Planning Benefits
Michael Lodemann and Norbert Luttenberger
Dept. of Computer Science, Communication Systems Research Group, CAU of Kiel
Christian-Albrechts-Platz 4, Kiel, Germany
Ontology, Owl, SWRL, Verification, Railway domain.
Planning new railway infrastructures is a complex process. We present an approach where the formalization
of expert knowledge regarding the railway domain is motivated in order to improve the planning process. By
applying ontologies as a representation of railway related knowledge we are able to make the coherencies of
infrastructural elements explicit. Furthermore the integration of an ontology-based rule language provides the
possibility of a semi-automated integrity verification of static infrastructure and safety components. Seman-
tical inconsistencies potentially leading to unsafe conditions regarding train operations can be spotted within
this verification process. This combination of conceptualization and correlation rules tends to be applicable
for the creation of a formal and consistent model of specific railway infrastructures which are to be planned.
While planning new railroad lines a lot of issues re-
garding the railway domain have to be addressed. The
deployment and alignment of physical elements such
as tracks, signals and so forth as well as their coheren-
cies with abstract elements like train routes have to
be considered during the planning process in which
many parties are involved. On the one side there
are federal offices commissioned with approvals, ver-
ification and certification issues. On the other side
there are manufacturers producing physical parts of
the railroad line. Interlocking manufacturers consti-
tute an elevated status within the overall planning pro-
cess. They produce interlocking blocks as important
components of every railway station. An Interlock-
ing block a central unit, where all train movements
and security elements e.g. signals and switches are
controlled. A station inspector uses the interlocking
block to assign a specific track sequence to a spe-
cific train, so that sequence can exclusively be used
by this train. Such a so called route is set up temporar-
ily and blocks the corresponding tracks for exclusive
usage. Security elements are used for the blocking
procedure. For example switches nearby the route
are moved into an opposite position in order to pro-
vide flank protection to the train occupying the route.
These security operations are all to be done in order
to prevent other trains from moving into the route and
causing an accident. In short words: The correct ap-
plication of signaling and safety technologies cooper-
ating with the interlocking block is an important task
of the railway infrastructure planning process in order
to provide safe train operations. An importance re-
sides in the correct and formalized planning process
of the static infrastructure in general and the safety
components in detail.
1.1 Motivation
Due to traditionally long cycles of innovation regard-
ing the railway domain the planning process of new
railway infrastructures is only supported by a min-
imum amount of computerization, automation and
software tool support. Especially the railway infras-
tructure itself is not represented as a formalized com-
putational model which can be shared and communi-
cated among involved companies and authorities and
most important: which can be used for computer-
aided verification tasks. Almost all agreements of
technical kind are exchanged as paper based docu-
ments. This fact implies an administrative overhead
and a low integrability with respect to reusability.
Apart from these issues, the planning company is
highly dependent on the correctness of the so far de-
veloped railway infrastructure. The company has to
Lodemann M. and Luttenberger N..
DOI: 10.5220/0003071801760181
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2010), pages 176-181
ISBN: 978-989-8425-30-0
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ensure that the current work represents a consistent in-
frastructure regarding integrity and safety. The infras-
tructure verification is not realized within the plan-
ning company, but at the EBA
in a manual manner.
Nowadays for verification tasks the planning docu-
ments have to be transformed into a specific table-
based document format. Afterwards they have to be
printed and sent to the EBA, where the infrastructure
plans are verified against the legal guideline. After the
manual verification process an error report is written
and all documents are sent back to the planning com-
pany. Now the verified documents have to be digi-
talized again, error checked and transformed into the
company specific format. This verification process is
highly inefficient.
The motivation of our work is to develop a possi-
bility for a semi-automated verification process of the
static railway infrastructure with focus on the safety
components. We are achieving this by the devel-
opment of an ontological framework where implicit
expert knowledge of the railway domain as well as
the legal German guideline for railway infrastructures
and their correlations are made explicit and stored in
a conceptual model in order. It is obvious that the
German guideline for railway infrastructure planning
is a huge and complex collection of rules and stan-
dards. Our work does not claim to represent the com-
plete guideline. It can be seen as a proof-of-concept
to encode such a guideline into an ontological model
in order to provide a method for verification issues.
In general, the choice to use an ontological model re-
sides in the fact that ontologies are achieving inter-
operability between multiple representations of real-
ity [...] and between such representations and reality,
namely human users and their perception of reality.
(Hepp, 2007)
There are several approaches for infrastructural infor-
mation representation in a domain specific ontologi-
cal knowledge base. In (M
etral et al., 2007) a method-
ology for modeling urban infrastructures within an
ontology is introduced. The work is mainly focused
on defining an ontological model as a communication
contract between the parties involved in urban plan-
ning processes.
InteGRail is a topic related project founded by
the EU and has the ambition to homogenize the in-
formation retrieval and management within the rail-
way world in order to enable optimization of decision
Federal Railway Authority: german: Eisenbahnbunde-
making for improved performance on railway tracks.
It uses an ontological model named ”Railway Do-
main Ontology” to solve the integration challenge of
the railway environment. This model is applied al-
lowing a predictive maintenance strategy in railway
components (Shingler et al., 2008) in comparison to
common maintenance strategies like RCM (Reliabil-
ity Centered Maintainance). Another similar publi-
cation of Cristina de Ambrosi (Ambrosi et al., 2009)
discusses the integration of an embedded ontological
system into railway vehicles. This system performs
fault classifications within the vehicle. InteGRail is a
good example for modeling railway related concepts
using ontologies, but in contrast to our work in Inte-
GRail the model is used as a data structure contract
while we focus on the semantic verification of rail-
way infrastructures.
Regarding the formalization of legal railway
guidelines there are several works dealing with au-
tomated ontology extraction (Amato et al., 2008) and
the representation of legislation in ontologies (Boer
and Boer, 2003), but in contrast to them our work
intends to make use of the ontology rule language
SWRL for the representation of legal railway guide-
The railway infrastructure is modeled within an on-
tology by using the ontology description language
OWL (W3C, 2004a). The correlation rules are
phrased in the Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL)
(W3C, 2004b) syntax. SWRL rules follow the horn
clause syntax, therefore they consist of antecedent-
consequent pairs, and are stored as OWL individuals
within the ontological model to which they are ap-
plied to. During the modeling process we enriched
SWRL with so called built-ins which provide railway
specific enhancements to the language while main-
taining consistency and decidability.
We favor this ontological representation of the
railway infrastructure planning data because of its ex-
pressiveness. It has the ability to represent the seman-
tics of the railway domain in a more detailed way in
comparison to a simple, syntax-only XML represen-
tation. Apart from semantical correlations expressed
within the OWL-model, the integration of complex
SWRL rules allows the creation of a more realistic
model which as far as possible is in accordance with
railway directive semantics and which can be used for
the planning data verification task.
We followed a bottom up approach in formalizing
railway domain knowledge into an ontological model.
As a transfer format between the infrastructure plan-
ning tools and the ontological model we make use of
an open source XML-schema named railML (Nash
et al., 2004), which offers a structured description
format for railway related content. We extended the
railML schema in order to cover a majority of infras-
tructural elements and their attributes as they are de-
fined in legal German directives for railway planning.
Then we adapted the concepts and correlations of
railML and created an initial conceptual OWL model.
During fruitful discussions this model is extended and
enriched by profound knowledge of railway experts.
3.1 railML - an XML Schema for the
Railway Domain
The railML XML schema has been developed since
2001 by the railML initiative, intending to establish
railML as an open-source standard format for data
exchange between diverse railway applications. This
includes tools for route simulation and disposition of
trains as well as timetable systems and applications
for railway infrastructure planning.
RailML consists of three subschemata covering
different aspects of the railway domain. There is
a subschema rolling stock in which elements and
attributes regarding train constellations and wagon
configurations are accumulated. A second is the
timetable subschema which is developed in order to
support the modeling of departure and arrival times
and the whole scheduling of train movements. At last
there is an infrastructure subschema. We focused on
this subschema of railML in which the representation
of physical elements concerning the railway route re-
sides. The element definitions range from tracks, sig-
nals and level crossings to security related parts like
train detection circuits or transponders for train de-
celeration and many more. Thus the infrastructure
subschema offers a good starting point for the under-
standing of infrastructural concepts and their correla-
tions. During our work we extended this subschema
in order to be capable to formalize the description of
interlocking elements as well.
3.2 Evolving a Formal Railway
Infrastructure Domain Model
We translated the hierarchical railway representation
of the railML infrastructure subschema into an en-
hanced ontological, meshed representation where the
hierarchical structure is broken open. RailML has
limitations thus is not comprehensive enough in or-
der to represent all infrastructural elements and their
attributes requested by , directives. In the ontological
model most of the original concepts and relations of
railML remain, but are augmented with sophisticated
interrelations tending to represent the legal directives.
As a concrete example we can have a look at the
concept signal in railML. A signal can be of the types
main-signal or distant-signal among others. In the
German railway infrastructure guidelines the correla-
tions between main and distant signals are defined in
a very detailed way. A distant signal, for instance, is
always placed before a main signal in order to notify
the engine driver what he has to be aware of. The
correct distances between the signals depend on the
maximum speed on the track as well as on the visibil-
ity of the signals, for example when they are placed in
bends. These directives cannot be encoded and veri-
fied using an XML schema, whereas the expressive-
ness of OWL and SWRL as ontology modeling lan-
guages permit the representation of such directives.
Our starting point was the key concept track,
where all other physical elements are aligned with.
Tracks as well as switches have a spatial extent and
can be interconnected among each other. All other
physical elements like signals, balises, train detection
elements and so forth are point-shaped and related to
tracks or switches. There do exist virtual elements
like routes and railway control centers, but these el-
ements are an overlay of physical elements and sub-
sume their spatial extent.
At figure 1 an excerpt of the class ontology is
shown. Classes are represented as ellipses. Indi-
viduals as red squares. Whereas datatype properties
are represented as named connections from classes to
blue squares showing their data type. At last object
properties are represented as named connections be-
tween classes. Base is the class where all other el-
ements are derived from. It contains the data type
properties id and name which provide a unique iden-
tifier and a human readable name for all instantiated
objects. Direct subclasses of Base are the classes Re-
lationalObject, DirectedPointObject and VirtualOb-
ject. RelationalObject is a base class for all phys-
ical elements which have a spatial extend namely
Tracks and Switches. DirectedPointObjects are uni-
dimensional aligned along the RelationalObjects via
the object property isOnRO and its corresponding in-
verse property hasDPO. As an example the Signal
class is shown at figure 1. It features a relation to
the class SignalType which basically consists of an
enumeration of possible signal types as defined in-
dividuals. In extracts the classification classes for
the verification tasks are shown. E.g. after a veri-
fication process the class Correct S Placement con-
tains all signals which are correctly positioned within
the bounds of their corresponding track elements re-
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Figure 1: Class ontology (excerpt).
garding the first SWRL rule described in the follow-
ing chapter 3.3. VirtualObjects are all non-physical
objects like Route and InterlockingBlock. These ob-
jects are mapped to an accumulation of RelationalOb-
jects. Route elements, as it can be seen on the figure,
have a direct relation to RelationalObjects and Direct-
edPointObjects via the object properties flankProtec-
tion. With this construct route definitions are aug-
mented with an additional security concept which had
to be formalized while modeling railway infrastruc-
ture related context. In reality a route is secured by
flank protection elements in order to ensure no other
train can cross the route. A flank protection element
can be for example a signal signaling stop or a switch
which is locked in a position not leading into the
3.3 Refine the Model with Semantic
OWL allows the definition of restrictions on classes.
E.g. a common signal containing attributes for a spe-
cialized signal (e.g. entry signal) can be classified as
such by defining the necessary restrictions and ap-
plying the OWL reasoner. These restriction defini-
tions are a powerful tool within OWL, but they have
limitations. Complex correlations among different at-
tributes and classes cannot be expressed within these
restrictions. We decided to enhance our model not
only with restrictions but also with semantic rules
written in SWRL and stored directly within the on-
tological model. SWRL rules can be defined in horn
clause syntax as antecedent-consequent pairs. This al-
lows the creation of a realistic model which is tends to
be in accordance with railway directive semantics and
which appears to be applicable for verification tasks
of railway infrastructure planning data.
As a rule example, the following directive shall
be considered: A signal needs to be placed within the
range of the corresponding track it is assigned to. The
SWRL rule defined in an abstract syntax is as follows:
Signal(?s) ˆ Track(?t) ˆ to(?t, ?to) ˆ
signalIsOnTrack(?s, ?t) ˆ from(?t, ?from) ˆ
SignalPosition(?s, ?pos) ˆ
swrlb:greaterThanOrEqual(?pos, ?from) ˆ
swrlb:lessThanOrEqual(?pos, ?to)
-> Correct_S_Placement(?s)
Rule consequents (results) can be integrated into
antecedents of other rules, thus allowing a hierar-
chization of rules and a reduction of complexity.
Thereby rules can make use of signals which are al-
ready assigned to the Correct S Placement class only,
hence incorrectly placed signals will be omitted. As
shown in the example, SWRL allows the definition of
finer constraints and the expression of complex corre-
lations among infrastructural elements. With SWRL
an extensive formalization of German legal guidelines
is possible.
As a specific German legal guideline directive the
following sentence shall be focused: A station area
must be secured by entry signals. This directive can
be formalized with following SWRL rule (simplified):
Track(?t1) ˆ Track(?t2) ˆ
hasConnection(?t1, ?t2) ˆ
hasTrackType(?t1, ’open’) ˆ
hasTrackType(?t2, ’station’) ˆ
CorrectPlacedSignal(?s) ˆ
hasSignalType(?s, ’entry’) ˆ
signalIsOnTrack(?s, ?t1)
-> CorrectStationSecurity(?t2)
The rule is interpreted as follows: ”If there are two
tracks which are connected to each other and between
which there is the (imaginary) border of a station, the
track abutting to the station area has to have a signal
which has to be an entry signal in order to secure the
station area. Note that in the context of this rule not
only a signal is used but a Correct S Placement. This
shows the hierarchization mechanism and implies that
only correctly placed signals are considers to be part
of this rule.
The power of SWRL and especially the prot
(Stanford-University, 2009) implementation can be
shown with the following rule which represents the
verification of the overlap dimension of train routes.
An overlap is a track segment behind a train route
which has to be blocked because of security reasons.
If a train is not able to stop at the end of a train route in
time it runs into the overlap. It is a legal directive that
the dimension of an overlap is (among other factors)
dependent on the maximum speed at which a train is
allowed to move on the specific route. To formalize
such a directive, mathematical operations are required
within the corresponding SWRL rule. Such opera-
tions can be performed by using the prot
e built-in
Route(?r) ˆ Overlap(?o) ˆ
hasOverlap(?r, ?o) ˆ vMax(?r, ?v) ˆ
overlapLenght(?o, ?l) ˆ
eval(?result, "v * 3.6 * 2", ?v) ˆ
greaterThanOrEqual(?l, result) ˆ
-> CorrectOverlapPerRoute(?r)
In natural language this (simplified) rule can be
phrased as follows: ”For every route which has a
vMax in km/h and which has an overlap of a length in
meters this length must be at least the distance a train
can move at vMax during two seconds. Only when
this conditions hold, a route is classified as a Correc-
tOverlapPerRoute”. The eval method is very power-
ful. A lot of mathematical expressions like sine, co-
sine, abs, floor, sqrt and many more can be used. The
range of SWRL expressiveness is sufficient for the
purposes of the formalization of German legal guide-
lines for railway infrastructure planning.
Figure 2: Ontological verification system.
We segmented our verification system into different
logical and physical parts. Figure 2 shows the com-
ponents of the verification system. At the bottom re-
sides the class ontology which contains the railway
concepts taken from the railML schema augmented
by knowledge taken from railway experts. Apart
from that the class ontology contains categorization
classes. These classes are used to mark verified ele-
ments like ”[In]CorrectlyPlacedSignals” or ”[In]Cor-
rectStationSecurities” etc.
The rule ontology resides at the upper level and in-
cludes the class ontology so that it is able to make use
of its concept definitions. These concepts are used
within the rules in order to represent more complex
semantic correlations of the classes and properties.
As mentioned before, the rules are mostly formalized
infrastructure planning guidelines representing legal
directives for German infrastructure planning.
At the uppermost level of the knowledge base the
individual ontology is located. It is generated by ap-
plying XSLT scripts to a document in (the extended)
railML format. This document contain the actual
planning data such as precisely defined infrastructure
objects extracted from infrastructure planning tools.
As it can be seen the individual ontology is data spe-
cific, whereas the class and rule ontologies build the
unmodifiable knowledge base. Invoking the verifica-
tion service, the objects within the individual ontol-
ogy are to be verified automatically against the Ger-
man railway directives modeled in the class and rule
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
At the application side of the system the verifica-
tion service is a web service which wraps the ontology
and reasoning framework. It is invoked by a client
program, which communicates with the service via
standard SOAP mechanisms. A user can upload plan-
ning data in the (enhanced) railML format via a client.
The planning data is transformed via an XSLT script
into the individual ontology in OWL language. Using
an import statement the individual ontology includes
the rule and conceptual ontologies. At this point the
verification service performs the actual verification
using the ontological knowledge base and generates a
correctness report containing the verification results.
This report is transfered to the client, again via SOAP,
that displays the verification results to the user. The
client also provides an interface for changing as well
as grouping and (de)activating rules. This mechanism
allows the verification of only parts of the planning
data for example if they reflect an early stage of the
planning process where not all data is available yet.
The application of ontologies for verification issues
especially within the railway domain is inconvenient.
Our experiences with the approach described in this
paper seem to be very promising. The separation of
concepts, rules and individuals provides a loose cou-
pling which is common application design for years.
The ascertainment of expert knowledge regarding the
railway domain into a formal environment tends to be
a step towards the standardization of railway infras-
tructure planning. With straightening the heteroge-
neous communication and verification processes, de-
velopment periods can be shortened and optimized.
Similarly the formalization of legal German infras-
tructure planning directives seems to be necessary and
tend be achievable by applying SWRL. Although we
only focused on a small excerpt of all guidelines for
infrastructure planning, we gave examples to show
that formalization can be accomplished with complex
issues as well.
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