Diana Penciuc, Marie-Hélène Abel
Alstom Transport, 93400 Saint Ouen, France
Heudiasyc CNRS UMR 6599, University of Technology of Compiègne, BP 20529 , 60 205 Compiègne, France
Didier Van Den Abeele
Alstom Transport, 93400 Saint Ouen, France
Keywords: Tacit Knowledge, Knowledge Management, Organisational Learning, Organisational Memory, Railway
Products Development, Product-line Development.
Abstract: Our work is focused on finding ways to foster tacit knowledge in the context of a company providing
railway transport solutions. Our study refers to a specific process of railway product development, context
in which, we consider the problem of tacit knowledge as a concern of organisational learning. We present
our findings on the requirements and modelling of a workspace supporting tasks of the process considered
and sustaining both organisational learning and tacit knowledge management.
Modern large-scale companies are more and more
dynamic and rise to the increasing customer
demands by continually coming up with innovatory
products. It becomes important to minimize the
production cost of new products by shortening the
product life cycle. One method of achieving this is
reusability of not only the existing formalized
knowledge (e.g. architectures), but also the
knowledge that employees gained after years of
This paper focuses on finding ways to discover,
store and reuse this knowledge, referred to as tacit
Product-line engineering is a method of creating
products in such a way that it is possible to reuse
product components and apply planned variability to
generate new products. This yields to a set of
different products sharing common features (Birk
2003). These common features are summed up in a
core or a “reference platform” and used to engineer
each of the products in the product-line. A few
examples of commonalities (core assets) are:
architecture, software components, documents etc.
The advantage of the product-line engineering lies in
the reusability of this “reference platform”, which
leads to significant gains, such as engineering work
reduction, time-to-market and costs reduction, or
improved quality.
This paper addresses the case of an international
company providing railway transport systems.
Railway market is characterised by a great diversity
and dynamics of demands guided by the customer’s
background (e.g. habits, historical reasons), evolving
technologies, competitors etc. In the context of this
heterogeneity, having a “reference platform” brings
considerable improvements, but it cannot perfectly
match each request. Thus, the problem of adapting it
When responding to a customer’s demand the
core has to be properly adapted in order to map the
specific needs of a customer. Adapting the reference
platform relies not only on its explicit definition or
adaptation rules, but also on the tacit knowledge
(Polanyi 1966) of the employees, on non-formalized
practices and exchanges between employees etc. As
this knowledge is volatile, it can be easily forgotten,
Penciuc D., Abel M. and Van Den Abeele D..
DOI: 10.5220/0003100000610070
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2010), pages 61-70
ISBN: 978-989-8425-30-0
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
put aside or ignored; contrary to explicit knowledge
it cannot be stored and reused, and therefore cannot
constitute a lasting capital for the firm (Boughzala
and Ermine 2006). Past decisions, lessons learnt,
customer specificities and solutions to specific
problems are a few examples of knowledge that may
be lost. Consequences of this fact are: spending time
to reinvent past or existing solutions, repeating
mistakes from the past. Once codified, this
knowledge could be a source for improving existing
practices, avoid re-iteration and reinforce the “re-
use” strategy.
Our goal is to find a solution for managing tacit
knowledge involved in the process of adapting the
“reference platform”. A set of 40 employees was
interviewed, and data gathered from their answers.
Data revealed the need for tacit knowledge
management. An analysis of this need led to a set of
requirements for a future knowledge management
platform and the proposal of first solutions.
The paper is organized as follows. First, we
provide the context of our work. Next, we present
the analysis of needs we carried out through
interviews and emphasize the need of a workspace
dedicated to managing tacit knowledge and
supporting organisational learning. Then we discuss
background information on Enterprise 2.0
technologies and the MEMORAe approach to
organisational learning, in order to justify our
choices. In the final part we present the requirements
and first modelling of the proposed workspace. We
conclude with future directions.
It is a fact that one of the most critical processes of
product development is “Tendering”. This process is
triggered as a consequence of a request for proposal
(RFP) announcement and its purpose is to build a
formal offer that will be submitted to the customer.
It is an early stage of product development with a
significant influence on contract establishment and
success of the final product. Furthermore, decisions
taken here often cannot be changed and time
allocated to this process can be very short (up to six
For these reasons, our research is focused on
analysing the “Tendering” process and providing
knowledge management solutions adapted to this
process needs.
2.1 The “Tendering” Process
The study was carried out in the company A. Its
mission is to provide solutions for railway transport
In the following, the stakeholders and the
workflow of the Tendering process are described.
Stakeholders are the customer and the “ad-hoc
teams” of companies competing to obtain the
contract. In general, in a railway context, the term
“customer” may stand for:
The demander (a society demanding a railway
product, local authorities),
The consultant (the demander can employ a
consultant to write its demand),
The operators of the railway system,
The final users (voyagers).
Through this paper, the term “customer” will be
used to refer to parties involved in specifying the
request for proposal (RFP), which encompass the
first three above mentioned categories. “Ad-hoc
teams” are built according to the specificity of each
offer. Functions of the members are related to:
technical, commercial, planning, and support to the
Tendering process.
Figure 1 presents a simplified workflow of the
“Tendering” process within the studied Company A,
competing with the Company B to obtain the
contract of a customer.
In the company A, comparing the demand with
the reference solution leads to the building of a
customer solution reflected in the offer.
Understanding of the RFP and customer’s need is an
iterative activity which results in several successive
proposals coming from the two companies (OfferA1,
OfferB1;…;OfferAn, OfferBn).
The customer then chooses the company
proposing the most convenient offer and the
Tendering process ends with negotiations and
contract with the chosen company.
Given the complexity of this process and the
diversity of specific knowledge coming from the
various disciplines, we have decided to limit our
study to the technical aspects of the “Tendering
process”. These are presented in more details in the
following section.
2.2 Technical Analysis
The purpose of the technical analysis is to
understand the technical requirements of the
customer and to propose an appropriate
solution/system to answer the demand.
The entry of this activity is the technical part
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Figure 1: Tendering process in Company A competing with Company B.
of the RFP and knowledge acquired during a
previously-made rough analysis of the RFP. The
RFP consists of any type of resources used by the
customer to specify his need. Typical resources are
one or more paper or digital documents containing
text and graphics or images, but they can be videos
as well.
The result of the activity is a “Technical
Answer” of the offered system comprising mainly
the architecture of the system, the specification of
the requirements as understood by the team, the
compliance with the demand and the cost of the
Technical requirements analysis is accomplished
by collaboration between multiple stakeholders. The
actor managing this activity is the Tender Technical
Manager who will select a number of collaborators
according to the needs of a specific offer. The so-
formed team will comprise key actors of the
development of a system: suppliers, subcontractors,
system engineers, etc.
Activities to accomplish are:
Clarify requirements in the RFP.
Identify gaps between the requirements and the
reference solution and determine which of the
gaps can be resolved.
Determine how reference solution can be
Define the design of the system.
Identify work breakdown structure.
Decide on the cost of the solution.
Requirements are allocated to each team member
according to their mission and results are shared
with the Technical Manager. Division of work and
collaboration are important as the knowledge of the
participants is complementary and sharing their
knowledge helps the team to converge faster to an
adequate solution.
Choice of the proposed solution is based not only on
the knowledge of the reference solution, but also on
the experience and know-how of each member of
this team. Experience and know-how are often lost
as they are not capitalized and therefore represent a
loss for the company’s individual and collective
memory. Loss appears in several situations: a) an
expert leaves the company and knowledge is lost
forever or b) knowledge is stored in the inactive part
of the memory and therefore is not actively used.
This latter is due to the unshared knowledge
(individual written/unwritten knowledge), to
difficulties to locate existing knowledge, or to
ignorance. On the contrary, once capitalized,
knowledge would serve as a means to speed-up the
Tendering process, to improve practices for future
offers, to trigger new knowledge and to support
apprenticeship. Benefits are two-folded: boost
individual knowledge as well as collective
knowledge resulted not only from the sum of
individual knowledge, but also from the added-value
of the collaboration between individuals.
To accomplish this, members should be helped not
only on their individual tasks but also on the
collaborative ones. In order to understand how this
could be accomplished, a set of needs were
identified through a better understanding of the
tendering process and particularly of the Technical
These needs were further used to determine how
knowledge management could respond to the
problems previously mentioned.
As stated before, success of a customer solution is
due to: a good adaptation of the reference solution
and learning and understanding customer’s need.
Figure 2 details the contribution of these elements
by highlighting the explicit (represented by squares)
and the tacit ones (represented by ellipses).
Figure 2: Role of explicit and tacit knowledge in finding a
good customer solution.
The adaptation of the reference solution is based not
only on explicit rules but also on tacit rules dictated
by employees’ tacit knowledge. Knowing
customer’s need implies understanding the need
expressed explicitly in the RFP but also the un-
written, un-said need which may be learnt by asking
questions, observation etc.
To summarize, three factors are determinant for the
success of a customer solution: 1) the employees, 2)
the reference solution and its adaptation to a demand
and 3) the knowledge about a customer.
In order to better understand how these three
factors impact the “Tendering” process and the
technical analysis, a study of the internal
environment has been undertaken using interviews.
Details about interviews data and results are exposed
in the next paragraphs.
3.1 Interviews Data
From the sample of 80 employees selected, 40 of
them agreed to collaborate. Employees have been
selected from different divisions and with different
functions, which allowed to have a diversity of
opinions and a much deeper understanding of the
business. Divisions considered were Tender group
and its links to other divisions contributing to carry
out activities during tender: finances, platform group
etc. The subjects were selected based on the
suggestions coming from the management and from
the already interviewed employees.
Therefore, we selected a set of 15 questions
directed to find out more about:
1. Employee’s professional profile and daily work.
2. The reference platform and its adaptation to a
customer request.
3. Knowledge about the customer and its demand.
The first category grouped topics related to the
employee’s mission and tasks, tools and resources
used to accomplish his job, knowledge critical for
his job, relations to other people.
The second category listed questions correlated
to the elements of a reference solution, problems of
adapting it to a customer demand, ways of
improving the reference solution and its adaptation,
and performance indicators of the reference solution
and adaptation process.
Questions in the third category were directed
towards finding the characteristics of a request for
proposal, revealing problems related to the
understanding of the RFP, and determining the
elements impacting the adaptation of the reference
solution to the request stated in the RFP.
3.2 Interviews Results
The results of our interviews are two-folded:
A number of activities impacted by prevalent
tacit knowledge use were identified.
Specific needs were identified.
In what the first matter concerns, the selection
criteria consisted in the degree of human
contribution in accomplishing the activities. By way
of illustration, we cite: “capture customer needs”,
“estimate risks”, “identify gaps between the
reference solution and the demand of the customer”.
As regard to the technical analysis, Table 1
summarizes the results of the interviews and
underlines several issues which need to be
The study revealed that a heterogeneity of
tools/methods are used to accomplish technical
analysis, which does not allow a rigorous
capitalization of knowledge. Informal knowledge
coming from individual work and informal exchange
(e.g. meetings) may be lost, as they are not
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Table 1: Interviews results and issues that need to be improved.
Category Overall results/observations Identified needs
professional profile
and daily work
Observations may be captured on personal paper
notebook or computers
Customer and technical team of the company do not
necessarily use the same vocabulary
Customer and technical team do not have the same
vision on the system
Synchronizing work between the members of the
team is difficult
Communication is accomplished mainly through
emails, meetings or telephone
Good anticipation is crucial as time is short
Need for a common vocabulary
Need for a tool to improve
communication and capitalisation of
key knowledge (past experience, etc.)
Need to better and faster locate
previous experience
The reference
platform and its
adaptation to a
customer request
Choices made when adapting the reference solution
not always formally justified
Better understanding of the customer could reduce
gaps and risks
Not easy to anticipate the impact of modifications to
be made to the reference solution in order to adapt it
to a demand; but, lessons-learnt could ease decision-
Decide the balance to keep between reference
maintenance and customer satisfaction is difficult
Need to capitalise choices made,
Need to better understand customers in
order to prepare a more easy-adaptable
reference solution
Need to better handle the complexity of
the reference solution
Return on experience not systematically captured
and shared during the process or from one offer to
RFP may evolve in time; RFP traceability not well
Customer’s context and use of the system should be
well captured
Need to better capitalise the history of a
Need to capture more knowledge
elements not written in the RFP or
systematically registered.
Observations showed that a common workspace
supporting individual and collective work during the
technical analysis is needed, although it does not
exist today. This will sustain formal and informal
exchange of knowledge.
Existing technologies were studied in order to
establish the basis for the future workspace.
The preliminary study of the Technical analysis
revealed the importance of a workspace enabling
knowledge capitalization, sharing and new
knowledge creation.
Moreover, it clearly showed the importance of
tacit knowledge and collaboration in accomplishing
tasks during Technical analysis.
The way collaborators are chosen, decisions are
taken, priorities are identified, anticipation is
accomplished, are all issues of tacit knowledge.
(Nonaka and Tackeutchi, 1995) consider that
through socialization, the barriers of tacit knowledge
can be overcome and knowledge transmitted to
others and thus become a collective good.
For all these reasons we can affirm that we are
facing a problem of organisational learning and
therefore we are seeking for appropriate means to
challenge it. Indeed, according to (Zhang 2003), an
organisational learning process is 3-folded and
concerns three processes: individual learning, social
learning (allowing collaboration between
individuals) and knowledge management.
Considering this, we chose to examine Enterprise
2.0 technologies and MEMORAe (Abel 2009a), an
approach to support organisational learning.
The aim of MEMORAe is to construct operational
links between e-learning and knowledge
management in order to build a collaborative
learning environment. In order to do so, this
approach associates: knowledge engineering and
educational engineering; Semantic Web and Web
2.0 technologies (Leblanc, 2009). The underlying
concept for the knowledge management is the
organisational memory, which Dieng (Dieng, 1998)
defines as an: “explicit, disembodied, persistent
representation of knowledge and information in an
organization, in order to facilitate its access and
reuse by members of the organization, for their
tasks”. By adapting this concept to the learning
process, the concept of Learning Organisational
Memory was proposed and its implementation uses
ontologies that index learning resources. Social
processes in exchange, are facilitated by Web 2.0
The advantage of the MEMORAe approach over
using Enterprise 2.0 technologies is the integration
of the workbench, learning and socialization support
into the same platform. From the knowledge
management perspective, this allows to accomplish a
directed knowledge management in such a way that
knowledge creation and sharing are guided by the
learning process, which avoids knowledge
overabundance and favours innovation (Abel,
4.2 Enterprise 2.0
Enterprise 2.0 is a term first used by McAffee in
2006 (McAffee, 2006) to name digital “platforms
that companies can buy or build in order to make
visible the practices and outputs of their knowledge
workers”. These platforms are the equivalent for
enterprise intranet of the popular “Web 2.0”
technologies on the Internet, bringing to the light the
benefits of socialization and collaboration.
We considered for our study the following
technologies enabling knowledge capture,
organising, storing and sharing: RSS feed, wiki,
blog, microblog, forum, social networks,
folksonomies. RSS feed can be used for real-time
capture of knowledge from the sources one is
interested with. This technology is not Web2.0
specific but it could be suitable when combined with
collaborative tools, given the short time available for
the team to accomplish its mission.
Microblogs would be appropriate to
communicate short pieces of news and guide users
to other sources more complex of information (in the
way Twitter does it). A comparison of 19 enterprise
microshraing tools is given in (Fitton, 2008).
Blogs could be employed by each team member
to write their own reflexions and notes regarding
assumptions made or notes about requirements etc.
Forum could be employed to allow exchange of
questions/answers in order to clarify requirements
not well understood.
A social network could keep in contact the members
of the team with collaborators sharing the same
interests (maybe a collaborator closer to the
customer, or subcontractors) or help them detect
experts. Generally, we can affirm that a social
network can relate between them different
communities of practice (Garrot-Lavoué, 2009).
A wiki could be provided to increasingly “build”
knowledge on a specific customer. A study
presented by (Stocker, 2009) showed that, in order
to provide concrete results, corporate wikis have to
solve a clearly specified problem crucial for the
business and the work practices of employees.
An analysis of commercial and open source
Enterprise 2.0 tools according to the services they
provide is presented in (Büchner, 2009).
We have shown how Enterprise 2.0 technologies
may contribute to the socialization and collaboration
processes. Nevertheless, these technologies should
be combined in order to provide efficient support.
Moreover, a simple combination of tools is not
enough and therefore, further knowledge
management support has to be added to them in
order to increase their capability.
Based on the previous observations, it was decided
that a workspace was needed to support
organisational learning in the way MEMORAe
approach does it.
In order to model this workspace we have first
identified a set of requirements based on use cases.
We extracted our use cases from a selection of
typical working situations revealed during the
interviews. The use cases are exposed in the next
5.1 Workspace use Cases
We consider the case of a RFP containing text
documents and we take as example the following
statement contained in the RFP: “The system shall
provide an emergency power production system
synchronous with the public supply”.
Typically, a reader reinterprets this statement
according to his experience: “Power supply should
be continuous even in the case of an incident”.
Case 1: The reader may choose to make an
annotation to the initial statement in order to
remember easily its meaning.
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
The expression “emergency power production
system” is not usual, but due to his experience he
understands that the customer is talking about a
source of energy which may be a battery or an
electric generator.
Case 2: There is no other sentence in the RFP that
can clarify customer need. The reader decides,
taking into account the context of the demand what
to offer to the customer.
Case 3: There is no other sentence in the RFP that
can clarify customer need. The reader decides he has
not sufficient information to take a decision. He
may: a) consult his collaborators or b) propose to
send the question to the customer or c) consult
resources he may consider relevant (e.g. previous
demands of the same costumer).
Case 4: When customer consulted, the following
situations may appear: a) requirement is
reformulated, as to be clear for all the parties; b) a
new requirement will be added, to specify missing
Case 5: The reader finds another statement
specifying that “The emergency power production
system should be able to function at least 2 days”.
The reader infers that the customer needs an electric
generator, given that a battery could not provide
alimentation for such a long period.
Case 6: It was decided the customer needs an
electric generator, but the reference solution does
not support this component, so the requirement is
considered a gap. Two cases are possible: a) if the
gap can be solved, statement is marked compliant; b)
if the gap cannot be solved, statement is marked
5.2 Workspace Requirements
When analysing the use cases, we can observe that,
generally, there are two types of actions one can
Individual actions (personal reflexion, decision,
individual tasks, like in Case 1, Case 2, Case 3
c), Case 5, Case 6).
Collaborative actions (like in Case 3 a) and b),
Case 4 ).
Therefore, we decided that the workspace will have
two main components: a workbench and a
communication space.
The workbench will be dedicated to individual
learning while the communication space will be
dedicated to the collaborative learning. In addition, a
knowledge management component will support the
capitalization of knowledge emerging from the two
spaces and will allow users to query and search for
existing knowledge.
Requirements were then identified based on the
use cases and grouped in: requirements for the
workbench and requirements for the communication
5.2.1 Requirements for the Workbench
The workbench should satisfy at least the
The workbench shall contain all necessary
resources for one to do his job. Resources consist
of RFP resources and personal resources which
one may need in order to accomplish his tasks
(like stated in Case 2 c)).
The system shall provide to the user a means to
visualise the requirements to be analysed or any
other resource related to a customer or his
User shall be able to edit his notes (as free-text
annotations) while reading a statement contained
in the RFP.
The system should allow new requirements
registration for the case new needs, which are
not already specified, are identified (like in Case
3 b).
The system should allow multiple annotations on
a requirement.
Each user will decide on the visibility of each of
his annotations to other stakeholders.
5.2.2 Requirements for the Communication
The communication space should satisfy at least the
The communication space shall allow user to
collaborate with other stakeholders and to
obtain/transmit real-time knowledge about a
topic he is interested in, or a news.
System shall allow authorised users to create ad-
hoc communities (e.g. tender technical manager
should be allowed to create a tender technical
The system should allow easy communication
between the team members on an annotation of a
requirement (Case 2, a),b).
The system should provide a way for a user to
find and stay in contact with any other
person/community that could help him in his
work (e.g. with a community dedicated to the
customer owner of the current RFP).
A user will be informed each time news appear
(e.g. new instructions are given from the
management) or a task was allocated to him.
System should allow a user to locate knowledge
about a topic.
5.3 Workspace Model
Once requirements defined, we proceeded to the
modelling of the workspace. A simplified model is
presented in Figure 3, which highlights workbench
and communication space elements as well as the
way the two are intertwined through one ore more
topics. One or more topics will be chosen by a user
to index an annotation made on a part of a resource.
Users will contribute with their knowledge
externalised through annotations, messages
exchanged or other resources and stored in a
knowledge base. Once stored, users will have the
possibility to look-up for knowledge by locating it
through a direct search or by locating a potential
owner of this knowledge via the communication
Figure 3: Workspace model.
The workbench main elements are the RFP
resources and the annotations one can make on
existing resources. An annotation may annotate a
part of a resource (e.g. a text representing a
requirement) or another annotation (e.g. an
annotation which is the response to another
annotation edited by a stakeholder). Annotations
may be related one to another in two cases: 1) they
correspond to the same topic or 2) the user decides
to make a direct link between them via the
“relatedTo” relation. This latter can also be used to
relate the annotation to a resource (e.g. the user
decides to attach a drawing to complete the
The author of an annotation is a Person (e.g. a
member of the technical team) which may choose to
send it as part of a message to an Agent (e.g. a
colleague or to the whole community: the technical
The communication space is represented by
persons/communities and the threads tracking
messages exchanged between users. A Message
contains an annotation and corresponds to one or
more topics.
We note that topics allow not only to index
annotations but also messages exchanged in the
network, allowing therefore to capture and store
informal content and link it to formal content which
is RFP content. Topics will be defined by the
domain ontology: the “Transport system” ontology.
As stated in (Uschold, 1996), the role of the
ontology is to:
Assist communication between people and
Achieve interoperability between systems.
Improve system engineering.
The ontology will provide the common vocabulary,
allowing understanding between not only the
members of the technical team, but also between the
technical team and the customer. Furthermore, once
created, its consistency can be checked (when
represented in an appropriate formalism) and reused.
Topics, along with the information about the
members of the technical community and the
information specific for a Tender (e.g. about the
customer, the strategy, etc.) will provide a context to
any knowledge captured during the Technical
analysis. Contextual information can then be used to
locate and retrieve needed knowledge.
Corresponding to the use case Case 3 b)
presented in the 5.1 section, Figure 4 shows how the
workspace will be used according to this scenario.
Step 1: The reader selects a text to work with;
Step 2: He reinterprets the statement;
Step 3: He makes an annotation to the statement,
he writes a question;
Step 4: He chooses from the ontology one topic
(Power Supply) to index his annotation.
Step 5: He sends a message containing the
annotation through the social network to the
Customer Director, knowing that this latter can
directly address his question to the customer.
Step 6: The Customer Director clarifies the
Step 7: The Customer Director will then respond
to his question by sending him another message
which will be also indexed with the same topic.
Suppose that Luc, the Technical Leader, wants
afterwards to check all the elements in all current
RFP resources and in all past tenders corresponding
to the same customer and concerning the “power
system” or related to it. When launching his search,
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Figure 4: Workspace demo for Case 3 b).
all the elements indexed with the “Power supply”
topic will be retrieved, as well as the elements
indexed with topics having a relation to the “Power
supply” topic.
In this paper we have shown the contribution of tacit
knowledge in accomplishing tasks during railway
product development. In the context of a specific
activity like the “technical analysis” we detailed the
problems generated by the loss of tacit knowledge
which can arise when knowledge is not capitalized,
an employee leaves the company or he changes his
function. We think the loss of knowledge can be
overcome through a workspace favouring
organisational learning. We concluded that this
workspace has to sustain three processes: an
individual learning process, a social process for
collaborative learning and a knowledge management
process. Based on the analysis of needs, we deduced
that these processes will be supported by: 1) the
workbench helping employees to accomplish their
analysis 2) the communication component allowing
socialization and collaboration, 3) the knowledge
management component unifying the previous two
and allowing to capitalize knowledge by classifying
it into topics. According to the use cases revealed
during the interviews we defined a set of
requirements which were further used to realize a
first modelling of the workspace. As this model is
not complete, our next goal is the refinement of the
Our future work will equally consist in the
implementation of this model. In the section “related
work” we presented some of the possibilities of
putting into practice our proposal, but these
tools/technologies cannot fully respond to the
requirements of our workspace (especially regarding
the annotation of resources, which should be
supported by the workbench). It is for this reason
that we are looking forward for means to develop
our proposal.
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KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing