Christian Lettner, Christian Hawel, Bernhard Freudenthaler
Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH (SCCH), Softwarepark 21, Hagenberg, Austria
Ewald Draxler
voestalpine Stahl GmbH, voestalpine Straße 3, Linz, Austria
Keywords: Architecture, Conceptual Model, Integration, Metadata, Ontology, Semantic Technology, Topic Maps.
Abstract: Typical organizations operate several systems to perform their business tasks. To support the decision
making process, the data processed by these systems must be integrated into a global, consolidated view. As
each system supports a different business process and therefore operates in a different context, the data
stored in these systems can have slightly different semantics. This semantic gap is one of the main reasons
that data integration is a difficult task. The same challenges also apply to technical and business metadata.
To resolve this semantic gap, conceptual models are proposed as the foundation for metadata integration.
They are used to identify, interconnect and evaluate the similarity of concepts and to provide a vital source
for architectural analysis. The conceptual model should provide a sound understanding of the domain and
act as a general entry point for users who want to learn more about the system architecture.
In most organizations the information system
architecture is grown over time. This is also true for
the range of functionalities these systems provide, as
well as the underlying data models. If new
functionality has to be implemented, the quickest
and cheapest strategy is to implement it within the
existing system of the requesting user. Furthermore,
implementing the new functionality from scratch
would fulfill the purpose it was requested for.
Looking at other systems and reusing the existing
functionality seems to be a more exhaustive and
stressful way of developing extensions. This is
especially true when the remote functionality
performs the task slightly different than is needed by
the new request. All these conditions stimulate the
emergence of non-integrated information systems
that are very difficult to manage. The problems can
become virulent when corporate reporting demands
integration of information from various systems into
a single version of the truth.
One problem with non-integrated information
architectures is that a so-called metadata map across
all systems is often missing. This can lead to a
situation where nobody is able to grasp the complete
data architecture (i.e., nobody has an overview of
which data is processed in which systems). Because
various systems process the same information in a
different context, understanding the exact meaning
of an information element in system A compared to
system B gets even more challenging. To get a
complete picture of an organization’s data
architecture this semantic gap must be expressed in
the organizational metadata map. The metadata of
the individual systems has to be enriched with
semantic information that enables access to a global,
integrated view of the organization.
Migrating from a non-integrated information
system to a single version of the truth takes time. In
most cases, the first step is to reach a consensual
catalog of vocabulary, which is valid for the entire
organization. This catalog, also called a controlled
vocabulary, must reflect semantic differences
between terms used in different organizational units.
Once such a vocabulary is established, the next step
is to connect the vocabulary to the metadata of the
individual systems. As a result, the individual
systems metadata gets integrated at the semantic
Lettner C., Hawel C., Freudenthaler B. and Draxler E..
DOI: 10.5220/0003094802690275
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2010), pages 269-275
ISBN: 978-989-8425-29-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
level through the common vocabulary. This
integrated metadata serves as the foundation for the
integration at the instance level, to finally provide
the requested single version of the truth.
In this work we focus on the first two steps:
establishing a control vocabulary and using this
vocabulary to perform metadata integration across
individual systems. We propose to use conceptual
models for these tasks. Conceptual models are well-
known in the data engineering community, but they
are mainly used for analysis and design phases. The
conceptual model should act as a general entry point
for end users; it should provide knowledge about
individual systems to end users.
Chapter 2 discusses related work in the field of
metadata integration, data integration and semantic
technologies. Chapter 3 introduces conceptual
models based on Topic Maps. Chapter 4 shows how
conceptual models can be used to support the
metadata management and architecture evolution
process. Finally, conclusions and suggestions for
further work are provided in chapter 5.
According to Gilliland (2008, p. 2), metadata is “the
sum total of what one can say about any information
object at any level of aggregation. It is data about
data. Data integration efforts are all about
integrating metadata from different sources. This is
often difficult, especially if the sources are
heterogeneous. Haslhofer and Klas (2010) classify
predominant metadata heterogeneities mentioned in
the literature. They distinguish between two classes,
structural and semantic heterogeneities. Structural
heterogeneities arise as facts are modeled in
different ways and with different levels of detail.
One example of this so-called meta-level
discrepancy is if location information in one system
is modeled as an attribute while in the other system
it is modeled as an entity. Semantic heterogeneities
occur because of different semantics in the models.
An example of this class is a terminological
mismatch, when two attributes or entities with
different names represent the same concept.
Haslhofer and Klas (2010) classify different
techniques to overcome these heterogeneities, such
as controlled vocabularies, global conceptual
models, etc.
A method of implementing these techniques is
semantic technologies. Semantic technology, more
precisely semantic web technology, has been
developed to provide a better architecture that allows
easy information integration from multiple web
sites. As Horrocks (2008) notes, using semantic
technologies like ontologies for information
integration is not a novel approach and has been the
subject of extensive research in the database
As given in Horrocks (2008), an ontology
introduces a vocabulary, it describes various aspects
of the domain being modeled and provides an
explicit specification of the intended meaning of that
vocabulary (Gruber, 1993). Ontologies can play
several roles in organization for data integration:
they describe the structure and semantics of
data sources,
they provide a detailed model of the domain
against which queries are formulated,
they provide a controlled vocabulary,
they are used to identify, associate and finally
integrate semantically corresponding
concepts (Horrocks, 2008) (Wache et al.,
As depicted in Gilliland (2008) the complexity
of a controlled vocabulary can range from a simple
list of terms to a system that defines terms and the
semantic relationships between them. Using
ontologies, the later can be accomplished. However,
ontologies go further than simply representing
knowledge. They provide information about the
domain of interest and derive new knowledge based
on the facts modeled in the ontology. Because
reasoning about a domain was not important in this
work, ontologies were not used. Instead, Topic Maps
(ISO/IEC, 2002), a simpler language built for
representing knowledge, has been used.
Identifying, associating and integrating
semantically corresponding concepts is a very
similar problem to schema matching and data
matching in the database community. In Doan and
Halevy (2005), two groups of semantic matching
techniques were distinguished, rule-based solutions
and learning-based solutions. Rule-based solutions
operate only on schemas, are very fast and do not
require training. Learning-based solutions exploit
data instances, which can hold very valuable
information for schema matching. For this reason
they are not as fast as rule-based solutions and
require training. As already mentioned, data
matching or tuple matching can be considered as a
similar problem like schema matching. As expressed
in Doan and Halevy (2005), research in both
disciplines supports one another. Duplicate detection
is considered to be one of the most prominent data
matching techniques.
Traditional data integration is performed based
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
on precisely engineered mappings. A data element
will be extracted from a source schema, will get
transformed and finally will be loaded into a
destination schema. Mappings from the source to the
destination schema must be completely defined
before data integration can take place.
Dataspace management systems try to perform
data integration processes the other way round.
Inspired by desktop search engines, a basic keyword
query utility is available and can be used over all
data sources to be integrated. Initially, the quality of
integration is limited to providing a common
keyword search interface. Like developing
integration mappings, no prior investment in the
integration process is needed. The result set will
contain duplicates, different data encodings, etc. As
the data integration requirements get more
demanding, the dataspace management system must
be enriched with more relationships and mappings.
Using this additional information the integration
process should be able to produce a better level of
integration. This process is called pay-as-you-go
(Salles, Dittrich, Karakashian, Girard and Blunschi,
2007) (Franklin, Halevy and Maier, 2005).
A system that allows for gradual enhancement of
relationships is proposed in Talukdar et al. (2008).
Starting with a basic keyword search, the system
matches the keywords to relational data sources and
evaluates available associations to finally generate a
list of possible queries ranked by a score. Next, the
user has to provide feedback to the system regarding
which query fits the intended information request
best. Based on this feedback, the system is able to
learn by assigning new weightings to associations,
which in turn changes the future rank of proposed
In this work, the idea of gradually enhancing the
level of integration is applied when mapping the
controlled vocabulary to the logical data models of
the systems in an iterative way. Initially, only a basic
keyword search will be available over the controlled
vocabulary and the logical data models of the
systems. As more and more mappings are
introduced, the more the semantic context of the
system will be formed, which in turn closes the
semantic gap across the systems.
A similar approach has been proposed in
Karjikar, Roy and Padmanabhuni (2009), but for
another area of application. It used Topic Maps to
represent the knowledge contained in Universal
Business Language (UBL) documents, an OASIS
standard for generic business documents.
Conceptual models provide a controlled vocabulary
and describe entities and relationships involved in
these applications. Several languages exist for
conceptual modeling. The most prominent
representative is UML, the Unified Modeling
Language (Object Management Group, 2007).
To close the semantic gap across systems, a
semantic-aware conceptual modeling language is
needed. Ontology oriented languages like Topic
Maps and OWL, the Web Ontology Language,
provide built-in support for semantic descriptions
and thus seem to be most suitable. Topic Maps have
been selected as the conceptual modeling language
for this study because of its simplicity and
practicality for end users. Topic Maps (ISO/IEC,
2002) are an ISO standard for knowledge
representation. They are inspired by semantic
networks and index structures. “Ontopia”, a general
purpose open source Topic Maps development
environment has been chosen for prototype
development (Ontopia, 2010).
In the following, only the most important
concepts of Topic Maps can be introduced. A
detailed introduction is provided in Pepper (2010).
The main model elements of Topic Maps are topics,
associations and occurrences. Every topic has a type.
Types can be inherited (i.e., every type can define
parent types and sub types). Associations express
relationships between one or more topics. The
following example establishes an association “is-
manager-of” between the topics “Christian” and
“Michael”. Both topics are of type “Employee”.
Christian:Employee is-manager-of
Occurrences are references to additional
information that is relevant for the topic. This could
be a reference to a web-site or simply a data element
that contains additional information, such as the
employee’s birth date.
A prototype of the proposed approach has been
implemented for voestalpine Stahl GmbH.
Voestalpine operates a lot of autonomous
information systems, each designed to perfectly
perform a certain task in the production process. The
data processed in these systems must be integrated
into a global view to optimally control the
production process. As already mentioned, at a
specific size, this distributed architecture gets very
uncomfortable. Even experts find it difficult to give
answers to simple questions like: Tell me all
systems where some data element gets processed.”
-parent 1
Quality of Representation
Process Property
Logical Data Model Element
Report Area
Report Property
Conceptual Model Logical Data Model
Figure 1: Class diagram of the domain and logical data model.
One aim of the prototype was to answer questions
like these.
As production is mainly organized around
processes, they also form the main topic in the
conceptual model. Each process can be composed of
multiple sub-processes and can have multiple
predecessors and successors. Each process owns a
list of process properties that characterizes the
process. For reasons of readability “process
properties” is substituted with “property” in the
following. For each property a topic has been
created that provides information about which data
is available for the process. Examples for properties
would be “quantities produced”, “production start
time” or “responsible employee”. Each property has
a type depending on its characteristics. Types
include temperatures, quantities, etc., as well as
properties from production facilities, such as pans.
An example instance for a production facility
property is “number of first pan used”. These
properties represent the different roles a pan can
play in the complete production process.
Properties characterize the production process
and have a representation in information systems
(i.e., in logical data models of the information
systems). Furthermore, representations can also exist
on reports, production journals, etc. Some properties
have semantically equivalent representations in more
than one system or artifact.
Associations are modeled between the property
in the conceptual model and the corresponding
representation in the systems logical data model. If
the property has representations in more than one
system, then these associations constitute the clue
that links semantically corresponding concepts
across systems. As in dataspace management
systems, these associations can be gradually
enhanced to move the systems more closely
Depending on the system, the data quality of the
representation can vary significantly across the
systems. Examples of data quality attributes are the
number of missing or duplicate values. To capture
knowledge about data quality, quality of
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Last Measured Temperature
Converter :Report
Secondary Metallurgy
Continuous Casting :Report
Actual Temperature Last Pan
Actual End Temperature
Sekm Temp
:Quality of Rep.
Secondary Metallurgy
Conceptual Model Logical Data Model
Figure 3: Instance diagram of conceptual model and logical data model.
representation can be specified for the associations
between the conceptual model and the logical data
model. Figure 1 shows a class diagram of the
conceptual model used and the association to the
logical data models of the systems. Both the
conceptual model and the logical data models are
modeled as Topic Maps.
Figure 2 shows excerpts from three different
reports, each displaying the same temperature,
marked with bold squares. The problem is that each
report uses another label for the temperature,
respectively “Temperatur Ist Letzte Pfanne”
(“Actual Temperature Last Pan”), “Temp Ist End”
(“Actual End Temperature”) and “Sekm Temp”
Figure 2: Three reports showing the same temperature.
(“Secondary Metallurgy Temperature”). Only
domain experts know that all three temperatures
actually mean the same thing. For non-experts, this
knowledge remains hidden.
An instance diagram that demonstrates how this
situation is modeled in the conceptual model with
the logical data model is presented in Figure 3. The
conceptual model is used to capture the semantic
equality of the three temperatures displayed in the
reports. There only exists one temperature process
property, called “Last Measured Temperature”, in
the domain model, which belongs to the process
“Secondary Metallurgy”. Starting from this process
property there are three associations to the
corresponding report properties in the reports. All
three representations have been classified as “OK”
as the quality of representation.
To provide the modeled knowledge in the
conceptual model to a major group of users, easy
ways to access the information must be available. In
this section, an overview of the possibilities to
access the conceptual models is given.
4.1 Keyword Search
The easiest way for users to access information is to
use a keyword search. As the Topic Maps tool
“Ontopia” provides a basic keyword search utility,
keyword search is available for the conceptual
model and logical data models. As a result, the name
and the type of the found topics are displayed. The
search not only covers the name of the topic, but
also the type information available in the conceptual
model. Figure 4 illustrates an example for the
keyword search. Searching for the word
“Temperature” as well. “temperature” delivers all
topics of type
Figure 4: Keyword search on the conceptual model.
4.2 Navigate by Associations
Another way to approach the information modeled
in the conceptual model is using associations. For
example starting from a well-known process, the
association structure to parent-, sub-, previous- and
successor-processes can be used to navigate to the
information the user is interested in. The navigation
can be assisted using the graphical association
visualization tool “Vizigator” that ships with
Figure 5 shows such an example for a process
navigation application. “Schmelzmetallurgie”
(melting shop), “Brammenfertigung” (slab caster)
and “WB-Fertigung” (hot rolling mill) illustrate one
segment of the workflow of the described domain.
The process „Schmelzmetallurgie“ has two sub-
processes, “Primäre Metallurgie“ (primary
metallurgy) and “Sekundäre Metallurgie“
(secondary metallurgy) which are connected by
using associations. Each of these sub-processes can
consist of other sub-processes. For example, the sub-
process “Primäre Metallurgie“ has sub-processes
like “Tiegelpflege” (converter maintenance) or
“Schlacke kippen” (slag tipping) which can be
associated again. “Roheisen” (pig iron) is an
example for materials and demonstrates the material
flow to “Schmelzmetallurgie”.
Another approach is to build a custom
application that uses association information stored
in Topic Maps to provide a domain specific
presentation of the stored information. Based on the
association type, the custom application arranges the
topics accordingly, to allow intuitive navigation.
Figure 6 shows such an example for a process
Figure 5: Using “Vizigator” for process navigation.
Figure 6: Custom process navigation application example.
navigation application. The current selected process
is “Blasen”. The super-process of “Blasen” is
“Primäre Metallurgie” while the previous process is
“Chargieren” and the following process is
“Bodenspülen“. “Blasen” also has three sup-
processes, called “Sublanzenphase Blaseende”,
“Blasebeginn/Zünden” and “Hauptblasen”. The
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
process properties for “Blasen” are presented in the
lower part of the screen.
4.3 Query the Conceptual Model
“Ontopia” provides a Topic Maps query language
called “tolog”. “tolog” is a Datalog like query
language for Topic Maps. It can be used to perform
architectural analysis on the conceptual model and
logical data model. For example, queries like Give
me all temperatures that are processed in System A
can be written easily. Further, queries can be
formulated that allow monitoring the system
architecture. For example, if a new entity will be
added to the logical data model that has no mapping
in the domain model, a reminder or message will be
generated to add this missing information. The
possibility to monitor the system architecture is a
key enabler for a vital conceptual model and system
In this work, Topic Map based conceptual models
are proposed for metadata integration. A conceptual
model is used to provide a lasting and intuitive
source of information on how the metadata of the
individual systems is semantically related to each
other. Currently, conceptual models and their
relationships to logical data models must be largely
defined manually. Actuality of the conceptual model
and its relationships to the systems is crucial for
acceptance by users. As such, further work will
concentrate on developing semi-automatic methods
to maintain the actuality of the models.
Further, we will consider using ontologies
instead of Topic Maps as they are much more
expressive. For example, one shortcoming of Topic
Maps is the absence of a practical concept to manage
synonyms, which is essential when establishing a
controlled vocabulary.
Other possible future work could concentrate on
introducing different levels of abstractions for
conceptual models. Different users need different
levels of conceptual model detail for their work. A
language built-in concept that allows composing
higher level topics out of a group of basic topics
would be preferable. The user could decide for
herself/himself, weather s/he wants to see a high
level view of the domain or browse into the details
of the domain.
Finally, a future direction could be to concentrate
on how the conceptual model can be used to perform
data integration at the instance level, also called
ontology-based data access. Ontology-based data
access uses queries specified on a conceptual model
to access and integrate data from underlying
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