, and the working
conditions and skills of the workforce. At the
enterprise level, successful innovation management
includes some basic elements (Stošić, 2007):
o Defining innovation strategy and coordination
with other strategies - business, technology,
marketing, intellectual property;
c B. and I
c S. (2010).
In Proceedings of the Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT, pages 219-222
o And development of innovation models from
idea to market;
o Management of innovation portfolio (innovation
o Innovation incentives and measurement of
innovation performance.
There can be found an extensive number of
innovation definitions and classifications, having in
mind that this concept has evolved significantly over
the last decades. In its wider context, it is the process
of turning the possibilities into new ideas and
putting them into practical use. As a specific form of
change, innovation can be defined in various fields,
as J. Schumpeter has defined it thus establishing
serious innovation theory - basic element of
technological progress, and, much later, P. Drucker,
as the key element of entrepreneurship, specific tool
of entrepreneurs, the means which enables them to
use the change as an opportunity for different
business or service (Drucker, 1985). The same
author considers innovativeness not only as the
feature of high technology enterprise, but, also, of
the lower technology level firms. Innovation that
contains new value frequently requests systematic
and rational work, well organized and result
The Republic of Serbia Law on Innovation
(2005) defines innovation as a new product, process,
technology or service with unique features, produced
by application of internal or external research and
development results, discoveries and knowledge,
throughout own concept, idea or method for its
implementation, and placed on the market with an
adequate value. According to criterion of novelty
degree, innovation can be incremental (small
improvements) and radical (completely new
product/services etc.); while there also can be found
the concept of semi-radical innovation.
In this context, innovation presents both the
process of transformation the idea into new
product/service/process etc., and the output of that
process, which is highly connected with three
functions: research and development (R&D),
production and marketing. One of the basic
innovation management relations is that of
connecting invention, innovation, performances and
business success (neither all of inventions lead to
successful innovations, nor all of innovations
provide business success). Innovation is successful if
it results with company’s potential to contribute
continuously (time aspect) to growth, through
stability and adaptation. The key is in using the
results of innovations evaluation that will enable
company to be ready for responding to challenges of
changes. In addition, innovation is the application of
knowledge, meaning that technological innovation
can be accompanied by additional managerial and
organizational changes, often referred to as
According to Oslo Manual basic document,
which has provided an expanded measurement
framework (above all, recognizing the role of
linkages between firms in the innovation process and
giving more relevance to the service sector - less
R&D intensive industries), all these different
typologies can be considered as one of four main
types, mentioned earlier:
Product/Service Innovation;
Process Innovation;
Marketing Innovation;
Organizational Innovation.
For a long time, in the area of building innovation
models the linear-sequential approach dominated,
considering innovation as a series of sequentially
established phases without any feedback (so-called
waterfall processes). That is evident in one of the
well-known innovation model classification, given
by Rothwell, with five generations of models
developing from linear to integrative - network,
Table 1
Table 1: The chronological development of models of
innovation (Bessant, Tidd, 2007, based on Rothwell).
Simple linear
process; emphasis on
Market pull
Simple linear
process; emphasis on
Coupling model
Integrating R&D and
Combination of push
and pull
Network model
External linkages
The achievement of strategic competitiveness and
INNOV 2010 - International Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT
Figure 3: Stage-Gate process (Cooper, 2001).
the importance of a strategic company performance
are formally demonstrated with an Interactive
model, which, in a certain manner, integrates the
positive characteristics of the earlier Technology -
push and the Market - pull models - Figure 1.
Figure 1: Interactive model of innovation (Trott, 2009).
New innovation management models should
start from one of the basic innovation management
relations, as in the Kline and Rosenberg Chain-link
model (Kline, S.J. & Rosenberg, N., 1986), which
represents an interaction between a firm’s
capabilities and market opportunities by mains of
strategy as a mediating force, in order to achieve
goals of competitiveness and effectiveness.
Integrative models of innovation processes are based
on this relation between the firm, strategy and
environment Figure 2.
Figure 2: Strategy as a mediating force (Stošić, 2007).
When it comes to product innovation - new
product development (NPD) and introducing it to the
marketplace, the most widely-used is the Stage-Gate
approach, which brings the roadmap for moving a
new product-project from idea to launch.
The actions are taking place in different stages
(from evaluation and selection of ideas to
profitability analysis at the time of trial production),
while the intermediate phases include concept
design and specification analysis, system-level
design, detailed design, and testing or prototyping
(Cooper, 2001). The gates are points of decision-
making, so that the project proceeds to the next
phase if reviewed positively. Otherwise, it continues
or iterates within given phase until it successfully
passes the gate - Figure 3.
The road of upgrading the Stage-Gate model is
going towards networking and integration. The first
step ahead can be noticed in spiral product
development process, which differs from the Stage-
Gate due to its emphasis on comprehensive iteration,
including a series of planned iterations that span
several phases of development. On the other side,
spiral model keeps the same way of defining regular
steps as the Stage-Gate, including concept
development, system level design, detailed design,
and integration and testing, but also requires
managers to evaluate risk early in the project, when
costs are still relatively low (Unger, 2008).
Contemporary models start from different
perspectives of innovation networks that can bring in
new concept and new types of companies such as
entrepreneur-based networks, sector networks, spiral
clusters and technology development consortiums. A
network can be defined as a complex, interconnected
group or system designed to accomplish innovation
project particular tasks; in today’s global
environment, innovation networks are more than just
a way of assembling and deploying knowledge in
the complex world. In global business it would be
nearly impossible to bring idea successfully to
market without network support (Bessant, Tidd,
2008). The network model is more dynamic
comparing to conventional ones, including much
more interaction between knowledge assets outside
the company, reducing risks and making innovation
process more successful.
In this context it should be interesting to mention
P&G Company as one of frequently offered
examples whose innovation strategy was focused on
its internal capabilities and using traditional Stage-
Gate model. Using Innovation Diamond and open
network innovation model, during the last ten years
allowed P&G to increase its pace of innovation
reduce costs and to satisfy more consumer demands.
(Cooper, Heimberg, 2008).
Figure 4: Development of network innovation models
(Unger, 2003).
Finally, in a new model of open innovation, a
company commercializes both its own ideas and
innovations from other firms seeking a way to bring
its in-house ideas to market by deploying pathways
outside its current businesses (Chesbrough, 2007).
Traditional business strategy has guided firms to
develop defensible positions against the forces of
competition and power in the value chain, implying
the importance of constructing barriers to
competition, rather than promoting openness. This
new concept promotes the principle that the
organization should not restrict the knowledge that it
uncovers in its research to its internal market
pathways, nor should those internal pathways
necessarily be constrained to bringing only the
company's internal knowledge to market.
This paper gives an overall review of selected
innovation models, having in mind that one of the
most important questions is that of understanding
innovation and its nature. At the company level,
innovation should have treatment like many business
functions, meaning management process that
requires specific tools and principles, which can be
used to redefine an industry by employing
combination of business model innovation (what is
delivered to market, how it is created and to whom is
it delivered) as well as technology innovation. At the
global level, successful innovation management in
the knowledge-driven economy can be considered as
a strategic development factor, where innovativeness
of the enterprise should provide strategic advantage
at all levels - from the company to the national
economy as a whole. Selected innovation models
which are presented in the paper can be said to mark
different periods in managing innovation, with the
aim to emphasize the importance of modern network
and integrative models that overcome shortcomings
of traditionally innovation process views as
sequence of separable stages or activities.
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INNOV 2010 - International Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT