Types, Tokens and Qualifications
B. O. Akinkunmi
Department of Computer Science, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
Keywords: Reified Logic, Knowledge Representation, Event types, Event tokens, Ontology.
Abstract: Reified logics have been a major subject of interest in the knowledge representation community for well
over twenty years, since over the years, the need to quantify and reason about propositional entities such as
events and states among other temporal entities has grown. Galton had made it clear that one may either
refer to types or tokens (instances) of such entities in the ontology. A clear tendency in the literature is to
derive event tokens from event types by instantiating types with their times of occurrence. That tendency is
exemplified by earlier token-reified logic. The problem with this approach is that it makes it difficult to
distinguish between two different events of the same type happening at the same time. This is a major price
that earlier logic paid for being a full-fledged logical theory. This paper presents an alternative way of
deriving event tokens from event types which uses the concept of qualifications rather than use times of
occurrence. A clear distinction is made between qualifications and the actual event tokens they help derive
from event types. A qualification captures the peculiarities of an actual event token that are not part of the
event type definitions. Our logic maintains both the advantage of being a full-fledged logic as well being
able to add many qualifications to an event token.
The main objective behind the invention of reified
logics is to make it possible to reason about and
quantify over certain propositions (referred to in this
paper as entities), the way one would do with any
other objects in domain of the logic. This objective
becomes imperative in view of the fact that such
entities are not timelessly true, and their truths must
be associated with various time units. Such entities
may be states such as “the light is on” or events such
as “John danced with Mary”.
According to (Galton, 2006) there are a number
of unresolved issues with reified logics. One such
issue is what it really means for a logic to be reified.
According to Galton, one view of reification is for
propositional terms to be arguments to a truth
predicate. A less stringent view is for such
propositional term to be used as arguments to any
relation. The key property for all reified logics is for
the logic to enable individual propositions to be
quantified over.
With respect to associating entities with time
units, there are two major syntactic options. The first
option used in (Allen, 1984)’s reified logic
syntactically assigns the status of terms to what
ordinarily should be propositions. They can then be
associated with time using predicates such as Occurs
or Holds. As such in order to assert that “John is in
London, Monday”, one would write:
Holds (in (john, london), monday)
The other option due to (Galton, 1991) and
(Davidson, 1967) would represent the same assertion
by introducing a new variable into the proposition,
so that new facts about the entity can be added by
making assertions about the variable. For this option
the above example will be rendered:
e. In (john, london, e) Holds (e, monday)
According to (Galton, 1991), in the second example
above, e is an instance or token of the property John
is in London. As such an association was established
that suggested that entity types can only be
expressed by using Allen’s syntax, while entity
tokens can only be expressed by Galton’s syntax.
An entity token is a particular instance of an
entity, which takes place once, while a type is an
intensional reference to the class of all entities,
which by definition share the same basic attributes.
Akinkunmi B..
TEMPORAL ENTITIES - Types, Tokens and Qualifications.
DOI: 10.5220/0003099602880294
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2010), pages 288-294
ISBN: 978-989-8425-29-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
According to (Galton, 2008) a temporal entity “type
is an abstract entity corresponding to a description
under which may fall any number of distinct
instances called tokens: types are universals whereas
tokens are particulars”. For example consider the
proposition “John is London”. A particular instance
of the state of John being London is an entity token,
while a reference to the type talks about the class of
states of John being in London (without referring to
the class membership, hence the use of the term
intensional reference). In another example, an event
of the type “John danced with Mary” refers to class
of all events in which John dances with Mary, while
a token of the event is a reference to a particular
dance event involving John and Mary.
(Galton, 1991) had noted that entity tokens are
needed in order to express causation, because a
causation relation between two events is a relation
between two event instances or tokens and not event
types. On the other hand event types are needed
when one needs to talk about the repetition of an
event, as it is not possible to talk about the repetition
of an event token (Akinkunmi, 2000, Akinkunmi
and Osofisan, 2004). One therefore needs both entity
tokens and entity types in the ontology. It has been
argued (Akinkunmi, 2000) that nothing about both
syntactic options suggested any commitments about
the nature of entities being reified. Thus the author
uses Galton’s syntax for a theory reifying both entity
types and entity tokens.
(Vila and Reichgelt, 1996) had argued that
(Galton, 1991) did not present a “full-fledged” token
reified logic, but rather a set of schema for deriving
a full-fledged token reified logic. In other words, in
Galton’s theory axioms are treated as schemas such
as e. P(x, e) Holds (e, time) in which P must be
regarded as place-holders for actual state/event
predicates such as kill or kiss, and x by appropriate
objects from the world. It is in this sense that
Galton’s theory is not a full-fledged theory. This is
not the case for Allen’s theory.
Consequently, they had proposed a token reified
logic, which instantiated entity types by adding time
units to them. A major drawback of their proposal is
the fact that their approach to instantiation threw
away the major advantage of Galton’s Davidson
inspired approach to reifying entity tokens, which is
the possibility of adding a boundless number of
qualifications to entity tokens. As a matter of fact,
they were able to derive a full-fledged logical theory
because of their syntactic choice and not because of
their approach to instantiating entities.
In this paper we present a full-fledged reified
theory that allows both entity tokens and types in its
ontology. We achieve this goal while maintaining
the ability of entity tokens to have potentially
boundless qualifications asserted about it. In doing
this, we introduce the notion of qualification
formally into the logical theory, such that the
identity of an entity type and a qualification is
enough to determine the identity of an entity token.
It is important to note here that the event types
we refer to in this paper are basic temporal entity
types. Basic entity types are minimal classes of
entities to which a particular token may belong. We
do not deal with super-classes. For example we are
interested in the event type “John danced with
Mary”, rather than “John danced with somebody” or
for that matter “Somebody danced with Mary”. This
way we rule out having to consider all the types to
which a token may belong.
The major goal of this paper is to introduce the
concept of qualification as a means of instantiating
entity types, as opposed to the approach of
instantiating entity (event/state) types with time as
done by (Vila and Reichgelt, 1996) as well as
(Bennett and Galton, 2004). Qualifications are
needed in order to express the idea that two event
tokens of the same type can be different in certain
respects. One key question is this: how are
qualifications different from temporal entity tokens?
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 presents an overview of the various reified
logics that have appeared in the literature.
Subsequently, our reified logic is presented in
section 3. We demonstrate the advantages of the
logic over other reified logics by the use of
(Galton, 1991) concluded from McDermott’s set
theoretic semantics that both Allen and McDermott
reified event and state types and not event and state
tokens. This he criticized as being Platonist. He also
criticized Allen’s representation of causation as not
carrying the exact information that an event is
caused by another. In the place of Allen’s
reification, he proposed a representation that is
based on (Davidson, 1967)’s approach to
instantiating events.
Davidson had pointed out that the description of
an actual event will have potentially “unbounded
qualifications”. In this context qualifications refer to
the many different facts about aspects of the
TEMPORAL ENTITIES - Types, Tokens and Qualifications
occurrence that may be included in the description.
For example, if we knew that John killed some
particular snake in an actual event, then one
qualification of that event is the weapon used by
John, which may be a stick or a gun. Since many
such qualifications may arise for actual events,
Davidson suggested reifying the event in such a way
that any other qualifier for the event may be added.
For example, the event John killed the snake may be
represented by:
e. Kill (john, snake, e)
As such a qualifier that asserts that he used a
weapon like a gun, may be added with a function
weapon applied to the event e thus:
e. Kill (john, snake, e) weapon (e) = gun
Galton likened, Davidson’s e term to Situational
Calculus’ term s. We believe this to be a more
accurate comparison than Vila’s likening of situation
terms to time terms in the method of temporal
arguments (MTA) (Haugh, 1987). This is because
both situational terms and event terms are acted
upon by potentially many functions in the original
theory, which is not necessarily the case for time
terms in MTA (In the case of situational terms the
functions are fluents returning boolean values).
(Galton, 1991) reckoned that instantiation of
events can be achieved by introducing Davidson
style event variables. Thus, by Galton’s proposal, to
assert that Mary kissed John at noon, one would
e. Kiss (mary, john, e) Occurs (e, noon)
In the above formula, e is to be regarded as an event
token. Galton claims that this might be viewed as a
means of syntactically “unreifying” Allen’s reified
logic i.e. doing away with the need to treat formulae
like kiss (mary, john) as terms, as Allen did. He also
notes that causation is easier to express in this new
way. He claims that there is no loss of expressive
power as a result of unreifying Allen’s formulae in
this way. Interestingly, (Allen, 1991), Allen and
(Fergusson, 1994) and (Fergusson, 1995) have since
used Davidson’s instantiation technique in
representing actual actions in a planning system.
However the need to retain action types is realized,
since it enables one to express the fact of an agent
trying to carry out an action.
Galton also criticized the reification of what he
referred to as “state types” in (Kowalski and Sergot,
1986)’s Event Calculus, EC. Kowalski and Sergot
did reify event tokens and state types. For example
the fact that person x travelled to place y is an event
token that initiates the state type of x being in place
y is rendered in EC as:
Travel (x, y, e) Initiates (e, in (x, y))
Galton would rather have the consequent part of the
above rendered:
s. (Initiates (e, s) In (x, y, s))
where s is a state token.
(Vila and Reichgelt, 1996) while agreeing with the
need to admit event/state tokens as objects into a
theory instead of types, criticized Galton’s work on
the basis of the fact that Galton did not actually
define a full-fledged theory, but rather gave a set of
schemas for generating a theory. This is particularly
obvious in Galton’s definition of event causation
which goes thus:
, e
. Ecause (e
, e
E (e
) E (e
) Occurs (e
, i
) Occurs (e
, succ
)) i, e. (E (e) Occurs (e, i) e. (E(e)
Occurs (e, succ(i)) )
In this definition, E and E are not actual predicates
but placeholders for actual predicates. As such the
above definition is some sort of schema and not an
actual axiom. We note here that succ is a function
returning time intervals, and that what is referred to
as succ (i) is actually referred to as i+1 by Galton,
but the basic ideas are the same.
We believe this same accusation by Vila and
Reichgelt, may be made against the result of
Bacchus et al’s work in unreifying Shoham’s theory
into MTA (i.e. Method of Temporal Arguments)
formulae (Haugh, 1987). They observed rightly that
nothing in Galton’s theory prevents an event token
from occurring at two different times. The reified
theory presented in (Akinkunmi, 2000) demonstrates
this oversight in Galton’s proposal by using
Davidson’s syntax for reifying both event types and
event tokens, and then using a specific logical axiom
which rules out duplicated occurrences of individual
tokens in order to clearly define the difference
between types and tokens.
(Vila and Reichgelt, 1996) thus presented a full-
fledged reified theory first order theory, with
formally defined semantics. The formulae reified are
assumed to be from a first-order. In the new theory,
each n-place predicate of the initial logic becomes
an n+2 place function in the reified logic, the 2
additional sorts being time sorts. Hence a function f
(x, y, t
, t
) returns a token of type f (x, y) which
starts at time point t
and ends at time point t
. They
also had 1-place predicates HOLDS and OCCURS
which are similar in usage to Allen’s Holds and
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Occurs respectively. To state that John went
swimming between 1500 hours and 1530 hours in
this theory one writes:
OCCURS (swim (john, 1500, 1530))
In the above “swim” is a function, and 1500 and
1530 are time points.
There is a problem with this approach. For
example, if we know that there are two raining
events that took place between 2 and 3 pm, we
would have no way of differentiating one from the
other. In Vila and Reichgelt’s language, they are
both the same: Rain (2, 3). If we know later that one
took place in Lagos, Nigeria and the other took place
over the Wimbledon centre court, we would simply
have no way of differentiating one from the other in
Vila and Reichgelt’s logic.
The logical theory presented in this paper, is a
full-fledged reified theory with both entity tokens
and types in its ontology. We have noted that Vila
and Reichgelt were able to attain a full-fledged
reified theory because of their adoption of a syntax
that is akin to Allen’s own presented in section 1,
over Davidson/Galton’ s syntax. However, the
theory presented here achieves instantiation of entity
types by introducing qualifications. These
qualifications are similar to the instantiation
variables used by Galton. This makes it possible to
add other qualifications to an entity. That is
something precluded in Vila and Reichgelt’s theory.
As such this theory finds a way of combining the
advantages of a full-fledged theory made possible by
adopting Allen’s syntax, with those of a theory in
which one can add new information about a reified
entity, made possible by adopting Davidson style
individuation of entities. It must be stressed however
that qualifications are completely different from
event tokens, in the sense that qualifications only
capture the peculiarities of each event token that are
not part of event type definition. This will become
clear from in the next section.
Now we present our expressive reified theory, which
uses Allen’s syntax and allows both tokens and
types in its ontology. Our theory contrasts Vila and
(Reichgelt, 1996) and (Bennett and Galton, 2004) in
that while those authors take event tokens to derived
from event types and the time of occurrence, while
we take our temporal entity tokens to be derived
from temporal entity types and qualifications.
3.1 Language and Notation
The logic presented is a many sorted first order
logic, with the sorts entity types E
, entity tokens
, time intervals Int domain entities D, and
qualifications Q. We define as n place functions all
n- place predicates that define events or states in the
initial logic to be reified. These functions return
elements of the sort E
. In addition to these we have
an instantiation function f
taking as sorts an entity
type and a qualification, and returning an entity
token. The functions are formally introduced thus:
p: D
(where p is an n-place predicate in the
language to be reified).
: E
× Q E
type: E
We need to clarify here that temporal entity types
that we deal with here are basic temporal entity
types only. In this case, any temporal entity token
can only be of one basic entity type. Basic entity
types are similar to basic event types in Kautz’s
event abstraction hierarchy (Kautz, 1987). Like
(Bennett and Galton, 2004), we regard any two
tokens happening at the same time as not being
necessarily connected in any way.
It is possible to express the idea of the trial of an
entity type. We can say that an agent tried to achieve
an event type (and not an event token). For this
purpose, we introduce a function try which maps a
pair of entity token and qualification into an event
try : E
× Q E
A qualification is the means by which one may
know things that are peculiar about an event token
which are not necessarily shared by event tokens of
the same type. These peculiarities may be so many
that they cannot all be captured by event type
definitions. However, a qualification is entirely
different from the token it defines, as one cannot
rule out the possibility of two different event tokens
sharing the same qualifications. Examples of this are
presented in section 3.1.1.
Assertions about peculiarities of an event token
can be made by propositional assertions about its
qualification. For example if we knew of an event
token of the type “john killed the snake”. Some
assertion can be made about the qualification
regarding the place of event and weapon by
introducing predicates Weapon and Place.
Weapon (q, stick)
Place (q, under-the-oak)
TEMPORAL ENTITIES - Types, Tokens and Qualifications
We also introduce the function succ which maps the
time of an event (a cause) to the time of its effect
succ: E
× Int Int
With this we are assuming that an event can only
have one effect. In order to allow multiple effects,
succ must return subsets of the Cartesian product I ×
T: E
× Int Boolean
: E
× Int Boolean
T denotes the truth of an entity type over a time
interval, while T
denotes the truth of an entity
token over an interval. We are also using some of
Allen’s interval relations:
After, Overlaps, Meets etc: Int × Int Boolean
In addition to these we introduce the Cause relation,
which is the causal relation between an event token
and its effect, which is also a token.
Cause: E
× E
As a notation, we assume that the symbols, i, j, k, l,
m, n, p, q with or without suffixes are time intervals,
while e with or without suffixes, refer to entity
tokens. The symbols x, y, z with or without suffixes,
are used for entity types.
3.1.1 Examples
We now present some examples that demonstrate the
expressiveness of our logic, as well as its advantage
over some existing reified theories, particularly over
the logic of (Vila and Reichgelt, 1996). For the sake
of distinguishing between predicates and functions
for these examples, we write functions in italics.
These examples among others demonstrate the
usefulness of having qualification variables.
Example 1: Osuofia danced with Adaobi for an hour
at noon.
e, q. e = f
(dance_with (Osuofia, Adaobi), q)
(e, 1200-1300)
We note here that dance_with is treated here as a
function, because as explained in section 3.1, we
treat the predicate to be reified as a function. In Vila
and Reichgelt’s logic this was also the case.
However, in Vila and Reichgelt’s logic this will be
OCCURS (dance_with (Osuofia, Adaobi, 1200, 1300))
For this example, our new logic is no less expressive
than Vila and Reichgelt’s.
Example 1
: Osuofia danced with Adaobi for an
hour at noon. The kind of dance was polka. It
happened at the Ritz.
e, q. e = f
(dance_with(Osuofia, Adaobi), q) T
(e, 1200-1300) Kind (q, polka) Place (q, ritz)
The fact that qualifications are to be added would
pose a challenge for Vila and Reichgelt’s logic. The
best one can do to say that the kind of dance is polka
and that the dance took place at the Ritz in Vila and
Reichgelt’s logic would be to write:
Kind (dance_with (Osuofia, Adaobi, 1200, 1300))
= polka place (dance_with (Osuofia, Adaobi,
1200, 1300)) = ritz
However, there would be nothing in the token to
distinguish it from another token involving the same
persons at the same time, but if the kind of dance
had been bata and not polka. Although it is not likely
that Osuofia is and Adaobi are engaged in another
dance at the same time, but in general it is possible
to distinguish between one instance of an entity type
and another that takes place at the same time. The
next example demonstrates this.
It is important to note here that place and kind
are both qualification functions giving the kind of
dance and place of dance.
Example 2: Osuofia tried for five minutes to get
Adaobi to dance at noon.
e, q. e = Try(dance(Adaobi), q) agent(q) =
Osuofia T
(e, 1200-1205)
We note here that the function agent a qualification
function like f
, f
The best one can do in Vila and Reichgelt’s logic is
to express the trial incident and the fact that Osuofia
was the agent as:
OCCURS (try (dance (Adaobi)), 1200, 1205)
Agent (try (dance (Adaobi), 1200, 1205) = Osuofia
However, there would be nothing in the event token
that would make it different from another trial event
involving Adaobi and happening at the same time
whose agent is someone else. In other words if
another person Adaeze, was trying to make Adaobi
dance at the same time as Osuofia, the same token
try (dance (Adaobi), 1200, 1205) would refer to the
two different event tokens in Vila and Reichgelt’s
The next two examples are adaptations of
examples from (Vila and Reichgelt, 1996). This
demonstrates that our language is no less expressive.
Example 3: When a cause occurs, its effect holds.
. T
, j) Cause (e
, e
) T
, succ (e
, j))
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Example 4: When Lagbaja dances with someone it
makes them tired.
x, e
, q
. e
, q
. e
= f
(dance-with (lagbaja, x), q
= f
(tired (x), q
) Cause (e
, e
However when it becomes necessary to add a
qualifier to the kind of dance that makes a person
dancing with Lagbaja tired, Vila and Reichgelt’s
logic fails as the following example demonstrates.
Example 4
: Dancing with Lagbaja gets one tired.
This happens if the dance is bata.
x, e
, q
. e
, q
. e
= f
(dance-with (lagbaja, x), q
= f
(tired (x), q
) Cause (e
, e
) Kind (q
In Vila and Reichgelt’s language the best one can do
to achieve such a qualification is to have such
qualification functions such as kind and then write:
Kind (dance-with (lagbaja, x, t
, t
), bata)
However as we have argued before in the example
involving the raining example, there would be
nothing in the event token to distinguish it from a
dance involving the same individuals at the same
time, if the kind of dance was salsa and not bata.
Example 5: Causes precede their effects.
, e
.Cause (e
, e
) j. T
, j) T
, succ
, j)) (After (succ (e
, j), j) Overlaps (j, succ
, j)) Meets (j, succ (e
, j))
From the above examples it should be clear that our
logical theory is a full-fledged one unlike (Galton,
1991). It follows from the pairs of examples 1, 1
and 4, 4 that it supports incremental knowledge
representation on the account of allowing
unbounded qualifications for entities. We note that
the ease with which one states that “causes precede
their effects” in example 5 is the same as in (Vila
and Reichgelt, 1996).
Finally examples 6 and 7 illustrate the idea that
qualifications are not in any way attached to event
types. As such event tokens of different types may
share the same qualifications.
Example 6: Tarzan killed the lion in exactly the
same way in which he killed the leopard.
, q
. f
(kill (tarzan, lion), q
) f
(kill (tarzan,
leopard), q
) q
Example 7: Lola did her laundry and washed the
car on Saturday. She did everything in the same
sluggishly manner.
= f
(laundary (lola), q) e
= f
(wash (lola,
car11), q) T
, Saturday) T
, Saturday)
Manner (q, sluggish)
In this paper we have presented a new approach to
deriving event tokens from event types by
introducing the concept of qualification. This is
different from the approach in the literature that
derives event tokens from event types and times of
occurrence. We have stressed that the latter
approach has the disadvantage of making it difficult
to distinguish between two events of the same type
happening at the same time. This becomes more
evident when one needs to add new information
about the peculiarities of one of the two events.
One must stress again that the only similarity
between the event tokens in Galton’s logic (Galton,
1991) and the qualifications introduced here is that
they are both variables. However from the examples
qualifications are clearly different from tokens in the
sense that qualifications only capture the
peculiarities of an actual event token.
What is left is perhaps to present a clear formal
semantics for this logic.
The author is grateful to the referees for their helpful
comments and to Solomon Akinola for his editorial
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KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development