Ellie D’Hondt and Matthias Stevens
BrusSense Team, Department of Computer Science
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
Pollution, Citizen science, Sustainability, Participatory sensing, Geo-localisation, Tagging, Mobile phones.
We propose a particular approach by which computer science can aid on the technological side of sustainable
development, which at the same time contributes to raising people’s awareness of the issues at hand. In
particular we develop a so-called community memory for urban environmental measurement surveys, focusing
on noise, microclimate and atmospheric pollution. Our goal is to gather data both in a quantitative way, using
participatory mobile sensing, and in a qualitative way, by social tagging. In this way we provide a method for
environmental monitoring which is complementary to current modelling approaches.
The past decade an overwhelming amount of evidence
has accumulated for the fact that the current organisa-
tion of our societies is unmanageable with respect to
the available natural resources. In order to guaran-
tee our future well-being we fundamentally have to
change our lifestyle so that it becomes sustainable,
i.e. so that it achieves an ecological balance by avoid-
ing depletion of natural resources. A lot can and must
be done from the technological and policy side, and as
such sustainability is now a key issue figuring in many
a government directive, company slogan and research
project. On the other hand we are still a long way off
a global transition in everyday lifestyle, as it is only
when people become fully aware of their precarious
ecological situation that one can expect the needed be-
haviour change.
A core ecological issue standing in the way of sus-
tainability is that of environmental pollution, in par-
ticular in urban environments. Combined with sea-
sonal conditions this can lead to critical situations,
with carbon dioxide, ozone and fine particles being
the main concerns. Noise pollution is also a ma-
jor problem in urban environments, affecting human-
behaviour, well-being, productivity and health. Of
course there is already environmental monitoring go-
ing on, demanded by ambitious European norms
such as the European Environmental Noise Direc-
tive 2002/49/EC or guideline 1999/30/EG for Partic-
ulate Matter concentrations. Cities and governments
are already aware of the need for policy or planning
changes to satisfy these norms. However, these efforts
are hampered by two problems: one is the inadequacy
of current pollution measurements, the other the lack
of awareness of the average citizen.
The main issue with current assessment tech-
niques for environmental pollution is that they lack
spatio-temporal data granularity. This is because they
are based on computer simulations which rely on a
very limited amount of actual measurement data only.
As an example, a medium-sized city such as Brus-
sels has only thirteen measuring points for air qual-
ity, which, considering that air quality can change
from one side of the street to the other, is totally in-
adequate. With propagation models based on gen-
eral statistics on traffic flows and industrial activity
– these local measurements are extrapolated to wider
areas to create pollution maps. These maps only
show expected global patterns and are often updated
only infrequently.
As a result, it is very hard to
evaluate the situation in a given neighbourhood, let
alone account for local or accidental noise or atmo-
spheric pollution problems such as road works, street
protests, etc., which are a real burden for citizens
none the less. Because current environmental mon-
itoring techniques are demanding at the levels of ex-
pertise, human resources, computation power, as well
as the quality of measuring devices, they are expen-
sive and not scalable enough to improve easily on
spatio-temporal granularity. As a consequence, there
is no convenient way to assess the individual pollu-
tion exposure of citizens, and indeed few efforts have
For example, EU norms demand noise maps to be up-
dated every five years.
D’Hondt E. and Stevens M. (2010).
In Proceedings of the Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT, pages 77-80
DOI: 10.5220/0003039600770080
been made for people-centric monitoring of the envi-
ronment (Stapelfeldt and Jellyman, 2003).
A second important disadvantage of current data-
gathering methods is the lack of human involved-
ness. Numerous international reports have expressed
the importance of the participation of all citizens,
at all levels, to move towards sustainable devel-
opment (United Nations Environment Programme,
1992; European Parliament and Council, 2002). In-
deed, as is the case with many issues affecting ur-
ban life, pollution cannot be tackled by policy makers
alone, as it requires consideration of the behaviour of
all citizens. In reality, however, citizen participation
often occurs only at the decision making level, and as
such involves only a limited number of citizens. The
problem is one of awareness. Pollution surveys are
carried out by a select group of people using expen-
sive and difficult-to-handle equipment. As such most
citizens have no access to tools to estimate the quality
of their personal environment and how it is affected by
their behaviour and that of their peers. Moreover, cur-
rent environmental measurements are totally decou-
pled from the average citizen’s experience of the situ-
ation. Indeed physical measurement data only tell one
side of the story, and need to be augmented with sub-
jective, qualitative data that trace out the environment
as experienced by individuals.
The bottleneck here is
that existing techniques based on survey forms or in-
terviews by social scientists, do not yield enough data
to be representative on a large-scale. Furthermore be-
cause this data is collected separately it is hard to align
it with physical measurement data. As a result valu-
able information such as knowledge of the source of
pollution or subjective experience thereof, is entirely
In this paper we propose a particular approach
by which computer science can aid on the techno-
logical side of sustainable development, which at the
same time contributes to raising people’s awareness
of the issues at hand. In particular we exploit the
democratisation of technology facilitated by the Inter-
net of Things to realise an increase in and democrati-
sation of environmental information. The Internet of
Things’ vision of connectivity of anyone at anytime
to anything is largely supported by the widespread
use of mobile phones and advances in sensor tech-
nology. Our aim is to put these technologies to use to
enable digitally improved citizen science – the idea of
having volunteers without scientific training perform
research-related tasks such as observation, measure-
ment or computation – in the context of environmen-
For example in the case of noise the same intensity
of sound can give a totally different subjective experience
ranging from pleasant to aggravating.
tal monitoring. As the technologies we rely on are in-
trinsically people-centric, we tackle both the problem
of limited spatio-temporal data granularity and that of
the lack of human involvedness that are typical of cur-
rent simulation-based techniques.
The technological framework we propose for al-
lowing high-granularity person-centric environmental
monitoring is that of community memories. A com-
munity memory (Steels, 2008) is a common ICT re-
source that citizens use to monitor their environment,
to visualise gathered data and to strategise about al-
ternatives for keeping it sustainable. We gather data
both in a quantitative way, using participatory mo-
bile sensing, and in a qualitative way, by social tag-
ging. Participatory sensing (Burke et al., 2006) ap-
propriates everyday mobile devices such as cellular
phones to form interactive, participatory sensory net-
works that enable public and professional users to
gather, analyse and share local knowledge. Social tag-
ging (Steels, 2006; Steels and Tisseli, 2008) augments
this information with tags, open-ended keywords en-
tered through mobile phones ( or through web inter-
faces) as meta-data. The type of data we envision
consists of measurements of environmental parame-
ters such as noise or pollutant concentrations com-
bined with tags for geographical location and time.
Geographic localisation requires sophisticated tech-
nologies such as GPS, GSM-based positioning (Chen
et al., 2006; Gonzalez et al., 2008), or localisation
through WiFi access points (Rekimoto et al., 2007).
On top of this users may tag measurement data with
subjective experiences or the suspected source of pol-
lution. For example, a user might indicate that noise
at a particular spot on the way home from work is
likely to originate from a building site. While there is
no restriction in principle, users tend to converge on
the same tags when they can see tags of others and
their aggregation in tag clouds (Cattuto et al., 2007).
Individual participatory sensing data will obviously
not have the same quality and accuracy as that ob-
tained from high-end environmental monitoring sta-
tions. However, we expect that this issue can be alle-
viated by collecting massively more data and by us-
ing techniques to calibrate and correlate those data. A
schematic representation of the underlying ICT archi-
tecture is given in Figure 1, with mobile device-based
data gathering components on the left-hand side and
the server-based community memory implementation
on the right-hand side. Mobile application software
provides an interface for the user, also allowing tag-
INNOV 2010 - International Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT
ging, either automatically (for spatio-temporal data)
or manually. It also takes care of data transmission
to a central server, which hosts the actual community
memory. At the server side more software takes care
of aggregating gathered data and visualising it on ge-
ographical maps or as tag clouds, as well as providing
an interface for users to interact with one another so
as to build up their community.
The community memory we propose serves both
as an instrument for supporting actions towards pol-
icy makers as well as a platform for making the av-
erage citizen aware of his urban environmental con-
ditions. That community memories have real value
both for the community itself as well as for policy
makers is proved by their success in situations going
from semi-nomadic Mbendjele Pygmies struggling
for the preservation of the rainforests of Congo (Hop-
kin, 2007) to handicapped people striving for easy-
to-navigate streets in Barcelona (Steels and Tisselli,
2008). Moreover the community memory acts as a
repository of environmental data at a much higher
granularity than that of current measuring methods,
which moreover includes person-centric information,
entirely lacking in present-day surveys (Brussels In-
stituut voor Milieubeheer, 2002). Therefore commu-
nity memories resolve both the granularity as well as
the awareness issues highlighted in the above. We
note that to scale up the centralised setup proposed
here one can rely on conventional server duplication
and load-balancing techniques.
To experiment with and evaluate the approach de-
scribed here we are involved in NoiseTube initia-
tive (Maisonneuve et al., 2009). The goal of this on-
going research project is to develop a participatory so-
lution to the monitoring and mapping of urban noise
pollution. Concretely a software platform is provided
that enables citizens to measure their personal expo-
sure to noise by using GPS-equipped mobile phones
as noise sensors. The system allows participants to
share geo-localised measurement data though a com-
munity memory website in order to contribute to col-
lective monitoring initiatives. These initial exper-
iments demonstrate convincingly the need and the
willingness of citizens to be involved, but so far they
have been limited in time and space, mostly due to
time and financial constraints.
The creation of community memories is now tech-
nically feasible largely due to the fact that networked
electronic components are becoming more and more
wide-spread, versatile and affordable. Nevertheless
they require many state-of-the art technologies and
even act as a driver for additional advances in several
areas of computer science and engineering, such as
participatory sensing. Besides the NoiseTube project
other preliminary experiments in active participatory
sensing of the environment have been conducted,
partly organised by governmental organisations and
partly by citizen organisations (Ellul, 2008; Mun
et al., 2009). The idea of using commodity devices
such as mobile phones for scientific purposes and en-
vironmental monitoring in particular is also gaining
traction outside academia, as illustrated by coverage
in science and technology press and mainstream me-
dia (Patel-Predd, 2009; The Economist, 2009).
- user preferences
- phone type
- calibration
- time: system clock
- locate: GPS/GSM/WiFi
- sense: on/offboard
- social tags
Data Actions
- aggregation
- visualisation
(on map & tag clouds)
- improvement
- mining
- linking
Extra Tools
- user interaction
- data selection
- environmental log
device server
Figure 1: Community memory architecture.
In this paper we present the current status of our work
on developing participatory approaches to environ-
mental monitoring. We describe the limitations of
current techniques, the advantages of the participa-
tory approach and the technical challenges it brings.
NoiseTube, our prototype system, represents a work-
ing solution for participative monitoring of urban
noise pollution but remains under active development.
First, in order to evaluate and further improve the cur-
rent system, experimental medium-size deployments
with volunteering citizens are planned for the near fu-
ture. Subsequent larger-size experiments are needed
to validate the overall participatory approach to en-
vironmental monitoring. These efforts require us to
tackle several open challenges, such as developing
a procedure for estimating the credibility of aggre-
gated data as well as improving the quality of the
data through spatio-temporal interpolation or by com-
plementing measurements with propagation methods.
Second, we intend to build upon technologies devel-
oped and lessons learned to evolve NoiseTube into a
more powerful and versatile community memory plat-
form for assessing not only noise but also atmospheric
pollution. In this context sensing is more difficult as
it involves off-board equipment which is also typi-
cally less stable. Third, once data sets become large
enough one can consider more sophisticated analy-
ses through data mining techniques, or by linking our
data repository with databases dealing with topics as
diverse as traffic flows, building schedules or disease
occurrences. Finally, within the larger context of sus-
tainability we cannot but consider the energy trade-
off of the technological developments we propose. In
particular, we need to assess the amount the power
our overall solution consumes for different numbers
of contributing and consulting users.
The first author is supported by the Institute for the
encouragement of Scientific Research and Innovation
of Brussels (IRSIB/IWOIB) and the second by the
Flemish Fund for Scientific Research (FWO).
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INNOV 2010 - International Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT