Claire Gubbins and Lawrence Dooley
Enterprise Research Centre, ER-1030, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
Keywords: Innovation, Social Networks, Knowledge Management.
Abstract: The competitiveness and sustainability of a modern organisation depends on its ability to innovate. It is
increasingly accepted that knowledge, skills and competencies are the key drivers of innovation. Access to
the latest information can provide critical competitive edge for organisations’ innovation efforts. Social
networks are found to promote organisational and collective learning and are a significant source of
knowledge which subsequently leads to innovation. The paper aims to introduce social network analysis as
a useful methodology for organisations and managers to use to analyse how collaboration for knowledge
management for innovation efforts is accomplished. Social network analysis (SNA) facilitates analysis of
relationships among actors in a network. It describes a number of social network factors that are useful in
analysing overall network structures, network content, the characteristics of interactions and identifying the
impact they have on knowledge management for innovation efforts. This will illuminate the mechanisms
through which collaboration for innovation is accomplished. Three case studies of a knowledge network
within the life sciences sector are utilised to conduct an exploration into how knowledge is managed
through social networks for innovation.
One useful view of innovation is that it is the
combined activity of generating creative ideas (i.e.
new knowledge) and the subsequent successful
exploitation of these for benefit (Roberts, 1988; von
Stamm, 2003; O’Sullivan and Dooley, 2008).
Creativity results in the development of new
knowledge and learning. Creativity may be viewed
as the combination of existing knowledge into new
and useful concepts to satisfy a need (Farid-Foad et
al., 1993). The exploitation of value from the
realisation of these novel ideas is the output of the
innovation process.
The paper aims to introduce social network
analysis as a useful and effective methodology for
organisations and managers to use to analyse how
cooperation and collaboration for knowledge
management for innovation efforts is accomplished.
Social network analysis (SNA) facilitates analysis of
relationships among actors in a network. It
describes a number of social network factors that are
useful in analysing overall network structures,
network content, the characteristics of interactions
and identifying the impact they have on knowledge
management for innovation efforts. This will
illuminate the mechanisms through which
cooperation and collaboration for innovation is
accomplished. Three case studies of a knowledge
network within the life sciences sector is utilised to
conduct an initial exploration of how knowledge is
managed through social networks for innovation.
The paper will explore key stages of a knowledge
management for innovation process from the social
network perspective.
For an organisation to successfully innovate i.e. to
optimize the way new knowledge is developed and
existing knowledge is exploited, it needs to facilitate
the dynamic capabilities required for converting the
knowledge available from the insights and
competences of individual people (the source of new
knowledge) into appropriate structures, processes,
Gubbins C. and Dooley L..
DOI: 10.5220/0003075001820188
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2010), pages 182-188
ISBN: 978-989-8425-30-0
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
products and systems that allow the value, in this
case innovation, to be exploited (McKenzie & van
Winkelen, 2004). Current perspectives of the
innovation process view it as an interactive and
networked system that spans organisational
boundaries to draw on knowledge, experience and
capabilities from diverse sources to achieve
development objectives (Rothwell, 1992; Tidd et al,
2005). Moves in this direction include organisations
moving from functionally based formal structures to
matrix, team-based and networked structures
(Morton et al., 2006). Such organizations are ‘highly
adaptive entities that transcend traditional
boundaries as they develop deep and collaborative
relationship internally as well as with customers,
suppliers, alliance partners and increasingly
competitors’ (Neilson et al., 2004). It is argued that
these relationship-driven organizations are more
successful than their non relationship-driven
counterparts (Morton et al., 2006).
The social network perspective is an appropriate
lens through which to examine the interactions
among employees (both within and outside the firm)
that enable collaborative work to be accomplished
(Cross & Parker, 2004), or in this case, that enable
learning, knowledge access, transfer, absorption and
accumulation for the purposes of innovation. It
enables exploration of how collaborative social
networks facilitate knowledge management for
innovation. A social network perspective permits
conceptualizing the whole, rather than the parts
(Storberg & Gubbins, 2007. A social network is a set
of people or groups, called ‘actors’, with some
pattern of interaction or ‘ties’ between them.
2.1 Understanding the Knowledge
Management Phases
Innovation is about creating new possibilities
through combining different knowledge sets. Such
knowledge may be from the insights and
competences of individual people (the source of new
knowledge), found in experience or could be from a
process of search- such as research into
technologies, markets, competitor actions etc. This
knowledge could be codified in such a way that
others can access it, discuss it, transfer it etc. or it
can be in tacit form, ‘known about’ but not actually
put into words or formulae. A key contribution to
our understanding of the kinds of knowledge
involved in different kinds of innovation is that
innovation rarely involves dealing with a single
technology or market but rather a bundle of
knowledge which is brought together into a
configuration. Successful innovation management is
about getting hold of and using knowledge about
components but also about how these can be put
together- the architecture of an innovation (Tidd et
al., 2005). Tranfield et al. (2006) outline the phases
of the innovation process and extrapolate the
knowledge routines necessary to support each of the
innovation phases- discovery, realisation and
nurture. Taking the network perspective of
innovation necessitates understanding where and
how knowledge management routines impact the
innovation process and what characteristics of social
networks influence knowledge management and
how. For example, the discovery phase of
innovation relates to searching and scanning the
environment to pick up and process signals about
potential innovations. Thus potential sources of
knowledge in the network are scanned for items of
interest. The larger the social network, the more
knowledge sources will be scanned and thus the
likelihood of finding valuable items of interest for
innovation is higher. The knowledge sources located
are then potential members of the network to enable
any collaborative efforts. Utilisation of the actors in
the network then enables access to, capture and
articulation of this knowledge in an explicit usable
The first phase of any innovation process relates
to discovery and involves searching the external
environment to identify potential shifts and
unfulfilled needs that provide the opportunity for
potential innovations. The knowledge inputs for this
phase of the innovation process necessitate the
organisation spreading as wide a net as possible to
capture information from relevant knowledge
sources. The broadness of the domain makes it
impossible for any one individual (or even
organisation) to adequately search all potential
sources. The use of social networks to search for
and access knowledge regarding emergent shifts in
the external environment improves the organisations
searching ability to identify appropriate
opportunities for innovation. The social network
literatures inform practice on how best to search for
and access valuable knowledge through social
networks. For example, Granovetter (1973) proposes
through his weak tie theory that weak tie
relationships, defined as not emotionally intense,
infrequent, and restricted to one narrow type of
relationship enable a focal individual to contact
another who resides in a different social circle and
hence access non-redundant knowledge.
Burt (1992) proposes, through his structural hole
theory, that boundary spanners, defined as those
actors in a network who connect otherwise
unconnected actors, gain access to novel knowledge
in a timely fashion, as well as bargaining power.
Once the search process is complete, the more
effectively an organisation can capture and
articulate the knowledge from these networks, the
richer the opportunities they have to feed their
innovation efforts. In order for meaningful
knowledge transfer and learning to occur, the social
networking process requires direct and intense
interaction, collaboration and cooperation between
individuals with relevant knowledge and expertise,
within the structure of the network (Hansen, 1999)
so that knowledge can be internalised in the
organisation and given expression in a form
understood by those tasked with exploring its
innovative potential. The requirement for intense
interaction emphasises the importance of the
strength of the relationships and the requirement for
individuals with relevant competencies emphasises
the need to investigate the absorptive capacity of the
The second phase of the innovation process
relates to realisation. This relates to how the
organization can successfully implement the
innovation and selecting from the range of available
innovations those which the organization will work
on. It involves firstly screening and selecting
appropriate actions to be progressed along the
innovation process. Selection decisions are based on
available knowledge and expertise so the adoption of
a cooperative team-based, consensus approach to
decisions is facilitated by having access to a greater
network of expertise, knowledge and diverse
perspectives to enlighten the selection process. It
requires that the knowledge and innovations are
articulated such that they can relate to each
organizations context and particular challenges.
Possessing a wide diverse network of actors and thus
drawing on multiple perspectives, knowledge and
expertise can facilitate this contextualization and
ensure effective selection decisions are made. An
organisation must strive to identify and access all
pertinent information and absorb this knowledge to
enhance their decisions. Better informed decisions
regarding the approval of concepts will enhance the
likely success of the innovative actions pursued.
Understanding how the actors interact and the
network structures can enable development of
strategies to further enhance collaboration for this
phase of the innovation process.
The third phase of the innovation process relates
to nurturing the innovative actions approved from
the realisation phase. The challenge of this phase is
to transform the concept into a reality and align it
with the needs of the market. The further along this
phase an action is then the more difficult it is to
change the design. Consequently organisations need
to access information to ensure the design and
subsequent development is correct. The use of
concurrent engineering and co-design teams are
common in this phase of the process to enhance the
knowledge flows and eventual output. Concurrent
engineering brings together all relevant stakeholders
(e.g. design, manufacturing, logistics, sales, etc.) to
collaborate on the development of the action; co-
design engages suppliers and other independent
organisations to work together on the design of the
future innovation. The opening-up of this phase of
the innovation process to input from knowledge
sources external to the organisation enhances the
expertise and knowledge available, increases the
creative capability to solve problems encountered
and ensure that relevant stakeholder requirements
are incorporated into the design and development
activity. Since potential errors are minimised by
collective knowledge sharing, such collaborative
routines have the potential not only to develop
superior innovations but also to reduce the cost and
time of development. Such leveraging and
integration of necessary resources from the social
networks facilitate successful exploitation of the
‘new’ knowledge opportunity.
The exploitation of value from the developed
actions is the primary objective of this phase of the
process. The ability to commercialise developed
actions is essential to the long term sustainability of
any organisation. Knowledge inputs for this phase of
the process relate to how an organisation can ensure
the market adopts the innovation and what
mechanisms can be used to protect intellectual
property from competitors. Organisations must be
careful when securing intellectual property that the
associated secrecy does not adversely affect the
necessary knowledge flows to the innovation
process or encourage behaviour by individuals
within the network that undermines knowledge
exchange for mutual benefit. Thus management of
collaborative efforts within these constraints requires
an understanding of collaboration mechanisms such
as trust.
The case studies detailed below are of a number of
university-industry collaborations studied through
longitudinal research by the researchers. The
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
methodology adopted consists of a series of semi-
structured interviews over the life of the network to
assess the networks evolution, understand the
structures, routines and practices of the network and
identify the factors influencing positive network
behaviour. The interviews are conducted with key
members of the collaborations management team
who can provide both strategic and operational level
insights into the network functions. Interviews were
conducted every eighteen months. These case
studies were chosen for analysis as they were
created by multiple organizations to advance their
scientific understanding and generate knowledge
that they could exploit for potential innovations.
The study of these networks began in 2004. The
interview transcripts were analysed using a number
of social network analysis determinants as themes.
This analysis provides insight into the mechanisms
of a social network and how these mechanisms and
network characteristics explain how social
cooperation and collaboration is initiated, enhanced
for knowledge sharing and innovation
. A full
description of the three cases used is provided in Dooley et
al (2010).
All three network cases were established for the
purpose of generating and advancing the knowledge
base of their scientific discipline for development of
future medical treatments. The knowledge diversity
of the life sciences context makes it impractical for a
single organization to internally consolidate the span
of expertise required (Powell et al, 1996). By
participating in knowledge networks, organisations
gain privileged access to knowledge-producers
involved in discovery, translational and clinical
research activities that facilitate their innovation
process. In all three cases, the motivating factor for
partners to collaborate was to access ‘valuable’
knowledge areas which they lacked internally.
All three networks are focused on emerging
areas of their scientific field where a disruptive shift
has resulted in industry lacking the required
capability or scanning capacity.
4.1 Searching for Knowledge
In all three cases, the impetus for venturing into the
external environment to locate suitably interested
organisations came from the lead academic within
the university organisation. These key individuals
foresaw the significant opportunity for their own
organisation and potential partner organisations,
should collaboration occur and thus actively
promoted the virtues of collaboration to interested
parties. All three lead academics fit the mould of
“knowledge brokers” (Hargadon, 2002) or
“boundary spanners” (Donaldson and O’Toole,
2007) by providing the ‘weak’ ties (Granovetter,
1973) that nurture embryonic relations into a
collaborating network. Each of the lead-academics
had established a reservoir of influential contacts as
a legacy of their past endeavours and could exploit
these contacts to establish linkages with potential
organisational partners.
The attraction for partnering organisations was
that network participation enhanced the scientific
scanning abilities of each organisation, allowed
access to proprietary knowledge and compound
libraries and provided a cost-effective mechanism
for undertaking the research work. While initial
discussions regarding network formation took place
between lead academics and like-minded scientific
peers within industrial organisation, once interest
was established, the size of the network increased as
individuals from the organisations became involved
to formalise contractual terms of reference for the
interaction and protect their institutions position.
This increased the bank of sources of knowledge
available for the knowledge sharing and innovation
A large diverse social network is most effective
where members of the network are not only
connected to each other but have an awareness of
each others expertise such that knowledge of value
can be accessed and/or combined appropriately. In
the cases investigated here this process of awareness
initially begun on a formal basis as all three
networks were established as closed networks,
where partner selection was based on alignment of
competencies, expertise and interest in the
knowledge generating activities of the network.
During the formative stage of the network, the
academic members had to ‘sell’ the network by
communicating the latent expertise and its value to
prospective partners.
In all three cases, there is an obvious bias
towards interaction by industry personnel with
university researchers (perhaps due to this being the
locus of the networks active research capability but
maybe also because of competitive fears). This
suggests the academic institutions are in central
positions in the network. However there is evidence
within certain networks of increased awareness of
competitor industry’s competencies and fledgling
collaborations between synergistic industrial
partners. This is suggestive of strong ties between
university-industry partners and weaker but
developing ties between industry-industry partners.
Universities are therefore acting more as knowledge
brokers and enablers of network development rather
than the ultimate and only benefactors of the
network. Industry needs to obtain advantages from
the network or they will quit the network. Thus
indications of developing ties between industry and
industry within this network should serve to
strengthen the search capacity of the network and
ultimately the knowledge sharing and innovative
capability of the network.
4.2 Capturing & Articulating
Possessing connections to and awareness of these
knowledge sources is only valuable to the extent to
which this knowledge can be accessed, captured and
articulated in a way that makes the knowledge useful
to a party. Access to the knowledge sources in the
cases explored was facilitated through a number of
structured and informally emerging channels.
Structured channels included those formally agreed
as part of the network’s institutional agreement or
internal routines. These included scheduled on-site
visits at university laboratories, access to centralised
laboratory information systems and intranets and
formalised project and annual reports. These are
important channels in that they exchange explicit
(the ‘what’) knowledge that has been generated by
the networks scientific endeavour.
However, the ability of these channels to
exchange more tacit knowledge (the ‘how’ regarding
the newly created knowledge) is poor. More
informal channels of knowledge exchange evident in
all three networks included co-location of industry
staff in university for short periods, one-to-one
discussions between researchers following on-site
visits, during social gatherings following such
events, during conferences or during follow-up
communications via email and telephone.
The capture and articulation of discovered
scientific knowledge involves an engrained process
of conceptual thinking common to research
scientists. At a generic level, the scientists have an
encultured knowledge of language and expert-
knowledge associated with the discipline. As
research scientists from the partner organisations
interact at scheduled meetings of the network and
informal communications, trust and friendships
develop. This increased affinity also narrows the
cognitive distance between individuals, increases
absorptive capacity and provides a ready basis for
knowledge transfer.
4.3 Transferring
The realisation phase of innovation requires that the
knowledge is contextualised and applied to
particular organisational contexts. Given the highly
encultured language and expert knowledge
associated with the scientific disciplines, this is
potentially a significant barrier to interaction and
knowledge absorption. However, given that all
individuals engaged in the networks possess
scientific qualifications (majority being Ph.D.’s) and
all are motivated by similar discovery focus, then the
networks have actually become communities of like-
minded peers. Irrespective of their particular
organisational origins, the network members firstly
view themselves as research scientists, whose
purpose is to better understand their scientific
domain. Yet despite this common foundation, each
network member has their own particular area of
science and expertise that challenges others
assumptions and mental models and creates the
creative tension necessary for learning and scientific
discovery. While the initial network founders often
have a previous legacy of interaction that has
validated their scientific credentials and thus
facilitates trust and cognitive proximity, newer
members require time and interaction to achieve
similar contentment. One PI researcher within case
3 went so far as to identify the tipping point for
network interaction as that when everyone trusted
the science that the other was doing. This common
frame of reference and absorptive capacity is the
minimum requirement for contextualising and
applying knowledge to particular organisational
A number of mechanisms are utilised to
contextualise and apply the knowledge to members’
contexts. The knowledge available within the
organisational nodes is applied to solve specific
scientific problems which have been agreed as
mutually beneficial to the network participants. This
occurs through specified research projects, where
relevant network members contribute knowledge,
compounds, staff and capacity to achieve objectives
and generate new knowledge through scientific
discovery. The new knowledge generated through
exploration provides inputs and leads for
exploitation within the innovation processes of the
network’s organisations. Dependent upon
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
contractual conditions agreed during the network’s
formative phase, the newly discovered knowledge
will be exploited unilaterally or collectively and
result in patents, leads for new treatments, licensing
agreements, new operational processes or even the
creation of new joint ventures.
