Lars Frank Große and Franz Joos
Power Engineering, Laboratory of Turbo Machinery, Helmut-Schmidt-University
University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, Holstenhofweg 85, D-22043 Hamburg, Germany
Keywords: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Combustion simulation, Furnace, Finite-volume-model.
Abstract: The design process of commercially available combustion engines is often based on real experiments which
is expensive concerning to fuel consumption, men power and environmental pollution. It is possible to
replace complex experiments by computer simulations. The prediction of the velocity field, the mixing
process of fuel and oxidiser and the temperature field is a wide range of research subjects. In case of
turbulent flow simulations with combustion the chemical reactions and the coupling have to be calculated at
the same time. With regard to computer time the used chemical reaction mechanism has a big influence on
the performance of the whole simulation. Therefore optimisation procedures often improve the
representation of the chemistry. The suggestion made in this paper, is the use of artificial neuronal networks
for approximation of complex chemistry in turbulent combustion simulations.
The prediction of minority species in the flow field
of a turbulent combustion simulation like CO- or
-formations depend on the used reaction
mechanism. Often more complex chemical reaction
mechanism contain hundreds of reactions and fifty
or more species. Only optimised mechanisms
contain these species of interest and in general the
evaluation is computer time intensive. Further
information can be found in Große and Joos (2009).
Former studies by Blasco, Fueyo, Dopazo and
Ballester (1998) and Chen, Blasco, Fueyo and
Dopazo (2000) show the use of ANN for
representation of reduced chemical systems. Further
studies by Große and Joos (2009, 2010) show the
feasebility of the use of ANN for complex chemistry
A complex chemical reaction mechanism like the
Gas Research Institute Mechanism 3.0
(GRIMech3.0) which consists of 325 reactions with
53 species is optimised for methane combustion in a
wide pressure and temperature range. So the use of
the GriMech3.0 means to solve the ordinary
differential equation (ODE) system with 53
variables, which are the species, for each statistic
representation (particle) in the flow field. The
smallest eigenvalue of the Jacobian matrix of the
ODE system is fixing the integration step, which
means practically to integrate the system in smallest
steps until the solution is reached:
In equation (1)
denotes the chemical reaction
rate of species i,
the mass fraction vector, T the
temperature and p the pressure. In general it is
computer time intensive to evaluate this system of
ODE for each species.
When the effects of turbulent flow are calculated
at the same time during a simulation process the
required CPU-time limits the evaluation of the stiff
ODE system to simple problems with less finite-
volume-elements in the model approximation.
Turbulent flow is characterised by continuous
velocity fluctuations, the resulting fluctuations of
Große L. and Joos F..
DOI: 10.5220/0003073904060410
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Fuzzy Computation and 2nd International Conference on Neural Computation (ICNC-2010), pages
ISBN: 978-989-8425-32-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
scalars lead to complex interactions between the
turbulent flow field and the chemical reactions.
Therefore deterministic approaches describe the
interaction with probability density functions (PDF)
as stated in Harder (2007).
Figure 1: Picture of the Flame (Sandia, 2003) with
description (added).
For this study a stochastically equivalent system
in a Lagrangian framework is used. A high number
of stochastic particles which is called stochastic
particle ensemble represents the real distribution of
scalars. The particles have the same initial
distribution as the physical scalar values and are
calculated in the flow field. For a piloted
methane/air flame (Barlow and Frank, 1998;
Barlow, Frank, Karpetis and Chen, 2005) the
calculation was performed by connecting a three
dimensional CFD solver with a PDF approach and
the use of the commercially available computer
program CHEMKIN for calculating the progress in
complex chemical reactions with GRIMech3.0.
A calculation using the PDF approach presented
in this work was conducted with 8 particles per
finite-volume-element. The whole model has 1000
elements. The model is a rotational symmetric slice
of the whole flame. Figure 1 depicts the flame
(Sandia, 2003). Because of CPU-Time reasons a
more detailed model with more volume-elements or
the increase of the stochastic particles is limited. 8
particles with 1000 elements require 8000
integrations of the ODE system per iteration step.
3.1 PDF CFD Simulation
The general approach for the calculation is shown in
figure 2.
The convergence in the probability distribution
of the particle is reached after 1700 iteration steps.
The input and output chemical states of the
stochastic particle ensemble were saved. So the
species mass concentrations in the flow field and
their change in the 53 dimensional state during the
simulation is known. A complete dataset of about
1.000.000 in and output samples in the form
(t+dt),T(t+dt)) where t is the absolute
time and dt the time of the reaction progress which
is calculated with the complex chemistry mechanism
is the basis for the training of the ANNs. A simple
chess-board cluster algorithm is used for clustering
the dataset in six dimensions. The data in each
cluster consists of the training base for one ANN.
Turbulent Flow
Simulation CFX
Model 1000
Solution (CPU-
time 168h
Figure 2: Approach for the PDF CFD simulation.
168h of CPU-time is needed for the calculation
of the solution and the chemistry samples for the
whole finite-volume-model (CPU Q6850, 8 GB,
WIN XP64bit).
Former studies (Große und Joos, 2010) show that
the calculation with ANNs yields a good
approximation of the ODE system solution.
Furthermore the ANNs solution requires only 1/14
of the CPU time, which is about 12h for the 1000
finite-volume-element model. So several parameter
studies with ANNs are applicable during a full ODE
simulation. Moreover the possibility of more precise
calculations is given.
3.2 CFD Simulation with ANNs
The clustered dataset is used to train ANNs which
are able to reproduce the change in species mass
concentrations during the simulation. The ANNs are
simple feed-forward-nets with two hidden layers
with up to 50 neurons and six in- and output neurons
for four main species (CH
, CO
, H
O, O
), the
temperature and one important minority species
(CO). Because of complexity reduction only five of
the saved dataset of 53 species were analysed. The
stoichiometric global reaction of complete
methane/air combustion is given in equation (2).
x- direction
nozzle -
diameter d
. (2)
With the closure condition that sum of mass
fractions of the species has to be one, N
is the
closure condition species. A more detailed
combustion description includes hundreds of
reaction steps with several intermediate species like
the GRIMech3.0 with more than 50 species.
Turbulent Flow
Simulation CFX
Model 6500
Figure 3: Approach for the PDF Simulation with ANNs.
For each ANN a bias neuron is set for the hidden
layers and for the output neurons. As learning
algorithm the Resilent-Backpropagation by Igel and
Husken (2003) with weight-backtracking and the
mean squared error was used.
The rerun of the simulation with ODE replaced
by 1500 ANNs (figure 3) show the ability of ANNs
for complex chemistry representation (Große and
Joos, 2010).
The reduction of CPU-time in comparison to the
ODE calculation makes it possible to simulate a high
resolution model of the flame with about 6500
finite-volume-elements and up to 26 stochastic
particles per element to describe the stochastic
particle ensemble. Precise simulation solutions allow
the comparison with measurements and are therefore
a tool for optimisation tasks.
3.3 Results
The comparison of measurements and simulation
solutions of the calculation with ANNs and the ODE
system on the main axis (r=0mm, see figure 1) is
shown in figures 4-7, with d=7,2mm as nozzle
diameter. The high resolution finite-volume-model
of the flame with 6500 elements was used with
different numbers of particles (8 or 26) per element.
The configuration and the boundary conditions
of the flame and the scalar measurements are
adopted by (Barlow and Frank, 1998). The
calculation with the ODE system is used as
reference application but in general it is not
analysable because of a summarized calculation time
of 100 days as well as convergence problems during
the solution iterations.
Figure 4: Comparison of measurements, ANNs and ODE
system simulation solutions of the educts of the flame.
The educts in figure 4 show a good
approximation of the measurements. There is a small
downstream shift of methane and oxygen. The
maximum and minimum is within the range of the
measurements. The calculations with 8 (8P) and 26
(26P) particles for representation of the stochastic
particle ensemble of the ANNs simulation are almost
similar. Using a finite volume-model with a higher
resolution will probably yield further improvement.
The calculation with the ODE system and the high
resolution model with 8 particles show the same
trend. The extreme points became apparent and the
drop of the species is marginal faster. Physical
observed the strong gradient of educts between 15 to
40[x/d] is an indicator for the position of the flame.
The products shown in figure 5 show also a
matching behaviour. Measurements and calculation
diverge only in form of a small shift, which is
connected with the shift of the educts. The values of
carbon dioxide are slightly higher with a maximum
difference of 0,02. The calculation with the ODE
system shows the same behaviour. Only the extreme
points have a higher difference to measurement
ICFC 2010 - International Conference on Fuzzy Computation
Figure 5: Comparison of measurements, ANNs and ODE
system simulation solutions of exhaust gas components of
the flame.
Figure 6: Comparison of measurements, ANNs and ODE
system simulation solutions of carbon monoxide and
Carbon monoxide is an import minority species.
Several reduced mechanisms can not calculate the
values of that specific species. In comparison the
values in figure 6 are within the same range. The
maximum point for the ODE system is about 0,008
higher and the CO oxidation is faster than for the
ANNs simulation. The measurements show a small
shift to higher [x/d]-values which is in good
correlation to the former discussed species values.
Nitrogen is the closure condition. The mass
fractions of the species have to sum up to one, so
that the CFD solver is able to compute the density
for the flow field calculation. Therefore the overall
error of the calculation results can be seen in the
values of nitrogen in figure 6. In comparison of the
ANNs and ODEs solution the error is marginal.
Figure 7: Comparison of measurements, ANNs and ODE
system simulation solutions of the flame temperature.
In summary measurements and calculations of
the examined species show good results. In physical
description the flame front of the calculation with
ANNs is shifted to lower x-values. But the same
solution is also generated by the full GriMech3.0
Figure 7 depicts the temperature which shows
the same shift in flame front position and the good
trend in comparison of ANNs and ODE calculation.
Further comparison of the flow field and
turbulence values show the performance of the
ANNs simulation solutions. Because of the coupling
of the turbulent flow field and the reactions, minor
changes can result in convergence problems and
species mass concentrations which are not physical.
Whereas the ODE system is a physical model ANNs
only represent the learned dataset within the given
3.4 Future Prospects
In order to reach an improvement the chemistry
samples which are generated with a model of about
1000 finite-volume-elements should be replaced by
samples of the high resolution model. Further the
use of a more fitting cluster algorithm will improve
the performance regarding the number of used
ANNs. The forecast of further minority species like
or unburnt hydrocarbons can help to fulfil
current exhaust emission directives.
The investigations were conducted as part of the
joint research programme
in the frame of AG Turbo.
The work was supported by the Bundesministerium
für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi) as per
resolution of the German Federal Parliament under
grant number
0327716L. The authors gratefully
acknowledge AG Turbo and
MAN Diesel & Turbo
for their support and permission to publish this
paper. The responsibility for the content lies solely
with its authors.
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ICFC 2010 - International Conference on Fuzzy Computation