A Linguistic Approach to Contextual IR
Esben Alfort
Department of International Language Studies and Computational Linguistics
Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark
Keywords: Contextual IR, Ontologies, Subjectivity, Context, Scale, perspectives, Basic level, Individuation.
Abstract: Users of information retrieval systems presumably have (subconscious) reasons for choosing certain ways
of formulating their queries. Consequently, the words used may tell us something about the users’
intentions. However, researchers in Contextual IR have a strong emphasis on computational solutions and
tend to ignore a careful linguistic analysis of the actual queries. As a first step towards such a linguistic
treatment, I suggest that we treat classification as a dimension parallel to space and time and learn from our
experience with these dimensions in trying to cope with subjectivity in connection with IR systems.
We are now in the fortunate position of having
access to ready-made ontologies for use in semantic
applications. It is therefore regrettable that
companies producing semantic software cannot
benefit fully from these resources, because the
resulting ontologies simply contain far too much
information. A search engine relying on an elaborate
ontology with many kinds of relations would return
far too many hits, because most of them would
simply not be relevant to a given user in the context
at hand. We therefore find ourselves forced to
exploit only a fraction of the ontological information
available, and even such straightforward relations as
subsumption may have to be disregarded in some
cases, because the subcategories are judged to be
irrelevant to most potential users searching for that
particular concept. However, in some cases these
subcategories might nonetheless be important. It
would thus be preferable to be able to include all the
information related to a concept and only exclude
some of it from consideration at the last moment if it
is judged irrelevant in the case at hand. For instance,
when users search for furniture on an e-trading site
using a semantic search engine based on an
ontology, chances are that they are not interested in
This paper is partly based on a longer version to be
presented at a workshop at the Terminology and
Knowledge Engineering conference in Dublin 2010.
a complete list of documents on every kind of
furniture available. Rather, a link to a page with an
overview of furniture in store would be a lot more
helpful in most cases. This is because furniture is a
highly general and heterogeneous category, which
does not refer to any specific type of furniture and
thus can only be used in generalizations.
Consequently, the simple subsumption relation is not
very relevant in this case, whereas in other
circumstances it may be extremely useful.
Pilot studies of log files from semantic search
engines powered by Ankiro (
confirm that different user groups characterized by
different intentions use search terms from very
different classificatory levels (i.e. general vs.
specific terms), and that different kinds of sites are
visited by different combinations of such user types.
Very general categories are characteristic of sites
concerned with laws and principles, because rules
are generalizations and refer to generalized types. If
I were to search for pets in a municipal context, I
would most likely be looking for laws or suggestions
concerning pets in general, and a list of documents
on guinea pigs and golden retrievers would be quite
unhelpful. Texts on rats would probably be
completely irrelevant, dealing mostly with pest
control. On a pet shop site, on the other hand, a list
of pet types would in all probability be just what I
was looking for.
Deciding what is irrelevant is exceedingly tricky,
due to the countless facets of relevance (Borlund,
Alfort E..
SCALE AND THE CLASSIFICATORY DIMENSION - A Linguistic Approach to Contextual IR.
DOI: 10.5220/0003078803700373
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2010), pages 370-373
ISBN: 978-989-8425-29-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2003). It seems obvious, though, that we should at
least pay close attention to how users actually state
their queries. Their linguistic structure may tell us
whether they represent a quest for information or a
transactional or navigational query (Daoud et al.,
2009). To some degree, it may even reveal what
kind of information is sought. Unfortunately, this
latter possibility is rarely pursued, due to lack of a
thorough, linguistic analysis (Tamine-Lechani et al.,
2010, p. 6). Instead, the focus has been on
developing computational solutions to the problem
of identifying the user’s context. Whenever the
linguistic structure of the query is at all consulted,
features noted are rather superficial ones like the
number of words in a query, as well as the possible
presence of interrogative words in the string (Jansen
et al., 2008). Also, certain lexical items that signal a
transactional intention (buy, download, software,
and so on) are utilized. However, having decided
that a request is of the informational type – which is
the case in more than 80 % of web search queries
according to Jansen et al. (2008) – the actual query
is then put to one side, and recourse is in general
made to user activity or other sources of information
on user interests and preferences. Very frequently,
the query is then modified by the addition of
specifying and disambiguating terms (e.g. Phinitkar
& Sophatsathit, 2010). It is my endeavour to
contribute a linguistic view of the matter, in which
the query itself plays the main part.
Information retrieval researchers usually look at
what documents X are relevant in context C, given a
query Q. I shall instead be exploring what
expression Q a user would be likely to use in
reference to a potential document (or set, or type of
documents) X believed to satisfy his or her
information need, given the context C. This
enhances the understanding of the user’s choice of
search terms. On the other hand, it masks the fact
that users may actually need something different
from what they think they do. However, we can
hardly solve that problem until we have a
satisfactory understanding of the queries themselves.
One is easily led into thinking that every word
capable of reference corresponds more or less
directly to a certain class of referents. This is in no
way the case (Brown, 1958). Even though there are
in many cases strong preferences for calling a
certain type of entity by one specific name, countless
others are possible in principle. When such
alternatives are chosen, this is a meaningful act
performed by the speaker, and we should understand
this as an important piece of information on how the
reference is to be interpreted. There are special
situations when I might describe a rat by the words
pet, rodent, mammal, animal, or even object. I might
also call it a nuisance, friend, or test individual. The
sets of potential referents to these expressions differ
hugely; consequently, a search containing such
terms should differ correspondingly. The focus of
my research is currently on why a user chooses a
certain hierarchical level in reference to an entity.
I have found that classificatory information can
profitably be considered in a way similar to spatial
and temporal data, allowing us to apply the
understanding that linguists have already acquired of
perspectival phenomena in connection with space
and time to classification and learn important new
lessons about this complex phenomenon. It might
not be obvious at first glance how this is possible. I
would remind the reader of the fact that the temporal
dimension is replete with spatial metaphors like “a
short time”, “time moves”, “we are approaching the
future”, “from the point of view of fifty years ago”,
and so on. We do not hesitate in treating the
temporal and the spatial dimensions alike,
irrespective of whether we consider them to be
physically identical or not. This last question is
irrelevant here, because ontologies are a cognitive
phenomenon, so it is enough that the two
phenomena are treated alike in cognition. I propose
that we take the next step and recognize
classification as yet another dimension. In doing so,
I am not suggesting that classification is a physical
dimension, but simply that we seem to treat it as
such cognitively, and that consequently we can learn
much about classification by drawing on our
knowledge of spatial and temporal phenomena.
Again, I might point to the existence of common
metaphors such as “from the point of view of
forestry...”, in which case forestry is not to be
understood as an entity but rather as a topic or
mindset, on which all other classification is based (if
in any way relevant to forestry). We also speak of
“broad topics”, “closing in on a topic”, and so on,
statements that testify to the fact that we think of
descriptions (i.e. classification) as something
navigable - a plane of sorts.
It would seem that we treat all phenomena in the
world that we want to portray linguistically as sets of
spatial, temporal and classificatory coordinates.
I shall consider all points regions (cf. Tarski,
1929), since if you zoom in on them they generally
turn out to be regions that were simply too small for
the internal distinctions to be relevant in the context
in question. What corresponds to a region in space
or a period of time in classificatory terms is the
category - or rather the set of potential referents to
which a term applies. The classificatory region is
small if a very specific term is used, but includes an
increasingly large number of potential referents
when more general terms are resorted to.
In portraying situations, we readily zoom in on
specific points in space and time that we are
concerned about, whereas we generalize and let the
distinctions go blurred if we consider them irrelevant
in the context at hand. The same is true of
classification; we can be highly specific about the
type to which a certain referent belongs, or we can
get away with very general descriptions if we have
no reason to be more explicit.
We can only portray situations as if observed
from some point of view. We place an imaginary
observer at a chosen point in space and time (which
I shall call the host of the observer) and portray the
situation as it appears from that point of view
(Alfort, 2009). The host is situated within a domain
of relevance, which includes the places, times and
categories considered, or in other words those
regions in all of these dimensions that constitute
contrasts to any focused subregion of special
interest. The phenomenon of scale (e.g. Langacker,
2006, p. 116) is caused by the difference in size
between the domain of relevance and the focused
A referent with a spatial extent may be
homogeneous if it shows relatively little variation
across its spatial region. If we were to zoom in on
such a region, we would most likely find that it was
not entirely homogeneous, because there are usually
small distinctions, which simply pale into
insignificance from a larger perspective. However,
even greater heterogeneity would be obtained if we
were to zoom out, say from a region consisting
solely of (a) rock to a section of the seabed on which
it was lying. The spatial region would now
incorporate other substances such as sand, water and
crab. A category may likewise be homogeneous if
all potential referents within the domain of interest
show relatively little variation. Zooming in on them
will make their relative differences grow in
importance, and subtypes will emerge. If we zoom
out and generalize, however, the category is likely to
become even more heterogeneous, as it includes
more potential referents of clearly different types.
The world is rarely really homogeneous, so the
only way of attaining complete apparent
homogeneity is in fact by excluding deviating
instances. If I posit that “Italy is a beautiful
country”, this is of course a generalization that
excludes some less appealing regions such as the
occasional refuse tip. Similarly, if someone is
“walking in a forest”, he or she is not in fact within
anything. Rather, the person in question is walking
among the trees that make up the forest that we
choose to consider a homogeneous entity for the
sake of this statement. In a similar manner, I might
say, “If I were a bird, I’d just fly away”, though
strictly speaking, if I were an ostrich this would
simply not be an option. I thus effectively exclude
ostriches from consideration by not including them
in the relevant classificatory region behind the term
bird. I do this in order to be able to treat the category
as homogeneous, which is a precondition for a
generalization to work - the statement must apply to
all relevant instances. Note that such generalizations
are of course impossible in reference to an ostrich,
because the homogeneous classificatory region
behind the category bird would not include
ostriches. Consequently, people for whom the ability
to fly is a crucial property of birds probably rarely
refer to ostriches with the term bird, unless the
domain of relevance excludes all prototypical kinds
of birds, in which case the category would be
homogeneous without further generalization. It is for
the same reason that we tend not to call boxing
gloves gloves (Murphy & Lassaline, 1997, p. 110) -
such subcategories are simply too deviant to allow
generalization across a heterogeneous domain.
In connection with space, we are rarely interested in
heterogeneous regions; we mostly concern ourselves
with the regions that correspond exactly to
individuals (at least in connection with prototypical,
physical objects). There is a similar tendency to
concentrate on homogeneous classificatory regions.
This is a phenomenon known traditionally as basic
level (Rosch et al., 1976). However, I suggest that
basic level categories are in fact what one might call
classificatory individuals, i.e. regions in the
classificatory dimension that are relatively
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
homogeneous, and at the same time clearly
delimited from surrounding regions. It is important
to note that what appears to be an individual is a
subjective judgment (cf. Wisniewski et al., 2003, p.
587). When seen from afar, a flock of sheep is
considered an individual; it may move about on the
hillside, and it may disintegrate into separate sheep,
which are also individuals, but as long as there is a
flock, it is considered an individual, homogeneous
flock of sheep. However, if a shepherd is looking for
one particular sheep, he will focus on the individual
animals. The flock has become heterogeneous,
because different animals are treated as having
different coordinates in the spatial dimension.
Individuation is a highly subjective phenomenon
depending on the granularity of the portrayal as well
as the size of the domain of relevance. A vet caring
for an injured sheep would focus on that particular
animal and would distinguish individual muscles
and bones, while the sheep as a whole would be
highly heterogeneous for his or her purposes. In the
classificatory dimension, the vet would hardly find it
useful if all parts of the animal were referred to as
instances of sheep, since everything within his or her
domain of relevance would be sheep. In the same
way, the shepherd would hardly refer to separate
animals as instances of flock, even though they
would be, just as drops of water are instances of that
The fact that individuals are homogeneous
regions in space, time and classification means that
they dissolve if we zoom too much in on the details,
because this makes them heterogeneous. Certainly,
individuals have an extremely privileged cognitive
status to all humans (Bloom & Kelemen, 1995, p. 7),
but this status is not restricted to those entities that
appear as individuals in an everyday human context.
Rather, whenever we encounter individuals, whether
they be flocks, sheep, or muscles, they receive the
same privileged status in our consciousness. General
and specific terms are used under very different
circumstances and for distinct purposes. We can
only interpret a query by reference to the context,
including the perspective from which the situation is
seen in spatial, temporal and classificatory terms. If
a very general term is used in a restricted domain of
relevance, its meaning is highly dependent on
context, because the apparent homogeneity is a
product of the restricted domain of relevance rather
than an absence of contrast across domains.
Compared to this, specific terms are much more
straightforward. Consequently, I am currently
researching the contexts that allow general terms to
be used, and the meanings and intentions behind
such expressions. If we can establish the size of the
domain of relevance as well as the generality of a
term, then this will hint at whether subordinate
categories are likely to be relevant to the user
providing it.
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