Once research discoveries are achieved within
the network laboratories, they are communicated
with network members as per channels defined in
the contractual agreements. While these channels
remain as the networks mature, additional
communication channels evolve organically. All
three cases have established centralised information
systems for sharing information and have regular on-
site meetings of the network members to discuss
operations and nurture the exchange of both explicit
and tacit knowledge between members. These
communication channels have been supplemented
by telephone and email communication between
peers which is driven by specific scientific
challenges, as well as informal meetings at
conferences and site visits.
Evidence of the transfer and contextualisation
can be found in the outputs achieved to date from
the networks collaboration. Respondents highlight
that the early years of network operations were
occupied establishing the culture, routines and
project portfolios for the network. This period
demanded partner commitment for little immediate
value other than an enhanced scientific scanning
capability. However, the later years resulted in ‘real
value’ being transferred to the partner organisations
from the network generated knowledge.
4.4 Absorbing
All three cases under study have evolved and
expanded in terms of size and scope over the period
of study providing indications of the success of the
networks to date. While much of the detail
regarding direct support provided by network
members was specified in the consortium
agreements, certain partners surpassed their
indicated support by allocating additional
equipment, compounds and personnel to the
network. While member support of the network was
primarily in terms of financial funds, contribution of
staff in terms of full-time equivalents and
background IP in terms of patents and scientific
compounds, some of the most valuable contributions
occurred organically as research scientists interacted
together within the context of specific and
synergistic scientific problems. The partners to each
network not only transferred knowledge back to
their home organisation but also championed the
collaboration by developing linkages with
appropriate new researchers within their
organisation to enhance the networks value.
As the external environment is constantly
evolving, the networks themselves have recognised
the need to adapt to remain relevant and valuable to
the collaborating partners. A key challenge facing
the case consortia is that after prolonged interaction
and learning, the industrial partners no longer view
the university’s research expertise as internally
lacking within their own researchers. This reduces
the central position of the university and
consequently the knowledge and power gains the
university can obtain from the network, thus
isolating it to the periphery of the network. In light
of this, the lead-academic has incorporated an
emerging scientific area as a minor part of the third
cycle and this is likely to become a more significant
part of the next cycle in order to maintain scientific
and commercial relevance to partner organisations.
Similarly in case 2, the network evolution has
resulted in partner organisations within the network
establishing smaller, parallel consortia to pursue new
opportunities identified during interaction. Rather
than this being viewed as a threat to the original
network, it is seen as evidence of deepening
relations between organisational partners and added
value of participation.
With increasing environmental uncertainty,
organisations are collaborating more with external
parties, including other organisations and
educational institutions in order to access knowledge
to facilitate innovation. It is acknowledged that the
key to survival is to recognise that the locus of
innovation is found in networks of learning,
knowledge sharing and innovation. Thus, in order to
effectively manage the innovation process, one must
understand the structure and function of the network
contributing to the generation of innovations.
Previous research identifies the benefits of social
networks for the creation of new knowledge (Zander
and Kogut, 1995; Trott 2008) and the implications of
specific social network characteristics such as
density, cohesion, strength of relationships and
existence of relationships, on knowledge
management for innovation efforts. Thus,
understanding the implications and influence of
collaboration within networks is key to facilitating
effective management of knowledge sharing and
innovation processes.
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KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing