Mouna Kamel and Bernard Rothenburger
Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT) – CNRS
UPS, 118, Route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse Cedex, France
Keywords: Ontology building and enrichment from text, Layout analysis, NLP tools.
Abstract: The semantics of a text is carried by both the natural language it contains and its layout. As ontology
building processes have so far taken only plain text into consideration, our aim is to elicit its textual
structure. We focus here on parallel enumerative structures because they bear implicit or explicit
hierarchical relations, they have salient visual properties, and they are frequently found in corpora. We have
defined a process which identifies them in a text, translates them into ontological structures and finally links
such structures to the concepts of an existing ontology. We have assessed this process on Wikipedia
encyclopaedic articles as they are rich in definitions and statements, and contain many enumerations. The
many ontological structures we have obtained are thus used to enrich an ontology which we had
automatically built from database specification documents.
Many approaches have been suggested for the
construction, enrichment or population of ontology
from text. They are based on lexical, syntactical,
semantic or rhetorical aspects of natural language.
They encompass machine learning tools (Nédellec
and Nazarenko, 2003), specific natural language
processing tools (Giuliano et al., 2006), or
combination of both (Giovannetti et al., 2008).
These methods are usually applied on plain texts.
However, a large variety of layouts or structures can
be found in the visual presentation of a text with a
diversity of interpretations for each of them.
Example 1: a structure which carries ontological
Some of these structures implicitly carry
ontological knowledge as shown in the example 1.
The meaning carried by this structure may be
expressed through the example 2:
Example 2: a sentential representation of the example 1.
In both cases, a human being may easily deduce
the following conceptual framework:
Figure 1: Conceptual network corresponding to the
meaning of examples 1 and 2.
In the case of sentence analysis (example 2), the
automatic deduction by a Natural Language
Processing (NLP) tool of its formal counterpart is a
Under IAU definitions, there are eight planets in the Solar
System. In order of increasing distance from the Sun, they are
the four terrestrials, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, then the
four gas giants, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
Under IAU definitions, in the Solar System and in order of
increasing distance from the Sun, there are eight planets:
four terrestrials:
- Mercury,
- Venus,
- Earth,
- Mars,
four gas giants:
- Jupiter,
- Saturn,
- Uranus,
- Neptune.
Kamel M. and Rothenburger B..
DOI: 10.5220/0003097602760281
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2010), pages 276-281
ISBN: 978-989-8425-29-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
very tricky issue which will necessitate to carry out
non trivial tasks such as the resolution of anaphora
or the design of sophisticated multi-sentence textual
patterns. However for layout structure analysis
(example 1), different parts of the knowledge are
more easily identifiable thanks to lexical or typo-
dispositional marks. We claim that it becomes thus
easier to identify in an automated way the
corresponding conceptual network. The above
meaning-bearing layouts allow a straightforward
identification of ontological relations: often
hyperonymy, sometimes meronymy, and
occasionally other relations.
We focus here on a specific kind of meaning-
bearing layout that we call parallel enumerative
structures (PES). Example 1 is typical of such a
layout. These structures present some regularities
and appear very frequently. Their analysis could be a
relevant contribution to improve knowledge
elicitation from text. Moreover, it would provide
new triggers for the identification of new concepts
or semantic relations, therefore enabling to go
beyond the classical ontology learning approaches
which only consider the plain text.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
recalls the role and the importance that the layout
and the structure may have in the textual semantics.
Section 3 gives an analysis of parallel enumerative
structures and details the process we define to
translate a parallel enumerative structure into an
ontological structure. And in section 4 we describe
an application whose aim is to enrich an existing
ontology through applying our translating process
on Wikipedia articles which contain many parallel
enumerative structures, thus evaluating our
translation process. Finally we draw the balance of
our current work and list several future
advancements required to go further.
When producing a document, a writer may use not
just linguistic skills but also the ability to logically
and physically structure his/her writing. In this
regard the materiality of a text is part of its meaning:
"the overlay of graphics on text is in many ways
equivalent to the overlay of prosody on speech"
(Power et al., 2003). So the document structure, also
termed page layout, has been investigated for
different purposes, essentially for the improvement
of text generation (Mann et al., 1992), (Power et al.,
2003) and text segmentation systems (Hearst, 1997).
On the other hand, as documents are increasingly
available in a digital format, their contents become
easily accessible thanks to the existing mark-up
languages as XML whose tags convey the semantics
of the structure. These tags have been particularly
taken into consideration to improve text
summarization systems, as in (Groza et al., 2007) or
to perform Web pages classification (Shen et al.,
2007). (Auer et al., 2007) transform preformatted
tables into a set of triples (subject, predicate, object)
which are then stored in a database. We have also
already formulated a procedure based on the
semantics of tags and on their nested levels to build
an ontology kernel from a collection of structured
documents (Kamel and Aussenac-Gilles, 2009).
Textual objects are “textual segments that
correspond to a specific metalinguistic formulation
which is highlighted by a specific layout”
(Rebeyrolle and Péry-Woodley, 1998). One textual
object which aroused great interest is the
enumeration because it visually emphasizes
information and encompasses a concept or an idea
which is specified into various elements for a
summarization purpose. Moreover it maintains
relationships between its different components,
presents regularities and occurs quite frequently.
Discursive enumerations (also termed in-line list or
horizontal enumeration) are distinguished from
vertical enumerations by the way they are written.
They are indicated by lexico-syntactic marks which
may induce an ambiguous meaning within the
sentence (example 2). Vertical enumerations are
indicated by salient visual and typo-dispositional
marks which facilitate reading comprehension.
Although the elements of these enumerations are
visually discontinuous, they constitute a whole at the
semantic level (example 1). Their identification and
their interpretation in a text are regular enough to be
automatically computed. Actually, Luc led a study
on enumerations, proving that there is a functionally
equivalence between discursive enumerations and
vertical ones (Luc, 2001).
To our best knowledge, only a few works have
analysed the layout of a document to build linguistic
resources (Jacquemin and Bush, 2000), but none for
the ontology building process. We propose here to
show the benefits we have obtained by the analysis
of the enumerative structures for such a process.
An enumeration is a set of items with or without
semantic relations between them. An item is a co-
enumerated entity which can be discernable by
typographic, dispositional and/or lexico-syntactic
marks. Then we can distinguish:
¾ A parallel enumeration as a paradigmatic
enumeration (i.e. all items are functionally
equivalent, textually or syntactically), visually
homogeneous (i.e. all items are visually
equivalent) and isolated (i.e. no item is linked to
any textual unit which is out of the
enumeration) (fig. 3-a),
¾ A Non-parallel enumeration as an enumeration
missing one or more properties of a parallel
enumeration (fig. 3-e).
An introductory phrase, hereafter called primer, is a
phrase or a sentence which introduces an
enumeration, and which is identifiable by lexico-
syntactic and/or typo-dispositional marks.
Finally, let us call parallel enumerative structure
(PES) a vertical textual structure composed of a
primer and a parallel enumeration.
There are a number of diseases and conditions affecting
the gastrointestinal system, including:
1) Cholera
2) Colorectal cancer
3) Diverticulitis
Figure 2: Composition of an enumerative structure.
Broadly speaking, the idea is to translate a PES
into a single ontological structure (i.e. one or two-
level hierarchy) according to the following
principles: (1) the primer contains one father concept
and one semantic relation which links this father
concept to concepts contained in the items, (2) each
item contains one child concept semantically related
to the father concept p the primer, (3) all child
concepts will be considered as belonging to the same
conceptual level. An example of this correspondence
is the structure obtained in Figure 1 from example 1.
The syntactic structure of the primer helps to
identify the father concept and the semantic relation
it contains. We have characterized 3 cases:
Æ The primer is not syntactically correct.
- The primer could be composed of a noun phrase
(fig. 3-b). This noun phrase represents the father
concept and the implicit semantic relation is the
relation is-a.
- The primer could end with a verb phrase at the
active form (fig. 3-a). The semantic class to which
this verb belongs reflects the nature of the relation
and the father concept corresponds to the main term
of the noun phrase which is the subject of this verb.
Æ The primer is complete (fig. 3-c). It contains a
lexical unit taken from a gazetteer or a number
which specifies the number of items. The concept
father is the term which co-occurs with this lexical
marker, and the implicit relation is the relation is-a.
Æ The primer is syntactically correct and not
complete (fig. 3-d). The father concept may be found
in the subject noun phrase or in the object noun
phrase of the main clause and may be eventually
detected thanks to heuristics. The implicit relation is
the relation is-a.
Our method consists in (1) identifying each
enumerative structure and its different components
(primer and items), (2) checking whether the
enumeration is parallel, (3) identifying the father
concept and the nature of the semantic relation, (4)
extracting the child concepts from each item and (5)
building an ontological structure. This fifth step is
based on annotations produced over the four
previous steps.
We carry out an experiment which will estimate the
enrichment ratio of an existing ontology when
exploiting PES from Wikipedia pages.
4.1 Experiment Setup
Within the GEONTO (http://geonto.lri.fr/) project,
ontologies are automatically built from structured
database specifications documents (given in an
XML format). To enrich these ontologies, we use
Wikipedia documents. Wikipedia documents are
encyclopaedic: each article describes a single
concept, and there is a single article for each
concept. This is an interesting feature because it will
avoid having to cope with the problem of polysemy.
These articles contain a lot of definitional statements
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Fig 3-a: article Language cf. Wikipedia. Fig 3-b: article Antihypertensive drug cf. Wikipedia.
Non-spoken forms of communication are :
Written language
Sign language
Whistled language
Drum language
Non-verbal language
Aldosterone receptor antagonists:
Fig 3-c: article Library classification cf. Wikipedia. Fig 3-d: article Flora cf. Wikipedia.
As a result of differences in Notation, history, use of
enumeration, hierarchy, facets, classification
systems can differ in the following ways :
Type of Notation: Notation can be pure
(consisting of only numerals for
example) or mixed (consisting of letters,
numerals, and other symbols).
Expressiveness: This is the degree in which the
notation can express relationship between concepts
or structure.
Lastly, floras may be subdivided by special
Native flora. The native and indigenous flora
of an area.
Agricultural and garden flora. The plants that
are deliberately grown by humans.
Weed flora. Traditionally this classification
was applied to plants regarded as undesirable
Fig 3-e: article Library classification cf. Wikipedia.
The justifications for this protocol are:
Children, especially the younger ones, have normally not yet developed the mental capacity to
fully comprehend the hazards
It is impractical in many cases to avoid children crossing the traveled portions of roadways after
leaving a school bus or to have an adult accompany them.
The size of a school bus generally limits visibility for both the children and motorists during
loading and unloading.
Figure 3: Examples of enumerative structures.
and properties. Furthermore, articles are written
according to a comprehensive set of editorial and
structural guidelines. For bulleted and numbered
lists, the Manual of Style (http://en.wikipedia.org/
wiki/ Wikipedia:Manual_of_Style). recommends :
"use the same grammatical form for all elements in a
list, and do not mix the use of sentences and
sentence fragments as elements". Actually it thus
advocates the writing of PES. So such texts are a
goldmine for the mining of meaning (Medelyan et
al., 2009). Several others works exploit Wikipedia
documents for information extraction process or
ontology building process. Some of these works are
based on a pattern matching approach improved by
more efficient parsers (Herbelot and Copestake,
2006), selectional restrictions (Wang et al., 2007) or
anaphora resolution (Nguyen et al., 2007). Other
works have essentially focused on the exploitation of
categories to extend taxonomies (Chernov et al.,
2006), and on infoboxes to populate the RDF triples
DBpedia dataset (Auer et al., 2007).
Our approach is different since it takes advantage of
the textual structure of these Wikepedia documents
to improve the ontology building process.
In order to perform the translation process
described in section 4, we have implemented a text
processing chain using the GATE NLP platform
(http://gate.ac.uk). This platform allows the
development of pipeline processes which run a set of
NLP tools and may use linguistic resources. Each
step adds new annotations to the corpus, even
sometimes using annotations previously set. An
annotation steps may also use Java Annotation
Patterns Engine (JAPE) rules. JAPE is a language
which allows to define regular expressions over
The experiment reported in this paper concerns
the enrichment of the OntoBDTopo ontology which
was built from the BDTopo database specifications
(one of the database used by GEONTO project).
BDTopo is a frame of reference used to localise
information relating to urbanism, environment and
territorial organisations. It contains both
geographical and real-world concepts. The
OntoBDTopo ontology has 728 concepts.
4.2 Experiment Results
We first leave aside:
- Parallel enumerative structures whose primer
does not end with a colon (these have
specificities which made them out of the scope
of this study),
Table 1: Experiment results.
Feature Number Comment
Initial concepts (IC) 728
Total Wikepedia pages (TWP) 406 55% of IC lead to a Wikipedia entry
Usable Wikipedia pages (UWP) 283 39% of IC lead to a disambiguated Wikipedia page
Usable pages with PES (UWPES) 182 25% of IC contain at least one PES
PES (PES) 434 The total number of PES present in the 182 UWPES
Usable PES (UPES) 276 64% of PES are relevant for the translation process
Complete PES (CPES) 52 Concern 19% of PES
Correct and non-complete PES (CNCPES) 149 Concern 53% of PES
Non-correct PES (NCPES) 71 Concern 26% of PES
New concepts (NC) 349 48% of IC
New instances (NI) 201 Populate the ontology
- Standard appendices such as "see also", "other
wikimedia projects", etc. which do not bear
ontological structure.
We then obtain 182 disambiguated pages which
contain at least one PES (according to our criteria).
From these 182 articles we exploit 276 PES which
allowed to enrich our ontology with 349 new
concepts and 201 instances which were considered
as relevant by experts and knowledge engineers
involved in OntoBDTopo specification . Table 1
details these results.
4.3 Results Discussion
Ontology quality assessment is a multifaceted
problem. It can be based on quantitative measures
(proximity to another ontology, coverage by a
corpus, quality of search results, etc.) or on
qualitative aspects (logical consistency, conceptual
validity, expert validation, etc.). But there is no
“gold standard” evaluated by experts that could be
used as a reference against the ontology we produce
automatically. Here, we have chosen to estimate the
number of new relevant concepts and relations our
translation process adds to an existing ontology. We
observe than the number of concepts goes up by
50%. Concerning relations and according to the
above typology of primers, we have identified more
than 80% of taxonomic relation and 15% of
meronymic ones. The few remaining ones are other
relations (mainly issued from NCPES) which we can
identify in the primer by NLP tools.
Since the root concept label of an ontological
structure we get is already a label (or includes a
label) of the original ontology, we carry a fusion of
this latter with the new structure. This approach has
the advantage of being fully automatic.
Nevertheless, we are aware that the fusion process in
turn carries specific problems which are out of the
scope of the present article.
The aim of this study is to show that the structure of
a text may play an important role in the ontology
building process. Textual objects such as titles,
enumerative structures, definitions, etc. which own
important visual properties, bear implicit or explicit
semantic relations between the concepts they
contain. We have chosen to analyse parallel
enumerative structures because of their salient visual
properties and because they convey ontological
properties. In fact, they express that a same semantic
relation, expressed in the primer, links one concept
in the primer to one concept in each item. Primer
and items may be identified by typo-dispositional
marks. On the other hand, most writing tools
facilitate the layout, and make it that we increasingly
find, amongst others, enumerative structures in
electronic documents.
After noting that the understanding and the
interpretation of an enumerative structure depends
on the type of the primer (its lexical and syntactic
properties), we have defined strategies
based on the analysis of this primer to translate a
parallel enumerative structure into an ontological
structure. The translation process consists in
exploiting successive annotations set in the text with
the help of the above mentioned NLP tools and
We decided to assess our method within an
ontology enrichment context. We show that the sole
extraction of the information carried by the parallel
enumerative structures improves significantly an
existing ontology in terms of domain coverage.
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
In the short-term, the idea is to combine our
approach to the usual ontology learning from text
ones. In this way, so as to better take advantage of
Wikipedia’s articles, it would seem interesting to
complete the approach of (Herbelot and Copestake,
2006) which exploits plain text only. We plan to also
exploit in this context redirect links and homonym
pages to maximise the number of relevant articles.
On the other hand we want to improve the analysis
of enumerative structures by going beyond simple
parsing, particularly regarding the primer. Authors
may use complex grammatical constructions or
linguistic variations in their writing, even within the
enumerative structures. We then face problems of
anaphora resolution, ellipses, apposition,
extraposition and rhetorical forms, etc. (fig. 1.).
Also, discourse analysis must be carried out to
process non-parallel enumerative structures.
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