Salma Mesmoudi, Nathalie Perrot
UMR782 G
enie et Microbiologie des Proc
es Alimentaires. AgroParisTech, INRA, 78850 Thiverval-Grignon, France
Romain Reuillon, Paul Bourgine
ISC-PIF, CNRS CREA, UMR 7656, Paris, France
Evelyne Lutton
INRIA - Saclay-Ile-de-France, AVIZ team, Orsay, France
Multiobjective evolutionary algorithm, Viability modeling, Optimal path search, Indirect encoding, Agri-food
process modeling, Cheese ripening.
Viability theory is a very attractive theoretical approach for the modeling of complex dynamical systems.
However, its scope of application is limited due to the high computational power it necessitates. Evolutionary
computation is a convenient way to address some issues related to this theory. In this paper, we present a multi-
objective evolutionary approach to address the optimisation problem related to the computation of optimal
command profiles of a complex process. The application we address here is a real size problem from dairy
industry, the modeling of a Camembert cheese ripening process. We have developed a parallel implementation
of a multiobjective EA that has produced a Pareto front of optimal control profiles (or trajectories), with respect
to four objectives. The Pareto front was then analysed by an expert who selected a interesting compromise,
yielding a new control profile that seems promising for industrial applications.
In this paper, we consider a multi-objective optimisa-
tion problem related to the modeling of an agri-food
industrial process, that is the camembert cheese ripen-
ing process. Experimental and analytical approaches
allow to build a set of models that reflect the nu-
merous interactions that take place at different scales,
from microscopic to macroscopic levels. These mod-
els are combined into a single complex one, that is
exploited via as a so-called viability analysis.
Viability theory considers the problem of main-
taining a system under a set of constraints (Aubin,
1991). To solve viability problems one generally
builds a viability kernel, which is the set of initial
states from which there exists a trajectory that remains
in the set of constraints. This theory is very conve-
nient to model complex systems, but current numer-
ical applications are limited due to the high compu-
tational power it necessitates. A question currently
addressed by the community is the computation of
a viability kernel, and various approaches now exists
(Bokanowski et al., 2006).
We deal here with another critical problem related
to the application of this theory, which is how to prac-
tically use a viability kernel once it has been com-
puted. A question that needs to be addressed is the
one of finding an optimal path within the viability ker-
nel. By optimal path we mean a set of control param-
eters and commands that guides the dynamical system
toward a desired target state (that is, in the case of a
cheese, a desired target weight and quality). We will
see in the sequel that it can be formulated as a multi-
objective optimisation problem.
The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 de-
scribes some basic principles of a viability analysis
applied to cheese ripening modeling, and describes
the optimisation problem that has to be solved. Then
the OpenMOLE platform on which algorithms have
been developed, is described in section 3. Section 4
Mesmoudi S., Perrot N., Reuillon R., Bourgine P. and Lutton E..
DOI: 10.5220/0003083902250230
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Evolutionary Computation (ICEC-2010), pages 225-230
ISBN: 978-989-8425-31-7
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
presents the details of the algorithm that has been de-
veloped: it is based on an indirect encoding of a path
in the viability graph. Experimental setup and results
are given in section 5. An analysis of the optimal tra-
jectory is then made by a cheese-ripening expert in
section 5.3, before concluding (section 6).
Industrial cheesemaking of camembert is based on the
use of pasteurized milk, and on a ripening process
conducted in controlled chambers, in order to obtain
a product at a given (savety and quality) target.
A camembert type cheese is made by in-
oculating milk with lactic acid bacteria (Flora
Danica lyophilisate, CHN11, Chr Hansen, Arpa-
jon, France), and other specific microorganisms
like Kluyveromyces marxianus (GMPA collection,
448), Geotrichum candidum (Degussa,D), Penicil-
lium camemberti (Degussa,R), and Brevibacterium
aurantiacum (ATCC9175) as ripening flora. After co-
agulation and cutting, it is then shaped in moulds. Af-
ter drained (around 24h), fresh cheese is obtained and
transfered in the ripening chamber. At this stage, each
cheese weights around 300g. The cheeses are then left
for ripening for at least 3 weeks, in order to obtain to
obtain (1) a limited mass loss and at the same time
(2) a given quality of coat of the rind and a creamy
texture, due to an optimum microorganisms behavior.
For modeling purpose, we consider here a criti-
cal phenomenon for industrials which is the cheese
mass loss during the ripening process. It is linked in a
complex way to evaporation and to carbon consump-
tion due respiration of micro-organisms in the ripen-
ing chamber (Helias et al., 2007), for instance:
Low relative humidity and high temperature on
the cheese surface increases evaporation.
Cheese surface temperature decreases when evap-
oration occurs.
Respiration increases the cheese surface temper-
ature as heat is produced during the substrate
The state variables that have then been chosen to
build the viability kernel are:
the cheese mass, with a range from 250g to 310g
with steps of 1g,
the cheese temperature from 8
C to 16
C (step
the respiration rate of micro-organisms from 0 to
50 g/m
/day (step 1g/m
Additionnally, the control variables are
the ripening room temperature (from 8
C to 16
C, step 1
the relative humidity (from 84% to 98%, step 2%).
The viability kernel is defined by the following
The ripened cheese should have at the end of the
process a mass between 250270g, a temperature
between 8
C and a respiration between 23
and 50g/m
The (CO
) gas rate evolution should follow
a specified profile along the process, in order
to fully exploit the micro-organisms capabilities.
This constraint is set by experts. The respiration
rate should begin at level 0 on day 1 (microbial
growth latency), reaches a maximum between day
3 and day 8 and decreases slowly during the last
days of ripening (see (Sicard et al., 2009) for more
On the basis of this model, a viability kernel has
been calculated (Sicard et al., 2009). Coupled to this
calculus, a geometric analysis of the shape of the vi-
ability kernel, and of all the viable paths to the target
(also named the viability tube), provides useful infor-
mations about the robustness and uncertainties of the
system. This analysis is based on the computation of
the boundaries of the viability tube, and for each point
of the tube, on its distance to the nearest boudary. Op-
timal algorithms for the Euclidean distance transform
(EDT) in arbitrary dimension have been developed for
morphological mathematics and image analysis pur-
pose. (Mesmoudi et al., 2009) adapted one of these
algorithms (Coeurjolly and Montanvert, 2007) for the
analysis of viability tube data.
The aim is to find an optimal strategy, i.e. an op-
timal and real path, among each possible viable path
to the target. However each trajectory in the viabil-
ity tube can be evaluated according to four goals :
loss mass minimisation, number of control changes,
trajectory robustness and optimal breath evaluated by
the time to reach the maximal respiration rate. Con-
venient algorithms for that purpose are thus multi-
objective optimisation ones.
Multi-objective optimisation problems are often
NP-hard, complex and CPU time consuming. Exact
methods can be used to find the exact Pareto front (or
a subset of the front), but usually it is impossible to
compute exact solutions for large problems, as they
are time and memory consuming. For instance, for
the cheese ripening case, there exists 10
trajectories in the viability kernel we defined.
ICEC 2010 - International Conference on Evolutionary Computation
Figure 1: The viability graph calculated for 12 days of
ripening. The time, respiration rate and cheese weigth vi-
able value for each days are represented.
We rely in this work on the use of multi-objective
Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) to approximate Pareto
fronts within a reasonable computation time. Addi-
tionnally, as the cheese mass loss modeling is actually
a large sized problem, the algorithms have been im-
plemented on a parallel and distributed computation
Our problem corresponds to a search for an opti-
mal path in a graph, where each node represents the
state of the cheese (mass and breath) and each edge
represents a control (relative humidity and chamber
temperature). The graph is organised as a succession
of slices, each representing a day, it is therefore not
In this paper, we deal with a grid of computers (mul-
ticomputers architecture), a multiple-population (or
multiple-deme) structure is more convenient. These
algorithms maintain several subpopulations that oc-
casionally exchange individuals (during a migration
step). Additionnally, we choose to use the multiob-
jective approach proposed by (Horn et al., 1994) and
(Deb et al., 2000): Nondominated Sorting Genetic Al-
gorithm (NSGA) and NSGAII.
Our implementation is based on the OpenMOLE
platform of ”workflow” (Reuillon et al., 2010). The
development of OpenMOLE was organized under
the form of a community of free software pro-
grams that is today very active. OpenMOLE is a
framework providing distributed computing facilities.
It takes advantage of generic interface of JSAGA
(http://grid.in2p3.fr/jsaga/) and provides on
top of that. OpenMOLE has been designed to work
out of the box on the user desktop with the idea of
completely hiding the fact that computation may be
carried out on distributed environments.
The NSGA-II algorithm is based on a ranking that
shares the population into several classes at each gen-
eration (see (Deb et al., 2000) for more details).
4.1 Search Space, Solutions Encoding
The Camembert ripening process can be described via
a graph, where each node is a viable state, i.e. a point
in a space of dimension 3: mass(M) (in g), breathing
(R) (in g/m
/day) and time (i) (in days of ripening).
This graph is oriented with respect to time. It is in-
complete since every state cannot be connected to all
others states. Usually, for every viable state there ex-
ists k outgoing edges, or controls, such as 1 k 74.
Every viable state E
such as 2 i N is at least
connected by two oriented edges:
to each edge () corresponds a control pair C
: that
represents the relative humidity and the ripening room
temperature to be applied to obtain the connected
node (objective state), for instance E
A first question to address now is how to encode
a viable path in a genome and respect the various va-
lidity constraints. A direct encoding is for instance
an ordered list of states, that represent the successive
states of a camembert during its ripening. Each state
change, that corresponds to an edge of the viability
graph, is characterised by its controls C
. This rep-
resentation has however an important drawback, as it
becomes difficult to maintain a set of valid solutions
after the application of genetic operators.
We thus preferred an indirect encoding, i.e. to en-
code the way a graph is built instead of encoding the
graph itself. Any viable path can be specifyed, by its
initial state and by a set of successive controls. But,
as the the number of outgoing controls/edges may be
different for each state, it has been necessary to built
an ad-hoc addressing that is valid whatever the state.
Let C
= C
be the set of possible out-
going control pairs for the state E
(k is variable
and depends on the current state). To specify a given
edge it is thus enough to provide an index that identify
the edge in the set C
A robust way to do this, while ensuring a valid
edge is uniquely identified at each state, is to use an
edge addressing based on real numbers, as follows.
Let S = {p(C
), p(C
),.., p(C
)} be a set of reals of
[0,1] where each p(C
) represents a proportion, or per-
centage that is interpreted with respect to the number
of outgoing edges of the state E
. For instance, if in a
state E
has 10 outgoing edges, then if p(C
) belongs
to [0,
] it represents the first edge, the second one if
it belongs to ]
], so on until ]
] for the last
edge. The edges are ordered using the values of the
associated control pair (humidity and temperature).
4.2 Fitness Functions, Pareto
An optimal ripening path can be defined with respect
to four objectives:
1. mass loss, to be minimised
2. number of control changes, to be minimised,
3. trajectory robustness, to be maximised,
4. number of days to get the maximum of respira-
tion, to be minimized.
This problem is a typical multiobjective optimisation,
usually defined as follows.
min/maxz = f (x) = ( f
(x), f
(x),..., f
(x)) R
with x = (x
) X, an n dimensional vec-
tor, and X the search space. f
are partial evaluations
of the solution, usually corresponding to contradic-
tory aims. The optimal solutions correspond thus to a
set of compromise between the m various partial eval-
uations. In other words, the Pareto optimal set X
is made of all non-dominated points, i.e. points for
which it is impossible to improve any objective with-
out simultaneously worsening another:
= {x
X| 6 x X, f (x) f (x
where f (x) f (y) i 1..m, f
(x) f
and j 1..m, f
(x) < f
4.3 Genetic Engine
Selection and elitism: Among the various selec-
tion operators that have been proposed in the lit-
erature (see for instance (Goldberg, 1989)), we
choose to use a tournament selection, due to its
parsimonious mechanism that only considers a
small random subsample of the population. Ad-
ditionnally, comparisons are based on both domi-
nation and crowding criteria (Tsai et al., 2002).
Crossover: In the case of a direct coding, i.e.
when the path is encoded as a set of succes-
sive states, it becomes necessary to repair in-
valid genomes after crossover. There exists var-
ious solutions in the literature to cope with order-
based encodings, like cycle crossover (Oliver
et al., 1987), partially matched crossover (Gold-
berg, 1989) and order crossover (Goldberg, 1989),
(Davis, 1985).
However, the indirect encoding we propose in sec-
tion 4.1 allows to directly use simple crossovers
such as the uniform crossover (UX) (Syswerda,
1989) and arithmetic crossover (AX) (Eiben and
Smith, 2003).
Mutation: In this work we used a basic random
5.1 Parameters Setting
The parameter values were set heuristically. Addi-
tionally, as the computational load is high (around
8 hours using a computionnal grid) we did not per-
form a comprehensive study on the influence of dif-
ferent parameter settings, and it is possible that a care-
ful fine-tuning of some values could bring slight im-
provements to the achieved results. For all experi-
ments, the parameter setting is given in table 1.
5.2 Numerical Results
The Pareto front that has been estimated is made of
142937 trajectories, however, with respect to the ob-
jectives, they correspond to only 329 combinations
(see figure 2). A principal component analysis (PCA)
was performed on the Pareto front obtained using our
implementation. The PCA was based on the follow-
ing variables: mass loss minimisation, number of con-
trol changes, trajectory robustness and optimal breath
evaluated by the time to reach the maximal respiration
rate. The first two eigenvectors represent 45.35% and
28% of the total variance, respectively. The variable
projection and the distribution of the Pareto front so-
lutions are represented in Figure 2. we can notice that
the objective space is diversified: several solutions are
associated to each objectif.
5.3 Analysis
This Pareto front has been analysed by a cheese ripen-
ing expert, who selected an efficient optimised trajec-
tory (PT) for a 0.280 kg cheese. The controls of this
trajectory are presented in table 2.
The optimised trajectory (PT), has been compared
to a viable trajectory (TVA) computed in a 8-day via-
bility kernel and already applied a pilot (Sicard et al.,
2010), and to a standard one (SRT) running in 12-
day and used in dairy industry. This TP trajectory
differs from the TVA trajectory and from the classical
one. The relative humidity is not constant like in TVA
ICEC 2010 - International Conference on Evolutionary Computation
Table 1: Parameters setting.
Population size 10 000
Crossover rate UX 0.1
AX 0.1
Mutation rate inversion 0.7
random 0.1
Stopping criterion max number of evaluations 10 000000
max number of evaluations without improvement 10000
Number of replication 1000
Table 2: Summary of controls (temperature T
and relative
humidity RH% ) applied to the optimised trajectory PT, the
viable trajectory TVA , and a standard trajectory SRT.
value RH% value
1 12 12 12 84 84 92
2 11 13 12 96 94 92
3 14 14 12 95 94 92
4 14 14 12 95 94 92
5 14 12 12 95 94 92
6 9 12 12 96 94 92
7 9 9 12 96 94 92
8 - - 12 - - 92
9 - - 12 - - 92
10 - - 12 - - 92
11 - - 12 - - 92
Figure 2: Projection of Pareto front solutions using a prin-
cipal component analysis (PCA).
(94%) or in the standard SRT trajectory (92%) (table
2). However, like in TVA (table 2) the temperature
control varies whereas in the standard trajectory it re-
mains constant. To analyse the consequences of these
PT trajectory control changes, we compare its cheese
mass loss evolution and respiration rate to those of
TVA and standard trajectories.
Figure 3 shows the expected mass loss during the
PT trajectory compared to the mass loss during the
Figure 3: Comparison of cheese mass loss between PT tra-
jectory (computed values), and TVA and SRT ones (mea-
sured values from real experiments in a ripening chamber).
TVA and SRT trajectories. The quantities that are
displayed are computed for PT, and measured during
an experimental real simulation in a ripening chamber
for TVA and SRT. The mass loss is 0.013 kg for the
PT trajectory, while it is of 0.034 kg for the TVA tra-
jectory and of 0.054 kg for the standard ripening. This
result is significative, as a minimisation of mass loss
is a very challenging issue for the dairy industry. This
small mass loss can be explained by the high values
of relative humidity of the PT trajectory. The cheese
mass at the end of the robust ripening remains within
the desired target range (0.25 kg to 0.27 kg).
Nevertheless, the mass loss is not enough to assess
the quality of a cheese ripening process. Mass loss is
a very sensitive parameter (a mass can be lost in a
dried atmosphere in a few days only), but it is not the
only one. If the other phenomena are not correctly
controlled, ripening may not be satisfying. The mi-
crobial activities of optimized (PT), viable (TVA) and
standard (SRT) ripening processes were also com-
pared, and the results are presented in Figure 4. The
respiration rate is the only kinetic that was checked.
As shown, the respiration rate starts at 0, reaches a
maximum of over 40 g/m
/day, and then slowly de-
creases until the day the cheese is wrapped. The max-
imum respiration rate begins two days earlier in the
PT ripening process than in the standard ripening pro-
Figure 4: Comparison of respiration rates between PT tra-
jectory (computed values), and TVA and SRT ones (mea-
sured values).
cess, and one day and a half ealier in the TVA ripening
We can therefore conclude that the PT ripening
process is very similar to the TVA one.
In this work, we used a parallel multi-objective evo-
lutionary algorithm to model a cheese ripening pro-
cess. Based on viability theory, the analysis yield a
Pareto front of a set of viable trajectories. A analy-
sis made by a cheese ripening expert allowed to select
an interesting trajectory in this Pareto set. The major
improvement of this optimal controlled trajectory is
its shortening, which is in accordance with previous
work on this topic. It has been experimentally ver-
ified that a 8 days trajectory (the TVA trajectory of
figure 3 and 4) was able to yield a similar cheese in
terms of sensory panel (Sicard et al., 2010) in compar-
ison to the standard trajectory used in cheese ripening
industry. Additionally, for the 8 days trajectory, the
simulated process yield quantities that seems coherent
with real experiments using expert-based optimised
control settings. Further work on this topic will con-
sist in using the Pareto optimal trajectory to control an
experimental ripening process, in order to verify the
precision and validity of the modeling.
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ICEC 2010 - International Conference on Evolutionary Computation