Runxin Wang, Lei Shi, M
O. Foghl
u and Eric Robson
Telecommunications Software & Systems Group Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, Ireland
Data Mining, Supervised Learning, Concept Drift, Meta-Learning, Evolving Data.
The knowledge hidden in evolving data may change with time, this issue is known as concept drift. It often
causes a learning system to decrease its prediction accuracy. Most existing techniques apply ensemble methods
to improve learning performance on concept drift. In this paper, we propose a novel meta learning approach
for this issue and develop a method: Multi-Step Learning (MSL). In our method, a MSL learner is structured
in a recursive manner, which contains all the base learners maintained in a hierarchy, ensuring the learned
concepts are traceable. We evaluated MSL and two ensemble techniques on three synthetic datasets, which
contain a number of drastic concept drifts. The experimental results show that the proposed method generally
performs better than the ensemble techniques in terms of prediction accuracy.
The Machine Learning (ML) and Data Mining (DM)
communities have for many years been concerned
with the problem of concept drift. Essentially if a
learning model is trained with one set of training data,
the risk is that over time this training set becomes
less relevant to the new data being analysed, and thus
the new concepts drift away from those previously
learned. One practical example is weather prediction,
where the prediction rules vary depending on the sea-
son (Widmer and Kubat, 1996). A survey of concept
drift is provided by Tsymbal (Tsymbal, 2004). Most
traditional ML algorithms are subject to concept drift
where prediction accuracy decreases over time. These
algorithms are often called batch algorithms as they
are good at learning knowledge from data stored in
batch, but become inefficient if the data grow dynam-
ically and are exposed to concept drift.
Figure 1 gives an illustration of the concept drift
problem in classification, where the concept has
drifted from the first circle (old dataset) to the second
(new dataset). Although classifier C
correctly classi-
fies the data points in the old dataset; if C
is applied
to the new dataset instead of C
, it can be easily seen
that some of the new data points would be misclassi-
fied. As shown, C
is the appropriate classifier to the
new dataset.
One traditional method for dealing with evolving
data is to relearn the knowledge based upon a com-
bined dataset that consists of both the old data and the
new data. However, this method is subject to “catas-
trophic forgetting” (Polikar et al., 2001) which refers
to the issue of learning the new knowledge but forget-
ting the older knowledge. Therefore when presented
with data relating to the original concepts, accurate
prediction may no longer occur. In fact, concept drift
requires a ML solution that does not just have one ini-
tial training phase, but has multiple phases of training,
or some form of continuous training (e.g. incremental
Figure 1: Two datasets are generated in different time
blocks. The square examples and cycle examples respec-
tively belong to different classes.
Some ensemble techniques have been proposed
to address concept drift. The approach of these
techniques is that the learning systems train multi-
ple learners in different time windows. The peri-
ods (windows) observe a number of instances and the
Wang R., Shi L., Foghlú M. and Robson E..
DOI: 10.5220/0003095502570262
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2010), pages 257-262
ISBN: 978-989-8425-28-7
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
overall system combines these separate learners to-
gether into an integrated model using majority voting
or weighted majority voting. These approaches are
mainly inspired by Boosting (Freund and Schapire,
1997) and Bagging (Breiman, 1996).
In this paper we apply a meta-learning approach
instead of either combined dataset or ensemble tech-
niques to deal with concept drift. Our research fo-
cuses on Supervised Learning (SL), where we im-
plement Multi-Steps Learning (MSL) to enhance SL
performance on the data with concept drift. Nearly
all of the methods dealing with concept drift can be
seen as attempts to improve the performance of a
ıve Bayesian learning algorithm. These algorithms
are good baseline for experimental analysis of a new
method, as their accuracies are easy to adjust and
therefore allow room to improve. In experiments, we
compare MSL to a Bayesian combined dataset method
and two Bayesian ensemble techniques.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. In Section 2, we discuss the properties of en-
semble techniques, then briefly review some existing
methods proposed to cope with concept drift. Sec-
tion 3 presents our proposed method, MSL, for en-
hancing supervised learning on evolving data. Sec-
tion 4 describes the experimental setup and presents
the performance evaluation. Finally in Section 5 the
key findings are emphasized, and some proposed fu-
ture work is outlined.
Boosting and Bagging are the two most famous en-
semble methods in ML and DM; they inspire so-
lutions to many learning problems that require en-
semble models, such as on-line learning, distributed
learning, and incremental learning. They mainly pro-
vide two components: a mechanism of utilising in-
stances in the available training sets, and a mecha-
nism of combining the base learners. There are many
existing combining rules (Kittler et al., 1998) in the
field, where majority voting (used by Bagging) and
weighted majority voting (used by Boosting) are the
two mechanisms used most widely.
Streaming Ensemble Algorithm (SEA) (Street and
Kim, 2001), is a pioneering method for dealing with
concept drift in streaming data. It maintains a con-
stant number of classifiers in its ensemble pool and
when a new dataset is available, it performs major-
ity classification on the new instances. It then re-
evaluates the composite classifiers according to their
classification accuracies and replaces some classifiers
with new classifiers, if they are evaluated as under
performing. The overall accuracy is improved by us-
ing the updated classifiers.
Beyond SEA, Bifet designed a new streaming en-
semble method (Bifet et al., 2009), which enhances
supervised learning by using two adapted versions of
Bagging algorithms: adaptive windowing (ADWIN)
and Adaptive-Size Hoeffding Tree (ASHT). The AD-
WIN is a change detector and the ASHT is an incre-
mental anytime decision tree induction algorithm.
Dynamic weighted majority (DWM) (Kolter and
Maloof, 2007) is a representative method using
weighted majority voting. It maintains a couple of
learners trained in different datasets in different time
periods where each learner has a weight to specify
how reliable it is. All the weights are updated over
time according to the evaluation of the new datasets
and the learners with low weights are removed or re-
placed with new learners. The overall system makes
predictions using weighted majority voting among the
base learners. One advantage of DWM is the number
of base learners that should be used is initially spec-
ified and this set of base learners is continuously up-
dated by the training process to reflect this.
There are also other methods for concept drift,
which do not use ensemble techniques. Widmer
(Widmer, 1997) was the first to propose tracking the
context changes through meta-learning. Bach (Bach
and Maloof, 2008) proposed to use only two learners
(paired learners) to cope with all presented concepts
in datasets.
The implementation of our learning system, Multi-
Steps Learning (MSL), is presented in Algorithm 1. It
consists of three types of learners, “old learners” that
learn previous knowledge, “new learners” that learn
current knowledge and “meta learners” that learn the
experiences on how to select learners. Generally, if
concept drift occurs, then a MSL learner will be com-
posed by three learners, a new learner, a meta learner
and an old learner. An important point to note is that
the old learner could be also a MSL learner. In other
words, although the new learner and the meta learner
must be single learners, the old learner could actually
be a composite learner. Figure 2 presents the struc-
ture of a MSL learner, which includes another MSL
learner as its component (older learner). By using this
structure, MSL can encode all the learned concepts in
a traceable hierarchy. We will see this in the following
Zero or Singular Concept Drift in datasets. Initially
MSL system builds a learner on the first dataset. If
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
no (zero) concept drift occurs, the MSL system will
keep using that learner. However if the MSL sys-
tem does discover concept drift in a new dataset, it
will then save the existing learner as the “old learner”
and subsequently train a “new learner” on the “hard
set” (line 15 & 13). This groups the examples that
the current learner fails to predict (line 10). Mean-
while, MSL generates the experience by labeling the
examples with “old” if the MSL learner predicts cor-
rectly otherwise with “new” (line 11 & 12), and uses
this to build a meta learner based on this experience
(line 14). When provided with instances to analyse,
the meta learner receives the instances at first and se-
lects an appropriate learner between the new and the
old learner to perform the final prediction. Equation 1
shows how a MSL learner produces its hypothesis on
a given example X. A meta learner can be viewed as
the public interface of a MSL learner, as it is always
the first component to receive examples.
MSL(X) =
(X) if C
(X) = old
(X) if C
(X) = new
Figure 2: The structure of an overlap MSL learner. The old
learner of the current MSL learner is pointing to a previous
MSL learner.
Multiple Concept Drifts may appear in practice
when more than one concept appears within the
evolving data and some of the existing concepts may
recur (Widmer and Kubat, 1996) during the lifetime
of the data. To cope with multiple concepts, MSL re-
cursively replaces an old learner with a current MSL
learner (line 15) and accordingly trains a new learner
(line 13) and a meta learner (line 14). Therefore ev-
ery new concept can be learned, while all the previ-
ous concepts are preserved. Theoretically, each con-
cept drift produces two learners, a “new learner” and a
“meta learner”, thus the number of base learners gen-
erated in MSL is a function of the number of concepts
existing in the data:
|learners| = 2 × (|concepts| 1) + 1. (2)
Algorithm 1: MSL Algorithm.
Input: a sequence of examples.
Output: a MSL learner.
1: while examples are continuously arriving do
2: for every t time do
3: Create a dataset d
collecting the examples
within t.
4: end for
5: if MSL learner = null then
6: Build MSL learner on d
7: else
8: Evaluate MSL learner on d
9: if evaluation not pass then
10: Add all mispredicted examples into d
11: Label the mispredicted examples with o
otherwise with n.
12: Add the labeled examples into d
13: Build learner C
on d
14: Build learner C
on d
15: Set C
equal to the current MSL learner.
16: Create a new MSL learner:
MSL(X) =
(X) if C
(X) = o
(X) if C
(X) = n
17: end if
18: end if
19: end while
Due to the fact that base learners can only learn
on batch data, the MSL system creates a dataset for
every t time to allow the learners to work on bounded
datasets (line 3).
3.1 Complexity Analysis
The running time of MSL depends on the capability
of the base learners and the input distribution. Let
f (n) be the training time required by a base learner
to train n examples and g(n) be the running time for
predicting n examples. With one concept changing,
in which case two learners are produced, then the run-
ning time of this case is O(2 f (n)+g(n)). The running
time of MSL on m datasets is O( f (n) + k((n) + g(n))
where k [0, m] and f (n) is the training time on the
first dataset. Suppose that the number of datasets
with changing concepts on m datasets has a Bernoulli
(1 p)
with parameter p, we
could compute the average running time of MSL on
m datasets as
E[O] = O(f (n) +
(1 p)
· i · (2f (n) + g(n)))
= O(f (n) + mp(2f (n) + g(n))).
In our experiments we re-factored the Na
ıve Bayes
in weka (Hall et al., 2009) and used it as the base
learner. For the datasets, we used three synthetic
datasets which are widely used in the literature, a
detailed description of each dataset is given in the
following sections. In the experiments, we mainly
evaluated our MSL method and two ensemble tech-
niques, Streaming Ensemble Algorithm (SEA) and
Dynamic Weighted Majority (DWM). To ensure that
the datasets were subject to concept drift, we also
evaluated the single learner (a learner built on a sin-
gular dataset) and the combined dataset learner (a
learner built on the dataset combining all the avail-
able training sets) to see if their prediction accuracies
actually decrease as concepts change.
The general setup for the three type of datasets is
presented as follows: for each type of dataset, we gen-
erated 5,500 instances with 10% noise, where 500 in-
stances are reserved as a test set. The 5,000 instances
are collected into 10 training sets, where 5 concepts
appear in total. In other words, after the first dataset
is generated, the remaining datasets experience con-
cept drift 4 times. At the beginning of each series of
experiments, we made a new benchmark of the con-
cepts to check how dramatically the concepts change
in each dataset.
4.1 SEA Data
SEA Data (Streaming Ensemble Algorithm) is an ar-
tificial dataset that simulates the environment of con-
cept drift, it was originally introduced by Street and
Kim (Street and Kim, 2001). This data consists of 3
attributes, one of which is irrelevant, and the other 2
attributes together define a concept in the following
way: x
+ x
6 v, where v is a user-defined value. If
v changes, the concept changes. As shown in Figure
3, the target concept changes suddenly when there are
1000 instances available. It can be seen that the single
learner has a jump in error, while the MSL error does
not increase as dramatically. It can be also seen from
both Figure 3 and Figure 4 that, all the techniques’
error rates are continuously increasing until the fifth
concept arrives, where all the techniques made their
worst performance. Afterwards, nearly all techniques
achieved error reduction, where MSL got the greatest
reduction. Generally, MSL and SEA have similar per-
formance on this problem in terms of accuracy, while
DWM seems to be slightly inferior to the others. One
problem we discovered in MSL but not presented in
the diagrams is that during the experiments MSL cre-
ated more learners than it was expected. Recall equa-
tion 2, for data with 5 concepts it should of produced
9 learners, yet in fact we got 13 ± 2 learners in our
experiments. We attribute this as a consequence of
the high standard we used in evaluation, where MSL
tends to believe a new concept arrived and accord-
ingly train a new learner.
Figure 3: Experiments on SEA data.
Figure 4: Experiments on SEA data.
4.2 Stagger Data
Stagger Data is another commonly used dataset for
evaluating a learner’s performance on concept drift. It
was first created by Schlimmer and Granger (Schlim-
mer and Granger, 1986). Stagger data consists of
three nominal attributes, color, shape and size. A
concept is defined by a combination of the attribute
values. For example, an instance of color = red
shape = circlesize = small belongs to a target con-
cept. The benchmark on figure 5 proves that the con-
cept drifts do effect the performance of the techniques
involved. On this problem, MSL achieved its best
performance in terms of accuracy. As shown in Fig-
ure 6, comparing MSL to DWM and SEA, one can
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
see MSL outperforms the others nearly in every test
block. Since a new concept is introduced at the test
block when 1500 instances are available, both DWM
and SEA continuously increased their error rates un-
til they got the highest errors. MSL also increases
its error rate from the same test block, but it almost
manages to keep the error rate below 0.2 at every test
block. With this dataset, the lower error rates suggest
that MSL is capable of differentiating between the
learned concepts and accordingly selected the most
appropriate learner to perform the prediction. When
only two concepts exist (1500 instances), the MSL
learner made a much better performance than the oth-
ers. However, as more concepts showed up, the dif-
ference between concepts become more difficult to
identify, thus MSLs error rates increased as well. In
this experiment, there were a couple of trials where
we achieved the expected number of base learners
in MSL, yet there were still some trials we did not
achieve the expected number.
Figure 5: Experiments on Stagger data.
Figure 6: Experiments on Stagger data.
4.3 Moving Hyperplane Data
Moving Hyperplane Data was originally introduced
by Hulten to test his proposed method VFDT (Hul-
ten et al., 2001), an incremental decision tree learning
algorithm. The concept is defined by the following
where w
is the weight of the i
attribute, and x
is the
corresponding value. A concept is changed by mov-
ing the hyperplane (weights) of the equation. Fig-
ure 7 shows that though the error rates of the sin-
gle learner and combined dataset learner vary largely,
MSL works stably. In fact, as seen in Figure 8, the en-
semble techniques also have a stable and good perfor-
mance on this problem in terms of accuracy. With this
dataset, DWM presented the best performance over
all other algorithms, as shown on Figure 8. One in-
teresting point shown in Figure 8 is that, there is a
big gap showing on the point where 3000 instances
are available and MSL has an error rate of 0.103, yet
DWM and SEA only have 0.056 and 0.052 respec-
tively. We examined the related trials and found that
the fifth concept appeared at this point. We hypothe-
sis far more concepts with insufficient instances made
MSL unable to effectively classify the concepts. In-
deed, MSL immediately recovers its accuracy at the
follow point where more training data are available,
which we believe it is supportive to our hypothesis.
Again, we counted the learners that MSL produced
for this problem, and we found that there are 13 ± 2
learners generated by MSL. This fact does not match
with what we expected. We initially thought this issue
would effect the accuracy of MSL, however with this
particular dataset, the error rates of MSL are not bad,
as they range from 0.02 to 0.12.
Figure 7: Experiments on Moving Hyperplane data.
In this paper, we introduced the technique MSL
(Multi-Steps Learning) to facilitate effective super-
vised learning on evolving data with concept drift.
Our main contribution is exploring a meta-learning
approach to cope with concept drift, which is dif-
ferent to most previous techniques that use ensem-
Figure 8: Experiments on Moving Hyperplane data.
ble approaches. MSL constructs its base learners in
a recursive fashion, thus one MSL learner could hi-
erarchically consist of several trained MSL learners.
The number of learners generated is a function of the
number of concepts hidden in the evolving data. This
allows a user to trace how many concepts appear at
a certain time period. MSL selects the best learner
to perform the final prediction, which is also different
to ensemble approaches that make majority decisions.
Selecting the best one or using majority decision is a
problem that has been studied by Dzeroski and Zenk
(Dzeroski and Zenko, 2004).
The proposed method addresses concept drift in
data, it would be interesting to investigate how this
method works on the real datasets that contain con-
cept drifts.
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SaaSiPA (Software as a Service implementation of
Predictive Analytics) projects funded by Enterprise
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KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval