Description, Simulation and Analysis
C. Caballero-Gil, P. Caballero-Gil and J. Molina-Gil
Department of Statistics, Operations Research and Computing, University of La Laguna, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain
VANET, Cluster, Knowledge management, Wireless ad-hoc networks.
Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) is a type of mobile network that allows Knowledge Management of
the road providing communication among nearby vehicles and between vehicles and nearby fixed roadside
equipment. The lack of centralized infrastructure and high node mobility and number of vehicles gener-
ate problems such as interrupting connections, difficult routing, security of communications and scalability.
Clusters are here proposed as a solution to avoid data collisions by decreasing the number of connections
exchanged among vehicles and to reach this goal, nodes must cooperate, and form or join clusters depending
on their state. This paper provides a global vision of the life cycle of cooperative nodes who form clusters and
a description of how to deal with the information within a cluster. Simulation results show that the proposed
scheme reduces the number of communications, avoiding data loss due to collisions. This paper provides a
full description of each cluster management process and of how to deal with the information within a cluster.
A VANET is a spontaneous Peer-To-Peer (P2P) net-
work formed by moving vehicles. As any other
MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc NETwork), a VANET has
no central infrastructure, which implies the need of
self-management in a distributed environment where
nodes have to adapt to unpredictable changes. Such
autonomic networks present unique challenges such
as high mobility, real-time constraints, scalability,
gradual deployment and privacy.
Intelligent VANETs hybridly integrate multiple
P2P networking technologies such as WiFi IEEE
802.11 b/g, WiMAX IEEE 802.16, Bluetooth, etc. to
achieve effective wireless communication. Such net-
works constitute a fundamental part of the Intelligent
Transportation System (ITS). Different possible situ-
ations exist where Knowledge Management between
vehicles would help to prevent accidents and to avoid
traffic jams, which would save time and money, re-
duce contamination of the environment and consump-
tion of fuel reserves.
Several characteristics can be considered in wire-
less networks: authenticity, privacy, anonymity, coop-
eration, low delay, stability of communications, scal-
ability, etc. (Caballero-Gil et al., 2009), (Raya et al.,
2006) However, when dealing with VANETs, the pro-
tection of those properties is an even greater problem
due to specific characteristics of these networks, such
as very changing scenarios, from local roads with
very few vehicles to cities or highways full of vehi-
cles. In this work we propose the use of clusters in
VANETs, which will allow to optimize communica-
tion in dense traffic situations.
A cluster in a VANET is defined as a set of vehicles
that are located in a close geographic area whose for-
mation is determined by the mobility pattern of vehi-
cles. The cluster needs a minimum of vehicles and is
managed by a given node called ”leader of the clus-
ter”. All vehicles forming part of a cluster have a
direct wireless connection with the leader of such a
cluster and share a secret key.
There are several bibliographic references that
propose the use of clusters in VANETs. (Fan et al.,
2008) presents a theoretical analysis of a directional
stability-based clustering algorithm. (Gunter et al.,
2007) describes clusters where the leader is the node
in the middle with the lowest identifier. (Rawashdeh
and Mahmud, 2008) proposes a different scheme of
clusters to maximize the advance of the relayed in-
formation and to avoid interferences. None of these
Caballero-Gil C., Caballero-Gil P. and Molina-Gil J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003070501700175
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2010), pages 170-175
ISBN: 978-989-8425-30-0
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
works define in detail the processes that nodes have
to complete for cluster management and do not show
any implemented scheme to demonstrate the relia-
bility of obtained data, (Caballero-Gil et al., 2007),
which is a priority in this work.
Clusters will be used only when the conditions
of the routes require it. Examples are dense traffic,
traffic jams or congested highways, where the den-
sity of vehicles in a geographic zone causes that the
number of communications is huge. But clusters are
formed before the number of nodes begins to degrade
the network. Without any mechanism to minimize
the number of communications, a simple broadcast
will be launched from every vehicle generating a lot
of unnecessary redundancy. The number of packets
generated depends on the number of nodes in the net-
work and interconnection among them. Therefore, it
will be generated n packets for each data communica-
tions where n is the number of vehicles with On Board
Unit (OBU) in the network (in the scope of interest).
Some studies like, (Dousse et al., 2003) show that this
number of connections causes collisions in the infor-
mation that is sent, which degrades communication
By using clusters the number of communications can
remarkably decrease without missing any useful in-
Algorithm 1 shows the steps that a vehicle bel-
oging to a cluster must follow in order to process an
input signal.
If the node is the final destination, it simply pro-
cesses the information. Otherwise, it checks whether
data were sent by the cluster leader. In particular,
the leader can send two types of packets towards any
member of the cluster that is not the final destination
of the data:
A connection of a vehicle to Internet services, or
any other supplied service where it is necessary a
relay of an information sequence,
A packet of other type of information that must be
forwarded towards other parts of the network.
With respect to this second type of packets there
are two types of communications that must be differ-
safety-related information
commercial advertising
Algorithm 1: Message Management inside Clusters.
01:function MessageManagement (...)
02: if(AmIfinalDestination(packet)) then
03: TreatData(packet);
04: else
05: if (AmILeader()) then
06: if (IsPublicInformation(packet)) then
07: TreatData(packet);
08: Multicast(packet, ClusterKey);
09: else
10: relayer =
10: estimatePosition(DestinationNode);
11: Unicast (packet, relayer);
12: end
13: else
14: if(IsForwardingSequence(packet))then
15: relayer =
15: estimatePosition(DestinationNode);
16: Unicast (packet, relayer);
17: end
18: else
19: if(IsSentbyLeader(packet))then
20: relayer =
20: estimatePosition(DestinationNode);
21: Unicast (packet, relayer);
22: end
23: else
24: Unicast (packet, ClusterLeader);
25: end
26: end
27: end function
In both cases the vehicle belonging to the cluster
that receives or produces the communication, sends it
to the cluster leader who will forward it to all con-
nected members of the cluster and towards the zones
where the message has not been yet spread.
An Internet connection with a RSU (Road Side
Unit) can be relaying through another clusters us-
ing intermediate nodes who forward the information.
For these types of communications, mechanisms for
enforcement cooperation, like in (Molina-Gil et al.,
2009) are necessary because without them, intermedi-
ate vehicles would not have the necessary incentives
to relay others connections, what would disable any
type of service that incorporates an indirect connec-
tion with the RSU.
We distinguish among several stages in cluster man-
agement, corresponding to different situations of ve-
hicles, depending on the route and on their status in
each moment. The stages are: Detection, Election,
Creation, Membership and Life of a cluster.
VANETs are wireless networks where there are a
large number of highly volatile connections between
vehicles. For this reason it is necessary to define in
detail the way in which vehicles must act according
to their situation.
The global network life scheme proposed in this
paper is as follows. Initially all nodes start in the
Cluster Detection stage. After this, they can enter the
Creation or the Election stage, depending on the cir-
cumstances. After Cluster Creation, the node would
be the cluster leader, while after Cluster Election, the
node would proceed to Cluster Membership.
4.1 Cluster Detection
This is the first stage, where vehicles are in normal
conditions without dense traffic. This stage is de-
scribed in Algorithm 2, where neighbor(i) denotes
the i-th neighbor of the node that initiates the stage.
From time to time the vehicle checks the number of
neighbors and the number of leaders among them. If
there is at least one neighbor who is leader of a clus-
ter, the node proceeds to the Election stage, and oth-
erwise to the Creation stage. This stage does not gen-
erate any traffic of control due to the fact that all the
necessary information is contained in the beacons that
nodes generate.
Algorithm 2: ClusterDetection.
01:function ClusterDetection (...)
02: numberOfNeighbors = 0;
03: numberOfLeaders = 0;
04: while (neighbor(i) exists) do
05: if (isLeader( neighbor(i) )) then
06: numberOfLeaders = 0;
07: end
08: numberOfNeighbors++;
09: i++;
10: end
11: if (numberOfLeaders == 0) then
12: ClusterCreation();
13: else
14: ClusterElection();
15: end
16: end function
4.2 Cluster Election
This stage starts when the vehicle has found among
its neighbors at least one node that is leader of some
cluster. If there is only one neighbor who is a clus-
ter leader, the choice is automatic. Otherwise, if there
are several leaders, the vehicle has to choose one of
them to join it. Algorithm 3 shows this stage, where
clusterValue denotes a quantity used for the choice
and clusterLeader( j) represents the j-th neighbor of
the node that is leader of a cluster. If there are sev-
eral leaders among its neighbors, the vehicle chooses
one according to the clusterValue that depends on the
following values for each cluster j:
Density A( j) of vehicles.
Average quality of signal B( j) in dBm within the
Time C( j) during which it has been connected to
the leader.
Algorithm 3: ClusterElection.
01:function ClusterElection (...)
02: if (numberOfLeaders 1) then
03: j = 1;
04: e = 0;
05: clusterVal[e] = 0;
06: while (clusterLeader[j] exists) do
07: clusterVal[j] = A(j)+B(j)+C(j);
08: if(clusterVal[j] clusterVal[e]) then
09: clusterVal[e] = clusterVal[j];
10: end
11: j++;
12: end
13: else
14: e = 1;
15: endif
16: sendRequest (clusterLeader[e]);
17: receiveClusterKey(clusterLeader[e]);
18: ClusterMembership();
19:end function
Once the cluster has been chosen, the vehicle
sends a login request encrypted with its public key to
the cluster leader. After authenticating it, the leader
sends the cluster secret key encrypted with such a
public key and from then, the vehicle becomes part
of the cluster.
4.3 Cluster Creation
In the Cluster Creation stage (Algorithm 4), the ve-
hicle is not close to any leader of a cluster. It should
check whether within their neighbors there are at least
X nodes that do not belong to any cluster, plus a vari-
able Y that indicates the number of vehicles that can
either turn off, separate or not join the new cluster that
is being created. If the number of neighbors without
cluster is lower than the minimum threshold required
for cluster creation, the vehicle waits a period time1
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
and starts again the Cluster Detection stage. Other-
wise, if the number of neighbors is greater than the
threshold X +Y , the vehicle begins a new Cluster Cre-
ation process. In order to do it, it multicasts a cluster
creation request towards all neighbors with distance
equal to 1. Nodes that receive this request respond
accepting or rejecting the invitation. If the number of
neighbors that accept the invitation is greater than the
minimum threshold X, the new cluster leader sends to
each node the secret key of the cluster encrypted with
the public keys of each node. In this moment the new
cluster is formed. Otherwise, the number Y of esti-
mated vehicles is increased by adding the number of
vehicles that did not accept the invitation.
Algorithm 4: ClusterCreation.
01:function ClusterCreation (...)
02: if (numberOfNeighbors X + Y) then
03: AcceptedNeighbors = 0;
04: n = 1;
05: l = 0;
06: MulticastNeighbors (NeighborsList[]);
07: for(n=1;n numberOfNeighbors;n++) do
08: ReceiveClusterElection(n);
09: if (neighbor(n) accept) then
10: acceptedNeighbors(l)=neighbor(n);
11: l++;
12: acceptedNeighbors++;
13: end
14: end
15: if (acceptedNeighbors X) then
16: for(n=1;n acceptedNeighbors;n++) do
17: SendClusterKey(acceptedNeighbors(n),
18: PuKacceptedNeighbors(n));
19: end
20: ClusterLife();
21: else
22: Y = Y + X - acceptedNeighbors;
23: Wait(time1);
24: ClusterDetection();
25: end
26: else
27: Wait(time1);
28: ClusterDetection();
29: end
30:end function
In conclusion, this stage requires: a multicast of
invitation to join the new cluster, unicast responses
from n users and a multicast to relay a message that
enables the members to build the cluster secret key.
This means a total of 2n + 1 packets in case of posi-
tive cluster creation, and n+2 if the process fails. The
Cluster Creation starts when the appropriate number
of neighbors reaches a certain threshold of traffic, but
without to be dense traffic. Consequently, manage-
ment packets generated at this stage not increase com-
munications in dense traffic conditions.
4.4 Cluster Membership
Once the cluster is formed, the leader must periodi-
cally validate that the cluster continues being useful.
Otherwise, it would be necessary to change the leader
or to end the cluster.
Algorithm 5 shows the process where a node
leaves its cluster. When the node loses any contact
with the leader of the cluster for certain time, the
node stops to belong to its cluster and begins the Clus-
ter Detection stage if node density exceeds the corre-
sponding threshold.
Algorithm 5: ClusterMembership.
01:function ClusterMembership (...)
02: if (See( clusterLeader )) then
03: Wait(timeMemberCheck);
04: ClusterMembership();
05: else
06: Wait(timeReCheck);
07: if (See( clusterLeader )) then
08: Wait(timeMemberCheck);
09: ClusterMembership();
10: else
11: finalClusterMembership();
12: ClusterDetection();
13: end
14: end
15: end function
4.5 Cluster Life
Algorithm 6 shows how the leader of a cluster period-
ically checks that the cluster is still useful. If cluster
size falls below a certain threshold, the leader checks
whether it has a number of neighbors greater or equal
to D (dense traffic threshold) and waits for time2 in-
stead of ending the cluster in order to avoid introduc-
ing cluster management traffic when the vehicle is in
a dense traffic situation. If the leader is not in a dense
traffic situation, it begins a leader change or a clus-
ter ending process. First, the leader asks about the
neighborhood density in order to know if neighbor-
hood density (number of neighbors of the same clus-
ter or without any cluster near) is bigger than X. It
also finds out which of its neighbors has the largest
number of neighbors. After this, it sends a multicast
signal of leader change to all its neighbors. The new
leader will begin a Cluster Creation stage with those
nodes without any cluster that are in its transmission
range. In the absence of any neighbor exceeding the
threshold, the leader sends the cluster ending signal
through multicast to all its neighbors.
Algorithm 6: ClusterLife.
01:function ClusterLife (...)
02: for(n=1;n numberOfNeighbors;n++)do
03: if(Belongs(neighbor(n),cluster(a)))then
04: clusterSize++;
05: end
06: end
07: if (clusterSize X) then
08: Wait(time2);
09: ClusterLife();
10: else
11: if (numberOfNeighbors D) then
12: newLeader=0;
13: for(n=1;n numberOfNeighbors;n++)do
14: //clusterSize+withoutCluster
14: pot = potential(neighbor(n));
15: if((pot X)and
15: (pot clusterSize))then
16: clusterSize=clusterSize(n);
17: newLeader=n;
18: end
19: end
20: if (newLeader == 0) then
21: Multicast (End-of-Cluster-Signal);
22: ClusterDetection();
23: else
24: Multicast (Leader-Change-Signal);
25: //New leader init ClusterCreation proccess
26: ClusterDetection();
27: end
28: end
29: end
30:end function
Both the feasibility and effectiveness of our approach
are shown through the figures where a simulation ex-
emplifies its performance. In the first part of our
demonstration (Figure 1), a NS-2 and SUMO display
shows the VANET state in one moment when clusters
are operating. The most relevant options selected for
the demonstration have been: Total number of vehi-
cles: 80, number of vehicles with OBUs: 80, number
of lanes for each direction: 3 and 3, simulation time:
100 seconds, moment when retransmissions begins:
40 seconds, retransmission period: 10 seconds, dis-
tance relay nodes: 75 meters, traveled distance before
the traffic jam happens: 800 meters.
Figure 1: Simulation.
The implemented simulations for clusters con-
sider four levels of development: vehicle mobility,
node energy, cluster formation and P2P communica-
tions in the network.
The vehicle mobility layer manages the node
movement in the movement pattern, which defines
roads, lines, different speed limits for each line,
traffic jams, etc.
The node energy layer is used to distinguish be-
tween vehicles with and without OBUs. Vehicles
without OBUs are present in the road but do not
contribute in the communications.
The cluster formation layer defines which vehi-
cles belong to each cluster, who is the leader
of each cluster, who generates traffic information
and who relays information to other clusters.
The P2P communications layer is responsible for
the definition of which nodes are in the transmis-
sion range of the retransmitting node at any time.
Statistics Extraction. Simulations give essential
statistics such as number of generated, dropped or lost
packets or bytes. These basic statistics data are useful
to make efficient simulations for large scale scenarios.
Two Implementation Mechanisms. Simulations
provide two mechanisms to implement VANETs:
One with clusters and the other without them, and
they can be compared with the same topology (see
Figure 2).
Figure 2: Generated packets without and with Clusters.
Among the obtained information from the simula-
tions we have the number of packets and bytes gen-
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
erated, sent, broadcast, received, lost, etc. for each
node. Also, other general information shown is the
number of packets generated or lost in the whole net-
work, the number of formed clusters, which nodes are
the leaders of the clusters, which nodes generate pack-
ets and which nodes forward them, etc. In addition to
all this information, another interesting aspect is that
it provides a detailed simulation of what happens in
each moment in the VANET thanks to the use of the
NS-2 display. It also shows the traffic model through
the SUMO tool while the information is represented
using TraceGraph. Table 3 shown some result of sim-
ulations. We have chosen the same set of common
parameters previously mentioned.
Figure 3: Generated and lost packets.
We can observe in Figure 3 the comparison be-
tween the average generated and lost packets: it is
clear that, without the use of clusters in VANETs,
the number of generated packets grow up much faster
than with the use of clusters. But also the lost pack-
ets grow up much faster. The main reason is likely to
be the heaviest traffic load that VANETs generates in
traffic jams conditions: indeed, the original protocol
makes a massive use of broadcast operations. Clus-
ters will help to decrease the percentage of lost pack-
ets and to perform the VANETs operation.
In this paper the use of clusters has been proposed
as a solution to decrease the number of communica-
tions in VANETs under dense traffic conditions when
the overhead of transmitted data causes a consider-
able drop in communication quality. In particular, a
complete description of the proposed scheme for au-
tonomic cluster management in VANETs is provided,
which includes differentiation among possible vehicle
states: from the initial state when it does not belong
to any cluster, to the choice of an existent cluster to
join it, the creation of a new cluster, and the end of
a cluster. This paper also shows how to proceed with
cluster communications.
A complete analysis has been done through simu-
lations using the open source traffic simulator SUMO
and network simulator NS-2. Such simulations al-
low the analysis of the operations at each stage, and a
comparison between communication overhead when
using clusters and without using them in VANETs.
Research supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e
on and the European FEDER Fund under
Project TIN2008-02236/TSI, and by the Agencia Ca-
naria de Investigaci
on, Innovaci
on y Sociedad de la
on under PI2007/005 Project.
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