Leonardo Ramos Emmendorfer
Centro de Ciˆencias Computacionais, Federal University of Rio Grande, CEP 96201-900, Rio Grande, Brazil
Supervised clustering, Building blocks, Diversity.
The application of clustering algorithms for partitioning the population in evolutionary computation is dis-
cussed. Specific aspects which characterize this task lead to opportunities which can be explored by the
clustering algorithm. A supervised clustering algorithm is described, which illustrates the exploration of those
The role of the population in evolutionary computa-
tion (EC) is to maintain the information acquired dur-
ing the search. The translation of the potentially huge
amount of information represented by the successive
populations into useful knowledge which can help
guiding the search has motivated the adoption of sta-
tistical learning models, under the framework of es-
timation of distribution algorithms (Muhlenbein and
Paaβ, 1996)(Etxeberria and Larra˜naga, 1999), and of
machine learning techniques like in (Michalski, 2000)
and (Miqu´elez et al., 2004).
Clustering the population into partitions is one of
the most widely adopted learning approaches in evo-
lutionary computation. The application of cluster-
ing in the EC context has many aims: maintaining
niches in order to preserve diversity and preventing
premature convergence; improving multimodal prob-
lem solving as in (Pe˜na et al., 2005) and (Streichert
et al., 2003), detecting promising areas of the search
space as in (Oliveira et al., 2004) or to improve build-
ing blocks and revealing the problem structure as in
(Emmendorfer and Pozo, 2009). In all those cases,
clustering was shown to be highly useful tool in EC.
An important issue about the application of clus-
tering in EC is the computational cost, since the total
number of generations of a single run might be very
high. Any competent clustering method could be ap-
plied, but evolutionary computation has some features
which should be better explored when choosing or
designing the clustering algorithm to be used in this
context. This careful exploration might allow one to
design a computationally less expensive clustering al-
gorithm without loss of effectiveness in the task.
The first aspect we point out is the sequentiality of
EC, since a given population usually maintains some
degree of similarity with the previous one. From a
machine learning perspective, the sequence of popu-
lations in EC can be modeled as a data stream. An-
other aspect which should be better understood is
about how accurate must the clustering algorithm be
when applied to EC. Since more generations are to
come, this might be an opportunity to be relaxed when
trying to find the best partitioning at every genera-
tion. This hypothesis being true, computational re-
quirements would potentially be reduced. A third as-
pect to be exploredis that it is relatively easy to detect,
even manually, the correct partitioning of small popu-
lations. The information supplied by this supervisory
data provides a great opportunity for a novel class of
clustering algorithms called learning from cluster ex-
amples or supervised clustering to be applied when
greater populations are required.
In supervised clustering, the algorithm is trained
with labeled data before applied to unlabeled data
(Finley and Joachims, 2005). Labeled data corre-
sponds to correct partitioning of complete data sets.
A slight difference exists between general supervised
learning and supervised clustering. In supervised
clustering, only supervisory information regarding to
which objects should be grouped is provided, and
there is not a predefined set of classes, as required
by general supervised learning (Kamishima and Mo-
toyoshi, 2003).
This work discusses the application of supervised
clustering in the population of evolutionary algo-
rithms. In this context, a supervised clustering al-
gorithm can be provided with full labeled data about
previous populations. If, for instance, the inten-
Ramos Emmendorfer L..
DOI: 10.5220/0003114202890292
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Evolutionary Computation (ICEC-2010), pages 289-292
ISBN: 978-989-8425-31-7
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tion is to split the population into groups possess-
ing different building blocks as in (Emmendorfer and
Pozo, 2009), then supervisory information is the pres-
ence/absence of each building block for each individ-
ual a given population. After trained, the supervised
clustering algorithm would be able to find partitions
for greater populations under similar conditions, for
similar problems.
Those few points about opportunities related to
the application of clustering algorithms in evolution-
ary computation lead to the description of a cluster-
ing algorithm which can be more relaxed than oth-
ers, should deal with incremental data and also ex-
plore the potentially abundant supervisory informa-
tion available from the execution of evolutionary al-
gorithms on known problems. This paper proposes
an algorithm which attempts to fulfill those require-
ments, potentially increasing the effectiveness of the
clustering task when applied to EC.
The search for the best partition of a given set of data
points is not a straightforward task. Even when a dis-
tance is known, many possible answers about what
is the correct clustering might be all equally likely.
Unsupervised clustering is an ill-defined task if we
do not restrict the criteria used to characterize a good
clustering (Romer et al., 2004). The bias resulting
from the clustering algorithm behavior can, more or
less explicitly, impose some restrictions and guide the
search to one of the possible answers.
Several definitions exist for what is a good parti-
tioning. An unsupervised clustering algorithms fol-
lows an specific definition and tries to find partitions
which respect criteria defined a priori.
In supervised clustering, on the other hand, the
definition of good or bad clustering is implicit, hid-
den under the available labeled data. Supervised clus-
tering is the task of automatically adapting a cluster-
ing algorithm, which learns to cluster with the aid
of a training set consisting of item sets and complete
partitionings of those item sets (Finley and Joachims,
2005). A clustering algorithm is trained using known
“good partitions of previously stored data. If the
algorithm generalizes well, it will be able find clus-
ters when unlabeled data is provided. This technique
avoids most of the subjective aspects of clustering,
since the user beliefs about expected answers are ex-
pressed in training data.
A popular technique for solving supervised clus-
tering is based on building a binary classifier from
pairwise relations observed in data (Iii et al., 2005).
For a given input set, a binary classifier is trained on
all pairs of input data points. The class of each pair of
points is the binary information about the actual co-
membership of that pair. The answer of the classifier
can be used as a metric or taken as the evidence that a
given pair of data points should be clustered together.
This learned metric is then adopted using some con-
ventional clustering algorithm, like k-means.
Depending on how specific the attributes are, the
binary classifier will not be able to generalize to other
domains. Usually, the classifier is built upon the orig-
inal attributes, what makesgeneralization restricted to
data which comes from the same domain as training
data comes from. Density-based derived attributes al-
leviate this problem, since the notion of density is not
tied to a specific set of attributes.
This section illustrates one possible scheme for the
design of a supervised clustering algorithm which ex-
plores some of the specific aspects of evolutionary
computation. The implications of the algorithm and
its adoption in EC are discussed.
The algorithm is trained over some small popu-
lations which were already clustered adequately. A
viable approach is to select a smaller instance of the
same problem, or a similar one, then run the evolu-
tionary algorithm in order to obtain a small popula-
tion. Each individual of the population must be (man-
ually or automatically) labeled, according to what one
believes to be the best clustering. For instance, if the
intention is to solve multimodal problems, then each
cluster corresponds to a different optimum.
A probabilistic model is inferred from pairwise in-
formation about co-membership. Each pair of data
points from the training set has a binary label which is
1 if both points belong to the same cluster and 0 oth-
erwise. Additionally, a pairwise neighborhood must
be defined, which defines the local region around any
given pair of points. Many alternatives might be
tested. The Gabriel Graph (Urquhart, 1982) already
defines a neighborhood for a pair of points: it is re-
lated to the smallest hyperspherical region centered in
the the median between the pair of points, which in-
cludes those points. Attributes such as the density of
points in the neirghborhood will be computed. Other
supervised clustering algorithms like in (Kamishima
and Motoyoshi, 2003) also adopt attributes like this.
ICEC 2010 - International Conference on Evolutionary Computation
The relation between the density attributes
, D
) (which are defined for all pairs of points
, D
)) and the co-membership label for all pairs
of data points in the training data set might be mod-
eled by a logistic regression, conditioned to the sat-
isfaction of the assumptions of the logistic model.
The answer of the model is the estimated probability
) = c(D
)) that D
and D
should be together,
) = c(D
)), defined over two data points D
and D
, where c(X) designates the cluster label of a
data point X.
Once the probabilistic model is defined, one can
get a partitioning for unobserved data by following
the supervised clustering approach.
Algorithm 1 shows a general framework which
is designed for the specific application of partition-
ing the population during the execution of an evo-
lutionary algorithm. It follows a simple agglomer-
ative approach, guided by the probabilistic decision
, D
) for pairs of points D
, D
in a very
straightforward fashion. It puts together in the same
cluster points with higher co-membership evidence
, D
). For each labeled point D
, the evidence
J(i, .) which motivated the setting of that label is pre-
served as E(D
). A point changes its cluster label only
if the new evidence is greater than the previous great-
est one, stored in E(D
Algorithm 1. A simple supervised clustering ap-
proach (SSC).
Training: The model for
, D
) is obtained from
full example partitions of some data sets.
Initialization: Each data point is (i) in its own clus-
ter initially, or (ii) cluster labels for some points are
Set all E(D
)s to zero.
while convergence criteria were not met do
Randomly choose a pair of points D
and D
where c(D
) is a smaller cluster than c(D
, D
) > E(D
) and
, D
) > 0.5 then
) c(D
, D
end if
end while
Additionally, two points are clustered together
only if the evidence for that is greater than 0.5.
Individuals which stay in the population from one
generation to another can keep their cluster labels.
This preserves relevant information about clustering.
An explicit bias against small clusters is adopted, in
order to minimize the number of final clusters.
Convergence criteria might be related to the per-
manence over time of a stable distribution of cluster
labels. Obviously, experimental verification will an-
swer how fast is the convergence and how accurate is
the answer.
The incremental aspect of EC is explored, since
the initialization accepts some previously labeled in-
dividuals, which stay in the population due to elitism.
Also, the opportunity for training the algorithm with
small labeled populations is being attended by the su-
pervised architecture.
This paper discusses the application of clustering in
evolutionary computation, and points out opportuni-
ties which can be explored in order to design an effec-
tive clustering algorithm which is specially adapted
for the application.
For illustrating this cross study, an algorithm
is proposed, which explores some of the aspects
pointed out. The proposed algorithm must be em-
pirically compared to state-of-the-art clustering algo-
rithms when applied to the population partitioning
task. The effect on the performance of an evolu-
tionary algorithm will be measured for all algorithms
Although any conclusions can only be obtained
after validation, there is already some evidence about
the usefulness of this study. In (Emmendorfer and
Pozo, 2009), a k-means clustering algorithm is con-
tinuously applied to the population of a evolutionary
algorithm. Only few incremental steps of k-means are
reported to be enough in order to keep centroids up-
dated. Empirical validation must verify if the same
performance is obtained in the supervised approach
presented here.
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ICEC 2010 - International Conference on Evolutionary Computation