Silviu Cucerzan
Microsoft Research, 1 Microsoft Way, Redmond, U.S.A
Keywords: Web search, Queries, Capitalization, Truecasing, Ranking.
Abstract: We investigate the capitalization features of queries submitted to Web search engines and the relation
between capitalization information, either as received from users or as hypothesized based on Web
statistics, and search relevance. We observe that users tend to lowercase words in their queries significantly
more often than as predicted from Web data. More importantly, we determine that document relevance is
strongly correlated with the matching in capitalization between the instances of query tokens in the target
document and the tokens of the truecased form of the query as obtained by using Web n-gram data.
Case is an orthographic feature present in Indo-
European languages, most of which employ the
Latin alphabet. The vast majority of such languages
capitalize the first letter of words in proper nouns
and the first letter of the first word in a sentence.
Additionally, there exist many language dependent
and/or stylistic capitalization rules; for example, the
names of days are capitalized in English (e.g.,
“Thursday”), while they are written in lowercase in
French (e.g., “jeudi”); words’ capitalization may
depend on whether they appear in titles and headings
or in running text; etc. In English – the language on
which we focus in this study – case information is
very useful in disambiguating or reducing the
ambiguity of a large number of polysemous words,
such as “apple”, “bush”, “turkey”, and “us”, and a
very useful feature for several language processing
tasks, as shown by Liţă et al. (2003).
Web data, as captured in the Google 1T 5-gram
corpus (Brants and Franz, 2006), shows a large
variety of capitalizations for almost all English
words. More than 81% of the 137,000 words in a
large English thesaurus are seen in the Google
unigram data set with at least two capitalization
forms, as shown in Figure 1. For example, the word
“friends” has 31 different capitalizations with at
least 200 occurrences: 69 million instances of the
Figure 1: Percentages of words in an English thesaurus
seen with various numbers of distinct capitalizations on
the Web.
form “friends”, 39 million of the form “Friends”, 2
million of “FRIENDS”, and over 35 thousands of
various mixed-cased versions. The fact that 9,438
words (e.g., “abandonees” and “carbonizations”) did
not appear with any capitalization in the Google
unigram set is likely due to the 200 cut-off employed
for unigram statistics.
Despite the rich capitalization diversity on the
Web, or possibly because of it, all major commercial
Web search engines in current use (Google, Yahoo,
Bing, and Ask) employ case-insensitive strategies
for retrieving Web search results for user queries.
This means that differently cased queries, such as
“best buy motorcycles” and “Best Buy
motorcycles”, which may refer to different topics
(best reviewed motorcycles and the retailer’s recent
Number of capitalization forms with at least 200
Number of queries
Cucerzan S..
DOI: 10.5220/0003102503020306
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2010), pages 302-306
ISBN: 978-989-8425-28-7
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
announcement about selling electric motorcycles,
respectively), return the same sets of search results.
Moreover, query logs show that a large
percentage of the queries submitted by users contain
case information, possibly for multiple reasons:
users employ the orthography they typically use in
document editing, they perceive the use of uppercase
as appropriate when querying for people or geo-
political entities, they try to enforce a certain
disambiguation of a queried term, they copy and
paste substrings from properly-cased documents, or
simply by mistake.
Previous research on truecasing has mainly
investigated text corpora truecasing, with focus on
language processing tasks such as named entity
recognition and machine translation (Liţă et al.,
2003), speech transcription (Chelba and Acero,
2004), sentence boundary detection and casing of
words that start sentences (Mikev, 1999), and
language dynamics (Batista et. al, 2008). Cucerzan
(2010) showed that the capitalization information
from Web search snippets can be employed for
cross-corpus case normalization. However, the
findings of Church (1995) on the effects of text
normalization in information retrieval, including
case-sensitive search, were inconclusive.
To determine whether capitalization could be an
informative ranking feature, we started with a set of
10k distinct queries sampled at random by frequency
from the logs of a major search engine, for which
relevance judgments on a scale from 0 to 5 were
available. We kept for our experiments only the
9,810 queries that include at least one character of
the English alphabet (a–z or A–Z). These queries
contain a total number of 13,904 word types
accounting for 29,388 tokens (average of 3 tokens
per query). The longest query has 34 tokens. Most
queries have 2 tokens. Figure 2 shows a histogram
of the number of tokens per query for the whole set.
The most frequent words in the set are “of” and “in”,
with 324 and 316 occurrences, respectively, each
seen with three capitalization forms in our query set.
21,973 of the query tokens in our set are all
lowercase, 3,103 tokens are in mixed case, and
1,794 tokens are in all uppercase, while 477 tokens
are numbers. The other 2,041 tokens contain at least
one non-English letter or punctuation sign or are a
mixture of letters and numbers.
Figure 2: Histogram of query length in tokens.
We first investigate how well the capitalization
employed by users for the queries in our sample set
matches the capitalization statistics of the Web data
crawled by Google. To do so, we ignore the tokens
that are numbers or contain non-English letters and
focus only on the 26,870 query tokens formed
exclusively of English letters (referred to as literal
tokens henceforth). An interesting finding is that
only 85.4% of these literal tokens are present in the
large English thesaurus employed. The relatively
high out-of-vocabulary rate is due to proper nouns
(such as “myspace” and “Millau”), foreign words
(e.g., “palangoje” and “Konzert”), and misspellings
(e.g., “Geroge” and “helecopter”). However, no
fewer than 26,311 literal tokens (or 97.9% of the
literal tokens in our set) are present with at least one
capitalization form in the Google unigram list. On
average, Google’s unigram data contains 6.9 distinct
capitalizations per literal token from our query set.
For those literal tokens present in the Google
unigram set, the users’ capitalization matches the
most frequent capitalization form on the Web 47.2%
of the time. The matching percentage increases to
54.8% when the literal token contains at least one
uppercase letter, but even this number does not seem
to indicate reliable signal in the users’ capitalization
of queries. Overall, in 84.4% of the capitalization
mismatches, the query token was in lowercase, while
the most frequent capitalization form had a different
capitalization form: upper case in 8% of those
instances, the first letter only in uppercase 74.6% of
the time, or another mixed case form in 17.4% of the
cases. These findings seem to point out that a large
number of Web search users tend to write queries in
lowercase (thus, matching the case-insensitive
models of the Web search engines), which is not
surprising. More unexpected is that even when the
Query length in tokens
Web search engine users employ uppercase letters in
their queries, their capitalization matches the most
frequent form on the Web rather randomly.
However, since word capitalization is highly
dependent on the context in which a word is used,
we must also employ higher order n-gram statistics.
For each token w
in a query q = w
, we examine the statistics for all
possible bigrams (left: w
and right: w
) and
trigrams (left: w
, middle: w
, and
right: w
) that contain it (obviously, some of
these are undefined for values of n 2 or i Є {0, 1,
n-1, n}, and thus, cannot be accounted for). 86.8%
of the bigrams and 59.8% of the trigrams present in
our queries appear in the corresponding Google n-
gram sets with at least one capitalization.
To compute the most likely capitalization of a
token in a given n-gram based on Google’s Web
data, we aggregate the Google n-gram counts by
folding the case of all other tokens in the n-gram.
We find that at bigram level, capitalization of literal
tokens in our query set matches the most frequent
capitalization in the Google set 53.6% of the time
for left bigrams and 55.8% for right bigrams. The
matching improves to 59.4% for left trigrams, 64.8%
for middles trigrams, and 62.1% for right trigrams.
Nonetheless, these numbers are all significantly
lower than those obtained by hypothesizing that the
capitalization of all tokens is lowercase (mid to high
60s). This indicates that users favour lowercase
forms in queries to a higher degree than as predicted
by employing Web-based n-gram capitalization
We now investigate whether capitalization
information may be useful for ranking, either as
submitted by users or as predicted based on Web n-
gram data. For the latter, we employ a system that
truecases each query token by using aggregate
capitalization counts for all trigrams that contain it,
with back-off to the bigrams, and finally to unigrams
when higher-order n-grams are undefined or
statistics for those n-grams are not available in the
Google data. Explicitly, for queries with only one
token, we choose the most frequent capitalization of
the token in the Google unigram data. For queries
with two tokens, the system predicts for each token
the most likely capitalization obtained through the
process of case folding of the other token and
aggregation described above. We back-off to
unigram statistics when the bigram does not appear
in the Google data set. Similarly, for each token in
queries of length 3 or more, the system combines the
counts obtained using the case-folding and aggrega-
tion process for each possible position of the token
in a trigram (left, middle, and right), with back-off to
bigrams and unigrams.
Table 1: Capitalization inter-agreement ratios at query
level (i.e., the capitalization of all tokens in a query
Annotator 1 Annotator 2 Original System
Annotator 1 80% 36% 54%
Annotator 2 80% 33% 48%
Original 36% 33% 28%
System 54% 48% 28%
Table 2: Capitalization inter-agreement ratios at query
token level.
Annotator 1 Annotator 2 Original System
Annotator 1 85.5% 61.7% 73.9%
Annotator 2 85.5% 54.5% 70.0%
Original 61.7% 54.5% 49.2%
System 73.9% 70.0% 49.2%
To estimate how well this truecasing system
works, we selected 100 queries at random from our
set (Appendix 1), stripped the case information, and
asked two annotators to truecase them according to
their best guess of the original query intent. Tables 1
and 2 summarize the annotator inter-agreement, as
well the matching with the original capitalization
and the system-predicted capitalization at query
level and token level, respectively. Evidently,
percentages are much higher when agreement is
computed at token level, as for two queries to match
we require that the capitalizations of all component
tokens match.
An important observation is that the truecasing
system based on the Google n-gram data agrees with
the annotators to a much higher degree than its
agreement with the original casing of the query, as
well as the agreement observed between the
annotators’ capitalizations and the original
capitalization of the queries. We also note that this
system predicts a higher number of tokens as
starting in uppercase than the human annotators
(64.9% and 78.5% of the disagreements with the two
annotators at token-level are of this type), which
may indicate a Web bias towards capitalized forms.
Finally, we measure the correlation between
relevance and the matching of capitalization in
queries and documents. For every query and
document pair, we compute the percentage of time
the capitalization of tokens in the query matches the
capitalization forms of the tokens in the text of the
document, then we macro-average the obtained
values, first at query-document level, and then for all
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
query-document pairs in each of the given relevance
categories (from 0 – very bad to 5 – excellent).
Table 3: Matching percentages between capitalization of
tokens in queries and documents for each relevance
category, as well as the correlation coefficients between
the relevance labels/values and these percentages.
Relevance Label
0 1 2 3 4 5
All low
29.0% 28.5% 26.7% 26.3% 20.3% 18.7% -.94
48.3% 33.6% 33.8% 33.8% 28.0% 23.2% -.90
Annot. 1
53.9% 60.8% 61.9% 61.8% 61.9% 64.4% .83
Annot. 2
53.9% 60.5% 61.5% 62.6% 65.5% 62.7% .82
46.8% 66.3% 67.4% 68.1% 71.5% 71.9% .81
The capitalization hypothesized by the system
trained on Google n-gram data matched overall the
best the capitalization in the documents in our set, as
shown in Table 3. This is not surprising under the
assumption that the documents in our set follow the
overall capitalization distributions on the Web.
However, more importantly and less expected is the
very strong positive correlation (0.81) between
document relevance labels and capitalization
matching for the queries truecased by the system.
Similar correlation coefficients (0.82 and 0.83) are
also seen when using the annotators’ cased versions
of the queries. On the opposite, the matching of the
original user capitalization is strongly negatively
correlated (-0.9) with the relevance values, which
may explain at least to some degree why query
capitalization is typically perceived as inadequate in
Web search ranking (to the best of our knowledge).
Moreover, the strong negative correlation (-0.94)
between the all-lowercase query form and document
relevance provides another empirical confirmation to
the fact that documents in which the query words are
capitalized (possibly because they are in titles or
headings) tend to be more relevant for the target
To determine the concrete impact of using query
truecasing and capitalization features in Web search,
more costly actual ranking experiments are needed.
However, the strong correlation observed in our
experiments between the quality of candidate Web
documents for a query and the matching of the
capitalization of the query tokens in the truecased
from of the query and in the candidate documents
indicates that capitalization information could be
very important for ranking, and warrants such
ranking experiments.
While case-sensitive indexing of Web pages
would present numerous implementation disadvan-
tages and could also lower recall to a substantial
degree, the implementation of a system as suggested
in this paper requires only modifying the data
structures of the inverted index of the search engine
to store for each word instance two additional bits
that encode the capitalization of that instance in the
indexed document (lower case, all uppercase, first
uppercase, or other mixed casing) and would have
no impact on recall.
We analyzed the capitalization of a random sample
of queries submitted by users of a major commercial
Web search engine. As expected, we observed that
users tend to lowercase their queries significantly
more often than as predicted from Web n-gram data.
We also showed that by employing Web n-gram
statistics to truecase the user queries, we obtain
query forms for which query-document
capitalization matching is strongly positively
correlated with document relevance for the target
query. This result indicates that capitalization
features could be employed beneficially in Web
search ranking.
Batista, F., Marmede, N., and Trancoso, I. 2008. Language
Dynamics and Capitalization using Maximum
Entropy. In Proceedings of ACL 2008: HLT
Companion volume, pages 1-4.
Brants, T. and Franz, G. 2006. Web 1T 5-gram Version 1.
Linguistic Data Consortium, Catalog ID:
Chelba, C. and Acero, A. 2004. Adaptation of Maximum
Entropy Capitalizer: Little Data Can Help a Lot. In
Proceedings of EMNLP 2004, pages 285-292.
Church, K. 1995. One Term or Two? In Proceedings of
SIGIR 1995, pages 310-318.
Cucerzan, S. 2010. A Case Study of Using Web Search
Statistics: Case Restoration. In Proceedings of
CICLing 2010, LNCS 6008, pages 199-211.
Liţă, L. V., Ittycheriah, A., Roukos, S., and Kambhatla, N.
2003. tRuEcasIng. In Proceedings of ACL 2003, pages
Mikev, A. 1999. A Knowledge-free Method for
Capitalized Word Disambiguation. In Proceedings of
ACL 1999, pages 159–166.
Appendix 1: Random sample of 100 queries on which inter-agreement and matching statistics are reported. The queries
are shown with the original capitalization submitted by users. Original spelling was preserved; s
ace and punctuation were
normalized. Two queries (marked with ***) were anonymized for privacy reasons by changing the last names originally
present in the queries, but preserving the case information.
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KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval