René Börner and Michael Leyer
Process Lab, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Sonnemannstraße 9-11, 60314, Frankfurt a.M., Germany
Keywords: Tacit knowledge, Role-plays, Process-oriented knowledge, Social learning.
Abstract: Process-oriented enterprises are expected to be more successful than traditional functional-oriented ones.
Consequently, more and more companies want to become process-oriented. But to reach this goal a basic
change of mind towards more process-oriented thinking of a company’s employees is required. Therefore,
the adequate support of employees to acquire process-oriented knowledge is crucial for organisations.
Unfortunately, the necessary knowledge is tacit knowledge which is not easy to acquire. While formal
learning or training programs deliver explicit knowledge and skills, it is much more challenging to generate
implicit or tacit knowledge out of everyday work activities. In order to help employees to acquire and apply
tacit knowledge, a role-play based simulation program, named KreditSim, has been developed. This kind of
simulation allows for a learning environment closely related to the actual workplace. The case of KreditSim
shows how this coaching method actively involves employees and improves awareness of process-oriented
thinking. The participants gain the necessary process-oriented knowledge by a guided improvement of a
given functional-oriented process with deficiencies.
Business process thinking has become a major topic
in management. Process-oriented organisations are
expected to be faster in delivering outputs, more
adaptable to changes in the market, more responsive
to the needs of customers and superior in terms
of quality (Hammer and Champy, 1993).
Consequently, turning a company into a process-
oriented organisation is seen as a competitive
advantage and fundamental to its success. Having
these advantages in mind, many companies try to
become more process-oriented.
However, empirical studies prove that the
majority of companies are still function-oriented
(Vergidis, Turner and Tiwari, 2008). One major
reason for this might be the fact that process-
oriented enterprises require different knowledge
compared to function-oriented organisations
(Kugeler and Vieting, 2003). The necessary process-
oriented knowledge is mostly tacit knowledge which
has to be acquired by the employees in a company
(Riege and Zulpo, 2007). Tacit knowledge covers
the know-how and behaviour of a person, which is
implicit and linked to the specific person. The
acquisition of process-oriented tacit knowledge
requires a fundamental change of mind of the
employees which is not easy to accomplish.
Consequently, enterprises have to train their
employees to acquire process-oriented knowledge.
Here, the question emerges, how employees can
acquire the knowledge necessary to perform their
tasks in a process-oriented organisation. The
acquisition of such tacit knowledge is most
successful if it takes place in the actual work
environment of employees (Ives, Torrey and
Gordon, 2000).
The aim of this paper is to highlight the value of
role-plays to facilitate the acquisition of process-
oriented knowledge. The paper is organized as
follows. First, we will describe the kind of
knowledge contained in business processes. Second,
options for knowledge acquisition in the context of
business processes are presented. One promising
approach to acquire process-oriented knowledge is
to use role-play based simulations. To demonstrate
the effects of this type of simulation the role-play
KreditSim will be presented. Finally, we will draw
conclusions on the usage of role-plays for acquiring
tacit knowledge.
Börner R. and Leyer M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003066501490156
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2010), pages 149-156
ISBN: 978-989-8425-30-0
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Employees involved in business processes tend to
have a limited view by focusing on their functional
position. As a result, employees often do not realize
that their work is part of one or more business
processes. Figure 1 shows a generic example of a
company with three departments. There are two
ways to look at such an enterprise: (1) The function-
oriented view and (2) the process-oriented view.
Figure 1: Functional- vs. process-oriented view of an
In a function-oriented organization production
takes place as a series of tasks in which every
employee focuses on a specific function. This leads
among other disadvantages to a high number of
employees being involved in the production process
to fulfil a customer demand without any of them
being responsible for the overall result. In the worst
case, employees receive inputs to perform their
respective tasks and do not even know from whom it
is delivered. Similarly, they might not know who the
receiver (i.e. the employee who performs the next
step in the process) of their output is.
Contrary, in a process-oriented organization, less
employees work on one customer order and ideally,
a pro cess owner is responsible for the outcome
(Kugeler and Vieting, 2003). According to the
resource based view, each company depends on
resources such as employees, machines, IT systems
and buildings to produce goods or services for its
customers (Wernerfelt, 1984). The resources itself
do not incorporate business value but their
combination to create an output like goods or
services does. This combination is conducted within
business processes. A business process (the term
process is used synonymously here) is characterized
by a set of connected activities necessary to deliver a
defined business outcome (Davenport and Short,
1990). Starting point for designing a business
process is the aspired business outcome which
depends on the customers demands. Based on the
customer need, all necessary activities are processed
to deliver the demanded good or service to the
customer. Within a business process, employees,
machines and IT systems transform inputs into
outputs. Thus, a company can be seen as a bundle of
business processes containing the knowledge to
produce goods and services of the company
including supporting activities (Inkpen and Dinur,
1998). Employees having process-oriented
knowledge are aware of the context in which they
are performing their tasks.
Since business processes are the foundation for
production, the management of the process-oriented
knowledge is a key factor for the success of a
company. If this knowledge is not captured, stored,
shared and applied a company is likely to fail
(Lucas, 2010; Paroutis and Al Saleh, 2009). But,
business processes are virtual constructs. The
intangibility exacerbates the awareness of employees
for a process-oriented view. Trying to identify the
knowledge embedded in processes suggests
differentiating between explicit and tacit knowledge.
Explicit knowledge can be stored and is independent
from a certain person. Tacit knowledge can not be
stored and is strictly associated to individuals
Nonaka (1994). Even though explicit and tacit
knowledge differ in their basic nature, it is still
possible to transfer tacit into explicit knowledge to a
certain extent (Lee, 2000). Three basic types of
knowledge can be derived in the context of
processes (Hawryszkiewycz, 2010):
The basic type of knowledge is explicit
knowledge in terms of traditional process
documentations. Within these documentations
the intangible process is made explicit. It is
shown how the resources necessary to produce
a good or a service have to be combined. This
includes information about necessary tasks,
their order, responsible employees, IT-systems
involved et cetera. The way process
knowledge is captured differs significantly
among organisations. More or less
sophisticated approaches range from Excel-
based task lists to comprehensive
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
documentation based on professional software
using standardised notations like Business
Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) or Event-
driven Process Chains (EPCs) (Barber,
Dewhurst, Burns and Rogers, 2003).
Additional to process documentation, there
exists explicit knowledge as a result of
monitoring and analyzing the process
performance. This knowledge mainly
addresses the management of a company
based on key indicators of the production
process. But this kind of knowledge can also
be useful for employees working within a
business process. It incorporates
complementary information to improve the
process but does not substitute the knowledge
which is necessary to perform the task itself.
The major type of knowledge in processes is
tacit knowledge of the employees performing
the tasks. Tacit knowledge is a combination of
cognitive processes and physical facts
determining how a person behaves to solve a
problem (Hawryszkiewycz, 2010). For
instance, one employee may perform better
than another having the same working
conditions and yet it is not possible to capture
the reasons for this difference.
As a result, tacit knowledge is a major source of
knowledge in companies. Often, tacit knowledge
vanishes as employees change their jobs or leave the
company. In order not to lose this vital knowledge,
an organisation can try to explicit the tacit
knowledge. Explicit knowledge in terms of process
documentation for example is very helpful.
Processes are made visible on paper or on screen and
employees can better understand the meaning of
their activities, techniques and information systems
within a process. But in real-world settings several
problems occur (Nonaka, 1994):
Explicit knowledge still remains abstract, as
documentations are limited in delivering an
image of reality. Processes themselves are still
not tangible leading to difficulties in a
process-oriented thinking.
The effort to keep explicit knowledge up to date
is high. The world is changing fast and so are
customers and as a result the company’s
employees and processes, too. As a result,
process documentations are often not
reflecting the existing activities in processes.
Tacit knowledge is very hard to learn from
explicit sources of knowledge. It has to be
gained through experience. It can only be
acquired by employees based on experiences
or transferred by other people.
Subsequently, explicit knowledge delivers some
information but is not helpful in acquiring the tacit
knowledge which is necessary for process-oriented
thinking. Due to the intangibility of processes, tacit
knowledge is a key factor in performing tasks
effectively and efficiently. A company forcing the
change towards a process-oriented organization has
to align explicit knowledge but mainly focus on tacit
knowledge. It is very important that employees
know how to perform their tasks having a process-
oriented thinking. If employees do not have the
necessary tacit knowledge the shift will fail
(Oakland and Tanner, 2007).
As a result, it is important to support employees
in acquiring and sharing tacit knowledge. Thus, the
acquisition of tacit knowledge is a major topic in
companies, which will be discussed further on.
In literature three general options for the acquisition
of tacit knowledge, such as process-oriented
knowledge, can be found:
Socializing: Within this option, events should
be set-up, allowing employees to share tacit
knowledge through joint activities (Nonaka,
1994). In this context (Snowden, 1998)
proposes that tacit knowledge can be shared
through psychosocial mechanisms and
released through trust and its dynamics.
Experiencing: Acting, e.g. performing tasks, is
another option to learn tacit knowledge (Earl
and Scott, 1999). A vital part of this option is
“learning by doing” (Levitt and March, 1988).
To accelerate experiencing (Nonaka, 1994)
experiencing should be connected to
socializing, as experience has to be shared
between people.
Using explicit knowledge: According to
(Nonaka, 1991) tacit knowledge can be
acquired based on explicit knowledge. The
latter can be the result of an externalization of
tacit knowledge in publicly comprehensible
forms like documentations (Nonaka, 1991;
Snowden, 1998).
Thinking about the most effective option to acquire
tacit knowledge, use of explicit knowledge is the
weakest one. The amount of tacit knowledge which
can be learnt by explicit knowledge is limited
(Hawryszkiewycz, 2010). According to a study by
Lee (2000) the amount of learning tacit knowledge
by sharing it is about 90 per cent of total knowledge
Learning by simply experiencing is very useful,
but also restricted as employees have to learn on
their own. Additionally, experiencing on the job is
combined w ith a high risk of failures due to a trial
and error acquisition of knowledge (Levitt and
March, 1988). This could be a problem, as an
organisation’s success depends on efficient
processing of tasks. While the employee is making
mistakes customers will become upset or will decide
for a different competitor. Socializing is very
promising, as it allows for a proper exchange of tacit
knowledge. Due to a lack of application, employees
often do not acquire all available tacit knowledge.
Applying newly learned facts, contents and methods
actively and, thus, experiencing the effects
contributes significantly to the acquisition of tacit
knowledge. Considering this background, role-play
simulations seem to be a promising approach as they
combine socializing with experiencing (Nonaka,
Role-play-based simulations as presented in the
following are one specific type of simulation.
Participants adopt particular responsibilities, i.e.
“roles.” Usually, detailed descriptions about tasks
are given to each participant of the role-play. In
practice, different objectives can be pursued by the
facilitation of role-plays. Depending on these
objectives they can support four categories of
learning according to Klippert (2009):
Content and factual learning: The acquisition
of knowledge and facts, understanding
explanations and phenomena, recognizing
relationships and evaluating hypotheses
provide the basis for all other types of
Methodological and strategic learning: The
focus is on structuring, organising and
arranging the acquired knowledge. This
entails the ability to independently apply,
reflect or further develop learnt lines of
reasoning, working techniques, problem-
solving or learning strategies within a subject-
matter or cross-functional context
(Hechenleitner and Schwarzkopf, 2006).
Employers increasingly expect this type of
methodological competence, in addition to
subject-matter competence, from prospective
Social and communicative learning: Utilizing
the learnt facts and knowledge as a basis for
argumentation and discussion with other
members in society, social competence can be
developed. Central to this type of learning is a
rational and responsible discourse, as such
behaviour fosters teamwork which in turn
serves to enhance social-communicative
Affective learning: The so-called self-
competence encompasses the development of
self-confidence, commitment, and motivation.
Affective learning enables the individual to
recognize and bring out his or her own talents
and abilities as well as to develop reasoned
ethical values and moral concepts
(Hechenleitner and Schwarzkopf, 2006).
Frequently articulated objectives of role-plays
include the ability to deal with difficult situations,
developing self-assurance, improving auto-
perceptive and self-reflection skills, increasing
motivation, and raising communicative effectiveness
(Bliesener, 1994). However, it is important not to
pursue too many objectives with a role-play. An
overload of differing objectives may unsettle
participants with little previous role-play experience
and thus inadvertently result in a defensive attitude
towards the role-play (Broich, 1994).
The acquisition of tacit knowledge can be
supported by role-plays as depicted in Figure 2.
Socializing and experiencing have been identified as
the most promising ways to acquire tacit knowledge.
Both belong to the categories social &
communicative learning and affective learning
covered by role-plays (Börner and Uremovic 2010).
Hence, the latter are well suited to support
employees in gaining process-oriented knowledge.
Nevertheless, there is very little evidence of role-
plays used in a business context. If role-plays are
used in companies the focus is more on knowledge
transfer in general than on learning (e.g. van Laere,
de Vreede and Sol, 2006). To the best of our
knowledge, there is no literature on role-plays
focussing on learning in a business context.
The simulation KreditSim, which will be
described in the following section, can subsequently
be used to acquire this tacit knowledge incorporated
in processes and subsequently improve a company’s
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Acquisition of
tacit knowledge
Four categories
of learning
Content and
factual learning
and strategic
Using explicit
Affective learning
Social and
Figure 2: Interaction of learning categories and tacit
knowledge acquisition.
6 KreditSim
KreditSim is a role-play designed to convey the idea
of process thinking as well as opportunities and
effects of process improvements. It targets
employees involved in back office processes which
can be found in almost every company. In our
particular case the simulation KreditSim has been
developed for employees in the banking industry. It
deals with the processing of loan applications from
new customers, being a typical back office process
of banks. Participants adopt the roles of loan
processing specialists, department head, controller
and managing director of the fictitious Home Loan
Bank Ltd. Workplaces are set up in a seminar room
by the facilitator and the participants receive all
necessary documents. Thus, a working environment
is provided. Simulation participants have to process
loan applications in accordance with their given job
descriptions. Since each participant is responsible
for handling only a small portion of the entire
process, it becomes quickly apparent that while each
participant fulfils his or her process tasks at their
very best, the entire process nevertheless yields an
unsatisfactory result. Eliminating errors of the loan
application processing as well as reducing the long
cycle time can only be accomplished through a
holistic, cross-functional analysis.
To gain first-hand experience of the loan
approval process and its subsequent improvement,
facilitators often divide the seminar into three phases
(Börner et al. 2009): The first phase consists of
conducting the simulation of the pre-described loan
approval process of Home Loan Bank Ltd., i.e. the
current process. This phase is standardised and
predetermined through the use of the game materials
and adherence to the role-play instructions. The
second phase focuses on optimizing the existing
process. This approach serves as the foundation for
developing a new and optimized loan approval
process. In phase three, participants simulate the
improved process design. Results from the new
process are captured and compared with the results
from the original process.
6.1 Initial Situation in the Role Play
The role play KreditSim is typically conducted as
part of a one-day or two-day training seminar. At the
very beginning, the moderator introduces the current
situation that serves as a starting point for the role
play KreditSim, providing the following overview:
“Home Loan Bank Ltd. is a regional bank that
specializes in real estate financing. The bank
maintains four branch offices. In these branch
offices, sales specialists for real estate loans and
financing advise potential customers. The decision
whether or not to approve a loan application is made
at headquarters. Sales specialists attach particular
importance to timely and accurate processing of the
applications they have submitted to headquarters.
Their requirements are expressed with the following
quality criteria:
Processing of the loan application with an
approval or rejection decision within four days
(in the role play this equates to four minutes),
determination of the correct credit rating, and
consideration of customer requirements (e.g.
interest rates or payment terms).”
The moderator prepared the process for the first
simulation round and therefore knows that based on
conducting and thus experiencing the loan approval
process at Home Loan Bank Ltd. participants
quickly realize that these requirements cannot be
met. In most cases, the decision concerning a
particular loan application will take nine or ten days
(i.e. minutes in the simulation). In addition, there
will be frequent errors in the credit rating, resulting
in incorrect decisions concerning the approval of
loan applications. Finally, very often specific
customer requirements will not have been
sufficiently addressed during the processing of the
loan application. Therefore, the moderator can easily
convince participants of the necessity to analyze and
optimize the loan approval process.
To support the first-hand experience of the loan
approval process and its subsequent optimization,
moderators often divide the seminar into three
phases: The first phase consists of conducting the
simulation of the pre-described loan approval
process of Home Loan Bank Ltd., i.e. the current
process. This phase is standardized and
predetermined through the use of the game materials
and adherence to the role play instructions. The
second phase focuses on optimizing the existing
process. The moderator guides the participants often
using tools within the DMAIC (Define, Measure,
Analyze, Improve, Control) cycle, which is the
central procedural method of Six Sigma (Pande,
Neumann and Cavanagh, 2000). This approach is
very helpful as foundation for developing a new and
optimized loan approval process. In phase three,
participants simulate the optimized process design.
Results from the new process are captured and
compared with the results from the original process.
6.2 Phase I: Simulation of the Loan
Approval Process
In phase I, the loan approval process of the Home
Loan Bank is simulated. Prior to starting phase I, the
moderator has to prepare the simulation room. He
arranges the work stations in the predefined floor
layout (Fig. 3) and distributes the job descriptions.
Each participant chooses one of the prepared work
stations randomly. The job descriptions help the
participants to become familiar with their working
Branch North
Branch West
Branch South
Branch East
DM Loan
Loan Approvals
Service Quality
without fixed position
= Chair
= Table
DM = Department Manager
Branch North
Branch West
Branch South
Branch East
DM Loan
Loan Approvals
Service Quality
without fixed position
= Chair
= Table
DM = Department Manager
Figure 3: Floor plan.
In order to address potential start-up problems
and to avoid any misunderstanding, a trial run of the
simulation is conducted first. Then, the actual
simulation of the loan approval process begins. The
objective is to process as many error-free loan
applications within 20 minutes as possible. This
objective has to be achieved within the requirements
of the quality criteria, namely time (a maximum of
four minutes per application), correct credit rating,
and consideration of additional customer
requirements. Each minute the branch offices submit
loan applications via a branch courier to
headquarters. Within a short time, it becomes
apparent that the given process results in significant
Subsequent to the simulation run, the moderator
leads participants in the analysis of the process. The
incorrect loan applications are analyzed according to
quantity and types of errors.
Generally, most applications will contain a time
error, i.e. their processing required more than the
allotted four minutes. An incorrect credit rating
occurs frequently as well. An analysis of “Work-in-
Process” provides an indication of how many
incomplete loan applications have accumulated at
each step of the process, highlighting bottlenecks
within the process. An analysis of the processing
times provides insights concerning the individual
processing times of each function within the overall
loan approval process (e.g. Collateral Rating). An
optional analysis can be conducted for the total
processing time for each loan application, since such
data has been captured on each loan document. The
significant differences in the processing times echo
participants’ perception that some colleagues were
unable, in spite of greatest work efforts, to handle
the volume of incoming loan applications while
other colleagues spent a significant amount of time
waiting for work to arrive.
In accordance with the moderator’s expectations,
seminar participants easily recognize the need for
process optimization when looking at the large
number of processing errors and the long processing
times. The moderator can then move on to phase II,
the optimization of the loan approval process.
6.3 Phase II: Optimization of the Loan
Approval Process
The moderator can freely decide how to conduct the
optimization of the loan approval process. Most
important is the guidance of the participants towards
a process-oriented driven improvement of the loan
process. In principle, the optimization can utilize the
entire spectrum of available tools for process
improvement. If seminar participants are already
familiar with a methodology for improving
processes like Six Sigma, they should be given their
free choice concerning which of the tools to use.
Process measurement and analysis can be
conducted using the data that were collected during
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
the first phase of the simulation (quantity and types
of error analysis, Work-in-Process analysis,
processing time analysis). After the analysis,
participants should be given sufficient time for the
Improve-Phase to optimize the loan approval
process. It is important to note that there is not “one
correct” solution for the redesigned process, but that
participants instead learn to identify causes for
process deficiencies, such as duplicate tasks,
redundant tasks, or unnecessary transportation and
idle times, and that participants are in a position to
accordingly improve the process. Besides designing
a new process flow, participants also develop new
job descriptions and a different floor plan.
6.4 Phase III: Simulation of the
Optimized Loan Approval Process
The newly developed loan approval process is
validated by a new simulation. Now, the participants
prepare the simulation room, arrange the floor layout
of working places, and distribute the new job
descriptions. The new simulation only needs to take
10 minutes this time. The participants are now able
to measure to what extent they have been able to
improve the process by counting the amount of
correct loan approvals within the given timeframe
and comparing the results to the previous simulation.
Experience shows that in every case a significant
improvement in process performance can be
observed. Participants are usually extremely pleased
with their results. Oftentimes, additional ideas for
further improvement are generated during or after
the second simulation run, resulting in lively and
fruitful discussions among participants.
Process-oriented knowledge of employees is a major
success factor for the performance of a process.
Enterprises training their employees have to keep in
mind that such knowledge is tacit knowledge. Only
fractions of that knowledge are accessible in explicit
form to a company’s employees. Aiming at
acquiring process-oriented tacit knowledge,
organisations have to think about ways to train their
Since role-plays amongst others encompass
social and communicative learning, they can
contribute to the acquisition of tacit knowledge. In
many companies, knowledge about business
processes is mainly bound to individuals and not
explicated in a publicly available manner. Due to
problems like visualising processes in a written form
or updating such documentation promptly,
explication of this knowledge might not be the best
way to reduce the dependency on single persons. It
is often more helpful to support other employees in
acquiring this tacit knowledge. Socializing has been
identified as the most promising approach to acquire
tacit knowledge. As shown previously, the role-play
KreditSim can contribute to acquire, share and apply
knowledge about a company’s business processes.
Employees are stimulated to communicate. In their
common effort to improve a business process, they
learn from one another and share their tacit
The most striking and fascinating experience
facilitators make after conducting the role-play
KreditSim is that discussion and interaction between
participants go far beyond the simulation. Often,
techniques and tools learnt while playing KreditSim
are instantly applied to the participants’ daily
business processes. Not only do participants
exchange tacit knowledge through intensified
discussions. They even become aware about the fact
that they benefit from such an enhanced
communication. Statements like “This was the first
time we talked with each other instead of about each
other” are an evidence that socializing and thus
social and communicative learning is crucial to
acquire process-oriented knowledge and that
KreditSim serves as a valuable enabler.
Despite all promising experience gained so far,
there are a number of limitations that might
constrain the success of a role-play in general and
KreditSim in particular. In all seminars, in which
KreditSim was used so far, facilitators were able to
observe that tacit knowledge about processes was
passed on among colleagues. Yet, there is no
systematic approach to acquiring and sharing this
kind of knowledge in KreditSim. Most of it was not
expressed by purpose but more or less randomly.
Improving KreditSim in order to ensure a
proliferation of process knowledge would be a
valuable contribution of further research.
Up to now, all participants of the role-play were
willing to contribute to the improvement of the
simulated process and thus shared their knowledge
with colleagues. Even those who had been sceptic
about the role-play in first place participated with
increasing enthusiasm in the role-play. However,
there is no guarantee that participants are always
willing to contribute to the simulation’s success.
Hence, for future research it is worthwhile to look
into possibilities to spark employees’ interest in
process improvement and share their tacit
knowledge about processes.
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KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing