Dynamic Stock Portfolio Decision-making Assistance Model
based on a Fuzzy Inference System
Isidoro J. Casanova
Department of Informatics and Systems, University of Murcia, Campus de Espinardo, 30100 Murcia, Spain
Finance, Portfolio selection, Trading system, Decision support system, Fuzzy inference system.
This paper describes a decision system based on rules for the management of a stock portfolio using a fuzzy
inference system to select the stocks to be incorporated. This system simulates the intelligent behavior of an
investor, carrying out the buying and selling of stocks, such that during each day the best stocks will be selected
to be incorporated in the portfolio with the use of technical indicators using a fuzzy logic based approach. The
proposed novel fuzzy system only has a simple strict set of rules to decide if a share is bought or not, unlike
other systems that also include rules for the sale and have a lot of complicated rules.
The system has been tested in 3 time periods (1 year, 3 years and 5 years), simulating the purchase/sale of
stocks in the Spanish continuous market and the results have been compared with the revaluations obtained by
the best investment funds operating in Spain.
Investment management consists of strategic asset al-
location, tactical asset allocation, and stock picking
three phases (Amenc and Sourd, 2003). Our study is
focus on tactical asset allocation and stock picking.
To perform the tactical asset allocation an intelli-
gent system based on rules that will dynamically in-
vest in shares for a certain period of time is proposed.
This system will simulate the behavior of any rational
investor, so that each day would look if there is any
investment opportunity, buying or not depending on
how much money is available.
The last phase, stock picking, is one of the most
important phases, since it must decide for each day
what shares should be bought to add to the portfo-
lio. A simple rule that could be used to implement
this step could be to invest in the stock that has been
revalued at least a certain percentage in the last days.
Although we could use more sophisticated rules using
technical analysis, like Relative Strength Index (RSI)
or Moving Average, (Murphy, 1999).
Each of the indicators used in technical analysis
has some limitation, and in most cases, the answer
by each of them is not a definite “yes” or “no”. The
best result could be achieved when combining many
indicators at the same time and evaluating their output
Our proposal is to use technical indicators with
fuzzy logic in order to create a strict fuzzy indicator
that only recommends “buy”, when most of the tech-
nical indicators recommend it.
The proposed system will be applied to the Span-
ish stock market, in particular, the IBEX 35
, keep-
ing in mind that we invest all the available money
in stocks without regard to which sector they belong,
and supporting a maximum of 4 % loss per share. We
will compare our investment performance with the in-
dex itself and with the results that have obtained the
better equity funds that invest in the Spanish continu-
ous market in the time limit of 1, 3 and 5 years.
In Section 2, we introduce the concepts of invest-
ment portfolio and how fuzzy inference systems have
been introduced in order to help in financial market
analysis. In Section 3, we present the system pro-
posed with all the elements that compose it. In Sec-
tion 4, we show different computational results that
illustrate the behavior of the proposed hybrid intelli-
gent system. Finally, we present the conclusions in
Section 5.
The IBEX 35 (an acronym of Iberia Index) is the
benchmark stock market index of the Bolsa de Madrid,
Spain’s principal stock exchange.
J. Casanova I..
TRADINNOVA-FUZ: FUZZY PORTFOLIO INVESTMENT - Dynamic Stock Portfolio Decision-making Assistance Model based on a Fuzzy Inference
DOI: 10.5220/0003058400670072
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Fuzzy Computation and 2nd International Conference on Neural Computation (ICFC-2010), pages
ISBN: 978-989-8425-32-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 Investment Portfolio
The concept behind investment portfolio is to com-
bine different investment targets to avoid concentrat-
ing too much risk on any one target with the aim of
dispersing overall investment risk. Any combination
of two or more securities or assets can be termed an
investment portfolio.
On the other hand efficient-markethypothesis is an
idea partly developed in the 1960s by Eugene Fama
and defended by Burton G. Malkiel (Malkiel, 1973)
which asserts that financial markets are “information-
ally efficient”, or that prices on traded assets (e.g.,
stocks, bonds, or property) already reflect all known
information, and instantly change to reflect new in-
formation. Therefore, according to theory, it is im-
possible to consistently outperform the market by us-
ing any information that the market already knows,
except through luck.
2.2 Fuzzy Inference Systems
A fuzzy inference system is a computer paradigm
based on fuzzy set theory, fuzzy if-then-rules and
fuzzy reasoning.
Fuzzy inference systems have been successfully
applied in fields such as automatic control, data clas-
sification, decision analysis, expert systems, and com-
puter vision. Because of its multidisciplinary nature,
fuzzy inference systems are associated with a number
of names, such as fuzzy-rule-basedsystems, fuzzy ex-
pert systems, fuzzy modeling, fuzzy associative mem-
ory, fuzzy logic controllers, and simply (and ambigu-
ously) fuzzy systems.
In the field of financial market analysis, we have
for example, (Dourra and Siy, 2002), which uses
three technical indicators (rate of change, stochastic
momentum and resistance indicator) in a fuzzy con-
trol system with the following modules: convergence
(maps the technical indicators into new inputs), fuzzi-
fication, fuzzy processing and defuzzification (using
the center of area method to map the output universe
with four membership functions -low, medium, big
and large- into a nonfuzzy action). Also in (Che-
ung and Kaymak, 2007) the fuzzy trading system
is based on four technical indicators (Moving Av-
erage Convergence/Divergence, Commodity Channel
Index, Relative Strength Index and Bollinger Bands)
and the output of the fuzzy system is a signal on a nor-
malized domain, on which four different fuzzy sets
(strong sell, sell, buy and strong buy) are defined.
On the other hand in (Atsalakis and Valavanis,
2009) use a neuro-fuzzy based methodology to fore-
cast the next day’s trend of chosen stocks. The fore-
casting is based on the rate of change of three-day
stock price moving average.
3.1 Intelligent System for Tactical Asset
The proposed system for decision making is based on
a policy of buying and selling the stocks that make up
any stock market over a period of time.
This policy of buying and selling is based on that
if we assume a stock market quoted from a start date
) until an end date (date
), each one of
those days, all their stocks have had an opening price
), a maximum price (p
), a minimum price
) and a closing price (p
If we take a day d between date
and date
which you have no shares purchased (there is no order
of sale or purchase pending), then we will be able to
select a set of m stocks (S
), using technical analysis
or any other technique, which would be most recom-
mendable to buy, because it expects them to give a
good return.
The technique for selecting stocks should calcu-
late a value for each one of the stocks that make up the
market on that day d, quantifying if it would be advis-
able to buy the shares. Stocks are ordered from most
to least according to this value, and the system will
have to choose the best set of stocks, defining which
minimum value is considered for a stock to belong
to this set of the better stocks, existing the possibility
that one day any stock is not recommended (m = 0),
or that many are recommended because its analysis
has been the sufficiently satisfactory for all them.
Once we have this set S
with the selection of the
best stocks for a day d, we might try to buy all or some
of these stocks. To simplify the algorithm we will try
to buy only one of the selected stocks every day, so
that after several days, we could have a portfolio of
n stocks (S
). Thus, to choose the stock to buy we
would have two possibilities, to select the best or well
to select any randomly.
Once we have chosen a stock, we will have to give
the purchase order for the next day. We will limit the
purchase price to any of the prices that has had the
stock during that same day ([p
, p
]), or choose
the opening p
or closing p
price of the next
day. If we use a low purchase price, there are fewer
ICFC 2010 - International Conference on Fuzzy Computation
possibilities to execute the purchase in the following
days, but on the other hand, the stock will be bought
more cheaply.
The next day (d + 1), one sees if the purchase
of the share can be executed, whenever the purchase
price of this day is between p
and p
. If this
purchase order does not manage to be executed in
W days, then we would eliminate this purchase or-
der, and would give a new purchase order, selecting a
share among the best ones of that day. On this follow-
ing day in which we can already have bought shares, it
is necessary to calculate which of them should be kept
in the portfolio and which should be sold, reason why
a new analysis is performed to select p stocks (S
) so
that using again anyone of the previously commented
techniques would tell us which stocks shall be main-
tained in the portfolio, since it is expected that they
give a good profit value. The technique used must
calculate a value for each of the stocks that make up
the market on that day d + 1, quantifying if it would
be advisable to maintain this share in the portfolio.
In this new day we would check if each one of
the bought stocks continues being among the best that
are recommended to maintain in the portfolio (S
), in
which case we would not do anything or otherwise we
would leave spent M days without the stock among
the best to give a sale order. A sale order is given
when M days have passed without the stock is recom-
mended to keep in the portfolio or when the stock has
had a loss regarding the price of purchase higher than
a certain percentage P%. A sale order will also have
a limited price, as the purchase order. The higher the
sale price more difficult it is to execute the sell or-
der. In case during V days it is not possible to sell at
this price, probably because the stock is in a bearish
period, then we would descend the price of this sale
3.2 Stock Picking based on a Fuzzy
Inference System
For every day d along the investment period it is nec-
essary to look for which are the best shares S
to be
able to introduce them in the decision support sys-
tem dedicated to tactical asset allocation commented
in the previous paragraph, and that this one decides
how it is going to invest in them.
To select the best shares of one day d, we are go-
ing to use technical analysis indicators, although the
most difficult part of technical analysis is to decide
which indicator to use.
We have chosen the following four technical indi-
cators to select stocks:
1. Average Revaluation Period (ARP). Average
revaluation that has had a stock in a given period
of time.
2. Relative Strength Index (RSI). Relative
Strength Index of a stock in a given period of
3. Moving Average (MA). Calculates the revalua-
tion that reaches a stock with respect to the aver-
age value of price in a given period of time.
4. Double Moving Average (DMA). Known also as
double crossover method, uses a combination of
long-term and short-term moving averages. When
the shorter moving average rises above the longer
moving average from below, a buy signal is is-
The results of applying these indicators to the
stocks are going to be the input variables in the fuzzy
inference system. We have chosen these indicators
because they are basic in the world of technical anal-
ysis, and because they are very easy to understand.
Technical analysis deals with probability and
therefore multiple indicators can be used to improve
the result. In most cases, the answer by each indicator
is not a definite yes or no answer.
We are going to use technical indicators with
fuzzy logic to create a strict fuzzy indicator that only
recommends to buy a stock when the set of indicators
does it. We will only focus on the purchase recom-
mendations, because the intelligent system discussed
in the preceding section will be in chargeof managing
the portfolio, selling those shares no longer necessary.
Our plan can be summarized as follows:
To create membership functions, where the inputs
are each one of the financial indicators and the
outputs are these indicators “fuzzified”
To create fuzzy rules that indicate if it is highly
recommendable to buy a share.
To translate the fuzzy output into a crisp trading
3.2.1 Fuzzification
The input variables in this fuzzy inference system are
mapped by sets of membership functions, known as
“fuzzy sets”. The process of converting a crisp input
value to a fuzzy real value between 0 and 1 is called
“fuzzification”. The fuzzification comprises the pro-
cess of transforming crisp values into grades of mem-
bership for linguistic terms of fuzzy sets. The mem-
bership function is used to associate a grade to each
linguistic term.
Our fuzzy system also have a “ON-OFF” type of
switch for the Double Moving Average input vari-
able, because this input will always have a truth value
TRADINNOVA-FUZ: FUZZY PORTFOLIO INVESTMENT - Dynamic Stock Portfolio Decision-making Assistance
Model based on a Fuzzy Inference System
equal to either 1 or 0, depending if the buy signal has
been issued.
There is yet no fixed, unique, and universal rule
or criterion for selecting a membership function for
a particular “fuzzy subset” in general: a correct and
good membership function is determined by the user
based on his scientific knowledge, working experi-
ence, and actual need for the particular application in
The criteria followed in the fuzzification of prof-
itability and RSI are explained below.
Fuzzification of Profitability. At the moment of
carrying out the fuzzification of the daily profit val-
ues, the present fuzzy systems usually assign “low”,
“normal” or “high profitability values according to
subjective estimations carried out by the writer of the
In this research, in order to perform this fuzzy-
fication we need to keep in mind that, statistically
(Figure 1), is considered normal profitability between
0% and 0.5%-1%, high profitability between 0.5%-
1% and 1.5%-4%, and very high profitability from
1.5%-4%, (BME, 2009).
Figure 1: Histogram of daily returns on IBEX35 (2003-
The membership grade functions defined on the
profitability domain are based on trapezoid shapes
(Figure 2). It can be seen that just positive returns
have been considered, since only this type of profit
values will be able to originate recommendations for
Fuzzification of RSI. The Relative Strength Index
(RSI) method, which was developed by J. Welles
Wilder, may be classified as a momentum oscillator,
measuring the velocity and magnitude of directional
price movements. Momentum is the rate of the rise or
fall in price.
Wilder posited that when price moves up very
rapidly, at some point it is considered overbought.
Likewise, when price falls very rapidly, at some point
it is considered oversold. In either case, Wilder felt a
reaction or reversal is imminent.
As a result, Wilder believed that tops and bottoms
are indicated when RSI goes above 70 or drops below
30. Traditionally, RSI readings greater than the 70
level are considered to be in overbought territory, and
RSI readings lower than the 30 level are considered
to be in oversold territory. In between the 30 and 70
level is considered neutral.
The membership grade functions defined on the
RSI domain (Figure 2) have the following fuzzy sets
(overbought, oversold and neutral) based on a trape-
zoid shape.
Figure 2: Membership functions.
3.2.2 Fuzzy Rule Base
Decisions are made based on fuzzy rules. These rules
are characterized by a collection of fuzzy IF THEN
rules in which the preconditions and post-conditions
involve linguistic variables. This collection of fuzzy
rules characterizes the behavior of the system in a lin-
guistic form that is close to the way human think.
Designing a good fuzzy logic rule base is key to
obtaining a satisfactory controller for a particular ap-
plication. Therefore, when designing the rules, it has
been taken into account that only those rules that de-
fine the purchase of a stock must be defined, and they
should be the easiest possible rules so as to under-
stand its application. Thus, only the linguistic term
associated with the most representative membership
function to make a purchase (“RSI oversold” or “prof-
itability very high”) has been used when setting these
rules, and not other membership functions such as
ICFC 2010 - International Conference on Fuzzy Computation
“profitability high” which are usually used in other
For simplicity of design we have taken linear
input-output relations (implications) in a SISO sys-
tem. Generally, in multiple-input/multiple-output
(MIMO) fuzzy inference systems, it is difficult to gen-
erate control rules.
Keeping the rules mentioned above in mind, the
rules that we have defined are the following:
1. IF RSI is oversold THEN buy
2. IF DMA is buy signal THEN buy
3. IF MA is very high THEN buy
4. IF ARP is very high THEN buy
5. OTHERWISE not buy
The antecedent (the rules premise) describes to
what degree the rule applies, while the conclusion (the
rules consequent) assigns a membership function to
the output variable.
The output variable “buy” is assigned a range be-
tween 0 and 1. A low value represents that is not a
good idea to buy the stock and a high value represents
an excellent opportunity to buy the stock. There is
an inverse relationship between the output member-
ship functions “buy” and “not buy” so that: buy = 1 -
not buy.
The strength of the ith fuzzy rule is calculated by
evaluating the strength of the precondition i (degree
of truth) on the corresponding output membership.
The final value of the output variable will correspond
exactly with the value that reaches the membership
function in the precondition.
3.2.3 Combining Rules and Defuzzification
As all the rules are activated every day resulting in
different values for the output fuzzy set “buy”, cor-
responding each output value with the value of the
fuzzified input, we are going to perform a combi-
nation of rules additive, (Kosko, 1992), to obtain a
unique final value assigning a weight to each rule.
The weight of the combiner can be thought of as
providing degrees of belief to each rule, but we con-
sider that all the rules have the same importance, so
we set all the weights equal to unity.
Defuzzication is a mapping process from a fuzzy
space defined over an output universe of discourse
into a nonfuzzy (crisp) action. It is not a unique oper-
ation as different approaches are possible.
The final output of the system (a crisp control sig-
nal) is a value between 0 and 1. A strong buy signal is
generated when the output is close to 1.0 and a strong
not buy signal is generated when the output is close to
The fuzzy logic and the fuzzy control rules are
considered and are chosen so that the defuzzified out-
put is always a linear function of the inputs to the
fuzzy controller. According to (Sun and Liu, 2002)
the output of multiple input single output fuzzy logic
controller can be represented by the convex linear
combination of the inputs of fuzzy logic controller.
Therefore, to calculate the final output of the sys-
tem we calculate the average of the fuzzified values
that have been returned by the selected membership
We are going to verify the operation of the system
in 3 periods of time: 5 years (2005-2009), 3 years
(2007-2009) and 1 year (2009). The market where
we will operate will be the Spanish stock market, but
restricted to the shares that conformed the IBEX35 in
the year 2009. The historic prices have been corrected
of dividends, splits and increases in capital. The short
selling is not allowed. The cost of each trade has been
taken into consideration, so that we assume that the
financial intermediary charges a fee of 0.2% and we
are going to consider the transaction fees published
by the market of Madrid.
The portfolio will be formed by 14 shares as max-
imum and the rule which is responsible for defining
whether a stock should remain in the portfolio has
been defined so that the Relative Strength Index of
the shares for 28 days must be worth at least 45 for
not give a sale order if the stock has remained in the
portfolio at least 14 days. The maximum loss allowed
to give an immediate sale order is 4%.
In Table 1 are the results obtained in each one
of the three periods and they are compared with the
revaluation of IBEX 35 in that time. Also is the vari-
ance of the daily revaluation throughout each one of
the periods. We can found that the system achieves
a lower variance than produced by the IBEX 35 and
therefore offers less risk. This is because the intelli-
gent system for tactical asset allocation controls the
behavior of the shares, selling for example those that
have lost over 4%.
To evaluate the importance of the results obtained
with this system, we are going to compare them with
the results of a report elaborated by INVERCO (Span-
ish Association of Investment and Pension Funds).
Table 2 shows the ranking (R) by annual equiva-
lent return (APR) in periods of 1, 3 and 5 years of
each one of the best Spanish equity funds (Foncaixa
Bolsa Espa˜na 150, BBVA Bolsa Ibex Quant, Bank-
inter Bolsa Espa˜na 2, CC Borsa 11, Venture Bol.
TRADINNOVA-FUZ: FUZZY PORTFOLIO INVESTMENT - Dynamic Stock Portfolio Decision-making Assistance
Model based on a Fuzzy Inference System
Table 1: Result of the simulation vs. IBEX35 revaluation.
System Period Result Variance
Simulation 2009 42.94% 1.65
IBEX35 2009 26.22% 2.45
Simulation 2007-2009 5.22% 1.42
IBEX35 2007-2009 -16.92% 3.34
Simulation 2005-2009 104.23% 1.12
IBEX35 2005-2009 30.85% 2.23
Espa˜nola), until 31 December 2009.
Table 2: Ranking of funds from Spanish equity investment
(INVERCO, 2009).
2009 2007-2009 2005-2009
Equity funds APR R APR R APR R
Foncaixa 51.9 1 8.9 79
BBVA 48.7 2 13.0 86
Bankinter 34.5 32 4.4 1 11.7 1
CC 19.1 88 2.4 2 4.1 72
Venture 34.9 24 0.0 6 10.6 2
Simulation 42.9 5 1.7 3 15.4 1
In this report elaborated by INVERCO we can see
that the most profitable fund in 2009 was the Fon-
caixa Bolsa Espa
na 150, with a 51.9% of revaluation,
although this fund was ranked in the position 79 by
the return of -8.9% APR that obtained in the 3 pre-
vious years. Our system obtains in 2009 a yield of
42.9%, so that if we could participate in this ranking
we would be included in the fifth position by yield to
one year.
To three years view the stock market crisis con-
tinues nevertheless passing bill, since almost all the
funds register red numbers, except the first funds, like
Bankinter Bolsa Espa
na 2, that with a 4.4% APR
would remain first inside this ranking of the better
investment funds in Spain for 3 years. Our system
achieves a revaluation of 1.7% APR in this period,
therefore we would remain third in the ranking for
profitability for 3 years.
With a horizon of five years, the situation is dif-
ferent: some funds, as the mentioned Bankinter Bolsa
na 2 (11.7% APR) or Venture Bol. Espa
(10.6% APR) obtain notable performances, although
our system surpasses all of these funds with a profit
value of 15.4% APR.
This article has proposed a hybrid intelligent system
that solves quite successful investment in shares form-
ing a portfolio. This system has two main parts: the
first is responsible for buying and selling shares, man-
aging a portfolio and monitoring the purchased shares
and the second part is responsible for selecting which
are the best shares to incorporate them into the port-
The part entrusted to realize the tactical asset al-
location, corresponds to a decision system based on
rules and the part entrusted to select shares has been
based on a fuzzy inference system.
In the obtained results the revaluation of the ref-
erence index is surpassed (IBEX35) in all the periods
and even we can place the hybrid intelligent system
in the first positions of the ranking by profit value if
it is compared with commercial investment funds that
invest in Spanish equities.
Supported by the project TIN2008-06872-C04-03 of
the MICINN of Spain and European Fund for Re-
gional Development.
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ICFC 2010 - International Conference on Fuzzy Computation