Veronica Amela, José Luís Díez and Marina Valles
Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática, Universidad Politécnica, 46022 Valencia, Spain
Keywords: Intelligent tutoring systems, Learning management systems, Engineering education, Control education.
Abstract: Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) offer an automatically personalized environment guiding the student and
allows him to put his knowledge and skills in a more effective way than with traditional lessons. Besides,
this learning methodology gives study location and time freedom to the student thanks to Internet facilities.
Moreover the Learning Management System (LMS) or plat-form which holds the ITS, gathers the course
materials and student information making them available and reusable for other control courses. In this
paper, we propose a new approach to LMS in ITS, applying data mining techniques.
European syllabus reform for the new university
degrees implies a drastic change in the studies
organization. This reform considers the personal
time study as teaching hours.
One solution to put this reform into practice is,
for example, thanks to internet-based education. But
we must tutor the student in order to enhance his
learning process. Human tutoring is extremely
laborious and expensive; however ITS are computer
systems for custom-made learning, that don’t need
human tutor intervention.
This paper shows a new framework for ITS
applied to Control Systems and Automatic
Engineering studies.
The ITS architecture (Fig. 1a) is organized in three
submodels based on three types of knowledge (Ong
and Ramachandran, 2003): Student model, Tutor
model and Domain model.
Making a comparison with control theory, the
process to be controlled in an ITS is the student
learning process.
The student shows a learning style and some
previous knowledge that are going to be dynamically
modified by the student interaction with the course.
The sensor system consists of information
extraction and storage in a database. Subsequently
this information is analyzed by data mining
Data mining feedbacks the ITS controller. It
adapts the course's LMS models. The teacher
supervises the process and he defines the course
contents according to the course curriculum.
Apart from this first control loop that has just
been described (Figure 1a), it exists another slower
external loop in the model proposed (Figure 1b). It
verifies how well the ITS works and it controls how
fine it fits the student needs by comparing the
students results with the initial course objectives.
Figure 1a: ITS components.
Figure 1b: ITS model architecture.
The LMS model suggested (Figure 2) is made up
at the same time of student model, tutor model and
domain model. It also considers the relationships or
Amela V., Díez J. and Valles M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003062202870289
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2010), pages 287-289
ISBN: 978-989-8425-30-0
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 2: Integration of the three models (Student, Tutor and Domain) inside the LMS.
information flows among them. The arrows
symbolize these relationships: red (system’s
initialization), black (direct feedback or information
update) and dashed line (initial student data taking
from surveys).
- Student Model: The first block models the
static features that don’t change in the course of time
(cognitive characteristics and learning preferences).
The other one gathers the dynamic features (student
knowledge and motivation state). This block is in
continuous updating because it depends on students
interaction with the LMS course.
- Domain Model: One course is organized in
didactic units. At the same time, these units are
formed by learning objects defined with metadata
(LOM: activities, workshops, tasks, multimedia
resources, laboratory experiences, etc.) LOM choice
and sequence for a learning route is made in the
Tutor model based on the course curriculum.
Student’s interaction with the course activities or
resources produces a series of reports or records (log
files). The system stores the log files together with
the student marks (they are got by expert and student
response comparison). By analyzing this
information the system sets the student progress.
The progress can be split in achievement or success
that will affect the student motivation and
knowledge level acquired to date.
- Tutor Model: At the beginning, it chooses from
the student model data (learning style) the
appropriate pedagogical methodology. The learning
style also establishes which kind of multimedia
materials the student prefers, which together with
the contents that should be learnt in the course
(knowledge level to be achieved) enable the LOM
choice that better fits the student’s needs. These two
blocks are suitable for planning the learning route.
A temporal LOM sequence for a lesson or didactical
unit is what we know as learning route.
- ITS Control Loop: The ITS model is formed by
the LMS model plus a control loop with the
objectives and results feedback (Figure 2).
Now, we are going to describe the different sources
or tools from where we get the student data. This
data will need an analysis by means of data mining
techniques to extract useful information.
The Index of Learning Styles (ILS) questionnaire
is an on-line instrument used to assess preferences
on four dimensions of a learning style model (Felder
and Silverman, 1988). The ITS clusters the
questionnaire (data mining 1 in Fig. 1B) in order to
establish how strong the dimension is shown in the
Knowledge level is based on Bloom taxonomy
(Blom, 1956) mixed with the collaborative
competence (Baldiris et al., 2008) that classifies the
students into different levels. There are several
studies about student’s academic aims and their
influence on motivation (González et al., 1996).
Deciding factors to deduce motivational
guidance are: social recognition that determines
extrinsic motivation, educational that determines
intrinsic motivation and Interpersonal that affects
student collaborative competence.
The Teenagers Goals Questionnaire (CMA in
Spanish) evaluates these 3 factors (Martín-Albo et
al., 2007). In the extrinsic case, we should determine
as well, the student confidence in his studies (self-
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
esteem). This factor has an influence on the higher
difficulty level that the student is able to reach
without fail in his motivation.
The Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSES)
evaluates the self-esteem in the university context
(Wolpers et al., 2007). Web-based educational
systems can record student’s system access in log
Theses files provide a basic Internet student
tracking. An open code specification based in
attentionXML, is called Contextualized Metadata
Attention, CAM (Perkins, 1995). It captures user’s
observations (browser information use, Web sites,
news feeds, blogs, etc.)
The system clusters Student’s dataset (data
mining 4) to extract the different types of students
according to their knowledge level and learning
preferences. In this step, the system also looks for
anomalous values that correspond with
learninghandicaps or misunderstandings.
There are different pedagogical methodologies
suggested by several authors. Each of them has a
series of characteristics as regards to the type of
resources, student’s level of participation, student’s
learning involvement, etc. This choice entails a
specific learning route that can be associated (data
mining 5 in Fig. 1b and 2) with a unique student’s
The Tutor model organizes the units following
an established plan designed by the teacher who
bases his opinion on curriculum’s guidelines.
Materials chosen for each learning route will change
according to their success (voting), student difficulty
level and student pedagogical methodology. LMS
control system assessment and satisfaction is carried
out making a comparison between the student’s
average results during the LMS course and those of
the previous year, without the LMS platform.
On the other hand, a reduction in the subject
desertion rate also denotes the smooth running of the
Finally, if the LMS course is implemented in all
subjects of the Engineering Grade, we can use the
University’s efficiency rate. It is defined as the
proportion between the total number of credits of the
grade syllabus and the total number of credits
enrolled by the student.
To date, it has been implemented the first part of the
Model proposed. It covers the static student model
analysis, applying data mining techniques, which
provide the type of students.
The initial surveys are facilitated to the students
thanks to open source application called
LimeSurvey. Student’s data is clustered by Fuzzy k-
prototypes algorithm (Ng and Wong, 2002) for
numerical and symbolic data developed in Matlab.
The result of the data mining process is the types
of students’ clusters. Once the clusters are made, by
means of a fuzzy rules algorithm (Nguyen and
Walker, 2000), we can associate each of them to the
pedagogical methodologies and resources’ difficulty
level. With these two factors, we can form the
adaptive and personal unit content sequence called
learning route for each student.
This work has focused on developing a new model
for ITS. The future work will finish the ITS model
implementation in a platform or LMS.
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