Alain Simac-Lejeune
Listic, Universit
e de Savoie and Gipsa-lab / Universit
e Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France
ele Rombaut
Gipsa-lab, Universit
e Joseph Fourier, 961 rue de la Houille Blanche, BP 46, F-38402 Grenoble Cedex, France
Patrick Lambert
Listic, Universit
e de Savoie, BP 80439 74944 Annecy-le-Vieux Cedex, France
Video indexing, Spatio-temporal blocks, Assistance system, Questions/Answers approach.
In the video indexing framework, we have developed an assistance system for the user to define a new concept
as semantic index according to the features automatically extracted from the video. Because the manual
indexing is a long and tedious task, we propose to focus the attention of the user on pre selected prototypes
that a priori correspond to the concept. The proposed system is decomposed in three steps. In the first one,
some basic spatio-temporal blocks are extracted from the video, a particular block is associated to a particular
property of one feature. In the second step, a Question/Answer system allows the user to define links between
basic blocks in order to define concept block models. And finally, some concept blocks are extracted and
proposed as prototypes of the concepts. In this paper, we present the two first steps, particularly the block
structure, illustrated by an example of video indexing that corresponds to the concept running in athletic
In the image or video indexing framework, the auto-
matic indexation task generally requires a preliminary
learning task in order to link the index to the features
extracted from the video. This learning task may be
realized in two different ways. The first one consists
in using a learning data base already annotated by
users, but this manual annotation task is long and te-
dious despite some attempts to reduce the task length
using a collaborative annotation (Ayache and Qu
2008). In this case the knowledge is indirectly intro-
duced through the annotated data. The second way is
the direct use of expert knowledge, but the method-
ology to extract this expert knowledge is not easy as
generally experts are not specialists in image process-
ing. An example of such an approach is detailed in
(Valet et al., 2003) where the authors use a fuzzy rule
system to translate user expertise. In any case, the
user task is essential. The solution proposed in this
paper is an hybrid solution. It consists to develop a
system to assist the user to define new index and to
annotate the learning data base.
In some way, the proposed approach is inspired
by the text retrieval methods, and by the visual words
(visual vocabulary) proposed by Sivic and Zisser-
man (Sivic and Zisserman, 2003) who first proposed
quantizing local image descriptors for the sake of
rapidly indexing video frames. They showed that lo-
cal descriptors extracted from interest points could
be mapped to visual words by computing prototyp-
ical descriptors with k-means clustering, in order to
make faster the retrieval of frames containing the
same words. Csurka et al. (Csurka et al., 2004)
first proposed to use quantized local descriptors for
the purpose of object categorization. Some image
descriptors are mapped to a bag-of-words histogram
corresponding to the frequency of each word. Then,
the categories are learned using this vector represen-
tation. These proposed approaches are always funded
Simac-Lejeune A., Rombaut M. and Lambert P..
DOI: 10.5220/0003098904750480
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2010), pages 475-480
ISBN: 978-989-8425-28-7
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
on a learning phase where the user must manually in-
dex the frames and video. Based on the same type of
data architecture, the goal of the proposed system is
to manage this learning phase.
In this paper, we present a new model of repre-
sentation adapted to the video indexation. The pro-
posed idea is to help the user to define concepts (i.e
high level index). In a first step, some ”basic spatio-
temporal blocks” (section 3) are extracted from a
set of low level features. Then the user is interro-
gated, with a set of adapted questions, in order to de-
fine some links between these basic blocks and the
searched concepts. In order to make easier the defi-
nition of new index, only a set of ”natural” questions
and answers are proposed to the user. From these an-
swers, ”concept blocks” are defined (section 4). Fi-
nally, some video prototypes that seem correspond to
concepts are proposed to the user who validates or
not. The performances of this system are studied on
the specific running concept within a set of 100 shots
(section 5).
The general architecture is composed of a three main
steps with one preliminary step:
Figure 1: General process to define new concepts.
Feature Extraction. (Figure 1 - Preliminary step)
Low level features are extracted from videos. The
extractors used are among the most classical: in-
terest points (Harris and Stephens, 1988),(Laptev
and Lindeberg, 2003), optical flow (Bouguet,
2000), Hough detector (Duda and Hart, 1972),
dominant motion (Odobez and Bouthemy, 1995)
and dominant color.
Basic Spatio-temporal Block Extraction. (Figure
1 - Step 1) The basic spatio-temporal blocks
are built using the features provided by the
preliminary step and some basic block models.
These models are a priori defined according to
three main characteristics:
a continuous temporal interval,
a property of a specific feature (typically a fea-
ture value or a feature value interval),
a spatial shape where the above property is ver-
ified. This shape could be a part of the image
or the entire image.
Then, for each video, the basic spatio-temporal
block extraction can be seen as an instantiation of
the block models according to the extracted fea-
Concept Block Extraction. (Figure 1 - Step 2) A
concept is a high level index which has a se-
mantic interpretation. It corresponds to a com-
bination of different blocks, which can be basic
blocks or other concept blocks. As for the pre-
vious step, this extraction requires the definition
of concept block models. In order to build these
models, it is necessary to use an expert knowl-
edge given by a user. As the user is not neces-
sarily familiar with image processing and is not
able to explicitly express the links between these
concept blocks, the basic blocks and the concept,
a Question/Answer system is used in order to get
this expertise and simultaneously build the con-
cept block model. Then, instantiations of these
models are performed by searching in videos the
occurrences of these concept blocks, and conse-
quently occurrences of concepts. This step is pre-
sented in section 4.
Sample Validation. (Figure 1 - Step 3) Each
founded concept, which is regarded as a concept
sample prototype, is proposed to the user who
may accept or refuse it.
In this paper, we focus our attention on the extraction
of the basic spatio-temporal and concept blocks.
The first step of the video processing concerns the
segmentation of the video in spatio-temporal objects
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
or blocks which are a sequence of images associated
to a particular attribute. In such a block, the con-
cerned attribute verifies a particular property, for in-
stance it belongs to a particular interval. Thus, before
video processing, a set of block models is defined. It
can be seen as a visual vocabulary where each block
is a space-time word.
3.1 Definition of Basic Block Models
A block model is defined through an attribute associ-
ated to a property. The property can be a value (the at-
tribute has a specific value) or an interval (the attribute
is within an interval - the most frequent situation). As
a consequence, for a given attribute, there are several
models of blocks corresponding to different values or
intervals. For instance, we define the compactness
c [0, 1] of an object as c =
. For
this attribute, we propose to define three blocks mod-
els: low compactness (0 to 0.4), average compactness
(between 0.4 and 0.65) and high compactness (be-
tween 0.6 and 1). Until now, the different ranges or
values and the number of blocks are defined by exper-
tise. At the end of this pre-processing phase, we ob-
tain a database containing all the models of the basic
block models. These models are relatively generic for
different types of application, because they are only
linked to the attributes and they have no particular se-
mantic meaning. At the end of this modeling phase,
we obtain a database containing all the basic block
models. With the 40 attributes, 120 basic block mod-
els are defined. This number has to be compared to
the size of visual word vocabulary used in static im-
age indexation, which is typically equal to a few thou-
The characteristics of all these models are stored in
a database, that is: name, model type (value or in-
terval), level (sequence, image or object) and finally
the attribute values related to this block. Then, this
structure can dynamically create queries to detect the
occurrence of blocks in different indexed sequences.
3.2 Extraction of Basic Blocks
The extraction of the spatio-temporal blocks consists
in looking for occurrences of model blocks within the
videos. In other words, it consists in founding images
or block of images within which an attribute verifies a
model property. A block is defined by a model com-
posed of an attribute and a property, an initial and a
final image. For one model, a lot of basic blocks can
be extracted. Conversely, an image or block of im-
ages can belong to different models. If the attribute
of a block model corresponds to a moving object, an
extracted basic block will correspond to a sequence of
images containing the object and verifying the prop-
erty. As all information is stored in databases and are
classified by sequence, by block and increasing num-
ber of frames, the block extraction is realized using a
query mechanism. To eliminate too small blocks and
merge too close blocks, a morphological filtering is
The indexation process is generally realized in a
manual way because it refers to index with a high se-
mantic level (denoted as concepts). For instance, a
concept can be the running action of a personage. It is
difficult to make this indexing process automatic, be-
cause it needs to link the low level attributes extracted
from the video to the concepts that have a semantic
interpretation. We assume that these links must be
defined only with the help of the user. But before
explaining how we propose to build these links, we
define the concept block models.
4.1 Notion of Concept Block Models
A concept block model has a high-level semantic
meaning which fits the user need in terms of index-
ation task. In this paper, we propose to build these
models by combining models previously defined: ba-
sic block models or other concept block models.
The construction of such block models is per-
formed by using simples combination rules: simul-
taneity of blocks (logical AND operator), presence of
at least one block (logical OR operator), presence of
only one block among two blocks, (logical XOR oper-
ator), succession of blocks (sequentiality), and alter-
nation of blocks which is composed of several succes-
sion of blocks (periodicity). Initially, these operators
are sufficient to define a number of concepts. There-
after, it will be interesting to establish additional op-
4.2 Learning Concept Block Models
The problem is to build relevant links between blocks.
In such a situation, a classical approach consists in us-
ing a neural network or a supervised classification as-
sociated to a set of learning data corresponding to al-
ready indexing data (Burgener, 2006). But this man-
ual indexing task, realized by users, is very tedious
and very long. Another classical approach is to use
the knowledge of an expert who explicitly defines the
searched links. But in this case, he must be an expert
of image processing as well as an exert of the domain
present in the video. Furthermore, the software trans-
lation of the user’s expertise is not trivial. This is why
we suggest in this paper a new approach that mod-
els the knowledge usually managed by the user with-
out real assimilation. For this purpose, we propose to
use an assistance system based on a Question/Answer
process. The questions are addressed to a user who
is not an expert in image and video processing but
who is an expert in the specific domain present in the
video. For each question, a set of answers are pro-
posed and these answers are used to define the links
between blocks, and finally the concept block model.
The Question/Answer structuring is a well known
problem. The usual approach is to build a tree
where nodes correspond to Question/Answer that lead
to other questions, and where leaves correspond to
Question/Answer that lead to the block models pre-
viously defined.
In the case of concept block model definition, the
aim is to find most information based on extracted at-
tributes, i.e. based on the block models defined pre-
viously. In other words, the system looks for all the
leaves of the tree that correspond to the concept.
The system we have developed is composed of a
list of Question/Answer. Each question can be acti-
vated or deactivated. If it is activated, it will be asked
to the user. A list of possible answers is associated to
each question. According to the concept he wants to
define, the user chooses one of the answers. Each an-
swer can be associated to i) one or more basic block
models, ii) to combination rules between block mod-
els or iii) to the activation or inhibition of other ques-
As the links and the basic extracted blocks are
mostly related to spatio-temporal situations, the main
theme of the application is the movement. The cur-
rent proposal contains 50 questions. All potential
questions are ordered from the most generic (Envi-
ronmental issues and context, type of shooting (cam-
era)) to the most specific (Presence of moving or static
persons, characteristics of the observed motion). We
show in section 5 the scenario obtained when the user
wants to define the running concept.
4.3 Extraction of ”Concept” Blocks
Two approaches can be proposed to extract the con-
cept blocks from the video. The first one consists
in defining the model in a first step, then according
to this model, building search requests in the block
database previously defined in the second step. In this
paper, we propose a second approach. The idea is
to manage a dynamic list of spatio-temporal blocks
or prototypes that potentially correspond to the con-
cept. During the Question/Answer process, a request
in the block database is done after each answer in or-
der to select the prototype candidates in this dynamic
list. The list is reduced to the candidates after each
answer and the number of prototypes is transmitted
to the user. The Question/Answer system stops when
there is no more questions allowed from the list, or
when the number of prototypes in the dynamic list is
considered as enough reduced for the user. Finally,
the prototypes are filtered and are stored in the basis
with the others blocks.
In the third phase evoked in figure 1 but not de-
scribed in this paper, the prototypes of the concept
are presented to the user who can accept them as rep-
resentative of the concept or not.
In terms of video indexing, we are interested by the
dynamic aspects. That is why the attributes extracted
are movement oriented, and the proposed questions
in the Question/Answer process essentially concerns
the moving object and human behavior. In order to
illustrate the system behavior, we propose to define
the concept running for a personage.
5.1 Sequence Database
The video database is composed of: 100 shots (ani-
mation, TV, films, sports) with 20 of running and 80
of others without running that correspond to 12500
images, and 620 seconds of video. All informa-
tion obtained on these 100 sequences represent about
0.6 MB. This represents about 50 bytes per image.
The system is implemented in C++ with the use of
OpenCV Library.
5.2 Basic Block Extraction
The first steps of the process are the feature extrac-
tion and basic block extraction as represented figure
1. These steps are achieved by preprocessing or off-
line process. The feature extraction is performed with
an average speed of 10 frames per second. The ba-
sic block models use 6 attributes that correspond to
22 basic block models. The extraction of images cor-
responding to each basic block model is carried out
fully automatically using a query builder requiring 30
seconds. The filtering concerns 2200 operations (two
stages) for 100 shots and 22 basic block models. This
step is less than 2 minutes. Finally, we obtain 8972
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
blocks, an average of 90 blocks per sequence with
a maximum of 172 and a minimum of 20. The dif-
ference between min and max is mainly due to the
fact that the attribute interval values are crisp. So
variations around these values induce lot of differ-
ent blocks. The 6 attributes (22 block models - each
attributes generates two or three basic blocks) used
for our application concern: moving object compact-
ness, moving object orientation (horizontal or verti-
cal), camera (static or moving), number of STIP, num-
ber of STIP by quadrant of the moving object.
5.3 Questions-answers system
We present in this section an example of scenario that
corresponds to the step 2 of the figure 1. It is assumed
the user wants to defined the concept running. The
goal is to select prototypes in the videodatabase pre-
sented section 5.1 that potentially correspond to this
A sample question with the answers provided and
selected bricks are :
Question: Is the personnage standing ?
yes always, yes sometimes, no, impossible to answer
Answer: yes always
Corresponding Block: attribute compactness with
property low AND attribute orientation with prop-
erty vertical
5.4 Performances
The video database has been processed with the con-
cept block models, and concept blocks have been ex-
tracted. A shot is considered as true if a concept block
is included in. The results have been compared to the
ground truth manually indexed. The results are the
Table 1: Precision and recall for the detection of the running
concept on 100 shots.
Real True False Precision Recall
Running 20 18 7 72% 90%
Others 80 73 2 97% 91%
In the database of 100 shots, the system extracted
25 shots of running where 18 shots are real running
and 7 are false detection. The recall index is better
than the precision index. This is due to the fact that
the shots are eliminated from the list of prototypes all
along the Question/Answer process. If attributes are
not enough numerous and relevant for the concept, lot
of shots remain after the Question/Answer process is
finished. However, this step restricts the number of
shots for the third step of validation by the user as
represented figure 1. In this example, the user must
manually index only 25 shots instead of 100 shots.
The proposed system allows the user to limit this work
of manual indexing for the construction of a learning
data base. The Question/Answer principle is built as-
suming that the user is not a specialist of image pro-
cessing, but is a specialist of the application. Un-
til now, the system addresses specific applications of
personage behavior analysis in the video. The ex-
tracted attributes are chosen to be relevant, but other
attributes can be added for other types of application.
For the same reasons, questions and answers are also
oriented according to this application. As a future
work, in order to extend the question/answer set, or
to adapt the basic block models, an adaptive system
corresponding to the third step of the figure 1 could
use the user’s opinion on the prototypes and ask the
user to propose new question more relevant for his
We thank the Rh
one-Alpes region for their support
with LIMA project.
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KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval