Ana Marlene F. Morais and Miriam C. Bergue Alves
Institute of Aeronautics and Space, Pç Mal. Eduardo Gomes,50, São José dos Campos, Brazil
Keywords: AGRUPE, Knowledge management, Research group, Research network, Knowledge hierarchy.
Abstract: This paper presents a system in use at the Institute of Aeronautics and Space (IAE), developed specifically
to support knowledge management, based on a hierarchical structure. This management is not only
necessary to organize research endeavour itself, but also to identify commonalities between different
research areas and needs for realistic planning and strategic development. The proposed system, AGRUPE,
will also help to identify research leaders through the most relevant scientific production recognition.
Information is the most relevant value in Institutions
of Research and Development (R&D) where
technologies are obtained through Research Projects
(RP) developed by groups of professionals with
common goals, named Research Groups (RGs).
RG, key unit of scientific research, can be
defined as a community involved with the same
topics of study, aiming scientific development and
specific expertise. The interaction among different
RGs should be encouraged and facilitated by
knowledge management and information sharing in
an open and not bureaucratized environment. RGs
structural organization does not need to coincide
with the administrative structures of the related
However, such a free environment may favour
the existence of isolated and often similar RGs in the
same organization, resulting in the duplication of
facilities and development of similar technologies
(Bhatt, G. D., 2001). Therefore it is necessary to
ensure that the management of such scientific
development and specific expertise are related to the
organization’s production chain and aligned with its
strategic goals, promoting the interaction between
the RGs. As a consequence, Research Networks
(RNs) can be formed, where knowledge
dissemination is accomplished by contact among
researchers and interdisciplinary exchange of their
Considering this context, the need of strategic
Knowledge Management (KM) is evident. KM can
be understood as a systematic, integrated,
continuous, purposeful and interdisciplinary process
that pervades the institution, which includes
creating, identifying, selecting, organizing, sharing,
disseminating, using and protecting strategic
knowledge, generating value to the stakeholders
and continually increasing the individual
competence of each employee and the organizational
learning” (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995).
Although this is a simple process, it is not
always easily implemented due to each
organization’s unique characteristics. KM models
should be developed considering these
characteristics, including the culture that surrounds
the individuals.
In order to carry on this process at Institute of
Aeronautics and Space (IAE), a management system
was developed and implemented, named the
Research Group Archives; AGRUPE (an acronym in
Portuguese), which is also associated to an R&D
Project Coordination process already in place (Alves
and Morais, 2009). For the alignment with IAE’s
strategic goals, typical requirements related to the
aerospace development were created, aiming to
obtain the needed technologies.
AGRUPE provides the necessary information for
KM and, consequently, the scientific progress made
by the RGs are shared and disseminated. AGRUPE
also provides the Scientific Production Evaluation
(SPE) of each member of an RG which helps to
identify and recognize the leader of that specific RG.
The customized queries make it possible to identify
the involvement of IAE’s Human Resource (HR) in
the scientific scenario.
F. Morais A. and C. Bergue Alves M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003064002900293
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2010), pages 290-293
ISBN: 978-989-8425-30-0
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: AGRUPE overview.
AGRUPE consists of a database available on IAE’s
internal network server. It uses a GUI-based web
browser that enables the collection, visualization,
analysis and data management related to the various
RGs, including Research Topics (RT) and their
Research Projects (RP), HR and its Scientific
Production (SP) and the relationship among diverse
RGs, defined by their role in the client-supplier
chain type.
2.1 Overview of the System
Figure 1 illustrates the overview of the system in
which the actors and the main components of
AGRUPE are presented, considering the definitions
used in the Directory of Research Groups of
Brazilian National Council for Scientific and
Technological Development (CNPq, 2010). The
system’s hierarchical structure is based on the
technical and scientific experience, and qualification
of the RG’s members. RPs are associated to a
specific RT that, ultimately, provides the research
findings, such as new technologies, scientific
publications, technical reports and patents.
The actors of the system are classified into:
- Project manager: member of the group that
performs maintenance of all information regarding
the project.
- System Manager: responsible for maintaining
supporting data and for validating the RG and the
scientific-technical productions.
- Research group leader: Responsible for
maintenance, validation and assessment of all
information related to the RG.
- User: all individuals with access to IAE’s
intranet. This actor can make specific queries and
visualize all information.
There is an inheritance and hierarchy relationship
associated to the actors access and privileges
defined in the AGRUPE, making it possible to
consistently structure the roles of each actor. The
group leader, in addition to his own access rights,
also has all the access rights given to the project
manager, who in turn inherits all the rights of a
user. The system manager also has all the user
access rights in addition to his own rights.
2.2 Use Cases
The use cases were specified according to the types
of actors defined in the previous section and also to
fulfil the following general requirements of
- Clearance to access the system;
- Registration of information in general, also
including supporting data;
- Management of RG, RT and RP;
- Assessment of the groups and associated HRs;
- Customized queries and general reports.
Table 1 shows the number of use cases identified
and grouped by each system component.
Table 1: Number of use cases.
Nº use cases
System Access
Supporting data register
Research Groups
Research Topics
Research Projects
Scientific Production
Human Resources
From these use cases, the possible actions in the
system are identified, including the supporting
graphical interfaces, as well as a detailed description
of each use case. Many different queries possibilities
were established, supported by special selection
filters available to each specific component.
2.3 Relationships among Components
The relationships among the AGRUPE’s
components were determined by the standard
definitions adopted by the Institute. The identified
components were: RG, RT, RP, SP, SPE, HR,
Knowledge Hierarchy (KH), Criteria, and Group
Classification (GC) and its relationships are shown
in Fig. 2.
Figure 2: AGRUPE’s components and its relationships.
2.4 Structuring of the Research Groups
The registration of a RG in AGRUPE is voluntary,
but it is highly encouraged considering that this
registration is a condition for financial funds
approval to support the RPs of a group. Thus, an
RG of minor relevance should look for interaction
and join more structured RGs, hence mutually
strengthening each other. The visualization of the
research environment as a whole picture is vital for
this integration, as well as the identification of the
RG’s leader, who usually has the highest SPE.
The desirable requirements for the RGs were
established, according to the characteristics of the
space research area. The main motivation behind
this effort was to arrange their structure to better
accommodate the needs of this area. The RGs are
scored and classified according to the number and
degree of atypical features presented by the system
Each RG must therefore be organized around a
leadership. The RG leader should be the researcher
with the highest intellectual and academic
qualification, who is normally responsible for
coordinating and planning the group’s research
A RG is formed by RTs that represents related
themes of scientific studies from which projects
originate, and which results have affinities with each
other. In this way, a strong relationship between the
topics and among areas, with apparent separation, is
accomplished. The RTs are related to thematic
topics, focusing on the knowledge production. The
responsible for the RT is the researcher who, due to
his/her experience in a specific knowledge area,
plans the activities and proposes RPs, following up
their implementation (CNPq, 2010).
Knowledge Areas (KAs) are classified into
Subareas, which in turn have Specialties. Such
Knowledge Areas classification has practical
purpose, providing a functional manner to aggregate
knowledge information, enabling its systematization.
The Knowledge Area refers to the set of interrelated
knowledge, collectively constructed and assembled
according to the nature of the research object. The
Knowledge Subareas represent segmentations of the
Knowledge Area, correlated with the main study
object, and methodological procedures that are
recognized and widely used (CAPES, 2010).
The Knowledge Specialty is the thematic
characterization of the research activity, and due to
the possibility of being related to different areas and
subareas, results in greater flexibility in representing
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
specific interests, favouring the inclusion of topics
of interdisciplinary nature (CAPES, 2010).
The requirements that a RG should fulfill, are:
Requirements with weight 3:
- Contain more than one member;
- Have a relationship with another RG;
- The leader must have a doctorate and lead only
one RG;
- Be clearly associated with the Knowledge
Subareas adopted by AGRUPE;
- Have the exclusive RTs that are associated with
the Knowledge Specialties adopted by
- Contain at least 50% of the members with
exclusive dedication in that RG.
Requirements with weight 2:
- Have only one leader and with the highest SPE;
- Contain doctors;
- Contain at least two RTs;
- Have an on-going RP;
- Have members of more than one organizational
unit of IAE;
- Have infrastructure located at IAE.
Requirements with weight 1:
- Contain students and technicians;
- Contain no more than five RTs;
- Have all members registered in the Lattes
Database (LATTES PLATAFORM, 2010)
- Have fellow researchers of outside institutions;
- Have appropriate infrastructure for RP.
The SPE is performed considering:
- Authorship, considering the main author and the
number of co-authors;
- Publication of articles in journals and in
scientific events;
- Participation in academic activities;
- Authoring of technical reports;
- The patents, books or book chapters published.
The groups are classified based on a scale that can
be adjusted according to organization´s needs.
Differently of others systems for KM implemented
in Africa (ANSTI, 2010), Canada (SCIENCE CA,
2010), Japan (ReaD, 2010), Italy (DAVINCI
DATABASE, 2010; RIDITT, 2010) and Brazil
provides support for orientation of isolated skills,
grouping them around expertise and leadership,
recognized by no subjective criteria.
Since AGRUPE started operating, it was
observed that the system promoted synergy among
the diverse groups of the IAE, resulting in unique,
bigger and stronger RGs, changing the dominant
situation before AGRUPE. There were an excessive
number of RGs considering IAE’s core business and
size and most of the RGs were not aligned with the
hierarchy of knowledge with a high number of
atypical features.
Finally, AGRUPE shows that KM does not
always require sophisticated instruments. The use of
information technology produces positive results,
but it also requires significant and continued
endeavour to build, maintain and upgrade its
functional aspects as well as the content involved.
Alves, M. B. and Morais, A. M. F. (2009). The
management of knowledge and technologies in a space
program. Journal of Aerospace Technology and
Management. 1 (2), 265-272. doi:10.5028/
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Bhatt, G. D. (2001). Knowledge Management in
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CNPq - National Council for Scientific and Technological
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DAVINCI DATABASE. Retrieved Jul 19, 2010, from
LATTES PLATAFORM. Retrieved Jul 19, 2010, from
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