Gordana Pavlovi´c-Laˇzeti´c and Jelena Graovac
Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Studentski trg 16, Belgrade, Serbia
Document classification, Wordnet, SWN, Ontology, Proper name.
Document classification based on the lexical-semantic network, wordnet, is presented. Two types of docu-
ment classification in Serbian have been experimented with classification based on chosen concepts from
Serbian WordNet (SWN) and proper names-based classification. Conceptual document classification criteria
are constructed from hierarchies rooted in a set of chosen concepts (first case) or in hierarchies rooted in some
of the proper names’ hypernyms (second case). A classificator of the first type is trained and then tested on
an indexed and already classified Ebart corpus of Serbian newspapers (476917 articles). Precision, recall and
F-measure show that this type of classification is promising although incomplete due mainly to SWN incom-
pleteness. In the context of proper names-based classification, a proper names ontology based on the SWN
is presented in the paper. A distance based similarity measure is defined, based on Euclidean and Manhattan
distances. Classification of a subset of Contemporary Serbian Language Corpus is presented.
Different document processing tasks such as docu-
ment retrieval, internet web pages search, information
extraction an the like, may highly benefit from con-
ceptual document classification. For example, search
for the term Moon will be more efficient if conducted
in a class correspondingto celestial bodies, than in the
whole set of documents, thus increasing the precision
of the search. On the other side, in order to search for
celestial bodies, it is reasonable to expand the concep-
tual hierarchy and to search for Moon, thus increasing
the recall.
There are different pre-specified classification
schemes, e.g., EAGLES Guidelines (EAGLES,
1996), Library of Congress Classification (LCC,
2009), Reuters news archive (Reuters, 2010). Ebart
(Ebart, 2010) is the largest digital media documenta-
tion in Serbia, with more than 1.200.000 completely
indexed texts of fifteen complete daily and weekly
press, since 2003. It is classified in a usual way into
internal politics, foreign politics, society, economics,
chronicle and crime, culture and entertainment, sport,
media, etc.
This paper proposes a document classification in
Serbian based on wordnet and distance based algo-
rithms. Wordnet is a semantic lexical resource ad-
dressing conceptual hierarchies issue (Miller, 1995)
and is under development for Serbian (SWN - Ser-
bian WordNet, (Krstev et al., 2004)). Wordnet is a de
facto standard for semantic networks, and it has been
used so far in document classification as a source of
synonyms mainly (Scott and Matwin, 1998), (Rosso
et al., 2004), (Rodriguez et al., 1996).
As the first experiment, classification has been ap-
plied to a part of Ebart corpus (articles from the Ser-
bian daily newspaper ”Politika”). Each class is de-
fined so that a set of concepts from the wordnet, as
well as all of their hyponyms, have been assigned to
it. An article is assigned to a class for which it con-
tains the largest number of concepts (with repetitions)
assigned to that class. The results have been validated
using statistical measures of precision, recall and their
combination - F-measure.
As the second experiment, the classification based
on ontology of proper names for a predefined set of
classes has been applied to a subset of the corpus of
contemporary Serbian language developed at the Fac-
ulty of mathematics,University of Belgrade. Distance
based similarity measures are defined that assign doc-
uments to classes on the lowest distance, taking into
account ratio of the number of occurrences of proper
names from the corresponding conceptual hierarchy
in the document and in the whole collection.
c G. and Graovac J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003063903830386
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2010), pages 383-386
ISBN: 978-989-8425-28-7
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Lexical resources for Serbian have been developed
within the Human Language Technologies Group at
the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade
(HLTG, 2010). Except for Serbian language corpus
and multilingual parallel corpora, especially impor-
tant are the system of electronic morphological dic-
tionaries of Serbian and the lexical-semantic network,
Serbian WordNet, SWN (Vitas et al., 2003).
The Serbian WordNet has been initiated in the
scope of BalkaNet (BWN), the Balkan wordnet
project (2002-2004) aimed at producing a multilin-
gual database with wordnets for five Balkan lan-
guages (Greek, Turkish, Bulgarian, Romanian and
Serbian) as well as Czech (Tufis et al., 2004) . BWN
is based on the model of the EuroWordNet (EWN), a
multilingual database with wordnets for Dutch, Ital-
ian, Spanish, German, French, Czech and Estonian
(Vossen, 1998). The structure of these wordnets is
basically the same as the structure of the Prince-
ton WordNet (PWN) for English (Fellbaum, 1998).
Wordnet consists of synsets - the sets of synonymous
words representing a concept, with basic semantic re-
lations between them forming a semantic network.
At the moment, SWN consists of around 15000
synsets. There are 9 noun hierarchies (top ontologies)
rooted at generic concepts of ”abstraction” ”act”,
”event”, ”entity”, ”phenomenon”, ”group”, ”psycho-
logical feature”, ”state” and ”possession”. Hierar-
chies have different depths (up to 12 levels). Some-
where in the middle of these hierarchies concepts are
found which are neither too general, nor too specific.
Those concepts are called ”basic concepts” and they
are used for classification.
Figure 1 represents conceptual hierarchy having
the proper name ”Zeus” at its leaf, as well as all the
other proper names that are hyponyms of the Zeus’s
hypernym ”Greek deity” (other Greek deities). If
”Greek deity” is used as the basic concept describing
a document class, than all the proper names – names
of Greek deities, will be part of the class description.
The first experiment has been performed on a subset
of Ebart corpus consisting of articles in the follow-
ing columns: sport, economics, politics, culture and
entertainment, chronicle and crime, published from
2003 to 2006. There are 476917 such articles. The
classification process proceeds as follows:
1. the chosen columns (article types) are assigned to
predefined set of classes (we experimented with 3,
4 and 5 classes);
2. key words for each column and each class are
identified as the most frequent words in a set of ar-
ticles from the given column / class (training set);
3. SWN concepts containing the chosen key words,
along with all of their hyponyms, are assigned to
the corresponding classes;
4. class assignment functions are defined for an arti-
cle (from the test set) in different ways, the sim-
plest being the maximum number of occurrences
of literals from the hierarchy rooted in the con-
cepts assigned to the class, maybe filtered by do-
The chosen columns have been assigned the fol-
lowing SWN concepts and key words (translated in
event social event contest, competition
group social group team
event ...result, victory, triumph, defeat
act activity recreation sport
and similarly for the classes ECONOMICS, POL-
Figure 1: Proper names that are in the same conceptual hi-
erarchy (Greek deity) as the given proper name (Zeus).
3.1 Results
The table 1 illustrates the results of the experiment
performed - measures of precision, recall and F-
measure for classification into three classes (similarly
into four and five classes).
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 1: Results of 3-classification.
class precision recall F-measure
sport 97.30% 87.21% 91.98%
politics 91.27% 76.20% 83.06%
economics 59.19% 93.57% 72.51%
It may be noticed that the source of texts is not in
favor of this approach, since daily press is character-
ized by concise and factual expression. The approach
is expected to produce even better results on rich vo-
cabulary corpora.
Instead of chosen concepts, document classifica-
tion may also be based on the most productive con-
cepts (Tomaˇsevi´c and Pavlovi´c-Laˇzeti´c, 2008) in each
of the wordnet top ontology hierarchies.
Since document retrieval is usually performed on
proper names, document classification may be based
on an ontology of proper names. Proper names for
document classification in Serbian may be extracted
from the SWN.
Classification criteria may be constructed from
the hierarchy rooted in the most productive concept
which is in hypernym relation with the proper name,
the so-called proper name’s ontology term. For ex-
ample, for the proper name ”Zemlja” (Eng. Earth),
third-level hypernym, ”nebesko telo (Eng. celestial
body), may be used as a proper name ontology term,
and the hierarchy, rooted at ”nebesko telo”, would
constitute the basis for definition of the corresponding
class. Out of all the SWN synsets, about 10% contain
proper names. Ontology terms are found at different
levels of proper name hypernymy (usually the third or
Departing from proper names in the present
SWN noun hierarchies, we have come up with
the proper names ontology schema consisting of
23 proper name ontology terms, e.g., entity/person,
entity/inhabitant, entity/city, entity/celestial body,
group/dinasty, group/organization, etc.
4.1 Classification Method
Classification of documents based on proper names
ontology, is performed using distance-based ap-
proach. There are as many classes as there are proper
name ontology hierarchies considered, at the moment
it is around 20. Each class C
C is defined by a tu-
ple t
, C
, . . . , C
), whereC
represents a proper
name from the corresponding hierarchy. The tuple t
is a representative of the class C
. Given a database
D = {D
, D
, . . . , D
} of documents, each document
D is assigned to a class C
such that dist(D
, C
, C
) for each C
C, C
6= C
Distance may be defined by different formulas
for similarity (dissimilarity) between database docu-
ments or between a database document and a class. It
also depends on how numeric characteristics of sim-
ilarity on a single attribute (proper name) is defined.
We considered (and experimented with) variations of
two of document distance formulas, Euclidean and
Manhattan distance measures (Tan et al., 2006).
4.2 Results
The classification based on ontology of proper names
has been applied to a subset of the corpus of contem-
porary Serbian language developed at the Faculty of
mathematics, University of Belgrade, and accessible
on the web at http://korpus.matf.bg.ac.rs. The collec-
tion experimented with consists of 234 non-tagged
texts, total size of around 23 million words, and
encompassing texts from the newspapers and jour-
nals (”Politika”, ”Journal of the Serbian Orthodox
Church”, ”Viva”, ”Svet”, ”NIN”, ”Magazin”, ”Ilus-
trovana politika”), fiction, textbooks, chapters from
literature pieces, etc.
For experimental purposes, we chose five concep-
tual hierarchiesfrom the SWN rooted at proper names
ontology terms ”drˇzava” (Eng. country), ”dinas-
tija” (Eng. dynasty), ”nebesko telo” (Eng. celestial
body), ”manastir” (Eng. monastery) and ”hriˇs´canski
praznik” (Eng. Christian holyday).
Since the SWN itself is in early development
phase, the corresponding conceptual hierarchies con-
tain limited number of proper names, between 3 (for
”dinastija”) and 16 (for drˇzava”). The classification
is performed following the procedure for crisp classi-
fication described in the previous section. There were
195 documents containing at least one occurrence of
at least one proper name from at least one of the cho-
sen conceptual hierarchies. Although similarity mea-
sures were somewhat different, classification obtained
by both Euclidean and Manhattan distance formulas
were identical.
Assignment of documents to classes is quite suc-
cessful. For example, among the 59 documents clas-
sified as belonging to the class ”nebesko telo”, the top
most 10 belong to geography textbooks, science fic-
tion books and the newspaper texts dealing with the
subject. Among the documents classified as belong-
ing to the class ”drˇzava”, top most 10 belong to daily
and weekly newspapers (”Politika” and ”Nin”).
Document classification may benefit from both com-
mon and proper names. Proper names are especially
suitable when applied for subclassification of docu-
ments already classified into common classes such
as news, articles, science, politics, finance, etc. Two
types of classification based on lexical-semantic net-
work wordnet are presented. Classification based on
wordnet basic concepts (commonwords) proved quite
successful in classifying a large newspaper archive
into several classes. A distance-based classification
driven by an ontology of proper names is then pre-
sented, where conceptual hierarchies of proper names
follow the structure of the Serbian WordNet. Results
of classification applied to an untagged part of the cor-
pus of contemporary Serbian, of around 23 million
words, are presented.
Our future plans involve improvement of the pro-
posed classification framework and its implementa-
tion enlargement of SWN and lookup at EWN, as
well as development of new classification methods
based on character and word patterns in texts. We
also plan to define new distance measures and to per-
form a multi-way comparison of different classifica-
tion methods applied to different types of corpora.
The work presented has been financially supported by
the Ministry of Science and Technological Develop-
ment of the Republic of Serbia, Project No.148921A.
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KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval