Nihar Sharma and Vasudeva Varma
SIEL (LTRC), International Institute of Information Technology, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, India
Keywords: Query Expansion, Wikipedia link Graph, Thesaurus, Enterprise Search, Information Retrieval.
Abstract: We present a phrase based query expansion (QE) technique for enterprise search using a domain
independent concept thesaurus constructed from Wikipedia link structure. Our approach analyzes article and
category link information for deriving sets of related concepts for building up the thesaurus. In addition, we
build a vocabulary set containing natural word order and usage which semantically represent concepts. We
extract query-representational concepts from vocabulary set with a three layered approach. Concept
Thesaurus then yields related concepts for expanding a query. Evaluation on TRECENT 2007 data shows an
impressive 9 percent increase in recall for fifty queries. In addition to we also observed that our
implementation improves precision at top k results by 0.7, 1, 6 and 9 percent for top 10, top 20, top 50 and
top 100 search results respectively, thus demonstrating the promise that Wikipedia based thesaurus holds in
domain specific search.
Enterprise Search (ES) is a critical performance
factor for an organization in today’s information
age. Intelligent algorithms have been designed to
retrieve both structured (relational databases) and
unstructured information (natural text) for
businesses. The paradigm has shifted towards
semantic search for both web and ES (Demartini,
2007). However, retrieval of unstructured
information in an enterprise environment is a non
trivial task as the relevance is the prime objective
unlike its counterpart which focuses on speed.
We present our approach of harnessing
semantics from an external domain independent
knowledge resource for improving search process
within enterprise environment while keeping focus
on text retrieval. Our idea concentrates on Query
Expansion (QE) aspect of search cycle. The key
novelties in our approach are use of Wikipedia as the
knowledge resource and treatment of multiword
queries as singular conceptual entities for extracting
synonymous concepts for expansion. Going a step
beyond conventional thesaurus based QE
techniques, which perceives a search query as
collection of key words and each word was regarded
as a separate concept.
The subsequent sections put forward an in depth
analysis of our approach and its evaluation. In
section 2, we discuss the motivating research
findings behind our approach and we also look into
the related work. Section 3 focuses on our research
methodology and presents our implementation of an
efficient QE module based on concept vocabulary
and concept thesaurus derived from Wikipedia link
graph, for an ES system. In section 4, we validate
the performance of our model using TREC 2007
Enterprise Search Track data. Sections 5 and 6
present future paths for our conceived ideas and the
conclusion respectively.
Our motivation mainly arises from work done on
role based personalization in enterprise search
(Varma, 2009). The system used word co-
occurrence thesaurus and WordNet for QE. We
noticed the concept coverage of WordNet like
manual thesaurus was mostly limited to single word
concepts and it severely lacked named entities. This
restricted the outlook of the QE module of a
multiword search query to a bag of words
Sharma N. and Varma V..
DOI: 10.5220/0003093702430249
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2010), pages 243-249
ISBN: 978-989-8425-28-7
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Recognition of Wikipedia as a knowledge base
among research groups across the globe was another
inspiration for us to proceed in this direction.
Medelyan et al. (Medelyan, 2009
) give a
comprehensive study of ongoing research work and
software development in the area of Wikipedia
semantic analysis. Their findings reveal a large
number research groups involved with Wikipedia
thus indicating its increasing popularity. A number
of developments with Wikipedia content and link
structure analysis are going on, which are related to
our work. Ito et al. in (Ito, 2008) present their
approach on constructing a thesaurus using article
link co-occurrence where they relate articles with
more than one different path between them, within a
certain distance in the link graph. Nakayama et al.
present another approach for creating thesaurus from
large scale web dictionaries like Wikipedia using a
concept of path frequencies and inverse backward
link frequencies in a directed link graph of concepts
(Nakayama, 2007). Milne et al. introduce a search
application using Wikipedia powered assistance
module that interactively builds queries and ranks
results (Milne, 2007). However, it does depend on
active user involvement during the search cycle. The
idea of using Wikipedia as a domain independent yet
comprehensive knowledge base is consolidated by
the findings of Milne et al. (Milne, 2006). They give
a comprehensive case study of Wikipedia concept
coverage of domain specific topics.
We present a QE technique that involves an external
domain independent knowledge resource, the
English Wikipedia. Our approach builds a Concept
Thesaurus (CT) by analyzing inter-article and
article-category link graphs. Our work mainly
focuses on Wikipedia, however the algorithms we
are proposing can work on any document collection
having a substantial number of interlinks. We also
propose a query to concept mapping mechanism
which can extract representative concepts for a given
query. Using query-concept mapping and CT, we
put forward a QE module which adds related
concepts to a query. Figure 1 and 2 sum up the
process and following sub-sections explain it in
3.1 Wikipedia Composition and Data
A Wikipedia page can be an article, a redirect,
category, talk, special et cetera. Majority of these
pages are informative articles describing more than
2.5 million topics from almost every knowledge
domain. In addition to articles, we are also interested
in Redirect and Category pages. Articles are richly
linked to other articles (inter-article links) from
within their text. Articles are categorized by linking
them to respective category pages by article-
category links (English Wikipedia has around
450.000 categories).
Figure 1: Wikipedia Link Structure and Creation of
Vocabulary set and Thesaurus.
3.2 Concept Representation and
Concept Vocabulary
The articles in Wikipedia have a title and text
description explaining a concept. The concept name
is represented by the Article title. The article title is
an un-ambiguous precise word or phrase that best
represents the concept explained by the article.
These titles are good candidates to be used as
concept entities in a thesaurus of Wikipedia
In addition to article names, redirects and anchor
texts can be additional representations of concepts.
Redirects are alternative concept names that could
be used as a title of an article but instead they just
link to it. For example, an article on the First World
War in Wikipedia has the title 'World War I' and few
redirects that connect to it have the titles 'WW1',
'First World War', 'The Great War' etc.
Anchor text also represents a concept. Usually,
the anchor texts are part of natural sentences and
A5 A6A4
A7 A8
C3 C4C2C1
C5 C6
Wikipeida Link Graph
with Content
Concept Vocabulary Set
Concept Thesaurus
Related Concept 1
Related Concept 2
Related Concept n
Concept 1
Related Concept 1
Related Concept 2
Related Concept n
Concept 2
Related Concept n
Related Concept n
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
cover various forms and inflections of concept
representational words. To clarify, inflections of the
word molecule, like 'molecules' and 'molecular' are
anchor texts in Wikipedia articles connecting to
'Molecule' article. Further, the similar meaning of
structurally different phrases is also captured with
anchor text representation (for example, anchor texts
"possessed by the devil", "Demonic possession" and
"Control over human form" link to same article and
thus have similar meanings), not to mention the
inclusion of acronyms (anchor text 'WWW' links to
the article 'World Wide Web').
Wikipedia concept vocabulary is stored in a
dictionary based data-structure along with the target
articles it represents. Article Titles and Redirect
Titles implicitly have one to one relationship with
concepts but same Anchor Text can have more than
one target concepts. For resolving anchor to multi-
concept relation, we employ a simple measure to
establish one target article per anchor text in the
vocabulary set. For all multi-concept anchors, an
article that is most number of times linked by an
anchor text in all Wikipedia inter-article links is
ascertained as its final target concept. It may seem a
trivial way to resolve the target conflicts for anchor
text, but this approach saves us significant
computational expense which otherwise would have
occurred with a more adaptive but complex
approach like TF-IDF.
3.3 Mining Concept Thesaurus from
Wikipedia Links
We condense the knowledge of Wikipedia article
content and links into a Concept Thesaurus (CT),
which is not just a set of synonyms, but a set
capturing all logical relations between concepts
(relations like ‘water’ to ‘ocean’). Analyzing article
text, shows us that the text contains many such
logically related concept phrases. Many of these
phrases are turned into hyperlinks that connect to
their own articles. We capitalize on these links and
narrow down our focus to mutually linked articles,
which we conceive as related concepts, as the
relation is validated by two way link created by
human intelligence. We also pay attention to linked
concepts which share a common domain, in other
words belong to common categories.
3.3.1 Cross Link Analysis
First step involves examining a concept and all the
inter-article links from the article explaining a
concept (let's call this the article under examination
'A'; we would use 'A' for representing the concept as
well). Among the articles linked from 'A', the ones
which have a link back to 'A' represent mutually
related concepts.
3.3.2 Link Co-category Analysis
In the next step, we look into one-way links from
'A'. This step also involves the category pages linked
to 'A' (categories of 'A'). An article which has a link
from 'A' and belongs to one of the categories of 'A',
represents a related concept. An important point to
note here, a small but significant number of
Wikipedia categories are related to article status and
do not indicate a concept domain (categories like
‘stub article’, ‘articles to be deleted’ etc.). We have
taken care to implement a filter that weeds out
analysis of such categories.
3.3.3 Relation Specific (RS) Score
After determining related concepts, we resolve how
closely related two articles are, based on the study of
overall Wikipedia link structure as well as the text
analysis of articles related to 'A'. All candidate
concepts related to 'A' are given the RS score. If an
article 'AR' is related to 'A' (hence the concepts
represented by A and AR), then
RS ('A', 'AR') = count (title ('A'), text ('AR')) / inLink ('AR')
Where, RS ( ) is the RS score of relation between
‘A’ and ‘AR’, count (str, tx) is number of times
name of string ‘str’ appeared in text ‘tx’, and
‘inLink’ (article) is the number of backward links to
the article. Ding et al. (Ding, 2005) explain a
backward link as a simple relation between articles
‘A1’ and ‘A2’, if ‘A2’ has a hyperlink targeting
Articles having a relatively higher number of
other articles linking to them thus, represent more
generic concepts; and will be given a low RS score
from above formula. A complete analysis of
Wikipedia article link structure, category network
and article text using the above three steps yields a
CT of related concepts with respective RS scores.
Algorithm 1 implements the CT extraction
process. Lines 7 to 14 extract cross linked articles
for every concept. The link co-category analysis is
carried out by lines 15 to 20. Lines 21 to 29
determine the RS scores for all related concepts. The
output of this algorithm is the final CT.
Algorithm 1: Wikipedia CT extraction.
Input: AL # Wikipedia article list with id, title,
content information
1: CT ׎
2: for all article in AL do
3: categorySet getCategories (article)
4: linkSet getLinkedArticles (article)
5: vocabList getConceptVacab(article)
6: for all linkedArticle in linkSet do
7: blnRelated false
8: linkSetTemp
getLinkedArticles (linkedArticle)
9: for all link in linkSetTemp do
10: if link == article then
11: blnRelated true
12: break for
13: end if
14: end for
15: if not blnRelated then
16: categorySetTemp
getCategories (linkedArticle)
17: if commonCategoryExists (categorySet,
categorySetTemp) then
18: blnRelated true
19: end if
20: end if
21: if blnRelated then
22: conceptCount 0
23: for all vocab in vocabList do
24: conceptCount
conceptCount +
count (vocab, text(linkedArticle))
25: end for
26: inFrequency
countIncomingLinks (linkedArticle)
27: score conceptCount / inFrequency
28: addToThesaurus (CT, article,
linkedArticle, score)
29: end if
30: end for
31: end for
Figure 2: Concept Representation and Query Expansion
3.4 Wikipedia Concept Representation
of Search Query
In order to use CT, we need a set of concepts that
can best represent a query. User queries frequently
lack clarity and the word structure (order of words,
inflections) where as much of the concept
vocabulary is a set of standard article names (precise
word order), hence steps beyond simple word
matching are required for mapping a query to
concepts. Moreover, a query may require a
combination of concepts to represent its scope.
Another significant requirement of multi-word query
mapping is to capture its sense in its entirety and not
just as collection of individual key terms, in other
word capturing the phrase behaviour of a search
We represent queries with best N (number of
representations required) Wikipedia Concepts
through three levels of concept discovery. We
exploit Concept Vocabulary and article content for
determining the concepts that depict search query.
Along with maintaining a vocabulary-target list we
build a TF-IDF based index on vocabulary phrases
(vocabulary index) and on article content text
(content index).
Algorithm 2 implements the above process. First
level (line 7, Algorithm 2) involves string
comparison of query and concept vocabulary entries.
Figure 2 (first half of the figure, above relation
discovery part) represents this process abstractly. An
exact match, if available, fetches the best
representation of query and is stored as level one
concept (EMVT, Algorithm 2). Second level
involves looking through partial matches of
vocabulary phrases based on cosine similarity scores
between vocabulary index and query (line 8,
Algorithm 2). Concept names for top N matches are
stored in second level match list (CMVT, Algorithm
2). Third level requires fetching top N matches while
comparing query with content index (line 9,
Algorithm 2). Concepts represented by the fetched
content pages are stored in third level list (CMCT,
Algorithm 2).
Subsequent to the three levels of Wikipedia
concept discovery, we start building the concept
representation list (lines 10 to 32, Algorithm 2). We
prioritize the fetched concepts based on their levels.
First entry in representation list (RL) is EMVT (line
11, Algorithm 2) if it is not empty. We consequently
use CMVT entries (lines 14 to 22, Algorithm 2) to
append RL with a cosine similarity threshold (T,
Algorithm 2) check between query and concept
names. After CMVT is exhausted, CMCT elements
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Algorithm 2: Determination of query representational Wikipedia
Input: CV, CVI, CCI, Q, N
# Concept Vocabulary, concept Vocabulary Index,
# Concept Content Index and Query respectively
1: RL ׎ # List of representation concepts
2: EMVT ” # String for exact query vocabulary match
3: CMVT ׎ # List of concepts for query vocabulary match on
cosine similarity
4: CMCT ׎ # List of concepts or query content match on
cosine similarity
5: T #integer, cosine similarity Threshold, (empirically
6: count 0
7: EMVT getExactMatchConcept (CV, Q)
8: CMVT getTopMatch (CVI, Q, N)
9: CMCT getTopMatch (CCI, Q, N)
10: if EMVT != “ then
11: addToList (EMVT, i)
12: count count + 1
13: end if
14: for all title in (CMVT) do
15: if cosSimilarity (Q, title) > T then
16: addToList (title, RL)
17: count count + 1
18: if count > N then
19: break for
20: end if
21: end if
22: end for
23: QC removeStopWords (Q)
24: for all title in (CMCT) do
25: if partialTermMatch (QC, title) then
26: addToList (title, RL)
27: count count + 1
28: if count > N then
29: break for
30: end if
31: end if
32: end for
33: return RL
are used to append RL (lines 23 to 32, Algorithm 2)
and a threshold check similar to CMVT check is
employed. The process of appending RL is stopped
as soon as its size reaches N.
3.5 Query Expansion
Once the Wikipedia concept representation is
established for a user query, we retrieve a list of N
most related concepts for every concept representing
the query from CT. These related concepts include
semantically related senses to the query. Next we
merge these lists. Common concepts across these
lists have their respective RS scores added in order
to increase the importance of a concept that appears
more frequently. Final list is sorted in a decreasing
order of RS scores and top N concepts are added to
Q. Repetitions and stop words are removed from the
reconstructed query. This process is represented in
Figure 2, lower half.
In 2007, the CSIRO Enterprise Research Collection
corpus was introduced as the Enterprise Search
evaluation data for TREC (TRECENT, 2007). Both
our baseline and CT based QE setups are evaluated
on plain text search on TRECENT and we did not
look into internal link structure of the evaluation
data (because Enterprise Data in general, lacks the
strong link structure which is present in web domain
(Mukherjee, 2004)).
4.1 Baseline Setup
For creating the test set, 50 queries were formulated
from the 50 topics provided, where every query was
a Boolean OR combination of its individual terms
present in the query.
4.2 Query Expansion Setup and
Wikipedia link structure database dumps were
loaded on MySQL database and article content was
stored and indexed using Apache Lucene indexer.
All the modules for extracting concept vocabulary,
concept relations and query representations were
coded in java. The concept vocabulary set as well as
CT were also tabulated in MySQL. A concept
vocabulary index for partial query phrase matching
was also created.
We configured Query Representation module to
extract two best concepts which it generated on the
run using vocabulary database and Lucene index.
We tweaked the QE module to add 2 most related
concepts to the query for the first representing
concept and 1 related concept for second one.
Following are couple of sample expansions created
by our CT based QE module, are:
1. Query: timber treatment
Reconstructed Query: timber treatment + Wood preservation
+ Chromated copper arsenatem + Creosote
2. Query: cancer risk
Reconstructed Query: cancer risk + Cervical cancer + Human
papillomavirus + Pap test
We recorded Precision for top 10, 20 50 and 100
retrieved results and overall Recall measures of both
setups to compare their performance. Table 1 gives
the respective observations of these measures and
shows an improvement of 0.7%, 1%, 6%, 9% for
precision at top10, top 20, top 50 and top 100 search
results respectively, averaged over 50 queries. The
overall Recall has significantly improved by an
impressive 9%.
Table 1: The evaluation results for Wikipedia CT based
Query Expansion module.
Baseline CT based QE
Number of Queries
50 50 -
Average number of
Results Retrieved
15901 28182 77.2%
0.834 0.910
Precision (over all)
0.074 0.047 -
Precision at top 10
0.693 0.698
Precision at top 20
0.593 0.599
Precision at top 50
0.457 0.485
Precision at top 100
0.377 0.412
The First striking observation from the results is the
impressive 9% increase in the recall figures.
Moreover, recall has reached above 0.9 for most
queries thus indicating the effectiveness of concept
coverage of QE module. However, increase in recall
is consistent with most QE techniques. It is the non
degradation of precision at top 10 results and
improvements for top 20, top 50 and top 100 results
that impress the most. Thus if we compare the
average number of documents retrieved per query,
we see that in spite of a relatively much larger
number of retrieval for QE module, relevant results
are not pushed back. Our experiments only involved
query level adjustments and a combination of
semantics based indexing and re-ranking techniques
can further improve the precision of search results.
The use of an external knowledge resource for QE
has been a tried and tested area in both web and
Enterprise Search. WordNet is one such popular
resource. With more than 2 million English articles,
Wikipedia knowledge in terms of both number of
concepts and Named Entities far exceeds any
available dictionary or thesaurus in electronic format
for English language.
We are working on extracting sub-graphs of the
Wikipedia link structure, which will contain the
corpus specific concepts. Another area we are
aiming to work on is document term enrichment
with concept vocabulary. Using techniques similar
to concept representation we plan to add standard
concept names into document. Our QE module
introduces terms which are concept names. The
syntactic structure of these terms might be different
from semantically similar terms in the corpus, thus
such document may not to be detected in a TF-IDF
based search. Our idea will introduce the same
vocabulary in the documents with which we are
reconstructing a query.
We have put forward our technique to extract a CT
by focussing on the inter-article link graph of
Wikipedia as well as a way to map any search query
to these concepts by treating it as semantic unit
instead of a bag of words. Our aim is to make a
generic ES Application which should be
independent of enterprise structure for reasonable
functioning without losing the power of
customization and should require a minimal human
intervention for configuration.
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