A Analytical Network Model for Result Merging for Metasearch using Fuzzy
Linguistic Quantifiers
Arijit De
TCS Innovation Labs-Mumbai, Tata Consultancy Services, Pokhran Road, Thane (W), Mumbai, 400601, India
Elizabeth Diaz
Department of Math and Computer Science, University of Texas- Permian Basin, Texas, U.S.A.
Keywords: Information Retrieval, Fuzzy Sets, Soft Computing, Multi-criteria Decision Making.
Abstract: Search Engines are tools for searching the World Wide Web or any other large data collection. Search
engines typically accept a user query and returns a list of relevant documents. These documents are
generally returned as a result list for the user to see. A metasearch engine is a tool that allows an information
seeker to search information on the world wide web through multiple search engines. A key function of a
metasearch engine is to aggregate search results returned by many search engines. Result aggregation is an
important task for a metasearch engine. In this paper we propose a model for result aggregation for
metasearch, Fuzzy ANP, that employs fuzzy linguistic quantifier guided approach to result merging using
Saty's Analytical Network Process. We compare our model to two existing result merging models, the
Borda Fuse model and the OWA model for metasearch. Our results show that our model outperforms the
OWA model and Borda-Fuse model significantly.
A metasearch engine expands the scope of web
search by using multiple search engines to search for
information in parallel in response to a user query.
Search engines return web documents relevant to a
query as a ranked result list of documents. The
metasearch engine then aggregates the ranks
obtained by documents from various search engines
to create a merged list of web documents. The result
aggregation problem for metasearch can be
modelled as multi criteria decision making (MCDM)
problem with search systems being the judges and
documents being the alternatives to be ranked by
In this paper we propose a model for result
merging, Fuzzy ANP, which is based on Saty’s
Analytical Network Process (ANP) (Saty, 1996) and
employs Fuzzy Linguistic Quantifiers proposed by
Zadeh (Zadeh, 1983) and Yager (Yager, 1986) in
conjunction with ANP. We compare the
performance of our model with two well established
models for result merging. The first of these models
is the fuzzy result merging model OWA proposed by
Diaz (Diaz, 2004) based on Yager’s (Yager, 1983)
OWA operator and the second is the Borda-Fuse
model proposed by Aslam and Montage (Aslam and
Montague, 2001) based on Borda Count (Borda
1781). In subsequent sections of this paper we
review existing result merging models and then
discussing the proposed Fuzzy ANP model, our
experiments, and results of them and finally
summarize our discussions in a conclusion.
The most popular model for result aggregation was
the Borda-Fuse model proposed by Aslam and
Montague (Aslam and Montague, 2001). Diaz (Diaz,
2004) applied Yager’s (Yager, 1983) OWA operator
to create a result aggregation model for metasearch.
The Borda-Fuse model was proposed by Aslam
and Montague (Aslam and Montague, 2001) based
De A. and Diaz E..
FUZZY ANP - A Analytical Network Model for Result Merging for Metasearch using Fuzzy Linguistic Quantifiers.
DOI: 10.5220/0003059400730078
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Fuzzy Computation and 2nd International Conference on Neural Computation (ICFC-2010), pages
ISBN: 978-989-8425-32-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
on the Borda-Count (Borda, 1781). The model
assigns a specific number of “Borda” points, let us
say d, to the top document in each list to be merged.
The next document is assigned d-1 Borda points and
so on. Remaining points are distributed amongst
documents that exist in some result lists but are
missing in others. The documents are ranked in
descending order according to the total number of
points accumulated in these lists.
Diaz (Diaz, 2004) applies the OWA operator for
result aggregation in a metasearch model. The OWA
model uses a measure similar to Borda points, called
positional values. The positional value (PV) of a
document d
in the result list l
returned by a search
engine s
is defined as (n – r
+ 1) where, r
is the
rank of d
in search engine s
and n is the total
number of documents in the result. Thus, the top
ranked document in a result list has the highest
positional value. One shortcoming of the Borda-Fuse
model is that it handles missing documents by
distributing the remaining points available to them
uniformly without considering individual document
popularities. Reasons for missing documents are
obvious as coverage of search systems vary. Diaz
(Diaz, De, and Raghavan, 2005) addresses this issue
by proposing two simple heuristics for handling
missing documents by calculating a virtual
positional value of the document from its positional
value in other lists where it appears
Let us now look at the OWA operator proposed
by Yager (Yager, 1983). The OWA operator was
original proposed by Yager as multi-criteria decision
making (MCDM) approach. Let A
, A
….. A
be n
criteria of concern in a multi-criteria decision
making problem and x be a alternative, being rated
by/against these criteria. A
(x) ε [0, 1] indicates the
degree to which x satisfies the j
criteria. Yager
(Yager, 1983) comes up with a decision function F
to combine these criteria and evaluate the degree to
which the alternative x satisfies the criteria. Let
(x), a
(x), and a
(x).The OWA
decision function is F (a
, a
, a
, ..., a
) = w
all j, 1 j n. Here b
is the j
greatest a
. Here w
the ordered weight vector attached to the j
and such that the ordered weight vector W = [w
, w
] associated with the OWA operator is key to
determining the “orness” of the aggregation.
In the OWA model for metasearch, Diaz (Diaz,
2004) uses the Yager (Yager, 1986) approach to
computing OWA weights using linguistic
quantifiers. The weight associated with the i
criterion (positional value associated with a search
engine) is given by w
= Q(i/n) – Q((i-1)/n). Here, Q
is a Regular Increasing Monotone quantifier of the
form Q(r) = r
. The orness associated with the
quantifier, orness(Q) = 1/(1+α). In the OWA model,
each search engine is a criteria, each document an
alternative and the positional value of the document
in a search engine result list corresponds to the
extent to which a document (alternative) satisfies a
search engine (criteria) for a specific query.
Documents are ranked in descending order of F
computed by the OWA operator.
The OWA model for metasearch assigns weights
to the positional values of documents based on the
order. While it is comprehensive in handling missing
documents, it does not explore the relationship
between documents and search engines in pair wise
comparisons. Saty (Saty, 2007) highlights the
advantages of pair wise comparisons in MCDM
problems. To create a model that explores the
relationship between documents and search engines,
we came with the Fuzzy ANP model for metasearch.
Our main motivation was to build a model that
analyzed the close relationship between documents
and search engines in a pair wise comparison. While
Saty’s Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a
more popular MCDM approach, we chose to build
our model on the more generic Analytical Network
Process (ANP) as the core structure of the
metasearch problem is not hierarchical in nature.
Let us describe the Analytical Network Process,
before proceeding to give an overview of Fuzzy
Linguistic Quantifiers developed by Yager (Yager,
1986) which is used in transforming the ANP super
matrix to a weighted (column stochastic) super
3.1 Analytical Network Process
Saty proposed two MCDM techniques, the
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) (Saty, 1980)
and the Analytical Network Process (ANP) (Saty,
1996). While the AHP is considered the technique of
choice for most hierarchical MCDM problems, the
ANP is used when the problem cannot be structured
hierarchically because the problem involves the
interaction and dependence of higher level elements
on a lower level element (Saty, 1996). Moreover,
when the problem is not hierarchical in nature the
Analytical Network Process (ANP) is more
The first step in the ANP process is model
construction and problem structuring. In this step the
ICFC 2010 - International Conference on Fuzzy Computation
key components in the model, alternatives and
criteria need to be clearly identified and their
relationships captured through the creation of a
network. The structure can be obtained by the
opinion of decision makers through brainstorming or
other appropriate methods.
The second step is the creation of pair wise
comparison matrices and priority vectors. In ANP
decision elements at each component are compared
pair wise with respect to their importance towards
their control criterion, and the components
themselves are also compared pair wise with respect
to their contribution to the goal. Pair wise
comparisons where two alternatives or two criteria at
a time can be done quantitatively or by discussing
with experts. In addition, if there are
interdependencies among elements of a component,
pair wise comparisons also need to be created, and
an eigenvector can be obtained for each element to
show the influence of other elements on it. The
relative importance values are determined with
Saaty’s 1-9 scale where a score of 1 represents equal
importance between the two elements and a score of
9 indicates the extreme importance of one element
(row component in the matrix) compared to the
other one (column component in the matrix).
Let us formalize the notion of pair wise
comparisons and construction of the super matrix.
Let us say we have a set of alternatives A =
} and a set of criterion C = {c
Using the 9 point scale we can compare alternatives
pair wise for each criterion, based on the degree to
which the alternative satisfies the criterion. Thus for
each alternative a
in A we can obtain a pair wise
matrix M. Each element of the matrix M, m
represents a quantified result of pair wise
comparison of alternatives a
and a
. Here 1/9 m
9 as per the 9 point scale. In the 9 point scale, the
values m
is 1,3,5,7 and 9 if a
is equally, weakly,
strongly, very strongly and absolutely more
important than a
respectively. The values m
is 1/3,
1/5, 1/7 and 1/9 if a
is weakly, strongly, very
strongly and absolutely more important than a
. To
obtain the priority vectors we divide each element of
the matrix M by the sum of the column and then
average out the values. Thus we can obtain for each
criteria c
a priority vector V = {V
, where 1 j p}
and each V
represents the alternative a
. Thus for
each (c
, a
) we get a value V
Similarly, criteria can also be compared pair
wise with reference to alternatives, depending on
how each pair of criteria (c
, c
) measure up with
respect to an alternative, for all c
, c
in C. Similarly
priority vectors can be created for each alternative a
such that we obtain a priority value V
for (a
, c
The third step in the process is to create a super
matrix. The super matrix concept is similar to the
Markov chain process. To obtain global priorities in
a system with interdependent influences, the local
priority vectors are entered in the appropriate
columns of a matrix. As a result, a super matrix is
actually a partitioned matrix, where each matrix
segment represents a relationship between two nodes
(components or clusters) in a system.
To put it simply the super matrix is a matrix that
contains each priority vector corresponding to
criteria and alternatives. The super matrix is a square
matrix with each alternative and each criteria being a
row element and as well as a column element. Each
priority vector for an alternative and criterion is
placed in the column for that alternative or criterion
in the super matrix.
The super matrix created must be raised to a
higher power till it converges to a limiting super
matrix. Convergence occurs when each column of
the super matrix contain identical values. Thus final
scores are obtained for each alternative from their
corresponding row values in the limiting super
matrix. However for the initial super matrix created
to converge it needs to be column stochastic. This
means that all column values need sum up to 1. Thus
prior to creating a limiting super matrix, each
element in every column of the super matrix needs
to weighted such the sum of elements in the column
need to sum up to unity. This intermediate step
results in the creation of a weighted super matrix.
3.2 Linguistic Quantifiers
Our model for result merging, Fuzzy ANP is based
on the Analytical Network Process of ANP. While
the backbone of the model is the Analytical Network
Process, we use a Fuzzy Linguistic Quantifier
Guided approach to transforming the super matrix
into the column stochastic weighted super-matrix.
Linguistic quantifiers have been used to generate
ordered weights for aggregation in the OWA
operator (Yager, 1986). Zadeh (Zadeh, 1983)
introduced linguistic quantifiers as way to
mathematically model linguistic terms such as at
most, many, at least half, some and few and
suggested a formal representation of these linguistic
quantifiers using fuzzy sets. In classical logic, only
two fundamental quantifiers are used. These
quantifiers are “there exists” a certain number and
“all”. Zadeh breaks up quantifiers into two types:
absolute and relative. Absolute quantifiers can be
represented as zero or positive real numbers, such as
FUZZY ANP - A Analytical Network Model for Result Merging for Metasearch using Fuzzy Linguistic Quantifiers
“about 5,” “greater than 10.” Relative quantifiers are
terms such as “most,” “few,” or “about half.” Yager
(Yager, 1986) distinguished three categories of these
relative quantifiers. Of these the most popular
quantifier is the Regular Increasing Monotone
(RIM) quantifier of the form Q(r) = r
, mentioned
earlier. Yager (Yager, 1986) shows how to model
these quantifiers, to obtain weights for his OWA
operator as described earlier. When
criteria/alternative importances are available Yager
uses equation 1 to compute weights.
Here u
is the weights of the k
criteria to be
merged. One property of the weights so generated is
that they always add up to unity. We exploit this
feature in the construction of the weighted super
In our Fuzzy ANP model for metasearch we
borrow this notion of linguistic quantifier guided
weights in transforming the constructed super matrix
to the weighted (column stochastic) super matrix.
Let us illustrate the working with the help of an
example. Let us say that a column of our super
matrix constructed is of the form [0, 0, 0, 0.8, 0.6,
. Clearly these values do not add up to unity
and therefore the column is not stochastic. To
transform this column into a column stochastic
matrix we compute Fuzzy Linguistic Weights using
the equation 3. Here u
, u
and u
are 0 while u
0.8, u
= 0.6 and u
= 0.4. Let us say we apply a
weight of α = 1 (for simplicity). Weights w
, w
are 0. Weight w
= 0.44, w
= 0.337 and w
0.222. Now our column becomes [0, 0, 0, 0.44,
0.337, 0.222].
3.3 Proposed Model
Our proposed model Fuzzy ANP is based on Saty’s
(Saty, 1996) Analytical Network Process (ANP). In
our model in order to apply the Analytical Network
Process, we treat our search engines (criteria) and
documents (alternative) as nodes in a network. The
steps are outlined below.
Step 1 Modelling document and Search Engines
relationships in a network. Each document and
search engine appear as nodes in the network. If a
document is retrieved and ranked/scored by a search
engine then we model it by creating an edge between
the search engine and the document. If a document
does not appear in the result list of a search engine
then there is no edge created between the document
and the search engine. In all subsequent pair wise
comparison, involving the document and the search
engine the appropriate element in the matrix is
assigned a value of 0. Thus missing documents are
factored in without the employment of heuristics.
Step 2 Pair Wise Comparison of Documents and
Search Engines. With this creation of a network of
nodes, we can proceed to do pair wise comparison of
documents based on their ranks/scores obtained
from different search engines. Let us say we have
two documents D
and D
. A search engine SE
returns a relevance score of SC
and SC
for them
respectively. The pair-wise comparison value
, D
, D
) = ((SC
- SC
)/( SC
- SC
))*9. If
only ranks are available, then we replace ranks R
and R
are used for documents D
and D
respectively. Here SC
and SC
are the
maximum scores obtained by any document in the
list. These pair wise comparison values are stored in
a matrix, which can be normalized by dividing each
column by a sum of all elements in the column and
then by taking the average of each row. Similarly
search engines can be compared pair-wise based on
ranks/scores they give documents. Using the results
of pair-wise comparison we can construct pair-wise
comparison matrices and compute priority vectors
for documents specific to the search engine and
search engines specific to a document. The priority
vector specific to document D
would be Vector
]. Here we assume n search engines.
Similarly a vector can be created for every search
engine whose results are being merged.
Step 3 Constructing the Super Matrix. Next we
create super matrix that holds all search engine and
document priority vectors as columns. The super
matrix is created with each search engine and
document being a row as well as a column element.
Each document priority vector is placed in a column
for the corresponding document with values in the
priority vector representing each search engine
going into the row for each search engine. Similarly
search engine priority vectors can be places in
columns for their specific search engines.
Step 4 Transforming the Super Matrix to form a
Weighted Super Matrix. For the ANP to converge
we need to transform the super matrix to a column
stochastic super matrix. This is done by applying
weights to elements in each column such that all
column values add up to unity. We take the column
values and use them as inputs in computing
linguistic fuzzy weights as developed by Yager
(Yager, 1986) and described in equation 3 and the
subsequent example (section 3.2). This makes the
ICFC 2010 - International Conference on Fuzzy Computation
matrix column stochastic as the linguistic fuzzy
weights add up to unity.
Step 5 Computing Limiting Super Matrix. This is
done raising the weighted super matrix to a higher
power to achieve column convergence. The rows
corresponding to the documents contain the final
scores for the documents. The documents can be
sorted by scores obtained in the merged result list.
The focus of our experiments is to study the
performance of our Fuzzy ANP model for result
merging and compare it with the performance of the
Borda-Fuse and OWA models. We do this
performance comparison for score-based result
merging when document scores from search engines
are available.
We use the OHSUMED collection compiled by
Hersh (Hersh, Buckley, Leone, and Hickam, 1994)
constituted in LETOR 2 (Learning TO Rank) (Liu,
Xu, Qin, Xiong, and Li, 2007) dataset. The
collection consists of 106 queries. The degree of
relevance for each query-document pair is pre-
judged and categorized as 0 (non relevant), 1
(possibly relevant) and 2(definitely relevant). There
are a total of 16,140 query-document pairs with
relevance judgments. There are 25 features for each
document and relevance scores between 0 and 1,
based on these features are provided for each query.
For our experiments features are treated as search
systems and the result list of documents returned by
them along with document scores for the 106 queries
in the OHSUMED dataset are treated as result lists
for merging.
The objective of our experiments is to gauge the
performance of our model in terms of RB precision
of the aggregated result list and compare it with the
performance of the Borda-Fuse and OWA models.
In our experiments we vary the number of result lists
being merged from 2 and 12. Search systems and
queries are picked at random. We merge these result
lists using the OWA, Borda-fuse and Fuzzy ANP
models. For our Fuzzy ANP model and the OWA
model, we vary the Linguistic Quantifier parameter
α, from 0.25 to 2, that is used to compute ordered
weights in the OWA model and column stochastic
weights in our Fuzzy ANP model. We calculate the
RB-precision of the merged list from each of the
models based on relevance judgements provided as
part of the dataset for standard recall levels of 0.25,
0.5, 0.75 and 1 and compute the average. Over 1000
iterations of experiments are performed.
Figure 1 shows the variation is average precision
when the number of search engines being varied (N).
The benefits of metasearch are illustrated by the
results as the overall average precision of the
merged result list goes up when merging more
number of search engines. Clearly the OWA model
outperforms the Borda-Fuse. Also, our Fuzzy ANP
model outperforms the Borda-Fuse model and the
OWA model as demonstrated by Table 1.
Model pe rfor m ance: Average Precis ion vs. N
Average Precision
Precis ion
Precis ion
Precis ion
Fuzzy ANP
Figure 1: Model Performance over variation of N
Figure 2 shows the variation is average precision
when the Linguistic Quantifier parameter α used to
compute weights is varied from 0.25 through to 2.
Consistent with the findings of Diaz (Diaz, 2004),
the performance of the OWA model is best when α =
0.25 and goes down to a lowest value when α = 1.
When α increases beyond that value the performance
in terms of RB-precision goes up. However, this is
not the case for our Fuzzy ANP model. The
performance of the OWA model is poorest when
‘orness’ of aggregation is balances i.e., under simple
averaging conditions. Under conditions of high
orness when α 1 and under high andness
conditions when α 1 the model performance of the
OWA model is higher. However, the performance of
the Fuzzy ANP model gradually goes up when
orness aggregation goes down i.e., as α progresses
from 0.25 towards 2. The Fuzzy ANP model
improves significantly in terms of average Recall
Based (RB) precision by over the OWA and Borda-
Fuse models. Table 2 shows the percentage
improvements of the Fuzz ANP model over the
OWA and the Borda-Fuse models when Linguistic
Quantifier parameter α is varied from 0.25 to 2.5.
In this paper we have proposed a model for result
merging for metasearch that is based on the
FUZZY ANP - A Analytical Network Model for Result Merging for Metasearch using Fuzzy Linguistic Quantifiers
Model Perform ance: Average Precision for ALPHA
0.25 0.5 1 2 2.5
Average Precision
Fuzzy ANP
Figure 2: Model Performance over variation of α.
Table 1: % Improvement of Fuzzy ANP over OWA and
Borda Fuse when N is varied.
Over OWA Over Borda-Fuse
2 23.7387 97.7623
4 24.6219 97.7170
6 26.2190 97.7787
8 26.7376 97.7885
10 23.7000 97.4114
12 28.4656 97.6761
Table 2: % Improvement of Fuzzy ANP over OWA and
Borda Fuse when α is varied.
α Over OWA Over Borda-Fuse
0.25 14.1722 96.1813
0.5 23.4784 97.5437
1 36.1246 98.3471
2 27.5829 97.7366
2.5 26.8654 97.5906
Analytical Network Process that employs Fuzzy
Linguistic Quantifiers to construct a column
stochastic weighted super matrix for the
convergence of the ANP process. We compare our
model to two existing models for the result
aggregation. The first of these is the non fuzzy result
merging model called Borda Fuse. The second
model is the OWA model based on the Ordered
Weighted Average operator. In our experiments we
try to maximize the average precision of the merged
list coming out of these merging models. Using this
metric we demonstrate that our model improves
upon the OWA model for metasearch by 25% on the
average and by 97% over the Borda-Fuse model.
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ICFC 2010 - International Conference on Fuzzy Computation